diff --git a/translation/ar.json b/translation/ar.json index 5eec9c6a1..39fcda1e7 100644 --- a/translation/ar.json +++ b/translation/ar.json @@ -229,7 +229,7 @@ "The parabolic SAR is calculated almost independently for each trend in the price. When the price is in an uptrend, the SAR emerges below the price and converges upwards towards it. Similarly, on a downtrend, the SAR emerges above the price and converges downwards. At each step within a trend, the SAR is calculated one period in advance.": "يتم حساب SAR المكافئ بشكل مستقل تقريبًا لكل اتجاه في السعر. عندما يكون السعر في اتجاه صعودي، يظهر SAR تحت السعر ويتقارب صعودًا نحوه. وبالمثل، في الاتجاه الهبوطي، يظهر SAR فوق السعر ويتقارب هبوطًا. في كل خطوة داخل الاتجاه، يتم احتساب SAR بفترة واحدة مقدمًا.", "The Price Rate-of-Change (ROC) indicator displays the difference between the current price and the price x-time periods ago. The difference can be displayed in either points or as a percentage.": "يعرض مؤشر سعر التغيير (ROC) الفرق بين السعر الحالي والسعر قبل فترات x-time. يمكن عرض الفرق بالنقاط أو كنسبة مئوية.", "The Rainbow Moving Average (RMA) displays several moving average lines simultaneously. When the lines intersect, it’s an indicator of price reversal and the angle of the lines are helpful to predict the trend strength. The steeper the curve, the stronger the trend. When the price crosses the moving average lines from below, it signals an upward trend. When the price crosses the moving average lines from above, it signals a downward trend. The RMA is easier to use compared to using several different moving average indicators at once.": "يعرض المتوسط المتحرك لقوس قزح (RMA) العديد من خطوط المتوسط المتحرك في وقت واحد. عندما تتقاطع الخطوط، فهذا مؤشر على انعكاس السعر وزاوية الخطوط مفيدة للتنبؤ بقوة الاتجاه. كلما كان المنحنى أكثر حدة، كلما كان الاتجاه أقوى. عندما يتجاوز السعر خطوط المتوسط المتحرك من الأسفل، فإنه يشير إلى اتجاه صعودي. عندما يتجاوز السعر خطوط المتوسط المتحرك من الأعلى، فإنه يشير إلى اتجاه هبوطي. يعد RMA أسهل في الاستخدام مقارنة باستخدام العديد من مؤشرات المتوسط المتحرك المختلفة في وقت واحد.", - "The Relative Strength Index (RSI) was published by J. Welles Wilder. The current price is normalized as a percentage between 0 and 100. The name of this oscillator is misleading because it does not compare the instrument relative to another instrument or set of instruments, but rather represents the current price relative to other recent prices within the selected lookback window length.": "", + "The Relative Strength Index (RSI) was published by J. Welles Wilder. The current price is normalized as a percentage between 0 and 100. The name of this oscillator is misleading because it does not compare the instrument relative to another instrument or set of instruments, but rather represents the current price relative to other recent prices within the selected lookback window length.": "تم نشر مؤشر القوة النسبية (RSI) بواسطة J. Welles Wilder. السعر الحالي مُعَدل كنسبة مئوية تتراوح بين ٠ و ١٠٠. اسم هذا المؤشر مُضلل لأنه لا يقارن الأداة بأداة أخرى أو مجموعة من الأدوات، بل يمثل السعر الحالي بالنسبة لأسعار حديثة أخرى ضمن فترة الإرجاع المحددة.", "The Stochastic Momentum Index (SMI) helps to identify overbought or oversold conditions in the market and to predict bearish or bullish trends. It calculates the distance between the current closing price and the median of the high/low range, and displays 2 lines on the chart: the first (known as %K) represents the price movement while the second (known as %D) is a moving average of the first line. If the closing price is higher than the median of the high/low range, the SMI returns a positive value. If the closing price is lower than the average price, a negative value is returned. Values above 40 indicate a bullish trend while values below -40 indicate a bearish trend.": "يساعد مؤشر Stochastic Momentum (SMI) على تحديد ظروف ذروة الشراء أو ذروة البيع في السوق والتنبؤ بالاتجاهات الهبوطية أو الصعودية. يقوم بحساب المسافة بين سعر الإغلاق الحالي ومتوسط النطاق المرتفع/المنخفض، ويعرض سطرين على الرسم البياني: الأول (المعروف باسم %K) يمثل حركة السعر بينما يمثل الثاني (المعروف باسم %D) المتوسط المتحرك للسطر الأول. إذا كان سعر الإغلاق أعلى من متوسط النطاق المرتفع/المنخفض، يقوم SMI بإرجاع قيمة إيجابية. إذا كان سعر الإغلاق أقل من متوسط السعر، يتم إرجاع قيمة سالبة. تشير القيم فوق 40 إلى اتجاه صعودي بينما تشير القيم الأقل من -40 إلى اتجاه هبوطي.", "Themes": "ثيمات", "There are no favorites yet.": "لا توجد مفضلات حتى الآن.", diff --git a/translation/bn.json b/translation/bn.json index 4f7f0cd54..caea41252 100644 --- a/translation/bn.json +++ b/translation/bn.json @@ -229,7 +229,7 @@ "The parabolic SAR is calculated almost independently for each trend in the price. When the price is in an uptrend, the SAR emerges below the price and converges upwards towards it. Similarly, on a downtrend, the SAR emerges above the price and converges downwards. At each step within a trend, the SAR is calculated one period in advance.": "প্যারাবোলিক SAR মূল্যের প্রতিটি প্রবণতার জন্য প্রায় স্বাধীনভাবে গণনা করা হয়। যখন দাম একটি আপট্রেন্ডে থাকে, তখন SAR দামের নিচে উঠে আসে এবং এর দিকে ঊর্ধ্বমুখী হয়। একইভাবে, নিম্নমুখী প্রবণতায়, SAR মূল্যের উপরে উঠে আসে এবং নিচের দিকে একত্রিত হয়। একটি প্রবণতার মধ্যে প্রতিটি ধাপে, SAR এক সময় আগে থেকে গণনা করা হয়।", "The Price Rate-of-Change (ROC) indicator displays the difference between the current price and the price x-time periods ago. The difference can be displayed in either points or as a percentage.": "প্রাইস রেট-অফ-চেঞ্জ (ROC) ইনডিকেটর বর্তমান মূল্য এবং মূল্য এক্স-টাইম সময়ের মধ্যে পার্থক্য প্রদর্শন করে। পার্থক্য পয়েন্ট বা শতাংশ হিসাবে প্রদর্শিত হতে পারে।", "The Rainbow Moving Average (RMA) displays several moving average lines simultaneously. When the lines intersect, it’s an indicator of price reversal and the angle of the lines are helpful to predict the trend strength. The steeper the curve, the stronger the trend. When the price crosses the moving average lines from below, it signals an upward trend. When the price crosses the moving average lines from above, it signals a downward trend. The RMA is easier to use compared to using several different moving average indicators at once.": "রেইনবো মুভিং এভারেজ (RMA) একই সাথে বেশ কয়েকটি চলমান গড় লাইন প্রদর্শন করে। যখন রেখাগুলিকে ছেদ করে, তখন এটি মূল্যের বিপরীতমুখীতার একটি সূচক এবং লাইনগুলির কোণ প্রবণতা শক্তির পূর্বাভাস দিতে সহায়ক। বক্ররেখা যত বেশি হবে, প্রবণতা তত শক্তিশালী হবে। যখন মূল্য নীচে থেকে চলমান গড় লাইন অতিক্রম করে, এটি একটি ঊর্ধ্বমুখী প্রবণতাকে নির্দেশ করে। যখন মূল্য উপরে থেকে চলমান গড় লাইন অতিক্রম করে, তখন এটি নিম্নগামী প্রবণতাকে নির্দেশ করে। একই সময়ে বিভিন্ন চলমান গড় সূচক ব্যবহার করার তুলনায় RMA ব্যবহার করা সহজ।", - "The Relative Strength Index (RSI) was published by J. Welles Wilder. The current price is normalized as a percentage between 0 and 100. The name of this oscillator is misleading because it does not compare the instrument relative to another instrument or set of instruments, but rather represents the current price relative to other recent prices within the selected lookback window length.": "", + "The Relative Strength Index (RSI) was published by J. Welles Wilder. The current price is normalized as a percentage between 0 and 100. The name of this oscillator is misleading because it does not compare the instrument relative to another instrument or set of instruments, but rather represents the current price relative to other recent prices within the selected lookback window length.": "The Relative Strength Index (RSI) was published by J. Welles Wilder. The current price is normalized as a percentage between 0 and 100. The name of this oscillator is misleading because it does not compare the instrument relative to another instrument or set of instruments, but rather represents the current price relative to other recent prices within the selected lookback window length.", "The Stochastic Momentum Index (SMI) helps to identify overbought or oversold conditions in the market and to predict bearish or bullish trends. It calculates the distance between the current closing price and the median of the high/low range, and displays 2 lines on the chart: the first (known as %K) represents the price movement while the second (known as %D) is a moving average of the first line. If the closing price is higher than the median of the high/low range, the SMI returns a positive value. If the closing price is lower than the average price, a negative value is returned. Values above 40 indicate a bullish trend while values below -40 indicate a bearish trend.": "স্টকাস্টিক মোমেন্টাম ইনডেক্স (এসএমআই) বাজারে অতিরিক্ত কেনা বা বেশি বিক্রি হওয়া অবস্থা সনাক্ত করতে এবং বিয়ারিশ বা বুলিশ প্রবণতার পূর্বাভাস দিতে সহায়তা করে। এটি বর্তমান সমাপনী মূল্য এবং উচ্চ/নিম্ন পরিসরের মধ্যকার মধ্যে দূরত্ব গণনা করে এবং চার্টে 2টি লাইন প্রদর্শন করে: প্রথমটি (%K নামে পরিচিত) মূল্যের গতিবিধি উপস্থাপন করে যখন দ্বিতীয়টি (%D নামে পরিচিত) একটি প্রথম লাইনের চলমান গড়। যদি সমাপনী মূল্য উচ্চ/নিম্ন পরিসরের মধ্যমা থেকে বেশি হয়, তাহলে SMI একটি ইতিবাচক মান প্রদান করে। যদি সমাপনী মূল্য গড় মূল্যের চেয়ে কম হয়, একটি ঋণাত্মক মান ফেরত দেওয়া হয়। 40-এর উপরে মানগুলি একটি বুলিশ প্রবণতা নির্দেশ করে যখন -40-এর নীচের মানগুলি একটি বিয়ারিশ প্রবণতা নির্দেশ করে।", "Themes": "থিম", "There are no favorites yet.": "এখনও কোন প্রিয় নেই।", diff --git a/translation/de.json b/translation/de.json index 9bc2d7067..19f26d8a3 100644 --- a/translation/de.json +++ b/translation/de.json @@ -229,7 +229,7 @@ "The parabolic SAR is calculated almost independently for each trend in the price. When the price is in an uptrend, the SAR emerges below the price and converges upwards towards it. Similarly, on a downtrend, the SAR emerges above the price and converges downwards. At each step within a trend, the SAR is calculated one period in advance.": "Der parabolische SAR wird fast unabhängig für jeden Kurstrend berechnet. Wenn sich der Kurs in einem Aufwärtstrend befindet, taucht der SAR unterhalb des Kurses auf und konvergiert zu diesem nach oben. Ähnlich verhält es sich bei einem Abwärtstrend: Der SAR taucht oberhalb des Kurses auf und konvergiert nach unten. Bei jedem Schritt innerhalb eines Trends wird der SAR eine Zeitraum im Voraus berechnet.", "The Price Rate-of-Change (ROC) indicator displays the difference between the current price and the price x-time periods ago. The difference can be displayed in either points or as a percentage.": "Der Indikator Preisänderungsrate (ROC) zeigt die Differenz zwischen dem aktuellen Preis und dem Preis vor x Zeiträumen an. Die Differenz kann entweder in Punkten oder als Prozentsatz angezeigt werden.", "The Rainbow Moving Average (RMA) displays several moving average lines simultaneously. When the lines intersect, it’s an indicator of price reversal and the angle of the lines are helpful to predict the trend strength. The steeper the curve, the stronger the trend. When the price crosses the moving average lines from below, it signals an upward trend. When the price crosses the moving average lines from above, it signals a downward trend. The RMA is easier to use compared to using several different moving average indicators at once.": "Der Rainbow Moving Average (RMA) zeigt mehrere gleitende Durchschnittslinien gleichzeitig an. Wenn sich die Linien kreuzen, ist dies ein Indikator für eine Kursumkehr und der Winkel der Linien ist hilfreich, um die Trendstärke vorherzusagen. Je steiler die Kurve ist, desto stärker ist der Trend. Wenn der Kurs die gleitenden Durchschnittslinien von unten kreuzt, signalisiert dies einen Aufwärtstrend. Wenn der Kurs die gleitenden Durchschnittslinien von oben kreuzt, signalisiert er einen Abwärtstrend. Der RMA ist einfacher zu handhaben als die gleichzeitige Verwendung verschiedener gleitender Durchschnittsindikatoren.", - "The Relative Strength Index (RSI) was published by J. Welles Wilder. The current price is normalized as a percentage between 0 and 100. The name of this oscillator is misleading because it does not compare the instrument relative to another instrument or set of instruments, but rather represents the current price relative to other recent prices within the selected lookback window length.": "", + "The Relative Strength Index (RSI) was published by J. Welles Wilder. The current price is normalized as a percentage between 0 and 100. The name of this oscillator is misleading because it does not compare the instrument relative to another instrument or set of instruments, but rather represents the current price relative to other recent prices within the selected lookback window length.": "Der Relative Strength Index (RSI) wurde von J. Welles Wilder veröffentlicht. Der aktuelle Kurs wird als Prozentsatz zwischen 0 und 100 normalisiert. Der Name dieses Oszillators ist irreführend, da er das Instrument nicht im Verhältnis zu einem anderen Instrument oder einer Reihe von Instrumenten vergleicht, sondern den aktuellen Kurs im Verhältnis zu anderen jüngsten Preisen innerhalb des gewählten Rückblickfensters darstellt.", "The Stochastic Momentum Index (SMI) helps to identify overbought or oversold conditions in the market and to predict bearish or bullish trends. It calculates the distance between the current closing price and the median of the high/low range, and displays 2 lines on the chart: the first (known as %K) represents the price movement while the second (known as %D) is a moving average of the first line. If the closing price is higher than the median of the high/low range, the SMI returns a positive value. If the closing price is lower than the average price, a negative value is returned. Values above 40 indicate a bullish trend while values below -40 indicate a bearish trend.": "Der Stochastik-Momentum-Index (SMI) hilft dabei, überkaufte oder überverkaufte Marktbedingungen zu erkennen und bärische oder bullische Trends vorherzusagen. Er berechnet den Abstand zwischen dem aktuellen Schlusskurs und dem Median der Hoch-/Tiefspanne und zeigt zwei Linien auf dem Diagramm an: Die erste (bekannt als %K) stellt die Kursbewegung dar, während die zweite (bekannt als %D) ein gleitender Durchschnitt der ersten Linie ist. Liegt der Schlusskurs über dem Median der Hoch-/Tiefspanne, liefert der SMI einen positiven Wert. Liegt der Schlusskurs unter dem Durchschnittskurs, wird ein negativer Wert zurückgegeben. Werte über 40 deuten auf einen Aufwärtstrend hin, Werte unter -40 auf einen Abwärtstrend.", "Themes": "Themen", "There are no favorites yet.": "Noch gibt es keine Favoriten.", diff --git a/translation/es.json b/translation/es.json index 3efe1a1f0..e33301b83 100644 --- a/translation/es.json +++ b/translation/es.json @@ -229,7 +229,7 @@ "The parabolic SAR is calculated almost independently for each trend in the price. When the price is in an uptrend, the SAR emerges below the price and converges upwards towards it. Similarly, on a downtrend, the SAR emerges above the price and converges downwards. At each step within a trend, the SAR is calculated one period in advance.": "El SAR parabólico se calcula casi de manera independiente para cada tendencia en el precio. Cuando el precio está al alza, el SAR aparece debajo del precio y converge con él de manera ascendente. De manera similar, en una tendencia bajista, el SAR aparece por encima del precio