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Known Issues

  • ESP32 Boards
    • USB-CDC (aka native USB) appears to be broken in the 3.0 core. Will eventually hang if sending a lot of data both directions at the same time. Use one of the standard UART interfaces until this is fixed.

New Boards

  • ESP32-H2 and ESP32-C6 variants (--target esp32):
    • Depends on ESP32 Arduino Core 3.0+
    • No WiFi on H2

Board Changes

  • ESP32 Boards

    • 3.0+ version of the ESP32 Arduino Core now required.
  • Raspberry Pi Pico (RP2040)

    • WS2812 LED strips work now.

New Peripherals

  • Bit-Bang I2C:

    • Class: Denko::I2C::BitBang
    • Start a software bit-banged I2C bus on any 2 pins.
    • Interchangeable with hardware bus (Denko::I2C::Bus), as far as I2C peripherals are concerned.
  • ADS1100 Analog-to-Digital Converter:

    • Class: Denko::AnalogIO::ADS1100
    • Connects via I2C bus. Driver written in Ruby.
    • Modeled after AnalogIO::Input since it's a single channel ADC.
    • Can be read directly with #read or polled with #poll.
    • Full scale voltage must be given in the initailize hash, full_scale_ voltage:.
    • Gain and sample rate configurable. See example for more.
  • SSD1306 1-Color OLED

    • Added SPI version.
    • Both use Denko::Display::SSD1306. Instances mutate to I2C or SPI behavior, based on bus given.
  • SH1106 1-Color OLED

    • Class: Denko::Display::SH1106
    • Almost the same as SSD1306. Most driver code is shared between them.
    • I2C and SPI versions both supported, as SSD1306 above.

Peripheral Changes

  • All Peripherals:

    • On CRuby, @state_mutex and @callback_mutex are now instances of Denko::MutexStub, which just runs the given block when called with #synchronize.
    • The options hash (now called params), given to #initialize is always available through the #params method.
    • #initialize no longer accepts pullup: true or pulldown: true. Set mode explicitly, like mode: :input_pullup.
  • Temperature / Pressure / Humidity Sensors:

    • DS18B20, DHT and HTU21D readings now match all the others (Hash with same keys).
    • Readings standardized to be in ºC, %RH and Pascals. Callbacks always receive hash with these.
    • [] access for @state removed removed. Use #temperature, #pressure, #humidity instead.
    • Added #temperature_f #temperature_k #pressure_atm #pressure_bar helper conversion methods.
    • #read methods standardized to always read ALL sub-sensors. Affects HTU21D and BMP180.
  • AnalogIO::Input:

    • Added #smoothing= and #smoothing_size= accessors to AnalogIO::Input for configuration.
    • AnalogIO::Sensor removed. Use Input instead.
  • Behavior::InputPin

    • Added #debounce=(time) which just calls Board#set_pin_debounce for the pin. Only on PiBoard.
  • DigitalIO::CBitBang:

    • New helper class. Forces initialize validation for bit-bang pins. Essential for PiBoard.
    • As a side-effect, makes sure 2 low-level bit-bang Components (eg. buses) can't use the same pin.
    • Always starts pins in :input mode. The bit-bang routine is expected to change them.
  • DigitalIO::RotaryEncoder:

    • Pin names standardized to a: and b:, but still accept :clock, :data, :clk, :dt.
    • steps_per_revolution changed to counts_per_revolution
    • Every level change is counted now (full-quadrature). Was half-quadrature before.
    • counts_per_revolution now defaults to 60 instead of 30 (generic 30-detent encoders).
    • state and callback hash store :count instead of :steps.
  • I2C::Bus:

    • No longer requires SDA pin to initialize.
    • Accepts index: param (default 0) on initialize, specifying which I2C interface to use.
      • Only works for PiBoard on Linux right now.
    • #update accepts String of comma delimited ASCII numbers (Board), or Array of bytes (PiBoard).
  • I2C::Peripheral:

    • #i2c_read arg order changed from (register, num_bytes) to (num_bytes, register: nil)
  • LED:

    • Base, RGB and SevenSegment all inherit from PulseIO::PWMOutput, so see that below.
    • #write MUST always be given a PWM value if used, not 0 or 1.
    • Prefer using duty= if possible, which is percentage based.
    • Alternatively, call #digital_write only to stay in faster digital mode.
  • LED::RGB:

    • #write takes 3 regular args now. Use *array instead to pass an array.
    • #color only takes a symbol for one of the predefined colors (or :off) now.
  • Motor::Stepper:

    • #step_cc renamed to #step_ccw.
  • OneWire::Bus:

    • #update accepts String of comma delimited ASCII numbers (Board), or Array of bytes (PiBoard).
  • PulseIO::IRTransmitter:

    • Renamed to PulseIO::IROutput to be more consistent with other classes.
    • #emit renamed to #write for consistency.
  • PulseIO::PWMOutput:

    • #write will never try to call #digital_write, always #pwm_write.
    • Initial mode is :output instead of :output_pwm, saving MCU PWM channels until needed.
    • Mode change is lazy. Happens with first call to #pwm_write.
    • Call only #digital_write to stay in digital :output mode (faster).
    • Added #duty=. Set duty cycle in percentage regardless of PWM resolution.
    • Set resolution and frequency per PWMOutput instance (pin), instead of per Board instance:
      • #initialize hash accepts frequency: and resolution: keys.
      • Call #pwm_enable with frequency: and resolution: kwargs
      • Or use #resolution= and #frequency= methods.
      • Defaults are 1 kHz frequency and 8-bit resolution.
      • ONLY works on ESP32 and PiBoard right now. Others still control at the Board level.
      • Limited to 13-bit resolution on Denko::Board for now.
  • SPI::Bus:

    • Accepts index: param (default 0) on initialize, specifying which SPI interface to use.
      • Only works for PiBoard on Linux right now.
  • SPI::Peripheral:

    • Split into SPI:Peripheral::SinglePin and Spi::Peripheral::MultiPin to allow modeling more complex peripherals.
    • #update accepts String of comma delimited ASCII numbers (Board), or Array of bytes (PiBoard).
  • SPI::OutputRegister:

    • Removed automatic buffering of writes.
    • Call #set_bit(value) instead to modify state in memory, without writing to the physical register.
    • Call #write to send state to the register after modifying.

