From 450ddfb67fba3dbe774723d8570b2a63ee432bdd Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: "github-actions[bot]" <41898282+github-actions[bot]> Date: Mon, 22 Jan 2024 13:57:18 +0800 Subject: [PATCH] =?UTF-8?q?translations:=20=F0=9F=93=9A=20sync=20translati?= =?UTF-8?q?ons=20with=20crowdin=20(#13059)?= MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit Co-authored-by: DerivFE --- packages/p2p/crowdin/messages.json | 2 +- packages/p2p/src/translations/ar.json | 5 +++-- packages/p2p/src/translations/bn.json | 5 +++-- packages/p2p/src/translations/de.json | 5 +++-- packages/p2p/src/translations/es.json | 5 +++-- packages/p2p/src/translations/fr.json | 5 +++-- packages/p2p/src/translations/it.json | 5 +++-- packages/p2p/src/translations/ko.json | 5 +++-- packages/p2p/src/translations/pl.json | 5 +++-- packages/p2p/src/translations/pt.json | 5 +++-- packages/p2p/src/translations/ru.json | 5 +++-- packages/p2p/src/translations/si.json | 5 +++-- packages/p2p/src/translations/sw.json | 5 +++-- packages/p2p/src/translations/th.json | 5 +++-- packages/p2p/src/translations/tr.json | 5 +++-- packages/p2p/src/translations/vi.json | 5 +++-- packages/p2p/src/translations/zh_cn.json | 5 +++-- packages/p2p/src/translations/zh_tw.json | 5 +++-- 18 files changed, 52 insertions(+), 35 deletions(-) diff --git a/packages/p2p/crowdin/messages.json b/packages/p2p/crowdin/messages.json index a36b9ce80538..1151e29ea479 100644 --- a/packages/p2p/crowdin/messages.json +++ b/packages/p2p/crowdin/messages.json @@ -1 +1 @@ -{"3215342":"Last 30 days","6794664":"Ads that match your Deriv P2P balance and limit.","19789721":"Nobody has blocked you. Yay!","24711354":"Total orders <0>30d | <1>lifetime","47573834":"Fixed rate (1 {{account_currency}})","50672601":"Bought","55916349":"All","68867477":"Order ID {{ id }}","81450871":"We couldn’t find that page","97214671":"Hi! I'd like to exchange {{first_currency}} for {{second_currency}} at {{rate_display}}{{rate_type}} on Deriv P2P.nnIf you're interested, check out my ad 👉nn{{- advert_url}}nnThanks!","106063661":"Share this ad","111718006":"End date","121738739":"Send","122280248":"Avg release time <0>30d","134205943":"Your ads with fixed rates have been deactivated. Set floating rates to reactivate them.","140800401":"Float","150156106":"Save changes","159757877":"You won't see {{advertiser_name}}'s ads anymore and they won't be able to place orders on your ads.","170072126":"Seen {{ duration }} days ago","173939998":"Avg. pay time <0>30d","179083332":"Date","192859167":"{{avg_buy_time_in_minutes}} min","197477687":"Edit {{ad_type}} ad","203271702":"Try again","231473252":"Preferred currency","233677840":"of the market rate","257637860":"Upload documents to verify your address.","276261353":"Avg pay time <0>30d","277542386":"Please use <0>live chat to contact our Customer Support team for help.","316725580":"You can no longer rate this transaction.","323002325":"Post ad","324970564":"Seller's contact details","358133589":"Unblock {{advertiser_name}}?","364681129":"Contact details","367579676":"Blocked","390890891":"Last quarter","392469164":"You have blocked {{advertiser_name}}.","416167062":"You'll receive","424668491":"expired","452752527":"Rate (1 {{ currency }})","459886707":"E-wallets","460477293":"Enter message","464044457":"Buyer's nickname","473688701":"Enter a valid amount","476023405":"Didn't receive the email?","488150742":"Resend email","498500965":"Seller's nickname","498743422":"For your safety:","500514593":"Hide my ads","501523417":"You have no orders.","508385321":"This nickname will be visible to other Deriv P2P users.","514948272":"Copy link","517202770":"Set fixed rate","523301614":"Release {{amount}} {{currency}}","525380157":"Buy {{offered_currency}} order","531912261":"Bank name, account number, beneficiary name","554135844":"Edit","555447610":"You won't be able to change your buy and sell limits again after this. Do you want to continue?","560402954":"User rating","565060416":"Exchange rate","587882987":"Advertisers","611376642":"Clear","612069973":"Would you recommend this buyer?","625563394":"Only numbers are allowed.","628581263":"The {{local_currency}} market rate has changed.","639382772":"Please upload supported file type.","649549724":"I’ve not received any payment.","654193846":"The verification link appears to be invalid. Hit the button below to request for a new one","655733440":"Others","661808069":"Resend email {{remaining_time}}","662578726":"Available","683273691":"Rate (1 {{ account_currency }})","723172934":"Looking to buy or sell USD? You can post your own ad for others to respond.","728383001":"I’ve received more than the agreed amount.","733311523":"P2P transactions are locked. This feature is not available for payment agents.","767789372":"Wait for payment","782834680":"Time left","783454335":"Yes, remove","784839262":"Share","830703311":"My profile","834075131":"Blocked advertisers","838024160":"Bank details","842911528":"Don’t show this message again.","846659545":"Your ad is not listed on <0>Buy/Sell because the amount exceeds your daily limit of {{limit}} {{currency}}.\n <1 /><1 />You can still see your ad on <0>My ads. If you’d like to increase your daily limit, please contact us via <2>live chat.","847028402":"Check your email","858027714":"Seen {{ duration }} minutes ago","873437248":"Instructions (optional)","876086855":"Complete the financial assessment form","881351325":"Would you recommend this seller?","886126850":"This ad is not listed on Buy/Sell because its maximum order is lower than the minimum amount you can specify for orders in your ads.","887667868":"Order","892431976":"If you cancel your order {{cancellation_limit}} times in {{cancellation_period}} hours, you will be blocked from using Deriv P2P for {{block_duration}} hours.
({{number_of_cancels_remaining}} cancellations remaining)","926446466":"Please set a different minimum and/or maximum order limit. nnThe range of your ad should not overlap with any of your active ads.","931661826":"Download this QR code","947389294":"We need your documents","949859957":"Submit","954233511":"Sold","957807235":"Blocking wasn't possible as {{name}} is not using Deriv P2P anymore.","988380202":"Your instructions","993198283":"The file you uploaded is not supported. Upload another.","1001160515":"Sell","1002264993":"Seller's real name","1009032439":"All time","1020552673":"You're creating an ad to buy <0>{{ target_amount }} {{ target_currency }}...","1030390916":"You already have an ad with this range","1035893169":"Delete","1040596075":"Address verification failed. Please try again.","1042690536":"I’ve read and understood the above reminder.","1052094244":"Max order","1056821534":"Are you sure?","1057127276":"{{- avg_release_time_in_minutes}} min","1065551550":"Set floating rate","1077515534":"Date to","1080990424":"Confirm","1089110190":"You accidentally gave us another email address (usually a work or a personal one instead of the one you meant).","1091533736":"Don't risk your funds with cash transactions. Use bank transfers or e-wallets instead.","1106073960":"You've created an ad","1106485202":"Available Deriv P2P balance","1109217274":"Success!","1119887091":"Verification","1121630246":"Block","1137964885":"Can only contain letters, numbers, and special characters .- _ @.","1142686040":"Nickname added successfully!","1151608942":"Total amount","1157877436":"{{field_name}} should not exceed Amount","1161621759":"Choose your nickname","1162965175":"Buyer","1163072833":"<0>ID verified","1164771858":"I’ve received payment from 3rd party.","1168689876":"Your ad is not listed","1191941618":"Enter a value that's within -{{limit}}% to +{{limit}}%","1192337383":"Seen {{ duration }} hour ago","1202500203":"Pay now","1228352589":"Not rated yet","1229976478":"You will be able to see {{ advertiser_name }}'s ads. They'll be able to place orders on your ads, too.","1236083813":"Your payment details","1254676637":"I'll do this later","1258285343":"Oops, something went wrong","1265751551":"Deriv P2P Balance","1286797620":"Active","1287051975":"Nickname is too long","1300767074":"{{name}} is no longer on Deriv P2P","1303016265":"Yes","1313218101":"Rate this transaction","1314266187":"Joined today","1320670806":"Leave page","1326475003":"Activate","1328352136":"Sell {{ account_currency }}","1330528524":"Seen {{ duration }} month ago","1337027601":"You sold {{offered_amount}} {{offered_currency}}","1347322213":"How would you rate this transaction?","1347724133":"I have paid {{amount}} {{currency}}.","1366244749":"Limits","1370999551":"Floating rate","1371193412":"Cancel","1376329801":"Last 60 days","1378388952":"Promote your ad by sharing the QR code and link.","1381949324":"<0>Address verified","1385570445":"Upload documents to verify your identity.","1398938904":"We can't deliver the email to this address (usually because of firewalls or filtering).","1422356389":"No results for \"{{text}}\".","1430413419":"Maximum is {{value}} {{currency}}","1438103743":"Floating rates are enabled for {{local_currency}}. Ads with fixed rates will be deactivated. Switch to floating rates by {{end_date}}.","1448855725":"Add payment methods","1452260922":"Too many failed attempts","1467483693":"Past orders","1474532322":"Sort by","1480915523":"Skip","1497156292":"No ads for this currency 😞","1505293001":"Trade partners","1543377906":"This ad is not listed on Buy/Sell because you have paused all your ads.","1568512719":"Your daily limits have been increased to {{daily_buy_limit}} {{currency}} (buy) and {{daily_sell_limit}} {{currency}} (sell).","1583335572":"If the ad doesn't receive an order for {{adverts_archive_period}} days, it will be deactivated.","1587250288":"Ad ID {{advert_id}} ","1587507924":"Or copy this link","1607051458":"Search by nickname","1615530713":"Something's not