y converge con él de manera descendente. En cada paso dentro de una tendencia, el SAR se calcula con un periodo de anticipación.", "The Price Rate-of-Change (ROC) indicator displays the difference between the current price and the price x-time periods ago. The difference can be displayed in either points or as a percentage.": "El indicador de tasa de cambio de precio (ROC, del inglés Rate-Of-Change) muestra la diferencia entre el precio actual y el precio de x períodos atrás. La diferencia se puede mostrar en puntos o como porcentaje.", "The Rainbow Moving Average (RMA) displays several moving average lines simultaneously. When the lines intersect, it’s an indicator of price reversal and the angle of the lines are helpful to predict the trend strength. The steeper the curve, the stronger the trend. When the price crosses the moving average lines from below, it signals an upward trend. When the price crosses the moving average lines from above, it signals a downward trend. The RMA is easier to use compared to using several different moving average indicators at once.": "La Media Móvil Arcoiris (RMA) muestra varias líneas de media móvil simultáneamente. Cuando las líneas se cruzan, es un indicador de reversión de precios y el ángulo de las líneas es útil para predecir la fuerza de la tendencia. Cuanto más empinada es la curva, más fuerte es la tendencia. Cuando el precio cruza las líneas de media móvil desde abajo, indica una tendencia alcista. Cuando el precio cruza las líneas de la media móvil desde arriba, indica una tendencia bajista. La RMA es más fácil de usar en comparación con el uso de varios indicadores diferentes de media móvil a la vez.", - "The Relative Strength Index (RSI) was published by J. Welles Wilder. The current price is normalized as a percentage between 0 and 100. The name of this oscillator is misleading because it does not compare the instrument relative to another instrument or set of instruments, but rather represents the current price relative to other recent prices within the selected lookback window length.": "", + "The Relative Strength Index (RSI) was published by J. Welles Wilder. The current price is normalized as a percentage between 0 and 100. The name of this oscillator is misleading because it does not compare the instrument relative to another instrument or set of instruments, but rather represents the current price relative to other recent prices within the selected lookback window length.": "The Relative Strength Index (RSI) was published by J. Welles Wilder. The current price is normalized as a percentage between 0 and 100. The name of this oscillator is misleading because it does not compare the instrument relative to another instrument or set of instruments, but rather represents the current price relative to other recent prices within the selected lookback window length.", "The Stochastic Momentum Index (SMI) helps to identify overbought or oversold conditions in the market and to predict bearish or bullish trends. It calculates the distance between the current closing price and the median of the high/low range, and displays 2 lines on the chart: the first (known as %K) represents the price movement while the second (known as %D) is a moving average of the first line. If the closing price is higher than the median of the high/low range, the SMI returns a positive value. If the closing price is lower than the average price, a negative value is returned. Values above 40 indicate a bullish trend while values below -40 indicate a bearish trend.": "El Índice de Momentum Estocástico (SMI) ayuda a identificar condiciones de sobrecompra o sobreventa en el mercado y predecir tendencias bajistas o alcistas. Calcula la distancia entre el precio de cierre actual y la mediana del rango alto / bajo, y muestra 2 líneas en el gráfico: la primera (conocida como %K) representa el movimiento del precio, mientras que la segunda (conocida como %D) es un media móvil de la primera línea. Si el precio de cierre es más alto que la mediana del rango alto / bajo, el SMI devuelve un valor positivo. Si el precio de cierre es inferior al precio promedio, se devuelve un valor negativo. Los valores superiores a 40 indican una tendencia alcista, mientras que los valores inferiores a -40 indican una tendencia bajista.", "Themes": "Temas", "There are no favorites yet.": "No hay favoritos cargados.", diff --git a/translation/fr.json b/translation/fr.json index 33b5828ba..22b03c93e 100644 --- a/translation/fr.json +++ b/translation/fr.json @@ -229,7 +229,7 @@ "The parabolic SAR is calculated almost independently for each trend in the price. When the price is in an uptrend, the SAR emerges below the price and converges upwards towards it. Similarly, on a downtrend, the SAR emerges above the price and converges downwards. At each step within a trend, the SAR is calculated one period in advance.": "L'indicateur parabolic SAR est calculé presque indépendamment pour chaque tendance de prix. Lorsque la tendance de prix est haussière, le SAR émerge d'en dessous du prix et converge à la hausse vers celui-ci. De même, en cas de tendance baissière, la SAR émerge au-dessus du prix et converge à la baisse. À chaque étape au cours d'une tendance, le SAR est calculé une période à l'avance.", "The Price Rate-of-Change (ROC) indicator displays the difference between the current price and the price x-time periods ago. The difference can be displayed in either points or as a percentage.": "L'indicateur ROC (Rate of Change) affiche la différence entre le cours actuel et le cours des n périodes précédentes. Cette différence peut être affichée en points ou en pourcentage.", "The Rainbow Moving Average (RMA) displays several moving average lines simultaneously. When the lines intersect, it’s an indicator of price reversal and the angle of the lines are helpful to predict the trend strength. The steeper the curve, the stronger the trend. When the price crosses the moving average lines from below, it signals an upward trend. When the price crosses the moving average lines from above, it signals a downward trend. The RMA is easier to use compared to using several different moving average indicators at once.": "La moyenne mobile arc-en-ciel (RMA) affiche plusieurs lignes de moyenne mobile à la fois. Lorsque ces lignes se croisent, cela indique une inversion de prix et l'angle des lignes aide à prédire la force de la tendance. Plus la courbe est raide, plus la tendance est forte. Lorsque le prix franchit les lignes moyennes mobiles par le bas, cela signale une tendance à la hausse. Lorsque le prix franchit les lignes moyennes mobiles d'en haut, cela signale une tendance à la baisse. Il est plus pratique d'utiliser la RMA plutôt que plusieurs indicateurs de moyenne mobile différents à la fois.", - "The Relative Strength Index (RSI) was published by J. Welles Wilder. The current price is normalized as a percentage between 0 and 100. The name of this oscillator is misleading because it does not compare the instrument relative to another instrument or set of instruments, but rather represents the current price relative to other recent prices within the selected lookback window length.": "", + "The Relative Strength Index (RSI) was published by J. Welles Wilder. The current price is normalized as a percentage between 0 and 100. The name of this oscillator is misleading because it does not compare the instrument relative to another instrument or set of instruments, but rather represents the current price relative to other recent prices within the selected lookback window length.": "L'indice de force relative (RSI) a été publié par J. Welles Wilder. Le cours actuel est normalisé en pourcentage entre 0 et 100. Le nom de cet oscillateur est trompeur car il ne compare pas l'instrument par rapport à un autre instrument ou un ensemble d'instruments, mais représente plutôt le cours actuel par rapport à d'autres prix récents à l'intérieur de la longueur de la fenêtre de retour sélectionnée.", "The Stochastic Momentum Index (SMI) helps to identify overbought or oversold conditions in the market and to predict bearish or bullish trends. It calculates the distance between the current closing price and the median of the high/low range, and displays 2 lines on the chart: the first (known as %K) represents the price movement while the second (known as %D) is a moving average of the first line. If the closing price is higher than the median of the high/low range, the SMI returns a positive value. If the closing price is lower than the average price, a negative value is returned. Values above 40 indicate a bullish trend while values below -40 indicate a bearish trend.": "L'indice de momentum stochastique (SMI) aide à identifier les conditions de surachat ou de survente sur le marché et à prédire les tendances baissières ou haussières. Il calcule la distance entre le cours de clôture actuel et la médiane de la fourchette high/low, et affiche 2 lignes sur le graphique : la première (connue sous le nom de %K) représente le mouvement des prix, tandis que la seconde (connue sous le nom de %D) est une moyenne mobile de la première ligne. Si le cours de clôture est supérieur à la médiane de la fourchette high/low, le SMI renvoie une valeur positive. Si le cours de clôture est inférieur au prix moyen, il renvoie une valeur négative. Les valeurs supérieures à 40 indiquent une tendance haussière tandis que les valeurs inférieures à -40 indiquent une tendance baissière.", "Themes": "Thèmes", "There are no favorites yet.": "Il n’y a pas encore de favoris.", diff --git a/translation/it.json b/translation/it.json index 69d7bda84..7f0cc0240 100644 --- a/translation/it.json +++ b/translation/it.json @@ -229,7 +229,7 @@ "The parabolic SAR is calculated almost independently for each trend in the price. When the price is in an uptrend, the SAR emerges below the price and converges upwards towards it. Similarly, on a downtrend, the SAR emerges above the price and converges downwards. At each step within a trend, the SAR is calculated one period in advance.": "Il SAR parabolico è calcolato quasi indipendentemente per ogni trend nel prezzo. Quando il prezzo rappresenta un trend in rialzo, il SAR si alza dal basso e si sposta verso l'alto in direzione del prezzo. Allo stesso modo, con trend al ribasso, il SAR rientra sotto il prezzo e si sposta verso il basso. Per ogni passaggio all'interno di un trend, il SAR viene calcolato con un periodo di anticipo.", "The Price Rate-of-Change (ROC) indicator displays the difference between the current price and the price x-time periods ago. The difference can be displayed in either points or as a percentage.": "L'indicatore Rate-of-Change (ROC) indica la differenza tra il prezzo corrente e il prezzo di x periodi prima. La differenza può essere espressa in punti o in percentuale.", "The Rainbow Moving Average (RMA) displays several moving average lines simultaneously. When the lines intersect, it’s an indicator of price reversal and the angle of the lines are helpful to predict the trend strength. The steeper the curve, the stronger the trend. When the price crosses the moving average lines from below, it signals an upward trend. When the price crosses the moving average lines from above, it signals a downward trend. The RMA is easier to use compared to using several different moving average indicators at once.": "La media mobile arcobaleno (RMA) riporta più linee di media mobile contemporaneamente. L'intersezione delle linee è un indicatore dell'inversione del prezzo, e gli angoli delle linee aiutano a prevedere la forza del trend: una curva più ripida corrisponde a un trend più forte. Quando il prezzo attraversa le linee della media mobile dal basso, indica un trend in rialzo; quando invece il prezzo attraversa le linee della media mobile dall'alto, indica un trend al ribasso. L'RMA è più facile da usare rispetto a vari indicatori di media mobile utilizzati contemporaneamente.", - "The Relative Strength Index (RSI) was published by J. Welles Wilder. The current price is normalized as a percentage between 0 and 100. The name of this oscillator is misleading because it does not compare the instrument relative to another instrument or set of instruments, but rather represents the current price relative to other recent prices within the selected lookback window length.": "", + "The Relative Strength Index (RSI) was published by J. Welles Wilder. The current price is normalized as a percentage between 0 and 100. The name of this oscillator is misleading because it does not compare the instrument relative to another instrument or set of instruments, but rather represents the current price relative to other recent prices within the selected lookback window length.": "L'indice di forza relativa (RSI) venne diffuso da J. Welles Wilder. Il prezzo corrente è normalizzato come percentuale compresa tra 0 e 100. Il nome dell'oscillatore è fuorviante perché non mette a confronto lo strumento rispetto a un altro strumento o a un set di strumenti, bensì rappresenta il prezzo corrente rispetto ad altri prezzi recenti all'interno della finestra di opzioni retrospettive selezionate.", "The Stochastic Momentum Index (SMI) helps to identify overbought or oversold conditions in the market and to predict bearish or bullish trends. It calculates the distance between the current closing price and the median of the high/low range, and displays 2 lines on the chart: the first (known as %K) represents the price movement while the second (known as %D) is a moving average of the first line. If the closing price is higher than the median of the high/low range, the SMI returns a positive value. If the closing price is lower than the average price, a negative value is returned. Values above 40 indicate a bullish trend while values below -40 indicate a bearish trend.": "L'indice di momentum stocastico (SMI) contribuisce a identificare condizioni di ipervendita o iperacquisto nel mercato, e a prevedere trend ribassisti o rialzisti. Calcola la distanza tra il prezzo di chiusura corrente e la mediana del range massimo/minimo, e mostra 2 linee sul grafico: la prima (nota come %K) rappresenta il movimento del prezzo, mentre la seconda (nota come %D) è una media mobile della prima linea. Se il prezzo di chiusura è maggiore della mediana del range massimo/minimo, l'SMI restituisce un valore positivo. Se il prezzo di chiusura è inferiore al prezzo medio, viene restituito un valore negativo. I valori sopra 40 indicano un trend rialzista, mentre i valori inferiori a -40 indicano un trend rialzista.", "Themes": "Temi", "There are no favorites yet.": "Non sono ancora stati aggiunti preferiti.", diff --git a/translation/km.json b/translation/km.json index 628bd6002..8b9f919bf 100644 --- a/translation/km.json +++ b/translation/km.json @@ -1,34 +1,34 @@ { "-DI": "-DI", - "[symbol] feed is delayed by [delay] minutes": "[symbol] ផ្សាយត្រូវបានពន្យាពេលដោយ [delay] នាទី", - "[symbol] market is now opened.": "[symbol] ទីផ្សារបើកហើយ.", - "[symbol] market is presently closed.": "[symbol] ទីផ្សារបច្ចុប្បន្នត្រូវបានបិទ.", + "[symbol] feed is delayed by [delay] minutes": "[symbol] បង្ហាញព័ត៌មានត្រូវបានពន្យារពេល [delay] នាទី។", + "[symbol] market is now