diff --git a/packages/p2p/src/translations/zh_cn.json b/packages/p2p/src/translations/zh_cn.json index b2d482bbfdbf..4b30cb1edfc7 100644 --- a/packages/p2p/src/translations/zh_cn.json +++ b/packages/p2p/src/translations/zh_cn.json @@ -86,7 +86,7 @@ "683273691": "费率 (1 {{ account_currency }})", "706231597": "凌晨 01:30", "720104538": "固定费率", - "723172934": "想买入或卖出美元?可以自己发布广告以供他人回应。", + "723172934": "想买入或卖出 USD?可以自己发布广告以供他人回应。", "728383001": "我收到的金额比约定的金额更大。", "733311523": "P2P 交易已被锁。付款代理不能使用此功能。", "737751450": "下午 04:30", @@ -506,7 +506,7 @@ "-854930519": "您将无法还原它。", "-1600783504": "为广告设置浮动汇率。", "-2066944925": "Deriv P2P 余额", - "-172105477": "P2P 存款:从另一位 Deriv P2P 用户那里购买美元获得的资金。", + "-172105477": "P2P 存款:从另一位 Deriv P2P 用户那里购买 USD 获得的资金。", "-271432543": "注意:使用信用卡、Maestro、Diners Club、ZingPay、Skrill、Neteller、Ozow 和 UPI QR 等可逆付款方式存入的资金不会出现在 P2P 余额中。", "-268565332": "昵称是什么?", "-532709160": "您的昵称", diff --git a/packages/p2p/src/translations/zh_tw.json b/packages/p2p/src/translations/zh_tw.json index 77e6f0b08a21..bdaefcee2bfe 100644 --- a/packages/p2p/src/translations/zh_tw.json +++ b/packages/p2p/src/translations/zh_tw.json @@ -86,7 +86,7 @@ "683273691": "費率 (1 {{ account_currency }})", "706231597": "凌晨 01:30", "720104538": "固定費率", - "723172934": "想要買賣美元?可以自己發佈廣告,以供他人回覆。", + "723172934": "想要買賣 USD?可以自己發佈廣告,以供他人回覆。", "728383001": "我收到的金額比約定的金額更大。", "733311523": "P2P 交易已被鎖。付款代理不能使用此功能。", "737751450": "下午 04:30", @@ -506,7 +506,7 @@ "-854930519": "您將無法還原它。", "-1600783504": "為廣告設定浮動匯率。", "-2066944925": "Deriv P2P 餘額", - "-172105477": "P2P 存款:從其他 Deriv P2P 使用者那裡購買美元獲得的資金。", + "-172105477": "P2P 存款:從其他 Deriv P2P 使用者那裡購買 USD 獲得的資金。", "-271432543": "注意:使用信用卡、Maestro、Diners Club、ZingPay、Skrill、Neteller、Ozow 和 UPI QR 等可逆付款方式存入的資金不會出現在 P2P 餘額中。", "-268565332": "暱稱是什麼?", "-532709160": "您的暱稱", diff --git a/packages/translations/crowdin/messages.json b/packages/translations/crowdin/messages.json index a1b6d5b415b5..62e64432f324 100644 --- a/packages/translations/crowdin/messages.json +++ b/packages/translations/crowdin/messages.json @@ -1 +1 @@ -{"2082741":"additional document number","2091451":"Deriv Bot - your automated trading partner","3215342":"Last 30 days","3420069":"To avoid delays, enter your <0>name and <0>date of birth exactly as they appear on your identity document.","3939620":"Your proof of identity is under review. We’ll get back to you within 1–3 working days.","4547840":"<0>Verify your account to transfer funds. <1>Verify now","5149403":"Learn more about trade types","7100308":"Hour must be between 0 and 23.","9488203":"Deriv Bot is a web-based strategy builder for trading digital options. It’s a platform where you can build your own automated trading bot using drag-and-drop 'blocks'.","9757544":"Please submit your proof of address","11533428":"Trade bigger positions with less capital on a wide range of global markets. <0>Learn more","11539750":"set {{ variable }} to Relative Strength Index Array {{ dummy }}","11706633":"Loss threshold: The bot will stop trading if your total loss exceeds this amount.","11872052":"Yes, I'll come back later","14365404":"Request failed for: {{ message_type }}, retrying in {{ delay }}s","14874020":"Values cannot be negative. Provided value: {{ input_value }}.","15377251":"Profit amount: {{profit}}","15794287":"Citizenship is required.","17843034":"Check proof of identity document verification status","19424289":"Username","19552684":"USD Basket","21035405":"Please tell us why you’re leaving. (Select up to {{ allowed_reasons }} reasons.)","23745193":"Take me to demo","24900606":"Gold Basket","25854018":"This block displays messages in the developer’s console with an input that can be either a string of text, a number, boolean, or an array of data.","26566655":"Summary","26596220":"Finance","26675702":"Standard demo","27582393":"Example :","27582767":"{{amount}} {{currency}}","27731356":"Your account is temporarily disabled. Please contact us via <0>live chat to enable deposits and withdrawals again.","27830635":"Deriv (V) Ltd","33433576":"Please use an e-wallet to withdraw your funds.","35089987":"Upload the front and back of your driving licence.","40632954":"Why is my card/e-wallet not working?","41737927":"Thank you","44877997":"Residence permit","45453595":"Binary Coin","45821474":"Proof of income","46523711":"Your proof of identity is verified","47525080":"The amount you’ll receive at expiry for every point of change below the barrier.","49404821":"If you buy a \"<0>{{trade_type}}\" option, you receive a payout at expiry if the final price is {{payout_status}} the strike price. Otherwise, your “<0>{{trade_type}}” option will expire worthless.","50717678":"Save the updated strategy for quicker re-imports.","53801223":"Hong Kong 50","53964766":"5. Hit Save to download your bot. You can choose to download your bot to your device or your Google Drive.","54185751":"Less than $100,000","54363400":"We've sent a verification code to <0>{{users_email}}.","55340304":"Keep your current contract?","55916349":"All","57362642":"Closed","58254854":"Scopes","59169515":"If you select \"Asian Rise\", you will win the payout if the last tick is higher than the average of the ticks.","59341501":"Unrecognized file format","62748351":"List Length","63534532":"Enter the code below to verify it's you.","63869411":"This block tests a given number according to the selection","64402604":"Check transfer information","64685615":"<0>Support for multiple trade types with a filter to find strategies by preference.","65185694":"Fiat onramp","65982042":"Total","66519591":"Investor password","66610627":"We were unable to verify your selfie because it’s not clear. Please take a clearer photo and try again. Ensure that there’s enough light where you are and that your entire face is in the frame.","67923436":"No, Deriv Bot will stop running when your web browser is closed.","68885999":"Repeats the previous trade when an error is encountered.","69005593":"The example below restarts trading after 30 or more seconds after 1 minute candle was started.","71016232":"OMG/USD","71180364":"Continue verification","71232823":"Manage funds","71445658":"Open","71563326":"A fast and secure fiat-to-crypto payment service. Deposit cryptocurrencies from anywhere in the world using your credit/debit cards and bank transfers.","71853457":"$100,001 - $500,000","72500774":"Please fill in Tax residence.","73086872":"You have self-excluded from trading","73326375":"The low is the lowest point ever reached by the market during the contract period.","74953206":"Customise","74963864":"Under","76916358":"You have reached the withdrawal limit.<0/>Please upload your proof of identity and address to lift the limit to continue your withdrawal.","76925355":"Check your bot’s performance","77982950":"Vanilla options allow you to predict an upward (bullish) or downward (bearish) direction of the underlying asset by purchasing a \"Call\" or a \"Put\".","81009535":"Potential profit/loss","81091424":"To complete the upgrade, please log out and log in again to add more accounts and make transactions with your Wallets.","81450871":"We couldn’t find that page","82839270":"Upload the page of your passport that contains your photo.","83202647":"Collapse Block","84402478":"Where do I find the blocks I need?","84924586":"To trade options and multipliers, get a Deriv Apps account first.","85343079":"Financial assessment","85359122":"40 or more","85389154":"Steps required to continue verification on your mobile","90266322":"2. Start a chat with your newly created Telegram bot and make sure to send it some messages before proceeding to the next step. (e.g. Hello Bot!)","91993812":"The Martingale Strategy is a classic trading technique that has been used for more than a hundred years, popularised by the French mathematician Paul Pierre Levy in the 18th century.","93154671":"1. Hit Reset at the bottom of stats panel.","96381225":"ID verification failed","98473502":"We’re not obliged to conduct an appropriateness test, nor provide you with any risk warnings.","98972777":"random item","99306476":"Your import failed due to an invalid file. Upload a complete file in XML format.","100239694":"Upload front of card from your computer","102226908":"Field cannot be empty","102929937":"Make sure to copy the Deriv {{currency}} account address above and paste it into your crypto wallet.","105871033":"Your age in the document you provided appears to be below 18 years. We’re only allowed to offer our services to clients above 18 years old, so we’ll need to close your account. If you have a balance in your account, contact us via live chat and we’ll help to withdraw your funds before your account is closed.","107537692":"These limits apply to your options trades only. For example, <0>maximum total loss refers to the losses on all your trades on options trading platforms.","108916570":"Duration: {{duration}} days","109073671":"Please use an e-wallet that you have used for deposits previously. Ensure the e-wallet supports withdrawal. See the list of e-wallets that support withdrawals <0>here.","111215238":"Move away from direct light","111718006":"End date","111931529":"Max. total stake over 7 days","113091401":"Acceptable range: {{min_stake}} to {{max_stake}} {{currency}}","113378532":"ETH/USD","115032488":"Buy price and P/L","116005488":"Indicators","117056711":"We’re updating our site","117318539":"Password should have lower and uppercase English letters with numbers.","117366356":"Turbo options allow you to predict the direction of the underlying asset’s movements.","118727646":"{{new_account_title}}","119261701":"Prediction:","119446122":"Contract type is not selected","120340777":"Complete your personal details","122617359":"View tutorial","122993457":"This is to confirm that it's you making the withdrawal request.","123454801":"{{withdraw_amount}} {{currency_symbol}}","124723298":"Upload a proof of address to verify your address","125443840":"6. Restart last trade on error","125842960":"{{name}} is required.","127307725":"A politically exposed person (PEP) is someone appointed with a prominent public position. Close associates and family members of a PEP are also considered to be PEPs.","129005644":"The idea is that successful trades may recoup previous losses. However, it is crucial to exercise caution as the risk can quickly increase with this strategy. With Deriv Bot, you can minimise your risk by setting a maximum stake. This is an optional risk management feature. Let’s say a maximum stake of 3 USD. If your stake for the next trade is set to exceed 3 USD, your stake will reset to the initial stake of 1 USD. If you didn't set a maximum stake, it would have increased beyond 3 USD.","129137937":"You decide how much and how long to trade. You can take a break from trading whenever you want. This break can be from 6 weeks to 5 years. When it’s over, you can extend it or resume trading after a 24-hour cooling-off period. If you don’t want to set a specific limit, leave the field empty.","130567238":"THEN","132596476":"In providing our services to you, we are required to ask you for some information to assess if a given product or service is appropriate for you and whether you have the experience and knowledge to understand the risks involved.<0/><0/>","132689841":"Trade on web terminal","133523018":"Please go to the Deposit page to get an address.","133536621":"and","133655768":"Note: If you wish to learn more about the Bot Builder, you can proceed to the <0>Tutorials tab.","134126193":"Try searching for markets or keywords","135698857":"<0>Follow these steps to smoothly transfer your strategies:","136790425":"Try changing or removing filters to view available positions.","137589354":"To assess your trading experience and if our products are suitable for you. Please provide accurate and complete answers, as they may affect the outcome of this assessment.","138055021":"Synthetic indices","139454343":"Confirm my limits","141265840":"Funds transfer information","141626595":"Make sure your device has a working camera","142050447":"set {{ variable }} to create text with","142075981":"Direct access to market prices.","142390699":"Connected to your mobile","143970826":"Payment problems?","145511192":"s is the initial stake.","145633981":"Unavailable as your documents are still under review","145736466":"Take a selfie","147091073":"This block gives you the Current Stat value.","147327552":"No favourites","150156106":"Save changes","150486954":"Token name","151279367":"2. Set the Purchase conditions. In this example, your bot will purchase a Rise contract when it starts and after a contract closes.","151646545":"Unable to read file {{name}}","152120783":"Attention: tUSDT deposit address change","152415091":"Math","152524253":"Trade the world’s markets with our popular user-friendly platform.","154274415":"The payout at expiry is equal to the payout per point multiplied by the distance between the final price and the barrier.","157593038":"random integer from {{ start_number }} to {{ end_number }}","157871994":"Link expired","158355408":"Some services may be temporarily unavailable.","160746023":"Tether as an Omni token (USDT) is a version of Tether that is hosted on the Omni layer on the Bitcoin blockchain.","160760697":"I confirm and accept {{company}} 's <0>terms and conditions","160863687":"Camera not detected","164112826":"This block allows you to load blocks from a URL if you have them stored on a remote server, and they will be loaded only when your bot runs.","164564432":"Deposits are temporarily unavailable due to system maintenance. You can make your deposits when the maintenance is complete.","165294347":"Please set your country of residence in your account settings to access the cashier.","165312615":"Continue on phone","165682516":"If you don’t mind sharing, which other trading platforms do you use?","167094229":"• Current stake: Use this variable to store the stake amount. You can assign any amount you want, but it must be a positive number.","170185684":"Ignore","170244199":"I’m closing my account for other reasons.","171307423":"Recovery","171579918":"Go to Self-exclusion","171638706":"Variables","173991459":"We’re sending your request to the blockchain.","174793462":"Strike","176319758":"Max. total stake over 30 days","176654019":"$100,000 - $250,000","177099483":"Your address verification is pending, and we’ve placed some restrictions on your account. The restrictions will be lifted once your address is verified.","177467242":"Define your trade options such as accumulator and stake. This block can only be used with the accumulator trade type. If you select another trade type, this block will be replaced with the Trade options block.","179083332":"Date","181346014":"Notes ","181881956":"Contract Type: {{ contract_type }}","184024288":"lower case","185142749":"Price","189111473":"Mark all as read","189705706":"This block uses the variable \"i\" to control the iterations. With each iteration, the value of \"i\" is determined by the items in a given list.","189759358":"Creates a list by repeating a given item","190834737":"Guide","191372501":"Accumulation of Income/Savings","192436105":"No need for symbols, digits, or uppercase letters","192573933":"Verification complete","195972178":"Get character","196810983":"If the duration is more than 24 hours, the Cut-off time and Expiry date will apply instead.","197190401":"Expiry date","201016731":"<0>View more","201091938":"30 days","203271702":"Try again","203297887":"The Quick Strategy you just created will be loaded to the workspace.","203337807":"<0>Utility bill: Electricity, water, gas, or landline phone bill.","203924654":"Hit the <0>Start button to begin and follow the tutorial.","204797764":"Transfer to client","204863103":"Exit time","207521645":"Reset Time","207824122":"Please withdraw your funds from the following Deriv account(s):","209533725":"You’ve transferred {{amount}} {{currency}}","210385770":"If you have an active account, please log in to continue. Otherwise, please sign up.","210872733":"The verification status is not available, provider says: Malformed JSON.","211224838":"Investment","211461880":"Common names and surnames are easy to guess","211847965":"Your <0>personal details are incomplete. Please go to your account settings and complete your personal details to enable withdrawals.","216114973":"Stocks & indices","216650710":"You are using a demo account","217377529":"5. If the next trades are profitable, the stake for the following trade will be reduced by 2 USD. This can be shown above where the stake of 3 USD is reduced to 1 USD. See A3.","217504255":"Financial assessment submitted successfully","218441288":"Identity card number","220014242":"Upload a selfie from your computer","220186645":"Text Is empty","221261209":"A Deriv account will allow you to fund (and withdraw from) your CFDs account(s).","223120514":"In this example, each point of the SMA line is an arithmetic average of close prices for the last 50 days.","223607908":"Last digit stats for latest 1000 ticks for {{underlying_name}}","224650827":"IOT/USD","225887649":"This block is mandatory. It's added to your strategy by default when you create new strategy. You can not add more than one copy of this block to the canvas.","227591929":"To timestamp {{ input_datetime }} {{ dummy }}","227903202":"We’ll charge a 1% transfer fee for transfers in different currencies between your Deriv fiat and {{platform_name_mt5}} accounts.","228521812":"Tests whether a string of text is empty. Returns a boolean value (true or false).","229604337":"Crash 900 Index","233500222":"- High: the highest price","235244966":"Return to Trader's Hub","235583807":"SMA is a frequently used indicator in technical analysis. It calculates the average market price over a specified period, and is usually used to identify market trend direction: up or down. For example, if the SMA is moving upwards, it means the market trend is up. ","236642001":"Journal","238496287":"Leverage trading is high-risk, so it's a good idea to use risk management features such as stop loss. Stop loss allows you to","242028165":"Pay a small fee to prioritise your withdrawal, this fee will be deducted from the withdrawal amount.","243537306":"1. Under the Blocks menu, go to Utility > Variables.","243614144":"This is only available for existing clients.","245005091":"lower","245187862":"The DRC will make a <0>decision on the complaint (please note that the DRC mentions no timeframe for announcing its decision).","245812353":"if {{ condition }} return {{ value }}","246428134":"Step-by-step guides","248153700":"Reset your password","248565468":"Check your {{ identifier_title }} account email and click the link in the email to proceed.","248909149":"Send a secure link to your phone","251134918":"Account Information","251445658":"Dark theme","251882697":"Thank you! Your response has been recorded into our system.<0/><0/>Please click ‘OK’ to continue.","253388913":"We'll close accounts with no open positions after 60 days.","254912581":"This block is similar to EMA, except that it gives you the entire EMA line based on the input list and the given period.","256031314":"Cash Business","256602726":"If you close your account:","258448370":"MT5","258912192":"Trading assessment","260069181":"An error occured while trying to load the URL","260086036":"Place blocks here to perform tasks once when your bot starts running.","260393332":"You cannot make further deposits as your documents are still under review. We will notify you by email within 3 days once your verification is approved.","261074187":"4. Once the blocks are loaded onto the workspace, tweak the parameters if you want, or hit Run to start trading.","261250441":"Drag the <0>Trade again block and add it into the <0>do part of the <0>Repeat until block.","262095250":"If you select <0>\"Put\", you’ll earn a payout if the final price is below the strike price at expiry. Otherwise, you won’t receive a payout.","264976398":"3. 'Error' displays a message in red to highlight something that needs to be resolved immediately.","265644304":"Trade types","266455247":"Standard Vanuatu","267992618":"The platforms lack key features or functionality.","268254263":"Open a real account now","268940240":"Your balance ({{format_balance}} {{currency}}) is less than the current minimum withdrawal allowed ({{format_min_withdraw_amount}} {{currency}}). Please top up your account to continue with your withdrawal.","269322978":"Deposit with your local currency via peer-to-peer exchange with fellow traders in your country.","269607721":"Upload","270339490":"If you select \"Over\", you will win the payout if the last digit of the last tick is greater than your prediction.","270396691":"<0>Your Wallets are ready!","270610771":"In this example, the open price of a candle is assigned to the variable \"candle_open_price\".","270712176":"descending","270780527":"You've reached the limit for uploading your documents.","271637055":"Download is unavailable while your bot is running.","272179372":"This block is commonly used to adjust the parameters of your next trade and to implement stop loss/take profit logic.","273350342":"Copy and paste the token into the app.","273728315":"Should not be 0 or empty","274268819":"Volatility 100 Index","275116637":"Deriv X","276770377":"New MT5 account(s) under the {{to_account}} jurisdiction will be created for new trades.","277469417":"Exclude time cannot be for more than five years.","278684544":"get sub-list from # from end","280021988":"Use these shortcuts","281110034":"Effective trading with the D'Alembert system requires careful consideration of its stake progression and risk management. Traders can automate this approach using Deriv Bot, setting profit and loss thresholds to ensure balanced and controlled trading. However, it is crucial for traders to assess their risk appetite, test strategies on a demo account, and align with their own trading style before transitioning to real money trading. This optimization process helps strike a balance between potential gains and losses while managing risk prudently.","282319001":"Check your image","282564053":"Next, we'll need your proof of address.","283830551":"Your address doesn’t match your profile","284527272":"antimode","284772879":"Contract","284809500":"Financial Demo","287934290":"Are you sure you want to cancel this transaction?","289731075":"Get Started","291344459":"The table illustrates this principle in the second session. After a trade resulting in loss in round 4 followed by a successful trade in round 5, the stake will increase to 2 USD for round 6. This is in line with the strategy's rule of raising the stake only after a loss is followed by a successful trade.","291402393":"Fixed barrier:","291744889":"<0>1. Trade parameters:<0>","291817757":"Go to our Deriv community and learn about APIs, API tokens, ways to use Deriv APIs, and more.","292526130":"Tick and candle analysis","292589175":"This will display the SMA for the specified period, using a candle list.","292887559":"Transfer to {{selected_value}} is not allowed, Please choose another account from dropdown","293200481":"{{ stack_input }} Run after {{ number }} tick(s)","293250845":"Are you sure you want to continue?","294043810":"I confirm that my tax information is accurate and complete.","294305803":"Manage account settings","294330294":"Code required.","294335229":"Sell at market price","296017162":"Back to Bot","299867329":"For more info, check out this blog post on the basics of building a trading bot.","301315130":"The amount you choose to receive at expiry for every point of change between the final price and the barrier.","301441673":"Select your citizenship/nationality as it appears on your passport or other government-issued ID.","304309961":"We're reviewing your withdrawal request. You may still cancel this transaction if you wish. Once we start processing, you won't be able to cancel.","304506198":"Total balance:","310234308":"Close all your positions.","312142140":"Save new limits?","312300092":"Trims the spaces within a given string or text.","313741895":"This block returns “True” if the last candle is black. It can be placed anywhere on the canvas except within the Trade parameters root block.","315306603":"You have an account that do not have currency assigned. Please choose a currency to trade with this account.","315516003":"Distance to spot","316694303":"Is candle black?","318705408":"Demo Zero Spread","318865860":"close","318984807":"This block repeats the instructions contained within for a specific number of times.","320094260":"Trade Accumulators to build up potential profits with a structured approach.","323179846":"The time interval for each candle can be set from one minute to one day.","323209316":"Select a Deriv Bot Strategy","323360883":"Baskets","325662004":"Expand Block","325763347":"result","326770937":"Withdraw {{currency}} ({{currency_symbol}}) to your wallet","327534692":"Duration value is not allowed. To run the bot, please enter {{min}}.","328539132":"Repeats inside instructions specified number of times","328933132":"Make your first deposit to start trading","329404045":"<0>Switch to your real account<1> to create a {{platform}} {{account_title}} account.","330384187":"Enable trading with your first transfer.","333456603":"Withdrawal limits","333807745":"Click on the block you want to remove and press Delete on your keyboard.","334942497":"Buy time","337023006":"Start time cannot be in the past.","339449279":"Remaining time","339610914":"Spread Up/Spread Down","339879944":"GBP/USD","340241736":"Gold Vanuatu","340807218":"Description not found.","342181776":"Cancel transaction","343194622":"The amount you’ll receive at expiry for every point of change above the barrier","343873723":"This block displays a message. You can specify the color of the message and choose from 6 different sound options.","344418897":"These trading limits and self-exclusion help you control the amount of money and time you spend on {{brand_website_name}} and exercise <0>responsible trading.","345171716":"Enter your address","345320063":"Invalid timestamp","345818851":"Sorry, an internal error occurred. Hit the above checkbox to try again.","346070861":"Zero Spread","346843343":"CFDs on financial and derived instruments with copy trading.","347029309":"Forex: standard/micro","347039138":"Iterate (2)","348951052":"Your cashier is currently locked","349047911":"Over","349110642":"<0>{{payment_agent}}<1>'s contact details","350602311":"Stats show the history of consecutive tick counts, i.e. the number of ticks the price remained within range continuously.","351744408":"Tests if a given text string is empty","353731490":"Job done","354945172":"Submit document","355647475":"Current spot","357477280":"No face found","357672069":"Income verification failed","359053005":"Please enter a token name.","359649435":"Given candle list is not valid","359809970":"This block gives you the selected candle value from a list of candles within the selected time interval. You can choose from open price, close price, high price, low price, and open time.","360224937":"Logic","360773403":"Bot Builder","361784996":"Manage your trade types","363576009":"- High price: the highest price","363738790":"Browser","363990763":"Sell price:","367801124":"Total assets in your Deriv accounts.","367978153":"Removed from favourites","368160866":"in list","369035361":"<0>•Your account number","369409629":"We have updated our Blockly system in Deriv Bot from <0>version 3 to version 10. This brings:","371151609":"Last used","371710104":"This scope will allow third-party apps to buy and sell contracts for you, renew your expired purchases, and top up your demo accounts.","372291654":"Exclude time must be after today.","372645383":"True if the market direction matches the selection","373021397":"random","373306660":"{{label}} is required.","373495360":"This block returns the entire SMA line, containing a list of all values for a given period.","374537470":"No results for \"{{text}}\"","375714803":"Deal Cancellation Error","377225569":"<0>Do not honour: Please contact your bank for further assistance.","377538732":"Key parameters","379523479":"To avoid loss of funds, do not share tokens with the Admin scope with unauthorised parties.","380606668":"tick","380694312":"Maximum consecutive trades","381972464":"Your document has expired.","384303768":"This block returns \"True\" if the last candle is black. It can be placed anywhere on the canvas except within the Trade parameters root block.","384707870":"CRS confirmation","386278304":"Install the {{platform_name_trader}} web app","388162708":"You can view your open and closed positions here. Tap an item for more details.","389923099":"Zoom in","390890891":"Last quarter","391915203":"Hedging","392582370":"Fall Equals","393789743":"Letters, spaces, periods, hyphens, apostrophes only.","396418990":"Offline","398816980":"Launch {{platform_name_trader}} in seconds the next time you want to trade.","401339495":"Verify address","401345454":"Head to the Tutorials tab to do so.","403456289":"The formula for SMA is:","403936913":"An introduction to Deriv Bot","406359555":"Contract details","406497323":"Sell your active contract if needed (optional)","411482865":"Add {{deriv_account}} account","412433839":"I agree to the <0>terms and conditions.","413594348":"Only letters, numbers, space, hyphen, period, and forward slash are allowed.","415677940":"Faster performance.","416138059":"Gold BVI","416749161":"Deriv X demo","417864079":"You’ll not be able to change currency once you have made a deposit.","419485005":"Spot","419496000":"Your contract is closed automatically when your profit is more than or equals to this amount. This block can only be used with the multipliers trade type.","420072489":"CFD trading frequency","422055502":"From","423682863":"When your loss reaches or exceeds the set amount, your trade will be closed automatically.","424101652":"Quick strategy guides >","424272085":"We take your financial well-being seriously and want to ensure you are fully aware of the risks before trading.<0/><0/>","424668491":"expired","424897068":"Do you understand that you could potentially lose 100% of the money you use to trade?","426031496":"Stop","427134581":"Try using another file type.","427617266":"Bitcoin","428380816":"If you select “<0>Matches”, you will win the payout if the last digit of the last tick is the same as your prediction.","429505586":"If you select \"<0>Fall\", you win the payout if the exit spot is strictly lower than the entry spot.","429970999":"To avoid delays, enter your <0>name exactly as it appears on your {{document_name}}.","431267979":"Here’s a quick guide on how to use Deriv Bot on the go.","432508385":"Take Profit: {{ currency }} {{ take_profit }}","432519573":"Document uploaded","433237511":"Notify Telegram %1 Access Token: %2 Chat ID: %3 Message: %4","433348384":"Real accounts are not available to politically exposed persons (PEPs).","433616983":"2. Investigation phase","434548438":"Highlight function definition","434896834":"Custom functions","436218994":"I do not have tax information","436364528":"Your account will be opened with {{legal_entity_name}}, and will be subject to the laws of Saint Vincent and the Grenadines.","436534334":"<0>We've sent you an email.","437138731":"Create a new {{platform}} password","437453244":"Choose your preferred cryptocurrency","437485293":"File type not supported","437904704":"Maximum open positions","438067535":"Over $500,000","438554418":"Time remaining: {{time_remaining}}","439398769":"This strategy is currently not compatible with Deriv Bot.","439798157":"Import strategy","441724760":"Request a new OTP after 10 minutes.","442281706":"You’ve just deleted a block.","442520703":"$250,001 - $500,000","443559872":"Financial SVG","444484637":"Logic negation","445419365":"1 - 2 years","447548846":"SSNIT number","447907000":"If you select \"<0>Allow equals\", you win the payout if exit spot is higher than or equal to entry spot for \"Rise\". Similarly, you win the payout if exit spot is lower than or equal to entry spot for \"Fall\".","450983288":"Your deposit is unsuccessful due to an error on the blockchain. Please contact your crypto wallet service provider for more info.","451852761":"Continue on your phone","452054360":"Similar to RSI, this block gives you a list of values for each entry in the input list.","452949978":"The 1-3-2-6 strategy is designed to capitalise on consecutive successful trades while minimising losses during losing streaks. The rationale behind this strategy lies in statistical probabilities, with adjustments to stake sizes based on the perceived likelihood of success. There is a higher likelihood of success in the second trade after one successful trade. Hence the stake adjusts to 3 in the second trade. In the third trade, the stake adjusts to 2 units due to a lower probability of a successful trade. If the third trade is also successful, the strategy then allocates all the previous gains (a total of 6 units of initial stake) into the fourth trade with the aim of doubling the potential profits. If the fourth trade results in a positive outcome, the strategy helps achieve a total gain of 12 units. However, it is crucial to exercise caution, as the risk can escalate quickly with this strategy, and any loss in the fourth trade forfeits all previous gains.","454196938":"Regulation:","456746157":"Grant access to your camera from your browser settings","457020083":"It’ll take longer to verify you if we can’t read it","457494524":"1. From the block library, enter a name for the new variable and click Create.","459612953":"Select account","459817765":"Pending","460070238":"Congratulations","460975214":"Complete your Appropriateness Test","461795838":"Please contact us via live chat to unlock it.","462079779":"Resale not offered","463361726":"Select an item","465993338":"Oscar's Grind","466424460":"Oscar’s Grind","466837068":"Yes, increase my limits","467839232":"I trade forex CFDs and other complex financial instruments regularly on other platforms.","471402292":"Your bot uses a single trade type for each run.","471667879":"Cut off time:","471994882":"Your {{ currency }} account is ready.","473154195":"Settings","474306498":"We’re sorry to see you leave. Your account is now closed.","475492878":"Try Synthetic Indices","476023405":"Didn't receive the email?","477557241":"Remote blocks to load must be a collection.","477744930":"Delete All Blocks","478280278":"This block displays a dialog box that uses a customised message to prompt for an input. The input can be either a string of text or a number and can be assigned to a variable. When the dialog box is displayed, your strategy is paused and will only resume after you enter a response and click \"OK\".","479420576":"Tertiary","480356486":"*Boom 300 and Crash 300 Index","481276888":"Goes Outside","481564514":"If you select “<0>Up”, you’ll earn a payout if the spot price never drops below the barrier.","483279638":"Assessment Completed<0/><0/>","485379166":"View transactions","487239607":"Converts a given True or False to the opposite value","488150742":"Resend email","489768502":"Change investor password","490053735":"If you select this feature, your trade will be closed automatically at the nearest available asset price when your loss reaches or exceeds the stop loss amount. Your loss may be more than the amount you entered depending on the market price at closing.","490243056":"Multipliers amplify your potential profit if the market moves in your favour, with losses limited to your initial capital.","491603904":"Unsupported browser","492198410":"Make sure everything is clear","492566838":"Taxpayer identification number","497518317":"Function that returns a value","498562439":"or","499522484":"1. for \"string\": 1325.68 USD","500855527":"Chief Executives, Senior Officials and Legislators","500920471":"This block performs arithmetic operations between two numbers.","501401157":"You are only allowed to make deposits","501537611":"*Maximum number of open positions","502007051":"Demo Swap-Free SVG","502041595":"This block gives you a specific candle from within the selected time interval.","505793554":"last letter","508390614":"Demo Financial STP","511243369":"Your passkey is successfully removed. To avoid sign-in prompts, also remove the passkey from your Google password manager.","511679687":"Accumulators allow you to express a view on the range of movement of an index and grow your stake exponentially at a fixed <0>growth rate.","511698670":"We've updated our <0>terms and conditions. To continue trading, you must review and accept the updated terms. You'll be prompted to accept them starting [<1>{{next_prompt_date}}].","514031715":"list {{ input_list }} is empty","514776243":"Your {{account_type}} password has been changed.","514948272":"Copy link","517631043":"We’ve sent your e-book. Check your email to download it.","517833647":"Volatility 50 (1s) Index","518955798":"7. Run Once at Start","519205761":"You can no longer open new positions with this account.","520136698":"Boom 500 Index","520458365":"Last used: ","521872670":"item","522703281":"divisible by","523123321":"- 10 to the power of a given number","524459540":"How do I create variables?","527329988":"This is a top-100 common password","529056539":"Options","531114081":"3. Contract Type","531453415":"Restart your phone number verification.","531675669":"Euro","532724086":"Employment contract","533403953":"Your existing <0>{{platform}} {{type}} {{from_account}} account(s) will remain accessible.","535021574":"Run your updated strategy to check its performance.","535041346":"Max. total stake per day","536277802":"TP & SL history","537788407":"Other CFDs Platform","538042340":"Principle 2: The stake only increases when a loss trade is followed by a successful trade","538228086":"Close-Low","539352212":"Tick {{current_tick}}","541650045":"Manage {{platform}} password","541700024":"First, enter your driving licence number and the expiry date.","542038694":"Only letters, numbers, space, underscore, and hyphen are allowed for {{label}}.","543413346":"You have no open positions for this asset. To view other open positions, click Go to Reports","545323805":"Filter by trade types","547029855":"If you select this feature, you can cancel your trade within a chosen time frame if the asset price moves against your favour. You will get your stake back without profit/loss. We charge a small fee for this. Take profit and stop loss are disabled when deal cancellation is active.","549479175":"Deriv Multipliers","549799607":"Go to LiveChat","551456650":"To continue trading, review and accept our updated <0>terms and conditions. Not accepting will lead to restricted access to your account. Need help? Contact us via <1>live chat.","551569133":"Learn more about trading limits","551958626":"Excellent","554410233":"This is a top-10 common password","555351771":"After defining trade parameters and trade options, you may want to instruct your bot to purchase contracts when specific conditions are met. To do that you can use conditional blocks and indicators blocks to help your bot to make decisions.","555881991":"National Identity Number Slip","558866810":"Run your bot","560759471":"You'll see these details once the contract starts.","561982839":"Change your currency","562599414":"This block returns the purchase price for the selected trade type. This block can be used only in the \"Purchase conditions\" root block.","563034502":"We shall try to resolve your complaint within 15 business days. We will inform you of the outcome together with an explanation of our position and propose any remedial measures we intend to take.","563166122":"We shall acknowledge receiving your complaint, review it carefully, and keep you updated on the handling process. We might request further information or clarifications to facilitate the resolution of the complaint.","563652273":"Go to block","565410797":"The below image illustrates how Simple Moving Average Array block works:","566274201":"1. Market","567019968":"A variable is among the most important and powerful components in creating a bot. It is a way to store information, either as text or numbers. The information stored as a variable can be used and changed according to the given instructions. Variables can be given any name, but usually they are given useful, symbolic names so that it is easier to call them during the execution of instructions.","567163880":"Create a {{platform}} password","569057236":"In which country was your document issued?","572576218":"Languages","573173477":"Is candle {{ input_candle }} black?","575668969":"3. For trades that result in a profit, the stake for the next trade will be increased by 2 USD. Deriv Bot will continue to add 2 USD for every successful trade. See A1.","575702000":"Remember, selfies, pictures of houses, or non-related images will be rejected.","576355707":"Select your country and citizenship:","577215477":"count with {{ variable }} from {{ start_number }} to {{ end_number }} by {{ step_size }}","577779861":"Withdrawal","577883523":"4. Awards and orders","578640761":"Call Spread","579529868":"Show all details — including the bottom 2 lines","580431127":"Restart buy/sell on error (disable for better performance): {{ checkbox }}","580665362":"Stays In/Goes Out","580774080":"insert at","581168980":"Legal","582945649":"2 minutes","584028307":"Allow equals","585277790":"Some currencies may not be supported by fiat onramp.","587577347":"Take Profit (Accumulator)","587577425":"Secure my account","587856857":"Want to know more about APIs?","588811360":"Due to business changes, client accounts in your country are to be closed. Withdraw your funds by {{date}}.","592087722":"Employment status is required.","592381383":"Passkey successfully removed","592964176":"Join over 2.5 million traders","593459109":"Try a different currency","594375321":"Secure your Deriv account by verifying your phone number.","595080994":"Example: CR123456789","595377017":"Withdraw funds","596165833":"Your withdrawal will be processed internally in one business day. After that, for debit/credit cards, it takes 1-15 working days, and for e-wallets, it's 1-3 working days. If there's a delay beyond these periods, please contact us via live chat.","596748073":"View your positions","597089493":"Here is where you can decide to sell your contract before it expires. Only one copy of this block is allowed.","597481571":"DISCLAIMER","597707115":"Tell us about your trading experience.","599469202":"{{secondPast}}s ago","602278674":"Verify identity","603849445":"Strike price","603849863":"Look for the <0>Repeat While/Until, and click the + icon to add the block to the workspace area.","603899222":"Distance to current spot","606240547":"- Natural log","606877840":"Back to today","607807243":"Get candle","609650241":"Infinite loop detected","610537973":"Any information you provide is confidential and will be used for verification purposes only.","611020126":"View address on Blockchain","612345031":"Reverse Martingale on Stat Reset","613418320":"<0>Setup unsuccessful","613877038":"Chart","614567861":"Edit number","615156635":"Your selfie does not match your document.","617345387":"If you select \"Reset-Up”, you win the payout if the exit spot is strictly higher than either the entry spot or the spot at reset time.","618520466":"Example of a cut-off document","619268911":"<0>a.The Financial Commission will investigate the validity of the complaint within 5 business days.","621829484":"{{days_passed}}d ago","623192233":"Please complete the <0>Appropriateness Test to access your cashier.","623316736":"{{ message }}, retrying in {{ delay }}s","623542160":"Exponential Moving Average Array (EMAA)","625571750":"Entry spot:","626175020":"Standard Deviation Up Multiplier {{ input_number }}","626809456":"Resubmit","627292452":"<0>Your Proof of Identity or Proof of Address did not meet our requirements. Please check your email for further instructions.","627814558":"This block returns a value when a condition is true. Use this block within either of the function blocks above.","628193133":"Account ID","629003252":"If your current password doesn't match these requirements, you'll need to create a new one in the next step.","629145209":"In case if the \"AND\" operation is selected, the block returns \"True\" only if both given values are \"True\"","629395043":"All growth rates","631355440":"Your proof of identity is under review. We’ll get back to you within 5 minutes.","632398049":"This block assigns a null value to an item or statement.","632897893":"If any of the above applies to you, select <0>Yes. Otherwise, select <0>No.","632942644":"Rental/tenancy agreement","634219491":"You have not provided your tax identification number. This information is necessary for legal and regulatory requirements. Please go to <0>Personal details in your account settings, and fill in your latest tax identification number.","634274250":"How long each trade takes to expire.","636219628":"<0>c.If no settlement opportunity can be found, the complaint will proceed to the determination phase to be handled by the DRC.","636427296":"Need help with tax info? Let us know via <0>live chat.","636579615":"Number of unit(s) to be added to the next trade after a losing trade. One unit is equivalent to the amount of initial stake.","638482685":"SMS","639382772":"Please upload supported file type.","640596349":"You have yet to receive any notifications","640730141":"Refresh this page to restart the identity verification process","641420532":"We've sent you an email","642210189":"Please check your email for the verification link to complete the process.","642393128":"Enter amount","642546661":"Upload back of license from your computer","644150241":"The number of contracts you have won since you last cleared your stats.","645902266":"EUR/NZD","646773081":"Profit threshold: The bot will stop trading if your total profit exceeds this amount.","646814527":"Boom 600 Index","647039329":"Proof of address required","647745382":"Input List {{ input_list }}","649317411":"On the basis of the information provided in relation to your knowledge and experience, we consider that the investments available via this website are not appropriate for you.<0/><1/>","649923867":"Adds a sign to a number to create a barrier offset. (deprecated)","650836587":"This article explores the Martingale strategy integrated into Deriv Bot, a versatile trading bot designed to trade assets such as forex, commodities, and derived indices. We will delve into the strategy's core parameters, its application, and provide essential takeaways for traders looking to use the bot effectively.","651284052":"Low Tick","651684094":"Notify","652298946":"Date of birth","654507872":"True-False","654924603":"Martingale","655733440":"Others","655937299":"We’ll update your limits. Click <0>Accept to acknowledge that you are fully responsible for your actions, and we are not liable for any addiction or loss.","656893085":"Timestamp","657325150":"This block is used to define trade options within the Trade parameters root block. Some options are only applicable for certain trade types. Parameters such as duration and stake are common among most trade types. Prediction is used for trade types such as Digits, while barrier offsets are for trade types that involve barriers such as Touch/No Touch, Ends In/Out, etc.","658745169":"You may sell the contract up to 60 seconds before expiry. If you do, we’ll pay you the <0>contract value.","659482342":"Please remember that it is your responsibility to keep your answers accurate and up to date. You can update your personal details at any time in your account settings.","660481941":"To access your mobile apps and other third-party apps, you'll first need to generate an API token.","660991534":"Finish","661759508":"On the basis of the information provided in relation to your knowledge and experience, we consider that the investments available via this website are not appropriate for you.<0/><0/>","662953503":"Your contract will be closed when the <0>stop out level is reached.","664779910":"3. If the first trade results in profit, the stake for the following trade will not reduce but remain at the initial stake. The strategy minimally trades at the initial stake of 1 USD. See A1.","665089217":"Please submit your <0>proof of identity to authenticate your account and access your Cashier.","665777772":"XLM/USD","665872465":"In the example below, the opening price is selected, which is then assigned to a variable called \"op\".","666158951":"Your contract will be closed when the <0>stop out level is reached.","666724936":"Please enter a valid ID number.","672008428":"ZEC/USD","673915530":"Jurisdiction and choice of law","674973192":"Use this password to log in to your Deriv MT5 accounts on the desktop, web, and mobile apps.","676159329":"Could not switch to default account.","676675313":"Authy","677918431":"Market: {{ input_market }} > {{ input_submarket }} > {{ input_symbol }}","678031950":"Candles List with interval here 2: {{ candle_interval_type }}","679199080":"Why passkeys?","680334348":"This block was required to correctly convert your old strategy.","681808253":"Previous spot price","681926004":"Example of a blurry document","682056402":"Standard Deviation Down Multiplier {{ input_number }}","686387939":"How do I clear my transaction log?","687193018":"Slippage risk","687212287":"Amount is a required field.","688510664":"You've {{two_fa_status}} 2FA on this device. You'll be logged out of your account on other devices (if any). Use your password and a 2FA code to log back in.","689137215":"Purchase price","691956534":"<0>You have added a {{currency}} account.<0> Make a deposit now to start trading.","692354762":"Please enter your {{document_name}}. {{example_format}}","693396140":"Deal cancellation (expired)","693933036":"Exploring the Oscar’s Grind strategy in Deriv Bot","694035561":"Trade options multipliers","696157141":"Low spot","696735942":"Enter your National Identification Number (NIN)","696870196":"- Open time: the opening time stamp","698037001":"National Identity Number","698151231":"Didn't receive a code?","698440637":"Compare CFDs {{title}} accounts","699159918":"1. Filing complaints","699646180":"A minimum deposit value of <0>{{minimum_deposit}} {{currency}} is required. Otherwise, the funds will be lost and cannot be recovered.","700259824":"Account currency","701034660":"We are still processing your withdrawal request.<0 />Please wait for the transaction to be completed before deactivating your account.","701462190":"Entry spot","701647434":"Search for string","702451070":"National ID (No Photo)","702561961":"Change theme","705262734":"Your Wallets are ready","705299518":"Next, upload the page of your passport that contains your photo.","705697927":"2. Set your preferred unit. In this example, it is 2 units or 2 USD.","705821926":"Learn about this trade type","706727320":"Binary options trading frequency","706755289":"This block performs trigonometric functions.","706960383":"We’ll offer to buy your contract at this price should you choose to sell it before its expiry. This is based on several factors, such as the current spot price, duration, etc. However, we won’t offer a contract value if the remaining duration is below 60 seconds.","707189572":"Your email address has changed.<0/>Now, log in with your new email address.","707662672":"{{unblock_date}} at {{unblock_time}}","708055868":"Driving licence number","710123510":"repeat {{ while_or_until }} {{ boolean }}","711580196":"Why can't I use a payment agent to withdraw my funds?","711999057":"Successful","712101776":"Take a photo of your passport photo page","712635681":"This block gives you the selected candle value from a list of candles. You can choose from open price, close price, high price, low price, and open time.","713054648":"Sending","714080194":"Submit proof","714746816":"MetaTrader 5 Windows app","715841616":"Please enter a valid phone number (e.g. +15417541234).","716428965":"(Closed)","718504300":"Postal/ZIP code","718509613":"Maximum duration: {{ value }}","720293140":"Log out","720519019":"Reset my password","721011817":"- Raise the first number to the power of the second number","721271917":"If you select this feature, your trade will be closed automatically at the nearest available asset price when your profit reaches or exceeds the take profit amount throughout the contract duration. Your profit may be more than the amount you entered depending on the market price at closing. You may change your take profit amount up to 15 seconds before expiry.","721703582":"Trading opportunities on popular precious metals.","723045653":"You'll log in to your Deriv account with this email address.","723961296":"Manage password","724526379":"Learn more with our tutorials","728042840":"To continue trading with us, please confirm where you live.","728824018":"Spanish Index","729251105":"Range: {{min}} - {{max}} {{duration_unit_text}} ","729651741":"Choose a photo","730473724":"This block performs the \"AND\" or the \"OR\" logic operation with the given values.","731382582":"BNB/USD","732828463":"Standing instructions to transfer funds to an account maintained in the United States, or directions regularly received from a US address","734298230":"Just a reminder","734390964":"Insufficient balance","734881840":"false","735907651":"A US residence address or a US correspondence address (including a US PO box)","737640807":"View available markets here.","737751617":"<0>Explore our website to see what’s available.","739126643":"Indicative high spot","742469109":"Reset Balance","743623600":"Reference","743908778":"Contract type","744110277":"Bollinger Bands Array (BBA)","745656178":"Use this block to sell your contract at the market price.","745674059":"Returns the specific character from a given string of text according to the selected option. ","746112978":"Your computer may take a few seconds to update","747054281":"For a Call option, you receive a payout if the final price is higher than the strike price.","747279775":"Current Stat","749336930":"Secure alternative to passwords.","751468800":"Start now","751692023":"We <0>do not guarantee a refund if you make a wrong transfer.","752024971":"Reached maximum number of digits","752992217":"This block gives you the selected constant values.","753088835":"Default","753184969":"In providing our services to you, we are required to obtain information from you in order to assess whether a given product or service is appropriate for you (that is, whether you possess the experience and knowledge to understand the risks involved).<0/><1/>","753727511":"Type","755138488":"We’re unable to verify the document you provided because it contains markings or text that should not be on your document. Please provide a clear photo or a scan of your original identity document.","756152377":"SMA places equal weight to the entire distribution of values.","758003269":"make list from text","760528514":"Please note that changing the value of \"i\" won't change the value of the original item in the list","761576760":"Fund your account to start trading.","762926186":"A quick strategy is a ready-made strategy that you can use in Deriv Bot. There are 3 quick strategies you can choose from: Martingale, D'Alembert, and Oscar's Grind.","764366329":"Trading limits","766317539":"Language","771570279":"Filter by time","772520934":"You may sell the contract up to 24 hours before expiry. If you do, we’ll pay you the <0>contract value.","773091074":"Stake:","773309981":"Oil/USD","773336410":"Tether is a blockchain-enabled platform designed to facilitate the use of fiat currencies in a digital manner.","775679302":"{{pending_withdrawals}} pending withdrawal(s)","775706054":"Do you sell trading bots?","776085955":"Strategies","776432808":"Select the country where you currently live.","778172770":"Deriv CFDs","780009485":"About D'Alembert","781924436":"Call Spread/Put Spread","783974693":"Avoid recent years","784311461":"Exponential Moving Average (EMA)","784583814":"Linked to your computer","785969488":"Jump 75 Index","787727156":"Barrier","788005234":"NA","789013690":"This is the corresponding price level based on the payout per point you’ve selected. If this barrier is ever breached, your contract would be terminated.","792164271":"This is when your contract will expire based on the Duration or End time you’ve selected.","792622364":"Negative balance protection","793526589":"To file a complaint about our service, send an email to <0>complaints@deriv.com and state your complaint in detail. Please submit any relevant screenshots of your trading or system for our better understanding.","793531921":"Our company is one of the oldest and most reputable online trading companies in the world. We are committed to treat our clients fairly and provide them with excellent service.<0/><1/>Please provide us with feedback on how we can improve our services to you. Rest assured that you will be heard, valued, and treated fairly at all times.","794629751":"Step 400 Index","794682658":"Copy the link to your phone","794778483":"Deposit later","795859446":"Password saved","795992899":"The amount you choose to receive at expiry for every point of change between the final price and the barrier. ","797007873":"Follow these steps to recover camera access:","797500286":"negative","800228448":"This complaints policy, which may change from time to time, applies to your account(s) registered with {{legal_entity_name_svg}} and {{legal_entity_name_fx}}.","800521289":"Your personal details are incomplete","802436811":"View transaction details","802438383":"New proof of address is needed","802556390":"seconds","802989607":"Drag your XML file here","803500173":"Initial stake","806165583":"Australia 200","807499069":"Financial commission complaints procedure","808131992":"Returns the Current Stat","808323704":"You can also use \"Compare\" and \"Logic operation\" blocks to make test variables.","811255505":"Favourites","812430133":"Spot price on the previous tick.","815925952":"This block is mandatory. Only one copy of this block is allowed. It is added to the canvas by default when you open Deriv Bot.","816580787":"Welcome back! Your messages have been restored.","816738009":"<0/><1/>You may also raise your unresolved dispute to the <2>Office of the Arbiter for Financial Services.","818447476":"Switch account?","820517828":"Submit your document","820877027":"Please verify your proof of identity","821163626":"Server maintenance occurs every first Saturday of the month from 7 to 10 GMT time. You may experience service disruption during this time.","823186089":"A block that can contain text.","823279888":"The {{block_type}} block is missing.","824797920":"Is list empty?","825042307":"Let’s try again","825179913":"This document number was already submitted for a different account. It seems you have an account with us that doesn't need further verification. Please contact us via <0>live chat if you need help.","826511719":"USD/SEK","827453548":"You already have an open position for {{ trade_type }} contract type, retrying in {{ delay }}s","827688195":"Disable Block","828219890":"then","828602451":"Returns the list of tick values in string format","829970143":"If you've hit the deposit limit, please wait 1-2 hours before trying again. Check that your browser is up to date and use incognito mode. If you still have problems, please contact us via <0>live chat.","830164967":"Last name","830703311":"My profile","830993327":"No current transactions available","831344594":"If you select “<0>Lower”, you win the payout if the exit spot is strictly lower than the barrier.","832053636":"Document submission","832217983":"40 transactions or more in the past 12 months","832398317":"Sell Error","832721563":"If you select \"Low Tick\", you win the payout if the selected tick is the lowest among the next five ticks.","834966953":"1551661986 seconds since Jan 01 1970 (UTC) translates to 03/04/2019 @ 1:13am (UTC).","835336137":"View Detail","835350845":"Add another word or two. Uncommon words are better.","836097457":"I am interested in trading but have very little experience.","839158849":"4. If the second trade results in a loss, the Deriv Bot will automatically increase your stake for the next trade by 2 USD. Deriv Bot will continue to add 2 USD to the previous round’s stake after every losing trade. See A2.","839805709":"To smoothly verify you, we need a better photo","841543189":"View transaction on Blockchain","843333337":"You can only make deposits. Please complete the <0>financial assessment to unlock withdrawals.","845106422":"Last digit prediction","845304111":"Slow EMA Period {{ input_number }}","846973078":"Number already exists in our system. Enter a new one or contact us via <0>live chat for help.","847209411":"{{formatted_opening_time}} (GMT), {{opening_date}}","848083350":"Your payout is equal to the <0>payout per point multiplied by the difference between the final price and the strike price. You will only earn a profit if your payout is higher than your initial stake.","848203102":"Request a new verification link via email.","849248327":"Barrier set above spot price.","850582774":"Please update your personal info","851054273":"If you select \"Higher\", you win the payout if the exit spot is strictly higher than the barrier.","851264055":"Creates a list with a given item repeated for a specific number of times.","851508288":"This block constrains a given number within a set range.","852527030":"Step 2","852583045":"Tick List String","852627184":"document number","854399751":"Digit code must only contain numbers.","854630522":"Choose a cryptocurrency account","857363137":"Volatility 300 (1s) Index","857445204":"Deriv currently supports withdrawals of Tether eUSDT to Ethereum wallet. To ensure a successful transaction, enter a wallet address compatible with the tokens you wish to withdraw. <0>Learn more","857986403":"do something","860319618":"Tourism","862283602":"Phone number*","863023016":"For instance, if a trader has a loss threshold (B) of 100 USD, with an initial stake (s) of 1 USD and 2 units of increment (f), the calculation would be as follows:","863328851":"Proof of identity","864610268":"First, enter your {{label}} and the expiry date.","864655280":"You can continue to hold your current open positions in your existing MT5 account(s).","864957760":"Math Number Positive","865424952":"High-to-Low","865642450":"2. Logged in from a different browser","866443757":"Your bot will use this contract type for every run","866496238":"Make sure your license details are clear to read, with no blur or glare","868826608":"Excluded from {{brand_website_name}} until","869068127":"The cashier is temporarily down due to maintenance. It will be available as soon as the maintenance is complete.","869823595":"Function","872661442":"Are you sure you want to update email <0>{{prev_email}} to <1>{{changed_email}}?","872721776":"2. Select your XML file and hit Select.","872817404":"Entry Spot Time","873166343":"1. 