right","1620858613":"You're editing an ad to sell <0>{{ target_amount }} {{ target_currency }} for <0>{{ local_amount }} {{ local_currency }} <1>({{ price_rate }} {{local_currency}}/{{ target_currency }})","1622662457":"Date from","1623916605":"I wasn’t able to make full payment.","1654365787":"Unknown","1660278694":"The advertiser changed the rate before you confirmed the order.","1671725772":"If you choose to cancel, the edited details will be lost.","1675716253":"Min limit","1678804253":"Buy {{ currency }}","1685888862":"An internal error occurred","1686592014":"To place an order, add one of the advertiser's preferred payment methods:","1691540875":"Edit payment method","1699829275":"Cannot upload a file over 5MB","1702855414":"Your ad isn’t listed on Buy/Sell due to the following reason(s):","1703154819":"You're editing an ad to sell <0>{{ target_amount }} {{ target_currency }}...","1721422292":"Show my real name","1734661732":"Your DP2P balance is {{ dp2p_balance }}","1747523625":"Go back","1752096323":"{{field_name}} should not be below Min limit","1767817594":"Buy completion <0>30d","1782514544":"This ad is not listed on Buy/Sell because its minimum order is higher than {{maximum_order_amount}} {{currency}}.","1784151356":"at","1791767028":"Set a fixed rate for your ad.","1794470010":"I’ve made full payment, but the seller hasn’t released the funds.","1794474847":"I've received payment","1798116519":"Available amount","1809099720":"Expand all","1810217569":"Please refresh this page to continue.","1842172737":"You've received {{offered_amount}} {{offered_currency}}","1859308030":"Give feedback","1874956952":"Hit the button below to add payment methods.","1902229457":"Unable to block advertiser","1908023954":"Sorry, an error occurred while processing your request.","1914014145":"Today","1923443894":"Inactive","1928240840":"Sell {{ currency }}","1929119945":"There are no ads yet","1976156928":"You'll send","1992961867":"Rate (1 {{currency}})","1994023526":"The email address you entered had a mistake or typo (happens to the best of us).","2020104747":"Filter","2029375371":"Payment instructions","2032274854":"Recommended by {{recommended_count}} traders","2039361923":"You're creating an ad to sell...","2040110829":"Increase my limits","2060873863":"Your order {{order_id}} is complete","2063890788":"Cancelled","2064304887":"We accept JPG, PDF, or PNG (up to 5MB).","2091671594":"Status","2096014107":"Apply","2104905634":"No one has recommended this trader yet","2108340400":"Hello! This is where you can chat with the counterparty to confirm the order details.nNote: In case of a dispute, we'll use this chat as a reference.","2121837513":"Minimum is {{value}} {{currency}}","2142425493":"Ad ID","2142752968":"Please ensure you've received {{amount}} {{local_currency}} in your account and hit Confirm to complete the transaction.","2145292295":"Rate","-1540251249":"Buy {{ account_currency }}","-1267880283":"{{field_name}} is required","-2019083683":"{{field_name}} can only include letters, numbers, spaces, and any of these symbols: -+.,'#@():;","-222920564":"{{field_name}} has exceeded maximum length","-2093768906":"{{name}} has released your funds.
Would you like to give your feedback?","-1101273282":"Nickname is required","-919203928":"Nickname is too short","-1907100457":"Cannot start, end with, or repeat special characters.","-270502067":"Cannot repeat a character more than 4 times.","-499872405":"You have open orders for this ad. Complete all open orders before deleting this ad.","-2125702445":"Instructions","-1274358564":"Max limit","-1995606668":"Amount","-1965472924":"Fixed rate","-1081775102":"{{field_name}} should not be below Max limit","-991345852":"Only up to 2 decimals are allowed.","-885044836":"{{field_name}} should not exceed Max limit","-1921077416":"All ({{list_value}})","-608125128":"Blocked ({{list_value}})","-1764050750":"Payment details","-2021135479":"This field is required.","-2005205076":"{{field_name}} has exceeded maximum length of 200 characters.","-1837059346":"Buy / Sell","-494667560":"Orders","-679691613":"My ads","-412680608":"Add payment method","-984140537":"Add","-1220275347":"You may choose up to 3 payment methods for this ad.","-510341549":"I’ve received less than the agreed amount.","-650030360":"I’ve paid more than the agreed amount.","-1192446042":"If your complaint isn't listed here, please contact our Customer Support team.","-573132778":"Complaint","-792338456":"What's your complaint?","-418870584":"Cancel order","-1392383387":"I've paid","-727273667":"Complain","-2016990049":"Sell {{offered_currency}} order","-811190405":"Time","-961632398":"Collapse all","-415476028":"Not rated","-26434257":"You have until {{remaining_review_time}} GMT to rate this transaction.","-768709492":"Your transaction experience","-652933704":"Recommended","-84139378":"Not Recommended","-2139303636":"You may have followed a broken link, or the page has moved to a new address.","-1448368765":"Error code: {{error_code}} page not found","-1660552437":"Return to P2P","-137444201":"Buy","-1306639327":"Payment methods","-904197848":"Limits {{min_order_amount_limit_display}}-{{max_order_amount_limit_display}} {{currency}}","-464361439":"{{- avg_buy_time_in_minutes}} min","-2109576323":"Sell completion <0>30d","-165392069":"Avg. release time <0>30d","-1154208372":"Trade volume <0>30d","-2017825013":"Got it","-1845037007":"Advertiser's page","-1070228546":"Joined {{days_since_joined}}d","-2015102262":"({{number_of_ratings}} rating)","-1412298133":"({{number_of_ratings}} ratings)","-260332243":"{{user_blocked_count}} person has blocked you","-117094654":"{{user_blocked_count}} people have blocked you","-329713179":"Ok","-1689905285":"Unblock","-1148912768":"If the market rate changes from the rate shown here, we won't be able to process your order.","-55126326":"Seller","-92830427":"Seller's instructions","-1940034707":"Buyer's instructions","-835196958":"Receive payment to","-1218007718":"You may choose up to 3.","-1933432699":"Enter {{transaction_type}} amount","-2021730616":"{{ad_type}}","-490637584":"Limit: {{min}}–{{max}} {{currency}}","-1974067943":"Your bank details","-892663026":"Your contact details","-1285759343":"Search","-1657433201":"There are no matching ads.","-1862812590":"Limits {{ min_order }}–{{ max_order }} {{ currency }}","-375836822":"Buy {{account_currency}}","-1035421133":"Sell {{account_currency}}","-1876891031":"Currency","-1503997652":"No ads for this currency.","-1048001140":"No results for \"{{value}}\".","-254484597":"You have no ads 😞","-1179827369":"Create new ad","-73663931":"Create ad","-141315849":"No ads for this currency at the moment 😞","-1889014820":"<0>Don’t see your payment method? <1>Add new.","-1406830100":"Payment method","-1561775203":"Buy {{currency}}","-1527285935":"Sell {{currency}}","-592818187":"Your Deriv P2P balance is {{ dp2p_balance }}","-1654157453":"Fixed rate (1 {{currency}})","-379708059":"Min order","-1459289144":"This information will be visible to everyone.","-207756259":"You may tap and choose up to 3.","-1282343703":"You're creating an ad to buy <0>{{ target_amount }} {{ target_currency }} for <0>{{ local_amount }} {{ local_currency }} <1>({{ price_rate }} {{local_currency}}/{{ target_currency }})","-2139632895":"You're creating an ad to sell <0>{{ target_amount }} {{ target_currency }} for <0>{{ local_amount }} {{ local_currency }} <1>({{ price_rate }} {{local_currency}}/{{ target_currency }})","-40669120":"You're creating an ad to sell <0>{{ target_amount }} {{ target_currency }}...","-514789442":"You're creating an ad to buy...","-230677679":"{{text}}","-1914431773":"You're editing an ad to buy <0>{{ target_amount }} {{ target_currency }} for <0>{{ local_amount }} {{ local_currency }} <1>({{ price_rate }} {{local_currency}}/{{ target_currency }})","-107996509":"You're editing an ad to buy <0>{{ target_amount }} {{ target_currency }}...","-863580260":"You're editing an ad to buy...","-1396464057":"You're editing an ad to sell...","-372210670":"Rate (1 {{account_currency}})","-87612148":"Ad not listed","-1318334333":"Deactivate","-1667041441":"Rate (1 {{ offered_currency }})","-792015701":"Deriv P2P cashier is unavailable in your country.","-1983512566":"This conversation is closed.","-283017497":"Retry","-360975483":"You've made no transactions of this type during this period.","-979459594":"Buy/Sell","-2052184983":"Order ID","-2096350108":"Counterparty","-1597110099":"Receive","-750202930":"Active orders","-1626659964":"I've received {{amount}} {{currency}}.","-526636259":"Error 404","-480724783":"You already have an ad with this rate","-2040406318":"You already have an ad with the same exchange rate for this currency pair and order type. nnPlease set a different rate for your ad.","-1117584385":"Seen more than 6 months ago","-1766199849":"Seen {{ duration }} months ago","-591593016":"Seen {{ duration }} day ago","-1586918919":"Seen {{ duration }} hours ago","-664781013":"Seen {{ duration }} minute ago","-1717650468":"Online","-1887970998":"Unblocking wasn't possible as {{name}} is not using Deriv P2P anymore.","-1207312691":"Completed","-688728873":"Expired","-1951641340":"Under dispute","-1738697484":"Confirm payment","-1611857550":"Waiting for the seller to confirm","-1452684930":"Buyer's real name","-1875343569":"Seller's payment details","-1792280476":"Choose your payment method","-520142572":"Cashier is currently down for maintenance","-1552080215":"Please check back in a few minutes.