opened.": "[symbol] ឥឡូវនេះទីផ្សារត្រូវបានបើកដំណើរការហើយ។", + "[symbol] market is presently closed.": "[symbol] ឥឡូវនេះទីផ្សារត្រូវបានបិទដំណើរការ។", "+DI": "+DI", "2-Exponential": "2-Exponential", "3-Exponential": "3-Exponential", - "A technical momentum indicator that compares a security's closing price to its price range over a given time period. The oscillator's sensitivity to market movements can be reduced by adjusting the time period or by taking a moving average of the result.": "សូចនាករចលនាបច្ចេកទេសមួយដែលប្រៀបធៀបតម្លៃបិទនៃសន្តិសុខជាមួយជួរតម្លៃរបស់វាក្នុងរយៈពេលមួយ. ភាពប្រតិកម្មនៃសូចនាករទៅនឹងចលនាទីផ្សារអាចត្រូវបានកាត់បន្ថយដោយកំណត់រយៈពេលឬដោយយកមធ្យមចលនានៃលទ្ធផល.", + "A technical momentum indicator that compares a security's closing price to its price range over a given time period. The oscillator's sensitivity to market movements can be reduced by adjusting the time period or by taking a moving average of the result.": "សូចនាករសន្ទុះបច្ចេកទេស (technical momentum indicator) ដែលប្រៀបធៀបតម្លៃបិទរបស់មូលបត្រទៅនឹងជួរតម្លៃរបស់វាក្នុងរយៈពេលដែលបានផ្តល់ឱ្យ។ ការឆ្លើយតបរបស់លំយោលចំពោះចលនាទីផ្សារអាចត្រូវបានកាត់បន្ថយដោយការកែតម្រូវរយៈពេល ឬដោយប្រើការផ្លាស់ប្តូរលទ្ធផលជាមធ្យម។", "Active": "សកម្ម", "Add": "បន្ថែម", - "Add new template": "បន្ថែមពុម្ពថ្មី", - "Add new templates": "បន្ថែមពុម្ពថ្មី", + "Add new template": "បន្ថែមគំរូថ្មី", + "Add new templates": "បន្ថែមគំរូថ្មី", "ADX": "ADX", "ADX/DMS": "ADX/DMS", - "All drawings": "គ្រប់គំនូរ", + "All drawings": "គំនូរទាំងអស់", "Alligator": "Alligator", - "already exists.": "មានរួចហើយ.", - "Are you sure?": "តើអ្នកច្បាស់ទេ?", + "already exists.": "មានរួចហើយ។", + "Are you sure?": "តើ​អ្នក​ប្រាកដ​ឬ​អត់?", "Area": "តំបន់", "Aroon": "Aroon", "Aroon Down": "Aroon Down", "Aroon Up": "Aroon Up", - "Available only for \\\"Area\\\" chart type.": "មានសម្រាប់ប្រភេទតារាង \\\"តំបន់\\\" ប៉ុណ្ណោះ.", - "Available only for non-tick time intervals.": "មានសម្រាប់រយៈពេលដែលមិនមែនជាតិចប៉ុណ្ណោះ.", + "Available only for \\\"Area\\\" chart type.": "ប្រើបានសម្រាប់តែប្រភេទគំនូសតាង \\\"តំបន់\\\" ប៉ុណ្ណោះ។", + "Available only for non-tick time intervals.": "អាចប្រើបានសម្រាប់ចន្លោះពេលបែប non-tick តែប៉ុណ្ណោះ។", "Awesome": "Awesome", "Awesome Oscillator": "Awesome Oscillator", - "Axis Label": "ស្លាកអ័ក្ស", + "Axis Label": "ស្លាកសញ្ញាអ័ក្ស", "Base Line": "បន្ទាត់មូលដ្ឋាន", "Base Line Period": "រយៈពេលបន្ទាត់មូលដ្ឋាន", - "Bill Williams introduced the Alligator indicator in 1995. The Alligator is as much a metaphor as it is an indicator. It consists of three lines, overlaid on a pricing chart, that represent the jaw, the teeth and the lips of the beast, and was created to help the trader confirm the presence of a trend and its direction. The Alligator indicator can also help traders designate impulse and corrective wave formations, but the tool works best when combined with a momentum indicator.": "Bill Williams បានណែនាំសូចនាករជ្រាបព្រៃនៅឆ្នាំ 1995. ជ្រាបព្រៃគឺជាប្រដាប់ឧបមាមួយដែលមានតម្លៃប៉ុន្នោះទេ។ វាបានបង្កើតឡើងដើម្បីជួយឱ្យអ្នកជំនួញបញ្ជាក់នូវការស្នាក់នៅនៃទំនើងនិងទិសដៅរបស់វា។ សូចនាករជ្រាបព្រៃក៏អាចជួយអ្នកជំនួញកំណត់អត្ថបរមានិងកាក្រាបកែលម្អ, ប៉ុន្តែឧបករណ៍នេះធ្វើការល្អបំផុតនៅពេលបញ្ចូលជាមួយសូចនាករចលនា.", + "Bill Williams introduced the Alligator indicator in 1995. The Alligator is as much a metaphor as it is an indicator. It consists of three lines, overlaid on a pricing chart, that represent the jaw, the teeth and the lips of the beast, and was created to help the trader confirm the presence of a trend and its direction. The Alligator indicator can also help traders designate impulse and corrective wave formations, but the tool works best when combined with a momentum indicator.": "លោក Bill Williams បានណែនាំសូចនាករបច្ចេកទេសដែលមានឈ្មោះថា Alligator ក្នុងឆ្នាំ 1995។ Alligator គឺជាសូចនាករដែលមានបីបន្ទាត់ ត្រួតលើគ្នានៅលើតារាងតម្លៃ ដែលតំណាងឱ្យថ្គាម ធ្មេញ និងបបូរមាត់របស់សត្វ ហើយត្រូវបានបង្កើតឡើងដើម្បីជួយពាណិជ្ជករឬអ្នកជួញដូរបញ្ជាក់ពីវត្តមាននៃនិន្នាការ និងទិសដៅរបស់វា។ សូចនាករ Alligator ក៏អាចជួយអ្នកជួញដូរកំណត់ការបង្កើតរលកឡើង (Impulse Wave) និងរលកចុះ (Correvtive Wave) ផងដែរ ប៉ុន្តែឧបករណ៍ដំណើរការបានល្អបំផុតនៅពេលប្រើរួមជាមួយសូចនាករសន្ទុះ។", "Bollinger Bands": "Bollinger Bands", "Bollinger Bands Bottom": "Bollinger Bands Bottom", "Bollinger Bands can be used to measure the highness or lowness of the price relative to previous trades.": "Bollinger Bands អាចត្រូវបានប្រើដើម្បីវាស់ស្ទង់នូវតម្លៃខ្ពស់ឬទាបទាក់ទងនឹងការជួញដូរប្រចាំ.", @@ -38,99 +38,99 @@ "Candle": "ទៀន", "CCI": "CCI", "Channel [num]": "ឆានែល [num]", - "Channel Fill": "បំពេញប៉ុស្តិ៍", - "Chart data is not available for this symbol.": "ទិន្នន័យតារាងមិនអាចប្រើបានសម្រាប់និមិត្តសញ្ញានេះ.", - "Chart types": "ប្រភេទតារាង", - "Charts": "តារាង", - "Clear all": "ជម្រះទាំងអស់", + "Channel Fill": "បំពេញឆានែល", + "Chart data is not available for this symbol.": "មិនមានទិន្នន័យគំនូសតាងសម្រាប់និមិត្តសញ្ញានេះទេ។", + "Chart types": "ប្រភេទគំនូសតាង", + "Charts": "គំនូសតាង", + "Clear all": "លុបចេញ​ទាំងអស់", "Close": "បិទ", - "CLOSED": "បានបិទ", + "CLOSED": "បិទហើយ", "Color": "ពណ៌", "Commodity Channel Index": "Commodity Channel Index", "Continue": "បន្ត", "Continuous [num]": "បន្តបន្ទាប់ [num]", "Conversion Line": "បន្ទាត់បម្លែង", - "Conversion Line Period": "រយៈពេលបន្ទាត់បម្លែង", + "Conversion Line Period": "រយៈ​ពេល​នៃ​បន្ទាត់​បំប្លែង", "CSV": "CSV", "Dark": "ងងឹត", "day": "ថ្ងៃ", "days": "ថ្ងៃ", - "Decreasing Bar": "បារៈកំពុងធ្លាក់", + "Decreasing Bar": "របារថយចុះ", "Detrended": "Detrended", "Detrended Price Oscillator": "Detrended Price Oscillator", - "Developed by Larry Williams, Williams %R is a momentum indicator that is the inverse of the Fast Stochastic Oscillator. Also referred to as %R, Williams %R reflects the level of the close relative to the highest high for the look-back period.": "ការអភិវឌ្ឍដោយ Larry Williams, Williams %R គឺជាសូចនាករចលនាមួយដែលជាការប្រែប្រួលនៃសូចនាករស្តុកស្ទូឡាកទ្វេដង។ វាក៏ត្រូវបានសម្គាល់ថាជា %R, Williams %R បញ្ចាំងនូវកម្រិតនៃការបិទទាក់ទងនឹងកម្រិតខ្ពស់បំផុតសម្រាប់រយៈពេលមើលក្រោយ។", - "Developed by Tushar Chande in 1995, Aroon is an indicator system that determines whether a stock is trending or not and how strong the trend is. There are two separate indicators: Aroon-Up and Aroon-Down. A 25-day Aroon-Up measures the number of days since a 25-day high. A 25-day Aroon-Down measures the number of days since a 25-day low.": "បានអភិវឌ្ឍដោយ Tushar Chande ក្នុងឆ្នាំ 1995, Aroon គឺជាប្រព័ន្ធសូចនាករដែលកំណត់ថាគុណភាពមួយកំពុងស្ថិតក្នុងនិន្នាការឬមិនទាន់ហើយក៏កំដៅនៃនិន្នាការគឺរឹងប៉ុនណា។ មានសេចក្ដីសូចនាករចំនួនពីរ: Aroon លើនិង Aroon ចុះ។ Aroon លើចំនួន 25 ថ្ងៃវាស់នូវចំនួនថ្ងៃចាប់តាំងពីកំពស់ 25 ថ្ងៃ។ Aroon ចុះចំនួន 25 ថ្ងៃវាស់នូវចំនួនថ្ងៃចាប់តាំងពីទាប 25 ថ្ងៃ។", - "Display data for a specific date and time": "បង្ហាញទិន្នន័យសម្រាប់កាលបរិច្ឆេទនិងម៉ោងជាក់លាក់", - "Display remaining time for each interval": "បង្ហាញរយៈពេលនៅសល់សម្រាប់គ្រប់ចន្លោះ", - "Display the highest and lowest spot price": "បង្ហាញតម្លៃខ្ពស់បំផុតនិងទាបបំផុត", + "Developed by Larry Williams, Williams %R is a momentum indicator that is the inverse of the Fast Stochastic Oscillator. Also referred to as %R, Williams %R reflects the level of the close relative to the highest high for the look-back period.": "សូចនាករ Williams %R ដែលត្រូវបានបង្កើតឡើងដោយ Larry Williams គឺជាសូចនាករបច្ចេកទេសផ្អែកលើសន្ទុះ (momentum) ផ្ទុយទៅនឹងសូចនាករដ៏ពេញនិយមដែលហៅថា Fast Stochastic Oscillator ។ លើសពីនេះ សូចនាករក៏ត្រូវបានគេហៅថា %R Williams %R ឆ្លុះបញ្ចាំងពីកម្រិតតម្លៃបិទដែលទាក់ទងនឹងកម្រិតតម្លៃខ្ពស់បំផុតនៃរយៈពេលជួញដូរបែបមើលត្រឡប់មកវិញ។", + "Developed by Tushar Chande in 1995, Aroon is an indicator system that determines whether a stock is trending or not and how strong the trend is. There are two separate indicators: Aroon-Up and Aroon-Down. A 25-day Aroon-Up measures the number of days since a 25-day high. A 25-day Aroon-Down measures the number of days since a 25-day low.": "សូចនាករ Aroon ដែលត្រូវបានបង្កើតឡើងដោយ Tushar Chande ក្នុងឆ្នាំ 1995 គឺជាប្រព័ន្ធសូចនាករដែលកំណត់ថាតើ តើ​ភាគហ៊ុន​មាន​និន្នាការឬអត់ ​ហើយមាន​និន្នាការ​ខ្លាំង​ប៉ុណ្ណា។ ប្រព័ន្ធនេះមានសូចនាករពីរដាច់ដោយឡែកពីគ្នា៖ Aroon-Up និង Aroon-Down ។ សូចនាករ Aroon-Up 25 ថ្ងៃវាស់ចំនួនថ្ងៃចាប់តាំងពីមានតម្លៃកម្រិតខ្ពស់រយៈពេល 25 ថ្ងៃ។ ហើយសូចនាករ Aroon-Down 25 ថ្ងៃនោះវាស់ចំនួនថ្ងៃចាប់តាំងពីមានតម្លៃទាបរយៈពេល 25 ថ្ងៃ។", + "Display data for a specific date and time": "បង្ហាញទិន្នន័យសម្រាប់កាលបរិច្ឆេទ និងពេលវេលាជាក់លាក់មួយ។", + "Display remaining time for each interval": "បង្ហាញពេលវេលាដែលនៅសល់សម្រាប់ចន្លោះពេលនីមួយៗ", + "Display the highest and lowest spot price": "បង្ហាញតម្លៃចំណុចខ្ពស់បំផុត និងទាបបំផុត", "Distance(%)": "ចម្ងាយ(%)", - "Don't show price info on chart": "កុំបង្ហាញព័ត៌មានតម្លៃលើតារាង", + "Don't show price info on chart": "កុំបង្ហាញព័ត៌មានតម្លៃនៅលើគំនូសតាង", "Donchian Channel": "Donchian Channel", - "Donchian High": "ប៉ុស្តិ៍ Donchian ខ្ពស់", - "Donchian Low": "ប៉ុស្តិ៍ Donchian ទាប", - "Donchian Median": "កណ្ដាលប៉ុស្តិ៍ Donchian", + "Donchian High": "Donchian High", + "Donchian Low": "Donchian Low", + "Donchian Median": "Donchian Median", "Done": "រួចរាល់", - "Double Smoothing Period": "រយៈពេលស្មើស្អាតពីរដង", + "Double Smoothing Period": "រយៈពេលរលោងទ្វេដង", "Download": "ទាញយក", "Drawing tools": "ឧបករណ៍គំនូរ", "Exponential": "Exponential", "Fast": "លឿន", "Fast MA Period": "រយៈពេល MA លឿន", - "Favorites": "ចំណង់ចំណូលចិត្ត", + "Favorites": "ចំណូលចិត្ត", "Fib Fan [num]": "Fib Fan [num]", - "Field": "វាល", + "Field": "ចន្លោះ", "Fill Color": "បំពេញពណ៌", "Fractal Channel": "Fractal Channel", "Fractal Chaos Band": "Fractal Chaos Band", "Fractal High": "Fractal High", "Fractal Low": "Fractal Low", - "Fractals are indicators on candlestick charts that identify reversal points in the market. Traders often use fractals to get an idea about the direction in which the price will develop. A fractal will form when a particular price pattern happens on a chart.": "Fractals គឺជាសេចក្ដីសំគាល់លើតារាងទៀនដែលកំណត់ចំណុចបញ្ច្រាសនៅក្នុងទីផ្សារ។ អ្នកជំនួញតែងតែប្រើ fractals ដើម្បីទទួលបានគំនិតអំពីទិសដៅនៃតម្លៃនឹងអភិវឌ្ឍ។ Fractal នឹងកើតឡើងនៅពេលដែលមានលំនាំតម្លៃមួយកើតឡើងលើតារាង។", + "Fractals are indicators on candlestick charts that identify reversal points in the market. Traders often use fractals to get an idea about the direction in which the price will develop. A fractal will form when a particular price pattern happens on a chart.": "Fractals គឺជាសូចនាករនៅលើគំនូសតាងជើងទៀនដែលជួយកំណត់ចំណុចត្រលប់នៅក្នុងទីផ្សារ។ អ្នកជួញដូរជាញឹកញាប់ប្រើ Fractal ដើម្បីទទួលបានគំនិតអំពីទិសដៅនៃតម្លៃដែលនឹងកើតឡើង។ ដោយ Fractal នឹងបង្កើតនៅពេលដែលគំរូតម្លៃជាក់លាក់មួយកើតឡើងនៅលើគំនូសតាង។", "H": "H", - "High": "ខ្ពស់", + "High": "High", "High Period": "រយៈពេលខ្ពស់", "Highest and lowest spot": "ចំណុចខ្ពស់បំផុតនិងទាបបំផុត", - "Histogram": "សៀគ្វី", - "Historical data mode": "របៀបទិន្នន័យប្រវត្តិសាស្រ្ត", + "Histogram": "អ៊ីស្តូក្រាម", + "Historical data mode": "រូបបែបទិន្នន័យប្រវត្តិសាស្ត្រ", "Hl/2": "Hl/2", "Hlc/3": "Hlc/3", "Hlcc/4": "Hlcc/4", - "Hollow": "ទទេ", + "Hollow": "ប្រហោង", "Horizontal [num]": "ផ្តេក [num]", "hour": "ម៉ោង", "hours": "ម៉ោង", - "Hull": "ហូឡ", + "Hull": "Hull", "Ichimoku Clouds": "Ichimoku Clouds", - "Increasing Bar": "បារកំពុងកើនឡើង", + "Increasing Bar": "របារកើនឡើង", "Indicators": "សូចនាករ", - "Interval duration": "រយៈពេលចន្លោះ", + "Interval duration": "ចន្លោះរយៈពេល", "Jaw": "ថ្គាម", "Jaw Offset": "ថ្គាមអុហ្វសិត", - "Jaw Period": "រយៈពេលថ្គាម", + "Jaw Period": "ចន្លោះតម្លៃ​មធ្យម Jaw", "L": "L", - "Lagging Span": "ជួរថយក្រោយ", - "Lagging Span Period": "រយៈពេលជួរថយក្រោយ", + "Lagging Span": "ចន្លោះពេលយឺតយ៉ាវ", + "Lagging Span Period": "ចន្លោះរយៈពេលនៃការយឺតយ៉ាវ", "Language": "ភាសា", - "Last digits stats for latest 1000 ticks on": "ស្ថិតិលេខចុងក្រោយសម្រាប់ 1000 ticks ចុងក្រោយបំផុតនៅលើ", - "Leading Span A": "ជួរកំពូល A", - "Leading Span B": "ជួរកំពូល B", - "Leading Span B Period": "រយៈពេលជួរកំពូល B", - "Light": "ស្រាល", + "Last digits stats for latest 1000 ticks on": "ស្ថិតិលេខចុងក្រោយសម្រាប់ចំណុច Tick ចំនួន 1000 ចំណុចចុងក្រោយបំផុតនៅលើ", + "Leading Span A": "បន្ទាត់តម្លៃមធ្យម Leading Span A", + "Leading Span B": "បន្ទាត់តម្លៃមធ្យម Leading Span B", + "Leading Span B Period": "ចន្លោះបន្ទាត់តម្លៃមធ្យម Leading Span B", + "Light": "ពណ៌ស្រាល", "Line [num]": "បន្ទាត់ [num]", - "Lips": "បបូរមាត់", - "Lips Offset": "ការបញ្ជាទាញបបូរមាត់", - "Lips Period": "រយៈពេលបបូរមាត់", - "Low": "ទាប", + "Lips": "តម្លៃមធ្យម Lips", + "Lips Offset": "សំណងតម្លៃមធ្យម Lips", + "Lips Period": "ចន្លោះតម្លៃមធ្យម Lips", + "Low": "Low (ចំណុចតម្លៃទាប)", "Low Period": "រយៈពេលទាប", "MA": "MA", - "MA Env": "MA Env លើ", + "MA Env": "MA Env", "MA Env Bottom": "MA Env ខាងក្រោម", "MA Env Median": "MA Env កណ្ដាល", - "MA Env Top": "MA Env លើ", + "MA Env Top": "MA Env ខាងលើ", "MACD": "MACD", - "MACD is a trading indicator used in technical analysis of stock prices. It is supposed to reveal changes in the strength, direction, momentum, and duration of a trend in a stock's price.": "MACD គឺជាសេចក្ដីសំគាល់ជួញដូរដែលត្រូវបានប្រើនៅក្នុងការវិភាគបច្ចេកទេសនៃតម្លៃភាគហ៊ុន។ វាត្រូវបានគេគិតថាបង្ហាញការផ្លាស់ប្តូរក្នុងកំលាំង ទិសដៅ ចលនា និងរយៈពេលនៃនិន្នាការក្នុងតម្លៃភាគហ៊ុន។", + "MACD is a trading indicator used in technical analysis of stock prices. It is supposed to reveal changes in the strength, direction, momentum, and duration of a trend in a stock's price.": "MACD គឺជាសូចនាករជួញដូរដែលប្រើក្នុងការវិភាគបច្ចេកទេសនៃតម្លៃភាគហ៊ុន។ វាត្រូវបានសន្មត់ថានឹងបង្ហាញពីការផ្លាស់ប្តូរកម្លាំង ទិសដៅ សន្ទុះ និងរយៈពេលនៃនិន្នាការតម្លៃភាគហ៊ុន។", "Markets": "ទីផ្សារ", "Maximum AF": "AF អតិបរិមា", - "Minimum AF": "AF អប្បរិមា", + "Minimum AF": "តម្លៃ AF អប្បរិមា", "minute": "នាទី", "minutes": "នាទី", "Momentum": "Momentum", @@ -138,26 +138,26 @@ "Moving Average Envelope": "Moving Average Envelope", "Moving Average Type": "ប្រភេទ Movin Average", "Moving averages": "Moving averages", - "Negative Bar": "បារៈអវិជ្ជមាន", + "Negative Bar": "របារអវិជ្ជមាន", "Network status": "ស្ថានភាពបណ្ដាញ", "No results for": "គ្មានលទ្ធផលសម្រាប់", - "Offset": "ការបញ្ជាទាញ", + "Offset": "សំណង", "OHLC": "OHLC", "Ohlc/4": "Ohlc/4", - "Only selected charts and time intervals are available for this trade type.": "គ្រាន់តែតារាងដែលបានជ្រើសរើសនិងចន្លោះពេលត្រូវបានអនុញ្ញាតសម្រាប់ប្រភេទពាណិជ្ជកម្មនេះ។", + "Only selected charts and time intervals are available for this trade type.": "មានតែគំនូសតាង និងចន្លោះពេលដែលបានជ្រើសរើសប៉ុណ្ណោះដែលប្រើប្រាស់បានសម្រាប់ប្រភេទការជួញដូរនេះ។", "Open": "បើក", - "Opens in:": "បើកក្នុង:", + "Opens in:": "បើកក្នុង៖", "Others": "ផ្សេងៗ", - "OverBought": "លក់មិនអាចទិញ", - "OverSold": "លក់ជាងកំណត់", - "Overwrite": "សរសេរលើវិញ", + "OverBought": "ទិញលើស", + "OverSold": "លក់លើស", + "Overwrite": "សរសេរជាន់គ្នា", "Parabolic SAR": "Parabolic SAR", "Percent": "ភាគរយ", "Period": "រយៈពេល", "Platform settings": "ការកំណត់វេទិកា", "PNG": "PNG", "Point": "ចំណុច", - "Positive Bar": "បារអវិជ្ជមាន", + "Positive Bar": "របារវិជ្ជមាន", "Price Rate of Change": "Price Rate of Change", "Price ROC": "តម្លៃ ROC", "PSAR": "PSAR", @@ -168,32 +168,32 @@ "Relative Strength Index (RSI)": "Relative Strength Index (RSI)", "Reset": "កំណត់ឡើងវិញ", "Result": "លទ្ធផល", - "Retrieving Chart Data...": "កំពុងទាញយកទិន្នន័យតារាង...", - "Retrieving Chart Engine...": "កំពុងទាញយកម៉ាស៊ីនតារាង...", + "Retrieving Chart Data...": "កំពុងទាញយកទិន្នន័យគំនូសតាង...", + "Retrieving Chart Engine...": "កំពុងទាញយកម៉ាស៊ីនគំនូសតាង...", "Retrieving Market Symbols...": "កំពុងទាញយកនិមិត្តសញ្ញាទីផ្សារ...", - "Retrieving Trading Times...": "កំពុងទាញយកម៉ោងពាណិជ្ជកម្ម...", + "Retrieving Trading