'Log' displays a regular message.","873387641":"If you have open positions","874461655":"Scan the QR code with your phone","874472715":"Your funds will remain in your existing MT5 account(s).","874484887":"Take profit must be a positive number.","875101277":"If I close my web browser, will Deriv Bot continue to run?","875532284":"Restart process on a different device","876086855":"Complete the financial assessment form","876292912":"Exit","876826584":"Enter a valid phone number, including the country code (e.g. +15417541234).","879014472":"Reached maximum number of decimals","879647892":"You may sell the contract up until 60 seconds before expiry. If you do, we’ll pay you the <0>contract value.","880552407":"Official residence declaration or affidavit","881963105":"(XAUUSD, XAGUSD)","882423592":"The amount that you stake for the first trade. Note that this is the minimum stake amount.","885065431":"Get a Deriv account","888274063":"Town/City","888924866":"We don’t accept the following inputs for:","890299833":"Go to Reports","891337947":"Select country","893963781":"Close-to-Low","893975500":"You do not have any recent bots","894191608":"<0>c.We must award the settlement within 28 days of when the decision is reached.","896790627":"A US birthplace","897597439":"Changes saved.","898167937":"Total withdrawn (Lifetime)","898457777":"You have added a Deriv Financial account.","898904393":"Barrier:","899342595":"NIN","900646972":"page.","902045490":"3 minutes","903429103":"In candles list read {{ candle_property }} # from end {{ input_number }}","903702825":"DC has been turned off.","904696726":"API token","905227556":"Strong passwords contain at least 8 characters, combine uppercase and lowercase letters and numbers.","905564365":"MT5 CFDs","905939380":"Reverse D'Alembert on Stat Reset","906789729":"Your verification documents were already used for another account.","907680782":"Proof of ownership verification failed","907734435":"This contract starts on","910888293":"Too many attempts","911048905":"(BTCUSD, ETHUSD)","912257733":"The workspace will be reset to the default strategy and any unsaved changes will be lost. <0>Note: This will not affect your running bot.","912406629":"Follow these steps:","912967164":"Import from your computer","915735109":"Back to {{platform_name}}","916579917":"Try now","918447723":"Real","920125517":"Add demo account","920132766":"Due to business changes, client accounts in your country are to be closed. Deposits and trading are disabled. Withdraw your funds by {{date}}.","920323865":"Code*","921857297":"Enter a value from 0 to {{ value }}.","921901739":"- your account details of the bank linked to your account","922313275":"You're back online","924046954":"Upload a document showing your name and bank account number or account details.","924912760":"Your document appears to be a digital document.","929608744":"You are unable to make withdrawals","930255747":"Please enter your {{document_name}}. ","930346117":"Capitalization doesn't help very much","930546422":"Touch","933126306":"Enter some text here","933193610":"Only letters, periods, hyphens, apostrophes, and spaces, please.","936393760":"You receive a <0>payout at <1>expiry if the spot price never touches or breaches the <2>barrier during the contract period. If it does, your contract will be terminated early.","937237342":"Strategy name cannot be empty","937289537":"Upload an original (unaltered) document that clearly shows your name and address, issued within the past {{expiry_in_months}} months. We accept:","937682366":"Upload both of these documents to prove your identity.","937831119":"Last name*","937992258":"Table","938500877":"{{ text }}. <0>You can view the summary of this transaction in your email.","938947787":"Withdrawal {{currency}}","938988777":"High barrier","940624996":"Moving strategies to Deriv Bot","942015028":"Step 500 Index","944499219":"Max. open positions","945532698":"Contract sold","945753712":"Back to Trader’s Hub","946204249":"Read","946841802":"A white (or green) candle indicates that the open price is lower than the close price. This represents an upward movement of the market price.","947046137":"Your withdrawal will be processed within 24 hours","947363256":"Create list","947602200":"Save this strategy as an XML file from Deriv Bot for faster re-imports.","947704973":"Reverse D’Alembert","947758334":"City is required","947914894":"Top up  <0>","948156236":"Create {{type}} password","949859957":"Submit","956448295":"Cut-off image detected","957182756":"Trigonometric functions","958430760":"In/Out","958503488":"Search markets on ","959031082":"set {{ variable }} to MACD Array {{ dropdown }} {{ dummy }}","960201789":"3. Sell conditions","961327418":"My computer","961692401":"Bot","962251615":"If you want to adjust your self-exclusion limits, <0>contact us via live chat.","966457287":"set {{ variable }} to Exponential Moving Average {{ dummy }}","966781743":"Session Expired","968576099":"Up/Down","969858761":"Principle 1: Strategy aims to potentially make one unit of profit per session","969987233":"Win up to maximum payout if exit spot is between lower and upper barrier, in proportion to the difference between exit spot and lower barrier.","970915884":"AN","974888153":"High-Low","975608902":"To trade CFDs, get a Deriv Apps account first.","975950139":"Country of Residence","975959578":"Updates: Quick strategy modal","977929335":"Go to my account settings","979713491":"Zero Spread BVI","980050614":"Update now","981138557":"Redirect","981568830":"You have chosen to exclude yourself from trading on our website until {{exclude_until}}. If you are unable to place a trade or deposit after your self-exclusion period, please contact us via <0>live chat.","981965437":"Scan the QR code below with your 2FA app. We recommend <0>Authy or <1>Google Authenticator.","982146443":"WhatsApp","982402892":"First line of address","982829181":"Barriers","983295075":"Why can't I see the funds on my card/e-wallet balance after I've made a withdrawal?","983423404":"<0>Step {{step}}/2:  {{title}}","983451828":"2. Select the asset and trade type.","984175243":"Expand Blocks","986565137":"We've received your proof of income","987224688":"How many trades have you placed with other financial instruments in the past 12 months?","988064913":"4. Come back to Deriv Bot and add the Notify Telegram block to the workspace. Paste the Telegram API token and chat ID into the block fields accordingly.","988361781":"You have no trading activity yet.","988934465":"When prompted, you must enable camera access to continue","989840364":"You’re under legal age.","991654042":"By changing your initial stake and/or take profit.","992294492":"Your postal code is invalid","992677950":"Logging out on other devices","995563717":"not {{ boolean }}","997276809":"I confirm that the name and date of birth above match my chosen identity document","997311089":"Change my password","999008199":"text","1001160515":"Sell","1002989598":"iOS: iCloud keychain.","1004127734":"Send email","1006069082":"The objective of Martingale strategy is to take advantage of consecutive successful trades and maximise potential profits from them. This strategy is beneficial only if there are consecutive successful trades. Therefore, it is important to set a maximum stake to secure all the potential profits gained from a number of consecutive successful trades, or you could lose all the profits you have accumulated, including your initial stake. For example, if your goal is to maximise profits within 2 consecutive successful trades, you set a maximum stake of 2 USD, given your initial stake is 1 USD. Similarly, if your goal is to maximise profits within 3 consecutive successful trades, you set a maximum stake of 4 USD, given your initial stake is 1 USD.","1006458411":"Errors","1006664890":"Silent","1008151470":"Unit: The number of units that are added in the event of successful trades or the number of units removed in the event of losing trades. For example, if the unit is set at 2, the stake increases or decreases by two times the initial stake of 1 USD, meaning it changes by 2 USD.","1009032439":"All time","1010198306":"This block creates a list with strings and numbers.","1010337648":"We were unable to verify your proof of ownership.","1011424042":"{{text}}. stake<0/>","1012102263":"You will not be able to log in to your account until this date (up to 6 weeks from today).","1014469655":"Send new link{{next_email_attempt_timestamp}}","1015201500":"Define your trade options such as duration and stake.","1016220824":"You need to switch to a real money account to use this feature.<0/>You can do this by selecting a real account from the <1>Account Switcher.","1017081936":"If you select “<0>Put”, you’ll earn a payout if the final price is below the strike price at expiry. Otherwise, you won’t receive a payout.","1018803177":"standard deviation","1019265663":"You have no transactions yet.","1019508841":"Barrier 1","1021090237":"Upgrade your <0>{{account_1}} <1/>and <0>{{account_2}} {{platform}} account(s)","1021679446":"Multipliers only","1022923711":"Invalid code. Try again.","1022934784":"1 minute","1022971288":"Payout per pip","1023237947":"1. In the example below, the instructions are repeated as long as the value of x is less than or equal to 10. Once the value of x exceeds 10, the loop is terminated.","1023643811":"This block purchases contract of a specified type.","1023795011":"Even/Odd","1024205076":"Logic operation","1026046972":"Please enter a payout amount that's lower than {{max_payout}}.","1026289179":"Trade on the go","1028211549":"All fields are required","1028758659":"Citizenship*","1029164365":"We presume that you possess the experience, knowledge, and expertise to make your own investment decisions and properly assess the risk involved.","1029641567":"{{label}} must be less than 30 characters.","1030021206":"change {{ variable }} by {{ number }}","1031602624":"We've sent a secure link to %{number}","1031731167":"Pound Sterling","1032173180":"Deriv","1032907147":"AUD/NZD","1033253221":"Confirm your identity to make a withdrawal.","1035893169":"Delete","1036116144":"Speculate on the price movement of an asset without actually owning it.","1036867749":"The desired duration, stake, prediction, and/or barrier(s) for the contract is defined here.","1038575777":"Change password","1039428638":"EU regulation","1039476188":"The size used to multiply the stake after a losing trade for the next trade.","1039755542":"Use a few words, avoid common phrases","1040472990":"1. Go to Bot Builder.","1040677897":"To continue trading, you must also submit a proof of address.","1041001318":"This block performs the following operations on a given list: sum, minimum, maximum, average, median, mode, antimode, standard deviation, random item.","1041620447":"If you are unable to scan the QR code, you can manually enter this code instead:","1042659819":"You have an account that needs action","1042822110":"Take control of your funds management with Wallet! Enjoy fast and secure transactions with funds segregation.","1043790274":"There was an error","1044599642":"<0> has been credited into your {{platform}} {{title}} account.","1045704971":"Jump 150 Index","1047389068":"Food Services","1047644783":"Enable screen lock on your device.","1047881477":"Unfortunately, your browser does not support the video.","1048687543":"Labuan Financial Services Authority","1048947317":"Sorry, this app is unavailable in {{clients_country}}.","1049384824":"Rise","1050063303":"Videos on Deriv Bot","1050128247":"I confirm that I have verified the payment agent’s transfer information.","1050844889":"Reports","1052779010":"You are on your demo account","1052921318":"{{currency}} Wallet","1053153674":"Jump 50 Index","1053159279":"Level of education","1053556481":"Once you submit your complaint, we will send you an acknowledgement email to confirm that we have received it.","1055313820":"No document detected","1056381071":"Return to trade","1056821534":"Are you sure?","1057216772":"text {{ input_text }} is empty","1057519018":"4. If a trade ends in a profit, the stake for the following trade will be reset to the initial stake amount of 1 USD.","1057749183":"Two-factor authentication (2FA)","1057765448":"Stop out level","1057904606":"The concept of the D’Alembert Strategy is said to be similar to the Martingale Strategy where you will increase your contract size after a loss. With the D’Alembert Strategy, you will also decrease your contract size after a successful trade.","1058804653":"Expiry","1058905535":"Tutorial","1060231263":"When are you required to pay an initial margin?","1061308507":"Purchase {{ contract_type }}","1062423382":"Explore the video guides and FAQs to build your bot in the tutorials tab.","1062536855":"Equals","1062569830":"The <0>name on your identity document doesn't match your profile.","1065498209":"Iterate (1)","1065766135":"You have {{remaining_transfers}} {{transfer_text}} remaining for today.","1066235879":"Transferring funds will require you to create a second account.","1066459293":"4.3. Acknowledging your complaint","1069336791":"Review in progress","1069347258":"The verification link you used is invalid or expired. Please request for a new one.","1070323991":"6. If consecutive successful trades were to happen, the stake would follow a sequence of adjustment from 1 to 3, then 2, and 6 units of initial stake. After 4 consecutive successful trades, it completes one cycle and then the strategy will repeat itself for another cycle. If any trade results in a loss, your stake will reset back to the initial stake for the next trade.","1070624871":"Check proof of address document verification status","1073711308":"Trade closed","1076006913":"Profit/loss on the last {{item_count}} contracts","1077515534":"Date to","1078189922":"You can make a new deposit once the verification of your account is complete.","1078202703":"Tax identification number is not properly formatted.","1078221772":"Leverage prevents you from opening large positions.","1078303105":"Stop out","1080068516":"Action","1080990424":"Confirm","1082158368":"*Maximum account cash balance","1082406746":"Please enter a stake amount that's at least {{min_stake}}.","1083781009":"Tax identification number*","1083826534":"Enable Block","1087112394":"You must select the strike price before entering the contract.","1088031284":"Strike:","1088138125":"Tick {{current_tick}} - ","1089085289":"Mobile number","1089436811":"Tutorials","1089687322":"Stop your current bot?","1090041864":"The {{block_type}} block is mandatory and cannot be deleted/disabled.","1090802140":"Additional Information","1091617520":"Type of document","1095089956":"Updated: Quick Strategy Modal","1095295626":"<0>•The Arbiter for Financial Services will determine whether the complaint can be accepted and is in accordance with the law.","1096078516":"We’ll review your documents and notify you of its status within 3 days.","1096175323":"You’ll need a Deriv account","1098147569":"Purchase commodities or shares of a company.","1098622295":"\"i\" starts with the value of 1, and it will be increased by 2 at every iteration. The loop will repeat until \"i\" reaches the value of 12, and then the loop is terminated.","1100133959":"National ID","1100870148":"To learn more about account limits and how they apply, please go to the <0>Help Centre.","1101712085":"Buy Price","1102420931":"Next, upload the front and back of your driving licence.","1102995654":"Calculates Exponential Moving Average (EMA) list from a list of values with a period","1103309514":"Target","1103452171":"Cookies help us to give you a better experience and personalised content on our site.","1104912023":"Pending verification","1107474660":"Submit proof of address","1107555942":"To","1109182113":"Note: Deal cancellation is only available for Volatility Indices on Multipliers.","1109217274":"Success!","1110102997":"Statement","1111743543":"Stop loss (Multiplier)","1112582372":"Interval duration","1113119682":"This block gives you the selected candle value from a list of candles.","1113227831":"Yes, you can. However, there are limits on your account, such as maximum number of open positions and maximum aggregate payouts on open positions. So, just keep these limits in mind when opening multiple positions. You can find more info about these limits at Settings > Account limits.","1113292761":"Less than 8MB","1114679006":"You have successfully created your bot using a simple strategy.","1114849178":"Zero Spread demo","1117281935":"Sell conditions (optional)","1117863275":"Security and safety","1118294625":"You have chosen to exclude yourself from trading on our website until {{exclusion_end}}. If you are unable to place a trade or deposit after your self-exclusion period, please contact us via live chat.","1119887091":"Verification","1120985361":"Terms & conditions updated","1121050010":"Transaction fee: {{amount}} {{currency}}","1122910860":"Please complete your <0>financial assessment.","1123927492":"You have not selected your account currency","1124382808":"Please enter the expiry time in the format \"HH:MM\".","1125090693":"Must be a number","1126934455":"Length of token name must be between 2 and 32 characters.","1127224297":"Sorry for the interruption","1127884488":"cTrader MacOS app","1128139358":"How many CFD trades have you placed in the past 12 months?","1128321947":"Clear All","1128404172":"Undo","1129124569":"If you select \"Under\", you will win the payout if the last digit of the last tick is less than your prediction.","1129842439":"Please enter a take profit amount.","1133651559":"Live chat","1134879544":"Example of a document with glare","1134883120":"Use your Deriv account email and password to log in to cTrader.","1138037263":"Customise your investment period and price levels to fit your trading goals.","1138126442":"Forex: standard","1140585027":"Invalid Input {{ input_value }}.","1142023511":"Select the type of document:","1143730031":"Direction is {{ direction_type }}","1143854257":"Deriv P2P and Payment Agent services are currently unavailable for Wallets.","1144028300":"Relative Strength Index Array (RSIA)","1144740912":"Cancel phone number verification?","1145927365":"Run the blocks inside after a given number of seconds","1146064568":"Go to Deposit page","1147269948":"Barrier cannot be zero.","1150637063":"*Volatility 150 Index and Volatility 250 Index","1151964318":"both sides","1152294962":"Upload the front of your driving licence.","1154021400":"list","1154239195":"Title and name","1155011317":"This block converts the date and time to the number of seconds since the Unix Epoch (1970-01-01 00:00:00).","1155143434":"By clicking on <0>Next you agree to move your {{platform}} {{type}} {{from_account}} account(s) under <2/>Deriv {{account_to_migrate}} Ltd’s <1>terms and conditions.","1155626418":"below","1158678321":"<0>b.The Head of the Dispute Resolution Committee (DRC) will contact both you and us within 5 business days to obtain all necessary information and see if there is a chance to settle the complaint during the investigation phase.","1160761178":"No payout if exit spot is below or equal to the lower barrier.","1161924555":"Please select an option","1163771266":"The third block is <0>optional. You may use this block if you want to sell your contract before it expires. For now, leave the block as it is. ","1163836811":"Real Estate","1164773983":"Take profit and/or stop loss are not available while deal cancellation is active.","1166023941":"New password","1166128807":"Choose one of your accounts or add a new cryptocurrency account","1166377304":"Increment value","1166916934":"Demo Standard SVG","1168029733":"Win payout if exit spot is also equal to entry spot.","1169201692":"Create {{platform}} password","1170228717":"Stay on {{platform_name_trader}}","1171765024":"Step 3","1171961126":"trade parameters","1172230903":"• Stop loss threshold: Use this variable to store your loss limit. You can assign any amount you want. Your bot will stop when your losses hits or exceeds this amount.","1172524677":"CFDs Demo","1173957529":"Go to ‘Account Settings’ on Deriv.","1174186184":"Ensure your information is correct.","1174542625":"- Find the chat ID property in the response, and copy the value of the id property","1174689133":"3. Set your trade parameters and hit Run.","1174748431":"Payment channel","1175183064":"Vanuatu","1177396776":"If you select \"Asian Fall\", you will win the payout if the last tick is lower than the average of the ticks.","1177723589":"There are no transactions to display","1178582280":"The number of contracts you have lost since you last cleared your stats.","1178800778":"Take a photo of the back of your license","1178942276":"Please try again in a minute.","1179704370":"Please enter a take profit amount that's higher than the current potential profit.","1181396316":"This block gives you a random number from within a set range","1181770592":"Profit/loss from selling","1183007646":"- Contract type: the name of the contract type such as Rise, Fall, Touch, No Touch, etс.","1183448523":"<0>We're setting up your Wallets","1184968647":"Close your contract now or keep it running. If you decide to keep it running, you can check and close it later on the ","1186687280":"Question {{ current }} of {{ total }}","1188316409":"To receive your funds, contact the payment agent with the details below","1188980408":"5 minutes","1189249001":"4.1. What is considered a complaint?","1189368976":"Please complete your personal details before you verify your identity.","1190440927":"Landline phone bill","1191429031":"Please click on the link in the email to change your <0>{{platform_name_dxtrade}} password.","1195393249":"Notify {{ notification_type }} with sound: {{ notification_sound }} {{ input_message }}","1196006480":"Profit threshold","1197649109":"No results for {{searchTerm}}","1198368641":"Relative Strength Index (RSI)","1199281499":"Last Digits List","1201533528":"Contracts won","1201773643":"numeric","1203297580":"This block sends a message to a Telegram channel.","1203380736":"The D’Alembert strategy is less risky than Martingale, but you can still determine how long your funds will last with this strategy before trading. Simply use this formula.","1204202371":"No open positions","1204223111":"In this example, the open prices from a list of candles are assigned to a variable called \"candle_list\".","1204459171":"Your existing <0>{{platform}} {{type_1}} <1/>and <0>{{type_2}} {{from_account}} account(s) will remain accessible.","1205194941":"Update your initial stake.","1206227936":"How to mask your card?","1206821331":"Armed Forces","1208729868":"Ticks","1208903663":"Invalid token","1209088055":"Deriv Gold","1214893428":"Account creation is currently unavailable for mobile. Please log in with your computer to create a new account.","1216408337":"Self-Employed","1217159705":"Bank account number","1217481729":"Tether as an ERC20 token (eUSDT) is a version of Tether that is hosted on Ethereum.","1218546232":"What is Fiat onramp?","1219844088":"do %1","1221250438":"To enable withdrawals, please submit your <0>Proof of Identity (POI) and <1>Proof of Address (POA) and also complete the <2>financial assessment in your account settings.","1222096166":"Deposit via bank wire, credit card, and e-wallet","1222521778":"Making deposits and withdrawals is difficult.","1222544232":"We’ve sent you an email","1222588519":"Use your <0>Deriv MT5 password to log in to your Deriv MT5 accounts on the desktop, web and mobile apps.","1223993374":"For entry spot, we use current-tick-execution mechanism, which is the latest asset price when the trade opening is processed by our servers.","1225874865":"The stake adjustment: target session profit (1 USD) - current session profit (0 USD) = 1 USD","1225962809":"Low Barrier","1227074958":"random fraction","1227132397":"4. For trades that result in a loss, there are two outcomes. If it was traded at the initial stake, the next trade will remain at the same amount as the strategy trades minimally at the initial stake, see A2. If it was traded with a higher amount, the stake for the next trade would be reduced by 2 USD, see A3.","1227240509":"Trim spaces","1228534821":"Some currencies may not be supported by payment agents in your country.","1229883366":"Tax identification number","1230884443":"State/Province (optional)","1231282282":"Use only the following special characters: {{permitted_characters}}","1232291311":"Maximum withdrawal remaining","1232353969":"0-5 transactions in the past 12 months","1233178579":"Our customers say","1233300532":"Payout","1233910495":"If you select \"<0>Down\", your total profit/loss will be the percentage decrease in the underlying asset price, times the multiplier and stake, minus commissions.","1234292259":"Source of wealth","1234764730":"Upload a screenshot of your name and email address from the personal details section.","1235112380":"For a Put option, you receive a payout if the final price is lower than the strike price.","1236527126":"(Transaction fee: {{transaction_fee}} {{currency_symbol}})","1237330017":"Pensioner","1238311538":"Admin","1239760289":"Complete your trading assessment","1239940690":"Restarts the bot when an error is encountered.","1240027773":"Please Log in","1240688917":"Glossary","1241238585":"You may transfer between your Deriv fiat, cryptocurrency, and {{platform_name_mt5}} accounts.","1242288838":"Hit the checkbox above to choose your document.","1242994921":"Click here to start building your Deriv Bot.","1243064300":"Local","1243287470":"Transaction status","1246207976":"Enter the authentication code generated by your 2FA app:","1246880072":"Select issuing country","1247280835":"Our cryptocurrency cashier is temporarily down due to system maintenance. You can make cryptocurrency deposits and withdrawals in a few minutes when the maintenance is complete.","1248018350":"Source of income","1248940117":"<0>a.The decisions made by the DRC are binding on us. DRC decisions are binding on you only if you accept them.","1250113042":"This device doesn't support passkeys.","1250495155":"Token copied!","1252669321":"Import from your Google Drive","1253531007":"Confirmed","1253636052":"MetaTrader5 web terminal","1254565203":"set {{ variable }} to create list with","1255827200":"You can also import or build your bot using any of these shortcuts.","1255909792":"last","1255963623":"To date/time {{ input_timestamp }} {{ dummy }}","1258097139":"What could we do to improve?","1258198117":"positive","1259145708":"Let’s try again. Choose another document and enter the corresponding details.","1259598687":"GBP/JPY","1260321794":"active","1262255038":"Step 300 Index","1264096613":"Search for a given string","1265704976":"","1266728508":"Proof of income verification passed","1269296089":"Let's build a Bot!","1270581106":"If you select \"No Touch\", you win the payout if the market never touches the barrier at any time during the contract period.","1272012156":"GBP/CHF","1272337240":"Days","1272681097":"Hours","1274380814":"Your payout is equal to the <0>payout per pip multiplied by the difference, <1>in pips, between the final price and the strike price. You will only earn a profit if your payout is higher than your initial stake.","1274819385":"3. Complaints and Disputes","1276660852":"Submit your proof of identity","1276973471":"The products offered on our website are complex derivative products that carry a significant risk of potential loss. CFDs are complex instruments with a high risk of losing money rapidly due to leverage. 70.84% of retail investor accounts lose money when trading CFDs with this provider. You should consider whether you understand how these products work and whether you can afford to take the high risk of losing your money.","1279197529":"Tax identification number is required.","1279937041":"<0>Note: Some complex strategies might face issues in the Bot Builder. If you have questions, contact us via <1/>.","1281045211":"Sorts the items in a given list, by their numeric or alphabetical value, in either ascending or descending order.","1281290230":"Select","1282951921":"Only Downs","1284522768":"If \"Loss\" is selected, it will return \"True\" if your last trade was unsuccessful. Otherwise, it will return an empty string.","1286094280":"Withdraw","1286351940":"Your {{from_account}} account will be archived after 60 days of inactivity. You can still access your trade history until the account is archived.","1286384690":"If you select “<0>Even”, you will win the payout if the last digit of the last tick is an even number (i.e. 2, 4, 6, 8, or 0).","1286507651":"Close identity verification screen","1288965214":"Passport","1289146554":"British Virgin Islands Financial Services Commission","1289650867":"The Oscar’s Grind strategy is designed to potentially gain a modest yet steady profit in each trading session. This strategy splits trades into sessions and has three principles.","1290525720":"Example: ","1291997417":"Contracts will expire at exactly 23:59:59 GMT on your selected expiry date.","1292188546":"Reset Deriv MT5 investor password","1292891860":"Notify Telegram","1293660048":"Max. total loss per day","1294553728":"We’re unable to verify the document you provided because it appears to be a blank image. Please try again or upload another document.","1294756261":"This block creates a function, which is a group of instructions that can be executed at any time. Place other blocks in here to perform any kind of action that you need in your strategy. When all the instructions in a function have been carried out, your bot will continue with the remaining blocks in your strategy. Click the “do something” field to give it a name of your choice. Click the plus icon to send a value (as a named variable) to your function.","1295284664":"Please accept our <0>updated Terms and Conditions to proceed.","1296380713":"Close my contract","1299451470":"Total withdrawal allowed (Lifetime)","1299479533":"8 hours","1300576911":"Please resubmit your proof of address or we may restrict your account.","1302691457":"Occupation","1303016265":"Yes","1303530014":"We’re processing your withdrawal.","1304083330":"copy","1304272843":"Please submit your proof of address.","1304620236":"Enable camera","1305217290":"Upload the back of your identity card.","1306976251":"Standard SVG","1308625834":"Sets the default time interval for blocks that read list of candles.","1309017029":"Enabling this allows you to save your blocks as one collection which can be easily integrated into other bots.","1309044871":"Returns the value of the latest tick in string format","1310483610":"Results for \"{{ search_term }}\"","1311680770":"payout","1313167179":"Please log in","1313302450":"The bot will stop trading if your total loss exceeds this amount.","1314572331":"Your document failed our verification checks.","1315463257":"Maximum funds available for withdrawal.","1316216284":"You can use this password for all your {{platform}} accounts.","1319217849":"Check your mobile","1319971290":"Swap-Free demo","1320715220":"<0>Account closed","1320750775":"Front and back","1322804930":"Restart the process on the latest version of Google Chrome","1323327633":"Our complaints process comprises the following 4 steps:","1323476617":"Changes the capitalisation of a string of text to Upper case, Lower case, Title case.","1323996051":"Profile","1324922837":"2. The new variable will appear as a block under Set variable.","1327181172":"Financial Vanuatu","1327494533":"{{sell_value}} (Sell)","1327577652":"Deriv cTrader demo","1329136554":"Jump 200 Index","1329325646":"The content of this block is called on every tick","1329964040":"stop loss","1331199417":"Please enter the correct format. ","1331367811":"Client account number","1332168410":"Learn more","1332168769":"Disconnect","1333576137":"Please update your {{details}} to continue.","1333839457":"Submit identity card (front)","1334326985":"It may take a few minutes to arrive","1335967988":"Notice","1337846406":"This block gives you the selected candle value from a list of candles within the selected time interval.","1337864666":"Photo of your document","1338496204":"Ref. ID","1339565304":"Deposit now to start trading","1339613797":"Regulator/External dispute resolution","1340286510":"The bot has stopped, but your trade may still be running. You can check it on the Reports page.","1341840346":"View in Journal","1343468999":"Fixed barrier","1346204508":"Take profit","1346339408":"Managers","1346947293":"We were unable to verify your selfie because it’s not clear. Please take a clearer photo and try again. Ensure that there's enough light where you are and that your entire face is in the frame.","1347071802":"{{minutePast}}m ago","1349133669":"Try changing your search criteria.","1349289354":"Great, that's everything we need","1349295677":"in text {{ input_text }} get substring from {{ position1 }} {{ index1 }} to {{ position2 }} {{ index2 }}","1351906264":"This feature is not available for payment agents.","1352234202":"Last {{positionsCount}} contracts:","1352413406":"Define your trade options, such as accumulator and stake.","1353197182":"Please select","1354288636":"Based on your answers, it looks like you have insufficient knowledge and experience in trading CFDs. CFD trading is risky and you could potentially lose all of your capital.<0/><0/>","1355250245":"{{ calculation }} of list {{ input_list }}","1356574493":"Returns a specific portion of a given string of text.","1356607862":"Deriv password","1357213116":"Identity card","1358543466":"Not available","1358543748":"enabled","1360929368":"Add a Deriv account","1362029761":"Exploring the Reverse Martingale strategy in Deriv Bot","1362578283":"High","1363645836":"Derived FX","1363675688":"Duration is a required field.","1364879837":"The verification is passed but the personal info is not available to compare.","1364958515":"Stocks","1366244749":"Limits","1367488817":"4. Restart trading conditions","1367990698":"Volatility 10 Index","1370435892":"Verify the address on this page before each deposit to avoid losing funds. Occasionally, the address could be updated.","1370647009":"Enjoy higher daily limits","1371193412":"Cancel","1371555192":"Choose your preferred payment agent and enter your withdrawal amount. If your payment agent is not listed, <0>search for them using their account number.","1371641641":"Open the link on your mobile","1371911731":"Financial products in the EU are offered by {{legal_entity_name}}, licensed as a Category 3 Investment Services provider by the Malta Financial Services Authority (<0>Licence no. IS/70156).","1373949314":"The Reverse Martingale strategy involves increasing your stake after each successful trade and resets to the initial stake for every losing trade as it aims to secure potential profits from consecutive wins.","1374627690":"Max. account balance","1374902304":"Your document appears to be damaged or cropped.","1376329801":"Last 60 days","1377509570":"Limit (USD)","1378419333":"Ether","1380349261":"Range","1383017005":"You have switched accounts.","1384222389":"Please submit valid identity documents to unlock the cashier.","1385418910":"Please set a currency for your existing real account before creating another account.","1387503299":"Log in","1388770399":"Proof of identity required","1389197139":"Import error","1390792283":"Trade parameters","1391174838":"Potential payout:","1392985917":"This is similar to a commonly used password","1393559748":"Invalid date/time: {{ datetime_string }}","1393901361":"There’s an app for that","1393903598":"if true {{ return_value }}","1396179592":"Commission","1396217283":"{{transaction_amount}} {{currency_symbol}}","1396417530":"Bear Market Index","1397628594":"Insufficient funds","1400732866":"View from camera","1400962248":"High-Close","1402208292":"Change text case","1402224124":"Hit the button below, and we'll email you a verification link.","1402300547":"Lets get your address verified","1403085197":"Boost your trading strategy with Accumulators.","1403376207":"Update my details","1405584799":"with interval: {{ candle_interval_type }}","1407191858":"DTrader","1408844944":"Click the plus icon to extend the functionality of this block.","1410016796":"Below spot:","1411373212":"Strong passwords contain at least 8 characters. combine uppercase and lowercase letters, numbers, and symbols.","1411419173":"Growth Rate: {{ accumulator }}","1412405902":"See important notes","1412535872":"You can check the result of the last trade with this block. It can only be placed within the \"Restart trading conditions\" root block.","1413047745":"Assigns a given value to a variable","1413359359":"Make a new transfer","1414205271":"prime","1414366321":"An uppercase letter","1414918420":"We'll review your proof of identity again and will give you an update as soon as possible.","1415006332":"get sub-list from first","1415513655":"Download cTrader on your phone to trade with the Deriv cTrader account","1415974522":"If you select \"Differs\", you will win the payout if the last digit of the last tick is not the same as your prediction.","1416521695":"Positions","1417558007":"Max. total loss over 7 days","1417907460":"No problem! Your passkey still works.","1417914636":"Login ID","1418115525":"This block repeats instructions as long as a given condition is true.","1421046084":"Setup your account","1421749665":"Simple Moving Average (SMA)","1422060302":"This block replaces a specific item in a list with another given item. It can also insert the new item in the list at a specific position.","1422129582":"All details must be clear — nothing blurry","1423082412":"Last Digit","1423296980":"Enter your SSNIT number","1423353198":"Update your personal details in account settings before starting your financial assessment.","1424741507":"See more","1424763981":"1-3-2-6","1424779296":"If you've recently used bots but don't see them in this list, it may be because you:","1428657171":"You can only make deposits. Please contact us via <0>live chat for more information.","1430221139":"Verify now","1430396558":"5. Restart buy/sell on error","1430632931":"To get trading, please confirm who you are, and where you live.","1433367863":"Sorry, an error occured while processing your request.","1434382099":"Displays a dialog window with a message","1434767075":"Get started on Deriv Bot","1434976996":"Announcement","1435363248":"This block converts the number of seconds since the Unix Epoch to a date and time format such as 2019-08-01 00:00:00.","1437529196":"Payslip","1438247001":"A professional client receives a lower degree of client protection due to the following.","1438340491":"else","1439168633":"Stop loss:","1441208301":"Total<0 />profit/loss","1442747050":"Loss amount: <0>{{profit}}","1442840749":"Random integer","1443478428":"Selected proposal does not exist","1444066971":"It seems you’ve submitted this document before. Upload a new document.","1444843056":"Corporate Affairs Commission","1445592224":"You accidentally gave us another email address (Usually a work or a personal one instead of the one you meant).","1447698999":"Withdrawals can be cancelled if they're still in the 'Requested' status (you can check your status under Pending payout). Once the status changes to 'Authorised', in 'Progress', or 'Processed', cancellation isn't possible.","1449462402":"In review","1451838304":"New features for developers.","1452260922":"Too many failed attempts","1452941569":"This block delays execution for a given number of seconds. You can place any blocks within this block. The execution of other blocks in your strategy will be paused until the instructions in this block are carried out.","1453317405":"This block gives you the balance of your account either as a number or a string of text.","1454406889":"Choose <0>until as the repeat option.","1454648764":"deal reference id","1455741083":"Upload the back of your driving licence.","1457341530":"Your proof of identity verification has failed","1457603571":"No notifications","1459761348":"Submit proof of identity","1461323093":"Display messages in the developer’s console.","1462238858":"By purchasing the \"High-to-Close\" contract, you'll win the multiplier times the difference between the high and close over the duration of the contract.","1464190305":"This block will transfer the control back to the Purchase conditions block, enabling you to purchase another contract without manually stopping and restarting your bot.","1464253511":"You already have an account for each of the cryptocurrencies available on {{deriv}}.","1465084972":"How much experience do you have with other financial instruments?","1465919899":"Pick an end date","1466430429":"Should be between {{min_value}} and {{max_value}}","1466900145":"Doe","1467017903":"This market is not yet available on {{platform_name_trader}}, but it is on {{platform_name_smarttrader}}.","1467421920":"with interval: %1","1467880277":"3. General queries","1468308734":"This block repeats instructions as long as a given condition is true","1468419186":"Deriv currently supports withdrawals of Tether USDT to Omni wallet. To ensure a successful transaction, enter a wallet address compatible with the tokens you wish to withdraw. <0>Learn more","1468508098":"Slippage happens when the asset price changes by the time it reaches our servers.","1469133110":"cTrader Windows app","1469150826":"Take Profit","1469764234":"Cashier Error","1469814942":"- Division","1470319695":"Returns either True or False","1470565177":"Article of association","1471008053":"Deriv Bot isn't quite ready for real accounts","1471070549":"Can contract be sold?","1471741480":"Severe error","1473369747":"Synthetics only","1475513172":"Size","1476301886":"Similar to SMA, this block gives you the entire SMA line containing a list of all values for a given period.","1478030986":"Create or delete API tokens for trading and withdrawals","1480915523":"Skip","1484336612":"This block is used to either terminate or continue a loop, and can be placed anywhere within a loop block.","1488548367":"Upload again","1490509675":"Options accounts","1491392301":"<0>Sold for: {{sold_for}}","1493673429":"Change email","1493866481":"Run Deriv X on your browser","1494535716":"Tick Count: ","1495294225":"Barrier set at specific price.","1496810530":"GBP/AUD","1497773819":"Deriv MT5 accounts","1499080621":"Tried to perform an invalid operation.","1499733992":"is verified as your phone number.","1502039206":"Over {{barrier}}","1502325741":"Your password cannot be the same as your email address.","1503419760":"Swap-free CFDs on selected financial and derived instruments.","1503618738":"- Deal reference ID: the reference ID of the contract","1505420815":"No payment agents found for your search","1505927599":"Our servers hit a bump. Let’s refresh to move on.","1507554225":"Submit your proof of address","1509559328":"cTrader","1509570124":"{{buy_value}} (Buy)","1509678193":"Education","1510075920":"Gold/USD","1510357015":"Tax residence is required.","1510735345":"This block gives you a list of the last digits of the last 1000 tick values.","1512469749":"In the above example it is assumed that variable candle_open_price is processed somewhere within other blocks.","1513771077":"We're processing your withdrawal.","1516559721":"Please select one file only","1516676261":"Deposit","1517503814":"Drop file or click here to upload","1518404516":"This block gives you a list of the cuurent stats of the last 1000 tick values.","1519490251":"Back to personal details","1520332426":"Net annual income","1521546070":"Download Block","1524636363":"Authentication failed","1526012495":"This could be because:","1526483456":"2. Enter a name for your variable, and hit Create. New blocks containing your new variable will appear below.","1527251898":"Unsuccessful","1527664853":"Your payout is equal to the payout per point multiplied by the difference between the final price and the strike price.","1527906715":"This block adds the given number to the selected variable.","1531017969":"Creates a single text string from combining the text value of each attached item, without spaces in between. The number of items can be added accordingly.","1533177906":"Fall","1534796105":"Gets variable value","1537192641":"Unable to process your request","1537711064":"You need to make a quick identity verification before you can access the Cashier. Please go to your account settings to submit your proof of identity.","1540585098":"Decline","1541508606":"Looking for CFDs? Go to Trader's Hub","1541770236":"The 1-3-2-6 strategy aims to maximise potential profits with four consecutive successful trades. One unit is equal to the amount of the initial stake. The stake will adjust from 1 unit to 3 units after the first successful trade, then to 2 units after your second successful trade, and to 6 units after the third successful trade. The stake for the next trade will reset to the initial stake if there is a losing trade or a completion of the trade cycle.","1541969455":"Both","1544642951":"If you select \"Only Ups\", you win the payout if consecutive ticks rise successively after the entry spot. No payout if any tick falls or is equal to any of the previous ticks.","1547148381":"That file is too big (only up to 8MB allowed). Please upload another file.","1548185597":"Step 200 Index","1551172020":"AUD Basket","1551689907":"Enhance your trading experience by upgrading your <0/><1>{{platform}} {{type}} {{from_account}} account(s).","1553026987":"You receive a <0>payout at <0>expiry if the spot price never breaches the <0>barrier during the contract period. If it does, your contract will be terminated early.","1556391770":"You cannot make a withdrawal as your documents are still under review. We will notify you by email within 3 days once your verification is approved.","1557682012":"Account Settings","1558972889":"set {{ variable }} to Simple Moving Average {{ dummy }}","1560302445":"Copied","1560356933":"Official letter issued by the government or solicitor","1562374116":"Students","1565273609":"Accumulators is now on Deriv Bot","1566037033":"Bought: {{longcode}} (ID: {{transaction_id}})","1566717687":"We also provide a guide on the Tutorial tab to show you how you can build and execute a simple strategy.","1567745852":"Bot name","1569624004":"Dismiss alert","1570484627":"Ticks list","1570495551":"For exit spot, the latest asset price when the trade closure is processed by our servers.","1571575776":"Accepted formats: pdf, jpeg, jpg, and png. Max file size: 8MB","1571739707":"View your positions here.","1572504270":"Rounding operation","1572982976":"Server","1573429525":"Call/Put","1575556189":"Tether on the Ethereum blockchain, as an ERC20 token, is a newer transport layer, which now makes Tether available in Ethereum smart contracts. As a standard ERC20 token, it can also be sent to any Ethereum address.","1577480486":"Your mobile link will expire in one hour","1577527507":"Account opening reason is required.","1577612026":"Select a folder","1578204427":"Your payout is equal to the <0>payout per point multiplied by the distance between the <0>final price and the barrier. You will only earn a profit if your payout is higher than your initial stake.","1580498808":"Multiple faces found","1582567078":"Specify your trade parameters.","1584109614":"Ticks String List","1584936297":"XML file contains unsupported elements. Please check or modify file.","1587046102":"Documents from that country are not currently supported — try another document type","1589148299":"Start","1589640950":"Resale of this contract is not offered.","1589702653":"Proof of address","1589863913":"These are the trade parameters used for D’Alembert strategy in Deriv Bot.","1590400723":"Total assets in all your accounts","1590625456":"View","1591224893":"Make quick adjustments (5/6)","1591933071":"Resubmit document","1593010588":"Login now","1594147169":"Please come back in","1594322503":"Sell is available","1595295238":"3. Use a logic block to check if Total profit/loss is more than the Stop loss threshold amount. You can find the Total profit/loss variable under Analysis > Stats on the Blocks menu on the left. Your bot will continue to purchase new contracts until the Total profit/loss amount exceeds the Stop loss threshold amount.","1598009247":"<0>a.You may file a complaint with the Financial Commission up to 45 days after the incident.","1598443642":"Transaction hash","1598789539":"Here are some common card/e-wallet errors and their solutions:","1599743312":"An example of Reverse Martingale strategy","1602894348":"Create a password","1604916224":"Absolute","1605222432":"I have no knowledge and experience in trading at all.","1605292429":"Max. total loss","1612105450":"Get substring","1612638396":"Cancel your trade at any time within a specified timeframe.","1615897837":"Signal EMA Period {{ input_number }}","1618652381":"For instance, if a trader has a loss threshold (B) is 1000 USD, with an initial stake (s) is 1 USD, and the Martingale multiplier (m) is 2, the calculation would be as follows:","1619070150":"You are being redirected to an external website.","1620278321":"Names and surnames by themselves are easy to guess","1620346110":"Set currency","1621024661":"Tether as a TRC20 token (tUSDT) is a version of Tether that is hosted on Tron.","1622662457":"Date from","1622944161":"Now, go to the <0>Restart trading conditions block.","1623706874":"Use this block when you want to use multipliers as your trade type.","1623723710":"<0>Boost your trading strategy with Accumulators","1628981793":"Can I trade cryptocurrencies on Deriv Bot?","1630317389":"If you select “<0>No Touch”, you win the payout if the market never touches the barrier at any time during the contract period.","1630417358":"Please go to your account settings and complete your personal details to enable withdrawals.","1631281562":"GBP Basket","1633661992":"Tick {{current_tick}}/{{tick_count}}","1634016345":"2. If the trade is successful, this strategy will automatically adjust your stake to 3 units of your initial stake for the next trade. In this case, the stake adjustment is 3 units and the initial stake is 1 USD, hence the next trade will start at 3 USD.","1634594289":"Select language","1634903642":"Only your face can be in the selfie","1634969163":"Change currency","1635266650":"It seems that your name in the document is not the same as your Deriv profile. Please update your name in the <0>Personal details page to solve this issue.","1635628424":"An envelope with your name and address.","1636605481":"Platform settings","1636782601":"Multipliers","1638321777":"Your demo account balance is low. Reset your balance to continue trading from your demo account.","1639262461":"Pending withdrawal request:","1639304182":"Please click on the link in the email to reset your password.","1641395634":"Last digits list","1641635657":"New proof of identity document needed","1641980662":"Salutation is required.","1644636153":"Transaction hash: <0>{{value}}","1644703962":"Looking for CFD accounts? Go to Trader's Hub","1644864436":"You’ll need to authenticate your account before requesting to become a professional client. <0>Authenticate my account","1644908559":"Digit code is required.","1647186767":"The bot encountered an error while running.","1648938920":"Netherlands 25","1649239667":"2. Under the Blocks menu, you'll see a list of categories. Blocks are grouped within these categories. Choose the block you want and drag them to the workspace.","1650963565":"Introducing Wallets","1651513020":"Display remaining time for each interval","1651951220":"Repeats like \"abcabcabc\" are only slightly harder to guess than \"abc\"","1652366857":"get and remove","1652968048":"Define your trade options such as multiplier and stake.","1652976865":"In this example, this block is used with another block to get the open prices from a list of candles. The open prices are then assigned to the variable called \"cl\".","1653064273":"TP history","1653136377":"copied!","1653180917":"We cannot verify you without using your camera","1653999225":"Forex: major/minor","1654365787":"Unknown","1654529197":"Purchase condition","1654721858":"Upload anyway","1655372864":"Your contract will expire on this date (in GMT), based on the end time you’ve selected.","1655627840":"UPPER CASE","1656155124":"Resend in <0 /> seconds","1658954996":"Plant and Machine Operators and Assemblers","1659074761":"Reset Put","1659327870":"How do I cancel my withdrawal?","1661126218":"Expiry date:","1665272539":"Remember: You cannot log in to your account until the selected date.","1665718170":"The document must contain a letterhead.","1665738338":"Balance","1665756261":"Go to live chat","1668138872":"Modify account settings","1669062316":"The payout at expiry is equal to the payout per pip multiplied by the difference, <0>in pips, between the final price and the strike price.","1670016002":"Multiplier: {{ multiplier }}","1670426231":"End Time","1671232191":"You have set the following limits:","1677027187":"Forex","1679743486":"1. Go to Quick strategy and select the strategy you want.","1680666439":"Upload your bank statement showing your name, account number, and transaction history.","1681765749":"Martingale formula 2","1682409128":"Untitled Strategy","1682636566":"Resend email in","1683383299":"Your contract is closed automatically when your profit is more than or equals to this amount. This block can only be used with the accumulator trade type.","1683963454":"Your contract will be closed automatically at the next available asset price on {{date}} at {{timestamp}}.","1684419981":"What's this?","1686800117":"{{error_msg}}","1689103988":"Second Since Epoch","1689258195":"We were unable to verify your address with the details you provided. Please check and resubmit or choose a different document type.","1690746575":"Enhance your trading experience by upgrading your <0>{{platform}} {{type_1}} <1/>and <0>{{type_2}} {{from_account}} account(s).","1691335819":"To continue trading with us, please confirm who you are.","1691536201":"If you choose your duration in number of ticks, you won’t be able to terminate your contract early.","1691765860":"- Negation","1692912479":"Deriv MT5, Deriv X","1693614409":"Start time","1694517345":"Enter a new email address","1696190747":"Trading inherently involves risks, and actual profits can fluctuate due to various factors, including market volatility and other unforeseen variables. As such, exercise caution and conduct thorough research before engaging in any trading activities.","1697529334":"Important: Your <0>{{platform}} {{existing_account}} account.","1698624570":"2. Hit Ok to confirm.","1699606318":"You've reached the limit of uploading your documents.","1700233813":"Transfer from {{selected_value}} is not allowed, Please choose another account from dropdown","1701447705":"Please update your address","1702339739":"Common mistakes","1703091957":"We collect information about your employment as part of our due diligence obligations, as required by anti-money laundering legislation.","1703712522":"Your payout is equal to the payout per pip multiplied by the difference, <0>in pips, between the final price and the strike price.","1704656659":"How much experience do you have in CFD trading?","1707581467":"sec","1707758392":"Step 100 Index","1708413635":"For your {{currency_name}} ({{currency}}) account","1709859601":"Exit Spot Time","1711013665":"Anticipated account turnover","1711016273":"<0>This may take up to 2 minutes. During this time, some services may be unavailable.","1711676335":"square root","1711929663":"Your funds have been transferred","1712357617":"Invalid email address.","1713633297":"3. If the second trade is also successful, your stake will adjust to 2 USD or 2 units of the initial stake for the next trade.","1714255392":"To enable withdrawals, please complete your financial assessment.","1715011380":"Jump 25 Index","1715630945":"Returns the total profit in string format","1715680813":"Your contract will expire at exactly 23:59:59 GMT +0 on your selected expiry date.","1716142274":"Send code via {{phone_verification_type}}","1720451994":"We’ll charge a 2% transfer fee or {{minimum_fee}} {{currency}}, whichever is higher, for transfers between your Deriv fiat and Deriv cryptocurrency accounts.","1720968545":"Upload passport photo page from your computer","1722056905":"The document you provided is not supported for your country. Please provide a supported document for your country.","1722888575":"{{mt5_migration_error}}","1723390945":"Your demo {{deriv}} {{type}} account is ready.","1723589564":"Represents the maximum number of outstanding contracts in your portfolio. Each line in your portfolio counts for one open position. Once the maximum is reached, you will not be able to open new positions without closing an existing position first.","1724367774":"You can make a funds transfer once the verification of your account is complete.","1724696797":"You are limited to one fiat account only.","1725873563":"Trading disabled","1725958461":"Account number","1726472773":"Function with no return value","1726565314":"Close my account","1728183781":"About Tether","1729145421":"Risk warning","1731747596":"The block(s) highlighted in red are missing input values. Please update them and click \"Run bot\".","1732212492":"Explore trade types (1/6)","1732891201":"Sell price","1733711201":"Regulators/external dispute resolution","1734185104":"Balance: %1","1734264460":"Disclaimer","1734521537":"The document you provided appears to be two different types. Please try again or provide another document.","1736292549":"Update postal code","1737352280":"Bot.init is not called","1738094481":"<0>Duration: Ticks 1","1738206798":"Above spot","1738611950":"About Reverse Martingale","1738681493":"Remove your glasses, if necessary","1739086943":"Wall Street 30","1739384082":"Unemployed","1739668049":"Close your account","1740371444":"Underlying market is not selected","1741006997":"Yesterday","1742256256":"Please upload one of the following documents:","1742282469":"<0>A revamped design for improved functionality.","1743448290":"Payment agents","1743679873":"If you select <0>\"Call\", you’ll earn a <1>payout if the <1>final price is above the <1>strike price at <1>expiry. Otherwise, you won’t receive a payout.","1743902050":"Complete your financial assessment","1744509610":"Just drag the XML file from your computer onto the workspace, and your bot will be loaded accordingly. Alternatively, you can hit Import in Bot Builder, and choose to import your bot from your computer or from your Google Drive.","1745523557":"- Square root","1746051371":"Download the app","1746273643":"Moving Average Convergence Divergence","1747501260":"Sell conditions","1747652849":"If you select the take profit feature, your trade will be closed automatically at the nearest available asset price when your profit reaches or exceeds the take profit amount throughout the contract duration. Your profit may be more than the amount you entered depending on the market price at closing. You may change your take profit amount up to 15 seconds before expiry.","1747674345":"Please use `.