<0>Thank you for your patience.","-684271315":"OK","-130601012":"Please select duration","-232254547":"Custom","-1577570698":"Start date","-1251526905":"Last 7 days","-1638172550":"To enable this feature you must complete the following:","-1086586743":"Please submit your <0>proof of address. You can use Deriv P2P after we’ve verified your documents.","-559300364":"Your Deriv P2P cashier is blocked","-740038242":"Your rate is","-1072444041":"Update ad","-2085839488":"This ad is not listed on Buy/Sell because its minimum order is higher than the ad’s remaining amount ({{remaining_amount}} {{currency}}).","-987612578":"This ad is not listed on Buy/Sell because its minimum order is higher than your Deriv P2P available balance ({{balance}} {{currency}}).","-84644774":"This ad is not listed on Buy/Sell because its minimum order is higher than your remaining daily limit ({{remaining_limit}} {{currency}}).","-452142075":"You’re not allowed to use Deriv P2P to advertise. Please contact us via live chat for more information.","-1886565882":"Your ads with floating rates have been deactivated. Set fixed rates to reactivate them.","-971817673":"Your ad isn't visible to others","-1735126907":"This could be because your account balance is insufficient, your ad amount exceeds your daily limit, or both. You can still see your ad on <0>My ads.","-674715853":"Your ad exceeds the daily limit","-1530773708":"Block {{advertiser_name}}?","-2035037071":"Your Deriv P2P balance isn't enough. Please increase your balance before trying again.","-293182503":"Cancel adding this payment method?","-1850127397":"If you choose to cancel, the details you’ve entered will be lost.","-1601971804":"Cancel your edits?","-1571737200":"Don't cancel","-146021156":"Delete {{payment_method_name}}?","-1846700504":"Are you sure you want to remove this payment method?","-231863107":"No","-471384801":"Sorry, we're unable to increase your limits right now. Please try again in a few minutes.","-150224710":"Yes, continue","-1422779483":"That payment method cannot be deleted","-1103095341":"If you’re selling, only release funds to the buyer after you’ve received payment.","-1918928746":"We’ll never ask you to release funds on behalf of anyone.","-1641698637":"Read the instructions in the ad carefully before making your order. If there's anything unclear, check with the advertiser first.","-1815993311":"Only discuss your P2P order details within the in-app chatbox, and nowhere else.","-7572501":"All P2P transactions are final and cannot be reversed.","-1088454544":"Get new link","-2124584325":"We've verified your order","-848068683":"Hit the link in the email we sent you to authorise this transaction.","-1238182882":"The link will expire in 10 minutes.","-142727028":"The email is in your spam folder (sometimes things get lost there).","-75934135":"Matching ads","-1856204727":"Reset","-227512949":"Check your spelling or use a different term.","-1554938377":"Search payment method","-1728351486":"Invalid verification link","-433946201":"Leave page?","-818345434":"Are you sure you want to leave this page? Changes made will not be saved.","-392043307":"Do you want to delete this ad?","-854930519":"You will NOT be able to restore it.","-1600783504":"Set a floating rate for your ad.","-808161760":"Deriv P2P balance = deposits that can’t be reversed","-532709160":"Your nickname","-1016461467":"Your nickname cannot be changed later.","-2008992756":"Do you want to cancel this order?","-1618084450":"If you cancel this order, you'll be blocked from using Deriv P2P for {{block_duration}} hours.","-2026176944":"Please do not cancel if you have already made payment.","-1989544601":"Cancel this order","-492996224":"Do not cancel","-1447732068":"Payment confirmation","-1951344681":"Please make sure that you've paid {{amount}} {{currency}} to {{other_user_name}}, and upload the receipt as proof of your payment","-637818525":"Sending forged documents will result in an immediate and permanent ban.","-670364940":"Upload receipt here","-937707753":"Go Back","-1340125291":"Done","-1854199094":"{{type}} {{account_currency}}","-788469106":"ID number","-574559641":"Scan this code to order via Deriv P2P","-1078665050":"Share link","-354026679":"Share via","-229543460":"{{- link}}","-1388977563":"Copied!","-237014436":"Recommended by {{recommended_count}} trader","-849068301":"Loading...","-2061807537":"Something’s not right","-1354983065":"Refresh","-2054589794":"You've been temporarily barred from using our services due to multiple cancellation attempts. Try again after {{date_time}} GMT.","-1079963355":"trades","-609070622":"Identity verification in progress.","-1269954557":"Identity verification failed. Please try again.","-1507102231":"Identity verification complete.","-670039668":"Address verification in progress.","-23313647":"Address verification complete.","-1483008038":"Verify your P2P account","-792476552":"Verify your identity and address to use Deriv P2P.","-1908692350":"Filter by","-992568889":"No one to show here","-1241719539":"When you block someone, you won't see their ads, and they can't see yours. Your ads will be hidden from their search results, too.","-1007339977":"There are no matching name.","-1298666786":"My counterparties","-179005984":"Save","-2059312414":"Ad details","-1769584466":"Stats","-2090878601":"Daily limit","-474123616":"Want to increase your daily limits to <0>{{max_daily_buy}} {{currency}} (buy) and <1>{{max_daily_sell}} {{currency}} (sell)?","-133982971":"{{avg_release_time_in_minutes}} min","-130547447":"Trade volume <0>30d | <1>lifetime","-383030149":"You haven’t added any payment methods yet","-1156559889":"Bank Transfers","-1269362917":"Add new"} \ No newline at end of file +{"3215342":"Last 30 days","6794664":"Ads that match your Deriv P2P balance and limit.","19789721":"Nobody has blocked you. Yay!","24711354":"Total orders <0>30d | <1>lifetime","47573834":"Fixed rate (1 {{account_currency}})","50672601":"Bought","55916349":"All","68867477":"Order ID {{ id }}","81450871":"We couldn’t find that page","97214671":"Hi! I'd like to exchange {{first_currency}} for {{second_currency}} at {{rate_display}}{{rate_type}} on Deriv P2P.nnIf you're interested, check out my ad 👉nn{{- advert_url}}nnThanks!","106063661":"Share this ad","111718006":"End date","121738739":"Send","122280248":"Avg release time <0>30d","134205943":"Your ads with fixed rates have been deactivated. Set floating rates to reactivate them.","140800401":"Float","150156106":"Save changes","159757877":"You won't see {{advertiser_name}}'s ads anymore and they won't be able to place orders on your ads.","170072126":"Seen {{ duration }} days ago","173939998":"Avg. pay time <0>30d","179083332":"Date","192859167":"{{avg_buy_time_in_minutes}} min","197477687":"Edit {{ad_type}} ad","203271702":"Try again","231473252":"Preferred currency","233677840":"of the market rate","257637860":"Upload documents to verify your address.","276261353":"Avg pay time <0>30d","277542386":"Please use <0>live chat to contact our Customer Support team for help.","316725580":"You can no longer rate this transaction.","323002325":"Post ad","324970564":"Seller's contact details","358133589":"Unblock {{advertiser_name}}?","364681129":"Contact details","367579676":"Blocked","390890891":"Last quarter","392469164":"You have blocked {{advertiser_name}}.","416167062":"You'll receive","424668491":"expired","452752527":"Rate (1 {{ currency }})","459886707":"E-wallets","460477293":"Enter message","464044457":"Buyer's nickname","473688701":"Enter a valid amount","476023405":"Didn't receive the email?","488150742":"Resend email","498500965":"Seller's nickname","498743422":"For your safety:","500514593":"Hide my ads","501523417":"You have no orders.","508385321":"This nickname will be visible to other Deriv P2P users.","514948272":"Copy link","517202770":"Set fixed rate","523301614":"Release {{amount}} {{currency}}","525380157":"Buy {{offered_currency}} order","531912261":"Bank name, account number, beneficiary name","554135844":"Edit","555447610":"You won't be able to change your buy and sell limits again after this. Do you want to continue?","560402954":"User rating","565060416":"Exchange rate","587882987":"Advertisers","611376642":"Clear","612069973":"Would you recommend this buyer?","625563394":"Only numbers are allowed.","625586185":"Deposits via cards and the following payment methods aren’t included: Maestro, Diners Club, ZingPay, Skrill, Neteller, Ozow, and UPI QR.","628581263":"The {{local_currency}} market rate has changed.","639382772":"Please upload supported file type.","649549724":"I’ve not received any payment.","654193846":"The verification link appears to be invalid. Hit the button below to request for a new one","655733440":"Others","661808069":"Resend email {{remaining_time}}","662578726":"Available","683273691":"Rate (1 {{ account_currency }})","723172934":"Looking to buy or sell USD? You can post your own ad for others to respond.","728383001":"I’ve received more than the agreed amount.","733311523":"P2P transactions are locked. This feature is not available for payment agents.","767789372":"Wait for payment","782834680":"Time left","783454335":"Yes, remove","784839262":"Share","830703311":"My profile","834075131":"Blocked advertisers","838024160":"Bank details","842911528":"Don’t show this message again.","846659545":"Your ad is not listed on <0>Buy/Sell because the amount exceeds your daily limit of {{limit}} {{currency}}.\n <1 /><1 />You can still see your ad on <0>My ads. If you’d like to increase your daily limit, please contact us via <2>live chat.","847028402":"Check your email","858027714":"Seen {{ duration }} minutes ago","873437248":"Instructions (optional)","876086855":"Complete the financial assessment form","881351325":"Would you recommend this seller?","886126850":"This ad is not listed on Buy/Sell because its maximum order is lower than the minimum amount you can specify for orders in your ads.","887667868":"Order","892431976":"If you cancel your order {{cancellation_limit}} times in {{cancellation_period}} hours, you will be blocked from using Deriv P2P for {{block_duration}} hours.