Times...": "កំពុងទាញយកព័ត៌មានម៉ោងជួញដូរ...", "RSI": "RSI", - "Saved templates": "ពុម្ពដែលបានរក្សាទុក", + "Saved templates": "គំរូដែលបានរក្សាទុក", "Search": "ស្វែងរក", "Search...": "ស្វែងរក...", "Select language": "ជ្រើសភាសា", - "Select theme": "ជ្រើសរូបភាព", + "Select theme": "ជ្រើសរើសផ្ទៃ", "Series": "ស៊េរី", "Settings": "ការកំណត់", - "Shading": "ពណ៌", - "Shift": "ការបញ្ជា", - "Shift Type": "ប្រភេទការបញ្ជា", + "Shading": "ការដាក់ស្រមោល", + "Shift": "ការបញ្ជាប្តូរ", + "Shift Type": "​ប្រភេទការបញ្ជាប្តូរ", "Show Fractals": "បង្ហាញ Fractals", - "Show Lines": "បង្ហាញបន្ទាត់", - "Show price info on chart": "បង្ហាញព័ត៌មានតម្លៃលើតារាង", - "Show price info on x & y axes": "បង្ហាញព័ត៌មានតម្លៃលើអ័ក្ស x និង y", + "Show Lines": "បង្ហាញជាបន្ទាត់", + "Show price info on chart": "បង្ហាញព័ត៌មានតម្លៃនៅលើគំនូសតាង", + "Show price info on x & y axes": "បង្ហាញព័ត៌មានតម្លៃនៅលើអ័ក្ស x & y", "Show Zones": "បង្ហាញតំបន់", "Signal": "សញ្ញា", - "Signal Period": "រយៈពេលសញ្ញា", + "Signal Period": "រយៈពេលនៃសញ្ញា", "Simple": "សាមញ្ញ", "Size": "ទំហំ", "Slow": "យឺត", - "Slow MA Period": "រយៈពេល MA យឺត", + "Slow MA Period": "រយៈពេល MA បែបយឺត", "SMA1": "SMA1", "SMA10": "SMA10", "SMA2": "SMA2", @@ -205,60 +205,60 @@ "SMA8": "SMA8", "SMA9": "SMA9", "Smooth": "Smooth", - "Smoothing Period": "រយៈពេលការស្មើស្អាត", - "Some of your active indicators don’t support 1-tick intervals. If you change to a 1-tick interval, these indicators will be removed from your chart.": "សូចនាករសកម្មមួយចំនួនរបស់អ្នកមិនគាំទ្រចន្លោះ 1-tick។ ប្រសិនបើអ្នកផ្លាស់ប្តូរទៅចន្លោះ 1-tick សូចនាករទាំងនេះនឹងត្រូវបានដកចេញពីតារាងរបស់អ្នក។", - "Some of your templates may not work with this trade type.": "ពុម្ពរបស់អ្នកមួយចំនួនអាចមិនដំណើរការជាមួយប្រភេទពាណិជ្ជកម្មនេះ។", - "Standard Deviations": "កំរិតខុសគ្នាដែលបានសម្រុក", + "Smoothing Period": "អំឡុងពេលរាបស្មើ", + "Some of your active indicators don’t support 1-tick intervals. If you change to a 1-tick interval, these indicators will be removed from your chart.": "សូចនាករសកម្មមួយចំនួនរបស់អ្នកមិនគាំទ្រចន្លោះពេលតែ 1-tick ទេ។ ដូចនេះប្រសិនបើអ្នកប្តូរទៅចន្លោះពេល 1-tick សូចនាករទាំងនេះនឹងត្រូវបានលុបចេញពីតារាងឬគំនូសតាងរបស់អ្នក។", + "Some of your templates may not work with this trade type.": "គំរូមួយចំនួនរបស់អ្នកអាចប្រើប្រាស់មិនបានជាមួយប្រភេទការជួញដូរនេះ។", + "Standard Deviations": "គម្លាតស្តង់ដារ", "Stch Mtm": "Stch Mtm", "Stochastic": "ស្តុកស្ទូឡាក", "Stochastic Momentum Index": "Stochastic Momentum Index", "Stochastic Oscillator": "Stochastic Oscillator", - "Streaming for [symbol] is not available due to license restrictions": "ការផ្សាយសម្រាប់ [symbol] មិនអាចប្រើបានដោយសារតែការកំណត់អាជ្ញាប័ណ្ណ", - "Teeth": "ធ្មេញ", - "Teeth Offset": "ការបញ្ជាទាញធ្មេញ", - "Teeth Period": "រយៈពេលធ្មេញ", - "Templates": "ពុម្ព", + "Streaming for [symbol] is not available due to license restrictions": "ការផ្សាយសម្រាប់ [symbol] នោះមិនអាចប្រើបានទេ ​ដោយ​សារ​ការ​រឹត​បន្តឹង​សិទ្ធិ​ប្រើប្រាស់។", + "Teeth": "តម្លៃមធ្យម Teeth", + "Teeth Offset": "សំណងតម្លៃមធ្យម Teeth", + "Teeth Period": "រយៈតម្លៃមធ្យម Teeth", + "Templates": "គំរូ", "The Average Directional Movement Index index (ADX) was developed in 1978 by J. Welles Wilder as an indicator of trend strength in a series of prices of a financial instrument ADX will range between 0 and 100. Generally, ADX readings below 20 indicate trend weakness, and readings above 40 indicate trend strength.": "Average Directional Movement Index (ADX) ត្រូវបានអភិវឌ្ឍនៅឆ្នាំ 1978 ដោយ J. Welles Wilder ជាសេចក្ដីសំគាល់នៃកំលាំងនិន្នាការនៅក្នុងស៊េរីតម្លៃនៃឧបករណ៍ហិរញ្ញវត្ថុ ADX នឹងមានជួរវែងពី 0 ដល់ 100។ ជាទូទៅ ការអាន ADX ក្រោម 20 បញ្ជាក់នូវភាពខ្សោយនៃនិន្នាការ ហើយការអានលើសពី 40 បញ្ជាក់នូវកំលាំងនិន្នាការ។", "The Awesome Oscillator is an indicator used to measure market momentum. AO calculates the difference of a 34 Period and 5 Period Simple Moving Averages. The Simple Moving Averages that are used are not calculated using closing price but rather each bar's midpoints. AO is generally used to affirm trends or to anticipate possible reversals.": "Awesome Oscillator គឺជាសូចនាករដែលប្រើដើម្បីវាស់ស្ទង់សន្ទុះទីផ្សារ។ AO គណនាភាពខុសគ្នានៃ 34 Period និង 5 Period Simple Moving Averages។ Simple Moving Averages ដែលត្រូវបានប្រើមិនត្រូវបានគណនាដោយប្រើតម្លៃបិទទេ ប៉ុន្តែជាចំណុចកណ្តាលរបស់របារនីមួយៗ។ AO ជាទូទៅត្រូវបានប្រើដើម្បីបញ្ជាក់និន្នាការ ឬដើម្បីប្រមើលមើលការបញ្ច្រាសដែលអាចកើតមាន។", "The Commodity Channel Index (CCI) is a versatile indicator that can be used to identify a new trend or warn of extreme conditions.": "Commodity Channel Index (CCI) គឺជាសេចក្ដីសំគាល់ដែលអាចត្រូវបានប្រើដើម្បីកំណត់និន្នាការថ្មីឬជូនដំណឹងអំពីលក្ខខណ្ឌអតិបរមា។", "The Detrended Price Oscillator (DPO) helps to identify price cycles without the influence of short- and long-term trends. The DPO compares a simple moving average to a historical pricenear the middle of a specified period. It also shows the peaks and drops over that particular period, making it easier to predict buy points.": "Detrended Price Oscillator (DPO) ជួយកំណត់វដ្តតម្លៃដោយគ្មានឥទ្ធិពលនៃនិន្នាការរយៈពេលខ្លី និងរយៈពេលវែង។ DPO ប្រៀបធៀបការផ្លាស់ប្តូរមធ្យមសាមញ្ញទៅនឹងតម្លៃប្រវត្តិសាស្រ្តនៅជិតពាក់កណ្តាលនៃរយៈពេលជាក់លាក់មួយ។ វាក៏បង្ហាញពីកំពូល និងការធ្លាក់ចុះក្នុងអំឡុងពេលជាក់លាក់នោះ ដែលធ្វើឱ្យវាកាន់តែងាយស្រួលក្នុងការទស្សន៍ទាយពិន្ទុទិញ។", "The Donchian Channel is an indicator used in market trading developed by Richard Donchian. It is formed by taking the highest high and the lowest low of the last n periods. The area between the high and the low is the channel for the period chosen.": "Donchian Channel គឺជាសាចុេចក្ដីសំគាល់មួយដែលត្រូវបានប្រើក្នុងការជួញដូរទីផ្សារដែលត្រូវបានអភិវឌ្ឍដោយ Richard Donchian។ វាត្រូវបានបង្កើតឡើងដោយយកចំនួនខ្ពស់បំផុតនិងចំនួនទាបបំផុតនៃរយៈពេល n ចុងក្រោយ។ តំបន់រវាងខ្ពស់និងទាបគឺជាប៉ុស្តិ៍សម្រាប់រយៈពេលដែលបានជ្រើសរើស។", - "The Ichimoku Cloud, also known as Ichimoku Kinko Hyo, is a versatile indicator that defines support and resistance, identifies trend direction, gauges momentum and provides trading signals. Ichimoku Kinko Hyo translates into “one look equilibrium chart”.": "Ichimoku Cloud, ឬត្រូវបានគេស្គាល់ថា Ichimoku Kinko Hyo គឺជាសាចុេចក្ដីសំគាល់មួយដែលកំណត់ការគាំទ្រ និងការប្រឆាំង កំណត់ទិសដៅនិន្នាការ វាស់ចលនានិងផ្ដល់សញ្ញាជួញដូរ។ Ichimoku Kinko Hyo ប្រែជាទាសារ \"តារាងតុល្យភាពមួយមើល\"។", + "The Ichimoku Cloud, also known as Ichimoku Kinko Hyo, is a versatile indicator that defines support and resistance, identifies trend direction, gauges momentum and provides trading signals. Ichimoku Kinko Hyo translates into “one look equilibrium chart”.": "Ichimoku Cloud ដែលត្រូវបានគេស្គាល់ថាជា Ichimoku Kinko Hyo គឺជាសូចនាករពហុគោលបំណងដែលកំណត់កម្រិតនៃការគាំទ្រ និងកម្រិតការប្រឆាំង កំណត់ទិសដៅនិន្នាការ ជារង្វាស់នៃសន្ទុះ និងផ្តល់សញ្ញាការជួញដូរ ពាក្យ Ichimoku Kinko Hyo ត្រូវបានបកប្រែជា \"ការមើលក្រាហ្វស្ថិតក្នុងតុល្យភាព\"", "The Moving Average (MA) helps to identify the overall market trend by filtering out short-term price fluctuations. Using historical data, it calculates the average price over a specific period and plots a line on the chart. If the MA line moves upwards, it’s an indicator of an uptrend, a downtrend if it moves downwards. A buy signal occurs when the price moves above the MA line.": "Moving Average (MA) ជួយកំណត់និន្នាការទីផ្សាររួមដោយច្រោះចេញនូវការរអិលរយៈពេលខ្លី។ ប្រើទិន្នន័យប្រវត្តិសាស្រ្ត វាគណនាតម្លៃមធ្យមក្នុងរយៈពេលជាក់លាក់មួយនិងគូសបន្ទាត់លើតារាង។ ប្រសិនបើបន្ទាត់ MA ផ្លាស់ប្តូរឡើងខ្ពស់ វាជាសូចនាករនៃនិន្នាការឡើង, និន្នាការចុះប្រសិនបើវាផ្លាស់ប្តូរចុះ។ សញ្ញាទិញកើតមាននៅពេលដែលតម្លៃផ្លាស់ប្តូរជាងបន្ទាត់ MA។", "The Moving Average Envelope (MAE) helps to identify strong price movement that indicates the start of a trend. The MAE creates a moving average line as well as 2 bands around it. In theory, when the market price touches the upper or lower bands, a trend reversal will occur, indicating a buy signal.": "Moving Average Envelope (MAE) ជួយកំណត់ចលនាតម្លៃខ្លាំងដែលបង្ហាញការចាប់ផ្តើមនៃនិន្នាការ។ MAE បង្កើតបន្ទាត់មធ្យមចលនានិងបន្ទាត់មួយជុំវិញ 2។ តាមទស្សនវិជ្ជា នៅពេលដែលតម្លៃទីផ្សារប៉ះបន្ទាត់ខ្ពស់ឬទាប ការបញ្ច្រាសនិន្នាការនឹងកើតឡើង បង្ហាញសញ្ញាទិញ។", "The parabolic SAR is calculated almost independently for each trend in the price. When the price is in an uptrend, the SAR emerges below the price and converges upwards towards it. Similarly, on a downtrend, the SAR emerges above the price and converges downwards. At each step within a trend, the SAR is calculated one period in advance.": "Parabolic SAR ត្រូវបានគណនាខាងតែឯករាជ្យសម្រាប់និន្នាការនីមួយៗក្នុងតម្លៃ។ នៅពេលដែលតម្លៃស្ថិតក្នុងនិន្នាការឡើង SAR បង្ហាញនៅខាងក្រោមតម្លៃនិងផ្លាស់ប្តូរឡើងខ្ពស់។ យ៉ាងដូចគ្នា នៅនិន្នាការចុះ SAR បង្ហាញនៅលើតម្លៃនិងផ្លាស់ប្តូរចុះ។ នៅក្នុងចំហាននីមួយៗក្នុងនិន្នាការ SAR ត្រូវបានគណនាមួយរយៈពេលទុកមុន។", "The Price Rate-of-Change (ROC) indicator displays the difference between the current price and the price x-time periods ago. The difference can be displayed in either points or as a percentage.": "Price Rate-of-Change (ROC) បង្ហាញភាពខុសគ្នានៃតម្លៃបច្ចុប្បន្ននិងតម្លៃ x-រយៈពេលមុន។ ភាពខុសគ្នាអាចត្រូវបានបង្ហាញជាចំនុចឬជាភាគរយ។", "The Rainbow Moving Average (RMA) displays several moving average lines simultaneously. When the lines intersect, it’s an indicator of price reversal and the angle of the lines are helpful to predict the trend strength. The steeper the curve, the stronger the trend. When the price crosses the moving average lines from below, it signals an upward trend. When the price crosses the moving average lines from above, it signals a downward trend. The RMA is easier to use compared to using several different moving average indicators at once.": "Rainbow Moving Average (RMA) បង្ហាញបន្ទាត់មធ្យមចលនាច្រើនក្នុងពេលតែមួយ។ នៅពេលដែលបន្ទាត់ឆ្លងកាត់ វាជាសាចុេចក្ដីសំគាល់នៃការបញ្ច្រាសតម្លៃ និងមុំនៃបន្ទាត់ជាជំនួយក្នុងការព្យាករណ៍កំលាំងនិន្នាការ។ ធ្វេនវង់កាន់តែខ្លាំងនិន្នាការត្រូវបានព្យាករណ៍ថាកាន់តែខ្លាំង។ នៅពេលដែលតម្លៃឆ្លងកាត់បន្ទាត់មធ្យមចលនាពីខាងក្រោម វាបង្ហាញនិន្នាការឡើង។ នៅពេលដែលតម្លៃឆ្លងកាត់បន្ទាត់មធ្យមចលនាពីខាងលើ វាបង្ហាញនិន្នាការចុះ។ RMA ងាយស្រួលប្រើប្រៀបធៀបនឹងការប្រើប្រាស់សំគាល់មធ្យមចលនាជាច្រើននៅពេលតែមួយ។", - "The Relative Strength Index (RSI) was published by J. Welles Wilder. The current price is normalized as a percentage between 0 and 100. The name of this oscillator is misleading because it does not compare the instrument relative to another instrument or set of instruments, but rather represents the current price relative to other recent prices within the selected lookback window length.": "", + "The Relative Strength Index (RSI) was published by J. Welles Wilder. The current price is normalized as a percentage between 0 and 100. The name of this oscillator is misleading because it does not compare the instrument relative to another instrument or set of instruments, but rather represents the current price relative to other recent prices within the selected lookback window length.": "Relative Strength Index (RSI) ត្រូវបានចេញផ្សាយដោយ J. Welles Wilder។ តម្លៃបច្ចុប្បន្នត្រូវបានធម្មជាតិសម្រាប់ជាភាគរយរវាង 0 និង 100។ ឈ្មោះនៃស៊ុមរ៉ាប់រងនេះមានភាពបំភាន់ព្រោះវាមិនប្រៀបធៀបឧបករណ៍មួយទាក់ទងនឹងឧបករណ៍ផ្សេងទៀត ឬក្រុមឧបករណ៍ទេ ប៉ុន្តែតំណាងនៃតម្លៃបច្ចុប្បន្នទាក់ទងនឹងតម្លៃថ្មីៗផ្សេងទៀតក្នុងចន្លោះផ្ទាំងបង្អួចដែលបានជ្រើសរើស។", "The Stochastic Momentum Index (SMI) helps to identify overbought or oversold conditions in the market and to predict bearish or bullish trends. It calculates the distance between the current closing price and the median of the high/low range, and displays 2 lines on the chart: the first (known as %K) represents the price movement while the second (known as %D) is a moving average of the first line. If the closing price is higher than the median of the high/low range, the SMI returns a positive value. If the closing price is lower than the average price, a negative value is returned. Values above 40 indicate a bullish trend while values below -40 indicate a bearish trend.": "Stochastic Momentum Index (SMI) ជួយកំណត់លក្ខខណ្ឌទិញជាមួយរឺលក់ជាងកំណត់នៅក្នុងទីផ្សារ និងព្យាករណ៍និន្នាការចុះឬឡើង។ វាគណនាចម្ងាយនៃតម្លៃបិទបច្ចុប្បន្ននិងកណ្ដាលនៃជួរខ្ពស់/ទាប និងបង្ហាញបន្ទាត់ 2 លើតារាង៖ ដំបូង (សមាជិក %K) តំណាងនៃចលនាតម្លៃ ខណៈដែលទីពីរ (សមាជិក %D) ជាមធ្យមចលនានៃបន្ទាត់ដំបូង។ ប្រសិនបើតម្លៃបិទខ្ពស់ជាងកណ្ដាលនៃជួរខ្ពស់/ទាប SMI បង្ហាញតម្លៃវិជ្ជមាន។ ប្រសិនបើតម្លៃបិទទាបជាងតម្លៃមធ្យម តម្លៃអវិជ្ជមានត្រូវបានបង្ហាញ។ តម្លៃខ្ពស់ជាង 40 បង្ហាញនិន្នាការឡើង ខណៈដែលតម្លៃទាបជាង -40 បង្ហាញនិន្នាការចុះ។", - "Themes": "ប្រធានបទ", - "There are no favorites yet.": "មិនទាន់មានចំណង់ចំណូលចិត្តនៅឡើយ។", - "This indicator does not support 1-tick intervals. To use this indicator, change your chart time interval to 1 minute or more.": "សចុេចក្ដីសំគាល់នេះមិនគាំទ្រចន្លោះ 1-tick។ ដើម្បីប្រើសចុេចក្ដីសំគាល់នេះ ប្តូរចន្លោះពេលតារាងរបស់អ្នកទៅជាទន្លេហ្នឹង 1 នាទីឬច្រើនជាង។", + "Themes": "ផ្ទៃ", + "There are no favorites yet.": "មិន​ទាន់​មាន​ចំណូល​ចិត្ត​នៅ​ឡើយ​ទេ។", + "This indicator does not support 1-tick intervals. To use this indicator, change your chart time interval to 1 minute or more.": "សូចនាករនេះមិនអាចប្រើចន្លោះពេលតែ 1 ចំណុច Tick ទេ។ ដើម្បីប្រើសូចនាករនេះ សូមប្តូរចន្លោះពេលគំនូសតាងរបស់អ្នកទៅ 1 នាទី ឬច្រើនជាងនេះ។", "tick": "ចំណុច Tick", - "Tick interval only available for \\\"Area\\\" Chart type.": "ចន្លោះធ្វេនអាចប្រើបានសម្រាប់ប្រភេទតារាង \\\"តំបន់\\\" ប៉ុណ្ណោះ។", + "Tick interval only available for \\\"Area\\\" Chart type.": "ចន្លោះពេលចំណុច Tick អាចប្រើបានសម្រាប់តែប្រភេទគំនូសតាងបែប \\\"តំបន់\\\" ប៉ុណ្ណោះ។", "Time interval": "ចន្លោះពេល", - "Time Series": "ស៊េរីពេល", + "Time Series": "រយៈពេលបន្តជាស៊េរី", "Trend": "Trend", "Trend [num]": "ទេរទៅម្ខាង [num]", "Triangular": "ត្រីកោណ", - "Try checking your spelling or use a different term": "សូមពិនិត្យអក្សរបញ្ឆិតរបស់អ្នកឬប្រើពាក្យផ្សេងទៀត", + "Try checking your spelling or use a different term": "សាកល្បងពិនិត្យអក្ខរាវិរុទ្ធរបស់អ្នក ឬប្រើពាក្យផ្សេង", "Type": "ប្រភេទ", - "Up to 2 active indicators allowed.": "អនុញ្ញាតសំគាល់សកម្មច្រើនជាង 2", - "Up to 5 active indicators allowed.": "អនុញ្ញាតសំគាល់សកម្មច្រើនជាង 5", + "Up to 2 active indicators allowed.": "ជ្រើសរើសបានរហូតដល់ 2 សូចនាករសកម្ម។", + "Up to 5 active indicators allowed.": "ជ្រើសរើសបានរហូតដល់ 5 សូចនាករសកម្ម។", "Variable": "អថេរ", "Vertical [num]": "បញ្ឈរ [num]", "Volatility": "Volatility", - "Weighted": "មូលដ្ឋានតម្លៃ", - "Welles Wilder": "វេលស៍ វ៉ាយឌើរ", - "William's %R": "វលែរ​គល់​ពុវផ្នែក %R របួស​វេល", - "William's Percent Range": "ជួរ​ភាគរយ​របស់​វីល្យាម", - "Would you like to overwrite it?": "តើអ្នកចង់សរសេរលើវិញទេ?", - "You have no active drawings yet.": "អ្នកមិនមានគំនូរសកម្មនៅឡើយ។", - "You have no active indicators yet.": "អ្នកមិនមានសំគាល់សកម្មនៅឡើយ។", - "You have no saved templates yet.": "អ្នកមិនមានពុម្ពដែលបានរក្សាទុកនៅឡើយ។", - "Zero Lag": "គ្មានពេលទុក", + "Weighted": "មានទម្ងន់", + "Welles Wilder": "Welles Wilder", + "William's %R": "William's %R", + "William's Percent Range": "William's Percent Range", + "Would you like to overwrite it?": "តើអ្នកចង់សរសេរជាន់លើគ្នាឬទេ?", + "You have no active drawings yet.": "អ្នកមិនទាន់មានគំនូរសកម្មនៅឡើយទេ។", + "You have no active indicators yet.": "អ្នកមិនទាន់មានសូចនាករសកម្មនៅឡើយទេ។", + "You have no saved templates yet.": "អ្នកមិនទាន់មានគំរូដែលបានរក្សាទុកនៅឡើយទេ។", + "Zero Lag": "Zero Lag", "Zig Zag": "Zig Zag", - "Zig Zag helps to identify trend reversals and filters out relatively small price movements by determining the support and resistance levels of the market. It accepts a percentage of deviation as the input and displays a line if the price change is larger than the percentage of deviation. Zig Zag ignores any sideways movement and is useful to filter out “market noise”.": "Zig Zag ជួយកំណត់ការបញ្ច្រាសនិន្នាការ និងត្រងស្ទង់តម្លៃតូចៗដោយកំណត់កម្រិតគាំទ្រ និងការប្រឆាំងនៃទីផ្សារ។ វទទួលភាគរយនៃការធ្លាក់ជាបញ្ចូលនិងបង្ហាញបន្ទាត់ប្រសិនបើការផ្លាស់ប្តូរតម្លៃធំជាងភាគរយនៃការធ្លាក់។ Zig Zag មិនអើពើចំពោះចលនាជ្រលងនិងមានប្រយោជន៍ក្នុងការត្រងសំលេងទីផ្សារ។", + "Zig Zag helps to identify trend reversals and filters out relatively small price movements by determining the support and resistance levels of the market. It accepts a percentage of deviation as the input and displays a line if the price change is larger than the percentage of deviation. Zig Zag ignores any sideways movement and is useful to filter out “market noise”.": "សូចនករ Zig Zag ជួយកំណត់អត្តសញ្ញាណការបញ្ច្រាសនិន្នាការ និងត្រងចេញនូវចលនាតម្លៃដែលមិនសូវសំខាន់ ដោយកំណត់ការគាំទ្រ និងកម្រិតតស៊ូរបស់ទីផ្សារ។ សូចនាករនេះទទួលយកគម្លាតភាគរយជាការបញ្ចូល និងបង្ហាញបន្ទាត់ប្រសិនបើការផ្លាស់ប្តូរតម្លៃធំជាងគម្លាតភាគរយ។ Zig Zag មិនអើពើនឹងចលនាចំហៀង ហើយមានប្រយោជន៍សម្រាប់ការច្រោះ \"សំលេងរំខានទីផ្សារ\" ចេញ។", "Zoom in": "ពង្រីក", "Zoom out": "បង្រួម" } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/translation/ko.json b/translation/ko.json index fd33c6916..161745152 100644 --- a/translation/ko.json +++ b/translation/ko.json @@ -229,7 +229,7 @@ "The parabolic SAR is calculated almost independently for each trend in the price. When the price is in an uptrend, the SAR emerges below the price and converges upwards towards it. Similarly, on a downtrend, the SAR emerges above the price and converges downwards. At each step within a trend, the SAR is calculated one period in advance.": "포물선형 SAR은 가격의 각 추세에 대해 거의 독립적으로 계산됩니다. 