Fiwmare Changes

  • General:

    • Boards now report their serial buffer as 8 bytes less than the actual buffer size.
    • Removed local callback hooks (meant for customization in C) from the Arduino sketches.
    • Improved serial interface selection for ATSAMD21 boards. Some boards have the native interface as Serial, some as SerialUSB. The native interface is always selected now, regardless of its name.
    • More accurate pin counts when initializing digital listener storage for different boards.
  • Core I/O:

    • Removed INPUT_OUTPUT mode. Only ESP32 used it and it's the same as OUTPUT.
    • Added an optimized single-byte binary message type for #digital_write. Improves write throughput 6-7x. Only works for pins 0..63. Fallback automatic for higher pins.
  • Hardware I2C:

    • Message format changed so "value" isn't used. Will be used for differentiating multiple I2C interfaces in future.
    • Responses now prefixed with I2C{index}: (index = I2C device integer, always 0 for now), instead of SDA pin number.
  • Hardware SPI:

    • Transfers don't need a chip select pin now. This is for LED strips like APA102.
  • Bit-Bang I2C:

    • Newly added. Works similar to Bit-Bang SPI.

Board Interface Changes

  • Board#set_pin_mode now takes a third hash argument, options={}. Only used keys are resolution: and frequency: for setting PWM resolution. Only works on ESP32 boards and PiBoard on Linux.

  • Added Board#set_pin_debounce

    • Implemented for Linux GPIO alerts in Denko::PiBoard (denko-piboard gem).
    • Sets a time (in microseconds) that level changes on a pin must be stable for, before an update happens.
    • Does nothing for Denko::Board.
  • Added OUTPUT_OPEN_DRAIN and OUTPUT_OPEN_SOURCE pin modes to support PiBoard.

CLI Changes

  • All Atmel targets now prefixed with "at". Eg. atsamd21 now, instead of samd21 before.

Bugs Fixed

  • ADS111X sensors were incorrectly validating sample rate when set.
  • Handshake could fail if board was left in a state where it kept transmitting data.
  • An ESP32 with no DACs might not release a LEDC channel after use.
  • Denko::Connection could have negative bytes in transit, making it overflow the board's rx buffer.
  • Servo, Buzzer and IRTransmitter didn't start in :output_pwm mode.
  • SSD1306#on and #off would raise errors, trying to write Integer instead of Array to I2C::Bus.
  • SPI::BitBang did not correctly set initial clock state for modes 2 and 3.
  • IRTransmitter.emit didn't work at all ESP8266. Pulse data wasn't aligned properly in memory.
  • Board#ws2812_write was validating max length to 256 instead of 255.
  • WS2812 write on ESP32 would crash it, only with some low 8-bit pixel values. Still unsure why, but four extra 0 bytes (preceding the pixel data in auxMsg) seems to work around this.


New Components

  • HC-SR04 Ultrasonic Distance Sensor:
    • Class: Denko::Sensor::HCSRO4
    • Custom function on the board to handle ping and response.
    • Simple interface. #read returns a distance in mm.

Bug Fixes

  • OTA updating now works on ESP32.
  • Adjust ESP32 expected serial buffer sizes and acknowledge intervals to to be more reliable.
  • Fixed a bug on Windows where submodules weren't being included in load path.
  • Fixed a bug where the board could incorrectly report EEPROM_LENGTH as 0.


New Components

  • Generic PIR sensors:

    • Class: Denko::Sensor::GenericPIR
    • Based on Denko::DigitalIO::Input class.
    • Tested with AS312 and HC-SR501 sensors. Should work with AM312 and others.
  • Bosch BMP 180 Temperature + Pressure Sensor:

    • Class: Denko::Sensor::BMP180
    • Connects via I2C bus. Ruby driver.
    • Similar to BMP280, but fewer features (older version).
    • Should work for BMP085 sensor as well.
  • SHT30/31/35 Temperature + Humidity Sensor:

    • Class: Denko::Sensor::SHTX
    • Connects via I2C bus. Ruby driver.
    • One-shot reading mode only.
  • RCWL-9620 Ultrasonic Distance Sensor:

    • Class: Denko::Sensor::RCWL9620
    • Connects via I2C bus. Ruby driver.
    • Very simple interface. #read returns a distance in mm.

Component Changes

  • HTU21D:
    • Humidity values outside the 0-100% range will be clipped to those values automatically.

Example Changes

  • Added a simple button example, separate from tutorial.
  • Standardize temp/pressure/humidity sensor examples (except DHT, DS18B20, HTU21D) so readings display the same.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed bug where BMP280 sensor class would not autoload.


Board Updates / Fixes

  • Arduino UNO R4 Minima & Wi-Fi (--target ra4m1):

    • RA4M1 fully tested
    • Only IR-remote and WS2812 libraries not working. Disabled temporarily.
  • Arduino Nano Every

    • ATmega4809 fully tested and issues fixed
    • Works similarly to the regular AVR chips
  • SAMD21

    • Changed serial acknowledgement threshold to 128 instead of 64. More stable, but might be slightly slower performing.