` as a decimal separator for fractional numbers.","1747682136":"Contract was cancelled.","1748754976":"Run","1750980485":"I hereby confirm that the tax information provided is true and complete. I will also inform {{legal_entity_name}} about any changes to this information.","1753082252":"This article explores the strategy integrated into Deriv Bot, a versatile trading bot designed to trade assets such as Forex, Commodities, and Derived Indices. We will delve into the strategy's core parameters, its application, and provide essential takeaways for traders looking to use the bot effectively.","1753183432":"We take all complaints seriously and aim to resolve them as quickly and fairly as possible. If you are unhappy with any aspect of our service, please let us know by submitting a complaint using the guidance below:","1753226544":"remove","1753975551":"Upload passport photo page","1754256229":"Each day, you can make up to {{ allowed_internal }} transfers between your Deriv accounts, up to {{ allowed_mt5 }} transfers between your Deriv and {{platform_name_mt5}} accounts, up to {{ allowed_ctrader }} transfers between your Deriv and {{platform_name_ctrader}} accounts, and up to {{ allowed_dxtrade }} transfers between your Deriv and {{platform_name_dxtrade}} accounts.","1756678453":"break out","1761038852":"Let’s continue with providing proofs of address and identity.","1761254001":"A number","1761762171":"Restart last trade on error (bot ignores the unsuccessful trade): {{ checkbox }}","1762707297":"Phone number","1763123662":"Upload your NIMC slip.","1766212789":"Server maintenance starts at 06:00 GMT every Sunday and may last up to 2 hours. You may experience service disruption during this time.","1766993323":"Only letters, numbers, and underscores are allowed.","1768293340":"Contract value","1768861315":"Minute","1768918213":"Only letters, space, hyphen, period, and apostrophe are allowed.","1769068935":"Choose any of these exchanges to buy cryptocurrencies:","1770041368":"Experience safer logins","1771037549":"Add a Deriv real account","1771592738":"Conditional block","1772396880":"The date of birth on your document doesn’t match your profile.","1777847421":"This is a very common password","1778893716":"Click here","1779144409":"Account verification required","1779519903":"Should be a valid number.","1779801832":"Please update your password accordingly.","1779872677":"Download e-book","1780442963":"Scan the QR code to download {{ platform }}.","1780770384":"This block gives you a random fraction between 0.0 to 1.0.","1780805104":"Only send {{currency_name}} ({{currency_code}}) to this address.","1782308283":"Quick strategy","1782395995":"Last Digit Prediction","1782690282":"Blocks menu","1782703044":"Sign up","1783526986":"How do I build a trading bot?","1783740125":"Upload your selfie","1785298924":"D’Alembert formula 1","1786644593":"Supported formats: JPEG, JPG, PNG, PDF, and GIF only","1787492950":"Indicators on the chart tab are for indicative purposes only and may vary slightly from the ones on the {{platform_name_dbot}} workspace.","1788515547":"<0/>For more information on submitting a complaint with the Office of the Arbiter for Financial Services, please <1>see their guidance.","1788966083":"01-07-1999","1789273878":"Payout per point","1789497185":"Make sure your passport details are clear to read, with no blur or glare","1791432284":"Search for country","1791926890":"If you select “<0>Higher”, you win the payout if the exit spot is strictly higher than the barrier.","1791971912":"Recent","1792037169":"To avoid delays, enter your <0>name and <0>date of birth exactly as they appear on your {{document_name}}.","1793913365":"To deposit money, please switch to your {{currency_symbol}} account.","1794815502":"Download your transaction history.","1796270910":"{{days}} days ago","1796787905":"Please upload the following document(s).","1797139903":"Download your strategy in XML format and import it to Deriv Bot.","1798943788":"You can only make deposits.","1801093206":"Get candle list","1801270786":"Ready to automate your trading strategy without writing any code? You’ve come to the right place.","1801927731":"{{platform_name_dxtrade}} accounts","1803338729":"Choose what type of contract you want to trade. For example, for the Rise/Fall trade type you can choose one of three options: Rise, Fall, or Both. Selected option will determine available options for the Purchase block.","1804620701":"Expiration","1804789128":"{{display_value}} Ticks","1806017862":"Max. ticks","1808058682":"Blocks are loaded successfully","1808393236":"Login","1808867555":"This block uses the variable “i” to control the iterations. With each iteration, the value of “i” is determined by the items in a given list.","1810217569":"Please refresh this page to continue.","1811109068":"Jurisdiction","1811138041":"Enter a value from {{ value }} to 9.","1811343027":"2. Select your Martingale multiplier. In this example, it is 2.","1811972349":"Market","1811973475":"Returns a specific character from a given string","1812006199":"Identity verification","1812582011":"Connecting to server","1813380455":"These self-exclusion limits help you control the amount of money and time you spend trading on {{platform_name_trader}}, {{platform_name_dbot}} and {{platform_name_smarttrader}} on Deriv. The limits you set here will help you exercise <0>responsible trading.","1813700208":"Boom 300 Index","1815034361":"alphabetic","1815905959":"DTrader, DBot, SmartTrader, and Binary Bot","1817154864":"This block gives you a random number from within a set range.","1820242322":"e.g. United States","1820332333":"Top up","1821818748":"Enter Driver License Reference number","1823177196":"Most popular","1824193700":"This block gives you the last digit of the latest tick value.","1824292864":"Call","1827607208":"File not uploaded.","1828370654":"Onboarding","1828856382":"If you select “<0>Differs”, you will win the payout if the last digit of the last tick is not the same as your prediction.","1831847842":"I confirm that the name and date of birth above match my chosen identity document (see below)","1833499833":"Proof of identity documents upload failed","1836767074":"Search payment agent name","1837762008":"Please submit your proof of identity and proof of address to verify your account in your account settings to access the cashier.","1839021527":"Please enter a valid account number. Example: CR123456789","1840721160":"Deriv MT5 latest password requirements","1840865068":"set {{ variable }} to Simple Moving Average Array {{ dummy }}","1841788070":"Palladium/USD","1841996888":"Daily loss limit","1842266423":"back","1843336754":"Select document","1843658716":"If you select \"Only Downs\", you win the payout if consecutive ticks fall successively after the entry spot. No payout if any tick rises or is equal to any of the previous ticks.","1845598565":"The second session concludes upon reaching the aim of one unit of potential profit per session, equivalent to 1 USD. If trading continues, a new session will commence again.","1845892898":"(min: {{min_stake}} - max: {{max_payout}})","1846266243":"This feature is not available for demo accounts.","1846587187":"You have not selected your country of residence","1846588117":"Your contract will be closed automatically when your loss reaches {{stop_out_percentage}}% of your stake.","1849484058":"Any unsaved changes will be lost.","1850031313":"- Low: the lowest price","1850132581":"Country not found","1850659345":"- Payout: the payout of the contract","1851052337":"Place of birth is required.","1851776924":"upper","1854480511":"Cashier is locked","1854874899":"Back to list","1854909245":"Multiplier:","1855566768":"List item position","1856485118":"Please <0>resubmit your proof of address to transfer funds between MT5 and Deriv accounts.","1856755117":"Pending action required","1858251701":"minute","1859308030":"Give feedback","1863053247":"Please upload your identity document.","1863731653":"To receive your funds, contact the payment agent","1865160710":"Remove","1865525612":"No recent transactions.","1866244589":"The entry spot is the first tick for High/Low Ticks.","1866811212":"Deposit in your local currency via an authorised, independent payment agent in your country.","1867217564":"Index must be a positive integer","1867783237":"High-to-Close","1869787212":"Even","1870933427":"Crypto","1871196637":"True if the result of the last trade matches the selection","1871377550":"Do you offer pre-built trading bots on Deriv Bot?","1871664426":"Note","1874481756":"Use this block to purchase the specific contract you want. You may add multiple Purchase blocks together with conditional blocks to define your purchase conditions. This block can only be used within the Purchase conditions block.","1874737957":"To trade multipliers, get a Deriv Apps account first.","1874756442":"BVI","1875090343":"Choose a date range","1875702561":"Load or build your bot","1876015808":"Social Security and National Insurance Trust","1876325183":"Minutes","1877225775":"Your proof of address is verified","1877832150":"# from end","1878172674":"No, we don't. However, you'll find quick strategies on Deriv Bot that'll help you build your own trading bot for free.","1878189977":"The Martingale strategy involves increasing your stake after each loss to recoup prior losses with a single successful trade.","1879042430":"Appropriateness Test, WARNING:","1879412976":"Profit amount: <0>{{profit}}","1880029566":"Australian Dollar","1880097605":"prompt for {{ string_or_number }} with message {{ input_text }}","1880227067":"Submit passport photo pages","1880377568":"An example of D’Alembert strategy","1880875522":"Create \"get %1\"","1881018702":"hour","1881142897":"Tick Delayed run","1881380263":"Total assets in your account.","1881587673":"Total stake since you last cleared your stats.","1882825238":"Restart trading conditions","1883531976":"Clerks","1885708031":"#","1887257727":"R is the number of rounds a trader can sustain given a specific loss threshold.","1887925280":"The document must be recent and include your name and address:","1889357660":"Enter a value in minutes, up to 60480 minutes (equivalent to 6 weeks).","1890171328":"By clicking Accept below and proceeding with the Account Opening you should note that you may be exposing yourself to risks (which may be significant, including the risk of loss of the entire sum invested) that you may not have the knowledge and experience to properly assess or mitigate.","1890332321":"Returns the number of characters of a given string of text, including numbers, spaces, punctuation marks, and symbols.","1893869876":"(lots)","1894667135":"Please verify your proof of address","1896269665":"CFDs on derived and financial instruments.","1899898605":"Maximum size: 8MB","1902547203":"MetaTrader 5 MacOS app","1903437648":"Blurry photo detected","1904665809":"The Reverse Martingale strategy in trading may offer substantial gains but also comes with significant risks. With your selected strategy, Deriv Bot provides automated trading with risk management measures like setting initial stake, stake size, maximum stake, profit threshold and loss threshold. It's crucial for traders to assess their risk tolerance, practice in a demo account, and understand the strategy before trading with real money.","1905032541":"We're now ready to verify your identity","1905589481":"If you want to change your account currency, please contact us via <0>live chat.","1906213000":"Our system will finish any Deriv Bot trades that are running, and Deriv Bot will not place any new trades.","1906639368":"If this is the first time you try to create a password, or you have forgotten your password, please reset it.","1907423697":"Earn more with Deriv API","1907499654":"Deriv App","1907899646":"Take profit can't be adjusted for ongoing accumulator contracts.","1908023954":"Sorry, an error occurred while processing your request.","1908239019":"Make sure all of the document is in the photo","1908686066":"Appropriateness Test Warning","1909647105":"TRX/USD","1909769048":"median","1910533633":"Get a real account to deposit money and start trading.","1910990442":"Use your <0>Deriv password to log in to {{brand_website_name}}, {{platform_name_go}}, {{platform_name_trader}}, {{platform_name_smarttrader}}, {{platform_name_dbot}} and {{platform_name_ctrader}}.","1913777654":"Switch account","1914014145":"Today","1914270645":"Default Candle Interval: {{ candle_interval_type }}","1914725623":"Upload the page that contains your photo.","1916129921":"Reverse Martingale","1917178459":"Bank Verification Number","1917523456":"This block sends a message to a Telegram channel. You will need to create your own Telegram bot to use this block.","1918796823":"Please enter a stop loss amount.","1918832194":"No experience","1919030163":"Tips to take a good selfie","1919296368":"2. Select your unit. In this example, it is 2 units or 2 USD.","1919594496":"{{website_name}} is not affiliated with any payment agents. Customers deal with payment agents at their sole risk. Customers are advised to check the credentials of payment agents and the accuracy of any information about payment agents (on {{website_name}} or elsewhere) before using their services.","1920217537":"Compare","1920468180":"How to use the SMA block","1921914669":"Deposit with Deriv P2P","1922529883":"Boom 1000 Index","1922955556":"Use a longer keyboard pattern with more turns","1924365090":"Maybe later","1924765698":"Place of birth*","1927316982":"Check your positions (6/6)","1928930389":"GBP/NOK","1929694162":"Compare accounts","1930899934":"Tether","1931659123":"Run on every tick","1931884033":"It seems that your date of birth in the document is not the same as your Deriv profile. Please update your date of birth in the <0>Personal details page to solve this issue.","1934450653":"For <0>Contract type, set it to Both.","1938327673":"Deriv {{platform}} <0>{{is_demo}}","1939014728":"How do I remove blocks from the workspace?","1939902659":"Signal","1940408545":"Delete this token","1941915555":"Try later","1943440862":"Calculates Bollinger Bands (BB) list from a list with a period","1944204227":"This block returns current account balance.","1947527527":"1. This link was sent by you","1947826019":"OTP limit reached","1948092185":"GBP/CAD","1949719666":"Here are the possible reasons:","1950413928":"Submit identity documents","1955219734":"Town/City*","1957759876":"Upload identity document","1958788790":"This is the amount you’ll receive at expiry for every point of change in the underlying price, if the spot price never touches or breaches the barrier throughout the contract duration.","1958807602":"4. 'Table' takes an array of data, such as a list of candles, and displays it in a table format.","1959678342":"Highs & Lows","1960005187":"Follow these steps to smoothly transfer your strategies","1960240336":"first letter","1964165648":"Connection lost","1965358881":"Step 2 of 3: Confirm your phone number","1965916759":"Asian options settle by comparing the last tick with the average spot over the period.","1966023998":"2FA enabled","1966281100":"Console {{ message_type }} value: {{ input_message }}","1966855430":"Account already exists","1968025770":"Bitcoin Cash","1968077724":"Agriculture","1968368585":"Employment status","1970060713":"You’ve successfully deleted a bot.","1971898712":"Add or manage account","1973536221":"You have no open positions yet.","1973910243":"Manage your accounts","1974273865":"This scope will allow third-party apps to view your account activity, settings, limits, balance sheets, trade purchase history, and more.","1978218112":"Google Authenticator","1981940238":"This complaints policy, which may change from time to time, applies to your account(s) registered with {{legal_entity_name_svg}} and {{legal_entity_name_v}}.","1982790875":"Upgrade your <0/><1>{{account_title}} {{platform}} account(s)","1982796981":"Declarations","1982912252":"Relative Strength Index (RSI) from a list with a period","1983001416":"Define your trade options such as multiplier and stake. This block can only be used with the multipliers trade type. If you select another trade type, this block will be replaced with the Trade options block.","1983358602":"This policy, which may change from time to time, applies to your account registered with {{legal_entity_name}}.","1983387308":"Preview","1983480826":"Sign in","1983544897":"P.O. Box is not accepted in address","1983676099":"Please check your email for details.","1984103961":"You are adding your {{platform}} {{product}} account under {{company}}, regulated by the {{regulatory_authority}} (license no.<0/>)","1984700244":"Request an input","1984742793":"Uploading documents","1985366224":"Each day, you can make up to {{ allowed_internal }} transfers between your Deriv accounts and up to {{ allowed_mt5 }} transfers between your Deriv and {{platform_name_mt5}} accounts.","1985637974":"Any blocks placed within this block will be executed at every tick. If the default candle interval is set to 1 minute in the Trade Parameters root block, the instructions in this block will be executed once every minute. Place this block outside of any root block.","1986322868":"When your loss reaches or exceeds this amount, your trade will be closed automatically.","1986498784":"BTC/LTC","1987080350":"Demo","1987447369":"Your cashier is locked","1988153223":"Email address","1988302483":"Take profit:","1990331072":"Proof of ownership","1990735316":"Rise Equals","1991055223":"View the market price of your favourite assets.","1991448657":"Don't know your tax identification number? Click <0>here to learn more.","1991524207":"Jump 100 Index","1994023526":"The email address you entered had a mistake or typo (happens to the best of us).","1994558521":"The platforms aren’t user-friendly.","1994600896":"This block requires a list of candles as an input parameter.","1995023783":"First line of address*","1997138507":"If the last tick is equal to the average of the ticks, you don't win the payout.","1997313835":"Your stake will continue to grow as long as the current spot price remains within a specified <0>range from the <0>previous spot price. Otherwise, you lose your stake and the trade is terminated.","1999213036":"Enhanced security is just a tap away.","2001222130":"Check your spam or junk folder. If it's not there, try resending the email.","2001361785":"1. Start with the initial stake. Let’s say 1 USD.","2001717886":"Demo Standard","2004052487":"Estimating the lifespan of your trades","2007028410":"market, trade type, contract type","2010759971":"Uploads successful","2010866561":"Returns the total profit/loss","2011609940":"Please input number greater than 0","2011808755":"Purchase Time","2012139674":"Android: Google password manager.","2013488540":"This account gives you direct market price access and tighter spreads.","2014536501":"Card number","2014590669":"Variable '{{variable_name}}' has no value. Please set a value for variable '{{variable_name}}' to notify.","2015878683":"Need help? Contact us via <0>live chat","2017672013":"Please select the country of document issuance.","2018044371":"Multipliers let you trade with leverage and limit your risk to your stake. <0>Learn more","2018987868":"in ","2019596693":"The document was rejected by the Provider.","2020545256":"Close your account?","2021037737":"Please update your details to continue.","2023546580":"Your account will be available for trading once the verification of your account is complete.","2023659183":"Student","2023762268":"I prefer another trading website.","2025339348":"Move away from direct light — no glare","2027441253":"Why do we collect this?","2027625329":"Simple Moving Average Array (SMAA)","2027638150":"Upgrade","2028163119":"EOS/USD","2029237955":"Labuan","2030018735":"RSI is a technical analysis tool that helps you identify the market trend. It will give you a value from 0 to 100. An RSI value of 70 and above means that the asset is overbought and the current trend may reverse, while a value of 30 and below means that the asset is oversold.","2030045667":"Message","2031132962":"Bank statement","2033648953":"This block gives you the specified candle value for a selected time interval.","2034803607":"You must be 18 years old and above.","2035258293":"Start trading with us","2035925727":"sort {{ sort_type }} {{ sort_direction }} {{ input_list }}","2036578466":"Should be {{value}}","2037050619":"Take Profit: ","2037906477":"get sub-list from #","2039198937":"Maximum stake: The maximum amount you are willing to pay to enter a single trade. The stake for your next trade will reset to the initial stake if it exceeds this value. This is an optional risk management parameter.","2042050260":"- Purchase price: the purchase price (stake) of the contract","2042115724":"Upload a screenshot of your account and personal details page with your name, account number, phone number, and email address.","2044086432":"The close is the latest tick at or before the end time. If you selected a specific end time, the end time is the selected time.","2046273837":"Last tick","2046577663":"Import or choose your bot","2048134463":"File size exceeded.","2050170533":"Tick list","2051249190":"Add funds and start trading","2051558666":"View transaction history","2051596653":"Demo Zero Spread BVI","2052022586":"To enhance your MT5 account security we have upgraded our password policy.","2054889300":"Create \"%1\"","2055317803":"Copy the link to your mobile browser","2056369950":"<0>To complete your Wallet setup, log out and then log in again.","2056526458":"Get real account","2057082550":"Accept our updated <0>terms and conditions","2057419639":"Exit Spot","2059365224":"Yes, you can get started with a pre-built bot using the Quick strategy feature. You’ll find some of the most popular trading strategies here: Martingale, D'Alembert, and Oscar's Grind. Just select the strategy, enter your trade parameters, and your bot will be created for you. You can always tweak the parameters later.","2060873863":"Your order {{order_id}} is complete","2062912059":"function {{ function_name }} {{ function_params }}","2063196399":"<0>Tenancy agreement: Valid and current agreement.","2063812316":"Text Statement","2063815003":"Ready to enable Wallets","2063890788":"Cancelled","2066978677":"{{formatted_opening_time}} (GMT) on {{opening_day}},<0 /> {{opening_date}}.","2067903936":"Driving licence","2070002739":"Don’t accept","2070345146":"When opening a leveraged CFD trade.","2070518923":"Import your bot or tap Quick Strategies to choose from the ready-to-use bot templates.","2070752475":"Regulatory Information","2070858497":"Your document appears to be a screenshot.","2071043849":"Browse","2074207096":"How to create a passkey?","2074235904":"Last name is required.","2074497711":"The Telegram notification could not be sent","2074713563":"4.2. Submission of a complaint","2077055596":"We’re currently performing server maintenance. Service may be affected.","2079925695":"Unit: The number of units that are added in the event of a trade resulting in loss or the number of units removed in the event of a trade resulting in profit. For example, if the unit is set at 2, the stake increases or decreases by two times the initial stake of 1 USD, meaning it changes by 2 USD.","2080553498":"3. Get the chat ID using the Telegram REST API (read more: https://core.telegram.org/bots/api#getupdates)","2080829530":"Sold for: {{sold_for}}","2081622549":"Must be a number higher than {{ min }}","2082533832":"Yes, delete","2084693624":"Converts a string representing a date/time string into seconds since Epoch. Example: 2019-01-01 21:03:45 GMT+0800 will be converted to 1546347825. Time and time zone offset are optional.","2085387371":"Must be numbers, letters, and special characters . , ' -","2085602195":"- Entry value: the value of the first tick of the contract","2086048243":"Certificate of incorporation","2086792088":"Both barriers should be relative or absolute","2087416013":"Resend code{{resendCode}}","2088735355":"Your session and login limits","2089087110":"Basket indices","2089395053":"Unit","2089581483":"Expires on","2090650973":"The spot price may change by the time your order reaches our servers. When this happens, your payout may be affected.","2091671594":"Status","2093675079":"- Close: the closing price","2096014107":"Apply","2096456845":"Date of birth*","2097170986":"About Tether (Omni)","2097381850":"Calculates Simple Moving Average line from a list with a period","2097815211":"Number of rounds (R) = 10","2097932389":"Upload 2 separate screenshots from the personal details page and the account page via <0>https://app.astropay.com/profile","2100713124":"account","2100912278":"4. If a trade ends in a loss, the stake for the following trade will be reset to the initial stake amount of 1 USD.","2101265432":"Something went wrong","2101972779":"This is the same as the above example, using a tick list.","2102572780":"Length of digit code must be 6 characters.","2104115663":"Last login","2104364680":"Please switch to your demo account to run your Deriv Bot.","2104397115":"Please go to your account settings and complete your personal details to enable deposits and withdrawals.","2107381257":"Scheduled cashier system maintenance","2107882050":"The back of your document appears to be missing. Please include both sides of your identity document.","2109845480":"Phone number verified","2110365168":"Maximum number of trades reached","2111015970":"This block helps you check if your contract can be sold. If your contract can be sold, it returns “True”. Otherwise, it returns an empty string.","2111528352":"Creating a variable","2112119013":"Take a selfie showing your face","2112175277":"with delimiter","2112788361":"Analyse with charts (4/6)","2113321581":"Add a Deriv Gaming account","2114766645":"Some trade types are unavailable for {{symbol}}.","2115223095":"Loss","2117165122":"1. Create a Telegram bot and get your Telegram API token. Read more on how to create bots in Telegram here: https://core.telegram.org/bots#6-botfather","2117454014":"In your crypto wallet, select the <0>{{network_name}} network when transferring to Deriv. Incorrect transfers may result in the loss of funds.","2117489390":"Auto update in {{ remaining }} seconds","2118292085":"<0>Note: You’ll receive an email when your deposit starts being processed.","2119449126":"Example output of the below example will be:","2119710534":"FAQ","2121227568":"NEO/USD","2122152120":"Assets","2127564856":"Withdrawals are locked","2128250969":"Use the same address that appears on your proof of address (utility bill, bank statement, etc.).","2129807378":"Update profile","2133075559":"This means after 10 rounds of consecutive losses, this trader will lose 100 USD. This reaches the loss threshold of 100 USD, stopping the bot.","2133451414":"Duration","2133470627":"This block returns the potential payout for the selected trade type. This block can be used only in the \"Purchase conditions\" root block.","2135563258":"Forex trading frequency","2136246996":"Selfie uploaded","2136480755":"Some details in your document appear to be invalid, missing, or unclear.","2137645254":"If you select “<0>Call”, you’ll earn a <1>payout if the <2>final price is above the <3>strike price at <4>expiry. Otherwise, you won’t receive a payout.","2137901996":"This will clear all data in the summary, transactions, and journal panels. All counters will be reset to zero.","2137993569":"This block compares two values and is used to build a conditional structure.","2138108766":"Important update: Terms and conditions","2138861911":"Scans and photocopies are not accepted","2139171480":"Reset Up/Reset Down","2139362660":"left side","2141055709":"New {{type}} password","2142048472":"You should enter 5-15 numbers.","2143803283":"Purchase Error","2144609616":"If you select \"Reset-Down”, you win the payout if the exit spot is strictly lower than either the entry spot or the spot at reset time.","2145690912":"Income Earning","2145995536":"Create new account","2146336100":"in text %1 get %2","2146698770":"Pro tip: You can also click and drag out the desired block","2146751355":"We use current-tick-execution mechanism, which is the latest asset price when the trade opening is processed by our servers for Volatility Index, Basket Indices, Jump Indices and Crash/Boom Indices.","2146892766":"Binary options trading experience","2147244655":"How do I import my own trading bot into Deriv Bot?","-931052769":"Submit verification","-1004605898":"Tips","-1938142055":"Documents uploaded","-448090287":"The link only works on mobile devices","-1244287721":"Something's gone wrong","-241258681":"You'll need to restart your verification on your computer","-929254273":"Get secure link","-2021867851":"Check back here to finish the submission","-1547069149":"Open the link and complete the tasks","-1767652006":"Here's how to do it:","-277611959":"You can now return to your computer to continue","-724178625":"Make sure full document is visible","-1519380038":"Glare detected","-1895280620":"Make sure your card details are clear to read, with no blur or glare","-1464447919":"Make sure your permit details are clear to read, with no blur or glare","-1436160506":"Make sure details are clear to read, with no blur or glare","-759124288":"Close","-759118956":"Redo","-753375398":"Enlarge image","-1042933881":"Driver's license","-1503134764":"Face photo page","-1335343167":"Sorry, no mobile phone bills","-699045522":"Documents you can use to verify your identity","-543666102":"It must be an official photo ID","-903877217":"These are the documents most likely to show your current home address","-1356835948":"Choose document","-1364375936":"Select a %{country} document","-401586196":"or upload photo – no scans or photocopies","-3110517":"Take a photo with your phone","-2033894027":"Submit identity card (back)","-20684738":"Submit license (back)","-1359585500":"Submit license (front)","-106779602":"Submit residence permit (back)","-1287247476":"Submit residence permit (front)","-1954762444":"Restart the process on the latest version of Safari","-261174676":"Must be under 10MB.","-685885589":"An error occurred while loading the component","-502539866":"Your face is needed in the selfie","-1377968356":"Please try again","-1226547734":"Try using a JPG or PNG file","-849068301":"Loading...","-1730346712":"Loading","-1849371752":"Check that your number is correct","-309848900":"Copy","-1424436001":"Send link","-1093833557":"How to scan a QR code","-1408210605":"Point your phone’s camera at the QR code","-1773802163":"If it doesn’t work, download a QR code scanner from Google Play or the App Store","-109026565":"Scan QR code","-1644436882":"Get link via SMS","-1667839246":"Enter mobile number","-1533172567":"Enter your mobile number:","-1352094380":"Send this one-time link to your phone","-28974899":"Get your secure link","-359315319":"Continue","-826420669":"Make sure","-1279080293":"2. Your desktop window stays open","-102776692":"Continue with the verification","-89152891":"Take a photo of the back of your card","-1646367396":"Take a photo of the front of your card","-1350855047":"Take a photo of the front of your license","-2119367889":"Take a photo using the basic camera mode instead","-342915396":"Take a photo","-419040068":"Passport photo page","-1354983065":"Refresh","-1925063334":"Recover camera access to continue face verification","-54784207":"Camera access is denied","-1392699864":"Allow camera access","-269477401":"Provide the whole document page for best results","-864639753":"Upload back of card from your computer","-1309771027":"Upload front of license from your computer","-1722060225":"Take photo","-565732905":"Selfie","-1703181240":"Check that it is connected and functional. You can also continue verification on your phone","-2043114239":"Camera not working?","-2029238500":"It may be disconnected. Try using your phone instead.","-468928206":"Make sure your device's camera works","-466246199":"Camera not working","-698978129":"Remember to press stop when you're done. Redo video actions","-538456609":"Looks like you took too long","-781816433":"Photo of your face","-1471336265":"Make sure your selfie clearly shows your face","-1375068556":"Check selfie","-1914530170":"Face forward and make sure your eyes are clearly visible","-776541617":"We'll compare it with your document","-478752991":"Your link will expire in one hour","-1859729380":"Keep this window open while using your mobile","-1283761937":"Resend link","-629011256":"Don't refresh this page","-1005231905":"Once you've finished we'll take you to the next step","-542134805":"Upload photo","-1462975230":"Document example","-1472844935":"The photo should clearly show your document","-1120954663":"First name*","-1659980292":"First name","-962979523":"Your {{ field_name }} as in your identity document","-1416797980":"Please enter your {{ field_name }} as in your official identity documents.","-1466268810":"Please remember that it is your responsibility to keep your answers accurate and up to date. You can update your personal details at any time in your <0>account settings.","-32386760":"Name","-766265812":"first name","-1857534296":"John","-1282749116":"last name","-1485480657":"Other details","-1784741577":"date of birth","-1702919018":"Second line of address (optional)","-1315410953":"State/Province","-2040322967":"Citizenship","-946282997":"Additional information","-1315571766":"Place of birth","-307865807":"Risk Tolerance Warning","-690100729":"Yes, I understand the risk.","-2010628430":"CFDs and other financial instruments come with a high risk of losing money rapidly due to leverage. You should consider whether you understand how CFDs and other financial instruments work and whether you can afford to take the high risk of losing your money. <0/><0/> To continue, you must confirm that you understand your capital is at risk.","-863770104":"Please note that by clicking ‘OK’, you may be exposing yourself to risks. You may not have the knowledge or experience to properly assess or mitigate these risks, which may be significant, including the risk of losing the entire sum you have invested.","-684271315":"OK","-1292808093":"Trading Experience","-153346659":"Upload your selfie.","-602131304":"Passport number","-1051213440":"Upload the front and back of your identity card.","-1600807543":"First, enter your identity card number and the expiry date.","-1139923664":"Next, upload the front and back of your identity card.","-783705755":"Upload the front of your identity card.","-566750665":"NIMC slip and proof of age","-1465944279":"NIMC slip number","-429612996":"Next, upload both of the following documents.","-376981174":"Upload your proof of age: birth certificate or age declaration document.","-612174191":"First line of address is required","-242734402":"Only {{max}} characters, please.","-378415317":"State is required","-1784470716":"State is not in a proper format","-1699820408":"Please enter a {{field_name}} under {{max_number}} characters.","-1575567374":"postal/ZIP code","-816263501":"Only letters, numbers, space and hyphen are allowed.","-755626951":"Complete your address details","-1024240099":"Address","-1534917661":"Select your preferred currency","-1635962020":"Complete your employment and tax information details","-1413855395":"Employment and tax information","-1027595143":"Less than $25,000","-40491332":"$25,000 - $50,000","-1139806939":"$50,001 - $100,000","-996132458":"Construction","-915003867":"Health","-1430012453":"Information & Communications Technology","-987824916":"Science & Engineering","-146630682":"Social & Cultural","-761306973":"Manufacturing","-1631552645":"Professionals","-474864470":"Personal Care, Sales and Service Workers","-1129355784":"Agricultural, Forestry and Fishery Workers","-1242914994":"Craft, Metal, Electrical and Electronics Workers","-1317824715":"Cleaners and Helpers","-1592729751":"Mining, Construction, Manufacturing and Transport Workers","-1030759620":"Government Officers","-2137323480":"Company Ownership","-1590574533":"Divorce Settlement","-1667683002":"Inheritance","-1237843731":"Investment Income","-777506574":"Sale of Property","-654781670":"Primary","-1717373258":"Secondary","-1156937070":"$500,001 - $1,000,000","-315534569":"Over $1,000,000","-2068544539":"Salaried Employee","-531314998":"Investments & Dividends","-1235114522":"Pension","-1298056749":"State Benefits","-449943381":"Savings & Inheritance","-477761028":"Voter ID","-1466346630":"CPF","-1176889260":"Please select a document type.","-1823540512":"Personal details","-1227878799":"Speculative","-1174064217":"Mr","-855506127":"Ms","-204765990":"Terms of use","-1696856986":"You should enter 9-20 numbers.","-1974444881":"Tax identification number can't be longer than 25 characters.","-919191810":"Please fill in tax residence.","-253057270":"Only 99 characters, please.","-2123345566":"Only 70 characters, please.","-1566700751":"Use only the following special characters:","-807278899":"Please enter a postal/ZIP code under 20 characters.","-1161338910":"First name is required.","-1629185446":"Enter no more than 50 characters.","-912174487":"Phone is required.","-739367071":"Employed","-626752657":"0-1 year","-532014689":"1-2 years","-1001024004":"Over 3 years","-790513277":"6-10 transactions in the past 12 months","-580085300":"11-39 transactions in the past 12 months","-379642178":"Enter a valid phone number.","-1103497546":"Tax return","-700600899":"Business proof of address","-1073862586":"Memorandum","-1823328095":"Authorization letter","-397487797":"Enter your full card number","-1376950117":"That file format isn't supported. Please upload .pdf, .png, .jpg, or .jpeg files only.","-612752984":"These are default limits that we apply to your accounts.","-1498206510":"Account limits","-1411635770":"Learn more about account limits","-1340125291":"Done","-1101543580":"Limit","-858297154":"Represents the maximum amount of cash that you may hold in your account. If the maximum is reached, you will be asked to withdraw funds.","-976258774":"Not set","-1182362640":"Represents the maximum aggregate payouts on outstanding contracts in your portfolio. If the maximum is attained, you may not purchase additional contracts without first closing out existing positions.","-1781293089":"Maximum aggregate payouts on open positions","-1412690135":"*Any limits in your Self-exclusion settings will override these default limits.","-1598751496":"Represents the maximum volume of contracts that you may purchase in any given trading day.","-173346300":"Maximum daily turnover","-594456225":"Second line of address","-1964954030":"Postal/ZIP Code","-1541554430":"Next","-71696502":"Previous","-516397235":"Be careful who you share this token with. Anyone with this token can perform the following actions on your account behalf","-989216986":"Add accounts","-617480265":"Delete token","-316749685":"Are you sure you want to delete this token?","-955038366":"Copy this token","-1668692965":"Hide this token","-1661284324":"Show this token","-1076138910":"Trade","-1666909852":"Payments","-488597603":"Trading information","-605778668":"Never","-1628008897":"Token","-1238499897":"Last Used","-2087317410":"Oops, something went wrong.","-1883688868":"Select a document","-184202848":"Upload file","-863586176":"Drag and drop a file or click to browse your files.","-370334393":"Click here to browse your files.","-723198394":"File size should be 8MB or less","-1948369500":"File uploaded is not supported","-1040865880":"Drop files here..","-1100235269":"Industry of employment","-684388823":"Estimated net worth","-509054266":"Anticipated annual turnover","-222283483":"Account opening reason*","-1387062433":"Account opening reason","-344715612":"Employment status*","-789291456":"Tax residence*","-1692219415":"Tax residence","-1903720068":"The country in which you meet the criteria for paying taxes. Usually the country in which you physically reside.","-1117345066":"Choose the document type","-1634507018":"Enter your {{document_name}}","-1237846864":"Verify again","-39187636":"{{index}}.","-337620257":"Switch to real account","-2120454054":"Add a real account","-38915613":"Unsaved changes","-2137450250":"You have unsaved changes. Are you sure you want to discard changes and leave this page?","-1067082004":"Leave Settings","-1113902570":"Details","-2142540205":"It appears that the address in your document doesn’t match the address in your Deriv profile. Please update your personal details now with the correct address.","-1451334536":"Continue trading","-251603364":"Your document for proof of address is expired. <0/>Please submit again.","-1425489838":"Proof of address verification not required","-1008641170":"Your account does not need address verification at this time. We will inform you if address verification is required in the future.","-1053859245":"Your proof of address is under review. We’ll get back to you in 1–3 working days.","-1951115137":"To start trading, you also need to verify your identity.","-60204971":"We could not verify your proof of address","-1944264183":"To continue trading, you must also submit a proof of identity.","-2145244263":"This field is required","-1500958859":"Verify","-839094775":"Back","-1813671961":"Your identity verification failed because:","-2097808873":"We were unable to verify your ID with the details you provided. ","-1652371224":"Your profile is updated","-504784172":"Your document has been submitted","-75951347":"To start trading, you also need to verify your address.","-1391934478":"Your ID is verified. You will also need to submit proof of your address.","-118547687":"ID verification passed","-200989771":"Go to personal details","-1358357943":"Please check and update your postal code before submitting proof of identity.","-1401994581":"Your personal details are missing","-2004327866":"Please select a valid country of document issuance.","-1664159494":"Country","-1044962593":"Upload Document","-749870311":"Please contact us via <0>live chat.","-1084991359":"Proof of identity verification not required","-1981334109":"Your account does not need identity verification at this time. We will inform you if identity verification is required in the future.","-182918740":"Your proof of identity submission failed because:","-155705811":"A clear colour photo or scanned image","-246893488":"JPEG, JPG, PNG, PDF, or GIF","-1454880310":"Must be valid for at least 6 months","-1949501500":"First, enter your {{label}}.","-100534371":"Before uploading, please ensure that you’re facing forward in the selfie, your face is within the frame, and your eyes are clearly visible even if you’re wearing glasses.","-1529523673":"Confirm and upload","-705047643":"Sorry, an error occured. Please select another file.","-1664309884":"Tap here to upload","-1725454783":"Failed","-841187054":"Try Again","-552371330":"We were unable to verify your income. <0 /> Please check the email we've sent you for further information.","-978467455":"Limit reached","-361316523":"You have reached the maximum number of allowed attempts for submitting proof of income. <0 /> Please check the email we've sent you for further information.","-1785967427":"We'll review your documents and notify you of its status within 7 working days.","-987011273":"Your proof of ownership isn't required.","-808299796":"You are not required to submit proof of ownership at this time. We will inform you if proof of ownership is required in the future.","-179726573":"We’ve received your proof of ownership.","-813779897":"Proof of ownership verification passed.","-1389323399":"You should enter {{min_number}}-{{max_number}} characters.","-47815161":"Please include at least 1 special character such as ( _ @ ? ! / # ) in your password.","-1313806160":"Please request a new password and check your email for the new token.","-329713179":"Ok","-1598167506":"Success","-1077809489":"You have a new {{platform}} password to log in to your {{platform}} accounts on the web and mobile apps.","-2068479232":"{{platform}} password","-507633532":"Your password must contain between 8-16 characters that include uppercase and lowercase letters, and at least one number and special character such as ( _ @ ? ! / # ).","-1861974537":"Strong passwords contain at least 8 characters, combine uppercase and lowercase letters, numbers, and symbols.","-2005211699":"Create","-1597186502":"Reset {{platform}} password","-638756912":"Black out digits 7 to 12 of the card number that’s shown on the front of your debit/credit card.⁤","-996691262":"We’ve introduced these limits to encourage <0>responsible trading. They are optional, and you can adjust them anytime.","-2079276011":"These limits apply to your multipliers trades only. For example, <0>maximum total loss refers to the losses on your multipliers trades.","-2116570030":"If you want to adjust your limits, <0>contact us via live chat. We’ll make the adjustments within 24 hours.","-1389915983":"You decide how much and how long to trade. You can take a break from trading whenever you want. This break can be from 6 weeks to 5 years. When it’s over, you can extend it or log in to resume trading. If you don’t want to set a specific limit, leave the field empty.","-1031814119":"About trading limits and self-exclusion","-183468698":"Trading limits and self-exclusion","-933963283":"No, review my limits","-1759860126":"Yes, log me out immediately","-572347855":"{{value}} mins","-313333548":"You’ll be able to adjust these limits at any time. You can reduce your limits from the <0>self-exclusion page. To increase or remove your limits, please contact our <1>Customer Support team.","-1265833982":"Accept","-2123139671":"Your stake and loss limits","-1250802290":"24 hours","-2070080356":"Max. total stake","-1545823544":"7 days","-180147209":"You will be automatically logged out from each session after this time limit.","-374553538":"Your account will be excluded from the website until this date (at least 6 months, up to 5 years).","-2105708790":"Your maximum account balance and open positions","-1960600163":"Once your account balance reaches this amount, you will not be able to deposit funds into your account.","-1073845224":"No. of open position(s)","-288196326":"Your maximum deposit limit","-568749373":"Max. deposit limit","-1617352279":"The email is in your spam folder (Sometimes things get lost there).","-547557964":"We can’t deliver the email to this address (Usually because of firewalls or filtering).","-142444667":"Please click on the link in the email to change your Deriv MT5 password.","-742748008":"Check your email and click the link in the email to proceed.","-84068414":"Still didn't get the email? Please contact us via <0>live chat.","-474419287":"FATCA declaration","-1101737402":"Please select*","-975118358":"Your account will be opened with {{legal_entity_name}}, regulated by the Malta Financial Services Authority (MFSA), and will be subject to the laws of Malta.","-2073934245":"The financial trading services offered on this site are only suitable for customers who accept the possibility of losing all the money they invest and who understand and have experience of the risk involved in the purchase of financial contracts. Transactions in financial contracts carry a high degree of risk. If the contracts you purchased expire as worthless, you will lose all your investment, which includes the contract premium.","-1125193491":"Add account","-2068229627":"I am not a PEP, and I have not been a PEP in the last 12 months.","-1209644365":"I hereby confirm that my request for opening an account with Deriv Investments (Europe) Ltd is made on my own initiative.","-740157281":"Trading Experience Assessment","-1720468017":"In providing our services to you, we are required to obtain information from you in order to assess whether a given product or service is appropriate for you.","-1685104463":"* This is required","-186841084":"Change your login email","-907403572":"To change your email address, you'll first need to unlink your email address from your {{identifier_title}} account.","-1850792730":"Unlink from {{identifier_title}}","-724606016":"Needs Verification","-1983989074":"<0>No new positions","-863479504":"<0>Server maintenance","-1113760028":"<0>Unavailable","-1196936955":"Upload a screenshot of your name and email address from the personal information section.","-1286823855":"Upload your mobile bill statement showing your name and phone number.","-1309548471":"Upload your bank statement showing your name and account details.","-1410396115":"Upload a photo showing your name and the first six and last four digits of your card number. If the card does not display your name, upload the bank statement showing your name and card number in the transaction history.","-3805155":"Upload a screenshot of either of the following to process the transaction:","-1523487566":"- your account profile section on the website","-613062596":"- the Account Information page on the app","-1718304498":"User ID","-609424336":"Upload a screenshot of your name, account number, and email address from the personal details section of the app or profile section of your account on the website.","-1954436643":"Upload a screenshot of your username on the General Information page at <0>https://onlinenaira.com/members/index.htm","-79853954":"Upload a screenshot of your account number and phone number on the Bank Account/Mobile wallet page at <0>https://onlinenaira.com/members/bank.htm","-1192882870":"Upload a screenshot of your name and account number from the personal details section.","-818898181":"Name in document doesn’t match your Deriv profile.","-310316375":"Address in document doesn’t match address you entered above.","-485368404":"Document issued more than 6-months ago.","-91160765":"Document issued more than 12-months ago.","-367016488":"Blurry document. All information must be clear and visible.","-1957076143":"Cropped document. All information must be clear and visible.","-1576856758":"An account with these details already exists. Please make sure the details you entered are correct as only one real account is allowed per client. If this is a mistake, contact us via <0>live chat.","-1792723131":"To avoid delays, enter your <0>date of birth exactly as it appears on your {{document_name}}.","-5605257":"This scope will allow third-party apps to withdraw to payment agents and make inter-account transfers for you.","-1373485333":"This scope will allow third-party apps to view your trading history.","-758221415":"This scope will allow third-party apps to open accounts for you, manage your settings and token usage, and more. ","-1629894615":"I have other financial priorities.","-844051272":"I want to stop myself from trading.","-1113965495":"I’m no longer interested in trading.","-1224285232":"Customer service was unsatisfactory.","-1231402474":"Connected apps are authorised applications associated with your account through your API token or the OAuth authorisation process. They can act on your behalf within the limitations that you have set.","-506083843":"As a user, you are responsible for sharing access and for actions that occur in your account (even if they were initiated by a third-party app on your behalf).","-831752682":"Please note that only third-party apps will be displayed on this page. Official Deriv apps will not appear here.","-915844096":"US citizenship or lawful permanent resident (green card) status","-208714573":"An “in care of” address or a “hold mail” address that is the sole address with respect to the client","-1082633433":"A power of attorney or signatory authority granted to a person with a US address.","-231863107":"No","-1858215754":"The document must be up-to-date and signed by the issuance authority.","-718917527":"Invalid or incomplete documents shall be rejected.","-682267922":"<0>Financial, legal, or government document: Recent bank statement, affidavit, or government-issued letter.","-214582149":"Utility bill (electricity, water, gas)","-506510414":"Date and time","-1708927037":"IP address","-189310067":"Account closed","-378284250":"Phone number verification","-849320995":"Assessments","-773766766":"Email and passwords","-1144318594":"Passkeys","-1466827732":"Self exclusion","-241588481":"Login history","-966136867":"Connected apps","-213009361":"Two-factor authentication","-526636259":"Error 404","-870902742":"How much knowledge and experience do you have in relation to online trading?","-1929477717":"I have an academic degree, professional certification, and/or work experience related to financial services.","-1540148863":"I have attended seminars, training, and/or workshops related to trading.","-922751756":"Less than a year","-542986255":"None","-1337206552":"In your understanding, CFD trading allows you to","-456863190":"Place a position on the price movement of an asset where the outcome is a fixed return or nothing at all.","-1314683258":"Make a long-term investment for a guaranteed profit.","-1546090184":"How does leverage affect CFD trading?","-1636427115":"Leverage helps to mitigate risk.","-800221491":"Leverage guarantees profits.","-811839563":"Leverage lets you open large positions for a fraction of trade value, which may result in increased profit or loss.","-1185193552":"Close your trade automatically when the loss is equal to or more than a specified amount, as long as there is adequate market liquidity.","-1046354":"Close your trade automatically when the profit is equal to or more than a specified amount, as long as there is adequate market liquidity.","-1842858448":"Make a guaranteed profit on your trade.","-860053164":"When trading multipliers.","-1250327770":"When buying shares of a company.","-1222388581":"All of the above.","-1592318047":"See example","-1694758788":"Enter your document number","-274764613":"Driver License Reference number","-1265050949":"identity document","-2139303636":"You may have followed a broken link, or the page has moved to a new address.","-1448368765":"Error code: {{error_code}} page not found","-254792921":"You can only make deposits at the moment. To enable withdrawals, please complete your financial assessment.","-1437017790":"Financial information","-70342544":"We’re legally obliged to ask for your financial information.","-39038029":"Trading experience","-601903492":"Forex trading experience","-1012699451":"CFD trading experience","-1894668798":"Other trading instruments experience","-1026468600":"Other trading instruments frequency","-178498188":"To change your verified phone number, contact us via <0>.","-1044302070":"Number already exists in our system. Enter a new one or contact us via <0> for help","-136976514":"Country of residence*","-1124948631":"Professional Client","-259515058":"By default, all {{brand_website_name}} clients are retail clients but anyone can request to be treated as a professional client.","-1463348492":"I would like to be treated as a professional client.","-1958764604":"Email preference","-2068064150":"Get updates about Deriv products, services and events.","-164389553":"Verified","-1283020225":"Verify{{resendCode}}","-1060822567":"If you cancel, you'll lose all progress.","-1239477911":"second","-1603581277":"minutes","-685269082":"Code","-667223033":"Get code via SMS","-211241628":"Get code via WhatsApp","-690422971":"Request new code in {{next_phone_number_attempt_timestamp}}.","-222105210":"Resend code","-1601377103":"Step 3 of 3: Verify your number","-121443071":"Step 1 of 3: Email verification needed","-1419026486":"Enter the 6-digit code sent to you via {{phone_verification_type}} at <1>{{users_phone_number}}. <0>","-652539141":"OTP code","-1124039045":"Verification code","-1184626439":"Didn't get the code?{{resendCode}}","-165489997":"Session expired","-1822545742":"Ether Classic","-1334641066":"Litecoin","-1214036543":"US Dollar","-1782590355":"No currency has been set for this account","-1171226355":"Length of token name must be between {{MIN_TOKEN}} and {{MAX_TOKEN}} characters.","-1803339710":"Maximum {{MAX_TOKEN}} characters.","-408613988":"Select scopes based on the access you need.","-807767876":"Note:","-1117963487":"Name your token and click on 'Create' to generate your token.","-2116332353":"Please close your positions in the following Deriv account(s):","-2048005267":"{{number_of_positions}} position(s)","-2125635811":"Please withdraw your funds from the following {{platform_name}} account(s):","-577445413":"Please close your positions in the following {{platform_name}} account(s):","-1219849101":"Please select at least one reason","-9323953":"Remaining characters: {{remaining_characters}}","-484540402":"An error occurred","-1911549768":"Inaccessible MT5 account(s)","-1869355019":"Action required","-1030102424":"You can't trade on Deriv.","-448385353":"You can't make transactions.","-1058447223":"Before closing your account:","-912764166":"Withdraw your funds.","-60139953":"We shall delete your personal information as soon as our legal obligations are met, as mentioned in the section on Data Retention in our <0>Security and privacy policy","-2061895474":"Closing your account will automatically log you out. We shall delete your personal information as soon as our legal obligations are met.","-203298452":"Close account","-937707753":"Go Back","-771109503":"Use our powerful, flexible, and free API to build a custom trading platform for yourself or for your business.","-1815044949":"You currently don't have any third-party authorised apps associated with your account.","-1699100421":"What are connected apps?","-536187647":"Confirm revoke access?","-1357606534":"Permission","-570222048":"Revoke access","-1468863262":"{{action}}","-727433417":"{{status}}","-1814836151":"What are passkeys?","-1275937234":"Unlock your account like your phone - with biometrics, face scan or PIN.","-587750445":"Extra security layer.","-642452561":"Shields against unauthorised access and phishing.","-1654043401":"You can create one passkey per device.","-1411242065":"Where are passkeys saved?","-258752017":"What happens if my Deriv account email is changed?","-634268263":"Sign in to Deriv with your existing passkey.","-1700177761":"Create passkey","-1405679241":"Stored on: ","-567193224":"Rename","-1140319320":"Your account is now secured with a passkey.<0/>Manage your passkey through your<0/>Deriv account settings.","-592543249":"Add more passkeys","-331060101":"Passkey setup failed","-1036903080":"We’re experiencing a temporary issue in processing your request. Please try again later.","-713875531":"Enable bluetooth.","-1729774899":"Sign in to your Google or iCloud account.","-118511422":"Remove passkey","-132862611":"Are you sure you want to remove this passkey?","-508225603":"Your passkey is successfully removed. To avoid sign-in prompts, also remove the passkey from your iCloud keychain.","-684009726":"Edit passkey","-1004529240":"Passkey name","-1728732301":"Effortless login with passkeys","-1708254107":"Enable Bluetooth.","-613368504":"Tips:","-1897886029":"Before using passkey:","-1893497054":"Only 3-30 characters allowed.","-2113555886":"Only letters, numbers, space, and hyphen are allowed.","-1310832072":"This is the email address associated with your Deriv account. <0>{{ email }}","-1504907646":"Deriv MT5 password","-804004994":"Deriv X password","-310459824":"Use your <0>Deriv X password to log in to your Deriv X accounts on the web and mobile apps.","-1193118628":"Use your <0>Deriv password to log in to {{brand_website_name}} and {{platform_name_trader}}.","-1154366280":"Use your <0>Deriv password to log in to {{brand_website_name}}, {{platform_name_trader}} and {{platform_name_go}}.","-1884902844":"Max. deposit limit per day","-545085253":"Max. deposit limit over 7 days","-1031006762":"Max. deposit limit over 30 days","-1116871438":"Max. total loss over 30 days","-2134714205":"Time limit per session","-1884271702":"Time out until","-1265825026":"Timeout time must be greater than current time.","-1332882202":"Timeout time cannot be more than 6 weeks.","-1635977118":"Exclude time cannot be less than 6 months.","-2131200819":"Disable","-200487676":"Enable","-1840392236":"That's not the right code. Please try again.","-2067796458":"Authentication code","-790444493":"Protect your account with 2FA. Each time you log in to your account, you will need to enter your password and an authentication code generated by a 2FA app on your smartphone.","-752939584":"How to set up 2FA for your Deriv account","-90649785":"Click here to copy key","-206376148":"Key copied!","-368010540":"You have enabled 2FA for your Deriv account.","-403552929":"To disable 2FA, please enter the six-digit authentication code generated by your 2FA app below:","-890084320":"Save and submit","-1043340733":"Proof of address documents upload failed","-1242877737":"Document type is required.","-30772747":"Your personal details have been saved successfully.","-2021135479":"This field is required.","-1002044401":"Select your document*","-1272489896":"Please complete this field.","-721346138":"The options and multipliers trading platform.","-1874136267":"The ultimate bot trading platform.","-415943890":"The legacy options trading platform.","-2018495421":"The mobile app for trading multipliers and accumulators.","-897826065":"The multipliers trading platform.","-2115275974":"CFDs","-1585707873":"Financial Commission","-199154602":"Vanuatu Financial Services Commission","-191165775":"Malta Financial Services Authority","-194969520":"Counterparty company","-1089385344":"Deriv (SVG) LLC","-2019617323":"Deriv (BVI) Ltd","-112814932":"Deriv (FX) Ltd","-1131400885":"Deriv Investments (Europe) Limited","-1471207907":"All assets","-781132577":"Leverage","-1591882610":"Synthetics","-543177967":"Stock indices","-362324454":"Commodities","-1959484303":"Cryptocurrencies","-1071336803":"Platform","-1879666853":"Deriv MT5","-820028470":"Options & Multipliers","-1210359945":"Transfer funds to your accounts","-1926387364":"We’ve sent your e-book to your email. You can also download it here.","-203002433":"Deposit now","-1057002564":"<0>We’re unable to upgrade you to Wallets at this time and are working to get this fixed as soon as we can. Please <1>try again<0>.","-1424352390":"<0>Wallets<1> — A smarter way to manage your funds","-1749409935":"Let's go","-145462920":"Deriv cTrader","-982095728":"Get","-390793294":"CFDs on financial and derived instruments, <0>powered by TradingView.","-45873457":"NEW","-1473281803":"Predict the market, profit if you’re right, risk only what you put in. <0>Learn more","-2134770229":"Total assets in your Deriv Apps and Deriv MT5 CFDs demo account.","-1277942366":"Total assets","-1255879419":"Trader's Hub","-493788773":"Non-EU","-673837884":"EU","-710685402":"No new positions","-1445744852":"You can no longer open new positions with your {{from_account}} account. Please use your {{to_account}} account to open new positions.","-1699909965":"or ","-2055865877":"Non-EU regulation","-643108528":"Non-EU and EU regulation","-1815067117":"Start your trading journey","-1807332199":"Set up your real account","-1839156429":"Confirm your details to open the account. After verification, you can begin trading.","-2063877443":"Your account needs verification.","-874707603":"Complete your profile","-1450834745":"Verification required","-280236366":"Enable now","-88167272":"Wallets will become your dedicated fund management tool, allowing you to transfer funds between your Wallet and trading accounts instantly.","-348452343":"Your open trading positions will not be affected while we are setting up your wallets.","-1002556560":"We’re unable to complete with the Wallet upgrade. Please try again later or contact us via live chat.","-90090878":"Use Wallets to manage your funds across different currencies effortlessly.","-1186807402":"Transfer","-744999940":"Deriv account","-766186087":"{{trustScore}} out of 5 based on {{numberOfReviews}} reviews","-1870909526":"Our server cannot retrieve an address.","-582721696":"The current allowed withdraw amount is {{format_min_withdraw_amount}} to {{format_max_withdraw_amount}} {{currency}}","-1975494965":"Cashier","-42592103":"Deposit cryptocurrencies","-87988108":"Deposits disabled","-565633504":"Due to business changes, client accounts in your country are to be closed. Withdraw any remaining funds by {{date}}.","-60779216":"Withdrawals are temporarily unavailable due to system maintenance. You can make your withdrawals when the maintenance is complete.","-520142572":"Cashier is currently down for maintenance","-1552080215":"Please check back in a few minutes.