가격이 상승 추세에 있을 때 SAR은 가격 아래에서 시작하여 가격 위로 수렴합니다. 마찬가지로, 하락 추세에서는 SAR이 가격 위에서 나타나고 아래쪽으로 수렴합니다. 추세 내 각 단계에서 SAR은 한 기간 전에 미리 계산됩니다.", "The Price Rate-of-Change (ROC) indicator displays the difference between the current price and the price x-time periods ago. The difference can be displayed in either points or as a percentage.": "가격 변동률(ROC) 지표는 현재 가격과 과거 일정 시점에서의 가격 간의 차이를 표시합니다. 차이는 포인트 또는 백분율로 표시될 수 있습니다.", "The Rainbow Moving Average (RMA) displays several moving average lines simultaneously. When the lines intersect, it’s an indicator of price reversal and the angle of the lines are helpful to predict the trend strength. The steeper the curve, the stronger the trend. When the price crosses the moving average lines from below, it signals an upward trend. When the price crosses the moving average lines from above, it signals a downward trend. The RMA is easier to use compared to using several different moving average indicators at once.": "무지개 이동평균(RMA)은 여러 이동평균선을 동시에 표시합니다. 선이 교차하면 가격 반전을 나타내는 지표이며 선의 각도는 추세의 강도를 예측하는 데 도움이 됩니다. 곡선이 가파를수록 추세가 강하다는 의미입니다. 가격이 아래에서 이동평균선을 교차하면 상승 추세를 나타냅니다. 가격이 위에서 이동평균선을 교차하면 하락 추세를 나타내는 신호입니다. RMA는 여러 이동평균 지표를 한꺼번에 사용하는 것보다 사용하기가 수월합니다.", - "The Relative Strength Index (RSI) was published by J. Welles Wilder. The current price is normalized as a percentage between 0 and 100. The name of this oscillator is misleading because it does not compare the instrument relative to another instrument or set of instruments, but rather represents the current price relative to other recent prices within the selected lookback window length.": "", + "The Relative Strength Index (RSI) was published by J. Welles Wilder. The current price is normalized as a percentage between 0 and 100. The name of this oscillator is misleading because it does not compare the instrument relative to another instrument or set of instruments, but rather represents the current price relative to other recent prices within the selected lookback window length.": "The Relative Strength Index (RSI) was published by J. Welles Wilder. The current price is normalized as a percentage between 0 and 100. The name of this oscillator is misleading because it does not compare the instrument relative to another instrument or set of instruments, but rather represents the current price relative to other recent prices within the selected lookback window length.", "The Stochastic Momentum Index (SMI) helps to identify overbought or oversold conditions in the market and to predict bearish or bullish trends. It calculates the distance between the current closing price and the median of the high/low range, and displays 2 lines on the chart: the first (known as %K) represents the price movement while the second (known as %D) is a moving average of the first line. If the closing price is higher than the median of the high/low range, the SMI returns a positive value. If the closing price is lower than the average price, a negative value is returned. Values above 40 indicate a bullish trend while values below -40 indicate a bearish trend.": "확률론적 모멘텀 지수(SMI)는 시장의 과매수 또는 과매도 상태를 파악하고 약세 또는 강세 추세를 예측하는 데 도움됩니다. 현재 종가와 고점/저점 범위의 중앙값 사이의 거리를 계산하여 차트에 두 줄을 표시하는데, 첫 번째 줄(%K로 알려져 있습니다)은 가격 변동을 나타내고 두 번째 줄(%D로 알려져 있습니다)은 첫 번째 줄의 이동평균입니다. 종가가 고점/저점 범위의 중앙값보다 높으면 SMI는 양수 값을 반환하며 종가가 평균 가격보다 낮으면 음수 값이 반환됩니다. 40 이상의 값은 강세 추세를 나타내고 -40 미만의 값은 약세 추세를 나타냅니다.", "Themes": "테마", "There are no favorites yet.": "아직 즐겨찾기가 없습니다.", diff --git a/translation/mn.json b/translation/mn.json index 8a93d9010..a94e2a301 100644 --- a/translation/mn.json +++ b/translation/mn.json @@ -229,7 +229,7 @@ "The parabolic SAR is calculated almost independently for each trend in the price. When the price is in an uptrend, the SAR emerges below the price and converges upwards towards it. Similarly, on a downtrend, the SAR emerges above the price and converges downwards. At each step within a trend, the SAR is calculated one period in advance.": "Параболик SAR нь үнийн чиг хандлага бүрт бараг бие даан тооцогддог. Үнэ өсөх хандлагатай үед SAR нь үнээс доогуур гарч, түүн рүү дээшээ нийлдэг. Үүнтэй адилаар уналтын чиг хандлагын үед SAR нь үнээс дээгүүр гарч, доошоо нийлдэг. Чиг чиг хандлагын алхам бүрт SAR-ийг нэг хугацаагаар урьдчилан тооцоолно.", "The Price Rate-of-Change (ROC) indicator displays the difference between the current price and the price x-time periods ago. The difference can be displayed in either points or as a percentage.": "Price Rate-of-Change (ROC) үзүүлэлт нь одоогийн үнэ болон үнийн хоорондох зөрүүг харуулдаг x-цаг хугацааны өмнөх үе. Зөрүүг аль нэг цэгээр эсвэл хувиар харуулж болно.", "The Rainbow Moving Average (RMA) displays several moving average lines simultaneously. When the lines intersect, it’s an indicator of price reversal and the angle of the lines are helpful to predict the trend strength. The steeper the curve, the stronger the trend. When the price crosses the moving average lines from below, it signals an upward trend. When the price crosses the moving average lines from above, it signals a downward trend. The RMA is easier to use compared to using several different moving average indicators at once.": "Солонго хөдөлгөөнт дундаж (RMA) нь хэд хэдэн хөдөлгөөнт дундаж шугамыг нэгэн зэрэг харуулдаг. Шугамнууд огтлолцох үед энэ нь үнийн ухрах үзүүлэлт бөгөөд шугамын өнцөг нь чиг хандлагын хүчийг урьдчилан таамаглахад тустай байдаг. Муруй хэдий чинээ огцом байх тусам чиг хандлага хүчтэй байх болно. Үнэ нь доороос хөдөлж буй дундаж шугамыг давах үед энэ нь өсөх хандлагыг дохио өгдөг. Үнэ нь дээрээс хөдөлж буй дундаж шугамыг давах үед энэ нь доошлох чиг хандлагыг дохио өгдөг. RMA нь хэд хэдэн өөр хөдөлгөөнт дундаж үзүүлэлтийг нэг дор ашиглахтай харьцуулахад ашиглахад хялбар байдаг.", - "The Relative Strength Index (RSI) was published by J. Welles Wilder. The current price is normalized as a percentage between 0 and 100. The name of this oscillator is misleading because it does not compare the instrument relative to another instrument or set of instruments, but rather represents the current price relative to other recent prices within the selected lookback window length.": "", + "The Relative Strength Index (RSI) was published by J. Welles Wilder. The current price is normalized as a percentage between 0 and 100. The name of this oscillator is misleading because it does not compare the instrument relative to another instrument or set of instruments, but rather represents the current price relative to other recent prices within the selected lookback window length.": "Холбогдох хүчний индекс (RSI)-г Ж. Уэллес Уайлдер хэвлэсэн. Одоогийн үнэ 0-100-ын хоорондох хувь болгож нормчилсон. Энэ осцилляторын нэр буруу ойлголт өгөх магадлалтай, учир нь энэ нь нэг хэрэгсэлтэй харьцуулахгүй, харин сонгосон харах цонхны урттай сүүлийн үеийн бусад үнэтэй харьцуулах буюу одоогийн үнийг харуулахад чиглэгддэг.", "The Stochastic Momentum Index (SMI) helps to identify overbought or oversold conditions in the market and to predict bearish or bullish trends. It calculates the distance between the current closing price and the median of the high/low range, and displays 2 lines on the chart: the first (known as %K) represents the price movement while the second (known as %D) is a moving average of the first line. If the closing price is higher than the median of the high/low range, the SMI returns a positive value. If the closing price is lower than the average price, a negative value is returned. Values above 40 indicate a bullish trend while values below -40 indicate a bearish trend.": "Stochastic Momentum Index (SMI) нь зах зээл дээр хэт их худалдан авсан эсвэл хэт борлуулсан нөхцөлийг тодорхойлох, баавгай эсвэл өсөх чиг хандлагыг урьдчилан таамаглахад тусалдаг. Энэ нь одоогийн хаалтын үнэ болон өндөр/бага хүрээний медиан хоорондын зайг тооцоолж график дээр 2 мөрийг харуулна: эхнийх нь (%K гэж нэрлэдэг) үнийн хөдөлгөөнийг илэрхийлдэг бол хоёр дахь ( %Dгэж нэрлэдэг) нь эхний мөрний хөдөлгөөнт дундаж юм. Хэрэв хаалтын үнэ нь өндөр/бага хүрээний медиангаас өндөр бол SMI нь эерэг утгыг буцаана. Хэрэв хаалтын үнэ дундаж үнээс доогуур байвал сөрөг утгыг буцаана. 40-ээс дээш утга нь өсөх хандлагыг илтгэдэг бол -40-ээс доош утга нь буурах хандлагыг илэрхийлдэг.", "Themes": "Сэдвүүд", "There are no favorites yet.": "Одоогоор дуртай зүйл алга байна.", diff --git a/translation/pl.json b/translation/pl.json index ae5eac99d..3ee93805e 100644 --- a/translation/pl.json +++ b/translation/pl.json @@ -229,7 +229,7 @@ "The parabolic SAR is calculated almost independently for each trend in the price. When the price is in an uptrend, the SAR emerges below the price and converges upwards towards it. Similarly, on a downtrend, the SAR emerges above the price and converges downwards. At each step within a trend, the SAR is calculated one period in advance.": "Wskaźnik SAR jest obliczany oddzielnie dla każdego trendu ceny. Gdy cena jest w trendzie wzrostowym, SAR pojawia się poniżej poziomu ceny i podąża w górę w stronę ceny. Z kolei w trendzie spadkowym, SAR pojawia się powyżej poziomu ceny i podąża w dół. Na każdym etapie trendu wskaźnik SAR jest obliczany jeden okres wprzód.", "The Price Rate-of-Change (ROC) indicator displays the difference between the current price and the price x-time periods ago. The difference can be displayed in either points or as a percentage.": "Wskaźnik zmian ceny (ROC) przedstawia różnicę między obecną wysokością ceny a jej wysokością w poprzednich okresach wyrażoną w ujęciu procentowym lub punktowym.", "The Rainbow Moving Average (RMA) displays several moving average lines simultaneously. When the lines intersect, it’s an indicator of price reversal and the angle of the lines are helpful to predict the trend strength. The steeper the curve, the stronger the trend. When the price crosses the moving average lines from below, it signals an upward trend. When the price crosses the moving average lines from above, it signals a downward trend. The RMA is easier to use compared to using several different moving average indicators at once.": "Tęczowa średnia krocząca (RMA) wyświetla kilka linii średnich kroczących jednocześnie. Przecięcie się linii oznacza zmianę ceny, a końce linii pomagają przewidzieć siłę trendu. Bardziej stroma krzywa oznacza silniejszy trend. Gdy cena przecina linie średniej kroczącej od dołu, oznacza to trend wzrostowy. Gdy cena przecina linie średniej kroczącej od góry, jest to oznaka trendu spadkowego. RMA jest prostsza w użyciu w porównaniu z innymi wskaźnikami średnich kroczących.", - "The Relative Strength Index (RSI) was published by J. Welles Wilder. The current price is normalized as a percentage between 0 and 100. The name of this oscillator is misleading because it does not compare the instrument relative to another instrument or set of instruments, but rather represents the current price relative to other recent prices within the selected lookback window length.": "", + "The Relative Strength Index (RSI) was published by J. Welles Wilder. The current price is normalized as a percentage between 0 and 100. The name of this oscillator is misleading because it does not compare the instrument relative to another instrument or set of instruments, but rather represents the current price relative to other recent prices within the selected lookback window length.": "Wskaźnik względnej siły (RSI) został opracowany przez J. Wellesa Wildera. Obecna cena przedstawiana jest jako wartość procentowa między 0 a 100. Nazwa tego wskaźnika jest myląca, gdyż nie porównuje on instrumentu z innym instrumentem lub zbiorem instrumentów finansowych, lecz odzwierciedla obecną cenę w odniesieniu do niedawnych cen w wybranym przeszłym okresie.", "The Stochastic Momentum Index (SMI) helps to identify overbought or oversold conditions in the market and to predict bearish or bullish trends. It calculates the distance between the current closing price and the median of the high/low range, and displays 2 lines on the chart: the first (known as %K) represents the price movement while the second (known as %D) is a moving average of the first line. If the closing price is higher than the median of the high/low range, the SMI returns a positive value. If the closing price is lower than the average price, a negative value is returned. Values above 40 indicate a bullish trend while values below -40 indicate a bearish trend.": "Wskaźnik stochastyczny impetu (SMI) pomaga rozpoznać stan wykupienia lub wyprzedania na rynku i przewidzieć trendy wzrostowe i spadkowe. Wskaźnik oblicza odległość między obecną ceną zamknięcia i medianę przedziału wysokich i niskich wartości, i przedstawia 2 linie na wykresie: pierwsza (zwana %D) to średnia krocząca pierwszej linii. Jeśli cena zamknięcia jest wyższa od mediany przedziału wysokich i niskich wartości, SMI zwraca wartość dodatnią. Jeśli cena zamknięcia jest niższa niż średnia cena, zwraca wartość ujemną. Wartości powyżej 40 wskazują trend wzrostowy, a wartości poniżej -40 trend spadkowy.", "Themes": "Motywy", "There are no favorites yet.": "Brak ulubionych.", diff --git a/translation/pt.json b/translation/pt.json index 2d2d49a85..a11d86116 100644 --- a/translation/pt.json +++ b/translation/pt.json @@ -229,7 +229,7 @@ "The parabolic SAR is calculated almost independently for each trend in the price. When the price is in an uptrend, the SAR emerges below the price and converges upwards towards it. Similarly, on a downtrend, the SAR emerges above the price and converges downwards. At each step within a trend, the SAR is calculated one period in advance.": "O SAR parabólico é calculado independentemente para cada