({{number_of_cancels_remaining}} cancellations remaining)","926446466":"Please set a different minimum and/or maximum order limit. nnThe range of your ad should not overlap with any of your active ads.","931661826":"Download this QR code","947389294":"We need your documents","949859957":"Submit","954233511":"Sold","957807235":"Blocking wasn't possible as {{name}} is not using Deriv P2P anymore.","988380202":"Your instructions","993198283":"The file you uploaded is not supported. Upload another.","1001160515":"Sell","1002264993":"Seller's real name","1009032439":"All time","1020552673":"You're creating an ad to buy <0>{{ target_amount }} {{ target_currency }}...","1030390916":"You already have an ad with this range","1035893169":"Delete","1040596075":"Address verification failed. Please try again.","1042690536":"I’ve read and understood the above reminder.","1052094244":"Max order","1056821534":"Are you sure?","1057127276":"{{- avg_release_time_in_minutes}} min","1065551550":"Set floating rate","1077515534":"Date to","1080990424":"Confirm","1089110190":"You accidentally gave us another email address (usually a work or a personal one instead of the one you meant).","1091533736":"Don't risk your funds with cash transactions. Use bank transfers or e-wallets instead.","1106073960":"You've created an ad","1106485202":"Available Deriv P2P balance","1109217274":"Success!","1119887091":"Verification","1121630246":"Block","1137964885":"Can only contain letters, numbers, and special characters .- _ @.","1142686040":"Nickname added successfully!","1151608942":"Total amount","1157877436":"{{field_name}} should not exceed Amount","1161621759":"Choose your nickname","1162965175":"Buyer","1163072833":"<0>ID verified","1164771858":"I’ve received payment from 3rd party.","1168689876":"Your ad is not listed","1191941618":"Enter a value that's within -{{limit}}% to +{{limit}}%","1192337383":"Seen {{ duration }} hour ago","1202500203":"Pay now","1228352589":"Not rated yet","1229976478":"You will be able to see {{ advertiser_name }}'s ads. They'll be able to place orders on your ads, too.","1236083813":"Your payment details","1254676637":"I'll do this later","1258285343":"Oops, something went wrong","1286797620":"Active","1287051975":"Nickname is too long","1300767074":"{{name}} is no longer on Deriv P2P","1303016265":"Yes","1313218101":"Rate this transaction","1314266187":"Joined today","1320670806":"Leave page","1326475003":"Activate","1328352136":"Sell {{ account_currency }}","1330528524":"Seen {{ duration }} month ago","1337027601":"You sold {{offered_amount}} {{offered_currency}}","1347322213":"How would you rate this transaction?","1347724133":"I have paid {{amount}} {{currency}}.","1366244749":"Limits","1370999551":"Floating rate","1371193412":"Cancel","1376329801":"Last 60 days","1378388952":"Promote your ad by sharing the QR code and link.","1381949324":"<0>Address verified","1385570445":"Upload documents to verify your identity.","1398938904":"We can't deliver the email to this address (usually because of firewalls or filtering).","1422356389":"No results for \"{{text}}\".","1430413419":"Maximum is {{value}} {{currency}}","1438103743":"Floating rates are enabled for {{local_currency}}. Ads with fixed rates will be deactivated. Switch to floating rates by {{end_date}}.","1448855725":"Add payment methods","1452260922":"Too many failed attempts","1467483693":"Past orders","1474532322":"Sort by","1480915523":"Skip","1497156292":"No ads for this currency 😞","1505293001":"Trade partners","1543377906":"This ad is not listed on Buy/Sell because you have paused all your ads.","1568512719":"Your daily limits have been increased to {{daily_buy_limit}} {{currency}} (buy) and {{daily_sell_limit}} {{currency}} (sell).","1583335572":"If the ad doesn't receive an order for {{adverts_archive_period}} days, it will be deactivated.","1587250288":"Ad ID {{advert_id}} ","1587507924":"Or copy this link","1607051458":"Search by nickname","1615530713":"Something's not right","1620858613":"You're editing an ad to sell <0>{{ target_amount }} {{ target_currency }} for <0>{{ local_amount }} {{ local_currency }} <1>({{ price_rate }} {{local_currency}}/{{ target_currency }})","1622662457":"Date from","1623916605":"I wasn’t able to make full payment.","1654365787":"Unknown","1660278694":"The advertiser changed the rate before you confirmed the order.","1671725772":"If you choose to cancel, the edited details will be lost.","1675716253":"Min limit","1678804253":"Buy {{ currency }}","1685888862":"An internal error occurred","1686592014":"To place an order, add one of the advertiser's preferred payment methods:","1691540875":"Edit payment method","1699829275":"Cannot upload a file over 5MB","1702855414":"Your ad isn’t listed on Buy/Sell due to the following reason(s):","1703154819":"You're editing an ad to sell <0>{{ target_amount }} {{ target_currency }}...","1721422292":"Show my real name","1734661732":"Your DP2P balance is {{ dp2p_balance }}","1747523625":"Go back","1752096323":"{{field_name}} should not be below Min limit","1767817594":"Buy completion <0>30d","1782514544":"This ad is not listed on Buy/Sell because its minimum order is higher than {{maximum_order_amount}} {{currency}}.","1784151356":"at","1791767028":"Set a fixed rate for your ad.","1794470010":"I’ve made full payment, but the seller hasn’t released the funds.","1794474847":"I've received payment","1798116519":"Available amount","1809099720":"Expand all","1810217569":"Please refresh this page to continue.","1842172737":"You've received {{offered_amount}} {{offered_currency}}","1859308030":"Give feedback","1874956952":"Hit the button below to add payment methods.","1881201992":"Your Deriv P2P balance only includes deposits that can’t be reversed.","1902229457":"Unable to block advertiser","1908023954":"Sorry, an error occurred while processing your request.","1914014145":"Today","1923443894":"Inactive","1928240840":"Sell {{ currency }}","1929119945":"There are no ads yet","1976156928":"You'll send","1992961867":"Rate (1 {{currency}})","1994023526":"The email address you entered had a mistake or typo (happens to the best of us).","2020104747":"Filter","2029375371":"Payment instructions","2032274854":"Recommended by {{recommended_count}} traders","2039361923":"You're creating an ad to sell...","2040110829":"Increase my limits","2060873863":"Your order {{order_id}} is complete","2063890788":"Cancelled","2064304887":"We accept JPG, PDF, or PNG (up to 5MB).","2091671594":"Status","2096014107":"Apply","2104905634":"No one has recommended this trader yet","2108340400":"Hello! This is where you can chat with the counterparty to confirm the order details.nNote: In case of a dispute, we'll use this chat as a reference.","2121837513":"Minimum is {{value}} {{currency}}","2142425493":"Ad ID","2142752968":"Please ensure you've received {{amount}} {{local_currency}} in your account and hit Confirm to complete the transaction.","2145292295":"Rate","-1540251249":"Buy {{ account_currency }}","-1267880283":"{{field_name}} is required","-2019083683":"{{field_name}} can only include letters, numbers, spaces, and any of these symbols: -+.,'#@():;","-222920564":"{{field_name}} has exceeded maximum length","-2093768906":"{{name}} has released your funds.
Would you like to give your feedback?","-1101273282":"Nickname is required","-919203928":"Nickname is too short","-1907100457":"Cannot start, end with, or repeat special characters.","-270502067":"Cannot repeat a character more than 4 times.","-499872405":"You have open orders for this ad. Complete all open orders before deleting this ad.","-2125702445":"Instructions","-1274358564":"Max limit","-1995606668":"Amount","-1965472924":"Fixed rate","-1081775102":"{{field_name}} should not be below Max limit","-991345852":"Only up to 2 decimals are allowed.","-885044836":"{{field_name}} should not exceed Max limit","-1921077416":"All ({{list_value}})","-608125128":"Blocked ({{list_value}})","-1764050750":"Payment details","-2021135479":"This field is required.","-2005205076":"{{field_name}} has exceeded maximum length of 200 characters.","-1837059346":"Buy / Sell","-494667560":"Orders","-679691613":"My ads","-412680608":"Add payment method","-984140537":"Add","-1220275347":"You may choose up to 3 payment methods for this ad.","-510341549":"I’ve received less than the agreed amount.","-650030360":"I’ve paid more than the agreed amount.","-1192446042":"If your complaint isn't listed here, please contact our Customer Support team.","-573132778":"Complaint","-792338456":"What's your complaint?","-418870584":"Cancel order","-1392383387":"I've paid","-727273667":"Complain","-2016990049":"Sell {{offered_currency}} order","-811190405":"Time","-961632398":"Collapse all","-415476028":"Not rated","-26434257":"You have until {{remaining_review_time}} GMT to rate this transaction.","-768709492":"Your transaction experience","-652933704":"Recommended","-84139378":"Not Recommended","-2139303636":"You may have followed a broken link, or the page has moved to a new address.","-1448368765":"Error code: {{error_code}} page not found","-1660552437":"Return to P2P","-137444201":"Buy","-1306639327":"Payment methods","-904197848":"Limits {{min_order_amount_limit_display}}-{{max_order_amount_limit_display}} {{currency}}","-464361439":"{{- avg_buy_time_in_minutes}} min","-2109576323":"Sell completion <0>30d","-165392069":"Avg. release time <0>30d","-1154208372":"Trade volume <0>30d","-2017825013":"Got it","-1845037007":"Advertiser's page","-1070228546":"Joined {{days_since_joined}}d","-2015102262":"({{number_of_ratings}} rating)","-1412298133":"({{number_of_ratings}} ratings)","-260332243":"{{user_blocked_count}} person has blocked you","-117094654":"{{user_blocked_count}} people have blocked you","-329713179":"Ok","-1689905285":"Unblock","-1148912768":"If the market rate changes from the rate shown