<0>Thank you for your patience.","-215186732":"You’ve not set your country of residence. To access Cashier, please update your country of residence in the Personal details section in your account settings.","-1392897508":"The identification documents you submitted have expired. Please submit valid identity documents to unlock Cashier. ","-954082208":"Your cashier is currently locked. Please contact us via <0>live chat to find out how to unlock it.","-929148387":"Please set your account currency to enable deposits and withdrawals.","-2027907316":"You can make a withdrawal once the verification of your account is complete.","-541392118":"Your account has not been authenticated. Please submit your <0>proof of identity and <1>proof of address to authenticate your account and access your cashier.","-599998434":"You cannot make a fund transfer as your documents are still under review. We will notify you by email within 3 days once your verification is approved.","-247122507":"Your cashier is locked. Please complete the <0>financial assessment to unlock it.","-901712457":"Your access to Cashier has been temporarily disabled as you have not set your 30-day turnover limit. Please go to <0>Self-exclusion and set your 30-day turnover limit.","-166472881":"Your <0>personal details are incomplete. Please go to your account settings and complete your personal details to enable deposits and withdrawals.","-637985102":"Your details match an existing account. You can't <0/>make deposits or trade with a new account. <0/>Need help? Reach out via live chat.","-666905139":"Deposits are locked","-378858101":"Your <0>personal details are incomplete. Please go to your account settings and complete your personal details to enable deposits.","-1318742415":"Your account has not been authenticated. Please submit your <0>proof of identity and <1>proof of address to authenticate your account and request for withdrawals.","-1923809087":"Unfortunately, you can only make deposits. Please contact us via <0>live chat to enable withdrawals.","-172277021":"Cashier is locked for withdrawals","-1624999813":"It seems that you've no commissions to withdraw at the moment. You can make withdrawals once you receive your commissions.","-1077304626":"Amount ({{currency}})","-1559994981":"Approximate value","-1272778997":"We've sent you an email.","-89973258":"Resend email in {{seconds}}s","-1332236294":"Please verify your identity","-1675848843":"Error","-283017497":"Retry","-1294455996":"Deriv P2P unavailable","-486843995":"Please refresh the page and try again.","-585561980":"Refresh page","-1196049878":"First line of home address","-1326406485":"Postal Code/ZIP","-939625805":"Telephone","-442575534":"Email verification failed","-1459042184":"Update your personal details","-1603543465":"We can't validate your personal details because there is some information missing.","-614516651":"Need help? <0>Contact us.","-720315013":"You have no funds in your {{currency}} account","-2052373215":"Please make a deposit to use this feature.","-379487596":"{{selected_percentage}}% of available balance ({{format_amount}} {{currency__display_code}})","-1957498244":"more","-821676976":"Why can’t I see the funds deposited in my Deriv account?","-475614802":"We process deposits immediately. If your funds don’t appear in your account within 24 hours, contact us via <0>live chat. Provide the transaction details, including the amount, date, and time, so we can assist you quickly.","-1901728198":"What do I do if I have reached my deposit limit?","-631829734":"<0>Insufficient balance: Please ensure you have sufficient funds in your card/e-wallet. If the problem persists, please contact your bank for help.","-1072505739":"<0>3D secure invalid/redirected: Please contact your bank for an OTP.","-180339757":"<0>Restricted card: Please use a locally issued card. ","-645281699":"<0>Customer cancelled payment: Please try again after 1 hour.","-102611677":"Can I use someone else's payment method?","-951380652":"No, you cannot use someone else's payment method to deposit into Deriv. If you use another person's payment method, your account will be suspended (if they are on Deriv, their account will also be suspended). If you suspect that someone has used your payment method, let us know through <0>live chat with your proof of ownership.","-819152742":"If you have used a different payment method to make your deposit, you cannot withdraw via a payment agent. However, if you have used both a payment agent and another payment method (for example, an e-wallet) to deposit, you have to withdraw via the e-wallet first up to your original deposited amount. After that, you can use a payment agent to make a withdrawal. If your original payment method is not available for withdrawals, please let us know through <0>live chat for assistance.","-820131811":"Can I withdraw using a different method?","-1656533423":"No, withdrawals must be made using the same method you used for your deposit.","-190084602":"Transaction","-1995606668":"Amount","-2024290965":"Confirmations","-811190405":"Time","-728508487":"{{currency}} recent transactions","-1984478597":"The details of this transaction is available on CoinsPaid.","-316545835":"Please ensure <0>all details are <0>correct before making your transfer.","-949073402":"I confirm that I have verified the client’s transfer information.","-1752211105":"Transfer now","-1787304306":"Deriv P2P","-174976899":"P2P verification","-1705887186":"Your deposit is successful.","-142361708":"In process","-1582681840":"We’ve received your request and are waiting for more blockchain confirmations.","-1626218538":"You’ve cancelled your withdrawal request.","-1062841150":"Your withdrawal is unsuccessful due to an error on the blockchain. Please <0>contact us via live chat for more info.","-630780094":"We’re awaiting confirmation from the blockchain.","-1525882769":"Your withdrawal is unsuccessful. We've sent you an email with more information.","-298601922":"Your withdrawal is successful.","-922143389":"Deriv P2P is currently unavailable in this currency.","-1310327711":"Deriv P2P is currently unavailable in your country.","-685073712":"This is your <0>{{currency}} account {{loginid}}.","-1547606079":"We accept the following cryptocurrencies:","-1517325716":"Deposit via the following payment methods:","-639677539":"Buy cryptocurrencies","-1560098002":"Buy cryptocurrencies via fiat onramp","-541870313":"Deposit via payment agents","-197251450":"Don't want to trade in {{currency_code}}? You can open another cryptocurrency account.","-917092420":"To change your account currency, contact us via <0>live chat.","-515809216":"Send only {{currency_name}} ({{currency_code}}) to this address.","-748636591":"A minimum deposit value of <0>{{minimum_deposit}} {{currency}} is required. Otherwise, a fee is applied.","-1589407981":"To avoid loss of funds:","-74221894":"Important:","-2108344100":"Looking for a way to buy cryptocurrencies? <0>Try Fiat onramp.","-598073640":"About Tether (Ethereum)","-275902914":"Tether on Ethereum (eUSDT)","-1188009792":"Tether on Omni Layer (USDT)","-1239329687":"Tether was originally created to use the bitcoin network as its transport protocol ‒ specifically, the Omni Layer ‒ to allow transactions of tokenised traditional currency.","-314177745":"Unfortunately, we couldn't get the address since our server was down. Please click Refresh to reload the address or try again later.","-91824739":"Deposit {{currency}}","-523804269":"{{amount}} {{currency}} on {{date}}","-494847428":"Address: <0>{{value}}","-1117977576":"Confirmations: <0>{{value}}","-1935946851":"View more","-1744490898":"Unfortunately, we cannot retrieve the information at this time. ","-338505133":"We do not charge a transfer fee for transfers in the same currency between your Deriv fiat and {{platform_name_mt5}} accounts, between your Deriv fiat and {{platform_name_ctrader}} accounts, and between your Deriv fiat and {{platform_name_dxtrade}} accounts.","-2056016338":"You’ll not be charged a transfer fee for transfers in the same currency between your Deriv fiat and {{platform_name_mt5}} accounts.","-599632330":"We’ll charge a 1% transfer fee for transfers in different currencies between your Deriv fiat and {{platform_name_mt5}} accounts and between your Deriv fiat and {{platform_name_dxtrade}} accounts.","-1196994774":"We’ll charge a 2% transfer fee or {{minimum_fee}} {{currency}}, whichever is higher, for transfers between your Deriv cryptocurrency accounts.","-993556039":"We’ll charge a 2% transfer fee or {{minimum_fee}} {{currency}}, whichever is higher, for transfers between your Deriv cryptocurrency and Deriv MT5 accounts and between your Deriv cryptocurrency and {{platform_name_dxtrade}} accounts.","-1382702462":"We’ll charge a 2% transfer fee or {{minimum_fee}} {{currency}}, whichever is higher, for transfers between your Deriv cryptocurrency and Deriv MT5 accounts.","-1339063554":"You may transfer between your Deriv fiat, cryptocurrency, {{platform_name_mt5}}, {{platform_name_ctrader}}, and {{platform_name_dxtrade}} accounts.","-1059419768":"Notes","-1151983985":"Transfer limits may vary depending on the exchange rates.","-1747571263":"Please bear in mind that some transfers may not be possible.","-757062699":"Transfers may be unavailable due to high volatility or technical issues and when the exchange markets are closed.","-855721928":"Needs verification","-1866405488":"Deriv cTrader accounts","-1344870129":"Deriv accounts","-1220582412":"The server is temporarily unavailable for this account. We’re working to resolve this.","-1109729546":"You will be able to transfer funds between MT5 accounts and other accounts once your address is verified.","-1593609508":"Transfer between your accounts in Deriv","-1155970854":"You have reached the maximum daily transfers. Please try again tomorrow.","-464965808":"Transfer limits: <0 /> - <1 />","-553249337":"Transfers are locked","-1638172550":"To enable this feature you must complete the following:","-1949883551":"You only have one account","-1149845849":"Back to Trader's Hub","-1232852916":"We’re switching over to your {{currency}} account to view the transaction.","-1632668764":"I accept","-544232635":"Please go to the Deposit page to generate an address. Then come back here to continue with your transaction.","-1161069724":"Please copy the crypto address you see below. You'll need it to deposit your cryptocurrency.","-1388977563":"Copied!","-1962894999":"This address can only be used ONCE. Please copy a new one for your next transaction.","-451858550":"By clicking 'Continue' you will be redirected to {{ service }}, a third-party payment service provider. Please note that {{ website_name }} is not responsible for the content or services provided by {{ service }}. If you encounter any issues related to {{ service }} services, you must contact {{ service }} directly.","-2005265642":"Fiat onramp is a cashier service that allows you to convert fiat currencies to crypto to top up your Deriv crypto accounts. Listed here are third-party crypto exchanges. You’ll need to create an account with them to use their services.","-1593063457":"Select payment channel","-1309258714":"From account number","-1247676678":"To account number","-816476007":"Account holder name","-344403983":"Description","-922432739":"Please enter a valid client login ID.","-1024241603":"Insufficient balance.","-1979554765":"Please enter a valid description.","-1254233806":"You've transferred","-1491457729":"All payment methods","-142563298":"Contact your preferred payment agent for payment instructions and make your deposit.","-352134412":"Transfer limit","-1023961762":"Commission on deposits","-552873274":"Commission on withdrawal","-880645086":"Withdrawal amount","-118683067":"Withdrawal limits: <0 />-<1 />","-1125090734":"Important notice to receive your funds","-1924707324":"View transaction","-1474202916":"Make a new withdrawal","-953082600":"Some payment methods may not be listed here but payment agents may still offer them. If you can’t find your favourite method, contact the payment agents directly to check further.","-511423158":"Enter the payment agent account number","-2059278156":"Note: {{website_name}} does not charge any transfer fees.","-1201279468":"To withdraw your funds, please choose the same payment method you used to make your deposits.","-873886836":"Do not enter an address linked to an initial coin offering (ICO) purchase or crowdsale. If you do, the initial coin offering (ICO) tokens will not be credited into your account.","-130833284":"Please note that your maximum and minimum withdrawal limits aren’t fixed. They change due to the high volatility of cryptocurrency.","-2004264970":"Your wallet address should have 25 to 64 characters.","-1707299138":"Your {{currency_symbol}} wallet address","-1430080977":"Priority withdrawal","-1046088265":"Withdrawal amount:","-694919384":"Transaction fee","-1358465817":"Fee calculated at {{ time_stamp }}","-1744540779":"Amount received:","-38063175":"{{account_text}} wallet","-652125858":"Amount received","-705272444":"Upload a proof of identity to verify your identity","-1373954791":"Should be a valid number","-1278608332":"Please enter a number between 0 and {{api_max_losses}}.","-287597204":"Enter limits to stop your bot from trading when any of these conditions are met.","-1445989611":"Limits your potential losses for the day across all Deriv platforms.","-152878438":"Maximum number of trades your bot will execute for this run.","-1490942825":"Apply and run","-2067572496":"You’ve just stopped the bot. Any open contracts can be viewed on the Reports page.","-992003496":"Changes you make will not affect your running bot.","-1778025545":"You’ve successfully imported a bot.","-222838313":"Your session has expired. Please sign in again.","-993480898":"Accumulators","-1572746946":"Asian Up","-686840306":"Asian Down","-2141198770":"Higher","-816098265":"Lower","-1646655742":"Spread Up","-668987427":"Spread Down","-912577498":"Matches","-1862940531":"Differs","-808904691":"Odd","-556230215":"Ends Outside","-1268220904":"Ends Between","-703542574":"Up","-1127399675":"Down","-768425113":"No Touch","-1163058241":"Stays Between","-1354485738":"Reset Call","-376148198":"Only Ups","-1337379177":"High Tick","-328036042":"Please enter a stop loss amount that's higher than the current potential loss.","-2127699317":"Invalid stop loss. Stop loss cannot be more than stake.","-179005984":"Save","-610059687":"Exploring the D’Alembert strategy in Deriv Bot","-1226666341":"The D'Alembert strategy involves increasing your stake after a losing trade and reducing it after a successful trade by a predetermined number of units.","-312844882":"Initial stake: The amount that you are willing to place as a stake to enter a trade. This is the starting point for any changes in stake depending on the dynamic of the strategy being used.","-1173302981":"1. Start with the initial stake. In this example, we’ll use 1 USD.","-1540106116":"Profit and loss thresholds","-894905768":"With Deriv Bot, traders can set the profit and loss thresholds to secure potential profits and limit potential losses. This means that the trading bot will automatically stop when either the profit or loss thresholds are reached. It's a form of risk management that can potentially enhance returns. For example, if a trader sets the profit threshold at 100 USD and the strategy exceeds 100 USD of profit from all trades, then the bot will stop running.","-1946134465":"Where:","-248283982":"B is the loss threshold.","-1148521416":"f is the unit increment.","-211800490":"D’Alembert formula 2","-1772692202":"This formula helps you plan your trades by considering the amount of money you have and your comfort level with risk. It involves determining your loss threshold and the initial stake you want to trade with. Then, you use this formula to calculate the number of rounds you can trade. This process provides insight into stake sizing and expectations.","-2107238266":"The D'Alembert system offers more balanced trading through controlled stake progression. With prudent risk management like stake limits, it can be effectively automated in Deriv Bot. However, traders should thoroughly assess their risk appetite, test strategies on a demo account to align with their trading style before trading with real money. This allows optimising the approach and striking a balance between potential gains and losses whilst managing risk.","-500873566":"Disclaimer:","-344769349":"Please be aware that while we may use rounded figures for illustration, a stake of a specific amount does not guarantee an exact amount in successful trades. For example, a 1 USD stake does not necessarily equate to a 1 USD profit in successful trades.","-818800551":"Exploring the Martingale strategy in Deriv Bot","-533490374":"These are the trade parameters used in Deriv Bot with Martingale strategy.","-1507161059":"Multiplier: The multiplier used to increase your stake if you're losing a trade. The value must be greater than 1.","-1333404686":"An example of Martingale strategy","-1755877136":"3. If the first trade ends in a loss, Deriv Bot will automatically double your stake for the next trade to 2 USD. Deriv Bot will continue to double the stake after every losing trade.","-1297651002":"If you're about to start trading and haven't established a Maximum Stake as part of your risk management strategy, you can determine how long your funds will last by employing the Martingale strategy. Simply use this formula.","-46865201":"Martingale formula 1","-116397598":"m is the Martingale multiplier.","-658161609":"Number of rounds, R ≈ 9.965","-288082521":"This means that after 10 rounds of consecutive losses, this trader will lose 1023 USD which exceeds the loss threshold of 1000 USD, stopping the bot.","-770387160":"The Martingale strategy in trading may offer substantial gains but also comes with significant risks. With your selected strategy, Deriv Bot provides automated trading with risk management measures like setting initial stake, stake size, maximum stake, profit threshold and loss threshold. It's crucial for traders to assess their risk tolerance, practice in a demo account, and understand the strategy before trading with real money.","-1901073152":"These are the trade parameters used for Oscar’s Grind strategy in Deriv Bot.","-1575153036":"An example of Oscar’s Grind strategy","-732418614":"The table above demonstrates this principle by showing that when a successful trade occurs and meets the target of one unit of potential profit which is 1 USD in this example, the session ends. If trading continues, a new session will begin.","-106266344":"Principle 3: The stake adjusts to the gap size between current loss and the target profit for the session","-492908094":"In round 7, the stake is adjusted downwards from 2 USD to 1 USD, to meet the target profit of 1 USD.","-90079299":"With Deriv Bot, traders can set the profit and loss thresholds to secure potential profits and limit potential losses. This means that the trading bot will automatically stop when either the profit or loss threshold is reached. This is a form of risk management that can potentially boost successful trades whilst limiting the impact of loss. For example, if a trader sets the profit threshold at 100 USD and the strategy exceeds 100 USD of profit from all trades, then the bot will stop running.","-1549673884":"The Oscar's Grind strategy provides a disciplined approach for incremental gains through systematic stake progression. When integrated into Deriv Bot with proper risk management like profit or loss thresholds, it offers traders a potentially powerful automated trading technique. However, traders should first thoroughly assess their risk tolerance and first try trading on a demo account in order to familiarise with the strategy before trading with real funds.","-655650222":"Exploring the Reverse D’Alembert strategy in Deriv Bot","-1864807973":"The Reverse D'Alembert strategy involves increasing your stake after a successful trade and reducing it after a losing trade by a predetermined number of units.","-809681645":"These are the trade parameters used in Deriv Bot with Reverse D’Alembert strategy.","-1239374257":"An example of Reverse D’Alembert strategy","-309821442":"Please be aware that while we may use rounded figures for illustration, a stake of a specific amount does not guarantee an exact amount in successful trades. For example, a 1 USD stake does not necessarily equate to a 1 USD profit in successful trades.","-1576691912":"This article explores the Reverse Martingale strategy integrated into Deriv Bot, a versatile trading bot designed to trade assets such as forex, commodities, and derived indices. We will delve into the strategy's core parameters, its application, and provide essential takeaways for traders looking to use the bot effectively.","-1934849823":"These are the trade parameters used in Deriv Bot with Reverse Martingale strategy.","-1021919630":"Multiplier: The multiplier used to increase your stake if your trade is successful. The value must be greater than 1.","-760516362":"3. If the first trade is a successful trade, Deriv Bot will automatically double your stake for the next trade to 2 USD. Deriv Bot will continue to double the stake after every successful trade.","-1410950365":"Exploring the 1-3-2-6 strategy in Deriv Bot","-1175255072":"These are the trade parameters used in Deriv Bot with 1-3-2-6 strategy.","-183884527":"An example of 1-3-2-6 strategy","-275617819":"4. However, if any trade results in a loss, your stake will reset back to the initial stake of 1 USD for the next trade. The third trade results in a loss hence the stake resets to the initial stake of 1 USD for the next trade.","-719846465":"5. Upon reaching the initial stake, if the next trade still results in a loss, your stake will remain at the initial stake of 1 USD. This strategy will minimally trade at the initial stake. Refer to the fourth and fifth trade.","-1452746011":"The 1-3-2-6 strategy in trading may offer substantial gains but also comes with significant risks. Each stake is independent, and the strategy does not increase your chances of successful trades in the long run. If you encounter a series of losses, the strategy can lead to significant losses. Therefore, it is crucial for traders to assess their risk tolerance, practice in a demo account, utilise profit and loss thresholds, and fully comprehend the strategy before engaging in real-money trading.","-1016171176":"Asset","-138833194":"The underlying market your bot will trade with this strategy.","-410856998":"The bot will stop trading if your total profit exceeds this amount.","-2131851017":"Growth rate","-1073566768":"Your stake will grow at the specified growth rate per tick as long as the current spot price remains within the range of the previous spot price.","-447853970":"Loss threshold","-1850439039":"The unit used to multiply the stake after a losing trade for the next trade.","-33106112":"The size used to multiply the stake after a successful trade for the next trade.","-1503301801":"The value must be equal or greater than {{ min }}","-1596504046":"Number of unit(s) to be added to the next trade after a successful trade. One unit is equivalent to the amount of initial stake.","-1521098535":"Max stake","-1448426542":"The stake for your next trade will reset to the initial stake if it exceeds this value.","-993953307":"Your prediction of the last digit of the asset price.","-1305281529":"D’Alembert","-505876458":"Martingale on Stat Reset","-262611611":"D'Alembert on Stat Reset","-1029703527":"Reverse D'Alembert","-1842451303":"Welcome to Deriv Bot!","-1391310674":"Check out these guides and FAQs to learn more about building your bot:","-2066779239":"FAQs","-280324365":"What is Deriv Bot?","-155173714":"Let’s build a bot!","-2093569327":"How to build a basic trading bot with Deriv Bot","-2072114761":"How to use Martingale strategy on Deriv Bot","-1254483618":"Introducing Accumulator Options on Deriv Bot: Available for automated trading","-1919212468":"3. You can also search for the blocks you want using the search bar above the categories.","-980360663":"3. Choose the block you want and drag it to the workspace.","-1493168314":"What is a quick strategy?","-1680391945":"Using a quick strategy","-1177914473":"How do I save my strategy?","-271986909":"In Bot Builder, hit Save on the toolbar at the top to download your bot. Give your bot a name, and choose to download your bot to your device or Google Drive. Your bot will be downloaded as an XML file.","-1149045595":"1. After hitting Import, select Local and click Continue.","-288041546":"2. Select your XML file and hit Open.","-2127548288":"3. Your bot will be loaded accordingly.","-1311297611":"1. After hitting Import, select Google Drive and click Continue.","-1549564044":"How do I reset the workspace?","-1127331928":"In Bot Builder, hit Reset on the toolbar at the top. This will clear the workspace. Please note that any unsaved changes will be lost.","-1720444288":"How do I control my losses with Deriv Bot?","-1142295124":"There are several ways to control your losses with Deriv Bot. Here’s a simple example of how you can implement loss control in your strategy:","-2129119462":"1. Create the following variables and place them under Run once at start:","-1918487001":"Example:","-468926787":"This is how your trade parameters, variables, and trade options should look like:","-1565344891":"Can I run Deriv Bot on multiple tabs in my web browser?","-213872712":"No, we don't offer cryptocurrencies on Deriv Bot.","-2147346223":"In which countries is Deriv Bot available?","-792737139":"We offer our services in all countries, except for the ones mentioned in our terms and conditions.","-352345777":"What are the most popular strategies for automated trading?","-552392096":"Three of the most commonly used strategies in automated trading are Martingale, D'Alembert, and Oscar's Grind — you can find them all ready-made and waiting for you in Deriv Bot.","-1036999457":"Watch this video to learn how to build a trading bot on Deriv Bot. Also, check out this blog post on building a trading bot.","-1630262763":"About Martingale","-413928457":"About Oscar's Grind","-1497015866":"About Reverse D’Alembert","-437005403":"About 1-3-2-6","-590765322":"Unfortunately, this trading platform is not available for EU Deriv account. Please switch to a non-EU account to continue trading.","-2110207996":"Deriv Bot is unavailable for this account","-971295844":"Switch to another account","-746652890":"Notifications","-824109891":"System","-507620484":"Unsaved","-764102808":"Google Drive","-749186458":"Account switching is disabled while your bot is running. Please stop your bot before switching accounts.","-597939268":"Keep my contract","-1322453991":"You need to log in to run the bot.","-236548954":"Contract Update Error","-1428017300":"THE","-1450728048":"OF","-255051108":"YOU","-1845434627":"IS","-931434605":"THIS","-740712821":"A","-1223145005":"Loss amount: {{profit}}","-1206212388":"Welcome back! Your messages have been restored. You are using your {{current_currency}} account.","-1724342053":"You are using your {{current_currency}} account.","-187634388":"This block is mandatory. Here is where you can decide if your bot should continue trading. Only one copy of this block is allowed.","-2105473795":"The only input parameter determines how block output is going to be formatted. In case if the input parameter is \"string\" then the account currency will be added.","-1800436138":"2. for \"number\": 1325.68","-530632460":"This block is used to determine if the market price moves in the selected direction or not. It gives you a value of \"True\" or \"False\".","-1875717842":"Examples:","-890079872":"1. If the selected direction is \"Rise\", and the previous tick value is less than the current tick value, the output will be \"True\". Otherwise, the output will be an empty string.","-489739641":"2. If the selected direction is \"Fall\", and the previous tick value is more than the current tick value, the output will be \"True\". Otherwise, the output will be an empty string.","-2116076360":"There are 4 message types:","-1421941045":"2. 'Warn' displays a message in yellow to highlight something that needs attention.","-277850921":"If \"Win\" is selected, it will return \"True\" if your last trade was successful. Otherwise, it will return an empty string.","-2139916657":"1. In the below example the loop is terminated in case \"x\" is \"False\" even though only one iteration is complete","-1238900333":"2. In the below example the loop jumps to the next iteration without executing below block in case if \"x\" is \"False\"","-1729479576":"You can use \"i\" inside the loop, for example to access list items","-1474636594":"In this example, the loop will repeat three times, as that is the number of items in the given list. During each iteration, the variable \"i\" will be assigned a value from the list. ","-908772734":"This block evaluates a statement and will perform an action only when the statement is true.","-334040831":"2. In this example, the instructions are repeated as long as the value of x is greater than or equal to 10. Once the value of x drops below 10, the loop is terminated.","-444267958":"\"Seconds Since Epoch\" block returns the number of seconds since January 1st, 1970.","-447522129":"You might need it when you want to repeat an actions after certain amount of time.","-1488259879":"The term \"candle\" refers to each bar on the candlestick chart. Each candle represents four market prices for the selected time interval:","-2020693608":"Each candlestick on the chart represents 4 market prices for the selected time interval:","-62728852":"- Open price: the opening price","-1247744334":"- Low price: the lowest price","-1386365697":"- Close price: the closing price","-1498732382":"A black (or red) candle indicates that the open price is higher than the close price. This represents a downward movement of the market price.","-1871864755":"This block gives you the last digit of the latest tick value of the selected market. If the latest tick value is 1410.90, this block will return 0. It’s useful for digit-based contracts such as Even/Odd, Matches/Differs, or Higher/Lower.","-1029671512":"In case if the \"OR\" operation is selected, the block returns \"True\" in case if one or both given values are \"True\"","-210295176":"Available operations:","-1385862125":"- Addition","-983721613":"- Subtraction","-854750243":"- Multiplication","-1394815185":"In case if the given number is less than the lower boundary of the range, the block returns the lower boundary value. Similarly, if the given number is greater than the higher boundary, the block will return the higher boundary value. In case if the given value is between boundaries, the block will return the given value unchanged.","-1034564248":"In the below example the block returns the value of 10 as the given value (5) is less than the lower boundary (10)","-2009817572":"This block performs the following operations to a given number","-671300479":"Available operations are:","-514610724":"- Absolute","-1923861818":"- Euler’s number (2.71) to the power of a given number","-1556344549":"Here’s how:","-1061127827":"- Visit the following URL, make sure to replace with the Telegram API token you created in Step 1: https://api.telegram.org/bot/getUpdates","-311389920":"In this example, the open prices from a list of candles are assigned to a variable called \"cl\".","-1460794449":"This block gives you a list of candles within a selected time interval.","-1634242212":"Used within a function block, this block returns a value when a specific condition is true.","-2012970860":"This block gives you information about your last contract.","-1504783522":"You can choose to see one of the following:","-10612039":"- Profit: the profit you’ve earned","-555996976":"- Entry time: the starting time of the contract","-1391071125":"- Exit time: the contract expiration time","-1961642424":"- Exit value: the value of the last tick of the contract","-111312913":"- Barrier: the barrier value of the contract (applicable to barrier-based trade types such as stays in/out, touch/no touch, etc.)","-674283099":"- Result: the result of the last contract: \"win\" or \"loss\"","-704543890":"This block gives you the selected candle value such as open price, close price, high price, low price, and open time. It requires a candle as an input parameter.","-482281200":"In the example below, the open price is assigned to the variable \"op\".","-364621012":"This block gives you the specified candle value for a selected time interval. You can choose which value you want:","-232477769":"- Open: the opening price","-610736310":"Use this block to sell your contract at the market price. Selling your contract is optional. You may choose to sell if the market trend is unfavourable.","-1307657508":"This block gives you the potential profit or loss if you decide to sell your contract. It can only be used within the \"Sell conditions\" root block.","-1921072225":"In the example below, the contract will only be sold if the potential profit or loss is more than the stake.","-955397705":"SMA adds the market price in a list of ticks or candles for a number of time periods, and divides the sum by that number of time periods.","-1424923010":"where n is the number of periods.","-1835384051":"What SMA tells you","-749487251":"SMA serves as an indicator of the trend. If the SMA points up then the market price is increasing and vice versa. The larger the period number, the smoother SMA line is.","-1996062088":"In this example, each point of the SMA line is an arithmetic average of close prices for the last 10 days.","-1866751721":"Input list accepts a list of ticks or candles, while period is the specified time period.","-1097076512":"You may compare SMA values calculated on every bot run to identify the market trend direction. Alternatively, you may also use a variation of the SMA block, the Simple Moving Average Array block. ","-1254849504":"If a period of 10 is entered, the Simple Moving Average Array block will return a list of SMA values calculated based on period of 10.","-1190046167":"This block displays a dialog box with a customised message. When the dialog box is displayed, your strategy is paused and will only resume after you click \"OK\".","-859028989":"In this example, the date and time will be displayed in a green notification box.","-1452086215":"In this example, a Rise contract will be purchased at midnight on 1 August 2019.","-2078588404":"Select your desired market and asset type. For example, Forex > Major pairs > AUD/JPY","-2037446013":"2. Trade Type","-533927844":"Select your desired trade type. For example, Up/Down > Rise/Fall","-1192411640":"4. Default Candle Interval","-485434772":"8. Trade Options","-1827646586":"This block assigns a given value to a variable, creating the variable if it doesn't already exist.","-254421190":"List: ({{message_length}})","-1591692300":"Your bot is running and waiting for a signal to buy a contract.","-555886064":"Won","-529060972":"Lost","-1062922595":"Reference ID (buy)","-2068574600":"Reference ID (sell)","-994038153":"Start Time","-1979852400":"Entry Spot","-427802309":"Profit/Loss","-224804428":"Transactions","-287223248":"No transaction or activity yet.","-418247251":"Download your journal.","-2123571162":"Download","-1616649196":"results","-90107030":"No results found","-984140537":"Add","-870004399":"<0>Bought: {{longcode}} (ID: {{transaction_id}})","-1211474415":"Filters","-186972150":"There are no messages to display","-558594655":"The bot is not running","-478946875":"The stats are cleared","-999254545":"All messages are filtered out","-786915692":"You are connected to Google Drive","-1256971627":"To import your bot from your Google Drive, you'll need to sign in to your Google account.","-1233084347":"To know how Google Drive handles your data, please review Deriv’s <0>Privacy policy.","-934909826":"Load strategy","-2005347537":"Importing XML files from Binary Bot and other third-party platforms may take longer.","-1121028020":"or, if you prefer...","-254025477":"Select an XML file from your device","-1131095838":"Please upload an XML file","-523928088":"Create one or upload one from your local drive or Google Drive.","-1684205190":"Why can't I see my recent bots?","-2050879370":"1. Logged in from a different device","-811857220":"3. Cleared your browser cache","-625024929":"Leaving already?","-584289785":"No, I'll stay","-1435060006":"If you leave, your current contract will be completed, but your bot will stop running immediately.","-783058284":"Total stake","-2077494994":"Total payout","-1073955629":"No. of runs","-1729519074":"Contracts lost","-42436171":"Total profit/loss","-1856204727":"Reset","-1137823888":"Total payout since you last cleared your stats.","-992662695":"The number of times your bot has run since you last cleared your stats. Each run includes the execution of all the root blocks.","-1382491190":"Your total profit/loss since you last cleared your stats. It is the difference between your total payout and your total stake.","-24780060":"When you’re ready to trade, hit ","-2147110353":". You’ll be able to track your bot’s performance here.","-411060180":"TradingView Chart","-621128676":"Trade type","-627895223":"Exit spot","-2140412463":"Buy price","-1299484872":"Account","-2004386410":"Win","-266502731":"Transactions detailed summary","-1711732508":"Reference IDs","-386141434":"(Buy)","-482272687":"(Sell)","-1983189496":"ticks","-694277729":"(High)","-2028564707":"(Low)","-596238067":"Entry/Exit spot","-315611205":"Strategy","-1823621139":"Quick Strategy","-1782602933":"Choose a template below and set your trade parameters.","-2060170461":"Load","-1384001818":"Strategy template","-1285759343":"Search","-1524489375":"(optional)","-379280309":"The position closes once its profit exceeds the take-profit amount","-1102264032":"The holding period measured in ticks before the position is sold","-1467808286":"The position closes when the input condition is met or upon reaching the maximum payout of {{ max_payout }} or maximum tick of {{ max_ticks }}, whichever occurs first.","-150224710":"Yes, continue","-475765963":"Edit the amount","-1349897832":"Do not show this message again.","-984512425":"Minimum duration: {{ value }}","-2084091453":"The value must be equal or greater than {{ value }}","-657364297":"The value must be equal or less than {{ value }}","-1953880747":"Stop my bot","-1899230001":"Stopping the current bot will load the Quick Strategy you just created to the workspace.","-2131847097":"Any open contracts can be viewed on the ","-1696412885":"Import","-320197558":"Sort blocks","-939764287":"Charts","-1566369363":"Zoom out","-1291088318":"Purchase conditions","-112876186":"Analysis","-1769584466":"Stats","-1133736197":"Utility","-1682372359":"Text","-907562847":"Lists","-1646497683":"Loops","-251326965":"Miscellaneous","-1136893592":"Announcements","-94894828":"Explore now","-595149759":"We've improved the Quick strategy (QS) modal for a better trading experience.","-1270636118":"<0>What’s new:","-1173567255":"<0>Integration of Accumulators Options for direct strategy application within the QS modal.","-195234787":"<0>Note: Uploading complex strategies may take some time. Saving them from Deriv Bot ensures quicker access later. If you have questions, contact us via <1/>.","-206059150":"Google Blockly v10 update","-523557619":"Better security.","-1317334545":"Accumulators now on Deriv Bot","-25869504":"Manage risks while capitalising on market opportunities.","-1766767803":"We have updated our Blockly system in Deriv Bot from version 3 to version 10.","-1150390589":"Last modified","-1393876942":"Your bots:","-1545070554":"Delete bot","-1972599670":"Your bot will be permanently deleted when you hit ","-1692956623":"Yes, delete.","-573479616":"Are you sure you want to delete it?","-462715374":"Untitled Bot","-1150107517":"Connect","-767342552":"Enter your bot name, choose to save on your computer or Google Drive, and hit ","-1372891985":"Save.","-1003476709":"Save as collection","-636521735":"Save strategy","-1692205739":"Import a bot from your computer or Google Drive, build it from scratch, or start with a quick strategy.","-563774117":"Dashboard","-683790172":"Now, <0>run the bot to test out the strategy.","-1127164953":"Hi! Hit <0>Start for a quick tour.","-358288026":"Note: You can also find this tutorial in the <0>Tutorials tab.","-129587613":"Got it, thanks!","-1793577405":"Build from scratch","-358753028":"Create your bot using our drag-and-drop blocks or click Quick Strategy to choose from the ready-to-use bot templates.","-1212601535":"Monitor the market","-21136101":"See how your bot is doing in real-time.","-631097919":"Click <0>Run when you want to start trading, and click <0>Stop when you want to stop.","-1999747212":"Want to retake the tour?","-782992165":"Step 1 :","-1207872534":"First, set the <0>Trade parameters block.","-1656388044":"First, set <0>Market to Derived > Continuous Indices > Volatility 100 (1s) Index.","-1706298865":"Then, set <0>Trade type to Up/Down > Rise/Fall.","-1834358537":"For <0>Default candle interval, set it to 1 minute","-1940971254":"For <0>Trade options, set it as below:","-512839354":"<0>Stake: USD 10 (min: 0.35 - max: 50000)","-753745278":"Step 2 :","-1056713679":"Then, set the <0>Purchase conditions block.","-245497823":"<0>2. Purchase conditions:","-916770284":"<0>Purchase: Rise","-758077259":"Step 3 :","-677396944":"Step 4 :","-295975118":"Next, go to <0>Utility tab under the Blocks menu. Tap the drop-down arrow and hit <0>Loops.","-698493945":"Step 5 :","-1992994687":"Now, tap the <0>Analysis drop-down arrow and hit <0>Contract.","-1844492873":"Go to the <0>Last trade result block and click + icon to add the <0>Result is Win block to the workspace.","-1547091772":"Then, drag the <0>Result is win into the empty slot next to <0>repeat until block.","-736400802":"Step 6 :","-732067680":"Finally, drag and add the whole <0>Repeat block to the <0>Restart trading conditions block.","-1411787252":"Step 1","-1109392787":"Learn how to build your bot from scratch using a simple strategy.","-1263822623":"You can import a bot from your mobile device or from Google drive, see a preview in the bot builder, and start trading by running the bot.","-563921656":"Bot Builder guide","-1596172043":"Quick strategy guides","-1765276625":"Click the multiplier drop-down menu and choose the multiplier value you want to trade with.","-1872233077":"Your potential profit will be multiplied by the multiplier value you’ve chosen.","-614454953":"To learn more about multipliers, please go to the <0>Multipliers page.","-662836330":"Would you like to keep your current contract or close it? If you decide to keep it running, you can check and close it later on the <0>Reports page.","-1717650468":"Online","-1309011360":"Open positions","-1597214874":"Trade table","-1929724703":"Compare CFD accounts","-883103549":"Account deactivated","-1837059346":"Buy / Sell","-1845037007":"Advertiser's page","-494667560":"Orders","-679691613":"My ads","-821418875":"Trader","-679102561":"Contract Details","-430118939":"Complaints policy","-377375279":"Standard","-1582979384":"Standard Demo","-1212531781":"Standard BVI","-328128497":"Financial","-533935232":"Financial BVI","-565431857":"Financial Labuan","-291535132":"Swap-Free Demo","-499019612":"Zero Spread Demo","-1472945832":"Swap-Free SVG","-409226641":"Gold","-987987732":"Gold DML","-1386326276":"Barrier is a required field.","-1450516268":"Only letters, numbers, space, hyphen, period, and apostrophe are allowed.","-1966032552":"The length of token should be 8.","-2128137611":"Should start with letter or number, and may contain hyphen and underscore.","-1590869353":"Up to {{decimal_count}} decimal places are allowed.","-2061307421":"Should be more than {{min_value}}","-1099941162":"Should be less than {{max_value}}","-1528188268":"Straight rows of keys are easy to guess","-1339903234":"Short keyboard patterns are easy to guess","-23980798":"Repeats like \"aaa\" are easy to guess","-235760680":"Avoid repeated words and characters","-1568933154":"Sequences like abc or 6543 are easy to guess","-725663701":"Avoid sequences","-1450768475":"Recent years are easy to guess","-1804838610":"Avoid years that are associated with you","-64849469":"Dates are often easy to guess","-2006915194":"Avoid dates and years that are associated with you","-2124205211":"A word by itself is easy to guess","-1095202689":"All-uppercase is almost as easy to guess as all-lowercase","-2137856661":"Reversed words aren't much harder to guess","-1885413063":"Predictable substitutions like '@' instead of 'a' don't help very much","-369258265":"This password is on the blacklist","-577777971":"You have reached the rate limit of requests per second. Please try later.","-206321775":"Fiat","-522767852":"DEMO","-433761292":"Switching to default account.","-405439829":"Sorry, you can't view this contract because it doesn't belong to this account.","-1590712279":"Gaming","-16448469":"Virtual","-2093768906":"{{name}} has released your funds.
Would you like to give your feedback?","-705744796":"Your demo account balance has reached the maximum limit, and you will not be able to place new trades. Reset your balance to continue trading from your demo account.","-2063700253":"disabled","-1585069798":"Please click the following link to complete your Appropriateness Test.","-367759751":"Your account has not been verified","-596690079":"Enjoy using Deriv?","-265932467":"We’d love to hear your thoughts","-1815573792":"Drop your review on Trustpilot.","-823349637":"Go to Trustpilot","-1204063440":"Set my account currency","-1601813176":"Would you like to increase your daily limits to {{max_daily_buy}} {{currency}} (buy) and {{max_daily_sell}} {{currency}} (sell)?","-1751632759":"Get a faster mobile trading experience with the <0>{{platform_name_go}} app!","-1164554246":"You submitted expired identification documents","-498364310":"Enable passkey","-187109231":"Level up your security","-1132350982":"Strengthen your account’s security today with the latest passkeys feature.","-219846634":"Let’s verify your ID","-529038107":"Install","-1738575826":"Please switch to your real account or create one to access the cashier.","-1329329028":"You’ve not set your 30-day turnover limit","-132893998":"Your access to the cashier has been temporarily disabled as you have not set your 30-day turnover limit. Please go to Self-exclusion and set the limit.","-1852207910":"MT5 withdrawal disabled","-764323310":"MT5 withdrawals have been disabled on your account. Please check your email for more details.","-1744163489":"Please verify your proof of income","-382676325":"To continue trading with us, please submit your proof of income.","-1902997828":"Refresh now","-753791937":"A new version of Deriv is available","-1775108444":"This page will automatically refresh in 5 minutes to load the latest version.","-1175685940":"Please contact us via live chat to enable withdrawals.","-493564794":"Please complete your financial assessment.","-1125797291":"Password updated.","-157145612":"Please log in with your updated password.","-620447377":"Complete phone verification","-1728185398":"Resubmit proof of address","-612396514":"Please resubmit your proof of address.","-1519764694":"Your proof of address is verified.","-1629185222":"Submit now","-1961967032":"Resubmit proof of identity","-117048458":"Please submit your proof of identity.","-1196422502":"Your proof of identity is verified.","-1392958585":"Please check your email.","-136292383":"Your proof of address verification is pending","-386909054":"Your proof of address verification has failed","-430041639":"Your proof of address did not pass our verification checks, and we’ve placed some restrictions on your account. Please resubmit your proof of address.","-87177461":"Please go to your account settings and complete your personal details to enable deposits.","-904632610":"Reset your balance","-470018967":"Reset balance","-156611181":"Please complete the financial assessment in your account settings to unlock it.","-1925176811":"Unable to process withdrawals in the moment","-980696193":"Withdrawals are temporarily unavailable due to system maintenance. You can make withdrawals when the maintenance is complete.","-1647226944":"Unable to process deposit in the moment","-488032975":"Deposits are temporarily unavailable due to system maintenance. You can make deposits when the maintenance is complete.","-2136953532":"Scheduled cashier maintenance","-849587074":"You have not provided your tax identification number","-47462430":"This information is necessary for legal and regulatory requirements. Please go to your account settings, and fill in your latest tax identification number.","-2067423661":"Stronger security for your Deriv account","-1719731099":"With two-factor authentication, you’ll protect your account with both your password and your phone - so only you can access your account, even if someone knows your password.","-949074612":"Please contact us via live chat.","-2087822170":"You are offline","-1669693571":"Check your connection.","-1706642239":"<0>Proof of ownership <1>required","-553262593":"<0><1>Your account is currently locked <2><3>Please upload your proof of <4>ownership to unlock your account. <5>","-1834929362":"Upload my document","-1043638404":"<0>Proof of ownership <1>verification failed","-1766760306":"<0><1>Please upload your document <2>with the correct details. <3>","-8892474":"Start assessment","-1330929685":"Please submit your proof of identity and proof of address to verify your account and continue trading.","-99461057":"Please submit your proof of address to verify your account and continue trading.","-577279362":"Please submit your proof of identity to verify your account and continue trading.","-197134911":"Your proof of identity is expired","-152823394":"Your proof of identity has expired. Please submit a new proof of identity to verify your account and continue trading.","-822813736":"We're unable to complete with the Wallet upgrade. Please try again later or contact us via live chat.","-978414767":"We require additional information for your Deriv MT5 account(s). Please take a moment to update your information now.","-1263133631":"Deposits and trading disabled","-1469527248":"Verify the address on the Deposit page before each deposit to avoid losing funds. Occasionally, the address could be updated.","-482715448":"Go to Personal details","-2072411961":"Your proof of address has been verified","-384887227":"Update the address in your profile.","-1692922757":"Withdraw your funds","-783596666":"{{currency}} accounts won't be available after {{time_of_closure}}.","-135924060":"{{currency}} accounts won't be available after {{time_of_closure}}. Choose a new account currency.","-1690293783":"Withdraw {{currency}}","-2039256240":"Contact live chat","-233426953":"Profit","-1470677931":"CFDs on financial instruments.","-1595662064":"Zero spread CFDs on financial and derived instruments","-1998049070":"If you agree to our use of cookies, click on Accept. For more information, <0>see our policy.","-402093392":"Add Deriv Account","-1721181859":"You’ll need a {{deriv_account}} account","-1989074395":"Please add a {{deriv_account}} account first before adding a {{dmt5_account}} account. Deposits and withdrawals for your {{dmt5_label}} account are done by transferring funds to and from your {{deriv_label}} account.","-689237734":"Proceed","-1642457320":"Help centre","-1966944392":"Network status: {{status}}","-181484419":"Responsible trading","-650505513":"Full screen","-1823504435":"View notifications","-1954045170":"No currency assigned","-1515309814":"Account settings","-1591792668":"Account Limits","-34495732":"Regulatory information","-1323441180":"I hereby confirm that my request for opening an account with Deriv to trade OTC products issued and offered exclusively outside Brazil was initiated by me. I fully understand that Deriv is not regulated by CVM and by approaching Deriv I intend to set up a relation with a foreign company.","-1396326507":"Unfortunately, {{website_name}} is not available in your country.","-288996254":"Unavailable","-1308346982":"Derived","-1019903756":"Synthetic","-735306327":"Manage accounts","-1813972756":"Account creation paused for 24 hours","-366030582":"Sorry, you're unable to create an account at this time. As you declined our previous risk warnings, we need you to wait for 24 hours after your first account creation attempt before you can proceed.<0/><0/>","-534047566":"Thank you for your understanding. You can create your account on {{real_account_unblock_date}} or later.","-399816343":"Trading Experience Assessment<0/>","-1822498621":"As per our regulatory obligations, we are required to assess your trading knowledge and experience.<0/><0/>Please click ‘OK’ to continue","-71049153":"Keep your account secure with a password","-1965920446":"Start trading","-1485242688":"Step {{step}}: {{step_title}} ({{step}} of {{steps}})","-1829842622":"You can open an account for each cryptocurrency.","-987221110":"Choose a currency you would like to trade with.","-1066574182":"Choose a currency","-1146960797":"Fiat currencies","-1914534236":"Choose your currency","-200560194":"Please switch to your {{fiat_currency}} account to change currencies.","-1829493739":"Choose the currency you would like to trade with.","-1814647553":"Add a new","-1269362917":"Add new","-650480777":"crypto account","-175638343":"Choose an account or add a new one","-1768223277":"Your account is ready","-1215717784":"<0>You have successfully changed your currency to {{currency}}.<0>Make a deposit now to start trading.","-1775006840":"Make a deposit now to start trading.","-983734304":"We need proof of your identity and address before you can start trading.","-917733293":"To get trading, please confirm where you live.","-1282628163":"You'll be able to get trading as soon as verification is complete.","-952649119":"Log In","-3815578":"Sign Up","-1456176427":"Set a currency for your real account","-1329687645":"Create a cryptocurrency account","-1429178373":"Create a new account","-1740162250":"Manage account","-1016775979":"Choose an account","-1362081438":"Adding more real accounts has been restricted for your country.","-1602122812":"24-hour Cool Down Warning","-1519791480":"CFDs and other financial instruments come with a high risk of losing money rapidly due to leverage. You should consider whether you understand how CFDs and other financial instruments work and whether you can afford to take the risk of losing your money. <0/><0/>\n As you have declined our previous warning, you would need to wait 24 hours before you can proceed further.","-1010875436":"CFDs and other financial instruments come with a high risk of losing money rapidly due to leverage. You should consider whether you understand how CFDs and other financial instruments work and whether you can afford to take the high risk of losing your money. <0/><0/> To continue, kindly note that you would need to wait 24 hours before you can proceed further.","-1725418054":"By clicking ‘Accept’ and proceeding with the account opening, you should note that you may be exposing yourself to risks. These risks, which may be significant, include the risk of losing the entire sum invested, and you may not have the knowledge and experience to properly assess or mitigate them.","-730377053":"You can’t add another real account","-2100785339":"Invalid inputs","-2061807537":"Something’s not right","-272953725":"Your details match an existing account. If you need help, contact us via <0>live chat.","-1534648620":"Your password has been changed","-596199727":"We will now redirect you to the login page.","-437918412":"No currency assigned to your account","-1193651304":"Country of residence","-707550055":"We need this to make sure our service complies with laws and regulations in your country.","-280139767":"Set residence","-601615681":"Select theme","-1152511291":"Dark","-1428458509":"Light","-1976089791":"Your Deriv account has been unlinked from your {{social_identity_provider}} account. You can now log in to Deriv using your new email address and password.","-505449293":"Enter a new password for your Deriv account.","-243732824":"Take me to Demo account","-1269078299":"I will setup my real account later.","-1342699195":"Total profit/loss:","-1941013000":"This complaints policy, which may change from time to time, applies to your account(s) registered with {{legal_entity_name_svg}}, {{legal_entity_name_fx}}, and {{legal_entity_name_v}}.","-594812204":"This complaints policy, which may change from time to time, applies to your account(s) registered with {{legal_entity_name_svg}}.","-813256361":"We are committed to treating our clients fairly and providing them with excellent service.<0/><1/>We would love to hear from you on how we can improve our services to you. Any information you provide will be treated in the strictest confidence. Rest assured that you will be heard, valued, and always treated fairly.","-1622847732":"If you have an inquiry regarding your trading account with {{legal_entity_name}}, you can contact us through our <0>Help centre or by chatting with a representative via <1>Live Chat.<2/><3/>We are committed to resolving your query in the quickest time possible and appreciate your patience in allowing us time to resolve the matter.<4/><5/>We strive to provide the best possible service and support to our customers. However, in the event that we are unable to resolve your query or if you feel that our response is unsatisfactory, we want to hear from you. We welcome and encourage you to submit an official complaint to us so that we can review your concerns and work towards a resolution.","-1406192787":"If you are not satisfied with the outcome, you can escalate your complaint to the <0>Financial Commission.","-2115348800":"1. Introduction","-744009523":"2. Fair treatment","-866831420":"3.1. Submission of a complaint","-1102904026":"3.2. Handling your complaint","-603378979":"3.3. Resolving your complaint","-697569974":"3.4. Your decision","-1280998762":"4. Complaints","-1886635232":"A complaint is any expression of dissatisfaction by a client regarding our products or services that requires a formal response.<0/><1/>If what you submit does not fall within the scope of a complaint, we may reclassify it as a query and forward it to the relevant department for handling. However, if you believe that your query should be classified as a complaint due to its relevance to the investment services provided by {{legal_entity_name}}, you may request that we reclassify it accordingly.","-1771496016":"To submit a complaint, please send an email to <0>complaints@deriv.com, providing as much detail as possible. To help us investigate and resolve your complaint more efficiently, please include the following information:","-1197243525":"<0>•A clear and detailed description of your complaint, including any relevant dates, times, and transactions","-1795134892":"<0>•Any relevant screenshots or supporting documentation that will assist us in understanding the issue","-2053887036":"4.4. Handling your complaint","-717170429":"Once we have received the details of your complaint, we shall review it carefully and keep you updated on the handling process. We might request further information or clarifications to facilitate the resolution of the complaint.","-1841922393":"4.5. Resolving your complaint","-1327119795":"4.6. Your decision","-2019654103":"If we are unable to resolve your complaint or you are not satisfied with the outcome, you can escalate your complaint to the Office of the Arbiter for Financial Services.<0/><1/><2>Filing complaints with the Office of the Arbiter for Financial Services","-687172857":"<0>•You may file a complaint with the Arbiter for Financial Services only if you are not satisfied with our decision or the decision wasn’t made within 15 business days.","-262934706":"<0>•If the complaint is accepted by the Arbiter, you will receive another email with further details relating to the payment of the €25 complaint fee and the processes that follow.","-993572476":"<0>b.The Financial Commission has 5 days to acknowledge that your complaint was received and 14 days to answer the complaint through our Internal Dispute Resolution (IDR) procedure.","-1769159081":"<0>c.You will be able to file a complaint with the Financial Commission only if you are not satisfied with our decision or the decision wasn’t made within 14 days.","-58307244":"3. Determination phase","-356618087":"<0>b.The DRC may request additional information from you or us, who must then provide the requested information within 7 days.","-945718602":"<0>b.If you agree with a DRC decision, you will need to accept it within 14 days. If you do not respond to the DRC decision within 14 days, the complaint is considered closed.","-1500907666":"<0>d.If the decision is made in our favour, you must provide a release for us within 7 days of when the decision is made, and the complaint will be considered closed.","-429248139":"5. Disclaimer","-818926350":"The Financial Commission accepts appeals for 45 days following the date of the incident and only after the trader has tried to resolve the issue with the company directly.","-1825471709":"A whole new trading experience on a powerful yet easy to use platform.","-981017278":"Automated trading at your fingertips. No coding needed.","-583559763":"Menu","-673424733":"Demo account","-162753510":"Add real account","-1685795001":"Demo Wallet","-319395348":"Looking for CFDs? Go to Trader’s Hub","-778309978":"The link you clicked has expired. Ensure to click the link in the latest email in your inbox. Alternatively, enter your email below and click <0>Resend email for a new link.","-2101368724":"Transaction processing","-1772981256":"We'll notify you when it's complete.","-198662988":"Make a deposit to trade the world's markets!","-941870889":"The cashier is for real accounts only","-352838513":"It looks like you don’t have a real {{regulation}} account. To use the cashier, switch to your {{active_real_regulation}} real account, or get an {{regulation}} real account.","-1858915164":"Ready to deposit and trade for real?","-1208519001":"You need a real Deriv account to access the cashier.","-715867914":"Successfully deposited","-1271218821":"Account added","-197631101":"Your funds will be available for trading once the verification of your account is complete.","-1136592936":"Accept updated terms and conditions","-1174803266":"Accept now","-835056719":"We’ve received your documents","-55435892":"We’ll need 1 - 3 days to review your documents and notify you by email. You can practice with demo accounts in the meantime.","-554054753":"Get started","-1916578937":"<0>Explore the exciting new features that your Wallet offers.","-1724438599":"<0>You're almost there!","-32454015":"Select a payment method to make a deposit into your account.