tendência no preço. Quando o preço está numa tendência de alta, o SAR emerge abaixo do preço e converge para cima em direção ao mesmo. Similarmente, numa tendência de baixa, o SAR emerge acima do preço e converge para baixo. Em cada etapa durante uma tendência, o SAR é calculado com um período de antecedência.", "The Price Rate-of-Change (ROC) indicator displays the difference between the current price and the price x-time periods ago. The difference can be displayed in either points or as a percentage.": "O indicador da Taxa de Mudança do Preço (ROC) exibe a diferença entre o preço atual e o preço há x períodos atrás. A diferença pode ser exibida e pontos ou como uma percentagem.", "The Rainbow Moving Average (RMA) displays several moving average lines simultaneously. When the lines intersect, it’s an indicator of price reversal and the angle of the lines are helpful to predict the trend strength. The steeper the curve, the stronger the trend. When the price crosses the moving average lines from below, it signals an upward trend. When the price crosses the moving average lines from above, it signals a downward trend. The RMA is easier to use compared to using several different moving average indicators at once.": "A Média Móvel do Arco-íris (RMA) exibe várias linhas de média móvel simultaneamente. Quando as linhas se cruzam, é um indicador de reversão de preço e o ângulo das linhas é útil para prever a força da tendência. Quanto mais íngreme a curva, mais forte é a tendência. Quando o preço cruza as linhas de média móvel de baixo para cima, ele sinaliza uma tendência de alta. Quando o preço cruza as linhas de média móvel de cima, ele sinaliza uma tendência de queda. O RMA é mais fácil de usar em comparação com o uso de vários indicadores de média móvel diferentes ao mesmo tempo.", - "The Relative Strength Index (RSI) was published by J. Welles Wilder. The current price is normalized as a percentage between 0 and 100. The name of this oscillator is misleading because it does not compare the instrument relative to another instrument or set of instruments, but rather represents the current price relative to other recent prices within the selected lookback window length.": "", + "The Relative Strength Index (RSI) was published by J. Welles Wilder. The current price is normalized as a percentage between 0 and 100. The name of this oscillator is misleading because it does not compare the instrument relative to another instrument or set of instruments, but rather represents the current price relative to other recent prices within the selected lookback window length.": "O Índice de Força Relativa (IFR) foi publicado por J. Welles Wilder. O preço atual é normalizado como uma percentagem entre 0 e 100. O nome deste oscilador é enganoso porque ele não compara o instrumento relativo a um outro instrumento ou conjunto de instrumentos, mas sim representa o preço atual relativo a outros preços recentes dentro do período retrospetivo selecionado.", "The Stochastic Momentum Index (SMI) helps to identify overbought or oversold conditions in the market and to predict bearish or bullish trends. It calculates the distance between the current closing price and the median of the high/low range, and displays 2 lines on the chart: the first (known as %K) represents the price movement while the second (known as %D) is a moving average of the first line. If the closing price is higher than the median of the high/low range, the SMI returns a positive value. If the closing price is lower than the average price, a negative value is returned. Values above 40 indicate a bullish trend while values below -40 indicate a bearish trend.": "O Índice de Momentum Estocástico (SMI) ajuda a identificar as condições de sobrecompra ou sobrevenda no mercado e a prever tendências de baixa ou alta. Ele calcula a distância entre o preço de fechamento atual e a mediana da faixa alta/baixa e exibe 2 linhas no gráfico: a primeira (conhecida como %K) representa o movimento do preço, enquanto a segunda (conhecida como %D) é um média móvel da primeira linha. Se o preço de fechamento for superior à mediana da faixa alta/baixa, o SMI retorna um valor positivo. Se o preço de fechamento for inferior ao preço médio, um valor negativo é retornado. Valores acima de 40 indicam tendência de alta, enquanto valores abaixo de -40 indicam tendência de baixa.", "Themes": "Temas", "There are no favorites yet.": "Ainda não há favoritos.", diff --git a/translation/ru.json b/translation/ru.json index 63d73b426..04df1181f 100644 --- a/translation/ru.json +++ b/translation/ru.json @@ -229,7 +229,7 @@ "The parabolic SAR is calculated almost independently for each trend in the price. When the price is in an uptrend, the SAR emerges below the price and converges upwards towards it. Similarly, on a downtrend, the SAR emerges above the price and converges downwards. At each step within a trend, the SAR is calculated one period in advance.": "Параболическая система SAR (SAR) рассчитывается практически индивидуально для каждого тренда. Когда цена демонстрирует восходящий тренд, SAR находится ниже цены и стремится вверх. Аналогичным образом, когда цена демонстрирует нисходящий тренд, SAR находится выше цены и стремится вниз. На каждом этапе тренда SAR рассчитывается на один период вперёд.", "The Price Rate-of-Change (ROC) indicator displays the difference between the current price and the price x-time periods ago. The difference can be displayed in either points or as a percentage.": "Индикатор Скорость изменения цены (ROC) показывает разницу между текущей ценой и ценой x периодов назад. Разница может быть отображена в пунктах или процентах.", "The Rainbow Moving Average (RMA) displays several moving average lines simultaneously. When the lines intersect, it’s an indicator of price reversal and the angle of the lines are helpful to predict the trend strength. The steeper the curve, the stronger the trend. When the price crosses the moving average lines from below, it signals an upward trend. When the price crosses the moving average lines from above, it signals a downward trend. The RMA is easier to use compared to using several different moving average indicators at once.": "Радужная скользящая средняя (RMA) отображает несколько линий скользящей средней одновременно. Пересечение линий служит индикатором разворота цены, а угол линий помогает предсказать силу тренда - чем круче кривая, тем сильнее тренд. Когда цена пересекает линии скользящей средней снизу, это сигнализирует о восходящем тренде, а когда цена пересекает линии скользящей средней сверху - о нисходящем тренде. RMA проще в использовании по сравнению с применением нескольких разных индикаторов скользящей средней одновременно.", - "The Relative Strength Index (RSI) was published by J. Welles Wilder. The current price is normalized as a percentage between 0 and 100. The name of this oscillator is misleading because it does not compare the instrument relative to another instrument or set of instruments, but rather represents the current price relative to other recent prices within the selected lookback window length.": "", + "The Relative Strength Index (RSI) was published by J. Welles Wilder. The current price is normalized as a percentage between 0 and 100. The name of this oscillator is misleading because it does not compare the instrument relative to another instrument or set of instruments, but rather represents the current price relative to other recent prices within the selected lookback window length.": "Индекс относительной силы (RSI) разработан Дж. Уэллсом Уайлдером. Текущая цена нормализована в виде процента от 0 до 100. Название индикатора может ввести в заблуждение, так как он не сравнивает инструмент по отношению к другому инструменту или ряду инструментов, а отображает текущую цену по отношению к другим недавним ценам за выбранный период.", "The Stochastic Momentum Index (SMI) helps to identify overbought or oversold conditions in the market and to predict bearish or bullish trends. It calculates the distance between the current closing price and the median of the high/low range, and displays 2 lines on the chart: the first (known as %K) represents the price movement while the second (known as %D) is a moving average of the first line. If the closing price is higher than the median of the high/low range, the SMI returns a positive value. If the closing price is lower than the average price, a negative value is returned. Values above 40 indicate a bullish trend while values below -40 indicate a bearish trend.": "Индекс Стохастического Моментума (SMI) помогает идентифицировать условия перекупленности или перепроданности на рынке и прогнозировать медвежьи или бычьи тренды. Он рассчитывает расстояние между текущей ценой закрытия и медианой диапазона максимума/минимума, и отображает 2 линии на графике: первая (известная как %K) представляет движение цены, а вторая (известная как %D) представляет собой скользящее среднее первой линии. Если цена закрытия выше, чем медиана диапазона максимума/минимума, SMI возвращает положительное значение. Если цена закрытия ниже средней цены, возвращается отрицательное значение. Значения выше 40 указывают на бычий тренд, а значения ниже -40 указывают на медвежий тренд.", "Themes": "Темы", "There are no favorites yet.": "Нет записей в избранном.", diff --git a/translation/si.json b/translation/si.json index 8ab44b98b..5642ce746 100644 --- a/translation/si.json +++ b/translation/si.json @@ -229,7 +229,7 @@ "The parabolic SAR is calculated almost independently for each trend in the price. When the price is in an uptrend, the SAR emerges below the price and converges upwards towards it. Similarly, on a downtrend, the SAR emerges above the price and converges downwards. At each step within a trend, the SAR is calculated one period in advance.": "පරාවලයික SAR මිලෙහි එක් එක් ප්රවණතාව සඳහා ස්වාධීනව ගණනය කරනු ලැබේ. මිල ඉහළ යන විට, SAR මිලට වඩා පහළින් මතු වී ඒ දෙසට ඉහළට අභිසාරී වේ. ඒ හා සමානව, පහත වැටීමක් මත, SAR මිලට වඩා ඉහළින් ඉස්මතු වන අතර පහළට අභිසාරී වේ. ප්රවණතාවක් තුළ සෑම පියවරකදීම SAR එක් කාල පරිච්ඡේදයක් කල්තියා ගණනය කරනු ලැබේ.", "The Price Rate-of-Change (ROC) indicator displays the difference between the current price and the price x-time periods ago. The difference can be displayed in either points or as a percentage.": "මිල අනුපාතය-of-වෙනස් (ROC) දර්ශකයක් වත්මන් මිල හා මිල x- කාල කාල කාල අතර වෙනස පෙන්වයි. වෙනස ලකුණු හෝ ප්රතිශතයක් ලෙස පෙන්විය හැකිය.", "The Rainbow Moving Average (RMA) displays several moving average lines simultaneously. When the lines intersect, it’s an indicator of price reversal and the angle of the lines are helpful to predict the trend strength. The steeper the curve, the stronger the trend. When the price crosses the moving average lines from below, it signals an upward trend. When the price crosses the moving average lines from above, it signals a downward trend. The RMA is easier to use compared to using several different moving average indicators at once.": "රේන්බෝ චලනය වන සාමාන්යය (ආර්එම්ඒ) එකවර චලනය වන සාමාන්ය රේඛා කිහිපයක් පෙන්වයි. රේඛා ඡේදනය වූ විට, එය මිල ආපසු හැරවීම පිළිබඳ දර්ශකයක් වන අතර රේඛාවල කෝණය ප්රවණතා ශක්තිය පුරෝකථනය කිරීමට උපකාරී වේ. වක්රය තීව්ර වන තරමට ප්රවණතාවය ශක්තිමත් වේ. මිල පහත සිට චලනය වන සාමාන්ය රේඛා තරණය කරන විට, එය ඉහළ ප්රවණතාවක් සංඥා කරයි. මිල ඉහළින් චලනය වන සාමාන්ය රේඛා හරහා ගමන් කරන විට, එය පහත වැටීමේ ප්රවණතාවක් සංඥා කරයි. එකවර විවිධ චලනය වන සාමාන්ය දර්ශක කිහිපයක් භාවිතා කිරීමට සාපේක්ෂව ආර්එම්ඒ භාවිතා කිරීම පහසුය.", - "The Relative Strength Index (RSI) was published by J. Welles Wilder. The current price is normalized as a percentage between 0 and 100. The name of this oscillator is misleading because it does not compare the instrument relative to another instrument or set of instruments, but rather represents the current price relative to other recent prices within the selected lookback window length.": "", + "The Relative Strength Index (RSI) was published by J. Welles Wilder. The current price is normalized as a percentage between 0 and 100. The name of this oscillator is misleading because it does not compare the instrument relative to another instrument or set of instruments, but rather represents the current price relative to other recent prices within the selected lookback window length.": "ආසිනික ශක්තිය සංඛ්‍යානය (RSI) එහි ප්‍රකාශය ජේ. වෙලස් විල්ඩර් විසිනි. වර්තමාන මිල 0 සහ 100 අතර ප්‍රතිශතයක් ලෙස සාම කිිරිමට නවීකෘත කර ඇත. මෙම ඔස්ක්ලේටරයේ නම්ය පෙනුම වසංගතයකි මන්ද මෙය එක කැළණියකට හෝ කැළණි සමූහයකට සසඳන්නේ නෙවෙයි, එහිමිතියෙන් යාවත්කාලීන මිලන්වන්නාෙක් එම වාර්තා කරන ලද ආචාරය කිහිපයක් වෙනුවට තීරණය කරයි.", "The Stochastic Momentum Index (SMI) helps to identify overbought or oversold conditions in the market and to predict bearish or bullish trends. It calculates the distance between the current closing price and the median of the high/low range, and displays 2 lines on the chart: the first (known as %K) represents the price movement while the second (known as %D) is a moving average of the first line. If the closing price is higher than the median of the high/low range, the SMI returns a positive value. If the closing price is lower than the average price, a negative value is returned. Values above 40 indicate a bullish trend while values below -40 indicate a bearish trend.": "ස්ටෝචාස්ටික් ගම්යතා දර්ශකය (එස්එම්අයි) වෙළඳපොලේ මිල දී ගැනීම් හෝ අධික විකුණුම් තත්වයන් හඳුනා ගැනීමට සහ පහතයාමේ හෝ බුලිෂ් ප්රවණතා පුරෝකථනය කිරීමට උපකාරී වේ. එය වර්තමාන අවසාන මිල සහ ඉහළ/අඩු පරාසයේ මධ්යන්ය අතර දුර ගණනය කරන අතර ප්රස්ථාරයේ පේළි 2 ක් පෙන්වයි: පළමු (% K ලෙස හැඳින්වෙන) මිල චලනය වන අතර දෙවැන්න ( %Dලෙස හැඳින්වෙන) පළමු පේළියේ චලනය වන සාමාන්යය වේ. අවසාන මිල ඉහළ/අඩු පරාසයේ මධ්යන්යයට වඩා වැඩි නම්, SMI ධනාත්මක අගයක් ලබා දෙයි. අවසාන මිල සාමාන්ය මිලට වඩා අඩු නම්, negative ණ අගයක් ආපසු ලබා දෙනු ලැබේ. 