Network Chip Updates / Fixes

  • WINC1500

    • Added support for WiFi101 library
    • Tested on Arduino MKR 1000
  • NINA-W102

    • Added conditions to select the WiFiNINA library on appropriate hardware.
    • Untested in hardware

API Changes

  • Default aux message size is now 784 bytes (768 + 16) instead of (512 + 16)

Component Changes

  • WS2812
    • Larger aux message size now allows up to 256 pixels (3 bytes per pixel) on a strip

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed a bug with WS2812 strips where it would try to memcpy 3x the number of necessary bytes. Fixed this by just sending the total number of bytes to write to the strip, rather than number of pixels * bytes per pxiel.
  • The val variable in Arduino is now 16-bit instead of 8-bit.
  • Fixed instances where Minitest was referred to as MiniTest, causing tests to fail.


New Boards

  • Arduino UNO R4 Minima & Wi-Fi (--target ra4m1):
    • Mostly working
    • IR-remote and WS2812 libraries do not support this chip. Disabled temporarily.
    • Hardware serial disabled until further testing.
    • Wi-Fi still untested.

New Components

  • ADS1115 Analog-to-Digital Converter:
    • Class: Denko::AnalogIO::ADS1115.
    • Connects via I2C bus. Driver written in Ruby.
    • Can be used directly by calling ADS1115#read with the 2 config register bytes.
    • #read automatically waits for conversion before reading result.
    • Implements BoardProxy interface, so AnalogIO::Input can use it in place of Board.
    • For each AnalogIO::Input subcomponent:
      • Negative pin (1 or 3) of differential pair can be set with the keyword argument negative_pin:
      • Gain can be set with the keyword argument gain:
      • Sample rate can be set with the keyword argument sample_rate:
      • Sample rate doesn't affect update rate. Higher sample rates oversample for a single reading, increasing resolution.
      • ADS1115 sets @volts_per_bit in the subcomponent, so exact voltages can be calculated.
      • There is no listening interface for subcomponents.
    • Built in comparator not implemented.
    • Basically an I2C version of ADS1118 with the temperature sensor swapped for comparator.


  • Boards now declare their serial RX buffer size and maximum I2C transaction size in handshake. This makes it possible to send data as fast as possible without data loss.
  • Added benchmarks folder and a simple SSD1306 screen redrawing benchmark, with results for many chips.
  • Changed many instance methods to use keyword args instead of options hash pattern. Better performance everywhere, but will matter most in mruby.
  • Many small performance improvemnts taken from mruby implementation to keep code as similar as possible across both.

Minor Changes

  • Improved detection of default serial interface and EEPROM availability at the sketch level.
  • Pins defined as any of :SDA0, :SCL0, :MISO0, :MOSI0, :SCK0, :SS0 in a loaded board map are automatically copied to the key without the trailing 0, i.e. :SDA and so forth. This is convenient for chips like the RP2040 which don't define the "non-zero" pins at all.
  • Simplified handling of Wi-Fi reconnection in that sketch.
  • Wi-Fi sketch now prints its connection details to serial on each reconnect, as well as startup.
  • Updated both IR libraries to latest version.

Bug Fixes

  • Display::HD44780 was trying to write 1 and 0 as String instead of Integer to digital output pins.
  • Wi-Fi and Ethernet sketches could get stuck in an endless loop when switching between a TCP client and the Serial interface fallback.
  • SAMD21 could hang on I2C when writing lots of data. This has to do with its serial buffer not being saturated somehow? Fixed though.
  • Board#set_register_divider wouldn't raise the correct ArgumentError if the divider given was out of range.
  • Updated the arduino-yaml-board-maps project to prevent ESP32 chips from wrongly map many of their ADC pins.
  • ESP32 variants, other than the original V1, could try to assign more LEDC (PWM) channels than they actually have.


  • Removed the :pad option from Message::pack. Nothing was using it and padding bytes should be handled in the component class anyway.


Fixes critical 1-Wire bugs introduced when namespace was reorganized for 0.13.0.


New Features

  • Board#map
    • Returns a hash mapping named pins (taken from the Arduino framework) to their integer GPIO values, once the board is supported. Examples: :A0, :DAC0, :MOSI, :LED_BUILTIN.
    • Pins can be given as symbols when creating peripherals. The Board instance converts them to integer using Board#convert_pin.
    • This works by having the board send an identifier string (again taken from the Arduino framework) during handshake. The identifier is cross-referenced against a directory of YAML files, loading the right map for each board.
    • This uses arduino-yaml-board-maps. See that repo for which Arduino cores / boards are supported.

New Boards

  • ESP32-S2, ESP32-S3 and ESP32-C3 variants (--target esp32):

    • Newer versions of the ESP32 chip with native USB support.
    • No DACs on the S3.
    • No DACs or capacitive touch on the C3.
  • SAMD21 Boards, Arduino Zero (--target samd):

  • RP2040 Based Boards, Raspberry Pi Pico (W) (--target rp2040):

    • WS2812 LED arrays don't work.
  • Raspberry Pi SBC (not Pico) built-in GPIO support, using denko-piboard extension gem:

    • Ruby needs to be running on the Pi itself.
    • Only works with CRuby. No JRuby or TruffleRuby.
    • Folllow install instructions from denko-piboard gem's readme.
    • require "denko/piboard" instead of require "denko"
    • Substitute Denko::PiBoard for Denko::Board as board class.
    • Not all interfaces and components from denko are supported yet.