<0 />Need help? Contact us via <1>live chat","-310434518":"The email input should not be empty.","-1471705969":"<0>{{title}}: {{trade_type_name}} on {{symbol}}","-1771117965":"Trade opened","-1856112961":"The URL you requested isn’t available","-304807228":"<0>You’re not logged in, or<0>Our services are unavailable in your country.","-1567989247":"Submit your proof of identity and address","-523602297":"Forex majors","-1303090739":"Up to 1:1500","-19213603":"Metals","-1264604378":"Up to 1:1000","-1728334460":"Up to 1:300","-646902589":"(US_30, US_100, US_500)","-149461870":"Forex: standard/exotic","-1995163270":"ETFs","-1328843230":"Financial demo","-2015919746":"Financial - STP","-1132098542":"Gold demo","-659955365":"Swap-Free","-439230021":"CFDs demo","-1269597956":"MT5 Platform","-1302404116":"Maximum leverage","-1647612934":"Spreads from","-941636117":"MetaTrader 5 Linux app","-1434036215":"Demo Financial","-1416247163":"Financial STP","-375309657":"Demo Gold","-1882063886":"Demo CFDs","-1637969571":"Demo Swap-Free","-1347908717":"Demo Financial SVG","-1780324582":"SVG","-705682181":"Malta","-860609405":"Password","-742647506":"Fund transfer","-712681566":"Peer-to-peer exchange","-1267880283":"{{field_name}} is required","-2084509650":"{{field_name}} is not properly formatted.","-1428164691":"Upgrade complete","-1608063228":"Start trading with your new <0>{{platform}} {{type_1}} and <0>{{type_2}} {{eligible_account_to_migrate}} accounts.","-1944156634":"Start trading with your new <0>{{platform}} {{type_1}} {{eligible_account_to_migrate}} account.","-1787052003":"You can manage your existing positions, but you can't start a new trade.","-790488576":"Forgot password?","-476558960":"If you don’t have open positions","-1385484963":"Confirm to change your {{platform}} password","-1990902270":"This will change the password to all of your {{platform}} accounts.","-2104148631":"Commissions apply","-201485855":"Up to","-700260448":"demo","-1922462747":"Trader's hub","-1218651003":"Enter your {{platform}} password to add an {{platform}} {{account}} account.","-1190393389":"Enter your {{platform}} password to add a {{platform}} {{account}} account.","-16858060":"You have a new Deriv MT5 password to log in to your Deriv MT5 accounts on the web and mobile apps.","-1868608634":"Current password","-2092058806":"8 to 16 characters","-2051033705":"A special character such as ( _ @ ? ! / # )","-1762249687":"A lowercase letter","-2034549226":"You are adding your {{platform}} {{product}} account under {{company}}.","-1449526710":"Create an {{platform_name}} account","-610575301":"Add an {{platform_name}} account","-184453418":"Enter your {{platform}} password","-2057918502":"Hint: You may have entered your Deriv password, which is different from your {{platform}} password.","-1769158315":"real","-267598687":"Congratulations, you have successfully created your <0/>{{category}} {{platform}} {{type}} account. To start trading, <1 />transfer funds <2 />from your Deriv account into this account.","-1475660820":"Your Deriv MT5 {{type}} account is ready. ","-1184248732":"Congratulations, you have successfully created your <0/>{{category}} {{platform}} {{type}} account. ","-1928229820":"Reset Deriv X investor password","-1969916895":"Your password must contain between 8-16 characters that include uppercase and lowercase letters, and at least one number and special character ( _ @ ? ! / # ).","-1087845020":"main","-1950683866":"investor","-1150741791":"To continue, provide the required information in the Personal details section.","-588451627":"Undergoing server maintenance","-1874242353":"Fund top up","-89838213":"You can top up your demo account with an additional <0> if your balance is <1> or less.","-1211122723":"{{ platform }} {{ account_title }} account","-78895143":"Current balance","-149993085":"New current balance","-1615126227":"Manage up to {{max_count}} Deriv cTrader accounts. While you can convert any of your Deriv cTrader accounts into a strategy account, please take note of the following:","-1547739386":"To ensure you can always create and manage strategies with fees, <0>keep at least one account free from being a strategy provider. This way, you’ll always have an account ready for collecting fees, allowing you to have up to four strategies where you may impose fees.","-2145356061":"Download Deriv X on your phone to trade with the Deriv X account","-1547458328":"Run cTrader on your browser","-747382643":"Get another cTrader account","-1986258847":"Server maintenance starts at 01:00 GMT every Sunday, and this process may take up to 2 hours to complete. Service may be disrupted during this time.","-499504077":"Choose a cTrader account to transfer","-251202291":"Broker","-678964540":"to","-206829624":"(1:x)","-616293830":"Enjoy dynamic leverage of <0>up to 1:1500 when trading selected instruments in the forex, commodities, cryptocurrencies, and stock indices markets. Our dynamic leverage adjusts automatically to your trading position, based on asset type and trading volume.","-2042845290":"Your investor password has been changed.","-1882295407":"Your password has been changed.","-254497873":"Use this password to grant viewing access to another user. While they may view your trading account, they will not be able to trade or take any other actions.","-161656683":"Current investor password","-374736923":"New investor password","-1793894323":"Create or reset investor password","-918069465":"Account unavailable","-643795646":"Create a password for your {{platform}} account:","-1593684005":"This password works for all your Deriv MT5 accounts.","-417711545":"Create account","-637537305":"Download {{ platform }} on your phone to trade with the {{ platform }} {{ account }} account","-964130856":"{{existing_account_title}}","-879259635":"Enter your Deriv MT5 password to upgrade your account(s).","-361998267":"We've introduced additional password requirements to increase your account security. Your password should:","-996995493":"Be between 8 to 16 characters.","-219163415":"Contain at least one special character.","-1446636186":"By clicking on <0>Next you agree to move your {{platform}} {{type_1}} and {{type_2}} {{from_account}} account(s) under Deriv {{account_to_migrate}} Ltd’s <1>terms and conditions.","-1766387013":"Upgrade your MT5 account(s)","-990927225":"Enter your Deriv MT5 password","-1486399361":"Trade with MT5 mobile app","-301350824":"Note: Don't have the MT5 app? Tap the <0>Trade with MT5 mobile app button to download. Once you have\n installed the app, return to this screen and hit the same button to log in.","-648956272":"Use this password to log in to your Deriv X accounts on the web and mobile apps.","-1814308691":"Please click on the link in the email to change your {{platform}} password.","-601303096":"Scan the QR code to download Deriv {{ platform }}.","-1357917360":"Web terminal","-1282933308":"Not {{barrier}}","-968190634":"Equals {{barrier}}","-1747377543":"Under {{barrier}}","-256210543":"Trading is unavailable at this time.","-1418742026":"Higher barrier must be higher than lower barrier.","-92007689":"Lower barrier must be lower than higher barrier.","-1095538960":"Please enter the start time in the format \"HH:MM\".","-1975910372":"Minute must be between 0 and 59.","-866277689":"Expiry time cannot be in the past.","-1455298001":"Now","-1150099396":"We’re working to have this available for you soon. If you have another account, switch to that account to continue trading. You may add a Deriv MT5 Financial.","-28115241":"{{platform_name_trader}} is not available for this account","-453920758":"Go to {{platform_name_mt5}} dashboard","-402175529":"History","-1013917510":"The reset time is {{ reset_time }}","-925402280":"Indicative low spot","-1075414250":"High spot","-902712434":"Deal cancellation","-988484646":"Deal cancellation (executed)","-444882676":"Deal cancellation (active)","-13423018":"Reference ID","-1371082433":"Reset barrier","-1402197933":"Reset time","-2035315547":"Low barrier","-1745835713":"Selected tick","-1551639437":"No history","-1214703885":"You have yet to update either take profit or stop loss","-504849554":"It will reopen at","-59803288":"In the meantime, try our synthetic indices. They simulate real-market volatility and are open 24/7.","-1278109940":"See open markets","-694105443":"This market is closed","-104603605":"You cannot trade as your documents are still under review. We will notify you by email once your verification is approved.","-439389714":"We’re working on it","-770929448":"Go to {{platform_name_smarttrader}}","-347156282":"Submit Proof","-138538812":"Log in or create a free account to place a trade.","-2036388794":"Create free account","-1813736037":"No further trading is allowed on this contract type for the current trading session. For more info, refer to our <0>terms and conditions.","-1043795232":"Recent positions","-153220091":"{{display_value}} Tick","-802374032":"Hour","-1700010072":"This feature is unavailable for tick intervals. Switch to minutes, hours, or days.","-2017825013":"Got it","-112444942":"History of tick counts","-1145293111":"This market will reopen at","-1782608357":"Starts on {{formatted_date}}, {{formatted_time}}","-1341681145":"When this is active, you can cancel your trade within the chosen time frame. Your stake will be returned without loss.","-2069438609":"No matches found","-647454892":"No closed positions","-1474415836":"Your closed positions will be shown here.","-576924961":"Your open positions will appear here.","-225500551":"Entry & exit details","-1022682526":"Your favourite markets will appear here.","-232254547":"Custom","-1251526905":"Last 7 days","-1539223392":"Last 90 days","-1123299427":"Your stake will continue to grow as long as the current spot price remains within a specified <0>range from the <1>previous spot price. Otherwise, you lose your stake and the trade is terminated.","-1052279158":"Your <0>payout is the sum of your initial stake and profit.","-274058583":"<0>Take profit is an additional feature that lets you manage your risk by automatically closing the trade when your profit reaches the target amount. This feature is unavailable for ongoing accumulator contracts.","-1819891401":"You can close your trade anytime. However, be aware of <0>slippage risk.","-859589563":"If you select “<0>Odd”, you will win the payout if the last digit of the last tick is an odd number (i.e. 1, 3, 5, 7, or 9).","-1911850849":"If the exit spot is equal to the barrier, you don’t win the payout.","-618782785":"Use multipliers to leverage your potential returns. Predict if the asset price will move upward (bullish) or downward (bearish). We’ll charge a commission when you open a multipliers trade.","-565391674":"If you select \"<0>Up\", your total profit/loss will be the percentage increase in the underlying asset price, times the multiplier and stake, minus commissions.","-2132756399":"Additional features are available to manage your positions: <0>Take profit, <1>Stop loss and <2>Deal cancellation allow you to adjust your level of risk aversion.","-1158764468":"If you select “<0>Over”, you will win the payout if the last digit of the last tick is greater than your prediction.","-1268105691":"If you select “<0>Under”, you will win the payout if the last digit of the last tick is less than your prediction.","-444119935":"If you select \"<0>Rise\", you win the payout if the exit spot is strictly higher than the entry spot.","-521457890":"If you select “<0>Touch”, you win the payout if the market touches the barrier at any time during the contract period.","-1020271578":"If you select “<0>Down”, you’ll earn a payout if the spot price never rises above the barrier.","-403573339":"Your payout is equal to the <0>payout per point multiplied by the difference between the <1>final price and the barrier. You will only earn a profit if your payout is higher than your initial stake.","-1307465836":"You may sell the contract up to 15 seconds before expiry. If you do, we’ll pay you the <0>contract value.","-1121315439":"Vanilla options allow you to predict an upward (bullish) or downward (bearish) direction of the underlying asset by purchasing a “Call” or a “Put”.","-1763848396":"Put","-1119872505":"How to trade ","-586636553":"Watch this video to learn about this trade type.","-792197750":"Added to favourites","-197162398":"CLOSED","-782722116":"Swipe up to see the chart","-1125490130":"Welcome to the new Deriv Trader","-463202424":"Enjoy a smoother, more intuitive trading experience. Here’s a quick tour to get you started.","-1200840210":"Let's begin","-1217860832":"Scroll left or right to explore trade types.","-1000472682":"Choose a market (2/6)","-1648147161":"Open your trade (3/6)","-1848076051":"Track market trends with our interactive charts.","-208907003":"Scroll left or right to adjust your trade parameters.","-1300707192":"Pin, rearrange, or remove your favorite trade types for easy access.","-1913695340":"Order Details","-1882287418":"How do I earn a payout?","-1331298683":"Take profit can’t be adjusted for ongoing accumulator contracts.","-694027125":"take profit","-1302593482":"Please enter a {{field_label}} amount.","-426023176":"Please enter a {{field_label}} amount that's at least {{min_value}}.","-774366508":"Maximum {{field_label}} allowed is {{max_value}}.","-376450619":"An error occurred.","-843831637":"Stop loss","-509210647":"Try searching for something else.","-99964540":"When your profit reaches or exceeds the set amount, your trade will be closed automatically.","-542594338":"Max. payout","-2062696378":"Above spot:","-1858102926":"Barrier set below spot price.","-635746838":"Below spot","-1838512476":"Pick an end time","-1977959027":"hours","-591705950":"Ends on","-1855256857":"h","-1585766960":"min","-1013686843":"Current time","-1068424721":"Max duration","-718750246":"Your stake will grow at {{growth_rate}}% per tick as long as the current spot price remains within ±{{tick_size_barrier_percentage}} from the previous spot price.","-339236213":"Multiplier","-1626578728":"Deal cancellation fee","-240829052":"{{date}} at {{timestamp}}","-732683018":"When your profit reaches or exceeds this amount, your trade will be closed automatically.","-732856313":"TP & SL","-471757681":"Risk management","-1954917999":"Acceptable range: {{min_value}} to {{max_value}} {{currency}}","-1024650723":"Note: Cannot be adjusted for ongoing accumulator contracts.","-1942828391":"Max payout","-1358367903":"Stake","-525327031":"Payout per point:","-380456342":"It is the price where you can start receiving a payout from an option.","-1853307892":"Set your trade","-494149423":"Pinned","-1612346919":"View all","-1221049974":"Final price","-583023237":"This is the resale value of your contract, based on the prevailing market conditions (e.g, the current spot), including additional commissions if any.","-1476381873":"The latest asset price when the trade closure is processed by our servers.","-584445859":"This is when your contract will expire based on the duration or end time you’ve selected. If the duration is more than 24 hours, the cut-off time and expiry date will apply instead.","-1247327943":"This is the spot price of the last tick at expiry.","-1422269966":"You can choose a growth rate with values of 1%, 2%, 3%, 4%, and 5%.","-1186791513":"Payout is the sum of your initial stake and profit.","-1482134885":"We calculate this based on the strike price and duration you’ve selected.","-1682624802":"It is a percentage of the previous spot price. The percentage rate is based on your choice of the index and the growth rate.","-1545819495":"Your trade will be closed automatically at the nearest available asset price when your loss reaches a certain percentage of your stake, but your loss never exceeds your stake. This percentage depends on the chosen underlying asset and the Multiplier.","-1293590531":"If you select “Call”, you’ll earn a payout if the final price is above the strike price at expiry. Otherwise, you won’t receive a payout.","-1432332852":"If you select ‘Put”, you’ll earn a payout if the final price is below the strike price at expiry. Otherwise, you won’t receive a payout.","-468501352":"If you select this feature, your trade will be closed automatically at the nearest available asset price when your profit reaches or exceeds the take profit amount. Your profit may be more than the amount you entered depending on the market price at closing.","-1952134215":"TP and SL have been turned off.","-1541404572":"TP has been turned off.","-1634963573":"SL has been turned off.","-337314714":"days","-123659792":"Vanillas","-1226595254":"Turbos","-922253974":"Rise/Fall","-1361254291":"Higher/Lower","-1691868913":"Touch/No Touch","-330437517":"Matches/Differs","-657360193":"Over/Under","-231957809":"Win maximum payout if the exit spot is higher than or equal to the upper barrier.","-464144986":"Win maximum payout if the exit spot is lower than or equal to the lower barrier.","-1031456093":"Win up to maximum payout if exit spot is between lower and upper barrier, in proportion to the difference between upper barrier and exit spot.","-968162707":"No payout if exit spot is above or equal to the upper barrier.","-2089488446":"If you select \"Ends Between\", you win the payout if the exit spot is strictly higher than the Low barrier AND strictly lower than the High barrier.","-1876950330":"If you select \"Ends Outside\", you win the payout if the exit spot is EITHER strictly higher than the High barrier, OR strictly lower than the Low barrier.","-546460677":"If the exit spot is equal to either the Low barrier or the High barrier, you don't win the payout.","-1929209278":"If you select \"Even\", you will win the payout if the last digit of the last tick is an even number (i.e., 2, 4, 6, 8, or 0).","-2038865615":"If you select \"Odd\", you will win the payout if the last digit of the last tick is an odd number (i.e., 1, 3, 5, 7, or 9).","-1959473569":"If you select \"Lower\", you win the payout if the exit spot is strictly lower than the barrier.","-1350745673":"If the exit spot is equal to the barrier, you don't win the payout.","-93996528":"By purchasing the \"Close-to-Low\" contract, you'll win the multiplier times the difference between the close and low over the duration of the contract.","-420387848":"The high is the highest point ever reached by the market during the contract period.","-1722190480":"By purchasing the \"High-to-Low\" contract, you'll win the multiplier times the difference between the high and low over the duration of the contract.","-1281286610":"If you select \"Matches\", you will win the payout if the last digit of the last tick is the same as your prediction.","-1113825265":"Additional features are available to manage your positions: “<0>Take profit” and “<0>Stop loss” allow you to adjust your level of risk aversion.","-1104397398":"Additional features are available to manage your positions: “<0>Take profit”, “<0>Stop loss” and “<0>Deal cancellation” allow you to adjust your level of risk aversion.","-1272255095":"If the exit spot is equal to the barrier or the new barrier (if a reset occurs), you don't win the payout.","-1392065699":"If you select \"Rise\", you win the payout if the exit spot is strictly higher than the entry spot.","-1762566006":"If you select \"Fall\", you win the payout if the exit spot is strictly lower than the entry spot.","-1435306976":"If you select \"Allow equals\", you win the payout if exit spot is higher than or equal to entry spot for \"Rise\". Similarly, you win the payout if exit spot is lower than or equal to entry spot for \"Fall\".","-1812957362":"If you select \"Stays Between\", you win the payout if the market stays between (does not touch) either the High barrier or the Low barrier at any time during the contract period","-220379757":"If you select \"Goes Outside\", you win the payout if the market touches either the High barrier or the Low barrier at any time during the contract period.","-299450697":"If you select \"High Tick\", you win the payout if the selected tick is the highest among the next five ticks.","-1416078023":"If you select \"Touch\", you win the payout if the market touches the barrier at any time during the contract period.","-1565216130":"If you select <0>\"Up\", you’ll earn a payout if the spot price never drops below the barrier.","-1336860323":"If you select <0>\"Down\", you’ll earn a payout if the spot price never rises above the barrier.","-351875097":"Number of ticks","-729830082":"View less","-1649593758":"Trade info","-1382749084":"Go back to trading","-1652791614":"mins","-442488432":"day","-1435392215":"About deal cancellation","-1192773792":"Don't show this again","-771725194":"Deal Cancellation","-1669741470":"The payout at expiry is equal to the payout per point multiplied by the difference between the final price and the strike price.","-65178968":"The amount you will receive at expiry for every point of change above the barrier.","-1419311086":"Payout per Point","-1636919806":"You will receive a payout at expiry if the spot price never breaches the barrier throughout the contract duration. Otherwise, your contract will be terminated early.","-1775944645":"Distance to current spot:","-1790089996":"NEW!","-253521386":"This is the spot price of the last tick at expiry, i.e. the exit spot.","-1890561510":"Cut-off time","-878534036":"If you select \"Call\", you’ll earn a payout if the final price is above the strike price at expiry. Otherwise, you won’t receive a payout.","-1587076792":"If you select \"Put\", you’ll earn a payout if the final price is below the strike price at expiry. Otherwise, you won’t receive a payout.","-565990678":"Your contract will expire on this date (in GMT), based on the End time you’ve selected.","-477936848":"We use next-tick-execution mechanism, which is the next asset price when the trade opening is processed by our servers.","-148680560":"Spot price of the last tick upon reaching expiry.","-1123926839":"Contracts will expire at exactly 14:00:00 GMT on your selected expiry date.","-1904828224":"We’ll offer to buy your contract at this price should you choose to sell it before its expiry. This is based on several factors, such as the current spot price, duration, etc. However, we won’t offer a contract value if the remaining duration is below 24 hours.","-127118348":"Choose {{contract_type}}","-543478618":"Try checking your spelling or use a different term","-338707425":"Minimum duration is 1 day","-1003473648":"Duration: {{duration}} day","-700280380":"Deal cancel. fee","-8998663":"Digit: {{last_digit}} ","-690963898":"Your contract will be automatically closed when your payout reaches this amount.","-511541916":"Your contract will be automatically closed upon reaching this number of ticks.","-438655760":"<0>Note: You can close your trade anytime. Be aware of slippage risk.","-774638412":"Stake must be between {{min_stake}} {{currency}} and {{max_stake}} {{currency}}","-434270664":"Current Price","-1956787775":"Barrier Price:","-1513281069":"Barrier 2","-390994177":"Should be between {{min}} and {{max}}","-1231210510":"Tick","-2055106024":"Toggle between advanced and simple duration settings","-1012793015":"End time","-1804019534":"Expiry: {{date}}","-2037881712":"Your contract will be closed automatically at the next available asset price on <0>.","-629549519":"Commission <0/>","-2131859340":"Stop out <0/>","-1686280757":"<0>{{commission_percentage}}% of (<1/> * {{multiplier}})","-989393637":"Take profit can't be adjusted after your contract starts.","-194424366":"above","-857660728":"Strike Prices","-1572548510":"Ups & Downs","-71301554":"Ins & Outs","-952298801":"Look Backs","-763273340":"Digits","-420223912":"Clean up Blocks","-301596978":"Collapse Blocks","-2002533437":"Custom function","-215053350":"with:","-1257232389":"Specify a parameter name:","-1885742588":"with: ","-188442606":"function {{ function_name }} {{ function_params }} {{ dummy }}","-313112159":"This block is similar to the one above, except that this returns a value. The returned value can be assigned to a variable of your choice.","-1783320173":"Prematurely returns a value within a function","-1485521724":"Conditional return","-1482801393":"return","-46453136":"get","-1838027177":"first","-1182568049":"Get list item","-1675454867":"This block gives you the value of a specific item in a list, given the position of the item. It can also remove the item from the list.","-381501912":"This block creates a list of items from an existing list, using specific item positions.","-426766796":"Get sub-list","-1679267387":"in list {{ input_list }} find {{ first_or_last }} occurence of item {{ input_value }}","-2087996855":"This block gives you the position of an item in a given list.","-422008824":"Checks if a given list is empty","-1343887675":"This block checks if a given list is empty. It returns “True” if the list is empty, “False” if otherwise.","-1548407578":"length of {{ input_list }}","-1786976254":"This block gives you the total number of items in a given list.","-2113424060":"create list with item {{ input_item }} repeated {{ number }} times","-1955149944":"Repeat an item","-434887204":"set","-197957473":"as","-851591741":"Set list item","-1874774866":"ascending","-1457178757":"Sorts the items in a given list","-350986785":"Sort list","-324118987":"make text from list","-155065324":"This block creates a list from a given string of text, splitting it with the given delimiter. It can also join items in a list into a string of text.","-459051222":"Create list from text","-977241741":"List Statement","-451425933":"{{ break_or_continue }} of loop","-323735484":"continue with next iteration","-1592513697":"Break out/continue","-713658317":"for each item {{ variable }} in list {{ input_list }}","-1825658540":"Iterates through a given list","-952264826":"repeat {{ number }} times","-887757135":"Repeat (2)","-1608672233":"This block is similar to the block above, except that the number of times it repeats is determined by a given variable.","-533154446":"Repeat (1)","-1059826179":"while","-1893063293":"until","-279445533":"Repeat While/Until","-1003706492":"User-defined variable","-359097473":"set {{ variable }} to {{ value }}","-1588521055":"Sets variable value","-980448436":"Set variable","-1538570345":"Get the last trade information and result, then trade again.","-222725327":"Here is where you can decide if your bot should continue trading.","-1638446329":"Result is {{ win_or_loss }}","-1968029988":"Last trade result","-1588406981":"You can check the result of the last trade with this block.","-1459154781":"Contract Details: {{ contract_detail }}","-1652241017":"Reads a selected property from contract details list","-985351204":"Trade again","-2082345383":"These blocks transfer control to the Purchase conditions block.","-172574065":"This block will transfer the control back to the Purchase conditions block, enabling you to purchase another contract.","-403103225":"restart","-837044282":"Ask Price {{ contract_type }}","-1033917049":"This block returns the purchase price for the selected trade type.","-1863737684":"2. Purchase conditions","-228133740":"Specify contract type and purchase conditions.","-1098726473":"This block is mandatory. Only one copy of this block is allowed. You can place the Purchase block (see below) here as well as conditional blocks to define your purchase conditions.","-1777988407":"Payout {{ contract_type }}","-511116341":"This block returns the potential payout for the selected trade type","-1943211857":"Potential payout","-1738427539":"Purchase","-813464969":"buy","-53668380":"True if active contract can be sold before expiration at current market price","-43337012":"Sell profit/loss","-2112866691":"Returns the profit/loss from selling at market price","-2132417588":"This block gives you the potential profit or loss if you decide to sell your contract.","-1360483055":"set {{ variable }} to Bollinger Bands {{ band_type }} {{ dummy }}","-20542296":"Calculates Bollinger Bands (BB) from a list with a period","-1951109427":"Bollinger Bands (BB)","-857226052":"BB is a technical analysis indicator that’s commonly used by traders. The idea behind BB is that the market price stays within the upper and lower bands for 95% of the time. The bands are the standard deviations of the market price, while the line in the middle is a simple moving average line. If the price reaches either the upper or lower band, there’s a possibility of a trend reversal.","-325196350":"set {{ variable }} to Bollinger Bands Array {{ band_type }} {{ dummy }}","-199689794":"Similar to BB. This block gives you a choice of returning the values of either the lower band, higher band, or the SMA line in the middle.","-920690791":"Calculates Exponential Moving Average (EMA) from a list with a period","-960641587":"EMA is a type of moving average that places more significance on the most recent data points. It’s also known as the exponentially weighted moving average. EMA is different from SMA in that it reacts more significantly to recent price changes.","-1557584784":"set {{ variable }} to Exponential Moving Average Array {{ dummy }}","-32333344":"Calculates Moving Average Convergence Divergence (MACD) from a list","-628573413":"MACD is calculated by subtracting the long-term EMA (26 periods) from the short-term EMA (12 periods). If the short-term EMA is greater or lower than the long-term EMA than there’s a possibility of a trend reversal.","-1133676960":"Fast EMA Period {{ input_number }}","-883166598":"Period {{ input_period }}","-450311772":"set {{ variable }} to Relative Strength Index {{ dummy }}","-1861493523":"Calculates Relative Strength Index (RSI) list from a list of values with a period","-880048629":"Calculates Simple Moving Average (SMA) from a list with a period","-1150972084":"Market direction","-276935417":"This block is used to determine if the market price moves in the selected direction or not. It gives you a value of “True” or “False”.","-764931948":"in candle list get # from end {{ input_number }}","-924607337":"Returns the last digit of the latest tick","-560033550":"Returns the list of last digits of 1000 recent tick values","-74062476":"Make a List of {{ candle_property }} values in candles list with interval: {{ candle_interval_type }}","-1556495906":"Returns a list of specific values from a candle list according to selected time interval","-166816850":"Create a list of candle values (1)","-1174859923":"Read the selected candle value","-1972165119":"Read candle value (1)","-322623215":"Current stat list","-1956100732":"You can use this block to analyze the ticks, regardless of your trades","-443243232":"The content of this block is called on every tick. Place this block outside of any root block.","-641399277":"Last Tick","-1628954567":"Returns the value of the last tick","-1332756793":"This block gives you the value of the last tick.","-2134440920":"Last Tick String","-1466340125":"Tick value","-467913286":"Tick value Description","-785831237":"This block gives you a list of the last 1000 tick values.","-1546430304":"Tick List String Description","-1788626968":"Returns \"True\" if the given candle is black","-436010611":"Make a list of {{ candle_property }} values from candles list {{ candle_list }}","-1384340453":"Returns a list of specific values from a given candle list","-584859539":"Create a list of candle values (2)","-2010558323":"Read {{ candle_property }} value in candle {{ input_candle }}","-2846417":"This block gives you the selected candle value.","-1587644990":"Read candle value (2)","-1202212732":"This block returns account balance","-1737837036":"Account balance","-1963883840":"Put your blocks in here to prevent them from being removed","-1284013334":"Use this block if you want some instructions to be ignored when your bot runs. Instructions within this block won’t be executed.","-1217253851":"Log","-1987568069":"Warn","-104925654":"Console","-1956819233":"This block displays messages in the developer's console with an input that can be either a string of text, a number, boolean, or an array of data.","-1450461842":"Load block from URL: {{ input_url }}","-1088614441":"Loads blocks from URL","-1747943728":"Loads from URL","-1008209188":"Sends a message to Telegram","-1218671372":"Displays a notification and optionally play selected sound","-2099284639":"This block gives you the total profit/loss of your trading strategy since your bot started running. You can reset this by clicking “Clear stats” on the Transaction Stats window, or by refreshing this page in your browser.","-683825404":"Total Profit String","-718220730":"Total Profit String Description","-1861858493":"Number of runs","-264195345":"Returns the number of runs","-303451917":"This block gives you the total number of times your bot has run. You can reset this by clicking “Clear stats” on the Transaction Stats window, or by refreshing this page in your browser.","-2132861129":"Conversion Helper Block","-74095551":"Seconds Since Epoch","-15528039":"Returns the number of seconds since January 1st, 1970","-729807788":"This block returns the number of seconds since January 1st, 1970.","-1467024744":"Run the blocks inside after a given number of ticks","-173765342":"This block delays execution for a given number of ticks. You can place any blocks within this block. The execution of other blocks in your strategy will be paused until the instructions in this block are carried out.","-1370107306":"{{ dummy }} {{ stack_input }} Run after {{ number }} second(s)","-558838192":"Delayed run","-1975250999":"This block converts the number of seconds since the Unix Epoch (1 January 1970) into a string of text representing the date and time.","-702370957":"Convert to date/time","-982729677":"Convert to timestamp","-311268215":"This block converts a string of text that represents the date and time into seconds since the Unix Epoch (1 January 1970). The time and time zone offset are optional. Example: 2019-01-01 21:03:45 GMT+0800 will be converted to 1546347825.","-1374685318":"Your contract is closed automatically when your loss is more than or equals to this amount. This block can only be used with the multipliers trade type.","-1797602591":"Stop Loss: {{ currency }} {{ stop_loss }}","-1214929127":"Stop loss must be a positive number.","-1626615625":"Take Profit (Multiplier)","-1871944173":"Accumulator trade options","-625636913":"Amount must be a positive number.","-780745489":"If the contract type is “Both”, then the Purchase Conditions should include both Rise and Fall using the “Conditional Block\"","-2142851225":"Multiplier trade options","-1466383897":"Duration: {{ duration_unit }} {{ duration_value }}","-440702280":"Trade options","-1193894978":"Define your trade options such as duration and stake. Some options are only applicable for certain trade types.","-46523443":"Duration value is not allowed. To run the bot, please enter a value between {{min}} to {{max}}.","-1483427522":"Trade Type: {{ trade_type_category }} > {{ trade_type }}","-323348124":"1. Trade parameters","-1671903503":"Run once at start:","-783173909":"Trade options:","-376956832":"Here is where you define the parameters of your contract.","-1244007240":"if {{ condition }} then","-1577206704":"else if","-33796979":"true","-1434883449":"This is a single block that returns a boolean value, either true or false.","-1946404450":"Compares two values","-979918560":"This block converts the boolean value (true or false) to its opposite.","-2047257743":"Null","-1274387519":"Performs selected logic operation","-766386234":"This block performs the \"AND\" or the \"OR\" logic operation.","-790995537":"test {{ condition }}","-1860211657":"if false {{ return_value }}","-1643760249":"This block tests if a given value is true or false and returns “True” or “False” accordingly.","-1551875333":"Test value","-52486882":"Arithmetical operations","-1010436425":"This block adds the given number to the selected variable","-999773703":"Change variable","-1272091683":"Mathematical constants","-1396629894":"constrain {{ number }} low {{ low_number }} high {{ high_number }}","-425224412":"This block constrains a given number so that it is within a set range.","-2072551067":"Constrain within a range","-43523220":"remainder of {{ number1 }} ÷ {{ number2 }}","-1291857083":"Returns the remainder after a division","-592154850":"Remainder after division","-736665095":"Returns the remainder after the division of the given numbers.","-1266992960":"Math Number Description","-77191651":"{{ number }} is {{ type }}","-817881230":"even","-142319891":"odd","-1000789681":"whole","-1735674752":"Test a number","-1017805068":"This block tests a given number according to the selection and it returns a value of “True” or “False”. Available options: Even, Odd, Prime, Whole, Positive, Negative, Divisible","-1858332062":"Number","-1053492479":"Enter an integer or fractional number into this block. Please use `.` as a decimal separator for fractional numbers.","-927097011":"sum","-1653202295":"max","-1555878023":"average","-1748351061":"mode","-992067330":"Aggregate operations","-1691561447":"This block gives you a random fraction between 0.0 to 1.0","-523625686":"Random fraction number","-933024508":"Rounds a given number to an integer","-1656927862":"This block rounds a given number according to the selection: round, round up, round down.","-1495304618":"absolute","-61210477":"Operations on a given number","-181644914":"This block performs the selected operations to a given number.","-840732999":"to {{ variable }} append text {{ input_text }}","-1469497908":"Appends a given text to a variable","-1851366276":"Text Append","-1666316828":"Appends a given text to a variable.","-1902332770":"Transform {{ input_text }} to {{ transform_type }}","-1489004405":"Title Case","-904432685":"Changes text case accordingly","-882381096":"letter #","-1027605069":"letter # from end","-2066990284":"random letter","-337089610":"in text {{ input_text1 }} find {{ first_or_last }} occurence of text {{ input_text2 }}","-1966694141":"Searches through a string of text for a specific occurrence of a given character or word, and returns the position.","-697543841":"Text join","-141160667":"length of {{ input_text }}","-1133072029":"Text String Length","-1109723338":"print {{ input_text }}","-736668830":"Print","-1631669591":"string","-1768939692":"number","-1821552998":"trim spaces from {{ side }} of {{ input_text }}","-801766026":"right side","-474779821":"Trims spaces","-1750478127":"New variable name","-2047029150":"Unable to load the block file.","-1410769167":"Target must be an XML file","-609157479":"This URL is already loaded","-260939264":"Collapsed","-894560707":"function","-1867119688":"Duplicate","-1710107207":"Add Comment","-1549535410":"Remove Comment","-958601558":"Delete Block","-241945454":"Proposals are not ready","-1087890592":"Maximum loss amount reached","-1030545878":"You are rate limited for: {{ message_type }}, retrying in {{ delay }}s (ID: {{ request }})","-490766438":"You are disconnected, retrying in {{ delay }}s","-339973827":"The market is closed","-1389975609":"unknown","-1900515692":"Duration must be a positive integer","-245297595":"Please login","-1445046468":"Given candle is not valid","-1891622945":"{{hourPast}}h ago","-1919680487":"workspace","-1703118772":"The {{block_type}} block is misplaced from {{missing_space}}.","-1785726890":"purchase conditions","-1993203952":"Trade options accumulators","-461955353":"purchase price","-172348735":"profit","-1624674721":"contract type","-1644154369":"entry spot time","-510792478":"entry spot price","-1974651308":"exit spot time","-1600267387":"exit spot price","-514917720":"barrier","-1072292603":"No Change","-795152863":"green","-1640576332":"blue","-804983649":"yellow","-94281841":"red","-1242470654":"Earned money","-137444201":"Buy","-841561409":"Put Spread","-1429914047":"Low","-1893628957":"Open Time","-1896106455":"10 minutes","-999492762":"15 minutes","-1978767852":"30 minutes","-293628675":"1 hour","-385604445":"2 hours","-1965813351":"4 hours","-525321833":"1 day","-151151292":"Asians","-1048378719":"Reset Call/Reset Put","-1282312809":"High/Low Ticks","-1237186896":"Only Ups/Only Downs","-529846150":"Seconds","-1635771697":"middle","-1529389221":"Histogram","-1819860668":"MACD","-1750896349":"D'Alembert","-102980621":"The Oscar's Grind Strategy is a low-risk positive progression strategy that first appeared in 1965. By using this strategy, the size of your contract will increase after successful trades, but remains unchanged after unsuccessful trades.","-280147477":"All transactions","-130601012":"Please select duration","-1577570698":"Start date","-1904030160":"Transaction performed by (App ID: {{app_id}})","-1876891031":"Currency","-513103225":"Transaction time","-2066666313":"Credit/Debit","-1981004241":"Sell time","-1196431745":"Contract cost","-3423966":"Take profit<0 />Stop loss","-1131753095":"The {{trade_type_name}} contract details aren't currently available. We're working on making them available soon.","-360975483":"You've made no transactions of this type during this period.","-507216312":"CFDs on financial and derived instruments, powered by TradingView.","-1715390759":"I want to do this later","-56163366":"I don't have any of these","-2082644096":"Current stake","-335816381":"Ends In/Ends Out","-1789807039":"Asian Up/Asian Down","-558031309":"High Tick/Low Tick","-447037544":"Buy price:","-737348236":"Contract cost:","-1694314813":"Contract value:","-113940416":"Current stake:","-1999539705":"Deal cancel. fee:","-155989831":"Decrement value","-338379841":"Indicative price:","-2027409966":"Initial stake:","-1769852749":"N/A","-726626679":"Potential profit/loss:","-1511825574":"Profit/Loss:","-499175967":"Strike Price","-129307275":"High Barrier","-1818650227":"Deal cancellation fees","-706219815":"Indicative price","-112601585":"executed","-1669418686":"AUD/CAD","-1548588249":"AUD/CHF","-1552890620":"AUD/JPY","-681231560":"AUD/PLN","-64938413":"AUD/USD","-1430522808":"EUR/AUD","-2020477069":"EUR/CAD","-1201853162":"EUR/CHF","-1318070255":"EUR/GBP","-1197505739":"EUR/JPY","-405907358":"EUR/USD","-1536293064":"NZD/JPY","-79700881":"NZD/USD","-642323838":"USD/CAD","-428199705":"USD/CHF","-424108348":"USD/JPY","-548255282":"USD/NOK","-1834131208":"USD/PLN","-524302516":"Silver/USD","-764731776":"Platinum/USD","-853582174":"France 40","-1096386695":"UK 100","-617646862":"Germany 40","-2077690248":"Japan 225","-512194910":"US Tech 100","-381746202":"US 500","-1935463381":"Swiss 20","-1941767726":"Euro 50","-1925264914":"Volatility 25 Index","-708579504":"Volatility 50 Index","-975255670":"Volatility 75 Index","-114010898":"Boom 900 Index","-1736314513":"Crash 300 Index","-342128411":"Crash 500 Index","-770264032":"Crash 600 Index","-9704319":"Crash 1000 Index","-465860988":"Bull Market Index","-280323742":"EUR Basket","-563812039":"Volatility 10 (1s) Index","-82971929":"Volatility 25 (1s) Index","-433962508":"Volatility 75 (1s) Index","-764111252":"Volatility 100 (1s) Index","-816110209":"Volatility 150 (1s) Index","-1374309449":"Volatility 200 (1s) Index","-1288044380":"Volatility 250 (1s) Index","-1164978320":"Jump 10 Index","-575272887":"BCH/USD","-295406873":"BTC/ETH","-1713556301":"ZMR/USD","-2046638412":"XRP/USD","-1263203461":"BTC/USD","-1112522776":"DSH/USD","-460689370":"LTC/USD","-132112961":"Sharkfin","-175164838":"{{seconds_passed}}s ago","-514136557":"{{minutes_passed}}m ago","-1420737287":"{{hours_passed}}h ago","-2092611555":"Sorry, this app is unavailable in your current location.","-1488537825":"If you have an account, log in to continue.","-2079171087":"We're unable to send codes via {{ current_carrier }} right now. Get your code by {{other_carriers}}.","-1366327411":"Code expired. Get a new one.","-987182219":"Try again. You have 1 attempt left.","-227482563":"Code expired. Get a new code.","-1867522447":"Invalid code. Try again or get a new code.","-886317740":"The <0>date of birth on your identity document doesn't match your profile.","-1606307809":"We were unable to verify the identity document with the details provided.","-475787720":"The verification status was empty, rejected for lack of information.","-1627868670":"Your identity document has expired.","-1302288704":"The document’s owner is deceased.","-895884696":"The <0>name and <0>date of birth on your identity document don't match your profile.","-1231856133":"The verification status is not available, provider says: Needs Technical Investigation.","-433687715":"For enhanced security, we need to reverify your identity. Kindly resubmit your proof of identity to unlock your account.","-1637538521":"Your document appears to be invalid.","-876579004":"The name on your document doesn’t match your profile.","-746520172":"Some details on your document appear to be invalid, missing, or unclear.","-2146200521":"The serial number of your document couldn’t be verified.","-1945323197":"Your document appears to be in black and white. Please upload a colour photo of your document.","-631393256":"Your document contains markings or text that should not be on your document.","-609103016":"The image quality of your document is too low. Please provide a hi-res photo of your identity document.","-530935718":"We’re unable to verify the document you provided because some details appear to be missing. Please try again or provide another document.","-1027031626":"We’re unable to verify the document you provided because it appears to be damaged. Please try again or upload another document.","-1671621833":"The front of your document appears to be missing. Please provide both sides of your identity document.","-727588232":"Your document appears to be a scanned copy that contains markings or text that shouldn’t be on your document.","-1435064387":"Your document appears to be a printed copy.","-624316211":"Your document appears to be a photo of a device screen.","-570380023":"Total withdrawal allowed ({{num_of_days}} days).","-1139619402":"Total withdrawn ({{num_of_days}} days)","-521471074":"Total amount you can withdraw over the life of this account.","-387918462":"Total amount you can withdraw over this period.","-1466380443":"Total amount withdrawn since account opening.","-1730384411":"Total amount withdrawn over this period.","-1714959941":"This chart display is not ideal for tick contracts","-1254554534":"Please change the chart duration to tick for a better trading experience.","-1658230823":"Contract was sold for <0 />.","-1905867404":"Contract cancelled"} \ No newline at end of file +{"2082741":"additional document number","2091451":"Deriv Bot - your automated trading partner","3215342":"Last 30 days","3420069":"To avoid delays, enter your <0>name and <0>date of birth exactly as they appear on your identity document.","3939620":"Your proof of identity is under review. We’ll get back to you within 1–3 working days.","4547840":"<0>Verify your account to transfer funds. <1>Verify now","5149403":"Learn more about trade types","7100308":"Hour must be between 0 and 23.","9488203":"Deriv Bot is a web-based strategy builder for trading digital options. It’s a platform where you can build your own automated trading bot using drag-and-drop 'blocks'.","9757544":"Please submit your proof of address","11533428":"Trade bigger positions with less capital on a wide range of global markets. <0>Learn more","11539750":"set {{ variable }} to Relative Strength Index Array {{ dummy }}","11706633":"Loss threshold: The bot will stop trading if your total loss exceeds this amount.","11872052":"Yes, I'll come back later","14365404":"Request failed for: {{ message_type }}, retrying in {{ delay }}s","14874020":"Values cannot be negative. Provided value: {{ input_value }}.","15377251":"Profit amount: {{profit}}","15794287":"Citizenship is required.","17843034":"Check proof of identity document verification status","19424289":"Username","19552684":"USD Basket","21035405":"Please tell us why you’re leaving. (Select up to {{ allowed_reasons }} reasons.)","23745193":"Take me to demo","24900606":"Gold Basket","25854018":"This block displays messages in the developer’s console with an input that can be either a string of text, a number, boolean, or an array of data.","26566655":"Summary","26596220":"Finance","26675702":"Standard demo","27582393":"Example :","27582767":"{{amount}} {{currency}}","27731356":"Your account is temporarily disabled. Please contact us via <0>live chat to enable deposits and withdrawals again.","27830635":"Deriv (V) Ltd","33433576":"Please use an e-wallet to withdraw your funds.","35089987":"Upload the front and back of your driving licence.","40632954":"Why is my card/e-wallet not working?","41737927":"Thank you","44877997":"Residence permit","45453595":"Binary Coin","45821474":"Proof of income","46523711":"Your proof of identity is verified","47525080":"The amount you’ll receive at expiry for every point of change below the barrier.","49404821":"If you buy a \"<0>{{trade_type}}\" option, you receive a payout at expiry if the final price is {{payout_status}} the strike price. Otherwise, your “<0>{{trade_type}}” option will expire worthless.","50717678":"Save the updated strategy for quicker re-imports.","53801223":"Hong Kong 50","53964766":"5. Hit Save to download your bot. You can choose to download your bot to your device or your Google Drive.","54185751":"Less than $100,000","54363400":"We've sent a verification code to <0>{{users_email}}.","55340304":"Keep your current contract?","55916349":"All","57362642":"Closed","58254854":"Scopes","59169515":"If you select \"Asian Rise\", you will win the payout if the last tick is higher than the average of the ticks.","59341501":"Unrecognized file format","62748351":"List Length","63534532":"Enter the code below to verify it's you.","63869411":"This block tests a given number according to the selection","64402604":"Check transfer information","64685615":"<0>Support for multiple trade types with a filter to find strategies by preference.","65185694":"Fiat onramp","65982042":"Total","66519591":"Investor password","66610627":"We were unable to verify your selfie because it’s not clear. Please take a clearer photo and try again. Ensure that there’s enough light where you are and that your entire face is in the frame.","67923436":"No, Deriv Bot will stop running when your web browser is closed.","68885999":"Repeats the previous trade when an error is encountered.","69005593":"The example below restarts trading after 30 or more seconds after 1 minute candle was started.","71016232":"OMG/USD","71180364":"Continue verification","71232823":"Manage funds","71445658":"Open","71563326":"A fast and secure fiat-to-crypto payment service. Deposit cryptocurrencies from anywhere in the world using your credit/debit cards and bank transfers.","71853457":"$100,001 - $500,000","72500774":"Please fill in Tax residence.","73086872":"You have self-excluded from trading","73326375":"The low is the lowest point ever reached by the market during the contract period.","74953206":"Customise","74963864":"Under","76916358":"You have reached the withdrawal limit.<0/>Please upload your proof of identity and address to lift the limit to continue your withdrawal.","76925355":"Check your bot’s performance","77982950":"Vanilla options allow you to predict an upward (bullish) or downward (bearish) direction of the underlying asset by purchasing a \"Call\" or a \"Put\".","81009535":"Potential profit/loss","81091424":"To complete the upgrade, please log out and log in again to add more accounts and make transactions with your Wallets.","81450871":"We couldn’t find that page","82839270":"Upload the page of your passport that contains your photo.","83202647":"Collapse Block","84402478":"Where do I find the blocks I need?","84924586":"To trade options and multipliers, get a Deriv Apps account first.","85343079":"Financial assessment","85359122":"40 or more","85389154":"Steps required to continue verification on your mobile","90266322":"2. Start a chat with your newly created Telegram bot and make sure to send it some messages before proceeding to the next step. (e.g. Hello Bot!)","91993812":"The Martingale Strategy is a classic trading technique that has been used for more than a hundred years, popularised by the French mathematician Paul Pierre Levy in the 18th century.","93154671":"1. Hit Reset at the bottom of stats panel.","96381225":"ID verification failed","98473502":"We’re not obliged to conduct an appropriateness test, nor provide you with any risk warnings.","98972777":"random item","99306476":"Your import failed due to an invalid file. Upload a complete file in XML format.","100239694":"Upload front of card from your computer","102226908":"Field cannot be empty","102929937":"Make sure to copy the Deriv {{currency}} account address above and paste it into your crypto wallet.","105871033":"Your age in the document you provided appears to be below 18 years. We’re only allowed to offer our services to clients above 18 years old, so we’ll need to close your account. If you have a balance in your account, contact us via live chat and we’ll help to withdraw your funds before your account is closed.","107537692":"These limits apply to your options trades only. For example, <0>maximum total loss refers to the losses on all your trades on options trading platforms.","108916570":"Duration: {{duration}} days","109073671":"Please use an e-wallet that you have used for deposits previously. Ensure the e-wallet supports withdrawal. See the list of e-wallets that support withdrawals <0>here.","111215238":"Move away from direct light","111718006":"End date","111931529":"Max. total stake over 7 days","113091401":"Acceptable range: {{min_stake}} to {{max_stake}} {{currency}}","113378532":"ETH/USD","115032488":"Buy price and P/L","116005488":"Indicators","117056711":"We’re updating our site","117318539":"Password should have lower and uppercase English letters with numbers.","117366356":"Turbo options allow you to predict the direction of the underlying asset’s movements.","118727646":"{{new_account_title}}","119261701":"Prediction:","119446122":"Contract type is not selected","120340777":"Complete your personal details","122617359":"View tutorial","122993457":"This is to confirm that it's you making the withdrawal request.","123454801":"{{withdraw_amount}} {{currency_symbol}}","124723298":"Upload a proof of address to verify your address","125443840":"6. Restart last trade on error","125842960":"{{name}} is required.","127307725":"A politically exposed person (PEP) is someone appointed with a prominent public position. Close associates and family members of a PEP are also considered to be PEPs.","129005644":"The idea is that successful trades may recoup previous losses. However, it is crucial to exercise caution as the risk can quickly increase with this strategy. With Deriv Bot, you can minimise your risk by setting a maximum stake. This is an optional risk management feature. Let’s say a maximum stake of 3 USD. If your stake for the next trade is set to exceed 3 USD, your stake will reset to the initial stake of 1 USD. If you didn't set a maximum stake, it would have increased beyond 3 USD.","129137937":"You decide how much and how long to trade. You can take a break from trading whenever you want. This break can be from 6 weeks to 5 years. When it’s over, you can extend it or resume trading after a 24-hour cooling-off period. If you don’t want to set a specific limit, leave the field empty.","130567238":"THEN","132596476":"In providing our services to you, we are required to ask you for some information to assess if a given product or service is appropriate for you and whether you have the experience and knowledge to understand the risks involved.<0/><0/>","132689841":"Trade on web terminal","133523018":"Please go to the Deposit page to get an address.","133536621":"and","133655768":"Note: If you wish to learn more about the Bot Builder, you can proceed to the <0>Tutorials tab.","134126193":"Try searching for markets or keywords","135698857":"<0>Follow these steps to smoothly transfer your strategies:","136790425":"Try changing or removing filters to view available positions.","137589354":"To assess your trading experience and if our products are suitable for you. Please provide accurate and complete answers, as they may affect the outcome of this assessment.","138055021":"Synthetic indices","139454343":"Confirm my limits","141265840":"Funds transfer information","141626595":"Make sure your device has a working camera","142050447":"set {{ variable }} to create text with","142075981":"Direct access to market prices.","142390699":"Connected to your mobile","143970826":"Payment problems?","145511192":"s is the initial stake.","145633981":"Unavailable as your documents are still under review","145736466":"Take a selfie","147091073":"This block gives you the Current Stat value.","147327552":"No favourites","150156106":"Save changes","150486954":"Token name","151279367":"2. Set the Purchase conditions. In this example, your bot will purchase a Rise contract when it starts and after a contract closes.","151646545":"Unable to read file {{name}}","152120783":"Attention: tUSDT deposit address change","152415091":"Math","152524253":"Trade the world’s markets with our popular user-friendly platform.","154274415":"The payout at expiry is equal to the payout per point multiplied by the distance between the final price and the barrier.","157593038":"random integer from {{ start_number }} to {{ end_number }}","157871994":"Link expired","158355408":"Some services may be temporarily unavailable.","160746023":"Tether as an Omni token (USDT) is a version of Tether that is hosted on the Omni layer on the Bitcoin blockchain.","160760697":"I confirm and accept {{company}} 's <0>terms and conditions","160863687":"Camera not detected","164112826":"This block allows you to load blocks from a URL if you have them stored on a remote server, and they will be loaded only when your bot runs.","164564432":"Deposits are temporarily unavailable due to system maintenance. You can make your deposits when the maintenance is complete.","165294347":"Please set your country of residence in your account settings to access the cashier.","165312615":"Continue on phone","165682516":"If you don’t mind sharing, which other trading platforms do you use?","167094229":"• Current stake: Use this variable to store the stake amount. You can assign any amount you want, but it must be a positive number.","170185684":"Ignore","170244199":"I’m closing my account for other reasons.","171307423":"Recovery","171579918":"Go to Self-exclusion","171638706":"Variables","173991459":"We’re sending your request to the blockchain.","174793462":"Strike","176319758":"Max. total stake over 30 days","176654019":"$100,000 - $250,000","177099483":"Your address verification is pending, and we’ve placed some restrictions on your account. The restrictions will be lifted once your address is verified.","177467242":"Define your trade options such as accumulator and stake. This block can only be used with the accumulator trade type. If you select another trade type, this block will be replaced with the Trade options block.","179083332":"Date","181346014":"Notes ","181881956":"Contract Type: {{ contract_type }}","184024288":"lower case","185142749":"Price","189111473":"Mark all as read","189705706":"This block uses the variable \"i\" to control the iterations. With each iteration, the value of \"i\" is determined by the items in a given list.","189759358":"Creates a list by repeating a given item","190834737":"Guide","191372501":"Accumulation of Income/Savings","192436105":"No need for symbols, digits, or uppercase letters","192573933":"Verification complete","195972178":"Get character","196810983":"If the duration is more than 24 hours, the Cut-off time and Expiry date will apply instead.","197190401":"Expiry date","201016731":"<0>View more","201091938":"30 days","203271702":"Try again","203297887":"The Quick Strategy you just created will be loaded to the workspace.","203337807":"<0>Utility bill: Electricity, water, gas, or landline phone bill.","203924654":"Hit the <0>Start button to begin and follow the tutorial.","204797764":"Transfer to client","204863103":"Exit time","207521645":"Reset Time","207824122":"Please withdraw your funds from the following Deriv account(s):","209533725":"You’ve transferred {{amount}} {{currency}}","210385770":"If you have an active account, please log in to continue. Otherwise, please sign up.","210872733":"The verification status is not available, provider says: Malformed JSON.","211224838":"Investment","211461880":"Common names and surnames are easy to guess","211847965":"Your <0>personal details are incomplete. Please go to your account settings and complete your personal details to enable withdrawals.","216114973":"Stocks & indices","216650710":"You are using a demo account","217377529":"5. If the next trades are profitable, the stake for the following trade will be reduced by 2 USD. This can be shown above where the stake of 3 USD is reduced to 1 USD. See A3.","217504255":"Financial assessment submitted successfully","218441288":"Identity card number","220014242":"Upload a selfie from your computer","220186645":"Text Is empty","221261209":"A Deriv account will allow you to fund (and withdraw from) your CFDs account(s).","223120514":"In this example, each point of the SMA line is an arithmetic average of close prices for the last 50 days.","223607908":"Last digit stats for latest 1000 ticks for {{underlying_name}}","224650827":"IOT/USD","225887649":"This block is mandatory. It's added to your strategy by default when you create new strategy. You can not add more than one copy of this block to the canvas.","227591929":"To timestamp {{ input_datetime }} {{ dummy }}","227903202":"We’ll charge a 1% transfer fee for transfers in different currencies between your Deriv fiat and {{platform_name_mt5}} accounts.","228521812":"Tests whether a string of text is empty. Returns a boolean value (true or false).","229604337":"Crash 900 Index","233500222":"- High: the highest price","235244966":"Return to Trader's Hub","235583807":"SMA is a frequently used indicator in technical analysis. It calculates the average market price over a specified period, and is usually used to identify market trend direction: up or down. For example, if the SMA is moving upwards, it means the market trend is up. ","236642001":"Journal","238496287":"Leverage trading is high-risk, so it's a good idea to use risk management features such as stop loss. Stop loss allows you to","242028165":"Pay a small fee to prioritise your withdrawal, this fee will be deducted from the withdrawal amount.","243537306":"1. Under the Blocks menu, go to Utility > Variables.","243614144":"This is only available for existing clients.","245005091":"lower","245187862":"The DRC will make a <0>decision on the complaint (please note that the DRC mentions no timeframe for announcing its decision).","245812353":"if {{ condition }} return {{ value }}","246428134":"Step-by-step guides","248153700":"Reset your password","248565468":"Check your {{ identifier_title }} account email and click the link in the email to proceed.","248909149":"Send a secure link to your phone","251134918":"Account Information","251445658":"Dark theme","251882697":"Thank you! Your response has been recorded into our system.