40 ට වැඩි අගයන් බුලිෂ් ප්රවණතාවක් පෙන්නුම් කරන අතර -40 ට අඩු අගයන් පහත වැටීමේ ප්රවණතාවක් පෙන්නුම් කරයි.", "Themes": "තේමාවන්", "There are no favorites yet.": "තවමත් ප්රියතමයන් නොමැත.", diff --git a/translation/sw.json b/translation/sw.json index 0a24c622e..3466baa26 100644 --- a/translation/sw.json +++ b/translation/sw.json @@ -229,7 +229,7 @@ "The parabolic SAR is calculated almost independently for each trend in the price. When the price is in an uptrend, the SAR emerges below the price and converges upwards towards it. Similarly, on a downtrend, the SAR emerges above the price and converges downwards. At each step within a trend, the SAR is calculated one period in advance.": "SAR ya parabolic inahesabiwa karibu kwa kujitegemea kwa kila mwenendo wa bei. Wakati bei iko katika mwenendo wa kuongezeka, SAR inaonekana chini ya bei na inakusanyika juu kuelekea kwake. Vivyo hivyo, kwa mwenendo wa kushuka, SAR inaonekana juu ya bei na inakusanyika chini. Katika kila hatua ndani ya mwenendo, SAR inahesabiwa kipindi kimoja mapema.", "The Price Rate-of-Change (ROC) indicator displays the difference between the current price and the price x-time periods ago. The difference can be displayed in either points or as a percentage.": "Kiashiria cha Bei cha Kiwango cha Mabadiliko (ROC) kinaonyesha tofauti kati ya bei ya sasa na bei vipindi vya wakati x zilizopita. Tofauti inaweza kuonyeshwa kwa pointi au kama asilimia.", "The Rainbow Moving Average (RMA) displays several moving average lines simultaneously. When the lines intersect, it’s an indicator of price reversal and the angle of the lines are helpful to predict the trend strength. The steeper the curve, the stronger the trend. When the price crosses the moving average lines from below, it signals an upward trend. When the price crosses the moving average lines from above, it signals a downward trend. The RMA is easier to use compared to using several different moving average indicators at once.": "Rainbow Moving Average (RMA) inaonyesha mistari kadhaa ya wastani inayohamia wakati huo huo. Wakati mistari zinapokatana, ni kiashiria cha kubadilishwa bei na pembe ya mistari inasaidia kutabiri nguvu ya mwenendo. Kadiri mzunguko unavyoweza, ndivyo mwenendo unavyoweza ngu Bei inapovuka mistari ya wastani wa kusonga kutoka chini, inaashiria mwenendo wa kuongezeka. Bei inapovuka mistari ya wastani wa kusonga kutoka juu, inaashiria mwenendo wa kushuka. RMA ni rahisi kutumia ikilinganishwa na kutumia viashiria kadhaa tofauti vya wastani wa kusonga mara moja.", - "The Relative Strength Index (RSI) was published by J. Welles Wilder. The current price is normalized as a percentage between 0 and 100. The name of this oscillator is misleading because it does not compare the instrument relative to another instrument or set of instruments, but rather represents the current price relative to other recent prices within the selected lookback window length.": "", + "The Relative Strength Index (RSI) was published by J. Welles Wilder. The current price is normalized as a percentage between 0 and 100. The name of this oscillator is misleading because it does not compare the instrument relative to another instrument or set of instruments, but rather represents the current price relative to other recent prices within the selected lookback window length.": "Kiashiria cha Nguvu za Kij relative (RSI) kilichapishwa na J. Welles Wilder. Bei ya sasa imepangwa kama asilimia kati ya 0 na 100. Jina la oscillator hii linaweza kuwa na upotoshaji kwa sababu halifananishi chombo hiki na chombo kingine au seti ya vyombo, bali linawakilisha bei ya sasa kwa kulinganisha na bei nyingine za hivi karibuni ndani ya kipindi kilichochaguliwa cha kuangalia.", "The Stochastic Momentum Index (SMI) helps to identify overbought or oversold conditions in the market and to predict bearish or bullish trends. It calculates the distance between the current closing price and the median of the high/low range, and displays 2 lines on the chart: the first (known as %K) represents the price movement while the second (known as %D) is a moving average of the first line. If the closing price is higher than the median of the high/low range, the SMI returns a positive value. If the closing price is lower than the average price, a negative value is returned. Values above 40 indicate a bullish trend while values below -40 indicate a bearish trend.": "Kielelezo cha Momentum ya Stochastic (SMI) husaidia kutambua hali ya kununuliwa kupita kiasi au kuuza kupita kiasi kwenye soko na kutabiri mwenendo wa kupanda au kupanda. Inahesabu umbali kati ya bei ya sasa ya kufunga na wastani wa kiwango cha juu na chini, na inaonyesha mistari 2 kwenye chati: ya kwanza (inayojulikana kama %K) inawakilisha harakati za bei wakati wa pili (inajulikana kama %D) ni wastani wa kusonga wa mstari wa kwanza. Ikiwa bei ya kufunga ni ya juu kuliko wastani wa kiwango cha juu na chini, SMI inarudisha thamani nzuri. Ikiwa bei ya kufunga ni chini kuliko bei ya wastani, thamani hasi inarejeshwa. Thamani juu ya 40 inaonyesha mwenendo wa kupanda wakati maadili chini ya -40 inaonyesha mwenendo wa kupanda.", "Themes": "Mandhari", "There are no favorites yet.": "Hakuna vipendwa bado.", diff --git a/translation/th.json b/translation/th.json index 873a05c24..d07148482 100644 --- a/translation/th.json +++ b/translation/th.json @@ -229,7 +229,7 @@ "The parabolic SAR is calculated almost independently for each trend in the price. When the price is in an uptrend, the SAR emerges below the price and converges upwards towards it. Similarly, on a downtrend, the SAR emerges above the price and converges downwards. At each step within a trend, the SAR is calculated one period in advance.": "ตัวบ่งชี้จุดไข่ปลาหรือ Parabolic SAR คำนวณแต่ละเทรนด์แนวโน้มของราคาได้อย่างเกือบเสรี เมื่อราคาอยู่ในเทรนด์ขาขึ้น SAR จะโผล่มาอยู่ด้านล่างใต้แท่งเทียนแสดงราคาและเบนลู่ไปทิศทางขึ้น ในทำนองเดียวกันในเทรนด์ขาลง SAR จะโผล่ขึ้นมาอยู่เหนือแท่งเทียนแสดงราคาและเบนลู่ไปทิศทางลง ในแต่ละขั้นตอนภายในเทรนด์ SAR จะถูกคำนวณออกมาหนึ่งช่วงเวลาล่วงหน้า", "The Price Rate-of-Change (ROC) indicator displays the difference between the current price and the price x-time periods ago. The difference can be displayed in either points or as a percentage.": "ตัวบ่งชี้อัตราวัดการเปลี่ยนแปลงหรือ Price Rate-of-Change (ROC) แสดงความแตกต่างระหว่างราคาปัจจุบันกับราคา ณ ช่วงเวลาใดเวลาหนึ่งที่ผ่านมา ซึ่งค่าความแตกต่างนั้นสามารถแสดงผลออกมาในรูปของจุดหรือร้อยละ", "The Rainbow Moving Average (RMA) displays several moving average lines simultaneously. When the lines intersect, it’s an indicator of price reversal and the angle of the lines are helpful to predict the trend strength. The steeper the curve, the stronger the trend. When the price crosses the moving average lines from below, it signals an upward trend. When the price crosses the moving average lines from above, it signals a downward trend. The RMA is easier to use compared to using several different moving average indicators at once.": "ตัวบ่งชี้รูปแบบสายรุ้งหรือ Rainbow Moving Average (RMA) นั้นแสดงเส้นค่าเฉลี่ยเคลื่อนที่หลายเส้นพร้อมกัน เมื่อเส้นเหล่านี้ตัดกันก็จะเป็นตัวบ่งชี้ถึงการกลับตัวของราคา และมุมของเส้นนั้นก็เป็นประโยชน์ในการใช้คาดการณ์ความแข็งแกร่งของเทรนด์แนวโน้ม เส้นโค้งที่ชันขึ้นมากเพียงใด เทรนด์แนวโน้มก็จะแข็งแกร่งขึ้นเพียงนั้น เมื่อราคาตลาดข้ามเส้นค่าเฉลี่ยเคลื่อนที่จากด้านล่างนั่นจะส่งสัญญาณถึงเทรนด์แนวโน้มขาขึ้น เมื่อราคาตลาดข้ามเส้นค่าเฉลี่ยเคลื่อนที่จากด้านบนนั่นจะส่งสัญญาณถึงเทรนด์แนวโน้มขาลง ทั้งนี้ ตัวบ่งชี้ RMA ถือว่าใช้งานง่ายเมื่อเทียบกับการใช้ตัวบ่งชี้ค่าเฉลี่ยเคลื่อนที่หลายตัวพร้อมกัน", - "The Relative Strength Index (RSI) was published by J. Welles Wilder. The current price is normalized as a percentage between 0 and 100. The name of this oscillator is misleading because it does not compare the instrument relative to another instrument or set of instruments, but rather represents the current price relative to other recent prices within the selected lookback window length.": "", + "The Relative Strength Index (RSI) was published by J. Welles Wilder. The current price is normalized as a percentage between 0 and 100. The name of this oscillator is misleading because it does not compare the instrument relative to another instrument or set of instruments, but rather represents the current price relative to other recent prices within the selected lookback window length.": "ดัชนีกำลังสัมพัทธ์หรือ Relative Strength Index (RSI) นั้นถูกเผยแพร่โดย J. Welles Wilder ซึ่งให้ราคาปัจจุบันถูกปรับเป็นร้อยละที่มีค่าระหว่าง 0 ถึง 100 ชื่อของตัวชี้วัดทางเทคนิคนี้อาจทำให้เข้าใจผิดได้เพราะมันไม่ได้เปรียบเทียบตราสารหนึ่งกับอีกตราสารหนึ่งหรือกับอีกกลุ่มของตราสาร แต่มันเป็นการแสดงราคาปัจจุบันซึ่งสัมพันธ์กับราคาอื่นๆ ที่เกิดขึ้นภายในช่วงเวลาการมองย้อนกลับที่เลือกเอาไว้", "The Stochastic Momentum Index (SMI) helps to identify overbought or oversold conditions in the market and to predict bearish or bullish trends. It calculates the distance between the current closing price and the median of the high/low range, and displays 2 lines on the chart: the first (known as %K) represents the price movement while the second (known as %D) is a moving average of the first line. If the closing price is higher than the median of the high/low range, the SMI returns a positive value. If the closing price is lower than the average price, a negative value is returned. Values above 40 indicate a bullish trend while values below -40 indicate a bearish trend.": "ดัชนีโมเมนตัมเชิงกลหรือ Stochastic Momentum Index (SMI) ช่วยในการระบุสภาวะการซื้อมากเกินไปหรือสภาวะการขายมากเกินไปในตลาดและช่วยในการคาดการณ์เทรนด์แนวโน้มขาลงหรือขาขึ้น SMI จะคำนวณระยะห่างระหว่างราคาปิดปัจจุบันและค่ามัธยฐานของช่วงสูง/ต่ำและแสดง 2 เส้นบนแผนภูมิ เส้นแรก (เรียกว่า %K) แสดงถึงการเคลื่อนไหวของราคาในขณะที่เส้นที่สอง (เรียกว่า %D) คือค่าเฉลี่ยเคลื่อนที่ของเส้นแรก ทั้งนี้ หากราคาปิดสูงกว่าค่ากลางของช่วงสูง/ต่ำ SMI จะส่งกลับค่าเป็นบวก หากราคาปิดต่ำกว่าราคาเฉลี่ยระบบจะส่งคืนค่าลบ ค่าที่สูงกว่า 40 หมายถึงเทรนด์ขาขึ้นในขณะที่ค่าที่ต่ำกว่า -40 แสดงถึงเทรนด์ขาลง", "Themes": "ธีม", "There are no favorites yet.": "ยังไม่มีรายการโปรด", diff --git a/translation/tr.json b/translation/tr.json index edb22ddc0..379bc48f5 100644 --- a/translation/tr.json +++ b/translation/tr.json @@ -229,7 +229,7 @@ "The parabolic SAR is calculated almost independently for each trend in the price. When the price is in an uptrend, the SAR emerges below the price and converges upwards towards it. Similarly, on a downtrend, the SAR emerges above the price and converges downwards. At each step within a trend, the SAR is calculated one period in advance.": "Parabolik SAR, fiyattaki her trend için neredeyse bağımsız olarak hesaplanır. Fiyat bir yükseliş trendinde olduğunda, SAR fiyatın altında ortaya çıkar ve yukarı doğru birleşir. Benzer şekilde, bir düşüş trendinde, SAR fiyatın üstünde ortaya çıkar ve aşağı doğru birleşir. Bir trend içindeki her adımda, SAR bir dönem önceden hesaplanır.", "The Price Rate-of-Change (ROC) indicator displays the difference between the current price and the price x-time periods ago. The difference can be displayed in either points or as a percentage.": "Fiyat Değişim Oranı (ROC) göstergesi, mevcut fiyat ile x-zaman aralığı önceki fiyat arasındaki farkı gösterir. Fark, ya noktalar ya da yüzde olarak görüntülenebilir.", "The Rainbow Moving Average (RMA) displays several moving average lines simultaneously. When the lines intersect, it’s an indicator of price reversal and the angle of the lines are helpful to predict the trend strength. The steeper the curve, the stronger the trend. When the price crosses the moving average lines from below, it signals an upward trend. When the price crosses the moving average lines from above, it signals a downward trend. The RMA is easier to use compared to using several different moving average indicators at once.": "Rainbow Hareketli Ortalama (RMA), aynı anda birkaç hareketli ortalama çizgisini görüntüler. Çizgiler kesiştiğinde, bu, fiyatın tersine çevrildiğinin bir göstergesidir ve çizgilerin açısı, trend gücünü tahmin etmeye yardımcı olur. Eğri ne kadar dik olursa, trend o kadar güçlü olur. Fiyat, hareketli ortalama çizgileri ile aşağıdan kesiştiğinde, yükseliş eğilimine işaret eder. Fiyat, hareketli ortalama çizgileri ile yukarıdan kesiştiğinde, düşüş eğilimine işaret eder. RMA'nın kullanımı, aynı anda birkaç farklı hareketli ortalama göstergesinin kullanılmasına kıyasla daha kolaydır.", - "The Relative Strength Index (RSI) was published by J. Welles Wilder. The current price is normalized as a percentage between 0 and 100. The name of this oscillator is misleading because it does not compare the instrument relative to another instrument or set of instruments, but rather represents the current price relative to other recent prices within the selected lookback window length.": "", + "The Relative Strength Index (RSI) was published by J. Welles Wilder. The current price is normalized as a percentage between 0 and 100. The name of this oscillator is misleading because it does not compare the instrument relative to another instrument or set of instruments, but rather represents the current price relative to other recent prices within the selected lookback window length.": "Göreceli Güç Endeksi (RSI), J. Welles Wilder tarafından yayınlandı. Mevcut fiyat, 0 ile 100 arasında bir yüzde olarak normalleştirilir. Bu osilatörün adı yanıltıcıdır çünkü enstrümanı başka bir enstrüman veya enstrüman seti ile karşılaştırmaz, bunun yerine seçilen inceleme pencere uzunluğu içindeki diğer güncel fiyatlara göre cari fiyatı temsil eder.", "The Stochastic Momentum Index (SMI) helps to identify overbought or oversold conditions in the market and to predict bearish or bullish trends. It calculates the distance between the current closing price and the median of the high/low range, and displays 2 lines on the chart: the first (known as %K) represents the price movement while the second (known as %D) is a moving average of the first line. If the closing price is higher than the median of the high/low range, the SMI returns a positive value. If the closing price is lower than the average price, a negative value is returned. Values above 40 indicate a bullish trend while values below -40 indicate a bearish trend.": "Stokastik Momentum Endeksi (SMI), piyasadaki aşırı alım veya aşırı satım koşullarını belirlemeye, aşağı yönlü veya yukarı yönlü eğilimlerini tahmin etmeye yardımcı olur. Mevcut kapanış fiyatı ile yüksek/düşük aralığının medyanı arasındaki mesafeyi hesaplar ve grafikte 2 çizgi görüntüler: ilki (%K olarak bilinir) fiyat hareketini temsil ederken, ikincisi (%D olarak bilinir) ilk satırın hareketli bir ortalamasıdır. Eğer kapanış fiyatı, yüksek/düşük aralığının medyanından yüksekse, SMI pozitif bir değer döndürür. Kapanış fiyatı ortalama fiyattan düşükse, negatif bir değer döndürülür. 