smalljs runtime has 3 kinds of values, integers, strings and user defined objects.
For the interpreter, a value is a 32 bits tagged integer, the interpreter uses the last bits to differentiate the kind of values. The same encoding is used for the value on stack or in the heap.
xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx xxxxxxx1 -> small ints (on 31 bits) or boolean (TRUE/FALSE)
xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx xxxxxx10 -> dictionary index
xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx xxxxxx00 -> reference on heap
This encoding (which is roughly similar to the one used by V8) as the advantages that simple operations like an addition or a subtraction on small integers can be done directly without doing the conversion between a tagged value to the real integer and back.
For example, let suppose we want to execute a + b
, with a = 2
and b = 10
let's call x and y the encoding of a and b, 2 is encoded as 5 and 10 as 21,
more generally, given the way small integers are encoded x = 2a + 1
and y = 2b + 1
so instead of decoding 5 and 21, doing the addition and recoding them, we can add the encoded value and subtract one.
(2a + 1) + (2b + 1) <=> 2 (a + b) + 1 + 1 <=> (x + y) + 1
and for the subtraction
(2a + 1) - (2b + 1) <=> 2 (a - b) + 1 - 1 <=> (x - y) - 1
We will not use this optimization but feel free to implement them.
the opcodes used by the interpreter is a sequence of 1 to 2 ints, the first int is the value of the opcode from 1 to 20, the second optional value is a value that depend on the kind of opcodes.
int CONST = 1; // CONST tag_value (smallint or dictionary_index)
int LOOKUP = 2; // LOOKUP dictionary_index (String global_name)
int REGISTER = 3; // REGISTER dictionary_index (String global_name)
int LOAD = 4; // LOAD slot_index
int STORE = 5; // STORE slot_index
int DUP = 6;
int POP = 7;
int SWAP = 8;
int FUNCALL = 9; // FUNCALL argument_count
int RET = 10;
int GOTO = 11; // GOTO instr_index
int JUMP_IF_FALSE = 12; // JUMP_IF_FALSE instr_index
int NEW = 13; // NEW dictionary_index (JSObject object)
int GET = 14; // GET dictionary_index (String field_name)
int PUT = 15; // PUT dictionary_index (String field_name)
int PRINT = 20; // print for debugging
load a constant on stack, it can be a small integer or a dictionary valueLOOKUP
load a value from the global context using the string encoded as a dictionary valueREGISTER
store the top of the stack into the global context using the string encoded as a dictionary valueLOAD
load a local variable from the local array of the current function at indexslot_index
store the top of the stack to the local array of the current function at indexslot_index
duplicate the top of the stackPOP
remove the top of the stackSWAP
permute the two values on top of the stackFUNCALL
call a function with a qualifier value and the arguments all on top of the stackRET
stop the current function, remove the current stack frame and insert the top of the stack as the return valueGOTO
jump unconditionally to a specific instruction indexJUMP_IF_FALSE
jump if the top of the stack is 0 or null to the instruction indexNEW
allocate the memory necessary to store all the field from the JSObjectGET
get the value of the field from an object on top of the stackPUT
store into a field the value on top of the stack into an object on (top - 1) of the stackPRINT
print the top of the stack.
print(2 + 10)
is translated to
0: LOOKUP encodeDictObject("+", dict)
2: CONST encodeDictObject(UNDEFINED, dict)
4: CONST encodeSmallInt(2)
6: CONST encodeSmallInt(10)
a = 2; b = a; print(b)
0: CONST encodeSmallInt(2)
2: STORE 1
4: LOAD 1
6: STORE 2
8: LOAD 2
A stack frame is the part of the stack that correspond to a function call. A stack frame is composed of
- an array of local variables that contains the parameter and then the local variables
- an activation zone that contains the information to be able to come back of a function call
- the base pointer
- the instruction pointer aka program counter
- the current function
- the base pointer
- a local stack
When calling a function, the smalljs semantics requires the arguments to be copied on the stack, to avoid that copy at runtime, the argument of a function call and the parameter the called function reference the same part of the stack (that's why the activation zone is in the middle).
By example, if we have the following code
function f(i, j) { // (this=0, i=1, j=2)
var a = 2;
f(a, 10);
is transformed to the following opcodes.
// code of function f
0: LOAD 2
3: POP
4: CONST encodeDictObject(UNDEFINED, dict)
6: RET
// code of function main
0: CONST encodeDictObject(function_f, dict)
2: REGISTER encodeDictObject("f", dict)
4: CONST encodeSmallInt(2)
6: STORE 1
8: LOOKUP encodeDictObject("f", dict)
10: CONST encodeDictObject(UNDEFINED, dict)
12: LOAD 1
14: CONST encodeSmallInt(10)
18: RET
when print(j)
is called the stack is (from the bottom to the top)
stack : 21
activation fun: main
activation pc : 12
activation bp : 0
stack : 21 slot var 2 : 21
stack : 5 slot var 1 : 5
stack : undef f: slot var 0 : undef |
stack : 34 / \
--------------------- |
activation fun: 0 |
activation pc : 0 |
activation bp : 0 |
--------------------- |
slot var 1 : 5
main: slot var 0 : undef
Note that to be able to construct the stack that way, the maximum number of slot variables need to be computed doing a static analysis on the code.
Moreover, if we want to detect a stack overflow when calling a method before adding a new stack frame, we need to be able to compute the size of the stack frame, for that we need the maximum size of the stack of a stack frame which can also be computed using a static analysis on the code.
When interpreting the code of a method, we need:
the current functioninstrs
the array of instruction of the current functionbp
the base pointer, the index of the first local variable of the current stack framepc
the program counter, the index of the current instruction in the array of instructionsp
the stack pointer, the pointer on the top the stack of the current stack frame
Objects on the heap are stored contiguously. Each object is described by
- a header that contains
- a class reference (a JSObject inside the dictionary)
- an empty slot used by the GC (see later)
- some field slots
The JSObject representing a class stores for each field name the corresponding slot index.
For example,
var object = {
x: 1,
y: 2
correspond to a JSObject that associates 'x' to 0 (the first slot) and 'y' to 1 (the second slot).
Instance allocation is like an ad-hoc function call (like PRINT), it takes all the values of the field on the stack and populate all fields with the value.
The corresponding instructions are
CONST, encodeSmallInt(1),
CONST, encodeSmallInt(2),
NEW, encodeDictObject(clazz, dict),
with clazz
the JObject containing the field descriptions.
In the heap, we get ---------- header 12 // the class encoded as a dictionary index GC_EMPTY // a slot used during the GC ---------- 2 // 1 encoded as a small int 5 // 2 encoded as a small int
Note: the heap is 'parseable' i.e. decoding the first field indicate how many fields follow the header so we can find all objects in the heap.
This algorithm first mark all objects then use a place in the header to calculate the new address of all live objects then move all objects to their new adresses.
The garbage collector algorithm
- scan the stack and recursively mark all reachable objects in the heap
- scan the heap to find the new addresses of all live objects and store them in the corresponding object GC slot
- check if memory can be freed
- scan the heap to rewrite all field references to point to the new addresses
- scan the stack to rewrite the references to point to the new addresses
- scan the heap and move the objects to their new addresses
[](Do It Yourself (OpenJDK) Garbage Collector) for more info.