<0/><0/>Please click ‘OK’ to continue.","253388913":"We'll close accounts with no open positions after 60 days.","254912581":"This block is similar to EMA, except that it gives you the entire EMA line based on the input list and the given period.","256031314":"Cash Business","256602726":"If you close your account:","258448370":"MT5","258912192":"Trading assessment","260069181":"An error occured while trying to load the URL","260086036":"Place blocks here to perform tasks once when your bot starts running.","260393332":"You cannot make further deposits as your documents are still under review. We will notify you by email within 3 days once your verification is approved.","261074187":"4. Once the blocks are loaded onto the workspace, tweak the parameters if you want, or hit Run to start trading.","261250441":"Drag the <0>Trade again block and add it into the <0>do part of the <0>Repeat until block.","262095250":"If you select <0>\"Put\", you’ll earn a payout if the final price is below the strike price at expiry. Otherwise, you won’t receive a payout.","264976398":"3. 'Error' displays a message in red to highlight something that needs to be resolved immediately.","265644304":"Trade types","266455247":"Standard Vanuatu","267992618":"The platforms lack key features or functionality.","268254263":"Open a real account now","268940240":"Your balance ({{format_balance}} {{currency}}) is less than the current minimum withdrawal allowed ({{format_min_withdraw_amount}} {{currency}}). Please top up your account to continue with your withdrawal.","269322978":"Deposit with your local currency via peer-to-peer exchange with fellow traders in your country.","269607721":"Upload","270339490":"If you select \"Over\", you will win the payout if the last digit of the last tick is greater than your prediction.","270396691":"<0>Your Wallets are ready!","270610771":"In this example, the open price of a candle is assigned to the variable \"candle_open_price\".","270712176":"descending","270780527":"You've reached the limit for uploading your documents.","271637055":"Download is unavailable while your bot is running.","272179372":"This block is commonly used to adjust the parameters of your next trade and to implement stop loss/take profit logic.","273350342":"Copy and paste the token into the app.","273728315":"Should not be 0 or empty","274268819":"Volatility 100 Index","275116637":"Deriv X","276770377":"New MT5 account(s) under the {{to_account}} jurisdiction will be created for new trades.","277469417":"Exclude time cannot be for more than five years.","278684544":"get sub-list from # from end","280021988":"Use these shortcuts","281110034":"Effective trading with the D'Alembert system requires careful consideration of its stake progression and risk management. Traders can automate this approach using Deriv Bot, setting profit and loss thresholds to ensure balanced and controlled trading. However, it is crucial for traders to assess their risk appetite, test strategies on a demo account, and align with their own trading style before transitioning to real money trading. This optimization process helps strike a balance between potential gains and losses while managing risk prudently.","282319001":"Check your image","282564053":"Next, we'll need your proof of address.","283830551":"Your address doesn’t match your profile","284527272":"antimode","284772879":"Contract","284809500":"Financial Demo","287934290":"Are you sure you want to cancel this transaction?","289731075":"Get Started","291344459":"The table illustrates this principle in the second session. After a trade resulting in loss in round 4 followed by a successful trade in round 5, the stake will increase to 2 USD for round 6. This is in line with the strategy's rule of raising the stake only after a loss is followed by a successful trade.","291402393":"Fixed barrier:","291744889":"<0>1. Trade parameters:<0>","291817757":"Go to our Deriv community and learn about APIs, API tokens, ways to use Deriv APIs, and more.","292526130":"Tick and candle analysis","292589175":"This will display the SMA for the specified period, using a candle list.","292887559":"Transfer to {{selected_value}} is not allowed, Please choose another account from dropdown","293200481":"{{ stack_input }} Run after {{ number }} tick(s)","293250845":"Are you sure you want to continue?","294043810":"I confirm that my tax information is accurate and complete.","294305803":"Manage account settings","294330294":"Code required.","294335229":"Sell at market price","296017162":"Back to Bot","299867329":"For more info, check out this blog post on the basics of building a trading bot.","301315130":"The amount you choose to receive at expiry for every point of change between the final price and the barrier.","301441673":"Select your citizenship/nationality as it appears on your passport or other government-issued ID.","304309961":"We're reviewing your withdrawal request. You may still cancel this transaction if you wish. Once we start processing, you won't be able to cancel.","304506198":"Total balance:","310234308":"Close all your positions.","312142140":"Save new limits?","312300092":"Trims the spaces within a given string or text.","313741895":"This block returns “True” if the last candle is black. It can be placed anywhere on the canvas except within the Trade parameters root block.","315306603":"You have an account that do not have currency assigned. Please choose a currency to trade with this account.","315516003":"Distance to spot","316694303":"Is candle black?","318705408":"Demo Zero Spread","318865860":"close","318984807":"This block repeats the instructions contained within for a specific number of times.","320094260":"Trade Accumulators to build up potential profits with a structured approach.","323179846":"The time interval for each candle can be set from one minute to one day.","323209316":"Select a Deriv Bot Strategy","323360883":"Baskets","325662004":"Expand Block","325763347":"result","326770937":"Withdraw {{currency}} ({{currency_symbol}}) to your wallet","327534692":"Duration value is not allowed. To run the bot, please enter {{min}}.","328539132":"Repeats inside instructions specified number of times","328933132":"Make your first deposit to start trading","329404045":"<0>Switch to your real account<1> to create a {{platform}} {{account_title}} account.","330384187":"Enable trading with your first transfer.","333456603":"Withdrawal limits","333807745":"Click on the block you want to remove and press Delete on your keyboard.","334942497":"Buy time","337023006":"Start time cannot be in the past.","339449279":"Remaining time","339610914":"Spread Up/Spread Down","339879944":"GBP/USD","340241736":"Gold Vanuatu","340807218":"Description not found.","342181776":"Cancel transaction","343194622":"The amount you’ll receive at expiry for every point of change above the barrier","343873723":"This block displays a message. You can specify the color of the message and choose from 6 different sound options.","344418897":"These trading limits and self-exclusion help you control the amount of money and time you spend on {{brand_website_name}} and exercise <0>responsible trading.","345171716":"Enter your address","345320063":"Invalid timestamp","345818851":"Sorry, an internal error occurred. Hit the above checkbox to try again.","346070861":"Zero Spread","346843343":"CFDs on financial and derived instruments with copy trading.","347029309":"Forex: standard/micro","347039138":"Iterate (2)","348951052":"Your cashier is currently locked","349047911":"Over","349110642":"<0>{{payment_agent}}<1>'s contact details","350602311":"Stats show the history of consecutive tick counts, i.e. the number of ticks the price remained within range continuously.","351744408":"Tests if a given text string is empty","353731490":"Job done","354945172":"Submit document","355647475":"Current spot","357477280":"No face found","357672069":"Income verification failed","359053005":"Please enter a token name.","359649435":"Given candle list is not valid","359809970":"This block gives you the selected candle value from a list of candles within the selected time interval. You can choose from open price, close price, high price, low price, and open time.","360224937":"Logic","360773403":"Bot Builder","361784996":"Manage your trade types","363576009":"- High price: the highest price","363738790":"Browser","363990763":"Sell price:","367801124":"Total assets in your Deriv accounts.","367978153":"Removed from favourites","368160866":"in list","369035361":"<0>•Your account number","369409629":"We have updated our Blockly system in Deriv Bot from <0>version 3 to version 10. This brings:","371151609":"Last used","371710104":"This scope will allow third-party apps to buy and sell contracts for you, renew your expired purchases, and top up your demo accounts.","372291654":"Exclude time must be after today.","372645383":"True if the market direction matches the selection","373021397":"random","373306660":"{{label}} is required.","373495360":"This block returns the entire SMA line, containing a list of all values for a given period.","374537470":"No results for \"{{text}}\"","375714803":"Deal Cancellation Error","377225569":"<0>Do not honour: Please contact your bank for further assistance.","377538732":"Key parameters","379523479":"To avoid loss of funds, do not share tokens with the Admin scope with unauthorised parties.","380606668":"tick","380694312":"Maximum consecutive trades","381972464":"Your document has expired.","384303768":"This block returns \"True\" if the last candle is black. It can be placed anywhere on the canvas except within the Trade parameters root block.","384707870":"CRS confirmation","386278304":"Install the {{platform_name_trader}} web app","388162708":"You can view your open and closed positions here. Tap an item for more details.","389923099":"Zoom in","390890891":"Last quarter","391915203":"Hedging","392582370":"Fall Equals","393789743":"Letters, spaces, periods, hyphens, apostrophes only.","396418990":"Offline","398816980":"Launch {{platform_name_trader}} in seconds the next time you want to trade.","401339495":"Verify address","401345454":"Head to the Tutorials tab to do so.","403456289":"The formula for SMA is:","403936913":"An introduction to Deriv Bot","406359555":"Contract details","406497323":"Sell your active contract if needed (optional)","411482865":"Add {{deriv_account}} account","412433839":"I agree to the <0>terms and conditions.","413594348":"Only letters, numbers, space, hyphen, period, and forward slash are allowed.","415677940":"Faster performance.","416138059":"Gold BVI","416749161":"Deriv X demo","417864079":"You’ll not be able to change currency once you have made a deposit.","419485005":"Spot","419496000":"Your contract is closed automatically when your profit is more than or equals to this amount. This block can only be used with the multipliers trade type.","420072489":"CFD trading frequency","422055502":"From","423682863":"When your loss reaches or exceeds the set amount, your trade will be closed automatically.","424101652":"Quick strategy guides >","424272085":"We take your financial well-being seriously and want to ensure you are fully aware of the risks before trading.<0/><0/>","424668491":"expired","424897068":"Do you understand that you could potentially lose 100% of the money you use to trade?","426031496":"Stop","427134581":"Try using another file type.","427617266":"Bitcoin","428380816":"If you select “<0>Matches”, you will win the payout if the last digit of the last tick is the same as your prediction.","429505586":"If you select \"<0>Fall\", you win the payout if the exit spot is strictly lower than the entry spot.","429970999":"To avoid delays, enter your <0>name exactly as it appears on your {{document_name}}.","431267979":"Here’s a quick guide on how to use Deriv Bot on the go.","432508385":"Take Profit: {{ currency }} {{ take_profit }}","432519573":"Document uploaded","433237511":"Notify Telegram %1 Access Token: %2 Chat ID: %3 Message: %4","433348384":"Real accounts are not available to politically exposed persons (PEPs).","433616983":"2. Investigation phase","434548438":"Highlight function definition","434896834":"Custom functions","436218994":"I do not have tax information","436364528":"Your account will be opened with {{legal_entity_name}}, and will be subject to the laws of Saint Vincent and the Grenadines.","436534334":"<0>We've sent you an email.","437138731":"Create a new {{platform}} password","437453244":"Choose your preferred cryptocurrency","437485293":"File type not supported","437904704":"Maximum open positions","438067535":"Over $500,000","438554418":"Time remaining: {{time_remaining}}","439398769":"This strategy is currently not compatible with Deriv Bot.","439798157":"Import strategy","441724760":"Request a new OTP after 10 minutes.","442281706":"You’ve just deleted a block.","442520703":"$250,001 - $500,000","443559872":"Financial SVG","444484637":"Logic negation","445419365":"1 - 2 years","447548846":"SSNIT number","447907000":"If you select \"<0>Allow equals\", you win the payout if exit spot is higher than or equal to entry spot for \"Rise\". Similarly, you win the payout if exit spot is lower than or equal to entry spot for \"Fall\".","450983288":"Your deposit is unsuccessful due to an error on the blockchain. Please contact your crypto wallet service provider for more info.","451852761":"Continue on your phone","452054360":"Similar to RSI, this block gives you a list of values for each entry in the input list.","452949978":"The 1-3-2-6 strategy is designed to capitalise on consecutive successful trades while minimising losses during losing streaks. The rationale behind this strategy lies in statistical probabilities, with adjustments to stake sizes based on the perceived likelihood of success. There is a higher likelihood of success in the second trade after one successful trade. Hence the stake adjusts to 3 in the second trade. In the third trade, the stake adjusts to 2 units due to a lower probability of a successful trade. If the third trade is also successful, the strategy then allocates all the previous gains (a total of 6 units of initial stake) into the fourth trade with the aim of doubling the potential profits. If the fourth trade results in a positive outcome, the strategy helps achieve a total gain of 12 units. However, it is crucial to exercise caution, as the risk can escalate quickly with this strategy, and any loss in the fourth trade forfeits all previous gains.","454196938":"Regulation:","456746157":"Grant access to your camera from your browser settings","457020083":"It’ll take longer to verify you if we can’t read it","457494524":"1. From the block library, enter a name for the new variable and click Create.","459612953":"Select account","459817765":"Pending","460070238":"Congratulations","460975214":"Complete your Appropriateness Test","461795838":"Please contact us via live chat to unlock it.","462079779":"Resale not offered","463361726":"Select an item","465993338":"Oscar's Grind","466424460":"Oscar’s Grind","466837068":"Yes, increase my limits","467839232":"I trade forex CFDs and other complex financial instruments regularly on other platforms.","471402292":"Your bot uses a single trade type for each run.","471667879":"Cut off time:","471994882":"Your {{ currency }} account is ready.","473154195":"Settings","474306498":"We’re sorry to see you leave. Your account is now closed.","475492878":"Try Synthetic Indices","476023405":"Didn't receive the email?","477557241":"Remote blocks to load must be a collection.","477744930":"Delete All Blocks","478280278":"This block displays a dialog box that uses a customised message to prompt for an input. The input can be either a string of text or a number and can be assigned to a variable. When the dialog box is displayed, your strategy is paused and will only resume after you enter a response and click \"OK\".","479420576":"Tertiary","480356486":"*Boom 300 and Crash 300 Index","481276888":"Goes Outside","481564514":"If you select “<0>Up”, you’ll earn a payout if the spot price never drops below the barrier.","483279638":"Assessment Completed<0/><0/>","485379166":"View transactions","487239607":"Converts a given True or False to the opposite value","488150742":"Resend email","489768502":"Change investor password","490053735":"If you select this feature, your trade will be closed automatically at the nearest available asset price when your loss reaches or exceeds the stop loss amount. Your loss may be more than the amount you entered depending on the market price at closing.","490243056":"Multipliers amplify your potential profit if the market moves in your favour, with losses limited to your initial capital.","491603904":"Unsupported browser","492198410":"Make sure everything is clear","492566838":"Taxpayer identification number","497518317":"Function that returns a value","498562439":"or","499522484":"1. for \"string\": 1325.68 USD","500855527":"Chief Executives, Senior Officials and Legislators","500920471":"This block performs arithmetic operations between two numbers.","501401157":"You are only allowed to make deposits","501537611":"*Maximum number of open positions","502007051":"Demo Swap-Free SVG","502041595":"This block gives you a specific candle from within the selected time interval.","505793554":"last letter","508390614":"Demo Financial STP","511243369":"Your passkey is successfully removed. To avoid sign-in prompts, also remove the passkey from your Google password manager.","511679687":"Accumulators allow you to express a view on the range of movement of an index and grow your stake exponentially at a fixed <0>growth rate.","511698670":"We've updated our <0>terms and conditions. To continue trading, you must review and accept the updated terms. You'll be prompted to accept them starting [<1>{{next_prompt_date}}].","514031715":"list {{ input_list }} is empty","514776243":"Your {{account_type}} password has been changed.","514948272":"Copy link","517631043":"We’ve sent your e-book. Check your email to download it.","517833647":"Volatility 50 (1s) Index","518955798":"7. Run Once at Start","519205761":"You can no longer open new positions with this account.","520136698":"Boom 500 Index","520458365":"Last used: ","521872670":"item","522703281":"divisible by","523123321":"- 10 to the power of a given number","524459540":"How do I create variables?","527329988":"This is a top-100 common password","529056539":"Options","531114081":"3. Contract Type","531453415":"Restart your phone number verification.","531675669":"Euro","532724086":"Employment contract","533403953":"Your existing <0>{{platform}} {{type}} {{from_account}} account(s) will remain accessible.","535021574":"Run your updated strategy to check its performance.","535041346":"Max. total stake per day","536277802":"TP & SL history","537788407":"Other CFDs Platform","538042340":"Principle 2: The stake only increases when a loss trade is followed by a successful trade","538228086":"Close-Low","539352212":"Tick {{current_tick}}","541650045":"Manage {{platform}} password","541700024":"First, enter your driving licence number and the expiry date.","542038694":"Only letters, numbers, space, underscore, and hyphen are allowed for {{label}}.","543413346":"You have no open positions for this asset. To view other open positions, click Go to Reports","545323805":"Filter by trade types","547029855":"If you select this feature, you can cancel your trade within a chosen time frame if the asset price moves against your favour. You will get your stake back without profit/loss. We charge a small fee for this. Take profit and stop loss are disabled when deal cancellation is active.","549479175":"Deriv Multipliers","549799607":"Go to LiveChat","551456650":"To continue trading, review and accept our updated <0>terms and conditions. Not accepting will lead to restricted access to your account. Need help? Contact us via <1>live chat.","551569133":"Learn more about trading limits","551958626":"Excellent","554410233":"This is a top-10 common password","555351771":"After defining trade parameters and trade options, you may want to instruct your bot to purchase contracts when specific conditions are met. To do that you can use conditional blocks and indicators blocks to help your bot to make decisions.","555881991":"National Identity Number Slip","558866810":"Run your bot","560759471":"You'll see these details once the contract starts.","561982839":"Change your currency","562599414":"This block returns the purchase price for the selected trade type. This block can be used only in the \"Purchase conditions\" root block.","563034502":"We shall try to resolve your complaint within 15 business days. We will inform you of the outcome together with an explanation of our position and propose any remedial measures we intend to take.","563166122":"We shall acknowledge receiving your complaint, review it carefully, and keep you updated on the handling process. We might request further information or clarifications to facilitate the resolution of the complaint.","563652273":"Go to block","565410797":"The below image illustrates how Simple Moving Average Array block works:","566274201":"1. Market","567019968":"A variable is among the most important and powerful components in creating a bot. It is a way to store information, either as text or numbers. The information stored as a variable can be used and changed according to the given instructions. Variables can be given any name, but usually they are given useful, symbolic names so that it is easier to call them during the execution of instructions.","567163880":"Create a {{platform}} password","569057236":"In which country was your document issued?","572576218":"Languages","573173477":"Is candle {{ input_candle }} black?","575668969":"3. For trades that result in a profit, the stake for the next trade will be increased by 2 USD. Deriv Bot will continue to add 2 USD for every successful trade. See A1.","575702000":"Remember, selfies, pictures of houses, or non-related images will be rejected.","576355707":"Select your country and citizenship:","577215477":"count with {{ variable }} from {{ start_number }} to {{ end_number }} by {{ step_size }}","577779861":"Withdrawal","577883523":"4. Awards and orders","578640761":"Call Spread","579529868":"Show all details — including the bottom 2 lines","580431127":"Restart buy/sell on error (disable for better performance): {{ checkbox }}","580665362":"Stays In/Goes Out","580774080":"insert at","581168980":"Legal","582945649":"2 minutes","584028307":"Allow equals","585277790":"Some currencies may not be supported by fiat onramp.","587577347":"Take Profit (Accumulator)","587577425":"Secure my account","587856857":"Want to know more about APIs?","588811360":"Due to business changes, client accounts in your country are to be closed. Withdraw your funds by {{date}}.","592087722":"Employment status is required.","592381383":"Passkey successfully removed","592964176":"Join over 2.5 million traders","593459109":"Try a different currency","594375321":"Secure your Deriv account by verifying your phone number.","595080994":"Example: CR123456789","595377017":"Withdraw funds","596165833":"Your withdrawal will be processed internally in one business day. After that, for debit/credit cards, it takes 1-15 working days, and for e-wallets, it's 1-3 working days. If there's a delay beyond these periods, please contact us via live chat.","596748073":"View your positions","597089493":"Here is where you can decide to sell your contract before it expires. Only one copy of this block is allowed.","597481571":"DISCLAIMER","597707115":"Tell us about your trading experience.","599469202":"{{secondPast}}s ago","602278674":"Verify identity","603849445":"Strike price","603849863":"Look for the <0>Repeat While/Until, and click the + icon to add the block to the workspace area.","603899222":"Distance to current spot","606240547":"- Natural log","606877840":"Back to today","607807243":"Get candle","609650241":"Infinite loop detected","610537973":"Any information you provide is confidential and will be used for verification purposes only.","611020126":"View address on Blockchain","612345031":"Reverse Martingale on Stat Reset","613418320":"<0>Setup unsuccessful","613877038":"Chart","614567861":"Edit number","615156635":"Your selfie does not match your document.","617345387":"If you select \"Reset-Up”, you win the payout if the exit spot is strictly higher than either the entry spot or the spot at reset time.","618520466":"Example of a cut-off document","619268911":"<0>a.The Financial Commission will investigate the validity of the complaint within 5 business days.","621829484":"{{days_passed}}d ago","623192233":"Please complete the <0>Appropriateness Test to access your cashier.","623316736":"{{ message }}, retrying in {{ delay }}s","623542160":"Exponential Moving Average Array (EMAA)","625571750":"Entry spot:","626175020":"Standard Deviation Up Multiplier {{ input_number }}","626809456":"Resubmit","627292452":"<0>Your Proof of Identity or Proof of Address did not meet our requirements. Please check your email for further instructions.","627814558":"This block returns a value when a condition is true. Use this block within either of the function blocks above.","628193133":"Account ID","629003252":"If your current password doesn't match these requirements, you'll need to create a new one in the next step.","629145209":"In case if the \"AND\" operation is selected, the block returns \"True\" only if both given values are \"True\"","629395043":"All growth rates","631355440":"Your proof of identity is under review. We’ll get back to you within 5 minutes.","632398049":"This block assigns a null value to an item or statement.","632897893":"If any of the above applies to you, select <0>Yes. Otherwise, select <0>No.","632942644":"Rental/tenancy agreement","634219491":"You have not provided your tax identification number. This information is necessary for legal and regulatory requirements. Please go to <0>Personal details in your account settings, and fill in your latest tax identification number.","634274250":"How long each trade takes to expire.","636219628":"<0>c.If no settlement opportunity can be found, the complaint will proceed to the determination phase to be handled by the DRC.","636427296":"Need help with tax info? Let us know via <0>live chat.","636579615":"Number of unit(s) to be added to the next trade after a losing trade. One unit is equivalent to the amount of initial stake.","638482685":"SMS","639382772":"Please upload supported file type.","640596349":"You have yet to receive any notifications","640730141":"Refresh this page to restart the identity verification process","641420532":"We've sent you an email","642210189":"Please check your email for the verification link to complete the process.","642393128":"Enter amount","642546661":"Upload back of license from your computer","644150241":"The number of contracts you have won since you last cleared your stats.","645902266":"EUR/NZD","646773081":"Profit threshold: The bot will stop trading if your total profit exceeds this amount.","646814527":"Boom 600 Index","647039329":"Proof of address required","647745382":"Input List {{ input_list }}","649317411":"On the basis of the information provided in relation to your knowledge and experience, we consider that the investments available via this website are not appropriate for you.<0/><1/>","649923867":"Adds a sign to a number to create a barrier offset. (deprecated)","650836587":"This article explores the Martingale strategy integrated into Deriv Bot, a versatile trading bot designed to trade assets such as forex, commodities, and derived indices. We will delve into the strategy's core parameters, its application, and provide essential takeaways for traders looking to use the bot effectively.","651284052":"Low Tick","651684094":"Notify","652298946":"Date of birth","654507872":"True-False","654924603":"Martingale","655733440":"Others","655937299":"We’ll update your limits. Click <0>Accept to acknowledge that you are fully responsible for your actions, and we are not liable for any addiction or loss.","656893085":"Timestamp","657325150":"This block is used to define trade options within the Trade parameters root block. Some options are only applicable for certain trade types. Parameters such as duration and stake are common among most trade types. Prediction is used for trade types such as Digits, while barrier offsets are for trade types that involve barriers such as Touch/No Touch, Ends In/Out, etc.","658745169":"You may sell the contract up to 60 seconds before expiry. If you do, we’ll pay you the <0>contract value.","659482342":"Please remember that it is your responsibility to keep your answers accurate and up to date. You can update your personal details at any time in your account settings.","660481941":"To access your mobile apps and other third-party apps, you'll first need to generate an API token.","660991534":"Finish","661759508":"On the basis of the information provided in relation to your knowledge and experience, we consider that the investments available via this website are not appropriate for you.<0/><0/>","662953503":"Your contract will be closed when the <0>stop out level is reached.","664779910":"3. If the first trade results in profit, the stake for the following trade will not reduce but remain at the initial stake. The strategy minimally trades at the initial stake of 1 USD. See A1.","665089217":"Please submit your <0>proof of identity to authenticate your account and access your Cashier.","665777772":"XLM/USD","665872465":"In the example below, the opening price is selected, which is then assigned to a variable called \"op\".","666158951":"Your contract will be closed when the <0>stop out level is reached.","666724936":"Please enter a valid ID number.","672008428":"ZEC/USD","673915530":"Jurisdiction and choice of law","674973192":"Use this password to log in to your Deriv MT5 accounts on the desktop, web, and mobile apps.","676159329":"Could not switch to default account.","676675313":"Authy","677918431":"Market: {{ input_market }} > {{ input_submarket }} > {{ input_symbol }}","678031950":"Candles List with interval here 2: {{ candle_interval_type }}","679199080":"Why passkeys?","680334348":"This block was required to correctly convert your old strategy.","681808253":"Previous spot price","681926004":"Example of a blurry document","682056402":"Standard Deviation Down Multiplier {{ input_number }}","686387939":"How do I clear my transaction log?","687193018":"Slippage risk","687212287":"Amount is a required field.","688510664":"You've {{two_fa_status}} 2FA on this device. You'll be logged out of your account on other devices (if any). Use your password and a 2FA code to log back in.","689137215":"Purchase price","691956534":"<0>You have added a {{currency}} account.<0> Make a deposit now to start trading.","692354762":"Please enter your {{document_name}}. {{example_format}}","693396140":"Deal cancellation (expired)","693933036":"Exploring the Oscar’s Grind strategy in Deriv Bot","694035561":"Trade options multipliers","696157141":"Low spot","696735942":"Enter your National Identification Number (NIN)","696870196":"- Open time: the opening time stamp","698037001":"National Identity Number","698151231":"Didn't receive a code?","698440637":"Compare CFDs {{title}} accounts","699159918":"1. Filing complaints","699646180":"A minimum deposit value of <0>{{minimum_deposit}} {{currency}} is required. Otherwise, the funds will be lost and cannot be recovered.","700259824":"Account currency","701034660":"We are still processing your withdrawal request.<0 />Please wait for the transaction to be completed before deactivating your account.","701462190":"Entry spot","701647434":"Search for string","702451070":"National ID (No Photo)","702561961":"Change theme","705262734":"Your Wallets are ready","705299518":"Next, upload the page of your passport that contains your photo.","705697927":"2. Set your preferred unit. In this example, it is 2 units or 2 USD.","705821926":"Learn about this trade type","706727320":"Binary options trading frequency","706755289":"This block performs trigonometric functions.","706960383":"We’ll offer to buy your contract at this price should you choose to sell it before its expiry. This is based on several factors, such as the current spot price, duration, etc. However, we won’t offer a contract value if the remaining duration is below 60 seconds.","707189572":"Your email address has changed.<0/>Now, log in with your new email address.","707662672":"{{unblock_date}} at {{unblock_time}}","708055868":"Driving licence number","710123510":"repeat {{ while_or_until }} {{ boolean }}","711580196":"Why can't I use a payment agent to withdraw my funds?","711999057":"Successful","712101776":"Take a photo of your passport photo page","712635681":"This block gives you the selected candle value from a list of candles. You can choose from open price, close price, high price, low price, and open time.","713054648":"Sending","714080194":"Submit proof","714746816":"MetaTrader 5 Windows app","715841616":"Please enter a valid phone number (e.g. +15417541234).","716428965":"(Closed)","718504300":"Postal/ZIP code","718509613":"Maximum duration: {{ value }}","720293140":"Log out","720519019":"Reset my password","721011817":"- Raise the first number to the power of the second number","721271917":"If you select this feature, your trade will be closed automatically at the nearest available asset price when your profit reaches or exceeds the take profit amount throughout the contract duration. Your profit may be more than the amount you entered depending on the market price at closing. You may change your take profit amount up to 15 seconds before expiry.","721703582":"Trading opportunities on popular precious metals.","723045653":"You'll log in to your Deriv account with this email address.","723961296":"Manage password","724526379":"Learn more with our tutorials","728042840":"To continue trading with us, please confirm where you live.","728824018":"Spanish Index","729251105":"Range: {{min}} - {{max}} {{duration_unit_text}} ","729651741":"Choose a photo","730473724":"This block performs the \"AND\" or the \"OR\" logic operation with the given values.","731382582":"BNB/USD","732828463":"Standing instructions to transfer funds to an account maintained in the United States, or directions regularly received from a US address","734298230":"Just a reminder","734390964":"Insufficient balance","734881840":"false","735907651":"A US residence address or a US correspondence address (including a US PO box)","737640807":"View available markets here.","737751617":"<0>Explore our website to see what’s available.","739126643":"Indicative high spot","742469109":"Reset Balance","743623600":"Reference","743908778":"Contract type","744110277":"Bollinger Bands Array (BBA)","745656178":"Use this block to sell your contract at the market price.","745674059":"Returns the specific character from a given string of text according to the selected option. ","746112978":"Your computer may take a few seconds to update","747054281":"For a Call option, you receive a payout if the final price is higher than the strike price.","747279775":"Current Stat","749336930":"Secure alternative to passwords.","751468800":"Start now","751692023":"We <0>do not guarantee a refund if you make a wrong transfer.","752024971":"Reached maximum number of digits","752992217":"This block gives you the selected constant values.","753088835":"Default","753184969":"In providing our services to you, we are required to obtain information from you in order to assess whether a given product or service is appropriate for you (that is, whether you possess the experience and knowledge to understand the risks involved).<0/><1/>","753727511":"Type","755138488":"We’re unable to verify the document you provided because it contains markings or text that should not be on your document. Please provide a clear photo or a scan of your original identity document.","756152377":"SMA places equal weight to the entire distribution of values.","758003269":"make list from text","760528514":"Please note that changing the value of \"i\" won't change the value of the original item in the list","761576760":"Fund your account to start trading.","762926186":"A quick strategy is a ready-made strategy that you can use in Deriv Bot. There are 3 quick strategies you can choose from: Martingale, D'Alembert, and Oscar's Grind.","764366329":"Trading limits","766317539":"Language","771570279":"Filter by time","772520934":"You may sell the contract up to 24 hours before expiry. If you do, we’ll pay you the <0>contract value.","773091074":"Stake:","773309981":"Oil/USD","773336410":"Tether is a blockchain-enabled platform designed to facilitate the use of fiat currencies in a digital manner.","775679302":"{{pending_withdrawals}} pending withdrawal(s)","775706054":"Do you sell trading bots?","776085955":"Strategies","776432808":"Select the country where you currently live.","778172770":"Deriv CFDs","780009485":"About D'Alembert","781924436":"Call Spread/Put Spread","783974693":"Avoid recent years","784311461":"Exponential Moving Average (EMA)","784583814":"Linked to your computer","785969488":"Jump 75 Index","787727156":"Barrier","788005234":"NA","789013690":"This is the corresponding price level based on the payout per point you’ve selected. If this barrier is ever breached, your contract would be terminated.","792164271":"This is when your contract will expire based on the Duration or End time you’ve selected.","792622364":"Negative balance protection","793526589":"To file a complaint about our service, send an email to <0>complaints@deriv.com and state your complaint in detail. Please submit any relevant screenshots of your trading or system for our better understanding.","793531921":"Our company is one of the oldest and most reputable online trading companies in the world. We are committed to treat our clients fairly and provide them with excellent service.<0/><1/>Please provide us with feedback on how we can improve our services to you. Rest assured that you will be heard, valued, and treated fairly at all times.","794629751":"Step 400 Index","794682658":"Copy the link to your phone","794778483":"Deposit later","795859446":"Password saved","795992899":"The amount you choose to receive at expiry for every point of change between the final price and the barrier. ","797007873":"Follow these steps to recover camera access:","797500286":"negative","800228448":"This complaints policy, which may change from time to time, applies to your account(s) registered with {{legal_entity_name_svg}} and {{legal_entity_name_fx}}.","800521289":"Your personal details are incomplete","802436811":"View transaction details","802438383":"New proof of address is needed","802556390":"seconds","802989607":"Drag your XML file here","803500173":"Initial stake","806165583":"Australia 200","807499069":"Financial commission complaints procedure","808131992":"Returns the Current Stat","808323704":"You can also use \"Compare\" and \"Logic operation\" blocks to make test variables.","811255505":"Favourites","812430133":"Spot price on the previous tick.","815925952":"This block is mandatory. Only one copy of this block is allowed. It is added to the canvas by default when you open Deriv Bot.","816580787":"Welcome back! Your messages have been restored.","816738009":"<0/><1/>You may also raise your unresolved dispute to the <2>Office of the Arbiter for Financial Services.","818447476":"Switch account?","820517828":"Submit your document","820877027":"Please verify your proof of identity","821163626":"Server maintenance occurs every first Saturday of the month from 7 to 10 GMT time. You may experience service disruption during this time.","823186089":"A block that can contain text.","823279888":"The {{block_type}} block is missing.","824797920":"Is list empty?","825042307":"Let’s try again","825179913":"This document number was already submitted for a different account. It seems you have an account with us that doesn't need further verification. Please contact us via <0>live chat if you need help.","826511719":"USD/SEK","827453548":"You already have an open position for {{ trade_type }} contract type, retrying in {{ delay }}s","827688195":"Disable Block","828219890":"then","828602451":"Returns the list of tick values in string format","829970143":"If you've hit the deposit limit, please wait 1-2 hours before trying again. Check that your browser is up to date and use incognito mode. If you still have problems, please contact us via <0>live chat.","830164967":"Last name","830703311":"My profile","830993327":"No current transactions available","831344594":"If you select “<0>Lower”, you win the payout if the exit spot is strictly lower than the barrier.","832053636":"Document submission","832217983":"40 transactions or more in the past 12 months","832398317":"Sell Error","832721563":"If you select \"Low Tick\", you win the payout if the selected tick is the lowest among the next five ticks.","834966953":"1551661986 seconds since Jan 01 1970 (UTC) translates to 03/04/2019 @ 1:13am (UTC).","835336137":"View Detail","835350845":"Add another word or two. Uncommon words are better.","836097457":"I am interested in trading but have very little experience.","839158849":"4. If the second trade results in a loss, the Deriv Bot will automatically increase your stake for the next trade by 2 USD. Deriv Bot will continue to add 2 USD to the previous round’s stake after every losing trade. See A2.","839805709":"To smoothly verify you, we need a better photo","841543189":"View transaction on Blockchain","843333337":"You can only make deposits. Please complete the <0>financial assessment to unlock withdrawals.","845106422":"Last digit prediction","845304111":"Slow EMA Period {{ input_number }}","846973078":"Number already exists in our system. Enter a new one or contact us via <0>live chat for help.","847209411":"{{formatted_opening_time}} (GMT), {{opening_date}}","848083350":"Your payout is equal to the <0>payout per point multiplied by the difference between the final price and the strike price. You will only earn a profit if your payout is higher than your initial stake.","848203102":"Request a new verification link via email.","849248327":"Barrier set above spot price.","850582774":"Please update your personal info","851054273":"If you select \"Higher\", you win the payout if the exit spot is strictly higher than the barrier.","851264055":"Creates a list with a given item repeated for a specific number of times.","851508288":"This block constrains a given number within a set range.","852527030":"Step 2","852583045":"Tick List String","852627184":"document number","854399751":"Digit code must only contain numbers.","854630522":"Choose a cryptocurrency account","857363137":"Volatility 300 (1s) Index","857445204":"Deriv currently supports withdrawals of Tether eUSDT to Ethereum wallet. To ensure a successful transaction, enter a wallet address compatible with the tokens you wish to withdraw. <0>Learn more","857986403":"do something","860319618":"Tourism","862283602":"Phone number*","863023016":"For instance, if a trader has a loss threshold (B) of 100 USD, with an initial stake (s) of 1 USD and 2 units of increment (f), the calculation would be as follows:","863328851":"Proof of identity","864610268":"First, enter your {{label}} and the expiry date.","864655280":"You can continue to hold your current open positions in your existing MT5 account(s).","864957760":"Math Number Positive","865424952":"High-to-Low","865642450":"2. Logged in from a different browser","866443757":"Your bot will use this contract type for every run","866496238":"Make sure your license details are clear to read, with no blur or glare","868826608":"Excluded from {{brand_website_name}} until","869068127":"The cashier is temporarily down due to maintenance. It will be available as soon as the maintenance is complete.","869823595":"Function","872661442":"Are you sure you want to update email <0>{{prev_email}} to <1>{{changed_email}}?","872721776":"2. Select your XML file and hit Select.","872817404":"Entry Spot Time","873166343":"1. 'Log' displays a regular message.","873387641":"If you have open positions","874461655":"Scan the QR code with your phone","874472715":"Your funds will remain in your existing MT5 account(s).","874484887":"Take profit must be a positive number.","875101277":"If I close my web browser, will Deriv Bot continue to run?","875532284":"Restart process on a different device","876086855":"Complete the financial assessment form","876292912":"Exit","876826584":"Enter a valid phone number, including the country code (e.g. +15417541234).","879014472":"Reached maximum number of decimals","879647892":"You may sell the contract up until 60 seconds before expiry. If you do, we’ll pay you the <0>contract value.","880552407":"Official residence declaration or affidavit","881963105":"(XAUUSD, XAGUSD)","882423592":"The amount that you stake for the first trade. Note that this is the minimum stake amount.","885065431":"Get a Deriv account","888274063":"Town/City","888924866":"We don’t accept the following inputs for:","890299833":"Go to Reports","891337947":"Select country","893963781":"Close-to-Low","893975500":"You do not have any recent bots","894191608":"<0>c.We must award the settlement within 28 days of when the decision is reached.","896790627":"A US birthplace","897597439":"Changes saved.","898167937":"Total withdrawn (Lifetime)","898457777":"You have added a Deriv Financial account.","898904393":"Barrier:","899342595":"NIN","900646972":"page.","902045490":"3 minutes","903429103":"In candles list read {{ candle_property }} # from end {{ input_number }}","903702825":"DC has been turned off.","904696726":"API token","905227556":"Strong passwords contain at least 8 characters, combine uppercase and lowercase letters and numbers.","905564365":"MT5 CFDs","905939380":"Reverse D'Alembert on Stat Reset","906789729":"Your verification documents were already used for another account.","907680782":"Proof of ownership verification failed","907734435":"This contract starts on","910888293":"Too many attempts","911048905":"(BTCUSD, ETHUSD)","912257733":"The workspace will be reset to the default strategy and any unsaved changes will be lost. <0>Note: This will not affect your running bot.","912406629":"Follow these steps:","912967164":"Import from your computer","915735109":"Back to {{platform_name}}","916579917":"Try now","918447723":"Real","920125517":"Add demo account","920132766":"Due to business changes, client accounts in your country are to be closed. Deposits and trading are disabled. Withdraw your funds by {{date}}.","920323865":"Code*","921857297":"Enter a value from 0 to {{ value }}.","921901739":"- your account details of the bank linked to your account","922313275":"You're back online","924046954":"Upload a document showing your name and bank account number or account details.","924912760":"Your document appears to be a digital document.","929608744":"You are unable to make withdrawals","930255747":"Please enter your {{document_name}}. ","930346117":"Capitalization doesn't help very much","930546422":"Touch","933126306":"Enter some text here","933193610":"Only letters, periods, hyphens, apostrophes, and spaces, please.","936393760":"You receive a <0>payout at <1>expiry if the spot price never touches or breaches the <2>barrier during the contract period. If it does, your contract will be terminated early.","937237342":"Strategy name cannot be empty","937289537":"Upload an original (unaltered) document that clearly shows your name and address, issued within the past {{expiry_in_months}} months. We accept:","937682366":"Upload both of these documents to prove your identity.","937831119":"Last name*","937992258":"Table","938500877":"{{ text }}. <0>You can view the summary of this transaction in your email.","938947787":"Withdrawal {{currency}}","938988777":"High barrier","940624996":"Moving strategies to Deriv Bot","942015028":"Step 500 Index","944499219":"Max. open positions","945532698":"Contract sold","945753712":"Back to Trader’s Hub","946204249":"Read","946841802":"A white (or green) candle indicates that the open price is lower than the close price. This represents an upward movement of the market price.","947046137":"Your withdrawal will be processed within 24 hours","947363256":"Create list","947602200":"Save this strategy as an XML file from Deriv Bot for faster re-imports.","947704973":"Reverse D’Alembert","947758334":"City is required","947914894":"Top up  <0>","948156236":"Create {{type}} password","949859957":"Submit","956448295":"Cut-off image detected","957182756":"Trigonometric functions","958430760":"In/Out","958503488":"Search markets on ","959031082":"set {{ variable }} to MACD Array {{ dropdown }} {{ dummy }}","960201789":"3. Sell conditions","961327418":"My computer","961692401":"Bot","962251615":"If you want to adjust your self-exclusion limits, <0>contact us via live chat.","966457287":"set {{ variable }} to Exponential Moving Average {{ dummy }}","966781743":"Session Expired","968576099":"Up/Down","969858761":"Principle 1: Strategy aims to potentially make one unit of profit per session","969987233":"Win up to maximum payout if exit spot is between lower and upper barrier, in proportion to the difference between exit spot and lower barrier.","970915884":"AN","974888153":"High-Low","975608902":"To trade CFDs, get a Deriv Apps account first.","975950139":"Country of Residence","975959578":"Updates: Quick strategy modal","977929335":"Go to my account settings","979713491":"Zero Spread BVI","980050614":"Update now","981138557":"Redirect","981568830":"You have chosen to exclude yourself from trading on our website until {{exclude_until}}. If you are unable to place a trade or deposit after your self-exclusion period, please contact us via <0>live chat.","981965437":"Scan the QR code below with your 2FA app. We recommend <0>Authy or <1>Google Authenticator.","982146443":"WhatsApp","982402892":"First line of address","982829181":"Barriers","983295075":"Why can't I see the funds on my card/e-wallet balance after I've made a withdrawal?","983423404":"<0>Step {{step}}/2:  {{title}}","983451828":"2. Select the asset and trade type.","984175243":"Expand Blocks","986565137":"We've received your proof of income","987224688":"How many trades have you placed with other financial instruments in the past 12 months?","988064913":"4. Come back to Deriv Bot and add the Notify Telegram block to the workspace. Paste the Telegram API token and chat ID into the block fields accordingly.","988361781":"You have no trading activity yet.","988934465":"When prompted, you must enable camera access to continue","989840364":"You’re under legal age.","991654042":"By changing your initial stake and/or take profit.","992294492":"Your postal code is invalid","992677950":"Logging out on other devices","995563717":"not {{ boolean }}","997276809":"I confirm that the name and date of birth above match my chosen identity document","997311089":"Change my password","999008199":"text","1001160515":"Sell","1002989598":"iOS: iCloud keychain.","1004127734":"Send email","1006069082":"The objective of Martingale strategy is to take advantage of consecutive successful trades and maximise potential profits from them. This strategy is beneficial only if there are consecutive successful trades. Therefore, it is important to set a maximum stake to secure all the potential profits gained from a number of consecutive successful trades, or you could lose all the profits you have accumulated, including your initial stake. For example, if your goal is to maximise profits within 2 consecutive successful trades, you set a maximum stake of 2 USD, given your initial stake is 1 USD. Similarly, if your goal is to maximise profits within 3 consecutive successful trades, you set a maximum stake of 4 USD, given your initial stake is 1 USD.","1006458411":"Errors","1006664890":"Silent","1008151470":"Unit: The number of units that are added in the event of successful trades or the number of units removed in the event of losing trades. For example, if the unit is set at 2, the stake increases or decreases by two times the initial stake of 1 USD, meaning it changes by 2 USD.","1009032439":"All time","1010198306":"This block creates a list with strings and numbers.","1010337648":"We were unable to verify your proof of ownership.","1011424042":"{{text}}. stake<0/>","1012102263":"You will not be able to log in to your account until this date (up to 6 weeks from today).","1014469655":"Send new link{{next_email_attempt_timestamp}}","1015201500":"Define your trade options such as duration and stake.","1016220824":"You need to switch to a real money account to use this feature.