New Components

  • Hardware UART support:

    • Class: Denko::UART::Hardware.
    • Read/write support for a board's open (not tied to a USB port) hardware UARTs. Allows interfacing with serial peripherals.
    • Initialize giving :index as the UART's number, according to the Arduino IDE/pinout. Serial1 has index 1. Serial2 has index 2, and so on.
    • :baud argument can be given when initializing, or call UART::Hardware#start(YOUR_BAUD_RATE). Default is 9600.
    • No pin arguments are needed to start the UART, but peripherals must be connected properly. Refer to your board's pinout.
    • UARTs 1..3 are supported, and map to "virtual pins" 251..253, for purposes of identifying bytes read from the board.
    • The 0th UART (Serial) is never used, even on boards where it is not in use, and SerialUSB is the Denko transport.
    • UART::Hardware#write accepts either a String or Array of bytes to send binary data.
    • The UART::Hardware instance itself buffers read bytes. Complete lines can be read with UART::Hardware#gets.
    • Callbacks can be attached, like other input classes, to handle each batch of raw bytes as they arrive.
    • Call UART::Hardware#stop to disable the UART and return the pins to regular GPIO.
    • Added Denko::Connection::BoardUART, allowing a board's UART to be the transport for another Board instance. See this example.
  • ADS1118 Analog-to-Digital Converter:

    • Class: Denko::AnalogIO::ADS1118.
    • Connects via SPI bus. Driver written in Ruby.
    • Can be used directly by calling ADS1118#read with the 2 config register bytes.
    • #read automatically waits for conversion before reading result.
    • Implements BoardProxy interface, so AnalogIO::Input can use it in place of Board.
    • For each AnalogIO::Input subcomponent:
      • Negative pin (1 or 3) of differential pair can be set with the keyword argument negative_pin:
      • Gain can be set with the keyword argument gain:
      • Sample rate can be set with the keyword argument sample_rate:
      • Sample rate doesn't affect update rate. Higher sample rates oversample for a single reading, increasing resolution.
      • ADS1118 sets @volts_per_bit in the subcomponent, so exact voltages can be calculated.
      • There is no listening interface for subcomponents.
    • Built in temperature sensor can be read with ADS1118#temperature_read. Only 128 SPS. No polling.
  • Bosch BME/BMP 280 Temperature + Pressure + Humidity Sensor:

    • Classes: Denko::Sensor::BME280 and Denko::Sensor::BMP280
    • Connects via I2C bus. Driver written in Ruby.
    • All features in the datasheet are implemented, except status checking.
    • Both are mostly identical, except for BMP280 lacking humidity.
  • HTU21D Temperature + Humidity Sensor:

    • Class: Denko::Sensor::HTU21D
    • Connects via I2C bus. Driver written in Ruby.
    • Most features implemented, except reading back the configuration register, and releasing the I2C bus during measurement. Since conversion times can vary, it's simpler to let the sensor hold the line until its data is ready to be read.
    • Always uses CRC. Readings are silently ignored if CRC fails.
    • Can be read with direct methods HTU21D#read_temperature and HTU21D#read_humidity, but these do not accept block callbacks, and there is no polling.
    • For callbacks and polling, use the sub-objects accessible through HTU21D#temperature and HTU21D#humidity. See examples for more info.
  • HTU31D Temperature + Humidity Sensor:

    • Class: Denko::Sensor::HTU31D
    • Connects via I2C bus. Driver written in Ruby.
    • Similar to HTU21D, but temperature and humidity can be, and always are, read together.
    • Always uses CRC. Readings are silently ignored if CRC fails.
    • Diagnostic register reading not implemented yet.
  • AHT10 / AHT15 Temperature + Humidity Sensors:

    • Both share a compatible interface, and use the same class: Denko::Sensor::AHT10
    • Connects via I2C bus. Driver written in Ruby.
    • Always uses calibrated mode.
  • AHT20 / AHT21 / AHT25 / AM2301B Temperature + Humidity Sensors:

    • All share a compatible interface, and use the same class: Denko::Sensor::AHT20
    • Connects via I2C bus. Driver written in Ruby.
    • Always uses calibrated mode.
    • Always uses CRC. Readings are silently ignored if CRC fails.
  • SSD1306 OLED Display:

    • Class: Denko::Display::SSD1306
    • Connects via I2C bus. Driver written in Ruby.
    • By default, SSD1306#draw refreshes the entire frame, using horizontal addressing mode.
    • Can do partial refreshes with SSD1306#draw(x_min, x_max, y_min, y_max), defining a bounding box to redraw.
    • One 6x8 font and graphic primitves, included through Denko::Display::Canvas.
  • L298 H-Bridge Motor Driver:

    • Class: Denko::Motor::L298
    • Forward, reverse, idle, and brake modes implemented.
    • Speed controlled by PWM output on enable pin.
  • WS2812 / WS2812B / NeoPixel RGB LED Array:

    • Class: Denko::LED::WS2812
    • No fancy functions yet. Just clear, set pixels, and show.
  • APA102 / Dotstar RGB LED Array:

    • Class: Denko::LED::APA102
    • No fancy functions yet. Just clear, set pixels, show, global and per-pixel brightness control.
    • Needs its own dedicated SPI bus. Select pin is automatically set to 255 (no pin).

See new examples in the examples folder to learn more.

Changed Components

  • Virtually every component has been renamed to bring them out of the Denko::Components namespace, make naming clearer.