here, we won't be able to process your order.","-55126326":"Seller","-92830427":"Seller's instructions","-1940034707":"Buyer's instructions","-835196958":"Receive payment to","-1218007718":"You may choose up to 3.","-1933432699":"Enter {{transaction_type}} amount","-2021730616":"{{ad_type}}","-490637584":"Limit: {{min}}–{{max}} {{currency}}","-1974067943":"Your bank details","-892663026":"Your contact details","-1285759343":"Search","-1657433201":"There are no matching ads.","-1862812590":"Limits {{ min_order }}–{{ max_order }} {{ currency }}","-375836822":"Buy {{account_currency}}","-1035421133":"Sell {{account_currency}}","-1876891031":"Currency","-1503997652":"No ads for this currency.","-1048001140":"No results for \"{{value}}\".","-254484597":"You have no ads 😞","-1179827369":"Create new ad","-73663931":"Create ad","-141315849":"No ads for this currency at the moment 😞","-1889014820":"<0>Don’t see your payment method? <1>Add new.","-1406830100":"Payment method","-1561775203":"Buy {{currency}}","-1527285935":"Sell {{currency}}","-592818187":"Your Deriv P2P balance is {{ dp2p_balance }}","-1654157453":"Fixed rate (1 {{currency}})","-379708059":"Min order","-1459289144":"This information will be visible to everyone.","-207756259":"You may tap and choose up to 3.","-1282343703":"You're creating an ad to buy <0>{{ target_amount }} {{ target_currency }} for <0>{{ local_amount }} {{ local_currency }} <1>({{ price_rate }} {{local_currency}}/{{ target_currency }})","-2139632895":"You're creating an ad to sell <0>{{ target_amount }} {{ target_currency }} for <0>{{ local_amount }} {{ local_currency }} <1>({{ price_rate }} {{local_currency}}/{{ target_currency }})","-40669120":"You're creating an ad to sell <0>{{ target_amount }} {{ target_currency }}...","-514789442":"You're creating an ad to buy...","-230677679":"{{text}}","-1914431773":"You're editing an ad to buy <0>{{ target_amount }} {{ target_currency }} for <0>{{ local_amount }} {{ local_currency }} <1>({{ price_rate }} {{local_currency}}/{{ target_currency }})","-107996509":"You're editing an ad to buy <0>{{ target_amount }} {{ target_currency }}...","-863580260":"You're editing an ad to buy...","-1396464057":"You're editing an ad to sell...","-372210670":"Rate (1 {{account_currency}})","-87612148":"Ad not listed","-1318334333":"Deactivate","-1667041441":"Rate (1 {{ offered_currency }})","-792015701":"Deriv P2P cashier is unavailable in your country.","-1983512566":"This conversation is closed.","-283017497":"Retry","-360975483":"You've made no transactions of this type during this period.","-979459594":"Buy/Sell","-2052184983":"Order ID","-2096350108":"Counterparty","-1597110099":"Receive","-750202930":"Active orders","-1626659964":"I've received {{amount}} {{currency}}.","-526636259":"Error 404","-480724783":"You already have an ad with this rate","-2040406318":"You already have an ad with the same exchange rate for this currency pair and order type. nnPlease set a different rate for your ad.","-1117584385":"Seen more than 6 months ago","-1766199849":"Seen {{ duration }} months ago","-591593016":"Seen {{ duration }} day ago","-1586918919":"Seen {{ duration }} hours ago","-664781013":"Seen {{ duration }} minute ago","-1717650468":"Online","-1887970998":"Unblocking wasn't possible as {{name}} is not using Deriv P2P anymore.","-1207312691":"Completed","-688728873":"Expired","-1951641340":"Under dispute","-1738697484":"Confirm payment","-1611857550":"Waiting for the seller to confirm","-1452684930":"Buyer's real name","-1875343569":"Seller's payment details","-1792280476":"Choose your payment method","-520142572":"Cashier is currently down for maintenance","-1552080215":"Please check back in a few minutes.<0>Thank you for your patience.","-684271315":"OK","-130601012":"Please select duration","-232254547":"Custom","-1577570698":"Start date","-1251526905":"Last 7 days","-1638172550":"To enable this feature you must complete the following:","-1086586743":"Please submit your <0>proof of address. You can use Deriv P2P after we’ve verified your documents.","-559300364":"Your Deriv P2P cashier is blocked","-740038242":"Your rate is","-1072444041":"Update ad","-2085839488":"This ad is not listed on Buy/Sell because its minimum order is higher than the ad’s remaining amount ({{remaining_amount}} {{currency}}).","-987612578":"This ad is not listed on Buy/Sell because its minimum order is higher than your Deriv P2P available balance ({{balance}} {{currency}}).","-84644774":"This ad is not listed on Buy/Sell because its minimum order is higher than your remaining daily limit ({{remaining_limit}} {{currency}}).","-452142075":"You’re not allowed to use Deriv P2P to advertise. Please contact us via live chat for more information.","-1886565882":"Your ads with floating rates have been deactivated. Set fixed rates to reactivate them.","-971817673":"Your ad isn't visible to others","-1735126907":"This could be because your account balance is insufficient, your ad amount exceeds your daily limit, or both. You can still see your ad on <0>My ads.","-674715853":"Your ad exceeds the daily limit","-1530773708":"Block {{advertiser_name}}?","-2035037071":"Your Deriv P2P balance isn't enough. Please increase your balance before trying again.","-293182503":"Cancel adding this payment method?","-1850127397":"If you choose to cancel, the details you’ve entered will be lost.","-1601971804":"Cancel your edits?","-1571737200":"Don't cancel","-146021156":"Delete {{payment_method_name}}?","-1846700504":"Are you sure you want to remove this payment method?","-231863107":"No","-471384801":"Sorry, we're unable to increase your limits right now. Please try again in a few minutes.","-150224710":"Yes, continue","-1422779483":"That payment method cannot be deleted","-1103095341":"If you’re selling, only release funds to the buyer after you’ve received payment.","-1918928746":"We’ll never ask you to release funds on behalf of anyone.","-1641698637":"Read the instructions in the ad carefully before making your order. If there's anything unclear, check with the advertiser first.","-1815993311":"Only discuss your P2P order details within the in-app chatbox, and nowhere else.","-7572501":"All P2P transactions are final and cannot be reversed.","-1088454544":"Get new link","-2124584325":"We've verified your order","-848068683":"Hit the link in the email we sent you to authorise this transaction.","-1238182882":"The link will expire in 10 minutes.","-142727028":"The email is in your spam folder (sometimes things get lost there).","-75934135":"Matching ads","-1856204727":"Reset","-227512949":"Check your spelling or use a different term.","-1554938377":"Search payment method","-1728351486":"Invalid verification link","-433946201":"Leave page?","-818345434":"Are you sure you want to leave this page? Changes made will not be saved.","-392043307":"Do you want to delete this ad?","-854930519":"You will NOT be able to restore it.","-1600783504":"Set a floating rate for your ad.","-1907448242":"Available Deriv P2P Balance","-532709160":"Your nickname","-1016461467":"Your nickname cannot be changed later.","-2008992756":"Do you want to cancel this order?","-1618084450":"If you cancel this order, you'll be blocked from using Deriv P2P for {{block_duration}} hours.","-2026176944":"Please do not cancel if you have already made payment.","-1989544601":"Cancel this order","-492996224":"Do not cancel","-1447732068":"Payment confirmation","-1951344681":"Please make sure that you've paid {{amount}} {{currency}} to {{other_user_name}}, and upload the receipt as proof of your payment","-637818525":"Sending forged documents will result in an immediate and permanent ban.","-670364940":"Upload receipt here","-937707753":"Go Back","-1340125291":"Done","-1854199094":"{{type}} {{account_currency}}","-788469106":"ID number","-574559641":"Scan this code to order via Deriv P2P","-1078665050":"Share link","-354026679":"Share via","-229543460":"{{- link}}","-1388977563":"Copied!","-237014436":"Recommended by {{recommended_count}} trader","-849068301":"Loading...","-2061807537":"Something’s not right","-1354983065":"Refresh","-2054589794":"You've been temporarily barred from using our services due to multiple cancellation attempts. Try again after {{date_time}} GMT.","-1079963355":"trades","-609070622":"Identity verification in progress.","-1269954557":"Identity verification failed. Please try again.","-1507102231":"Identity verification complete.","-670039668":"Address verification in progress.","-23313647":"Address verification complete.","-1483008038":"Verify your P2P account","-792476552":"Verify your identity and address to use Deriv P2P.","-1908692350":"Filter by","-992568889":"No one to show here","-1241719539":"When you block someone, you won't see their ads, and they can't see yours. Your ads will be hidden from their search results, too.","-1007339977":"There are no matching name.","-1298666786":"My counterparties","-179005984":"Save","-2059312414":"Ad details","-1769584466":"Stats","-2090878601":"Daily limit","-474123616":"Want to increase your daily limits to <0>{{max_daily_buy}} {{currency}} (buy) and <1>{{max_daily_sell}} {{currency}} (sell)?","-133982971":"{{avg_release_time_in_minutes}} min","-130547447":"Trade volume <0>30d | <1>lifetime","-383030149":"You haven’t added any payment methods yet","-1156559889":"Bank Transfers","-1269362917":"Add new"} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/packages/p2p/src/translations/ar.json b/packages/p2p/src/translations/ar.json index 3d946f9f3944..fe6ceff2fe1c 100644 --- a/packages/p2p/src/translations/ar.json +++ b/packages/p2p/src/translations/ar.json @@ -63,6 +63,7 @@ "611376642": "واضح", "612069973": "هل توصي بهذا المشتري؟", "625563394": "يُسمح بالأرقام فقط.", + "625586185": "Deposits via cards and the following payment methods aren’t included: Maestro, Diners Club, ZingPay, Skrill, Neteller, Ozow, and UPI QR.", "628581263": "لقد تغير سعر السوق {{local_currency}} .", "639382772": "يرجى تحميل نوع الملف المدعوم.", "649549724": "لم أتلق أي مدفوعات.", @@ -137,7 +138,6 @@ "1236083813": "تفاصيل الدفع الخاصة بك", "1254676637": "سأفعل هذا لاحقًا", "1258285343": "عفوًا، حدث خطأ ما", - "1265751551": "رصيد Driv P2P", "1286797620": "نشيط", "1287051975": "اللقب طويل جدًا", "1300767074": "لم يعد الرقم {{name}} موجودًا على Deriv P2P", @@ -206,6 +206,7 @@ "1842172737": "لقد تلقيت {{offered_amount}} {{offered_currency}}", "1859308030": "قدم ملاحظاتك", "1874956952": "اضغط على الزر أدناه لإضافة طرق الدفع.", + "1881201992": "Your Deriv P2P balance only includes deposits that can’t be reversed.", "1902229457": "غير قادر على حظر المعلن", "1908023954": "عذرًا، حدث خطأ أثناء معالجة طلبك.", "1914014145": "اليوم", @@ -419,7 +420,7 @@ "-392043307": "هل تريد حذف هذا الإعلان؟", "-854930519": "لن تتمكن من استعادتها.", "-1600783504": "حدد سعرًا عائمًا لإعلانك.", - "-808161760": "رصيد Deriv P2P = الودائع التي لا يمكن عكسها", + "-1907448242": "Available Deriv P2P Balance", "-532709160": "اللقب الخاص بك", "-1016461467": "لا يمكن تغيير اللقب الخاص بك لاحقًا.", "-2008992756": "هل تريد إلغاء هذا الطلب؟", diff --git a/packages/p2p/src/translations/bn.json b/packages/p2p/src/translations/bn.json index f9e84c88d8d4..1e5ba55af7b1 100644 --- a/packages/p2p/src/translations/bn.json +++ b/packages/p2p/src/translations/bn.json @@ -63,6 +63,7 @@ "611376642": "পরিষ্কার", "612069973": "আপনি এই ক্রেতাকে সুপারিশ করবেন?", "625563394": "শুধু সংখ্যাগুলো অনুমোদিত।", + "625586185": "Deposits via cards and the following payment methods aren’t included: Maestro, Diners Club, ZingPay, Skrill, Neteller, Ozow, and UPI QR.", "628581263": "{{local_currency}} বাজারের হার পরিবর্তিত হয়েছে।", "639382772": "অনুগ্রহ করে সমর্থিত ফাইল টাইপ আপলোড করুন।", "649549724": "আমি কোন পেমেন্ট পাইনি।", @@ -137,7 +138,6 @@ "1236083813": "আপনার পেমেন্ট বিবরণ", "1254676637": "আমি এটা পরে করবো", "1258285343": "ওহো, কিছু একটা ভুল হয়েছে", - "1265751551": "Deriv P2P ব্যালেন্স", "1286797620": "সক্রিয়", "1287051975": "ডাকনাম অনেক লম্বা", "1300767074": "{{name}} Deriv P2P এ আর নেই", @@ -206,6 +206,7 @@ "1842172737": "আপনি পেয়েছেন {{offered_amount}} {{offered_currency}}", "1859308030": "ফিডব্যাক দিন", "1874956952": "পেমেন্ট পদ্ধতি যোগ করার জন্য নীচের বোতামটি হিট করুন।", + "1881201992": "Your Deriv P2P balance only includes deposits that can’t be reversed.", "1902229457": "বিজ্ঞাপনদাতাকে ব্লক করতে ব্যর্থ", "1908023954": "দুঃখিত, আপনার অনুরোধ প্রক্রিয়া করার সময় একটি ত্রুটি ঘটেছে।", "1914014145": "আজ", @@ -419,7 +420,7 @@ "-392043307": "আপনি কি এই বিজ্ঞাপনটিকে মুছে ফেলতে চান?", "-854930519": "আপনি এটি পুনরুদ্ধার করতে সক্ষম হবে না।", "-1600783504": "আপনার বিজ্ঞাপনের জন্য একটি ফ্লোটিং রেট সেট করুন।", - "-808161760": "Deriv P2P ব্যালেন্স = আমানত যে বিপরীত করা যাবে না", + "-1907448242": "Available Deriv P2P Balance", "-532709160": "আপনার ডাকনাম", "-1016461467": "আপনার শেষ নাম পরিবর্তন করা যাবে না।", "-2008992756": "আপনি কি এই অর্ডারটি বাতিল করতে চান?", diff --git a/packages/p2p/src/translations/de.json b/packages/p2p/src/translations/de.json index a5a7485d0dfd..d5cc3efbb7e5 100644 --- a/packages/p2p/src/translations/de.json +++ b/packages/p2p/src/translations/de.json @@ -63,6 +63,7 @@ "611376642": "Klar", "612069973": "Würden Sie diesen Käufer weiterempfehlen?", "625563394": "Nur Zahlen sind erlaubt.", + "625586185": "Deposits via cards and the following payment methods aren’t included: Maestro, Diners Club, ZingPay, Skrill, Neteller, Ozow, and UPI QR.", "628581263": "Der Marktkurs der {{local_currency}} hat sich geändert.", "639382772": "Bitte laden Sie den unterstützten Dateityp hoch.", "649549724": "Ich habe keine Zahlung erhalten.", @@ -137,7 +138,6 @@ "1236083813": "Deine Zahlungsdetails", "1254676637": "Ich werde dies später tun", "1258285343": "Ups, da ist etwas schief gelaufen", - "1265751551": "P2P Balance ableiten", "1286797620": "Aktiv", "1287051975": "Der Spitzname ist zu lang", "1300767074": "{{name}} ist nicht mehr auf Deriv P2P", @@ -206,6 +206,7 @@ "1842172737": "Du hast {{offered_amount}} {{offered_currency}}erhalten", "1859308030": "Feedback geben", "1874956952": "Klicken Sie auf die Schaltfläche unten, um Zahlungsmethoden hinzuzufügen.", + "1881201992": "Your Deriv P2P balance only includes deposits that can’t be reversed.", "1902229457": "Werbetreibender kann nicht blockiert werden", "1908023954": "Leider ist während der Bearbeitung Ihrer Anfrage ein Fehler aufgetreten.", "1914014145": "Heute", @@ -419,7 +420,7 @@ "-392043307": "Möchten Sie diese Anzeige löschen?", "-854930519": "Sie werden es NICHT wiederherstellen können.", "-1600783504": "Lege einen variablen Zinssatz für deine Anzeige fest.", - "-808161760": "P2P-Guthaben ableiten = Einzahlungen, die nicht rückgängig gemacht werden können", + "-1907448242": "Available Deriv P2P Balance", "-532709160": "Dein Nickname", "-1016461467": "Ihr Spitzname kann später nicht mehr geändert werden.", "-2008992756": "Möchten Sie diese Bestellung stornieren?", diff --git a/packages/p2p/src/translations/es.json b/packages/p2p/src/translations/es.json index e55aa9ffe65d..2725940a8db9 100644 --- a/packages/p2p/src/translations/es.json +++ b/packages/p2p/src/translations/es.json @@ -63,6 +63,7 @@ "611376642": "Limpiar", "612069973": "¿Recomendaría a este comprador?", "625563394": "Se permiten sólo números.", + "625586185": "Deposits via cards and the following payment methods aren’t included: Maestro, Diners Club, ZingPay, Skrill, Neteller, Ozow, and UPI QR.", "628581263": "La tasa de mercado de {{local_currency}} ha cambiado.", "639382772": "Suba un tipo de archivo compatible.", "649549724": "No he recibido ningún pago.", @@ -137,7 +138,6 @@ "1236083813": "Sus detalles de pago", "1254676637": "Lo haré más tarde", "1258285343": "Ups, algo salió mal", - "1265751551": "Saldo Deriv P2P", "1286797620": "Activo", "1287051975": "El alias es demasiado largo", "1300767074": "{{name}} ya no está en Deriv P2P", @@ -206,6 +206,7 @@ "1842172737": "Ha recibido {{offered_amount}} {{offered_currency}}", "1859308030": "Dar su opinión", "1874956952": "Pulse el botón de abajo para añadir métodos de pago.", + "1881201992": "Your Deriv P2P balance only includes deposits that can’t be reversed.", "1902229457": "No se puede bloquear al anunciante", "1908023954": "Lo sentimos, ha ocurrido un error al procesar tu solicitud.", "1914014145": "Hoy", @@ -419,7 +420,7 @@ "-392043307": "¿Desea eliminar este anuncio?", "-854930519": "Ya NO se podrá restaurar.", "-1600783504": "Establezca una tasa flotante para su anuncio.", - "-808161760": "Saldo de Deriv P2P = depósitos que no se pueden anular", + "-1907448242": "Available Deriv P2P Balance", "-532709160": "Su alias", "-1016461467": "Tu apodo no se puede cambiar más adelante.", "-2008992756": "¿Desea cancelar este pedido?", diff --git a/packages/p2p/src/translations/fr.json b/packages/p2p/src/translations/fr.json index 9fe1a078b461..dcf9aa86e85c 100644 --- a/packages/p2p/src/translations/fr.json +++ b/packages/p2p/src/translations/fr.json @@ -63,6 +63,7 @@ "611376642": "Effacer", "612069973": "Recommanderiez-vous cet acheteur ?", "625563394": "Seuls les chiffres sont autorisés.", + "625586185": "Deposits via cards and the following payment methods aren’t included: Maestro, Diners Club, ZingPay, Skrill, Neteller, Ozow, and UPI QR.", "628581263": "Le taux du marché du {{local_currency}} a changé.", "639382772": "Veuillez envoyer un type de fichier pris en charge.", "649549724": "Je n'ai reçu aucun paiement.", @@ -137,7 +138,6 @@ "1236083813": "Vos informations de paiement", "1254676637": "Plus tard", "1258285343": "Désolé, un problème est survenu", - "1265751551": "Solde Deriv P2P", "1286797620": "Actif", "1287051975": "Le pseudo est trop long", "1300767074": "{{name}} n'est plus sur Deriv P2P", @@ -206,6 +206,7 @@ "1842172737": "Vous avez reçu {{offered_amount}} {{offered_currency}}", "1859308030": "Donnez votre avis", "1874956952": "Cliquez sur le bouton ci-dessous pour ajouter des méthodes de paiement.", + "1881201992": "Your Deriv P2P balance only includes deposits that can’t be reversed.", "1902229457": "Impossible de bloquer l'annonceur", "1908023954": "Désolé, une erreur s'est produite pendant le traitement de votre demande.", "1914014145": "Aujourd'hui", @@ -419,7 +420,7 @@ "-392043307": "Souhaitez-vous supprimer cette annonce ?", "-854930519": "Vous ne pourrez PLUS le restaurer.", "-1600783504": "Définir un taux flottant pour votre annonce.", - "-808161760": "Solde P2P Deriv = dépôts non annulables", + "-1907448242": "Available Deriv P2P Balance", "-532709160": "Votre pseudo", "-1016461467": "Votre pseudonyme ne pourra pas être modifié ultérieurement.", "-2008992756": "Souhaitez-vous annuler cet ordre ?", diff --git a/packages/p2p/src/translations/it.json b/packages/p2p/src/translations/it.json index e8c5427ee96a..1500ab196fb4 100644 --- a/packages/p2p/src/translations/it.json +++ b/packages/p2p/src/translations/it.json @@ -63,6 +63,7 @@ "611376642": "Cancella", "612069973": "Consiglieresti questo acquirente?", "625563394": "Sono consentiti solo numeri.", + "625586185": "Deposits via cards and the following payment methods aren’t included: Maestro, Diners Club, ZingPay, Skrill, Neteller, Ozow, and UPI QR.", "628581263": "Il tasso di mercato in {{local_currency}} è cambiato.", "639382772": "Caricare tipi di file supportati.", "649549724": "Non ho ricevuto alcun pagamento.", @@ -137,7 +138,6 @@ "1236083813": "Dettagli del pagamento", "1254676637": "Ricordamelo più tardi", "1258285343": "Ops, qualcosa non ha funzionato", - "1265751551": "Saldo P2P Deriv", "1286797620": "Attivo", "1287051975": "Soprannome troppo lungo", "1300767074": "{{name}} non è più su Deriv P2P", @@ -206,6 +206,7 @@ "1842172737": "Hai ricevuto {{offered_amount}} {{offered_currency}}", "1859308030": "Fornire feedback", "1874956952": "Premi il pulsante sottostante per aggiungere modalità di pagamento.", + "1881201992": "Your Deriv P2P balance only includes deposits that can’t be reversed.", "1902229457": "Non è possibille bloccare l'inserzionista", "1908023954": "Siamo spiacenti, si è verificato un errore durante l'elaborazione della tua richiesta.", "1914014145": "Oggi", @@ -419,7 +420,7 @@ "-392043307": "Vuoi eliminare questo annuncio?", "-854930519": "NON potrai ripristinarlo.", "-1600783504": "Imposta un tasso variabile per l'annuncio.", - "-808161760": "Saldo P2P di Deriv = depositi che non possono essere riaccreditati", + "-1907448242": "Available Deriv P2P Balance", "-532709160": "Soprannome", "-1016461467": "Il tuo nickname non può essere modificato in seguito.", "-2008992756": "Vuoi annullare l'ordine?", diff --git a/packages/p2p/src/translations/ko.json b/packages/p2p/src/translations/ko.json index 891fe34cd7e9..e1fafd6abe4d 100644 --- a/packages/p2p/src/translations/ko.json +++ b/packages/p2p/src/translations/ko.json @@ -63,6 +63,7 @@ "611376642": "지우기", "612069973": "이 구매자를 추천하시겠습니까?", "625563394": "숫자만 입력할 수 있습니다.", + "625586185": "Deposits via cards and the following payment methods aren’t included: Maestro, Diners Club, ZingPay, Skrill, Neteller, Ozow, and UPI QR.", "628581263": "{{local_currency}} 시장 요율이 변경되었습니다.", "639382772": "지원되는 파일 유형을 업로드해 주세요.", "649549724": "결제를 받지 못했습니다.", @@ -137,7 +138,6 @@ "1236083813": "결제 세부 정보", "1254676637": "나중에 하겠습니다", "1258285343": "문제가 발생했습니다", - "1265751551": "Deriv P2P 잔액", "1286797620": "활성", "1287051975": "닉네임이 너무 깁니다", "1300767074": "{{name}}는 더 이상 Deriv P2P의 사용자가 아닙니다", @@ -206,6 +206,7 @@ "1842172737": "{{offered_amount}} {{offered_currency}}을 받았습니다", "1859308030": "피드백 제공", "1874956952": "결제 수단을 추가하려면 아래 버튼을 누르세요.", + "1881201992": "Your Deriv P2P balance only includes deposits that can’t be reversed.", "1902229457": "광고주를 차단할 수 없습니다", "1908023954": "죄송합니다, 요청을 처리하는 과정에서 오류가 발생했습니다.", "1914014145": "오늘", @@ -419,7 +420,7 @@ "-392043307": "이 광고를 삭제하시겠습니까?", "-854930519": "복원할 수 없습니다.", "-1600783504": "광고의 변동 환율을 설정하세요.", - "-808161760": "Deriv P2P 잔액 = 되돌릴 수 없는 입금액", + "-1907448242": "Available Deriv P2P Balance", "-532709160": "귀하의 닉네임", "-1016461467": "닉네임은 나중에 변경할 수 없습니다.", "-2008992756": "이 주문을 취소하시겠습니까?", diff --git a/packages/p2p/src/translations/pl.json b/packages/p2p/src/translations/pl.json index b07657ae1582..f0e996dc2323 100644 --- a/packages/p2p/src/translations/pl.json +++ b/packages/p2p/src/translations/pl.json @@ -63,6 +63,7 @@ "611376642": "Wyczyść", "612069973": "Czy poleciłbyś tego kupującego?", "625563394": "Dozwolone są tylko liczby.", + "625586185": "Deposits via cards and the following payment methods aren’t included: Maestro, Diners Club, ZingPay, Skrill, Neteller, Ozow, and UPI QR.", "628581263": "Stopa rynkowa {{local_currency}} zmieniła się.", "639382772": "Prześlij obsługiwany typ pliku.", "649549724": "Nie otrzymano żadnej płatności.", @@ -137,7 +138,6 @@ "1236083813": "Szczegóły Twojej płatności", "1254676637": "Zrobię to później", "1258285343": "Ups, coś poszło nie tak", - "1265751551": "Saldo Deriv P2P", "1286797620": "Aktywne", "1287051975": "Pseudonim jest za długi", "1300767074": "Użytkownik {{name}} nie jest już dostępny na Deriv P2P", @@ -206,6 +206,7 @@ "1842172737": "Otrzymano {{offered_amount}} {{offered_currency}}", "1859308030": "Przekaż opinię", "1874956952": "NAciśnij poniższy przycisk, aby dodać metody płatności.", + "1881201992": "Your Deriv P2P balance only includes deposits that can’t be reversed.", "1902229457": "Nie można zablokować reklamodawcy", "1908023954": "Przepraszamy, podczas przetwarzania żądania wystąpił błąd.", "1914014145": "Dzisiaj", @@ -419,7 +420,7 @@ "-392043307": "Chcesz usunąć tę reklamę?", "-854930519": "Przywrócenie NIE będzie możliwe.", "-1600783504": "Ustaw zmienną stawkę dla swojego ogłoszenia.", - "-808161760": "Saldo Deriv P2P = depozyty, których nie można odwrócić", + "-1907448242": "Available Deriv P2P Balance", "-532709160": "Twój pseudonim", "-1016461467": "Pseudonim nie może zostać zmieniony później.", "-2008992756": "Chcesz anulować to zlecenie?", diff --git a/packages/p2p/src/translations/pt.json b/packages/p2p/src/translations/pt.json index 163a370b09df..1185e94bf818 100644 --- a/packages/p2p/src/translations/pt.json +++ b/packages/p2p/src/translations/pt.json @@ -63,6 +63,7 @@ "611376642": "Limpar", "612069973": "Recomendaria este comprador?", "625563394": "Só são permitidos números.", + "625586185": "Deposits via cards and the following payment methods aren’t included: Maestro, Diners Club, ZingPay, Skrill, Neteller, Ozow, and UPI QR.", "628581263": "A taxa de mercado {{local_currency}} mudou.", "639382772": "Por favor, carregue um tipo de ficheiro suportado.", "649549724": "Eu não recebi nenhum pagamento.", @@ -137,7 +138,6 @@ "1236083813": "Seus dados de pagamento", "1254676637": "Faço mais tarde", "1258285343": "Ops, algo deu errado", - "1265751551": "Saldo Deriv P2P", "1286797620": "Ativo", "1287051975": "Nome alternativo muito grande", "1300767074": "{{name}} já não se encontra na Deriv P2P", @@ -206,6 +206,7 @@ "1842172737": "Você irá receber {{offered_amount}} {{offered_currency}}", "1859308030": "Dê feedback", "1874956952": "Aperte o botão abaixo para adicionar métodos de pagamento.", + "1881201992": "Your Deriv P2P balance only includes deposits that can’t be reversed.", "1902229457": "Não é possível bloquear o anunciante", "1908023954": "Lamentamos, mas ocorreu um erro ao processar o seu pedido.", "1914014145": "Hoje", @@ -419,7 +420,7 @@ "-392043307": "Você quer deletar este anúncio?", "-854930519": "Você NÃO poderá restaurá-lo(a).", "-1600783504": "Defina uma taxa flutuante para seu anúncio.", - "-808161760": "Saldo do Deriv P2P = depósitos que não podem ser revertidos", + "-1907448242": "Available Deriv P2P Balance", "-532709160": "O seu nome alternativo", "-1016461467": "Não será possível alterar o seu nome alternativo mais tarde.", "-2008992756": "Quer cancelar este pedido?", diff --git a/packages/p2p/src/translations/ru.json b/packages/p2p/src/translations/ru.json index 9bfc00323917..335062c5fa3b 100644 --- a/packages/p2p/src/translations/ru.json +++ b/packages/p2p/src/translations/ru.json @@ -63,6 +63,7 @@ "611376642": "Очистить", "612069973": "Как вам этот покупатель?", "625563394": "Разрешены только цифры.", + "625586185": "Deposits via cards and the following payment methods aren’t included: Maestro, Diners Club, ZingPay, Skrill, Neteller, Ozow, and UPI QR.", "628581263": "Рыночный курс {{local_currency}} изменился.", "639382772": "Пожалуйста, загрузите файл в поддерживаемом формате.", "649549724": "Я не получил(а) платеж.", @@ -137,7 +138,6 @@ "1236083813": "Ваши платежные реквизиты", "1254676637": "Я сделаю это позже", "1258285343": "Упс, что-то пошло не так", - "1265751551": "Баланс Deriv P2P", "1286797620": "Активный", "1287051975": "Псевдоним слишком длинный", "1300767074": "{{name}} больше нет на Deriv P2P", @@ -206,6 +206,7 @@ "1842172737": "Вы получили {{offered_amount}} {{offered_currency}}", "1859308030": "Оставить отзыв", "1874956952": "Нажмите кнопку ниже, чтобы добавить платежные методы.", + "1881201992": "Your Deriv P2P balance only includes deposits that can’t be reversed.", "1902229457": "Не удалось заблокировать адвертайзера", "1908023954": "Извините, при обработке вашего запроса произошла ошибка.", "1914014145": "Сегодня", @@ -419,7 +420,7 @@ "-392043307": "Хотите удалить это объявление?", "-854930519": "Вы НЕ сможете его восстановить.", "-1600783504": "Установите плавающий курс для объявления.", - "-808161760": "Баланс Deriv P2P = депозиты, которые нельзя отменить", + "-1907448242": "Available Deriv P2P Balance", "-532709160": "Ваш псевдоним", "-1016461467": "Ваш ник нельзя будет изменить позже.", "-2008992756": "Хотите отменить этот ордер?", diff --git a/packages/p2p/src/translations/si.json b/packages/p2p/src/translations/si.json index ac9d43c3d0fe..d0943c1cf221 100644 --- a/packages/p2p/src/translations/si.json +++ b/packages/p2p/src/translations/si.json @@ -63,6 +63,7 @@ "611376642": "පැහැදිලි", "612069973": "ඔබ මෙම ගැනුම්කරු නිර්දේශ කරනවාද?", "625563394": "අවසර ඇත්තේ අංක පමණි.", + "625586185": "Deposits via cards and the following payment methods aren’t included: Maestro, Diners Club, ZingPay, Skrill, Neteller, Ozow, and UPI QR.", "628581263": "{{local_currency}} වෙළඳපල අනුපාතය වෙනස් වී ඇත.", "639382772": "කරුණාකර සහාය දක්වන ගොනු වර්ගය උඩුගත කරන්න.", "649549724": "මට කිසිදු ගෙවීමක් ලැබී නැත.", @@ -137,7 +138,6 @@ "1236083813": "ඔබගේ ගෙවීම් විස්තර", "1254676637": "මම මෙය පසුව කරන්නම්", "1258285343": "අපොයි, යමක් වැරදී", - "1265751551": "පී 2p ශේෂය ලබා", "1286797620": "සක්‍රීය", "1287051975": "අන්වර්ථ නාමය දිගු වේ", "1300767074": "{{name}} තවදුරටත් ඩෙරිව් පී 2 පී මත නොවේ", @@ -206,6 +206,7 @@ "1842172737": "ඔබට {{offered_amount}} {{offered_currency}}ලැබී ඇත", "1859308030": "ප්රතිපෝෂණය ලබා දෙන්න", "1874956952": "ගෙවීම් ක්රම එකතු කිරීම සඳහා පහත බොත්තම ඔබන්න.", + "1881201992": "Your Deriv P2P balance only includes deposits that can’t be reversed.", "1902229457": "දැන්වීම්කරු අවහිර කිරීමට නොහැකි විය", "1908023954": "කණගාටුයි, ඔබගේ ඉල්ලීම සැකසීමේදී දෝෂයක් සිදුවිය.", "1914014145": "අද", @@ -419,7 +420,7 @@ "-392043307": "ඔබට මෙම දැන්වීම මකා දැමීමට අවශ්යද?", "-854930519": "ඔබට එය යථා තත්වයට පත් කිරීමට නොහැකි වනු ඇත.", "-1600783504": "ඔබේ දැන්වීම සඳහා පාවෙන අනුපාතයක් සකසන්න.", - "-808161760": "ඩෙරිව් පී 2 පී ශේෂය = ආපසු හැරවිය නොහැකි තැන්පතු", + "-1907448242": "Available Deriv P2P Balance", "-532709160": "ඔබේ අන්වර්ථ නාමය", "-1016461467": "ඔබේ අන්වර්ථ නාමය පසුව වෙනස් කළ නොහැක.", "-2008992756": "ඔබට මෙම ඇණවුම අවලංගු කිරීමට අවශ්යද?", diff --git a/packages/p2p/src/translations/sw.json b/packages/p2p/src/translations/sw.json index 454c3aa18466..14bc76056da7 100644 --- a/packages/p2p/src/translations/sw.json +++ b/packages/p2p/src/translations/sw.json @@ -63,6 +63,7 @@ "611376642": "Wafunua", "612069973": "Je! Ungependekeza mnunuzi huyu?", "625563394": "Nambari tu zinaruhusiwa.", + "625586185": "Deposits via cards and the following payment methods aren’t included: Maestro, Diners Club, ZingPay, Skrill, Neteller, Ozow, and UPI QR.", "628581263": "Kiwango cha soko la {{local_currency}} kimebadilika.", "639382772": "Tafadhali pakia aina ya faili inayosaidiwa.", "649549724": "Sijapata malipo yoyote.", @@ -137,7 +138,6 @@ "1236083813": "Maelezo yako ya malipo", "1254676637": "Nitafanya hivi baadaye", "1258285343": "Ups, kitu kilienda vibaya", - "1265751551": "Miziko wa P2P Balance", "1286797620": "Inafanya kazi", "1287051975": "Jina la jina ni ndefu sana", "1300767074": "{{name}} haipo tena kwenye Deriv P2P", @@ -206,6 +206,7 @@ "1842172737": "Umepokea {{offered_amount}} {{offered_currency}}", "1859308030": "Toa maoni", "1874956952": "Bonyeza kitufe hapa chini ili kuongeza njia za malipo.", + "1881201992": "Your Deriv P2P balance only includes deposits that can’t be reversed.", "1902229457": "Haiwezi kuzuia mtangazaji", "1908023954": "Samahani, hitilafu ilitokea wakati wa kusindika ombi lako.", "1914014145": "Leo", @@ -419,7 +420,7 @@ "-392043307": "Je! Unataka kufuta tangazo hili?", "-854930519": "Hutakuwa na uwezo wa kuirejesha.", "-1600783504": "Weka kiwango kinachoelea kwa tangazo lako.", - "-808161760": "Pata usawa wa P2P = amana ambazo haziwezi kubadilishwa", + "-1907448242": "Available Deriv P2P Balance", "-532709160": "Jina lako", "-1016461467": "Jina lako haliwezi kubadilishwa baadaye.", "-2008992756": "Je! Unataka kughairi agizo hili?", diff --git a/packages/p2p/src/translations/th.json b/packages/p2p/src/translations/th.json index 3f0bf40cef99..0e893576de55 100644 --- a/packages/p2p/src/translations/th.json +++ b/packages/p2p/src/translations/th.json @@ -63,6 +63,7 @@ "611376642": "ล้าง", "612069973": "คุณจะแนะนำผู้ขายรายนี้ให้แก่คนอื่นๆ หรือไม่", "625563394": "อนุญาตให้ใช้ตัวเลขเท่านั้น", + "625586185": "Deposits via cards and the following payment methods aren’t included: Maestro, Diners Club, ZingPay, Skrill, Neteller, Ozow, and UPI QR.", "628581263": "อัตราตลาด {{local_currency}} ได้มีการเปลี่ยนแปลง", "639382772": "โปรดอัปโหลดประเภทไฟล์ที่มีการรองรับ", "649549724": "ฉันยังไม่ได้รับการชำระเงินใดๆ", @@ -137,7 +138,6 @@ "1236083813": "รายละเอียดการชำระเงินของคุณ", "1254676637": "ฉันจะทำสิ่งนี้ในภายหลัง", "1258285343": "อ๊ะ มีบางอย่างผิดปกติ", - "1265751551": "ยอดดุล Deriv P2P", "1286797620": "กำลังใช้งานอยู่", "1287051975": "ชื่อเล่นของคุณยาวเกินไป", "1300767074": "{{name}} ไม่ได้อยู่ในแอป Deriv P2P อีกต่อไป", @@ -206,6 +206,7 @@ "1842172737": "คุณได้รับ {{offered_amount}} {{offered_currency}}", "1859308030": "ให้ข้อเสนอแนะ", "1874956952": "กดปุ่มด้านล่างเพื่อเพิ่มวิธีการชำระเงิน", + "1881201992": "Your Deriv P2P balance only includes deposits that can’t be reversed.", "1902229457": "ไม่สามารถบล็อกผู้ลงโฆษณาได้", "1908023954": "ขออภัย มีความผิดพลาดเกิดขึ้นขณะที่ประมวลผลคำขอของคุณ", "1914014145": "วันนี้", @@ -419,7 +420,7 @@ "-392043307": "คุณต้องการลบโฆษณานี้หรือไม่?", "-854930519": "คุณจะไม่สามารถกู้คืนได้", "-1600783504": "ตั้งค่าอัตราลอยตัวสำหรับโฆษณาของคุณ", - "-808161760": "ยอดคงเหลือ Deriv P2P = เงินฝากที่ไม่สามารถย้อนกลับได้", + "-1907448242": "Available Deriv P2P Balance", "-532709160": "ชื่อเล่นของคุณ", "-1016461467": "ชื่อเล่นของคุณไม่สามารถเปลี่ยนแปลงได้ในภายหลัง", "-2008992756": "คุณต้องการยกเลิกคำสั่งซื้อนี้หรือไม่?", diff --git a/packages/p2p/src/translations/tr.json b/packages/p2p/src/translations/tr.json index c6f607112459..c43b5d79aa90 100644 --- a/packages/p2p/src/translations/tr.json +++ b/packages/p2p/src/translations/tr.json @@ -63,6 +63,7 @@ "611376642": "Temizle", "612069973": "Bu alıcıyı tavsiye eder misiniz?", "625563394": "Sadece sayılara izin verilir.", + "625586185": "Deposits via cards and the following payment methods aren’t included: Maestro, Diners Club, ZingPay, Skrill, Neteller, Ozow, and UPI QR.", "628581263": "{{local_currency}} piyasa oranı değişti.", "639382772": "Lütfen desteklenen dosya türünü yükleyin.", "649549724": "Hiçbir ödeme almadım.", @@ -137,7 +138,6 @@ "1236083813": "Ödeme ayrıntılarınız", "1254676637": "Bunu daha sonra yapacağım", "1258285343": "Oops, bir sorun oluştu", - "1265751551": "Deriv P2P Bakiyesi", "1286797620": "Aktif", "1287051975": "Takma ad çok uzun", "1300767074": "{{name}} artık Deriv P2P'de değil", @@ -206,6 +206,7 @@ "1842172737": "{{offered_amount}} {{offered_currency}} aldınız", "1859308030": "Geri bildirim verin", "1874956952": "Ödeme yöntemleri eklemek için aşağıdaki düğmeye basın.", + "1881201992": "Your Deriv P2P balance only includes deposits that can’t be reversed.", "1902229457": "Reklamveren engellenemiyor", "1908023954": "Üzgünüz, talebiniz işlenirken bir hata oluştu.", "1914014145": "Bugün", @@ -419,7 +420,7 @@ "-392043307": "Bu ilanı silmek istiyor musunuz?", "-854930519": "Geri yükleyemeyeceksiniz.", "-1600783504": "İlanınız için dalgalı bir kur belirleyin.", - "-808161760": "Deriv P2P bakiyesi = tersine çevrilemeyen mevduatlar", + "-1907448242": "Available Deriv P2P Balance", "-532709160": "Takma adınız", "-1016461467": "Takma adınız daha sonra değiştirilemez.", "-2008992756": "Bu emri iptal etmek istiyor musunuz?", diff --git a/packages/p2p/src/translations/vi.json b/packages/p2p/src/translations/vi.json index ea6b19070829..ff5058d5eca8 100644 --- a/packages/p2p/src/translations/vi.json +++ b/packages/p2p/src/translations/vi.json @@ -63,6 +63,7 @@ "611376642": "Xóa", "612069973": "Bạn có giới thiệu người mua này cho những trader khác không?", "625563394": "Chỉ chấp nhận dạng số.", + "625586185": "Deposits via cards and the following payment methods aren’t included: Maestro, Diners Club, ZingPay, Skrill, Neteller, Ozow, and UPI QR.", "628581263": "Tỷ giá thị trường cho {{local_currency}} đã thay đổi.", "639382772": "Vui lòng tải lên loại tệp được hỗ trợ.", "649549724": "Tôi chưa nhận được thanh toán.", @@ -137,7 +138,6 @@ "1236083813": "Chi tiết thanh toán của bạn", "1254676637": "Tôi sẽ làm việc này sau", "1258285343": "Ối, đã xảy ra lỗi", - "1265751551": "Số dư Deriv P2P", "1286797620": "Đang hoạt động", "1287051975": "Nickname quá dài", "1300767074": "{{name}} không còn trên Deriv P2P", @@ -206,6 +206,7 @@ "1842172737": "Bạn đã nhận {{offered_amount}} {{offered_currency}}", "1859308030": "Gửi phản hồi", "1874956952": "Nhấn vào nút bên dưới để thêm phương thức thanh toán.", + "1881201992": "Your Deriv P2P balance only includes deposits that can’t be reversed.", "1902229457": "Không thể chặn nhà quảng cáo", "1908023954": "Rất tiếc, đã xảy ra lỗi khi xử lý yêu cầu của bạn.", "1914014145": "Hôm nay", @@ -419,7 +420,7 @@ "-392043307": "Bạn có muốn xóa quảng cáo này?", "-854930519": "Bạn sẽ KHÔNG thể khôi phục nó.", "-1600783504": "Đặt tỷ giá thả nổi cho quảng cáo của bạn.", - "-808161760": "Số dư Deriv P2P = số tiền nạp không thể hoàn lại", + "-1907448242": "Available Deriv P2P Balance", "-532709160": "Tên của bạn", "-1016461467": "Biệt danh của bạn không thể thay đổi sau này.", "-2008992756": "Bạn có muốn hủy đơn hàng này?", diff --git a/packages/p2p/src/translations/zh_cn.json b/packages/p2p/src/translations/zh_cn.json index 50655b3d06dd..d9d7734d8f00 100644 --- a/packages/p2p/src/translations/zh_cn.json +++ b/packages/p2p/src/translations/zh_cn.json @@ -63,6 +63,7 @@ "611376642": "清除", "612069973": "是否推荐此买家?", "625563394": "只允许使用数字 。", + "625586185": "Deposits via cards and the following payment methods aren’t included: Maestro, Diners Club, ZingPay, Skrill, Neteller, Ozow, and UPI QR.", "628581263": "{{local_currency}} 市场汇率已更改。", "639382772": "请上传支持的文件类型。", "649549724": "我还未收到任何款项。", @@ -137,7 +138,6 @@ "1236083813": "您的付款详细信息", "1254676637": "稍后再做", "1258285343": "糟糕,出错了", - "1265751551": "Deriv P2P 余额", "1286797620": "活跃", "1287051975": "昵称太长", "1300767074": "{{name}} 已不再在 Deriv P2P", @@ -206,6 +206,7 @@ "1842172737": "您已收到 {{offered_amount}} {{offered_currency}}", "1859308030": "提供反馈", "1874956952": "点击下面的按钮添加付款方式。", + "1881201992": "Your Deriv P2P balance only includes deposits that can’t be reversed.", "1902229457": "无法封禁广告商", "1908023954": "对不起,处理您的请求时发生错误。", "1914014145": "今天", @@ -419,7 +420,7 @@ "-392043307": "要删除此广告?", "-854930519": "您将无法还原它。", "-1600783504": "为广告设置浮动汇率。", - "-808161760": "Deriv P2P 余额 = 无法撤销的存款", + "-1907448242": "Available Deriv P2P Balance", "-532709160": "您的昵称", "-1016461467": "昵称以后无法更改。", "-2008992756": "要取消此订单?", diff --git a/packages/p2p/src/translations/zh_tw.json b/packages/p2p/src/translations/zh_tw.json index b366dc27a890..5a0c35d1fe1f 100644 --- a/packages/p2p/src/translations/zh_tw.json +++ b/packages/p2p/src/translations/zh_tw.json @@ -63,6 +63,7 @@ "611376642": "清除", "612069973": "是否推薦此買家?", "625563394": "只允許使用數字。", + "625586185": "Deposits via cards and the following payment methods aren’t included: Maestro, Diners Club, ZingPay, Skrill, Neteller, Ozow, and UPI QR.", "628581263": "{{local_currency}} 市場匯率已更改。", "639382772": "請上傳支援的文件類型。", "649549724": "我還未收到任何款項。", @@ -137,7 +138,6 @@ "1236083813": "您的付款詳細資料", "1254676637": "稍後再做", "1258285343": "糟糕,出錯了", - "1265751551": "Deriv P2P 餘額", "1286797620": "活躍", "1287051975": "暱稱太長", "1300767074": "{{name}} 已不再在 Deriv P2P", @@ -206,6 +206,7 @@ "1842172737": "您已收到 {{offered_amount}} {{offered_currency}}", "1859308030": "提供意見反應", "1874956952": "點選下面的按鈕新增付款方式。", + "1881201992": "Your Deriv P2P balance only includes deposits that can’t be reversed.", "1902229457": "無法封禁廣告商", "1908023954": "對不起,在處理您的請求時發生錯誤。", "1914014145": "今天", @@ -419,7 +420,7 @@ "-392043307": "要刪除此廣告?", "-854930519": "您將無法還原它。", "-1600783504": "為廣告設定浮動匯率。", - "-808161760": "Deriv P2P 餘額 = 無法撤銷的存款", + "-1907448242": "Available Deriv P2P Balance", "-532709160": "您的暱稱", "-1016461467": "別名之後將無法更改。", "-2008992756": "要取消此訂單?",