<0/>You can do this by selecting a real account from the <1>Account Switcher.","1017081936":"If you select “<0>Put”, you’ll earn a payout if the final price is below the strike price at expiry. Otherwise, you won’t receive a payout.","1018803177":"standard deviation","1019265663":"You have no transactions yet.","1019508841":"Barrier 1","1021090237":"Upgrade your <0>{{account_1}} <1/>and <0>{{account_2}} {{platform}} account(s)","1021679446":"Multipliers only","1022923711":"Invalid code. Try again.","1022934784":"1 minute","1022971288":"Payout per pip","1023237947":"1. In the example below, the instructions are repeated as long as the value of x is less than or equal to 10. Once the value of x exceeds 10, the loop is terminated.","1023643811":"This block purchases contract of a specified type.","1023795011":"Even/Odd","1024205076":"Logic operation","1026046972":"Please enter a payout amount that's lower than {{max_payout}}.","1026289179":"Trade on the go","1028211549":"All fields are required","1028758659":"Citizenship*","1029164365":"We presume that you possess the experience, knowledge, and expertise to make your own investment decisions and properly assess the risk involved.","1029641567":"{{label}} must be less than 30 characters.","1030021206":"change {{ variable }} by {{ number }}","1031602624":"We've sent a secure link to %{number}","1031731167":"Pound Sterling","1032173180":"Deriv","1032907147":"AUD/NZD","1033253221":"Confirm your identity to make a withdrawal.","1035893169":"Delete","1036116144":"Speculate on the price movement of an asset without actually owning it.","1036867749":"The desired duration, stake, prediction, and/or barrier(s) for the contract is defined here.","1038575777":"Change password","1039428638":"EU regulation","1039476188":"The size used to multiply the stake after a losing trade for the next trade.","1039755542":"Use a few words, avoid common phrases","1040472990":"1. Go to Bot Builder.","1040677897":"To continue trading, you must also submit a proof of address.","1041001318":"This block performs the following operations on a given list: sum, minimum, maximum, average, median, mode, antimode, standard deviation, random item.","1041620447":"If you are unable to scan the QR code, you can manually enter this code instead:","1042659819":"You have an account that needs action","1042822110":"Take control of your funds management with Wallet! Enjoy fast and secure transactions with funds segregation.","1043790274":"There was an error","1044599642":"<0> has been credited into your {{platform}} {{title}} account.","1045704971":"Jump 150 Index","1047389068":"Food Services","1047644783":"Enable screen lock on your device.","1047881477":"Unfortunately, your browser does not support the video.","1048687543":"Labuan Financial Services Authority","1048947317":"Sorry, this app is unavailable in {{clients_country}}.","1049384824":"Rise","1050063303":"Videos on Deriv Bot","1050128247":"I confirm that I have verified the payment agent’s transfer information.","1050844889":"Reports","1052779010":"You are on your demo account","1052921318":"{{currency}} Wallet","1053153674":"Jump 50 Index","1053159279":"Level of education","1053556481":"Once you submit your complaint, we will send you an acknowledgement email to confirm that we have received it.","1055313820":"No document detected","1056381071":"Return to trade","1056821534":"Are you sure?","1057216772":"text {{ input_text }} is empty","1057519018":"4. If a trade ends in a profit, the stake for the following trade will be reset to the initial stake amount of 1 USD.","1057749183":"Two-factor authentication (2FA)","1057765448":"Stop out level","1057904606":"The concept of the D’Alembert Strategy is said to be similar to the Martingale Strategy where you will increase your contract size after a loss. With the D’Alembert Strategy, you will also decrease your contract size after a successful trade.","1058804653":"Expiry","1058905535":"Tutorial","1060231263":"When are you required to pay an initial margin?","1061308507":"Purchase {{ contract_type }}","1062423382":"Explore the video guides and FAQs to build your bot in the tutorials tab.","1062536855":"Equals","1062569830":"The <0>name on your identity document doesn't match your profile.","1065498209":"Iterate (1)","1065766135":"You have {{remaining_transfers}} {{transfer_text}} remaining for today.","1066235879":"Transferring funds will require you to create a second account.","1066459293":"4.3. Acknowledging your complaint","1069336791":"Review in progress","1069347258":"The verification link you used is invalid or expired. Please request for a new one.","1070323991":"6. If consecutive successful trades were to happen, the stake would follow a sequence of adjustment from 1 to 3, then 2, and 6 units of initial stake. After 4 consecutive successful trades, it completes one cycle and then the strategy will repeat itself for another cycle. If any trade results in a loss, your stake will reset back to the initial stake for the next trade.","1070624871":"Check proof of address document verification status","1073711308":"Trade closed","1076006913":"Profit/loss on the last {{item_count}} contracts","1077515534":"Date to","1078189922":"You can make a new deposit once the verification of your account is complete.","1078202703":"Tax identification number is not properly formatted.","1078221772":"Leverage prevents you from opening large positions.","1078303105":"Stop out","1080068516":"Action","1080990424":"Confirm","1082158368":"*Maximum account cash balance","1082406746":"Please enter a stake amount that's at least {{min_stake}}.","1083781009":"Tax identification number*","1083826534":"Enable Block","1087112394":"You must select the strike price before entering the contract.","1088031284":"Strike:","1088138125":"Tick {{current_tick}} - ","1089085289":"Mobile number","1089436811":"Tutorials","1089687322":"Stop your current bot?","1090041864":"The {{block_type}} block is mandatory and cannot be deleted/disabled.","1090802140":"Additional Information","1091617520":"Type of document","1095089956":"Updated: Quick Strategy Modal","1095295626":"<0>•The Arbiter for Financial Services will determine whether the complaint can be accepted and is in accordance with the law.","1096078516":"We’ll review your documents and notify you of its status within 3 days.","1096175323":"You’ll need a Deriv account","1098147569":"Purchase commodities or shares of a company.","1098622295":"\"i\" starts with the value of 1, and it will be increased by 2 at every iteration. The loop will repeat until \"i\" reaches the value of 12, and then the loop is terminated.","1100133959":"National ID","1100870148":"To learn more about account limits and how they apply, please go to the <0>Help Centre.","1101712085":"Buy Price","1102420931":"Next, upload the front and back of your driving licence.","1102995654":"Calculates Exponential Moving Average (EMA) list from a list of values with a period","1103309514":"Target","1103452171":"Cookies help us to give you a better experience and personalised content on our site.","1104912023":"Pending verification","1107474660":"Submit proof of address","1107555942":"To","1109182113":"Note: Deal cancellation is only available for Volatility Indices on Multipliers.","1109217274":"Success!","1110102997":"Statement","1111743543":"Stop loss (Multiplier)","1112582372":"Interval duration","1113119682":"This block gives you the selected candle value from a list of candles.","1113227831":"Yes, you can. However, there are limits on your account, such as maximum number of open positions and maximum aggregate payouts on open positions. So, just keep these limits in mind when opening multiple positions. You can find more info about these limits at Settings > Account limits.","1113292761":"Less than 8MB","1114679006":"You have successfully created your bot using a simple strategy.","1114849178":"Zero Spread demo","1117281935":"Sell conditions (optional)","1117863275":"Security and safety","1118294625":"You have chosen to exclude yourself from trading on our website until {{exclusion_end}}. If you are unable to place a trade or deposit after your self-exclusion period, please contact us via live chat.","1119887091":"Verification","1120985361":"Terms & conditions updated","1121050010":"Transaction fee: {{amount}} {{currency}}","1122910860":"Please complete your <0>financial assessment.","1123927492":"You have not selected your account currency","1124382808":"Please enter the expiry time in the format \"HH:MM\".","1125090693":"Must be a number","1126934455":"Length of token name must be between 2 and 32 characters.","1127224297":"Sorry for the interruption","1127884488":"cTrader MacOS app","1128139358":"How many CFD trades have you placed in the past 12 months?","1128321947":"Clear All","1128404172":"Undo","1129124569":"If you select \"Under\", you will win the payout if the last digit of the last tick is less than your prediction.","1129842439":"Please enter a take profit amount.","1133651559":"Live chat","1134879544":"Example of a document with glare","1134883120":"Use your Deriv account email and password to log in to cTrader.","1138037263":"Customise your investment period and price levels to fit your trading goals.","1138126442":"Forex: standard","1140585027":"Invalid Input {{ input_value }}.","1142023511":"Select the type of document:","1143730031":"Direction is {{ direction_type }}","1143854257":"Deriv P2P and Payment Agent services are currently unavailable for Wallets.","1144028300":"Relative Strength Index Array (RSIA)","1144740912":"Cancel phone number verification?","1145927365":"Run the blocks inside after a given number of seconds","1146064568":"Go to Deposit page","1147269948":"Barrier cannot be zero.","1150637063":"*Volatility 150 Index and Volatility 250 Index","1151964318":"both sides","1152294962":"Upload the front of your driving licence.","1154021400":"list","1154239195":"Title and name","1155011317":"This block converts the date and time to the number of seconds since the Unix Epoch (1970-01-01 00:00:00).","1155143434":"By clicking on <0>Next you agree to move your {{platform}} {{type}} {{from_account}} account(s) under <2/>Deriv {{account_to_migrate}} Ltd’s <1>terms and conditions.","1155626418":"below","1158678321":"<0>b.The Head of the Dispute Resolution Committee (DRC) will contact both you and us within 5 business days to obtain all necessary information and see if there is a chance to settle the complaint during the investigation phase.","1160761178":"No payout if exit spot is below or equal to the lower barrier.","1161924555":"Please select an option","1163771266":"The third block is <0>optional. You may use this block if you want to sell your contract before it expires. For now, leave the block as it is. ","1163836811":"Real Estate","1164773983":"Take profit and/or stop loss are not available while deal cancellation is active.","1166023941":"New password","1166128807":"Choose one of your accounts or add a new cryptocurrency account","1166377304":"Increment value","1166916934":"Demo Standard SVG","1168029733":"Win payout if exit spot is also equal to entry spot.","1169201692":"Create {{platform}} password","1170228717":"Stay on {{platform_name_trader}}","1171765024":"Step 3","1171961126":"trade parameters","1172230903":"• Stop loss threshold: Use this variable to store your loss limit. You can assign any amount you want. Your bot will stop when your losses hits or exceeds this amount.","1172524677":"CFDs Demo","1173957529":"Go to ‘Account Settings’ on Deriv.","1174186184":"Ensure your information is correct.","1174542625":"- Find the chat ID property in the response, and copy the value of the id property","1174689133":"3. Set your trade parameters and hit Run.","1174748431":"Payment channel","1175183064":"Vanuatu","1177396776":"If you select \"Asian Fall\", you will win the payout if the last tick is lower than the average of the ticks.","1177723589":"There are no transactions to display","1178582280":"The number of contracts you have lost since you last cleared your stats.","1178800778":"Take a photo of the back of your license","1178942276":"Please try again in a minute.","1179704370":"Please enter a take profit amount that's higher than the current potential profit.","1181396316":"This block gives you a random number from within a set range","1181770592":"Profit/loss from selling","1183007646":"- Contract type: the name of the contract type such as Rise, Fall, Touch, No Touch, etс.","1183448523":"<0>We're setting up your Wallets","1184968647":"Close your contract now or keep it running. If you decide to keep it running, you can check and close it later on the ","1186687280":"Question {{ current }} of {{ total }}","1188316409":"To receive your funds, contact the payment agent with the details below","1188980408":"5 minutes","1189249001":"4.1. What is considered a complaint?","1189368976":"Please complete your personal details before you verify your identity.","1190440927":"Landline phone bill","1191429031":"Please click on the link in the email to change your <0>{{platform_name_dxtrade}} password.","1195393249":"Notify {{ notification_type }} with sound: {{ notification_sound }} {{ input_message }}","1196006480":"Profit threshold","1197649109":"No results for {{searchTerm}}","1198368641":"Relative Strength Index (RSI)","1199281499":"Last Digits List","1201533528":"Contracts won","1201773643":"numeric","1203297580":"This block sends a message to a Telegram channel.","1203380736":"The D’Alembert strategy is less risky than Martingale, but you can still determine how long your funds will last with this strategy before trading. Simply use this formula.","1204202371":"No open positions","1204223111":"In this example, the open prices from a list of candles are assigned to a variable called \"candle_list\".","1204459171":"Your existing <0>{{platform}} {{type_1}} <1/>and <0>{{type_2}} {{from_account}} account(s) will remain accessible.","1205194941":"Update your initial stake.","1206227936":"How to mask your card?","1206821331":"Armed Forces","1208729868":"Ticks","1208903663":"Invalid token","1209088055":"Deriv Gold","1214893428":"Account creation is currently unavailable for mobile. Please log in with your computer to create a new account.","1216408337":"Self-Employed","1217159705":"Bank account number","1217481729":"Tether as an ERC20 token (eUSDT) is a version of Tether that is hosted on Ethereum.","1218546232":"What is Fiat onramp?","1219844088":"do %1","1221250438":"To enable withdrawals, please submit your <0>Proof of Identity (POI) and <1>Proof of Address (POA) and also complete the <2>financial assessment in your account settings.","1222096166":"Deposit via bank wire, credit card, and e-wallet","1222521778":"Making deposits and withdrawals is difficult.","1222544232":"We’ve sent you an email","1222588519":"Use your <0>Deriv MT5 password to log in to your Deriv MT5 accounts on the desktop, web and mobile apps.","1223993374":"For entry spot, we use current-tick-execution mechanism, which is the latest asset price when the trade opening is processed by our servers.","1225874865":"The stake adjustment: target session profit (1 USD) - current session profit (0 USD) = 1 USD","1225962809":"Low Barrier","1227074958":"random fraction","1227132397":"4. For trades that result in a loss, there are two outcomes. If it was traded at the initial stake, the next trade will remain at the same amount as the strategy trades minimally at the initial stake, see A2. If it was traded with a higher amount, the stake for the next trade would be reduced by 2 USD, see A3.","1227240509":"Trim spaces","1228534821":"Some currencies may not be supported by payment agents in your country.","1229883366":"Tax identification number","1230884443":"State/Province (optional)","1231282282":"Use only the following special characters: {{permitted_characters}}","1232291311":"Maximum withdrawal remaining","1232353969":"0-5 transactions in the past 12 months","1233178579":"Our customers say","1233300532":"Payout","1233910495":"If you select \"<0>Down\", your total profit/loss will be the percentage decrease in the underlying asset price, times the multiplier and stake, minus commissions.","1234292259":"Source of wealth","1234764730":"Upload a screenshot of your name and email address from the personal details section.","1235112380":"For a Put option, you receive a payout if the final price is lower than the strike price.","1236527126":"(Transaction fee: {{transaction_fee}} {{currency_symbol}})","1237330017":"Pensioner","1238311538":"Admin","1239760289":"Complete your trading assessment","1239940690":"Restarts the bot when an error is encountered.","1240027773":"Please Log in","1240688917":"Glossary","1241238585":"You may transfer between your Deriv fiat, cryptocurrency, and {{platform_name_mt5}} accounts.","1242288838":"Hit the checkbox above to choose your document.","1242994921":"Click here to start building your Deriv Bot.","1243064300":"Local","1243287470":"Transaction status","1246207976":"Enter the authentication code generated by your 2FA app:","1246880072":"Select issuing country","1247280835":"Our cryptocurrency cashier is temporarily down due to system maintenance. You can make cryptocurrency deposits and withdrawals in a few minutes when the maintenance is complete.","1248018350":"Source of income","1248940117":"<0>a.The decisions made by the DRC are binding on us. DRC decisions are binding on you only if you accept them.","1250113042":"This device doesn't support passkeys.","1250495155":"Token copied!","1252669321":"Import from your Google Drive","1253531007":"Confirmed","1253636052":"MetaTrader5 web terminal","1254565203":"set {{ variable }} to create list with","1255827200":"You can also import or build your bot using any of these shortcuts.","1255909792":"last","1255963623":"To date/time {{ input_timestamp }} {{ dummy }}","1258097139":"What could we do to improve?","1258198117":"positive","1259145708":"Let’s try again. Choose another document and enter the corresponding details.","1259598687":"GBP/JPY","1260321794":"active","1262255038":"Step 300 Index","1264096613":"Search for a given string","1265704976":"","1266728508":"Proof of income verification passed","1269296089":"Let's build a Bot!","1270581106":"If you select \"No Touch\", you win the payout if the market never touches the barrier at any time during the contract period.","1272012156":"GBP/CHF","1272337240":"Days","1272681097":"Hours","1274380814":"Your payout is equal to the <0>payout per pip multiplied by the difference, <1>in pips, between the final price and the strike price. You will only earn a profit if your payout is higher than your initial stake.","1274819385":"3. Complaints and Disputes","1276660852":"Submit your proof of identity","1279197529":"Tax identification number is required.","1279937041":"<0>Note: Some complex strategies might face issues in the Bot Builder. If you have questions, contact us via <1/>.","1281045211":"Sorts the items in a given list, by their numeric or alphabetical value, in either ascending or descending order.","1281290230":"Select","1282951921":"Only Downs","1284522768":"If \"Loss\" is selected, it will return \"True\" if your last trade was unsuccessful. Otherwise, it will return an empty string.","1286094280":"Withdraw","1286351940":"Your {{from_account}} account will be archived after 60 days of inactivity. You can still access your trade history until the account is archived.","1286384690":"If you select “<0>Even”, you will win the payout if the last digit of the last tick is an even number (i.e. 2, 4, 6, 8, or 0).","1286507651":"Close identity verification screen","1288965214":"Passport","1289146554":"British Virgin Islands Financial Services Commission","1289650867":"The Oscar’s Grind strategy is designed to potentially gain a modest yet steady profit in each trading session. This strategy splits trades into sessions and has three principles.","1290525720":"Example: ","1291997417":"Contracts will expire at exactly 23:59:59 GMT on your selected expiry date.","1292188546":"Reset Deriv MT5 investor password","1292891860":"Notify Telegram","1293660048":"Max. total loss per day","1294553728":"We’re unable to verify the document you provided because it appears to be a blank image. Please try again or upload another document.","1294756261":"This block creates a function, which is a group of instructions that can be executed at any time. Place other blocks in here to perform any kind of action that you need in your strategy. When all the instructions in a function have been carried out, your bot will continue with the remaining blocks in your strategy. Click the “do something” field to give it a name of your choice. Click the plus icon to send a value (as a named variable) to your function.","1295284664":"Please accept our <0>updated Terms and Conditions to proceed.","1296380713":"Close my contract","1299451470":"Total withdrawal allowed (Lifetime)","1299479533":"8 hours","1300576911":"Please resubmit your proof of address or we may restrict your account.","1302691457":"Occupation","1303016265":"Yes","1303530014":"We’re processing your withdrawal.","1304083330":"copy","1304272843":"Please submit your proof of address.","1304620236":"Enable camera","1305217290":"Upload the back of your identity card.","1306976251":"Standard SVG","1308625834":"Sets the default time interval for blocks that read list of candles.","1309017029":"Enabling this allows you to save your blocks as one collection which can be easily integrated into other bots.","1309044871":"Returns the value of the latest tick in string format","1310483610":"Results for \"{{ search_term }}\"","1311680770":"payout","1313167179":"Please log in","1313302450":"The bot will stop trading if your total loss exceeds this amount.","1314572331":"Your document failed our verification checks.","1315463257":"Maximum funds available for withdrawal.","1316216284":"You can use this password for all your {{platform}} accounts.","1319217849":"Check your mobile","1319971290":"Swap-Free demo","1320715220":"<0>Account closed","1320750775":"Front and back","1322804930":"Restart the process on the latest version of Google Chrome","1323327633":"Our complaints process comprises the following 4 steps:","1323476617":"Changes the capitalisation of a string of text to Upper case, Lower case, Title case.","1323996051":"Profile","1324922837":"2. The new variable will appear as a block under Set variable.","1327181172":"Financial Vanuatu","1327494533":"{{sell_value}} (Sell)","1327577652":"Deriv cTrader demo","1329136554":"Jump 200 Index","1329325646":"The content of this block is called on every tick","1329964040":"stop loss","1331199417":"Please enter the correct format. ","1331367811":"Client account number","1332168410":"Learn more","1332168769":"Disconnect","1333576137":"Please update your {{details}} to continue.","1333839457":"Submit identity card (front)","1334326985":"It may take a few minutes to arrive","1335967988":"Notice","1337846406":"This block gives you the selected candle value from a list of candles within the selected time interval.","1337864666":"Photo of your document","1338496204":"Ref. ID","1339565304":"Deposit now to start trading","1339613797":"Regulator/External dispute resolution","1340286510":"The bot has stopped, but your trade may still be running. You can check it on the Reports page.","1341840346":"View in Journal","1343468999":"Fixed barrier","1346204508":"Take profit","1346339408":"Managers","1346947293":"We were unable to verify your selfie because it’s not clear. Please take a clearer photo and try again. Ensure that there's enough light where you are and that your entire face is in the frame.","1347071802":"{{minutePast}}m ago","1349133669":"Try changing your search criteria.","1349289354":"Great, that's everything we need","1349295677":"in text {{ input_text }} get substring from {{ position1 }} {{ index1 }} to {{ position2 }} {{ index2 }}","1351906264":"This feature is not available for payment agents.","1352234202":"Last {{positionsCount}} contracts:","1352413406":"Define your trade options, such as accumulator and stake.","1353197182":"Please select","1354288636":"Based on your answers, it looks like you have insufficient knowledge and experience in trading CFDs. CFD trading is risky and you could potentially lose all of your capital.<0/><0/>","1355250245":"{{ calculation }} of list {{ input_list }}","1356574493":"Returns a specific portion of a given string of text.","1356607862":"Deriv password","1357213116":"Identity card","1358543466":"Not available","1358543748":"enabled","1360929368":"Add a Deriv account","1362029761":"Exploring the Reverse Martingale strategy in Deriv Bot","1362578283":"High","1363645836":"Derived FX","1363675688":"Duration is a required field.","1364879837":"The verification is passed but the personal info is not available to compare.","1364958515":"Stocks","1366244749":"Limits","1367488817":"4. Restart trading conditions","1367990698":"Volatility 10 Index","1370435892":"Verify the address on this page before each deposit to avoid losing funds. Occasionally, the address could be updated.","1370647009":"Enjoy higher daily limits","1371193412":"Cancel","1371555192":"Choose your preferred payment agent and enter your withdrawal amount. If your payment agent is not listed, <0>search for them using their account number.","1371641641":"Open the link on your mobile","1371911731":"Financial products in the EU are offered by {{legal_entity_name}}, licensed as a Category 3 Investment Services provider by the Malta Financial Services Authority (<0>Licence no. IS/70156).","1373949314":"The Reverse Martingale strategy involves increasing your stake after each successful trade and resets to the initial stake for every losing trade as it aims to secure potential profits from consecutive wins.","1374627690":"Max. account balance","1374902304":"Your document appears to be damaged or cropped.","1376329801":"Last 60 days","1377509570":"Limit (USD)","1378419333":"Ether","1380349261":"Range","1383017005":"You have switched accounts.","1384222389":"Please submit valid identity documents to unlock the cashier.","1385418910":"Please set a currency for your existing real account before creating another account.","1387503299":"Log in","1388770399":"Proof of identity required","1389197139":"Import error","1390792283":"Trade parameters","1391174838":"Potential payout:","1392985917":"This is similar to a commonly used password","1393559748":"Invalid date/time: {{ datetime_string }}","1393901361":"There’s an app for that","1393903598":"if true {{ return_value }}","1396179592":"Commission","1396217283":"{{transaction_amount}} {{currency_symbol}}","1396417530":"Bear Market Index","1397628594":"Insufficient funds","1400732866":"View from camera","1400962248":"High-Close","1402208292":"Change text case","1402224124":"Hit the button below, and we'll email you a verification link.","1402300547":"Lets get your address verified","1403085197":"Boost your trading strategy with Accumulators.","1403376207":"Update my details","1405584799":"with interval: {{ candle_interval_type }}","1407191858":"DTrader","1408844944":"Click the plus icon to extend the functionality of this block.","1410016796":"Below spot:","1411373212":"Strong passwords contain at least 8 characters. combine uppercase and lowercase letters, numbers, and symbols.","1411419173":"Growth Rate: {{ accumulator }}","1412405902":"See important notes","1412535872":"You can check the result of the last trade with this block. It can only be placed within the \"Restart trading conditions\" root block.","1413047745":"Assigns a given value to a variable","1413359359":"Make a new transfer","1414205271":"prime","1414366321":"An uppercase letter","1414918420":"We'll review your proof of identity again and will give you an update as soon as possible.","1415006332":"get sub-list from first","1415513655":"Download cTrader on your phone to trade with the Deriv cTrader account","1415974522":"If you select \"Differs\", you will win the payout if the last digit of the last tick is not the same as your prediction.","1416521695":"Positions","1417558007":"Max. total loss over 7 days","1417907460":"No problem! Your passkey still works.","1417914636":"Login ID","1418115525":"This block repeats instructions as long as a given condition is true.","1421046084":"Setup your account","1421749665":"Simple Moving Average (SMA)","1422060302":"This block replaces a specific item in a list with another given item. It can also insert the new item in the list at a specific position.","1422129582":"All details must be clear — nothing blurry","1423082412":"Last Digit","1423296980":"Enter your SSNIT number","1423353198":"Update your personal details in account settings before starting your financial assessment.","1424741507":"See more","1424763981":"1-3-2-6","1424779296":"If you've recently used bots but don't see them in this list, it may be because you:","1428657171":"You can only make deposits. Please contact us via <0>live chat for more information.","1430221139":"Verify now","1430396558":"5. Restart buy/sell on error","1430632931":"To get trading, please confirm who you are, and where you live.","1433367863":"Sorry, an error occured while processing your request.","1434382099":"Displays a dialog window with a message","1434767075":"Get started on Deriv Bot","1434976996":"Announcement","1435363248":"This block converts the number of seconds since the Unix Epoch to a date and time format such as 2019-08-01 00:00:00.","1437529196":"Payslip","1438247001":"A professional client receives a lower degree of client protection due to the following.","1438340491":"else","1439168633":"Stop loss:","1441208301":"Total<0 />profit/loss","1442747050":"Loss amount: <0>{{profit}}","1442840749":"Random integer","1443478428":"Selected proposal does not exist","1444066971":"It seems you’ve submitted this document before. Upload a new document.","1444843056":"Corporate Affairs Commission","1445592224":"You accidentally gave us another email address (Usually a work or a personal one instead of the one you meant).","1447698999":"Withdrawals can be cancelled if they're still in the 'Requested' status (you can check your status under Pending payout). Once the status changes to 'Authorised', in 'Progress', or 'Processed', cancellation isn't possible.","1449462402":"In review","1451838304":"New features for developers.","1452260922":"Too many failed attempts","1452941569":"This block delays execution for a given number of seconds. You can place any blocks within this block. The execution of other blocks in your strategy will be paused until the instructions in this block are carried out.","1453317405":"This block gives you the balance of your account either as a number or a string of text.","1454406889":"Choose <0>until as the repeat option.","1454648764":"deal reference id","1455741083":"Upload the back of your driving licence.","1457341530":"Your proof of identity verification has failed","1457603571":"No notifications","1459761348":"Submit proof of identity","1461323093":"Display messages in the developer’s console.","1462238858":"By purchasing the \"High-to-Close\" contract, you'll win the multiplier times the difference between the high and close over the duration of the contract.","1464190305":"This block will transfer the control back to the Purchase conditions block, enabling you to purchase another contract without manually stopping and restarting your bot.","1464253511":"You already have an account for each of the cryptocurrencies available on {{deriv}}.","1465084972":"How much experience do you have with other financial instruments?","1465919899":"Pick an end date","1466430429":"Should be between {{min_value}} and {{max_value}}","1466900145":"Doe","1467017903":"This market is not yet available on {{platform_name_trader}}, but it is on {{platform_name_smarttrader}}.","1467421920":"with interval: %1","1467880277":"3. General queries","1468308734":"This block repeats instructions as long as a given condition is true","1468419186":"Deriv currently supports withdrawals of Tether USDT to Omni wallet. To ensure a successful transaction, enter a wallet address compatible with the tokens you wish to withdraw. <0>Learn more","1468508098":"Slippage happens when the asset price changes by the time it reaches our servers.","1469133110":"cTrader Windows app","1469150826":"Take Profit","1469764234":"Cashier Error","1469814942":"- Division","1470319695":"Returns either True or False","1470565177":"Article of association","1471008053":"Deriv Bot isn't quite ready for real accounts","1471070549":"Can contract be sold?","1471741480":"Severe error","1473369747":"Synthetics only","1475513172":"Size","1476301886":"Similar to SMA, this block gives you the entire SMA line containing a list of all values for a given period.","1478030986":"Create or delete API tokens for trading and withdrawals","1480915523":"Skip","1484336612":"This block is used to either terminate or continue a loop, and can be placed anywhere within a loop block.","1488548367":"Upload again","1490509675":"Options accounts","1491392301":"<0>Sold for: {{sold_for}}","1493673429":"Change email","1493866481":"Run Deriv X on your browser","1494535716":"Tick Count: ","1495294225":"Barrier set at specific price.","1496810530":"GBP/AUD","1497773819":"Deriv MT5 accounts","1499080621":"Tried to perform an invalid operation.","1499733992":"is verified as your phone number.","1502039206":"Over {{barrier}}","1502325741":"Your password cannot be the same as your email address.","1503419760":"Swap-free CFDs on selected financial and derived instruments.","1503618738":"- Deal reference ID: the reference ID of the contract","1505420815":"No payment agents found for your search","1505927599":"Our servers hit a bump. Let’s refresh to move on.","1507554225":"Submit your proof of address","1509559328":"cTrader","1509570124":"{{buy_value}} (Buy)","1509678193":"Education","1510075920":"Gold/USD","1510357015":"Tax residence is required.","1510735345":"This block gives you a list of the last digits of the last 1000 tick values.","1512469749":"In the above example it is assumed that variable candle_open_price is processed somewhere within other blocks.","1513771077":"We're processing your withdrawal.","1516559721":"Please select one file only","1516676261":"Deposit","1517503814":"Drop file or click here to upload","1518404516":"This block gives you a list of the cuurent stats of the last 1000 tick values.","1519490251":"Back to personal details","1520332426":"Net annual income","1521546070":"Download Block","1524636363":"Authentication failed","1526012495":"This could be because:","1526483456":"2. Enter a name for your variable, and hit Create. New blocks containing your new variable will appear below.","1527251898":"Unsuccessful","1527664853":"Your payout is equal to the payout per point multiplied by the difference between the final price and the strike price.","1527906715":"This block adds the given number to the selected variable.","1531017969":"Creates a single text string from combining the text value of each attached item, without spaces in between. The number of items can be added accordingly.","1533177906":"Fall","1534796105":"Gets variable value","1537192641":"Unable to process your request","1537711064":"You need to make a quick identity verification before you can access the Cashier. Please go to your account settings to submit your proof of identity.","1540585098":"Decline","1541508606":"Looking for CFDs? Go to Trader's Hub","1541770236":"The 1-3-2-6 strategy aims to maximise potential profits with four consecutive successful trades. One unit is equal to the amount of the initial stake. The stake will adjust from 1 unit to 3 units after the first successful trade, then to 2 units after your second successful trade, and to 6 units after the third successful trade. The stake for the next trade will reset to the initial stake if there is a losing trade or a completion of the trade cycle.","1541969455":"Both","1544642951":"If you select \"Only Ups\", you win the payout if consecutive ticks rise successively after the entry spot. No payout if any tick falls or is equal to any of the previous ticks.","1547148381":"That file is too big (only up to 8MB allowed). Please upload another file.","1548185597":"Step 200 Index","1551172020":"AUD Basket","1551689907":"Enhance your trading experience by upgrading your <0/><1>{{platform}} {{type}} {{from_account}} account(s).","1553026987":"You receive a <0>payout at <0>expiry if the spot price never breaches the <0>barrier during the contract period. If it does, your contract will be terminated early.","1556391770":"You cannot make a withdrawal as your documents are still under review. We will notify you by email within 3 days once your verification is approved.","1557682012":"Account Settings","1558972889":"set {{ variable }} to Simple Moving Average {{ dummy }}","1560302445":"Copied","1560356933":"Official letter issued by the government or solicitor","1562374116":"Students","1565273609":"Accumulators is now on Deriv Bot","1566037033":"Bought: {{longcode}} (ID: {{transaction_id}})","1566717687":"We also provide a guide on the Tutorial tab to show you how you can build and execute a simple strategy.","1567745852":"Bot name","1569624004":"Dismiss alert","1570484627":"Ticks list","1570495551":"For exit spot, the latest asset price when the trade closure is processed by our servers.","1571575776":"Accepted formats: pdf, jpeg, jpg, and png. Max file size: 8MB","1571739707":"View your positions here.","1572504270":"Rounding operation","1572982976":"Server","1573429525":"Call/Put","1575556189":"Tether on the Ethereum blockchain, as an ERC20 token, is a newer transport layer, which now makes Tether available in Ethereum smart contracts. As a standard ERC20 token, it can also be sent to any Ethereum address.","1577480486":"Your mobile link will expire in one hour","1577527507":"Account opening reason is required.","1577612026":"Select a folder","1578204427":"Your payout is equal to the <0>payout per point multiplied by the distance between the <0>final price and the barrier. You will only earn a profit if your payout is higher than your initial stake.","1580498808":"Multiple faces found","1582567078":"Specify your trade parameters.","1584109614":"Ticks String List","1584936297":"XML file contains unsupported elements. Please check or modify file.","1587046102":"Documents from that country are not currently supported — try another document type","1589148299":"Start","1589640950":"Resale of this contract is not offered.","1589702653":"Proof of address","1589863913":"These are the trade parameters used for D’Alembert strategy in Deriv Bot.","1590400723":"Total assets in all your accounts","1590625456":"View","1591224893":"Make quick adjustments (5/6)","1591933071":"Resubmit document","1593010588":"Login now","1594147169":"Please come back in","1594322503":"Sell is available","1595295238":"3. Use a logic block to check if Total profit/loss is more than the Stop loss threshold amount. You can find the Total profit/loss variable under Analysis > Stats on the Blocks menu on the left. Your bot will continue to purchase new contracts until the Total profit/loss amount exceeds the Stop loss threshold amount.","1598009247":"<0>a.You may file a complaint with the Financial Commission up to 45 days after the incident.","1598443642":"Transaction hash","1598789539":"Here are some common card/e-wallet errors and their solutions:","1599743312":"An example of Reverse Martingale strategy","1602894348":"Create a password","1604916224":"Absolute","1605222432":"I have no knowledge and experience in trading at all.","1605292429":"Max. total loss","1612105450":"Get substring","1612638396":"Cancel your trade at any time within a specified timeframe.","1615897837":"Signal EMA Period {{ input_number }}","1618652381":"For instance, if a trader has a loss threshold (B) is 1000 USD, with an initial stake (s) is 1 USD, and the Martingale multiplier (m) is 2, the calculation would be as follows:","1619070150":"You are being redirected to an external website.","1620278321":"Names and surnames by themselves are easy to guess","1620346110":"Set currency","1621024661":"Tether as a TRC20 token (tUSDT) is a version of Tether that is hosted on Tron.","1622662457":"Date from","1622944161":"Now, go to the <0>Restart trading conditions block.","1623706874":"Use this block when you want to use multipliers as your trade type.","1623723710":"<0>Boost your trading strategy with Accumulators","1628981793":"Can I trade cryptocurrencies on Deriv Bot?","1630317389":"If you select “<0>No Touch”, you win the payout if the market never touches the barrier at any time during the contract period.","1630417358":"Please go to your account settings and complete your personal details to enable withdrawals.","1631281562":"GBP Basket","1633661992":"Tick {{current_tick}}/{{tick_count}}","1634016345":"2. If the trade is successful, this strategy will automatically adjust your stake to 3 units of your initial stake for the next trade. In this case, the stake adjustment is 3 units and the initial stake is 1 USD, hence the next trade will start at 3 USD.","1634594289":"Select language","1634903642":"Only your face can be in the selfie","1634969163":"Change currency","1635266650":"It seems that your name in the document is not the same as your Deriv profile. Please update your name in the <0>Personal details page to solve this issue.","1635628424":"An envelope with your name and address.","1636605481":"Platform settings","1636782601":"Multipliers","1638321777":"Your demo account balance is low. Reset your balance to continue trading from your demo account.","1639262461":"Pending withdrawal request:","1639304182":"Please click on the link in the email to reset your password.","1641395634":"Last digits list","1641635657":"New proof of identity document needed","1641980662":"Salutation is required.","1644636153":"Transaction hash: <0>{{value}}","1644703962":"Looking for CFD accounts? Go to Trader's Hub","1644864436":"You’ll need to authenticate your account before requesting to become a professional client. <0>Authenticate my account","1644908559":"Digit code is required.","1647186767":"The bot encountered an error while running.","1648938920":"Netherlands 25","1649239667":"2. Under the Blocks menu, you'll see a list of categories. Blocks are grouped within these categories. Choose the block you want and drag them to the workspace.","1650963565":"Introducing Wallets","1651513020":"Display remaining time for each interval","1651951220":"Repeats like \"abcabcabc\" are only slightly harder to guess than \"abc\"","1652366857":"get and remove","1652968048":"Define your trade options such as multiplier and stake.","1652976865":"In this example, this block is used with another block to get the open prices from a list of candles. The open prices are then assigned to the variable called \"cl\".","1653064273":"TP history","1653136377":"copied!","1653180917":"We cannot verify you without using your camera","1653999225":"Forex: major/minor","1654365787":"Unknown","1654529197":"Purchase condition","1654721858":"Upload anyway","1655372864":"Your contract will expire on this date (in GMT), based on the end time you’ve selected.","1655627840":"UPPER CASE","1656155124":"Resend in <0 /> seconds","1658954996":"Plant and Machine Operators and Assemblers","1659074761":"Reset Put","1659327870":"How do I cancel my withdrawal?","1661126218":"Expiry date:","1665272539":"Remember: You cannot log in to your account until the selected date.","1665718170":"The document must contain a letterhead.","1665738338":"Balance","1665756261":"Go to live chat","1668138872":"Modify account settings","1669062316":"The payout at expiry is equal to the payout per pip multiplied by the difference, <0>in pips, between the final price and the strike price.","1670016002":"Multiplier: {{ multiplier }}","1670426231":"End Time","1671232191":"You have set the following limits:","1677027187":"Forex","1679743486":"1. Go to Quick strategy and select the strategy you want.","1680666439":"Upload your bank statement showing your name, account number, and transaction history.","1681765749":"Martingale formula 2","1682409128":"Untitled Strategy","1682636566":"Resend email in","1683383299":"Your contract is closed automatically when your profit is more than or equals to this amount. This block can only be used with the accumulator trade type.","1683963454":"Your contract will be closed automatically at the next available asset price on {{date}} at {{timestamp}}.","1684419981":"What's this?","1686800117":"{{error_msg}}","1689103988":"Second Since Epoch","1689258195":"We were unable to verify your address with the details you provided. Please check and resubmit or choose a different document type.","1690746575":"Enhance your trading experience by upgrading your <0>{{platform}} {{type_1}} <1/>and <0>{{type_2}} {{from_account}} account(s).","1691335819":"To continue trading with us, please confirm who you are.","1691536201":"If you choose your duration in number of ticks, you won’t be able to terminate your contract early.","1691765860":"- Negation","1692912479":"Deriv MT5, Deriv X","1693614409":"Start time","1694517345":"Enter a new email address","1696190747":"Trading inherently involves risks, and actual profits can fluctuate due to various factors, including market volatility and other unforeseen variables. As such, exercise caution and conduct thorough research before engaging in any trading activities.","1697529334":"Important: Your <0>{{platform}} {{existing_account}} account.","1698624570":"2. Hit Ok to confirm.","1699606318":"You've reached the limit of uploading your documents.","1700233813":"Transfer from {{selected_value}} is not allowed, Please choose another account from dropdown","1701447705":"Please update your address","1702339739":"Common mistakes","1703091957":"We collect information about your employment as part of our due diligence obligations, as required by anti-money laundering legislation.","1703712522":"Your payout is equal to the payout per pip multiplied by the difference, <0>in pips, between the final price and the strike price.","1704656659":"How much experience do you have in CFD trading?","1707581467":"sec","1707758392":"Step 100 Index","1708413635":"For your {{currency_name}} ({{currency}}) account","1709859601":"Exit Spot Time","1711013665":"Anticipated account turnover","1711016273":"<0>This may take up to 2 minutes. During this time, some services may be unavailable.","1711676335":"square root","1711929663":"Your funds have been transferred","1712357617":"Invalid email address.","1713633297":"3. If the second trade is also successful, your stake will adjust to 2 USD or 2 units of the initial stake for the next trade.","1714255392":"To enable withdrawals, please complete your financial assessment.","1715011380":"Jump 25 Index","1715630945":"Returns the total profit in string format","1715680813":"Your contract will expire at exactly 23:59:59 GMT +0 on your selected expiry date.","1716142274":"Send code via {{phone_verification_type}}","1720451994":"We’ll charge a 2% transfer fee or {{minimum_fee}} {{currency}}, whichever is higher, for transfers between your Deriv fiat and Deriv cryptocurrency accounts.","1720968545":"Upload passport photo page from your computer","1722056905":"The document you provided is not supported for your country. Please provide a supported document for your country.","1722888575":"{{mt5_migration_error}}","1723390945":"Your demo {{deriv}} {{type}} account is ready.","1723589564":"Represents the maximum number of outstanding contracts in your portfolio. Each line in your portfolio counts for one open position. Once the maximum is reached, you will not be able to open new positions without closing an existing position first.","1724367774":"You can make a funds transfer once the verification of your account is complete.","1724696797":"You are limited to one fiat account only.","1725873563":"Trading disabled","1725958461":"Account number","1726472773":"Function with no return value","1726565314":"Close my account","1728183781":"About Tether","1729145421":"Risk warning","1731747596":"The block(s) highlighted in red are missing input values. Please update them and click \"Run bot\".","1732212492":"Explore trade types (1/6)","1732891201":"Sell price","1733711201":"Regulators/external dispute resolution","1734185104":"Balance: %1","1734264460":"Disclaimer","1734521537":"The document you provided appears to be two different types. Please try again or provide another document.","1736292549":"Update postal code","1737352280":"Bot.init is not called","1738094481":"<0>Duration: Ticks 1","1738206798":"Above spot","1738611950":"About Reverse Martingale","1738681493":"Remove your glasses, if necessary","1739086943":"Wall Street 30","1739384082":"Unemployed","1739668049":"Close your account","1740371444":"Underlying market is not selected","1741006997":"Yesterday","1742256256":"Please upload one of the following documents:","1742282469":"<0>A revamped design for improved functionality.","1743448290":"Payment agents","1743679873":"If you select <0>\"Call\", you’ll earn a <1>payout if the <1>final price is above the <1>strike price at <1>expiry. Otherwise, you won’t receive a payout.","1743902050":"Complete your financial assessment","1744509610":"Just drag the XML file from your computer onto the workspace, and your bot will be loaded accordingly. Alternatively, you can hit Import in Bot Builder, and choose to import your bot from your computer or from your Google Drive.","1745523557":"- Square root","1746051371":"Download the app","1746273643":"Moving Average Convergence Divergence","1747501260":"Sell conditions","1747652849":"If you select the take profit feature, your trade will be closed automatically at the nearest available asset price when your profit reaches or exceeds the take profit amount throughout the contract duration. Your profit may be more than the amount you entered depending on the market price at closing. You may change your take profit amount up to 15 seconds before expiry.","1747674345":"Please use `.` as a decimal separator for fractional numbers.","1747682136":"Contract was cancelled.","1748754976":"Run","1750980485":"I hereby confirm that the tax information provided is true and complete. I will also inform {{legal_entity_name}} about any changes to this information.","1753082252":"This article explores the strategy integrated into Deriv Bot, a versatile trading bot designed to trade assets such as Forex, Commodities, and Derived Indices. We will delve into the strategy's core parameters, its application, and provide essential takeaways for traders looking to use the bot effectively.","1753183432":"We take all complaints seriously and aim to resolve them as quickly and fairly as possible. If you are unhappy with any aspect of our service, please let us know by submitting a complaint using the guidance below:","1753226544":"remove","1753975551":"Upload passport photo page","1754256229":"Each day, you can make up to {{ allowed_internal }} transfers between your Deriv accounts, up to {{ allowed_mt5 }} transfers between your Deriv and {{platform_name_mt5}} accounts, up to {{ allowed_ctrader }} transfers between your Deriv and {{platform_name_ctrader}} accounts, and up to {{ allowed_dxtrade }} transfers between your Deriv and {{platform_name_dxtrade}} accounts.","1756678453":"break out","1761038852":"Let’s continue with providing proofs of address and identity.","1761254001":"A number","1761762171":"Restart last trade on error (bot ignores the unsuccessful trade): {{ checkbox }}","1762707297":"Phone number","1763123662":"Upload your NIMC slip.","1766212789":"Server maintenance starts at 06:00 GMT every Sunday and may last up to 2 hours. You may experience service disruption during this time.","1766993323":"Only letters, numbers, and underscores are allowed.","1768293340":"Contract value","1768861315":"Minute","1768918213":"Only letters, space, hyphen, period, and apostrophe are allowed.","1769068935":"Choose any of these exchanges to buy cryptocurrencies:","1770041368":"Experience safer logins","1771037549":"Add a Deriv real account","1771592738":"Conditional block","1772396880":"The date of birth on your document doesn’t match your profile.","1777847421":"This is a very common password","1778893716":"Click here","1779144409":"Account verification required","1779519903":"Should be a valid number.","1779801832":"Please update your password accordingly.","1779872677":"Download e-book","1780442963":"Scan the QR code to download {{ platform }}.","1780770384":"This block gives you a random fraction between 0.0 to 1.0.","1780805104":"Only send {{currency_name}} ({{currency_code}}) to this address.","1782308283":"Quick strategy","1782395995":"Last Digit Prediction","1782690282":"Blocks menu","1782703044":"Sign up","1783526986":"How do I build a trading bot?","1783740125":"Upload your selfie","1785298924":"D’Alembert formula 1","1786644593":"Supported formats: JPEG, JPG, PNG, PDF, and GIF only","1787492950":"Indicators on the chart tab are for indicative purposes only and may vary slightly from the ones on the {{platform_name_dbot}} workspace.","1788515547":"<0/>For more information on submitting a complaint with the Office of the Arbiter for Financial Services, please <1>see their guidance.","1788966083":"01-07-1999","1789273878":"Payout per point","1789497185":"Make sure your passport details are clear to read, with no blur or glare","1791432284":"Search for country","1791926890":"If you select “<0>Higher”, you win the payout if the exit spot is strictly higher than the barrier.","1791971912":"Recent","1792037169":"To avoid delays, enter your <0>name and <0>date of birth exactly as they appear on your {{document_name}}.","1793913365":"To deposit money, please switch to your {{currency_symbol}} account.","1794815502":"Download your transaction history.","1796270910":"{{days}} days ago","1796787905":"Please upload the following document(s).","1797139903":"Download your strategy in XML format and import it to Deriv Bot.","1798943788":"You can only make deposits.","1801093206":"Get candle list","1801270786":"Ready to automate your trading strategy without writing any code? You’ve come to the right place.","1801927731":"{{platform_name_dxtrade}} accounts","1803338729":"Choose what type of contract you want to trade. For example, for the Rise/Fall trade type you can choose one of three options: Rise, Fall, or Both. Selected option will determine available options for the Purchase block.","1804620701":"Expiration","1804789128":"{{display_value}} Ticks","1806017862":"Max. ticks","1808058682":"Blocks are loaded successfully","1808393236":"Login","1808867555":"This block uses the variable “i” to control the iterations. With each iteration, the value of “i” is determined by the items in a given list.","1810217569":"Please refresh this page to continue.","1811109068":"Jurisdiction","1811138041":"Enter a value from {{ value }} to 9.","1811343027":"2. Select your Martingale multiplier. In this example, it is 2.","1811972349":"Market","1811973475":"Returns a specific character from a given string","1812006199":"Identity verification","1812582011":"Connecting to server","1813380455":"These self-exclusion limits help you control the amount of money and time you spend trading on {{platform_name_trader}}, {{platform_name_dbot}} and {{platform_name_smarttrader}} on Deriv. The limits you set here will help you exercise <0>responsible trading.","1813700208":"Boom 300 Index","1815034361":"alphabetic","1815905959":"DTrader, DBot, SmartTrader, and Binary Bot","1817154864":"This block gives you a random number from within a set range.","1820242322":"e.g. United States","1820332333":"Top up","1821818748":"Enter Driver License Reference number","1823177196":"Most popular","1824193700":"This block gives you the last digit of the latest tick value.","1824292864":"Call","1827607208":"File not uploaded.","1828370654":"Onboarding","1828856382":"If you select “<0>Differs”, you will win the payout if the last digit of the last tick is not the same as your prediction.","1831847842":"I confirm that the name and date of birth above match my chosen identity document (see below)","1833499833":"Proof of identity documents upload failed","1836767074":"Search payment agent name","1837762008":"Please submit your proof of identity and proof of address to verify your account in your account settings to access the cashier.","1839021527":"Please enter a valid account number. Example: CR123456789","1840721160":"Deriv MT5 latest password requirements","1840865068":"set {{ variable }} to Simple Moving Average Array {{ dummy }}","1841788070":"Palladium/USD","1841996888":"Daily loss limit","1842266423":"back","1843336754":"Select document","1843658716":"If you select \"Only Downs\", you win the payout if consecutive ticks fall successively after the entry spot. No payout if any tick rises or is equal to any of the previous ticks.","1845598565":"The second session concludes upon reaching the aim of one unit of potential profit per session, equivalent to 1 USD. If trading continues, a new session will commence again.","1845892898":"(min: {{min_stake}} - max: {{max_payout}})","1846266243":"This feature is not available for demo accounts.","1846587187":"You have not selected your country of residence","1846588117":"Your contract will be closed automatically when your loss reaches {{stop_out_percentage}}% of your stake.","1849484058":"Any unsaved changes will be lost.","1850031313":"- Low: the lowest price","1850132581":"Country not found","1850659345":"- Payout: the payout of the contract","1851052337":"Place of birth is required.","1851776924":"upper","1854480511":"Cashier is locked","1854874899":"Back to list","1854909245":"Multiplier:","1855566768":"List item position","1856485118":"Please <0>resubmit your proof of address to transfer funds between MT5 and Deriv accounts.","1856755117":"Pending action required","1858251701":"minute","1859308030":"Give feedback","1863053247":"Please upload your identity document.","1863731653":"To receive your funds, contact the payment agent","1865160710":"Remove","1865525612":"No recent transactions.","1866244589":"The entry spot is the first tick for High/Low Ticks.","1866811212":"Deposit in your local currency via an authorised, independent payment agent in your country.","1867217564":"Index must be a positive integer","1867783237":"High-to-Close","1869787212":"Even","1870933427":"Crypto","1871196637":"True if the result of the last trade matches the selection","1871377550":"Do you offer pre-built trading bots on Deriv Bot?","1871664426":"Note","1874481756":"Use this block to purchase the specific contract you want. You may add multiple Purchase blocks together with conditional blocks to define your purchase conditions. This block can only be used within the Purchase conditions block.","1874737957":"To trade multipliers, get a Deriv Apps account first.","1874756442":"BVI","1875090343":"Choose a date range","1875702561":"Load or build your bot","1876015808":"Social Security and National Insurance Trust","1876325183":"Minutes","1877225775":"Your proof of address is verified","1877832150":"# from end","1878172674":"No, we don't. However, you'll find quick strategies on Deriv Bot that'll help you build your own trading bot for free.","1878189977":"The Martingale strategy involves increasing your stake after each loss to recoup prior losses with a single successful trade.","1879042430":"Appropriateness Test, WARNING:","1879412976":"Profit amount: <0>{{profit}}","1880029566":"Australian Dollar","1880097605":"prompt for {{ string_or_number }} with message {{ input_text }}","1880227067":"Submit passport photo pages","1880377568":"An example of D’Alembert strategy","1880875522":"Create \"get %1\"","1881018702":"hour","1881142897":"Tick Delayed run","1881380263":"Total assets in your account.","1881587673":"Total stake since you last cleared your stats.","1882825238":"Restart trading conditions","1883531976":"Clerks","1885708031":"#","1887257727":"R is the number of rounds a trader can sustain given a specific loss threshold.","1887925280":"The document must be recent and include your name and address:","1889357660":"Enter a value in minutes, up to 60480 minutes (equivalent to 6 weeks).","1890171328":"By clicking Accept below and proceeding with the Account Opening you should note that you may be exposing yourself to risks (which may be significant, including the risk of loss of the entire sum invested) that you may not have the knowledge and experience to properly assess or mitigate.","1890332321":"Returns the number of characters of a given string of text, including numbers, spaces, punctuation marks, and symbols.","1893869876":"(lots)","1894667135":"Please verify your proof of address","1896269665":"CFDs on derived and financial instruments.","1899898605":"Maximum size: 8MB","1902547203":"MetaTrader 5 MacOS app","1903437648":"Blurry photo detected","1904665809":"The Reverse Martingale strategy in trading may offer substantial gains but also comes with significant risks. With your selected strategy, Deriv Bot provides automated trading with risk management measures like setting initial stake, stake size, maximum stake, profit threshold and loss threshold. It's crucial for traders to assess their risk tolerance, practice in a demo account, and understand the strategy before trading with real money.","1905032541":"We're now ready to verify your identity","1905589481":"If you want to change your account currency, please contact us via <0>live chat.","1906213000":"Our system will finish any Deriv Bot trades that are running, and Deriv Bot will not place any new trades.","1906639368":"If this is the first time you try to create a password, or you have forgotten your password, please reset it.","1907423697":"Earn more with Deriv API","1907499654":"Deriv App","1907899646":"Take profit can't be adjusted for ongoing accumulator contracts.","1908023954":"Sorry, an error occurred while processing your request.","1908239019":"Make sure all of the document is in the photo","1908686066":"Appropriateness Test Warning","1909647105":"TRX/USD","1909769048":"median","1910533633":"Get a real account to deposit money and start trading.","1910990442":"Use your <0>Deriv password to log in to {{brand_website_name}}, {{platform_name_go}}, {{platform_name_trader}}, {{platform_name_smarttrader}}, {{platform_name_dbot}} and {{platform_name_ctrader}}.","1913777654":"Switch account","1914014145":"Today","1914270645":"Default Candle Interval: {{ candle_interval_type }}","1914725623":"Upload the page that contains your photo.","1916129921":"Reverse Martingale","1917178459":"Bank Verification Number","1917523456":"This block sends a message to a Telegram channel. You will need to create your own Telegram bot to use this block.","1918796823":"Please enter a stop loss amount.","1918832194":"No experience","1919030163":"Tips to take a good selfie","1919296368":"2. Select your unit. In this example, it is 2 units or 2 USD.","1919594496":"{{website_name}} is not affiliated with any payment agents. Customers deal with payment agents at their sole risk. Customers are advised to check the credentials of payment agents and the accuracy of any information about payment agents (on {{website_name}} or elsewhere) before using their services.","1920217537":"Compare","1920468180":"How to use the SMA block","1921914669":"Deposit with Deriv P2P","1922529883":"Boom 1000 Index","1922955556":"Use a longer keyboard pattern with more turns","1924365090":"Maybe later","1924765698":"Place of birth*","1927316982":"Check your positions (6/6)","1928930389":"GBP/NOK","1929694162":"Compare accounts","1930899934":"Tether","1931659123":"Run on every tick","1931884033":"It seems that your date of birth in the document is not the same as your Deriv profile. Please update your date of birth in the <0>Personal details page to solve this issue.","1934450653":"For <0>Contract type, set it to Both.","1938327673":"Deriv {{platform}} <0>{{is_demo}}","1939014728":"How do I remove blocks from the workspace?","1939902659":"Signal","1940408545":"Delete this token","1941915555":"Try later","1943440862":"Calculates Bollinger Bands (BB) list from a list with a period","1944204227":"This block returns current account balance.","1947527527":"1. This link was sent by you","1947826019":"OTP limit reached","1948092185":"GBP/CAD","1949719666":"Here are the possible reasons:","1950413928":"Submit identity documents","1955219734":"Town/City*","1957759876":"Upload identity document","1958788790":"This is the amount you’ll receive at expiry for every point of change in the underlying price, if the spot price never touches or breaches the barrier throughout the contract duration.","1958807602":"4. 'Table' takes an array of data, such as a list of candles, and displays it in a table format.","1959678342":"Highs & Lows","1960005187":"Follow these steps to smoothly transfer your strategies","1960240336":"first letter","1964165648":"Connection lost","1965358881":"Step 2 of 3: Confirm your phone number","1965916759":"Asian options settle by comparing the last tick with the average spot over the period.","1966023998":"2FA enabled","1966281100":"Console {{ message_type }} value: {{ input_message }}","1966855430":"Account already exists","1968025770":"Bitcoin Cash","1968077724":"Agriculture","1968368585":"Employment status","1970060713":"You’ve successfully deleted a bot.","1971898712":"Add or manage account","1973536221":"You have no open positions yet.","1973910243":"Manage your accounts","1974273865":"This scope will allow third-party apps to view your account activity, settings, limits, balance sheets, trade purchase history, and more.","1978218112":"Google Authenticator","1981940238":"This complaints policy, which may change from time to time, applies to your account(s) registered with {{legal_entity_name_svg}} and {{legal_entity_name_v}}.","1982790875":"Upgrade your <0/><1>{{account_title}} {{platform}} account(s)","1982796981":"Declarations","1982912252":"Relative Strength Index (RSI) from a list with a period","1983001416":"Define your trade options such as multiplier and stake. This block can only be used with the multipliers trade type. If you select another trade type, this block will be replaced with the Trade options block.","1983358602":"This policy, which may change from time to time, applies to your account registered with {{legal_entity_name}}.","1983387308":"Preview","1983480826":"Sign in","1983544897":"P.O. Box is not accepted in address","1983676099":"Please check your email for details.","1984103961":"You are adding your {{platform}} {{product}} account under {{company}}, regulated by the {{regulatory_authority}} (license no.