    • TODO: Update here with a list of renamed components.
  • SPI peripherals now go through a Denko::SPI::Bus object:

    • Instead of giving a board directly when creating a new SPI peripheral, a bus must be created first:
        board =
        bus = board)                              # board's default SPI interface
        output_register = bus, pin: 9)   # 9  is register select pin
        input_register = bus, pin: 10)    # 10 is register select pin
    • For now, this always uses the default SPI device set by the Arduino framework (SPI or SPI0), but this change will allow access to multiple SPI interfaces on a single board in the future.
    • It also allows a peripheral to mutex lock the bus for atomic operations if needed.
    • When a peripheral is added to the SPI bus, callbacks are hooked (using its select pin as identifier) directly to the board.
    • SPI::Bus validates select pin uniquness among peripherals, per bus instance.
    • SPI::Bus treats a select (enable) pin of 255 as no select pin at all (won't toggle before and after transferring).
    • See the updated SPI examples to learn more.
  • Shift In/Out features refactored into SPI::BitBang which is class-compatible with SPI::Bus, except for frequency.

    • See SPI changes above.
  • SPI::Peripheral has been extracted from the various SPI Register classes.

    • This should be used for most peripherals, and the register classes used only for simple I/O expansion registers.
  • I2C::Bus does not automatically search when initialized.

  • I2C frequency now configurable:

    • I2C::Peripheral and it's subclasses take :i2c_frequency keywoard arg when instantiating. It's stored in @i2c_frequency and used for all reads and writes.
    • Board#i2c_write and Board#i2c_read also accept :i2c_frequency as a keyword arg.
    • Valid values are: 100000, 400000, 1000000, 3400000. Defaults to 100000 at the Board level, when not given.
    • Note: This DOES NOT work if using denko-piboard. See the README on that gem for more info.
  • Hitachi HD44780 LCD driver rewritten in Ruby:

    • New class: Denko::Display::HD44780
    • #puts changed to #print to better represent functionality.
    • No longer depends on the LiquidCrystal Arduino library, which has been removed.
    • Depends only on Denko::DigitalIO::Output and #micro_delay.
    • Old implementation in Denko::Components::LCD removed.
    • This solves compatibility with boards that the library didn't work on.
    • HD44780#create_char allows 8 custom characters to be defined in memory addresses 0-7.
    • HD44780#write draws the custom (or standard) character from a given memory address.
  • Denko::PulseIO::PWMOutput (previously Denko::Components::Basic::AnalogOutput):

    • Changed #analog_write to #pwm_write.
    • Added #pwm_enable and #pwm_disable methods.
    • #pwm_enable is implicit when calling #pwm_write. Lazy initialize PWM peripherals on the chip. Never happens if only #digital_write gets called.
    • #pwm_disable sets the pin mode to :output (OUTPUT in Arduino), disconnects and deconfigures any PWM generating peripheral.
    • On the ESP32 #pwm_disable releases the LEDC channel that the pin was using, so it can be reused.
  • Denko::AnalogIO::Output (also previously Denko::Components::Basic::AnalogOutput):

    • Changed #analog_write to #dac_write.
    • Does not implement #digital_write at all. Analog values must be used instead of board.high or board.low.
  • Denko::UART::BitBang (previously Denko::Components::SoftwareSerial):

    • Only inclduedo on AVR boards. Cross-platform support isn't good, and isn't necessary since almost everything has extra hardware UARTs.
    • Read functionality added. The board listens for incoming bytes and forwards them.
    • Interface matches Denko::UART::Hardware except for :tx and :rx pins given when initializing. See that entry in New Components above for more info.
  • Denko::TxRx moved to Denko::Connection.

Board API Changes

  • microDelay function exposed from the board:

    • Implements a platform independent microsecond delay.
    • All calls to delayMicroseconds() should be replaced with this.
    • Exposed in Ruby via CMD=99. It takes one argument, uint_16 for delay length in microsceonds.
    • Board#micro_delay and Component::#micro_delay are defined.
  • dacWrite function added to board library. aWrite function renamed to pwmWrite. Need this to avoid conflict between DAC, PWM and regular output on some chips.

  • CMD numbers for some board functions changed to accomodate dacWrite:

    dacWrite       -> 4
    aread        4 -> 5
    setListener  5 -> 6
    eepromRead   6 -> 7
    eepromWrite  7 -> 8
    pulseread   11 -> 9
    servoToggle  8 -> 10
    servoWrite   9 -> 11
  • Board#analog_write replaced by Board#pwm_write and Board#dac_write, matching the two C functions.

  • Board#set_pin_mode significantly changed to better manage pullups, pulldowns, :input_output mode, and freeing DAC and PWM peripherals for relevant chips.

  • Board#digital_write implicitly disconnects a PWM or DAC peripheral from the pin, but does not free it. This is necessary on chips like the ATSAMD21 and ESP32 or the #digital_write will not work.

  • Board#analog_write implicitly reconnects a PWM peripheral to the pin if one was previously assigned, or assigns a new one and connects it.

  • Board#analog_resolution has been split into Board#analog_write_resolution and Board#analog_read_resoluton, defaulting to 8 and 10-bits respectively. Write resolution applies to both PWM and DACs.

  • Board#pwm_high, Board#dac_high and Board#adc_high defined for convenience.

  • I2C and SPI transfer methods on Board changed to avoid using the options Hash pattern. I2C uses only positional arguments, and SPI uses positional and keyword arguments. This gives a significant performance boost on lower end processors like the Raspberry Pi Zero, and reduces CPU usage in general.