40'ın üzerindeki değerler yükseliş eğilimini gösterirken -40'ın altındaki değerler düşüş eğilimini gösterir.", "Themes": "Temalar", "There are no favorites yet.": "Henüz favori yok.", diff --git a/translation/uz.json b/translation/uz.json index 80dad6a98..383948282 100644 --- a/translation/uz.json +++ b/translation/uz.json @@ -229,7 +229,7 @@ "The parabolic SAR is calculated almost independently for each trend in the price. When the price is in an uptrend, the SAR emerges below the price and converges upwards towards it. Similarly, on a downtrend, the SAR emerges above the price and converges downwards. At each step within a trend, the SAR is calculated one period in advance.": "Parabolik SAR narxning har bir tendentsiyasi uchun deyarli mustaqil ravishda hisoblanadi. Narx o'sish tendentsiyasida bo'lsa, SAR narxdan pastroq bo'ladi va unga qarab yuqoriga yaqinlashadi. Xuddi shunday, pasayish tendentsiyasida SAR narxdan yuqori bo'ladi va pastga yaqinlashadi. Trend doirasidagi har bir qadamda SAR bir davr oldin hisoblab chiqiladi.", "The Price Rate-of-Change (ROC) indicator displays the difference between the current price and the price x-time periods ago. The difference can be displayed in either points or as a percentage.": "Price Rate-of-Change (ROC) indikatori joriy narx va x-vaqt oldingi narx o'rtasidagi farqni ko'rsatadi. Farq nuqtalarda yoki foizda ko'rsatilishi mumkin.", "The Rainbow Moving Average (RMA) displays several moving average lines simultaneously. When the lines intersect, it’s an indicator of price reversal and the angle of the lines are helpful to predict the trend strength. The steeper the curve, the stronger the trend. When the price crosses the moving average lines from below, it signals an upward trend. When the price crosses the moving average lines from above, it signals a downward trend. The RMA is easier to use compared to using several different moving average indicators at once.": "Rainbow Harakatlanuvchi Oʻrtacha (RMA) bir vaqtning o'zida bir nechta harakatlanuvchi o'rtacha chiziqlarni ko'rsatadi. Chiziqlar kesishganda, bu narxning teskari ko'rsatkichidir va chiziqlarning burchagi trend kuchini bashorat qilishda yordam beradi. Egri chiziq qanchalik tik bo'lsa, trend shunchalik kuchli bo'ladi. Narx pastdan harakatlanuvchi o'rtacha chiziqlarni kesib o'tganda, u ko'tarilish trend bildiradi. Narx yuqoridan harakatlanuvchi o'rtacha chiziqlarni kesib o'tganda, u pasayish trend bildiradi. Bir vaqtning o'zida bir nechta harakatlanuvchi o'rtacha ko'rsatkichlarni ishlatish bilan solishtirganda RMA dan foydalanish osonroq.", - "The Relative Strength Index (RSI) was published by J. Welles Wilder. The current price is normalized as a percentage between 0 and 100. The name of this oscillator is misleading because it does not compare the instrument relative to another instrument or set of instruments, but rather represents the current price relative to other recent prices within the selected lookback window length.": "", + "The Relative Strength Index (RSI) was published by J. Welles Wilder. The current price is normalized as a percentage between 0 and 100. The name of this oscillator is misleading because it does not compare the instrument relative to another instrument or set of instruments, but rather represents the current price relative to other recent prices within the selected lookback window length.": "Nisbiy Kuch Indeksi (RSI) J. Welles Wilder tomonidan nashr etilgan. Joriy narx 0 dan 100 gacha foiz sifatida normallashtiriladi. Ushbu oscillator nomi aldamchi, chunki u asbobni boshqa asbob yoki asboblar to'plamiga nisbatan solishtirmaydi, balki tanlangan qayta ko'rish oynasining uzunligi ichidagi boshqa so'nggi narxlarga nisbatan joriy narxni ifodalaydi.", "The Stochastic Momentum Index (SMI) helps to identify overbought or oversold conditions in the market and to predict bearish or bullish trends. It calculates the distance between the current closing price and the median of the high/low range, and displays 2 lines on the chart: the first (known as %K) represents the price movement while the second (known as %D) is a moving average of the first line. If the closing price is higher than the median of the high/low range, the SMI returns a positive value. If the closing price is lower than the average price, a negative value is returned. Values above 40 indicate a bullish trend while values below -40 indicate a bearish trend.": "Stochastic Momentum Index (SMI) bozorda haddan tashqari sotib olingan yoki haddan tashqari sotilgan sharoitlarni aniqlashga va pasayish yoki yuksalish trendlarini bashorat qilishga yordam beradi. U joriy yopilish narxi va yuqori/past diapazonning medianasi orasidagi masofani hisoblab chiqadi va diagrammada 2 qatorni ko‘rsatadi: birinchisi (%K nomi bilan tanilgan) narx harakatini, ikkinchisi (%D nomi bilan tanilgan) narx harakatini ifodalaydi. birinchi qatorning harakatlanuvchi o'rtacha qiymati. Agar yopilish narxi yuqori/past diapazonning medianasidan yuqori bo'lsa, SMI ijobiy qiymatni qaytaradi. Agar yopilish narxi o'rtacha narxdan past bo'lsa, salbiy qiymat qaytariladi. 40 dan yuqori qiymatlar ko'tarilish trend, -40 dan past qiymatlar pasayish trend ko'rsatadi.", "Themes": "Mavzular", "There are no favorites yet.": "Hali sevimlilar yo'q.", diff --git a/translation/vi.json b/translation/vi.json index f7e7c8ec2..c1a56f7f1 100644 --- a/translation/vi.json +++ b/translation/vi.json @@ -229,7 +229,7 @@ "The parabolic SAR is calculated almost independently for each trend in the price. When the price is in an uptrend, the SAR emerges below the price and converges upwards towards it. Similarly, on a downtrend, the SAR emerges above the price and converges downwards. At each step within a trend, the SAR is calculated one period in advance.": "Parabolic SAR được tính gần như độc lập cho mỗi xu hướng trong giá cả. Khi giá là trong một xu hướng tăng, SAR nổi lên dưới giá và hội tụ trở lên đối với nó. Tương tự, một xu hướng, SAR nổi lên trên giá và hội tụ trở xuống. Tại mỗi bước trong một xu hướng, SAR được tính toán một khoảng thời gian trước.", "The Price Rate-of-Change (ROC) indicator displays the difference between the current price and the price x-time periods ago. The difference can be displayed in either points or as a percentage.": "Chỉ số tỷ giá hối đoái (ROC) sẽ hiển thị sự khác biệt giữa giá hiện hành và các giá x-khoảng thời gian trước đây. Sự khác biệt có thể được hiển thị ở một trong dạng điểm hoặc tỷ lệ phần trăm.", "The Rainbow Moving Average (RMA) displays several moving average lines simultaneously. When the lines intersect, it’s an indicator of price reversal and the angle of the lines are helpful to predict the trend strength. The steeper the curve, the stronger the trend. When the price crosses the moving average lines from below, it signals an upward trend. When the price crosses the moving average lines from above, it signals a downward trend. The RMA is easier to use compared to using several different moving average indicators at once.": "Đường trung bình động cầu vồng (RMA) hiển thị đồng thời một số đường trung bình động. Khi các đường giao nhau, nó có một chỉ báo về sự đảo ngược giá và góc của các đường này rất hữu ích để dự đoán cường độ xu hướng. Đường cong càng dốc, xu hướng càng mạnh. Khi giá vượt qua các đường trung bình động từ bên dưới, nó báo hiệu một xu hướng tăng. Khi giá vượt qua các đường trung bình động từ trên cao, nó báo hiệu một xu hướng giảm. RMA dễ sử dụng hơn so với việc sử dụng nhiều chỉ số trung bình động khác nhau cùng một lúc.", - "The Relative Strength Index (RSI) was published by J. Welles Wilder. The current price is normalized as a percentage between 0 and 100. The name of this oscillator is misleading because it does not compare the instrument relative to another instrument or set of instruments, but rather represents the current price relative to other recent prices within the selected lookback window length.": "", + "The Relative Strength Index (RSI) was published by J. Welles Wilder. The current price is normalized as a percentage between 0 and 100. The name of this oscillator is misleading because it does not compare the instrument relative to another instrument or set of instruments, but rather represents the current price relative to other recent prices within the selected lookback window length.": "Chỉ số tiềm lực tương đối (RSI) được xuất bản bởi J. Welles Wilder. Giá hiện tại bình thường như là một tỷ lệ phần trăm giữa 0 và 100. Tên của công cụ dao động này gây hiểu lầm bởi vì nó không so sánh công cụ liên quan đến công cụ hoặc tập hợp các công cụ khác, nhưng thay vào đó đại diện cho giá hiện hành tương đối so với các giá gần đây khác trong khoảng thời gian nhìn lại đã chọn.", "The Stochastic Momentum Index (SMI) helps to identify overbought or oversold conditions in the market and to predict bearish or bullish trends. It calculates the distance between the current closing price and the median of the high/low range, and displays 2 lines on the chart: the first (known as %K) represents the price movement while the second (known as %D) is a moving average of the first line. If the closing price is higher than the median of the high/low range, the SMI returns a positive value. If the closing price is lower than the average price, a negative value is returned. Values above 40 indicate a bullish trend while values below -40 indicate a bearish trend.": "Chỉ số mô men Stochastic (SMI) giúp xác định các điều kiện mua quá mức hoặc bán quá mức trên thị trường và dự đoán xu hướng giảm hoặc tăng. Nó tính toán khoảng cách giữa giá đóng cửa hiện tại và trung vị của phạm vi cao / thấp và hiển thị 2 dòng trên biểu đồ: dòng đầu tiên (được gọi là %K) đại diện cho biến động giá trong khi thứ hai (được gọi là %D) là trung bình di chuyển của dòng đầu tiên. Nếu giá đóng cửa cao hơn giá trị trung bình của phạm vi cao / thấp, SMI trả về giá trị dương. Nếu giá đóng cửa thấp hơn giá trung bình, giá trị âm được trả về. Các giá trị trên 40 cho thấy xu hướng tăng trong khi các giá trị dưới -40 cho thấy xu hướng giảm.", "Themes": "Chủ đề", "There are no favorites yet.": "Không có mục yêu thích nào.", diff --git a/translation/zh_cn.json b/translation/zh_cn.json index 97c5a1868..014c38dc6 100644 --- a/translation/zh_cn.json +++ b/translation/zh_cn.json @@ -229,7 +229,7 @@ "The parabolic SAR is calculated almost independently for each trend in the price. When the price is in an uptrend, the SAR emerges below the price and converges upwards towards it. Similarly, on a downtrend, the SAR emerges above the price and converges downwards. At each step within a trend, the SAR is calculated one period in advance.": "抛物线 SAR 几乎是针对每种价格趋势独立计算的。当价格处于上涨趋势时,SAR 将出现在价格之下,然后向上收并。同样,在下跌趋势中,SAR 出现在价格之上并向下收并。趋势里的每一步中,SAR 都会提前一个周期计算。", "The Price Rate-of-Change (ROC) indicator displays the difference between the current price and the price x-time periods ago. The difference can be displayed in either points or as a percentage.": "价格变动率 (ROC) 指标显示当前价格与x周期以前的价格差额。此差额可以点数或百分比显示。", "The Rainbow Moving Average (RMA) displays several moving average lines simultaneously. When the lines intersect, it’s an indicator of price reversal and the angle of the lines are helpful to predict the trend strength. The steeper the curve, the stronger the trend. When the price crosses the moving average lines from below, it signals an upward trend. When the price crosses the moving average lines from above, it signals a downward trend. The RMA is easier to use compared to using several different moving average indicators at once.": "彩虹移动平均线(RMA)同时显示多条移动平均线。当各线相交时,它是价格反转的指标,并且各线的角度有助于预测趋势强度。曲线越陡,趋势越强。当价格从下方穿过移动平均线时,表示上涨趋势。当价格从上方越过移动平均线时,表明下跌趋势。 与同时使用多个不同的移动平均指标相比,RMA 更易于使用。", - "The Relative Strength Index (RSI) was published by J. Welles Wilder. The current price is normalized as a percentage between 0 and 100. The name of this oscillator is misleading because it does not compare the instrument relative to another instrument or set of instruments, but rather represents the current price relative to other recent prices within the selected lookback window length.": "", + "The Relative Strength Index (RSI) was published by J. Welles Wilder. The current price is normalized as a percentage between 0 and 100. The name of this oscillator is misleading because it does not compare the instrument relative to another instrument or set of instruments, but rather represents the current price relative to other recent prices within the selected lookback window length.": "The Relative Strength Index (RSI) was published by J. Welles Wilder. The current price is normalized as a percentage between 0 and 100. The name of this oscillator is misleading because it does not compare the instrument relative to another instrument or set of instruments, but rather represents the current price relative to other recent prices within the selected lookback window length.", "The Stochastic Momentum Index (SMI) helps to identify overbought or oversold conditions in the market and to predict bearish or bullish trends. It calculates the distance between the current closing price and the median of the high/low range, and displays 2 lines on the chart: the first (known as %K) represents the price movement while the second (known as %D) is a moving average of the first line. If the closing price is higher than the median of the high/low range, the SMI returns a positive value. If the closing price is lower than the average price, a negative value is returned. Values above 40 indicate a bullish trend while values below -40 indicate a bearish trend.": "随机动量指数(SMI)帮助确定市场中的超买或超卖情况,并预测看跌或看涨趋势。它计算当前收盘价与高/低范围的中位数之间的距离,并在图表上显示2条线:第一条(称为%K)代表价格走势,第二条(称为%D)代表第一条线的移动平均值。如果收盘价高于高/低范围的中位数,则 SMI 返回正值。如果收盘价低于平均价格,则返回负值。高于40的值表示看涨趋势,低于-40的值表示看跌趋势。", "Themes": "主题", "There are no favorites yet.": "还没有收藏夹。", diff --git a/translation/zh_tw.json b/translation/zh_tw.json index 4a000aeed..2f34fcf46 100644 --- a/translation/zh_tw.json +++ b/translation/zh_tw.json @@ -229,7 +229,7 @@ "The parabolic SAR is calculated almost independently for each trend in the price. When the price is in an uptrend, the SAR emerges below the price and converges upwards towards it. Similarly, on a downtrend, the SAR emerges above the price and converges downwards. At each step within a trend, the SAR is calculated one period in advance.": "拋物線轉向指標 (SAR) 的計算對價格每一趨勢都幾乎毫無關聯。當價格呈上升趨勢時,SAR在價格下冒出並朝向它往上合攏。同樣的,在下降趨勢中,SAR在價格上冒出並朝下合併。SAR在趨勢中每一步驟都提前一周期計算。", "The Price Rate-of-Change (ROC) indicator displays the difference between the current price and the price x-time periods ago. The difference can be displayed in either points or as a percentage.": "價格變動率(ROC)指標顯示目前價格與x週期以前的價格差額。此差額可以點數或百分比顯示。", "The Rainbow Moving Average (RMA) displays several moving average lines simultaneously. When the lines intersect, it’s an indicator of price reversal and the angle of the lines are helpful to predict the trend strength. The steeper the curve, the stronger the trend. When the price crosses the moving average lines from below, it signals an upward trend. When the price crosses the moving average lines from above, it signals a downward trend. The RMA is easier to use compared to using several different moving average indicators at once.": "彩虹移動平均線(RMA)同時顯示多條移動平均線。當各線相交時,它是價格反轉的指標,並且各線的角度有助於預測趨勢強度。曲線越陡,趨勢越強。當價格從下方穿過移動平均線時,表示上漲趨勢。當價格從上方越過移動平均線時,表明下跌趨勢。與同時使用多個不同的移動平均指標相比,RMA 更易於使用。", - "The Relative Strength Index (RSI) was published by J. Welles Wilder. The current price is normalized as a percentage between 0 and 100. The name of this oscillator is misleading because it does not compare the instrument relative to another instrument or set of instruments, but rather represents the current price relative to other recent prices within the selected lookback window length.": "", + "The Relative Strength Index (RSI) was published by J. Welles Wilder. The current price is normalized as a percentage between 0 and 100. The name of this oscillator is misleading because it does not compare the instrument relative to another instrument or set of instruments, but rather represents the current price relative to other recent prices within the selected lookback window length.": "相對強弱指標(RSI)由J. Welles Wilder發布。目前價格被標準化為0至100之間的百分比。此指標的名稱具有誤導性,因為它並不對工具與另一工具或工具組作比較,而是在選定的回看窗口大小內顯示相對於其他近期價格的目前價格。", "The Stochastic Momentum Index (SMI) helps to identify overbought or oversold conditions in the market and to predict bearish or bullish trends. It calculates the distance between the current closing price and the median of the high/low range, and displays 2 lines on the chart: the first (known as %K) represents the price movement while the second (known as %D) is a moving average of the first line. If the closing price is higher than the median of the high/low range, the SMI returns a positive value. If the closing price is lower than the average price, a negative value is returned. Values above 40 indicate a bullish trend while values below -40 indicate a bearish trend.": "隨機動量指數(SMI)幫助確定市場中的超買或超賣情況,並預測看跌或看漲趨勢。它計算當前收盤價與高/低範圍的中位數之間的距離,並在圖表上顯示2條線:第一條(稱為%K)代表價格走勢,第二條(稱為%D)代表第一條線的移動平均值。如果收盤價高於高/低範圍的中位數,則 SMI 返回正值。如果收盤價低於平均價格,則返回負值。高於40的值表示看漲趨勢,低於-40的值表示看跌趨勢。", "Themes": "主題", "There are no favorites yet.": "還沒有偏好。",