  • Board#i2c_read and Board#i2c_write now only accept positional arguments, with frequency and repeated_start always being last, in that order, and optional.

  • Board#spi_transfer and Board#spi_bb_transfer now only accept :spi_mode and :spi_frequency keywords for the respective arguments.

  • Board#spi_listen and Board#spi_bb_listen now share the same listener storage on the board. Default is 4 listeners. shiftListeners have been removed.

Minor Changes

  • When instantiating a component, Board#convert_pin is run immediately, then the converted integer for the pin (based on the board map), is saved in @pin, instead of whatever form was given to #initialize. After this, the integer is always used as-is for sending / receiving messages. This reduces CPU usage, since Board#convert_pin doesn't need to be called for every message.

  • As a consequence of the above change, when Board methods are called directly, pins must always be given as integers.

  • Poller#poll no longer defaults to a 3 second interval and will raise an error if a numeric interval is not given.

  • MultiPin validation and proxying has changed to not use class methods. Everything is done inside #initialize_pins per-instance instead. This reduces the amount of eval and rescue going on, so it's easier to understand, and changes are more portable to mruby.

  • Calling #update with nil, on any object using the Callback pattern, will prevent callbacks from being run, but still remove any one-time callbacks present in the :read key.

  • If #pre_callback_filter returns nil, callbacks will also not be run, behaving just as above.

  • Added this example as a blink example for boards where :LED_BUILTIN maps to a single on-board WS2812 LED, instead of a regular LED.

  • Removed Denko::Board::ESP8266, in favor of the new board mapping functionality. See New Features above.

  • Aux message size limits changed to:

    • 512 + 16: When using IR output or WS2812 and not using ATmega168
    • 256 + 16: When not using IR output or WS2812, any board
    • 32 + 16: When all the features that use lots of aux are disabled (core sketch)
  • Denko::Connection::Serial tries to read up to 64 bytes each time now instead of 1, reducing the number of FFI calls, and CPU usage.

  • Denko::Connection::FlowControl simplified to always wait 1ms if no bytes to read or write. This also reduces CPU usage. This might affect the time precision of values received from listeners, but they weren't guaranteed to be evenly spaced anyway. Will add a timestamped listener feature in the future if needed.

  • All Serial.print style debugging removed from the Arduino sketch, in favor of the new debugger in the Arduino IDE. If this style of debugging is still needed, the sketch should emit lines beginning with "DBG:". These will be caught by the Ruby parser and printed to the terminal.

  • Started using simplecov gem to track test coverage.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed Denko::DigitalIO::Output not setting its state through its mutex.

  • Fixed Piezo functionality. Frequency and duration values weren't being properly cast on the board. Duration is also limited to 16 bits now, instead of 32, as it should be to match the Arduino function.

  • Added validation for I2C writes not exceeding 32 bytes, since this is a limit of the native (AVR) library buffer. May increase for boards with bigger buffers in the future.

  • Stricter regex validation in I2C::Bus for identifying a series of bytes coming from a specific I2C address.

  • I2C::Bus and OneWire::Bus now validate peripheral addresses as unique, per bus instance.


New Boards

  • The denko sketch shell command now accepts a --target argument. It includes/excludes features to tailor the sketch for different boards/chips. Run denko targets for more info.

  • ATmega Based Boards (default) (--target mega):

    • This is the default sketch if --target isn't specified, and works for Arduino (and other) products based on the ATmega AVR chips, like the Uno, Nano, Leonardo and Mega.
  • ESP8266 (--target esp8266):

    • Works with either built in WiFi or Serial.
    • WiFi version supports OTA (over-the-air) update in the Arduino IDE. Initial flash must still be done via serial.
    • Dev boards can map GPIOs to physical pins differently. Always look up the GPIO numbers and use those for pin numbers.
    • Note: SoftwareSerial and LiquidCrystal (LCD) both do not work on the ESP8266, and are excluded from the sketch.
  • ESP32 (--target esp32):

    • Works with either built in WiFi or Serial.
    • WiFi version does NOT support OTA (over-the-air) updates yet.
    • Only tested with the original ESP32 module so far, not the later revisions with slightly different hardware.
    • Dev boards can map GPIOs to physical pins differently. Always look up the GPIO numbers and use those for pin numbers.
    • Note: Servos and analog outputs share the LEDC channels on the board. Maximum of 16 combined.
    • Note: SoftwareSerial and LiquidCrystal (LCD) both do not work on the ESP32, and are excluded from the sketch.
    • Note: SPI bug exists where input modes don't match other platforms. Eg. For a register using mode 0 on AVR, mode 2 needs to be set on ESP32 for it to work. Using mode 0 misses a bit.
  • Arduino Due (--target sam3x) :

    • Up to 12-bit analog in/out. Pass a bits: option to Board#new to set resolution for both.
    • DAC support. Refer to DAC pins as 'DAC0', 'DAC1', just as labeled on the board. Call #analog_write or just #write on an sensor component that uses the pin.
    • Uses the native ARM serial port by default. Configurable in sketch to use programming port.
    • Note: SoftwareSerial, Infrared, and Tone are incompatible with the Arduino Due, and excluded from the sketch.
  • ATmega168 (--target mega168):

    • By excluding a lot of features, we can still fit the memory constraints of the ATmega168 chips found in older Arduinos.
    • SoftwareSerial, LCD, OneWire and IROut are compatible, but left out to keep memory usage down.
    • Included libraries can be toggled in DenkoDefines.h to suit your needs.
    • Note: Aux message is limited to 264 bytes on the mega168, or less depending on included libraries. The only feature currently affected by this is sending long infrared signals, like for an air conditioner.

New Components

  • TxRx::TCP allows communication with the board over an IP network, instead of serial connection. Tested on Arduino Uno Ethernet Shield (Wiznet W5100), and ESP8266 native WiFi. Should work on Uno WiFi shield, but is untested. WiFi must be configured before flashing. Instad of denko sketch serial, use denko sketch wifi.

  • Hitachi HD44780 LCD support. Uses Arduino LiquidCrystal library.

  • Seven Segment Display support. Ruby implementation as multiple LEDs.

  • Infrared Emitter support. Uses Arduino-IRremote, and the ESP8266 fork where applicable.

  • Tone (piezo) support. Uses Arduino tone,noTone functions.

  • SoftwareSerial (write only). Uses Arduino SoftSerial library. Only tested on ATmega chips.

  • Potentiometer class, based on AnalogInput, but enables moving average smoothing by default, and adds #on_change callback method.

  • Rotary encoder support. Polls @ 1ms interval. WARNING: Not suitable for high speed or precise position needs. It will definitely miss steps. Sufficient for rotary knobs as user input.

  • DHT11 / DHT 21 (AM2301) / DHT22 temperature and relative humidity sensor support. Custom implementation where input pulses are measured on the board, then decoded in Ruby.

  • DS3231 RTC (real time clock) over I2C (Ruby implementation)

  • DS18B20 temperature sensor. Uses custom implementation of Dallas/Maxim 1-Wire bus below.

  • Dallas/Maxim 1-Wire bus support. Low level timing functions run on the board. High level logic in Ruby.

    • Most bus features are implemented: reset/presence detect, parasite power handling, bus search and slave device identification, CRC. No overdrive support.
    • Based on Kevin Darrah's video explaining the DS18B20 datasheet.
  • I2C bus support. Uses Arduino Wire library.

  • Shift Register support. Uses Arduino ShiftOut and ShiftIn functions.

  • SPI bus support (uses Arduino SPI library) :

    • Read/Write Transfers
    • Read-Only Listeners (like digital/analog listeners, but reads n bytes from MISO)
  • Generic input and output register classes for the above 2: Register::ShiftIn, Register::ShiftOut, Register::SPIIn, Register::SPIOut.

  • Board EEPROM support. Uses Arduino EEPROM library.

Changed Components

  • Servos can now be connected to arbitrary pins as long as they are supported by the board.

  • Digital and analog listeners now have dividers on a per-pin basis.

    • Timing is based on a 1000 microsecond tick being counted by the board.
    • Call #listen with a value as the first argument. Eg. analog_sensor.listen(64) will tell the board to send us that specific sensor's state every 64 ticks (~64ms) or around 16 times per second, without affecting other components' rates.
    • Valid dividers are: 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, 128.
    • Defaults are same as before: 4 for digital, 16 for analog.

Hardware Abstraction

  • MultiPin abstraction for components using more than one pin:

    • Components connecting to more than 1 pin, like an RGB LED or rotary encoder, are now modeled as MultiPin and contain multiple SinglePin proxies. An RGBLed is built from 3 sensors, for example, one for each color, connected to a separate pin.
    • MultiPin implements a shortcut class method proxy_pins. Proxying a pin allows subcomponent pin numbers to be given as a hash when initializing an instance of a MultiPin component. Eg: {red: 9, green: 10, blue: 11} given as the pins: option for RGBLed#new.
    • When initialized, subcomponents corresponding to the proxied pins are automatically created. They're stored in #proxies and attr_reader methods are created for each, corresponding to their key in the pins: hash. Eg: RGBLed#green and RGBLed#proxies[:green] both give the sensor component that represents the green LED inside the RGB LED, connected to pin 10.
  • BoardProxy abstraction for shift/SPI registers:

    • The Register classes implement enough of the Board interface to satisfy components based on DigitalInput and DigitalOutput, such as Led or Button.
    • This lets you call methods on components directly, rather than manipulating the register data to control components indirectly.
    • Initialize the appropriate Register object for the type of register. To initialize a component connected to the register, use the register as the board:, and give the parallel I/O pin on the register that the component is connected to. Pin 0 maps to the lowest bit.
    • This also works for MultiPin components built out of only DigitalInput or DigitalOutput, eg. SSD - seven segment display or RGBLed. See examples/register for more.

Input Components, Callbacks and State

  • @value has been renamed to @state.

    • By default, all components define #state and #state=, which access @state through @state_mutex. This way we don't try to read with #state while a callback is updating it with #state=.
    • @state can be any Ruby object representing the state of the component.
  • Callback functionality for components has been extracted into a mixin module, Mixins::Callbacks.

    • Like before, callbacks for all components on a board run sequentially, in a single "update" thread, separate from the main thread. This is the same thread reading from TxRx.
    • #add_callback and #remove_callback methods are available, and take an optional key as argument.
    • Blocks given to #add_callback are stored in @callbacks[key], to be called later, when the "update" thread receives data for the component. The default key is :persistent.
    • Each key represents an array of callbacks, so multiple callbacks can share the same key.
    • Calling #remove_callbacks with a key empties that array. Calling with no key removes all callbacks for the component.
    • #pre_callback_filter is defined in the Callbacks module. The return value of this method is what is given to the component's callbacks and to update its @state. By default, it returns whatever was given from the board.
    • Override #pre_callback_filter to process data before giving it to callbacks and @state. Eg: given raw bytes from a DHT sensor, process them into a hash containing :celsius, : fahrenheit and :humidity values. That hash is given to to callbacks and #update_state instead of the original string of raw bytes.
    • #update_state is defined in the Callbacks module. It is called after all callbacks are run and given the return value of #pre_callback_filter. By default, it sets @state= to the value given.
    • Override it if updating @state is more complex than this, but be sure to either use #state= only once, or wrap the operation in @state_mutex.synchronize.
  • Input components no longer automatically start listening when created, since there are more options for reading inputs.

    • DigitalInput and its subclasses are the exception to this. They automatically listen, since there is little advantage to other modes.
  • Input components can have any combination of #read, #poll and #listen methods now, coming from Reader, Poller, and Listener respectively, inside Mixins.

    • #read sends a single read command by calling #_read, and blocks the main thread, until data is received from #pre_callback_filter. When received, any block that was given to #read will run once as a callback and be removed immediately. #read then stops blocking the main thread and returns data.
    • #poll requires an interval (in seconds) as its first argument. It starts a new thread, and keeps calling #_read in it, at the given interval. #poll does not block the main thread, and does not return a value. A block given will be added as a callback inside the :poll key.
    • #listen adds its block as a callback inside the :listen key, calls #_listen and returns immediately.
    • #stop stops polling and listening. It also removes all callbacks in the :poll and :listen keys (callbacks added as blocks when polling or listening).

Minor Changes

  • Serial communication now uses the rubyserial gem instead of serialport.
  • Switched from rspec to minitest for testing.
  • Added more useful information and errors during the connect & handshake process.
  • Extended message syntax so the Arduino can receive arbitrary length messages, including binary.
  • Created Denko::Message class to handle message construction.
  • Moved CLI into it's own class, Denko::CLI.
  • Added simple flow control to avoid overrunning the 64 byte input buffer in the Arduino Serial library. No flow control for Ruby receiving data.


  • Backport bug fixes from 0.12:
    • Listeners weren't working properly on the Arduino MEGA.
    • More reliable handshake.


  • Make servos work better by using the existing Arduino Servo library.
    • Up to 12 servos can be controlled.
    • On MEGA boards, servos may be used on pins 22-33 ONLY.
    • On other boards, servos may be used on pins 2-13 ONLY.
    • Flashing the updated sketch to the board is required.


New Features

  • Support for the Arduino Ethernet shield and compatibles (Wiznet W5100 chipset).

  • Added a denko command-line tool for generating and customizing the different Arduino sketches.

  • Instead of reading the value of a pin by repeatedly sending messages to ask for its value, we can now set up "listeners". We tell the board which pin we'd like to listen to, and it will periodically send us the pin's value.

    • By default, digital listeners are polled every ~4ms (~250Hz).
    • Analog listeners are on a 4x divider, so they update every ~16ms (~63Hz).
    • These can be changed with the Board#heart_rate= and Board#analog_divider= methods respectively.
    • Digital listeners only send a message if the value has changed since the last check.
    • Analog listeners always send a message.
    • Digital listeners can be set up on any pin, including analog pins. Analog listeners should only be set up on analog pins.
  • Registering a listener is now the default for read components such as Sensor and Button. No changes need to be made for existing or future components. Anything using Board#add_analog_hardware or Board#add_digital_hardware will set up a listener.

    NOTE: Because of these changes, you'll need to upload the newest version of the sketch to your board for this version of the gem to work properly.

  • Support for all 70 pins on the Arduino Mega boards.

  • Built-in pullup resistors on the Arduino are now configurable in Ruby. Disabled by default.

  • Support up to COM9 on Windows.

  • Connect to a specific serial device by setting device: in the options hash when calling

  • Baud rate for serial connections is now configurable. Use the --baud XXXXXX option for denko to set the rate before uploading the sketch. Set baud: XXXXXX in the options hash for` to set the rate when connecting. Both values need to match.

  • Added color methods to RgbLed for cyan, yellow, magenta, white and off.

Major Changes

  • All Arduino code that interacts with components has been extracted into an Arduino library. The sketches now only handle communication between a Denko::TxRx:: class in Ruby and this library. Writing new sketches for arbitray protocols should be simpler.

  • Arduino-level debug messages now use preprocessor directives instead of if(debug) statements. The performance and memory usage of sketches with debugging disabled is improved.

  • As a result, enabling and disabling Arduino-level debug messages can no longer be done in Ruby. You'll need to enable debug messages before uploading a sketch by using the --debug option when generating the sketch with denko.

  • Removed TxRx::Telnet. TxRx::TCP, written for the Ethernet shield, works even better for ser2net.

Minor Changes

  • Handshake protocol: The first command sent to the Arduino resets the board to defaults. It acknowledges and responds with the raw pin number of its first analog pin, 'A0' (pin 14 on an UNO).

  • When sending messages between Ruby and the Arduino, all pins are now referenced by this numerical syntax. The value received in the handshake is used by Denko::Board to calculate values on the fly, so the more friendly 'A0' syntax may be used everywhere else in Ruby. This was done mostly to replace some complicated Arduino code and support > 10 analog pins.

  • The Arduino's read and write operations no longer implicitly set the mode of a pin. Calling board#set_pin_mode when initializing a component is now required. board#add_analog_hardware or board#add_digital_hardware for read components will take care of this as well.

  • The syntax of the messages sent from the Arduino to Ruby has changed slightly from "PP::VVVV\r\n" to "PP:VVVV\n" where PP and VVVV represent the pin and value respectively. The increase in (serial) throughput is usable when many analog listeners are set or polling at high rates.

  • Sensors accept blocks instead of procs now.


  • Board#set_pin_mode works correctly now. Input and output were swapped previously and this error was being hidden by the implicit operations mentioned above.