<0/>)","1984700244":"Request an input","1984742793":"Uploading documents","1985366224":"Each day, you can make up to {{ allowed_internal }} transfers between your Deriv accounts and up to {{ allowed_mt5 }} transfers between your Deriv and {{platform_name_mt5}} accounts.","1985637974":"Any blocks placed within this block will be executed at every tick. If the default candle interval is set to 1 minute in the Trade Parameters root block, the instructions in this block will be executed once every minute. Place this block outside of any root block.","1986322868":"When your loss reaches or exceeds this amount, your trade will be closed automatically.","1986498784":"BTC/LTC","1987080350":"Demo","1987447369":"Your cashier is locked","1988153223":"Email address","1988302483":"Take profit:","1990331072":"Proof of ownership","1990735316":"Rise Equals","1991055223":"View the market price of your favourite assets.","1991448657":"Don't know your tax identification number? Click <0>here to learn more.","1991524207":"Jump 100 Index","1994023526":"The email address you entered had a mistake or typo (happens to the best of us).","1994558521":"The platforms aren’t user-friendly.","1994600896":"This block requires a list of candles as an input parameter.","1995023783":"First line of address*","1997138507":"If the last tick is equal to the average of the ticks, you don't win the payout.","1997313835":"Your stake will continue to grow as long as the current spot price remains within a specified <0>range from the <0>previous spot price. Otherwise, you lose your stake and the trade is terminated.","1999213036":"Enhanced security is just a tap away.","2001222130":"Check your spam or junk folder. If it's not there, try resending the email.","2001361785":"1. Start with the initial stake. Let’s say 1 USD.","2001717886":"Demo Standard","2004052487":"Estimating the lifespan of your trades","2007028410":"market, trade type, contract type","2010759971":"Uploads successful","2010866561":"Returns the total profit/loss","2011609940":"Please input number greater than 0","2011808755":"Purchase Time","2012139674":"Android: Google password manager.","2013488540":"This account gives you direct market price access and tighter spreads.","2014536501":"Card number","2014590669":"Variable '{{variable_name}}' has no value. Please set a value for variable '{{variable_name}}' to notify.","2015878683":"Need help? Contact us via <0>live chat","2017672013":"Please select the country of document issuance.","2018044371":"Multipliers let you trade with leverage and limit your risk to your stake. <0>Learn more","2018987868":"in ","2019596693":"The document was rejected by the Provider.","2020545256":"Close your account?","2021037737":"Please update your details to continue.","2023546580":"Your account will be available for trading once the verification of your account is complete.","2023659183":"Student","2023762268":"I prefer another trading website.","2025339348":"Move away from direct light — no glare","2027441253":"Why do we collect this?","2027625329":"Simple Moving Average Array (SMAA)","2027638150":"Upgrade","2028163119":"EOS/USD","2029237955":"Labuan","2030018735":"RSI is a technical analysis tool that helps you identify the market trend. It will give you a value from 0 to 100. An RSI value of 70 and above means that the asset is overbought and the current trend may reverse, while a value of 30 and below means that the asset is oversold.","2030045667":"Message","2031132962":"Bank statement","2033648953":"This block gives you the specified candle value for a selected time interval.","2034803607":"You must be 18 years old and above.","2035258293":"Start trading with us","2035925727":"sort {{ sort_type }} {{ sort_direction }} {{ input_list }}","2036578466":"Should be {{value}}","2037050619":"Take Profit: ","2037906477":"get sub-list from #","2039198937":"Maximum stake: The maximum amount you are willing to pay to enter a single trade. The stake for your next trade will reset to the initial stake if it exceeds this value. This is an optional risk management parameter.","2042050260":"- Purchase price: the purchase price (stake) of the contract","2042115724":"Upload a screenshot of your account and personal details page with your name, account number, phone number, and email address.","2044086432":"The close is the latest tick at or before the end time. If you selected a specific end time, the end time is the selected time.","2046273837":"Last tick","2046577663":"Import or choose your bot","2048134463":"File size exceeded.","2050170533":"Tick list","2051249190":"Add funds and start trading","2051558666":"View transaction history","2051596653":"Demo Zero Spread BVI","2052022586":"To enhance your MT5 account security we have upgraded our password policy.","2054889300":"Create \"%1\"","2055317803":"Copy the link to your mobile browser","2056369950":"<0>To complete your Wallet setup, log out and then log in again.","2056526458":"Get real account","2057082550":"Accept our updated <0>terms and conditions","2057419639":"Exit Spot","2059365224":"Yes, you can get started with a pre-built bot using the Quick strategy feature. You’ll find some of the most popular trading strategies here: Martingale, D'Alembert, and Oscar's Grind. Just select the strategy, enter your trade parameters, and your bot will be created for you. You can always tweak the parameters later.","2060873863":"Your order {{order_id}} is complete","2062912059":"function {{ function_name }} {{ function_params }}","2063196399":"<0>Tenancy agreement: Valid and current agreement.","2063812316":"Text Statement","2063815003":"Ready to enable Wallets","2063890788":"Cancelled","2066978677":"{{formatted_opening_time}} (GMT) on {{opening_day}},<0 /> {{opening_date}}.","2067903936":"Driving licence","2070002739":"Don’t accept","2070345146":"When opening a leveraged CFD trade.","2070518923":"Import your bot or tap Quick Strategies to choose from the ready-to-use bot templates.","2070752475":"Regulatory Information","2070858497":"Your document appears to be a screenshot.","2071043849":"Browse","2074207096":"How to create a passkey?","2074235904":"Last name is required.","2074497711":"The Telegram notification could not be sent","2074713563":"4.2. Submission of a complaint","2077055596":"We’re currently performing server maintenance. Service may be affected.","2079925695":"Unit: The number of units that are added in the event of a trade resulting in loss or the number of units removed in the event of a trade resulting in profit. For example, if the unit is set at 2, the stake increases or decreases by two times the initial stake of 1 USD, meaning it changes by 2 USD.","2080553498":"3. Get the chat ID using the Telegram REST API (read more: https://core.telegram.org/bots/api#getupdates)","2080829530":"Sold for: {{sold_for}}","2081622549":"Must be a number higher than {{ min }}","2082533832":"Yes, delete","2084693624":"Converts a string representing a date/time string into seconds since Epoch. Example: 2019-01-01 21:03:45 GMT+0800 will be converted to 1546347825. Time and time zone offset are optional.","2085387371":"Must be numbers, letters, and special characters . , ' -","2085602195":"- Entry value: the value of the first tick of the contract","2086048243":"Certificate of incorporation","2086792088":"Both barriers should be relative or absolute","2087416013":"Resend code{{resendCode}}","2088735355":"Your session and login limits","2089087110":"Basket indices","2089395053":"Unit","2089581483":"Expires on","2090650973":"The spot price may change by the time your order reaches our servers. When this happens, your payout may be affected.","2091671594":"Status","2093675079":"- Close: the closing price","2096014107":"Apply","2096456845":"Date of birth*","2097170986":"About Tether (Omni)","2097381850":"Calculates Simple Moving Average line from a list with a period","2097815211":"Number of rounds (R) = 10","2097932389":"Upload 2 separate screenshots from the personal details page and the account page via <0>https://app.astropay.com/profile","2100713124":"account","2100912278":"4. If a trade ends in a loss, the stake for the following trade will be reset to the initial stake amount of 1 USD.","2101265432":"Something went wrong","2101972779":"This is the same as the above example, using a tick list.","2102572780":"Length of digit code must be 6 characters.","2104115663":"Last login","2104364680":"Please switch to your demo account to run your Deriv Bot.","2104397115":"Please go to your account settings and complete your personal details to enable deposits and withdrawals.","2107381257":"Scheduled cashier system maintenance","2107882050":"The back of your document appears to be missing. Please include both sides of your identity document.","2109845480":"Phone number verified","2110365168":"Maximum number of trades reached","2111015970":"This block helps you check if your contract can be sold. If your contract can be sold, it returns “True”. Otherwise, it returns an empty string.","2111528352":"Creating a variable","2112119013":"Take a selfie showing your face","2112175277":"with delimiter","2112788361":"Analyse with charts (4/6)","2113321581":"Add a Deriv Gaming account","2114766645":"Some trade types are unavailable for {{symbol}}.","2115223095":"Loss","2117165122":"1. Create a Telegram bot and get your Telegram API token. Read more on how to create bots in Telegram here: https://core.telegram.org/bots#6-botfather","2117454014":"In your crypto wallet, select the <0>{{network_name}} network when transferring to Deriv. Incorrect transfers may result in the loss of funds.","2117489390":"Auto update in {{ remaining }} seconds","2118292085":"<0>Note: You’ll receive an email when your deposit starts being processed.","2119449126":"Example output of the below example will be:","2119710534":"FAQ","2121227568":"NEO/USD","2122152120":"Assets","2127564856":"Withdrawals are locked","2128250969":"Use the same address that appears on your proof of address (utility bill, bank statement, etc.).","2129807378":"Update profile","2133075559":"This means after 10 rounds of consecutive losses, this trader will lose 100 USD. This reaches the loss threshold of 100 USD, stopping the bot.","2133451414":"Duration","2133470627":"This block returns the potential payout for the selected trade type. This block can be used only in the \"Purchase conditions\" root block.","2135563258":"Forex trading frequency","2136246996":"Selfie uploaded","2136480755":"Some details in your document appear to be invalid, missing, or unclear.","2137645254":"If you select “<0>Call”, you’ll earn a <1>payout if the <2>final price is above the <3>strike price at <4>expiry. Otherwise, you won’t receive a payout.","2137901996":"This will clear all data in the summary, transactions, and journal panels. All counters will be reset to zero.","2137993569":"This block compares two values and is used to build a conditional structure.","2138108766":"Important update: Terms and conditions","2138861911":"Scans and photocopies are not accepted","2139171480":"Reset Up/Reset Down","2139362660":"left side","2141055709":"New {{type}} password","2142048472":"You should enter 5-15 numbers.","2143803283":"Purchase Error","2144609616":"If you select \"Reset-Down”, you win the payout if the exit spot is strictly lower than either the entry spot or the spot at reset time.","2145690912":"Income Earning","2145995536":"Create new account","2146336100":"in text %1 get %2","2146698770":"Pro tip: You can also click and drag out the desired block","2146751355":"We use current-tick-execution mechanism, which is the latest asset price when the trade opening is processed by our servers for Volatility Index, Basket Indices, Jump Indices and Crash/Boom Indices.","2146892766":"Binary options trading experience","2147244655":"How do I import my own trading bot into Deriv Bot?","-931052769":"Submit verification","-1004605898":"Tips","-1938142055":"Documents uploaded","-448090287":"The link only works on mobile devices","-1244287721":"Something's gone wrong","-241258681":"You'll need to restart your verification on your computer","-929254273":"Get secure link","-2021867851":"Check back here to finish the submission","-1547069149":"Open the link and complete the tasks","-1767652006":"Here's how to do it:","-277611959":"You can now return to your computer to continue","-724178625":"Make sure full document is visible","-1519380038":"Glare detected","-1895280620":"Make sure your card details are clear to read, with no blur or glare","-1464447919":"Make sure your permit details are clear to read, with no blur or glare","-1436160506":"Make sure details are clear to read, with no blur or glare","-759124288":"Close","-759118956":"Redo","-753375398":"Enlarge image","-1042933881":"Driver's license","-1503134764":"Face photo page","-1335343167":"Sorry, no mobile phone bills","-699045522":"Documents you can use to verify your identity","-543666102":"It must be an official photo ID","-903877217":"These are the documents most likely to show your current home address","-1356835948":"Choose document","-1364375936":"Select a %{country} document","-401586196":"or upload photo – no scans or photocopies","-3110517":"Take a photo with your phone","-2033894027":"Submit identity card (back)","-20684738":"Submit license (back)","-1359585500":"Submit license (front)","-106779602":"Submit residence permit (back)","-1287247476":"Submit residence permit (front)","-1954762444":"Restart the process on the latest version of Safari","-261174676":"Must be under 10MB.","-685885589":"An error occurred while loading the component","-502539866":"Your face is needed in the selfie","-1377968356":"Please try again","-1226547734":"Try using a JPG or PNG file","-849068301":"Loading...","-1730346712":"Loading","-1849371752":"Check that your number is correct","-309848900":"Copy","-1424436001":"Send link","-1093833557":"How to scan a QR code","-1408210605":"Point your phone’s camera at the QR code","-1773802163":"If it doesn’t work, download a QR code scanner from Google Play or the App Store","-109026565":"Scan QR code","-1644436882":"Get link via SMS","-1667839246":"Enter mobile number","-1533172567":"Enter your mobile number:","-1352094380":"Send this one-time link to your phone","-28974899":"Get your secure link","-359315319":"Continue","-826420669":"Make sure","-1279080293":"2. Your desktop window stays open","-102776692":"Continue with the verification","-89152891":"Take a photo of the back of your card","-1646367396":"Take a photo of the front of your card","-1350855047":"Take a photo of the front of your license","-2119367889":"Take a photo using the basic camera mode instead","-342915396":"Take a photo","-419040068":"Passport photo page","-1354983065":"Refresh","-1925063334":"Recover camera access to continue face verification","-54784207":"Camera access is denied","-1392699864":"Allow camera access","-269477401":"Provide the whole document page for best results","-864639753":"Upload back of card from your computer","-1309771027":"Upload front of license from your computer","-1722060225":"Take photo","-565732905":"Selfie","-1703181240":"Check that it is connected and functional. You can also continue verification on your phone","-2043114239":"Camera not working?","-2029238500":"It may be disconnected. Try using your phone instead.","-468928206":"Make sure your device's camera works","-466246199":"Camera not working","-698978129":"Remember to press stop when you're done. Redo video actions","-538456609":"Looks like you took too long","-781816433":"Photo of your face","-1471336265":"Make sure your selfie clearly shows your face","-1375068556":"Check selfie","-1914530170":"Face forward and make sure your eyes are clearly visible","-776541617":"We'll compare it with your document","-478752991":"Your link will expire in one hour","-1859729380":"Keep this window open while using your mobile","-1283761937":"Resend link","-629011256":"Don't refresh this page","-1005231905":"Once you've finished we'll take you to the next step","-542134805":"Upload photo","-1462975230":"Document example","-1472844935":"The photo should clearly show your document","-1120954663":"First name*","-1659980292":"First name","-962979523":"Your {{ field_name }} as in your identity document","-1416797980":"Please enter your {{ field_name }} as in your official identity documents.","-1466268810":"Please remember that it is your responsibility to keep your answers accurate and up to date. You can update your personal details at any time in your <0>account settings.","-32386760":"Name","-766265812":"first name","-1857534296":"John","-1282749116":"last name","-1485480657":"Other details","-1784741577":"date of birth","-1702919018":"Second line of address (optional)","-1315410953":"State/Province","-2040322967":"Citizenship","-946282997":"Additional information","-1315571766":"Place of birth","-307865807":"Risk Tolerance Warning","-690100729":"Yes, I understand the risk.","-2010628430":"CFDs and other financial instruments come with a high risk of losing money rapidly due to leverage. You should consider whether you understand how CFDs and other financial instruments work and whether you can afford to take the high risk of losing your money. <0/><0/> To continue, you must confirm that you understand your capital is at risk.","-863770104":"Please note that by clicking ‘OK’, you may be exposing yourself to risks. You may not have the knowledge or experience to properly assess or mitigate these risks, which may be significant, including the risk of losing the entire sum you have invested.","-684271315":"OK","-1292808093":"Trading Experience","-153346659":"Upload your selfie.","-602131304":"Passport number","-1051213440":"Upload the front and back of your identity card.","-1600807543":"First, enter your identity card number and the expiry date.","-1139923664":"Next, upload the front and back of your identity card.","-783705755":"Upload the front of your identity card.","-566750665":"NIMC slip and proof of age","-1465944279":"NIMC slip number","-429612996":"Next, upload both of the following documents.","-376981174":"Upload your proof of age: birth certificate or age declaration document.","-612174191":"First line of address is required","-242734402":"Only {{max}} characters, please.","-378415317":"State is required","-1784470716":"State is not in a proper format","-1699820408":"Please enter a {{field_name}} under {{max_number}} characters.","-1575567374":"postal/ZIP code","-816263501":"Only letters, numbers, space and hyphen are allowed.","-755626951":"Complete your address details","-1024240099":"Address","-1534917661":"Select your preferred currency","-1635962020":"Complete your employment and tax information details","-1413855395":"Employment and tax information","-1027595143":"Less than $25,000","-40491332":"$25,000 - $50,000","-1139806939":"$50,001 - $100,000","-996132458":"Construction","-915003867":"Health","-1430012453":"Information & Communications Technology","-987824916":"Science & Engineering","-146630682":"Social & Cultural","-761306973":"Manufacturing","-1631552645":"Professionals","-474864470":"Personal Care, Sales and Service Workers","-1129355784":"Agricultural, Forestry and Fishery Workers","-1242914994":"Craft, Metal, Electrical and Electronics Workers","-1317824715":"Cleaners and Helpers","-1592729751":"Mining, Construction, Manufacturing and Transport Workers","-1030759620":"Government Officers","-2137323480":"Company Ownership","-1590574533":"Divorce Settlement","-1667683002":"Inheritance","-1237843731":"Investment Income","-777506574":"Sale of Property","-654781670":"Primary","-1717373258":"Secondary","-1156937070":"$500,001 - $1,000,000","-315534569":"Over $1,000,000","-2068544539":"Salaried Employee","-531314998":"Investments & Dividends","-1235114522":"Pension","-1298056749":"State Benefits","-449943381":"Savings & Inheritance","-477761028":"Voter ID","-1466346630":"CPF","-1176889260":"Please select a document type.","-1823540512":"Personal details","-1227878799":"Speculative","-1174064217":"Mr","-855506127":"Ms","-204765990":"Terms of use","-1696856986":"You should enter 9-20 numbers.","-1974444881":"Tax identification number can't be longer than 25 characters.","-919191810":"Please fill in tax residence.","-253057270":"Only 99 characters, please.","-2123345566":"Only 70 characters, please.","-1566700751":"Use only the following special characters:","-807278899":"Please enter a postal/ZIP code under 20 characters.","-1161338910":"First name is required.","-1629185446":"Enter no more than 50 characters.","-912174487":"Phone is required.","-739367071":"Employed","-626752657":"0-1 year","-532014689":"1-2 years","-1001024004":"Over 3 years","-790513277":"6-10 transactions in the past 12 months","-580085300":"11-39 transactions in the past 12 months","-379642178":"Enter a valid phone number.","-1103497546":"Tax return","-700600899":"Business proof of address","-1073862586":"Memorandum","-1823328095":"Authorization letter","-397487797":"Enter your full card number","-1376950117":"That file format isn't supported. Please upload .pdf, .png, .jpg, or .jpeg files only.","-612752984":"These are default limits that we apply to your accounts.","-1498206510":"Account limits","-1411635770":"Learn more about account limits","-1340125291":"Done","-1101543580":"Limit","-858297154":"Represents the maximum amount of cash that you may hold in your account. If the maximum is reached, you will be asked to withdraw funds.","-976258774":"Not set","-1182362640":"Represents the maximum aggregate payouts on outstanding contracts in your portfolio. If the maximum is attained, you may not purchase additional contracts without first closing out existing positions.","-1781293089":"Maximum aggregate payouts on open positions","-1412690135":"*Any limits in your Self-exclusion settings will override these default limits.","-1598751496":"Represents the maximum volume of contracts that you may purchase in any given trading day.","-173346300":"Maximum daily turnover","-594456225":"Second line of address","-1964954030":"Postal/ZIP Code","-1541554430":"Next","-71696502":"Previous","-516397235":"Be careful who you share this token with. Anyone with this token can perform the following actions on your account behalf","-989216986":"Add accounts","-617480265":"Delete token","-316749685":"Are you sure you want to delete this token?","-955038366":"Copy this token","-1668692965":"Hide this token","-1661284324":"Show this token","-1076138910":"Trade","-1666909852":"Payments","-488597603":"Trading information","-605778668":"Never","-1628008897":"Token","-1238499897":"Last Used","-2087317410":"Oops, something went wrong.","-1883688868":"Select a document","-184202848":"Upload file","-863586176":"Drag and drop a file or click to browse your files.","-370334393":"Click here to browse your files.","-723198394":"File size should be 8MB or less","-1948369500":"File uploaded is not supported","-1040865880":"Drop files here..","-1100235269":"Industry of employment","-684388823":"Estimated net worth","-509054266":"Anticipated annual turnover","-222283483":"Account opening reason*","-1387062433":"Account opening reason","-344715612":"Employment status*","-789291456":"Tax residence*","-1692219415":"Tax residence","-1903720068":"The country in which you meet the criteria for paying taxes. Usually the country in which you physically reside.","-1117345066":"Choose the document type","-1634507018":"Enter your {{document_name}}","-1237846864":"Verify again","-39187636":"{{index}}.","-337620257":"Switch to real account","-2120454054":"Add a real account","-38915613":"Unsaved changes","-2137450250":"You have unsaved changes. Are you sure you want to discard changes and leave this page?","-1067082004":"Leave Settings","-1113902570":"Details","-2142540205":"It appears that the address in your document doesn’t match the address in your Deriv profile. Please update your personal details now with the correct address.","-1451334536":"Continue trading","-251603364":"Your document for proof of address is expired. <0/>Please submit again.","-1425489838":"Proof of address verification not required","-1008641170":"Your account does not need address verification at this time. We will inform you if address verification is required in the future.","-1053859245":"Your proof of address is under review. We’ll get back to you in 1–3 working days.","-1951115137":"To start trading, you also need to verify your identity.","-60204971":"We could not verify your proof of address","-1944264183":"To continue trading, you must also submit a proof of identity.","-2145244263":"This field is required","-1500958859":"Verify","-839094775":"Back","-1813671961":"Your identity verification failed because:","-2097808873":"We were unable to verify your ID with the details you provided. ","-1652371224":"Your profile is updated","-504784172":"Your document has been submitted","-75951347":"To start trading, you also need to verify your address.","-1391934478":"Your ID is verified. You will also need to submit proof of your address.","-118547687":"ID verification passed","-200989771":"Go to personal details","-1358357943":"Please check and update your postal code before submitting proof of identity.","-1401994581":"Your personal details are missing","-2004327866":"Please select a valid country of document issuance.","-1664159494":"Country","-1044962593":"Upload Document","-749870311":"Please contact us via <0>live chat.","-1084991359":"Proof of identity verification not required","-1981334109":"Your account does not need identity verification at this time. We will inform you if identity verification is required in the future.","-182918740":"Your proof of identity submission failed because:","-155705811":"A clear colour photo or scanned image","-246893488":"JPEG, JPG, PNG, PDF, or GIF","-1454880310":"Must be valid for at least 6 months","-1949501500":"First, enter your {{label}}.","-100534371":"Before uploading, please ensure that you’re facing forward in the selfie, your face is within the frame, and your eyes are clearly visible even if you’re wearing glasses.","-1529523673":"Confirm and upload","-705047643":"Sorry, an error occured. Please select another file.","-1664309884":"Tap here to upload","-1725454783":"Failed","-841187054":"Try Again","-552371330":"We were unable to verify your income. <0 /> Please check the email we've sent you for further information.","-978467455":"Limit reached","-361316523":"You have reached the maximum number of allowed attempts for submitting proof of income. <0 /> Please check the email we've sent you for further information.","-1785967427":"We'll review your documents and notify you of its status within 7 working days.","-987011273":"Your proof of ownership isn't required.","-808299796":"You are not required to submit proof of ownership at this time. We will inform you if proof of ownership is required in the future.","-179726573":"We’ve received your proof of ownership.","-813779897":"Proof of ownership verification passed.","-1389323399":"You should enter {{min_number}}-{{max_number}} characters.","-47815161":"Please include at least 1 special character such as ( _ @ ? ! / # ) in your password.","-1313806160":"Please request a new password and check your email for the new token.","-329713179":"Ok","-1598167506":"Success","-1077809489":"You have a new {{platform}} password to log in to your {{platform}} accounts on the web and mobile apps.","-2068479232":"{{platform}} password","-507633532":"Your password must contain between 8-16 characters that include uppercase and lowercase letters, and at least one number and special character such as ( _ @ ? ! / # ).","-1861974537":"Strong passwords contain at least 8 characters, combine uppercase and lowercase letters, numbers, and symbols.","-2005211699":"Create","-1597186502":"Reset {{platform}} password","-638756912":"Black out digits 7 to 12 of the card number that’s shown on the front of your debit/credit card.⁤","-996691262":"We’ve introduced these limits to encourage <0>responsible trading. They are optional, and you can adjust them anytime.","-2079276011":"These limits apply to your multipliers trades only. For example, <0>maximum total loss refers to the losses on your multipliers trades.","-2116570030":"If you want to adjust your limits, <0>contact us via live chat. We’ll make the adjustments within 24 hours.","-1389915983":"You decide how much and how long to trade. You can take a break from trading whenever you want. This break can be from 6 weeks to 5 years. When it’s over, you can extend it or log in to resume trading. If you don’t want to set a specific limit, leave the field empty.","-1031814119":"About trading limits and self-exclusion","-183468698":"Trading limits and self-exclusion","-933963283":"No, review my limits","-1759860126":"Yes, log me out immediately","-572347855":"{{value}} mins","-313333548":"You’ll be able to adjust these limits at any time. You can reduce your limits from the <0>self-exclusion page. To increase or remove your limits, please contact our <1>Customer Support team.","-1265833982":"Accept","-2123139671":"Your stake and loss limits","-1250802290":"24 hours","-2070080356":"Max. total stake","-1545823544":"7 days","-180147209":"You will be automatically logged out from each session after this time limit.","-374553538":"Your account will be excluded from the website until this date (at least 6 months, up to 5 years).","-2105708790":"Your maximum account balance and open positions","-1960600163":"Once your account balance reaches this amount, you will not be able to deposit funds into your account.","-1073845224":"No. of open position(s)","-288196326":"Your maximum deposit limit","-568749373":"Max. deposit limit","-1617352279":"The email is in your spam folder (Sometimes things get lost there).","-547557964":"We can’t deliver the email to this address (Usually because of firewalls or filtering).","-142444667":"Please click on the link in the email to change your Deriv MT5 password.","-742748008":"Check your email and click the link in the email to proceed.","-84068414":"Still didn't get the email? Please contact us via <0>live chat.","-474419287":"FATCA declaration","-1101737402":"Please select*","-975118358":"Your account will be opened with {{legal_entity_name}}, regulated by the Malta Financial Services Authority (MFSA), and will be subject to the laws of Malta.","-2073934245":"The financial trading services offered on this site are only suitable for customers who accept the possibility of losing all the money they invest and who understand and have experience of the risk involved in the purchase of financial contracts. Transactions in financial contracts carry a high degree of risk. If the contracts you purchased expire as worthless, you will lose all your investment, which includes the contract premium.","-1125193491":"Add account","-2068229627":"I am not a PEP, and I have not been a PEP in the last 12 months.","-1209644365":"I hereby confirm that my request for opening an account with Deriv Investments (Europe) Ltd is made on my own initiative.","-740157281":"Trading Experience Assessment","-1720468017":"In providing our services to you, we are required to obtain information from you in order to assess whether a given product or service is appropriate for you.","-1685104463":"* This is required","-186841084":"Change your login email","-907403572":"To change your email address, you'll first need to unlink your email address from your {{identifier_title}} account.","-1850792730":"Unlink from {{identifier_title}}","-724606016":"Needs Verification","-1983989074":"<0>No new positions","-863479504":"<0>Server maintenance","-1113760028":"<0>Unavailable","-1196936955":"Upload a screenshot of your name and email address from the personal information section.","-1286823855":"Upload your mobile bill statement showing your name and phone number.","-1309548471":"Upload your bank statement showing your name and account details.","-1410396115":"Upload a photo showing your name and the first six and last four digits of your card number. If the card does not display your name, upload the bank statement showing your name and card number in the transaction history.","-3805155":"Upload a screenshot of either of the following to process the transaction:","-1523487566":"- your account profile section on the website","-613062596":"- the Account Information page on the app","-1718304498":"User ID","-609424336":"Upload a screenshot of your name, account number, and email address from the personal details section of the app or profile section of your account on the website.","-1954436643":"Upload a screenshot of your username on the General Information page at <0>https://onlinenaira.com/members/index.htm","-79853954":"Upload a screenshot of your account number and phone number on the Bank Account/Mobile wallet page at <0>https://onlinenaira.com/members/bank.htm","-1192882870":"Upload a screenshot of your name and account number from the personal details section.","-818898181":"Name in document doesn’t match your Deriv profile.","-310316375":"Address in document doesn’t match address you entered above.","-485368404":"Document issued more than 6-months ago.","-91160765":"Document issued more than 12-months ago.","-367016488":"Blurry document. All information must be clear and visible.","-1957076143":"Cropped document. All information must be clear and visible.","-1576856758":"An account with these details already exists. Please make sure the details you entered are correct as only one real account is allowed per client. If this is a mistake, contact us via <0>live chat.","-1792723131":"To avoid delays, enter your <0>date of birth exactly as it appears on your {{document_name}}.","-5605257":"This scope will allow third-party apps to withdraw to payment agents and make inter-account transfers for you.","-1373485333":"This scope will allow third-party apps to view your trading history.","-758221415":"This scope will allow third-party apps to open accounts for you, manage your settings and token usage, and more. ","-1629894615":"I have other financial priorities.","-844051272":"I want to stop myself from trading.","-1113965495":"I’m no longer interested in trading.","-1224285232":"Customer service was unsatisfactory.","-1231402474":"Connected apps are authorised applications associated with your account through your API token or the OAuth authorisation process. They can act on your behalf within the limitations that you have set.","-506083843":"As a user, you are responsible for sharing access and for actions that occur in your account (even if they were initiated by a third-party app on your behalf).","-831752682":"Please note that only third-party apps will be displayed on this page. Official Deriv apps will not appear here.","-915844096":"US citizenship or lawful permanent resident (green card) status","-208714573":"An “in care of” address or a “hold mail” address that is the sole address with respect to the client","-1082633433":"A power of attorney or signatory authority granted to a person with a US address.","-231863107":"No","-1858215754":"The document must be up-to-date and signed by the issuance authority.","-718917527":"Invalid or incomplete documents shall be rejected.","-682267922":"<0>Financial, legal, or government document: Recent bank statement, affidavit, or government-issued letter.","-214582149":"Utility bill (electricity, water, gas)","-506510414":"Date and time","-1708927037":"IP address","-189310067":"Account closed","-378284250":"Phone number verification","-849320995":"Assessments","-773766766":"Email and passwords","-1144318594":"Passkeys","-1466827732":"Self exclusion","-241588481":"Login history","-966136867":"Connected apps","-213009361":"Two-factor authentication","-526636259":"Error 404","-870902742":"How much knowledge and experience do you have in relation to online trading?","-1929477717":"I have an academic degree, professional certification, and/or work experience related to financial services.","-1540148863":"I have attended seminars, training, and/or workshops related to trading.","-922751756":"Less than a year","-542986255":"None","-1337206552":"In your understanding, CFD trading allows you to","-456863190":"Place a position on the price movement of an asset where the outcome is a fixed return or nothing at all.","-1314683258":"Make a long-term investment for a guaranteed profit.","-1546090184":"How does leverage affect CFD trading?","-1636427115":"Leverage helps to mitigate risk.","-800221491":"Leverage guarantees profits.","-811839563":"Leverage lets you open large positions for a fraction of trade value, which may result in increased profit or loss.","-1185193552":"Close your trade automatically when the loss is equal to or more than a specified amount, as long as there is adequate market liquidity.","-1046354":"Close your trade automatically when the profit is equal to or more than a specified amount, as long as there is adequate market liquidity.","-1842858448":"Make a guaranteed profit on your trade.","-860053164":"When trading multipliers.","-1250327770":"When buying shares of a company.","-1222388581":"All of the above.","-1592318047":"See example","-1694758788":"Enter your document number","-274764613":"Driver License Reference number","-1265050949":"identity document","-2139303636":"You may have followed a broken link, or the page has moved to a new address.","-1448368765":"Error code: {{error_code}} page not found","-254792921":"You can only make deposits at the moment. To enable withdrawals, please complete your financial assessment.","-1437017790":"Financial information","-70342544":"We’re legally obliged to ask for your financial information.","-39038029":"Trading experience","-601903492":"Forex trading experience","-1012699451":"CFD trading experience","-1894668798":"Other trading instruments experience","-1026468600":"Other trading instruments frequency","-178498188":"To change your verified phone number, contact us via <0>.","-1044302070":"Number already exists in our system. Enter a new one or contact us via <0> for help","-136976514":"Country of residence*","-1124948631":"Professional Client","-259515058":"By default, all {{brand_website_name}} clients are retail clients but anyone can request to be treated as a professional client.","-1463348492":"I would like to be treated as a professional client.","-1958764604":"Email preference","-2068064150":"Get updates about Deriv products, services and events.","-164389553":"Verified","-1283020225":"Verify{{resendCode}}","-1060822567":"If you cancel, you'll lose all progress.","-1239477911":"second","-1603581277":"minutes","-685269082":"Code","-667223033":"Get code via SMS","-211241628":"Get code via WhatsApp","-690422971":"Request new code in {{next_phone_number_attempt_timestamp}}.","-222105210":"Resend code","-1601377103":"Step 3 of 3: Verify your number","-121443071":"Step 1 of 3: Email verification needed","-1419026486":"Enter the 6-digit code sent to you via {{phone_verification_type}} at <1>{{users_phone_number}}. <0>","-652539141":"OTP code","-1124039045":"Verification code","-1184626439":"Didn't get the code?{{resendCode}}","-165489997":"Session expired","-1822545742":"Ether Classic","-1334641066":"Litecoin","-1214036543":"US Dollar","-1782590355":"No currency has been set for this account","-1171226355":"Length of token name must be between {{MIN_TOKEN}} and {{MAX_TOKEN}} characters.","-1803339710":"Maximum {{MAX_TOKEN}} characters.","-408613988":"Select scopes based on the access you need.","-807767876":"Note:","-1117963487":"Name your token and click on 'Create' to generate your token.","-2116332353":"Please close your positions in the following Deriv account(s):","-2048005267":"{{number_of_positions}} position(s)","-2125635811":"Please withdraw your funds from the following {{platform_name}} account(s):","-577445413":"Please close your positions in the following {{platform_name}} account(s):","-1219849101":"Please select at least one reason","-9323953":"Remaining characters: {{remaining_characters}}","-484540402":"An error occurred","-1911549768":"Inaccessible MT5 account(s)","-1869355019":"Action required","-1030102424":"You can't trade on Deriv.","-448385353":"You can't make transactions.","-1058447223":"Before closing your account:","-912764166":"Withdraw your funds.","-60139953":"We shall delete your personal information as soon as our legal obligations are met, as mentioned in the section on Data Retention in our <0>Security and privacy policy","-2061895474":"Closing your account will automatically log you out. We shall delete your personal information as soon as our legal obligations are met.","-203298452":"Close account","-937707753":"Go Back","-771109503":"Use our powerful, flexible, and free API to build a custom trading platform for yourself or for your business.","-1815044949":"You currently don't have any third-party authorised apps associated with your account.","-1699100421":"What are connected apps?","-536187647":"Confirm revoke access?","-1357606534":"Permission","-570222048":"Revoke access","-1468863262":"{{action}}","-727433417":"{{status}}","-1814836151":"What are passkeys?","-1275937234":"Unlock your account like your phone - with biometrics, face scan or PIN.","-587750445":"Extra security layer.","-642452561":"Shields against unauthorised access and phishing.","-1654043401":"You can create one passkey per device.","-1411242065":"Where are passkeys saved?","-258752017":"What happens if my Deriv account email is changed?","-634268263":"Sign in to Deriv with your existing passkey.","-1700177761":"Create passkey","-1405679241":"Stored on: ","-567193224":"Rename","-1140319320":"Your account is now secured with a passkey.<0/>Manage your passkey through your<0/>Deriv account settings.","-592543249":"Add more passkeys","-331060101":"Passkey setup failed","-1036903080":"We’re experiencing a temporary issue in processing your request. Please try again later.","-713875531":"Enable bluetooth.","-1729774899":"Sign in to your Google or iCloud account.","-118511422":"Remove passkey","-132862611":"Are you sure you want to remove this passkey?","-508225603":"Your passkey is successfully removed. To avoid sign-in prompts, also remove the passkey from your iCloud keychain.","-684009726":"Edit passkey","-1004529240":"Passkey name","-1728732301":"Effortless login with passkeys","-1708254107":"Enable Bluetooth.","-613368504":"Tips:","-1897886029":"Before using passkey:","-1893497054":"Only 3-30 characters allowed.","-2113555886":"Only letters, numbers, space, and hyphen are allowed.","-1310832072":"This is the email address associated with your Deriv account. <0>{{ email }}","-1504907646":"Deriv MT5 password","-804004994":"Deriv X password","-310459824":"Use your <0>Deriv X password to log in to your Deriv X accounts on the web and mobile apps.","-1193118628":"Use your <0>Deriv password to log in to {{brand_website_name}} and {{platform_name_trader}}.","-1154366280":"Use your <0>Deriv password to log in to {{brand_website_name}}, {{platform_name_trader}} and {{platform_name_go}}.","-1884902844":"Max. deposit limit per day","-545085253":"Max. deposit limit over 7 days","-1031006762":"Max. deposit limit over 30 days","-1116871438":"Max. total loss over 30 days","-2134714205":"Time limit per session","-1884271702":"Time out until","-1265825026":"Timeout time must be greater than current time.","-1332882202":"Timeout time cannot be more than 6 weeks.","-1635977118":"Exclude time cannot be less than 6 months.","-2131200819":"Disable","-200487676":"Enable","-1840392236":"That's not the right code. Please try again.","-2067796458":"Authentication code","-790444493":"Protect your account with 2FA. Each time you log in to your account, you will need to enter your password and an authentication code generated by a 2FA app on your smartphone.","-752939584":"How to set up 2FA for your Deriv account","-90649785":"Click here to copy key","-206376148":"Key copied!","-368010540":"You have enabled 2FA for your Deriv account.","-403552929":"To disable 2FA, please enter the six-digit authentication code generated by your 2FA app below:","-890084320":"Save and submit","-1043340733":"Proof of address documents upload failed","-1242877737":"Document type is required.","-30772747":"Your personal details have been saved successfully.","-2021135479":"This field is required.","-1002044401":"Select your document*","-1272489896":"Please complete this field.","-721346138":"The options and multipliers trading platform.","-1874136267":"The ultimate bot trading platform.","-415943890":"The legacy options trading platform.","-2018495421":"The mobile app for trading multipliers and accumulators.","-897826065":"The multipliers trading platform.","-2115275974":"CFDs","-1585707873":"Financial Commission","-199154602":"Vanuatu Financial Services Commission","-191165775":"Malta Financial Services Authority","-194969520":"Counterparty company","-1089385344":"Deriv (SVG) LLC","-2019617323":"Deriv (BVI) Ltd","-112814932":"Deriv (FX) Ltd","-1131400885":"Deriv Investments (Europe) Limited","-1471207907":"All assets","-781132577":"Leverage","-1591882610":"Synthetics","-543177967":"Stock indices","-362324454":"Commodities","-1959484303":"Cryptocurrencies","-1071336803":"Platform","-1879666853":"Deriv MT5","-820028470":"Options & Multipliers","-1210359945":"Transfer funds to your accounts","-1926387364":"We’ve sent your e-book to your email. You can also download it here.","-203002433":"Deposit now","-1057002564":"<0>We’re unable to upgrade you to Wallets at this time and are working to get this fixed as soon as we can. Please <1>try again<0>.","-1424352390":"<0>Wallets<1> — A smarter way to manage your funds","-1749409935":"Let's go","-145462920":"Deriv cTrader","-982095728":"Get","-390793294":"CFDs on financial and derived instruments, <0>powered by TradingView.","-45873457":"NEW","-325236887":"The products offered on our website are complex derivative products that carry a significant risk of potential loss. CFDs are complex instruments with a high risk of losing money rapidly due to leverage. 70% of retail investor accounts lose money when trading CFDs with this provider. You should consider whether you understand how these products work and whether you can afford to take the high risk of losing your money.","-1473281803":"Predict the market, profit if you’re right, risk only what you put in. <0>Learn more","-2134770229":"Total assets in your Deriv Apps and Deriv MT5 CFDs demo account.","-1277942366":"Total assets","-1255879419":"Trader's Hub","-493788773":"Non-EU","-673837884":"EU","-710685402":"No new positions","-1445744852":"You can no longer open new positions with your {{from_account}} account. Please use your {{to_account}} account to open new positions.","-1699909965":"or ","-2055865877":"Non-EU regulation","-643108528":"Non-EU and EU regulation","-1815067117":"Start your trading journey","-1807332199":"Set up your real account","-1839156429":"Confirm your details to open the account. After verification, you can begin trading.","-2063877443":"Your account needs verification.","-874707603":"Complete your profile","-1450834745":"Verification required","-280236366":"Enable now","-88167272":"Wallets will become your dedicated fund management tool, allowing you to transfer funds between your Wallet and trading accounts instantly.","-348452343":"Your open trading positions will not be affected while we are setting up your wallets.","-1002556560":"We’re unable to complete with the Wallet upgrade. Please try again later or contact us via live chat.","-90090878":"Use Wallets to manage your funds across different currencies effortlessly.","-1186807402":"Transfer","-744999940":"Deriv account","-766186087":"{{trustScore}} out of 5 based on {{numberOfReviews}} reviews","-1870909526":"Our server cannot retrieve an address.","-582721696":"The current allowed withdraw amount is {{format_min_withdraw_amount}} to {{format_max_withdraw_amount}} {{currency}}","-1975494965":"Cashier","-42592103":"Deposit cryptocurrencies","-87988108":"Deposits disabled","-565633504":"Due to business changes, client accounts in your country are to be closed. Withdraw any remaining funds by {{date}}.","-60779216":"Withdrawals are temporarily unavailable due to system maintenance. You can make your withdrawals when the maintenance is complete.","-520142572":"Cashier is currently down for maintenance","-1552080215":"Please check back in a few minutes.<0>Thank you for your patience.","-215186732":"You’ve not set your country of residence. To access Cashier, please update your country of residence in the Personal details section in your account settings.","-1392897508":"The identification documents you submitted have expired. Please submit valid identity documents to unlock Cashier. ","-954082208":"Your cashier is currently locked. Please contact us via <0>live chat to find out how to unlock it.","-929148387":"Please set your account currency to enable deposits and withdrawals.","-2027907316":"You can make a withdrawal once the verification of your account is complete.","-541392118":"Your account has not been authenticated. Please submit your <0>proof of identity and <1>proof of address to authenticate your account and access your cashier.","-599998434":"You cannot make a fund transfer as your documents are still under review. We will notify you by email within 3 days once your verification is approved.","-247122507":"Your cashier is locked. Please complete the <0>financial assessment to unlock it.","-901712457":"Your access to Cashier has been temporarily disabled as you have not set your 30-day turnover limit. Please go to <0>Self-exclusion and set your 30-day turnover limit.","-166472881":"Your <0>personal details are incomplete. Please go to your account settings and complete your personal details to enable deposits and withdrawals.","-637985102":"Your details match an existing account. You can't <0/>make deposits or trade with a new account. <0/>Need help? Reach out via live chat.","-666905139":"Deposits are locked","-378858101":"Your <0>personal details are incomplete. Please go to your account settings and complete your personal details to enable deposits.","-1318742415":"Your account has not been authenticated. Please submit your <0>proof of identity and <1>proof of address to authenticate your account and request for withdrawals.","-1923809087":"Unfortunately, you can only make deposits. Please contact us via <0>live chat to enable withdrawals.","-172277021":"Cashier is locked for withdrawals","-1624999813":"It seems that you've no commissions to withdraw at the moment. You can make withdrawals once you receive your commissions.","-1077304626":"Amount ({{currency}})","-1559994981":"Approximate value","-1272778997":"We've sent you an email.","-89973258":"Resend email in {{seconds}}s","-1332236294":"Please verify your identity","-1675848843":"Error","-283017497":"Retry","-1294455996":"Deriv P2P unavailable","-486843995":"Please refresh the page and try again.","-585561980":"Refresh page","-1196049878":"First line of home address","-1326406485":"Postal Code/ZIP","-939625805":"Telephone","-442575534":"Email verification failed","-1459042184":"Update your personal details","-1603543465":"We can't validate your personal details because there is some information missing.","-614516651":"Need help? <0>Contact us.","-720315013":"You have no funds in your {{currency}} account","-2052373215":"Please make a deposit to use this feature.","-379487596":"{{selected_percentage}}% of available balance ({{format_amount}} {{currency__display_code}})","-1957498244":"more","-821676976":"Why can’t I see the funds deposited in my Deriv account?","-475614802":"We process deposits immediately. If your funds don’t appear in your account within 24 hours, contact us via <0>live chat. Provide the transaction details, including the amount, date, and time, so we can assist you quickly.","-1901728198":"What do I do if I have reached my deposit limit?","-631829734":"<0>Insufficient balance: Please ensure you have sufficient funds in your card/e-wallet. If the problem persists, please contact your bank for help.","-1072505739":"<0>3D secure invalid/redirected: Please contact your bank for an OTP.","-180339757":"<0>Restricted card: Please use a locally issued card. ","-645281699":"<0>Customer cancelled payment: Please try again after 1 hour.","-102611677":"Can I use someone else's payment method?","-951380652":"No, you cannot use someone else's payment method to deposit into Deriv. If you use another person's payment method, your account will be suspended (if they are on Deriv, their account will also be suspended). If you suspect that someone has used your payment method, let us know through <0>live chat with your proof of ownership.","-819152742":"If you have used a different payment method to make your deposit, you cannot withdraw via a payment agent. However, if you have used both a payment agent and another payment method (for example, an e-wallet) to deposit, you have to withdraw via the e-wallet first up to your original deposited amount. After that, you can use a payment agent to make a withdrawal. If your original payment method is not available for withdrawals, please let us know through <0>live chat for assistance.","-820131811":"Can I withdraw using a different method?","-1656533423":"No, withdrawals must be made using the same method you used for your deposit.","-190084602":"Transaction","-1995606668":"Amount","-2024290965":"Confirmations","-811190405":"Time","-728508487":"{{currency}} recent transactions","-1984478597":"The details of this transaction is available on CoinsPaid.","-316545835":"Please ensure <0>all details are <0>correct before making your transfer.","-949073402":"I confirm that I have verified the client’s transfer information.","-1752211105":"Transfer now","-1787304306":"Deriv P2P","-174976899":"P2P verification","-1705887186":"Your deposit is successful.","-142361708":"In process","-1582681840":"We’ve received your request and are waiting for more blockchain confirmations.","-1626218538":"You’ve cancelled your withdrawal request.","-1062841150":"Your withdrawal is unsuccessful due to an error on the blockchain. Please <0>contact us via live chat for more info.","-630780094":"We’re awaiting confirmation from the blockchain.","-1525882769":"Your withdrawal is unsuccessful. We've sent you an email with more information.","-298601922":"Your withdrawal is successful.","-922143389":"Deriv P2P is currently unavailable in this currency.","-1310327711":"Deriv P2P is currently unavailable in your country.","-685073712":"This is your <0>{{currency}} account {{loginid}}.","-1547606079":"We accept the following cryptocurrencies:","-1517325716":"Deposit via the following payment methods:","-639677539":"Buy cryptocurrencies","-1560098002":"Buy cryptocurrencies via fiat onramp","-541870313":"Deposit via payment agents","-197251450":"Don't want to trade in {{currency_code}}? You can open another cryptocurrency account.","-917092420":"To change your account currency, contact us via <0>live chat.","-515809216":"Send only {{currency_name}} ({{currency_code}}) to this address.","-748636591":"A minimum deposit value of <0>{{minimum_deposit}} {{currency}} is required. Otherwise, a fee is applied.","-1589407981":"To avoid loss of funds:","-74221894":"Important:","-2108344100":"Looking for a way to buy cryptocurrencies? <0>Try Fiat onramp.","-598073640":"About Tether (Ethereum)","-275902914":"Tether on Ethereum (eUSDT)","-1188009792":"Tether on Omni Layer (USDT)","-1239329687":"Tether was originally created to use the bitcoin network as its transport protocol ‒ specifically, the Omni Layer ‒ to allow transactions of tokenised traditional currency.","-314177745":"Unfortunately, we couldn't get the address since our server was down. Please click Refresh to reload the address or try again later.","-91824739":"Deposit {{currency}}","-523804269":"{{amount}} {{currency}} on {{date}}","-494847428":"Address: <0>{{value}}","-1117977576":"Confirmations: <0>{{value}}","-1935946851":"View more","-1744490898":"Unfortunately, we cannot retrieve the information at this time. ","-338505133":"We do not charge a transfer fee for transfers in the same currency between your Deriv fiat and {{platform_name_mt5}} accounts, between your Deriv fiat and {{platform_name_ctrader}} accounts, and between your Deriv fiat and {{platform_name_dxtrade}} accounts.","-2056016338":"You’ll not be charged a transfer fee for transfers in the same currency between your Deriv fiat and {{platform_name_mt5}} accounts.","-599632330":"We’ll charge a 1% transfer fee for transfers in different currencies between your Deriv fiat and {{platform_name_mt5}} accounts and between your Deriv fiat and {{platform_name_dxtrade}} accounts.","-1196994774":"We’ll charge a 2% transfer fee or {{minimum_fee}} {{currency}}, whichever is higher, for transfers between your Deriv cryptocurrency accounts.","-993556039":"We’ll charge a 2% transfer fee or {{minimum_fee}} {{currency}}, whichever is higher, for transfers between your Deriv cryptocurrency and Deriv MT5 accounts and between your Deriv cryptocurrency and {{platform_name_dxtrade}} accounts.","-1382702462":"We’ll charge a 2% transfer fee or {{minimum_fee}} {{currency}}, whichever is higher, for transfers between your Deriv cryptocurrency and Deriv MT5 accounts.","-1339063554":"You may transfer between your Deriv fiat, cryptocurrency, {{platform_name_mt5}}, {{platform_name_ctrader}}, and {{platform_name_dxtrade}} accounts.","-1059419768":"Notes","-1151983985":"Transfer limits may vary depending on the exchange rates.","-1747571263":"Please bear in mind that some transfers may not be possible.","-757062699":"Transfers may be unavailable due to high volatility or technical issues and when the exchange markets are closed.","-855721928":"Needs verification","-1866405488":"Deriv cTrader accounts","-1344870129":"Deriv accounts","-1220582412":"The server is temporarily unavailable for this account. We’re working to resolve this.","-1109729546":"You will be able to transfer funds between MT5 accounts and other accounts once your address is verified.","-1593609508":"Transfer between your accounts in Deriv","-1155970854":"You have reached the maximum daily transfers. Please try again tomorrow.","-464965808":"Transfer limits: <0 /> - <1 />","-553249337":"Transfers are locked","-1638172550":"To enable this feature you must complete the following:","-1949883551":"You only have one account","-1149845849":"Back to Trader's Hub","-1232852916":"We’re switching over to your {{currency}} account to view the transaction.","-1632668764":"I accept","-544232635":"Please go to the Deposit page to generate an address. Then come back here to continue with your transaction.","-1161069724":"Please copy the crypto address you see below. You'll need it to deposit your cryptocurrency.","-1388977563":"Copied!","-1962894999":"This address can only be used ONCE. Please copy a new one for your next transaction.","-451858550":"By clicking 'Continue' you will be redirected to {{ service }}, a third-party payment service provider. Please note that {{ website_name }} is not responsible for the content or services provided by {{ service }}. If you encounter any issues related to {{ service }} services, you must contact {{ service }} directly.","-2005265642":"Fiat onramp is a cashier service that allows you to convert fiat currencies to crypto to top up your Deriv crypto accounts. Listed here are third-party crypto exchanges. You’ll need to create an account with them to use their services.","-1593063457":"Select payment channel","-1309258714":"From account number","-1247676678":"To account number","-816476007":"Account holder name","-344403983":"Description","-922432739":"Please enter a valid client login ID.","-1024241603":"Insufficient balance.","-1979554765":"Please enter a valid description.","-1254233806":"You've transferred","-1491457729":"All payment methods","-142563298":"Contact your preferred payment agent for payment instructions and make your deposit.","-352134412":"Transfer limit","-1023961762":"Commission on deposits","-552873274":"Commission on withdrawal","-880645086":"Withdrawal amount","-118683067":"Withdrawal limits: <0 />-<1 />","-1125090734":"Important notice to receive your funds","-1924707324":"View transaction","-1474202916":"Make a new withdrawal","-953082600":"Some payment methods may not be listed here but payment agents may still offer them. If you can’t find your favourite method, contact the payment agents directly to check further.","-511423158":"Enter the payment agent account number","-2059278156":"Note: {{website_name}} does not charge any transfer fees.","-1201279468":"To withdraw your funds, please choose the same payment method you used to make your deposits.","-873886836":"Do not enter an address linked to an initial coin offering (ICO) purchase or crowdsale. If you do, the initial coin offering (ICO) tokens will not be credited into your account.","-130833284":"Please note that your maximum and minimum withdrawal limits aren’t fixed. They change due to the high volatility of cryptocurrency.","-2004264970":"Your wallet address should have 25 to 64 characters.","-1707299138":"Your {{currency_symbol}} wallet address","-1430080977":"Priority withdrawal","-1046088265":"Withdrawal amount:","-694919384":"Transaction fee","-1358465817":"Fee calculated at {{ time_stamp }}","-1744540779":"Amount received:","-38063175":"{{account_text}} wallet","-652125858":"Amount received","-705272444":"Upload a proof of identity to verify your identity","-1373954791":"Should be a valid number","-1278608332":"Please enter a number between 0 and {{api_max_losses}}.","-287597204":"Enter limits to stop your bot from trading when any of these conditions are met.","-1445989611":"Limits your potential losses for the day across all Deriv platforms.","-152878438":"Maximum number of trades your bot will execute for this run.","-1490942825":"Apply and run","-2067572496":"You’ve just stopped the bot. Any open contracts can be viewed on the Reports page.","-992003496":"Changes you make will not affect your running bot.","-1778025545":"You’ve successfully imported a bot.","-222838313":"Your session has expired. Please sign in again.","-993480898":"Accumulators","-1572746946":"Asian Up","-686840306":"Asian Down","-2141198770":"Higher","-816098265":"Lower","-1646655742":"Spread Up","-668987427":"Spread Down","-912577498":"Matches","-1862940531":"Differs","-808904691":"Odd","-556230215":"Ends Outside","-1268220904":"Ends Between","-703542574":"Up","-1127399675":"Down","-768425113":"No Touch","-1163058241":"Stays Between","-1354485738":"Reset Call","-376148198":"Only Ups","-1337379177":"High Tick","-328036042":"Please enter a stop loss amount that's higher than the current potential loss.","-2127699317":"Invalid stop loss. Stop loss cannot be more than stake.","-179005984":"Save","-610059687":"Exploring the D’Alembert strategy in Deriv Bot","-1226666341":"The D'Alembert strategy involves increasing your stake after a losing trade and reducing it after a successful trade by a predetermined number of units.","-312844882":"Initial stake: The amount that you are willing to place as a stake to enter a trade. This is the starting point for any changes in stake depending on the dynamic of the strategy being used.","-1173302981":"1. Start with the initial stake. In this example, we’ll use 1 USD.","-1540106116":"Profit and loss thresholds","-894905768":"With Deriv Bot, traders can set the profit and loss thresholds to secure potential profits and limit potential losses. This means that the trading bot will automatically stop when either the profit or loss thresholds are reached. It's a form of risk management that can potentially enhance returns. For example, if a trader sets the profit threshold at 100 USD and the strategy exceeds 100 USD of profit from all trades, then the bot will stop running.","-1946134465":"Where:","-248283982":"B is the loss threshold.","-1148521416":"f is the unit increment.","-211800490":"D’Alembert formula 2","-1772692202":"This formula helps you plan your trades by considering the amount of money you have and your comfort level with risk. It involves determining your loss threshold and the initial stake you want to trade with. Then, you use this formula to calculate the number of rounds you can trade. This process provides insight into stake sizing and expectations.","-2107238266":"The D'Alembert system offers more balanced trading through controlled stake progression. With prudent risk management like stake limits, it can be effectively automated in Deriv Bot. However, traders should thoroughly assess their risk appetite, test strategies on a demo account to align with their trading style before trading with real money. This allows optimising the approach and striking a balance between potential gains and losses whilst managing risk.","-500873566":"Disclaimer:","-344769349":"Please be aware that while we may use rounded figures for illustration, a stake of a specific amount does not guarantee an exact amount in successful trades. For example, a 1 USD stake does not necessarily equate to a 1 USD profit in successful trades.","-818800551":"Exploring the Martingale strategy in Deriv Bot","-533490374":"These are the trade parameters used in Deriv Bot with Martingale strategy.","-1507161059":"Multiplier: The multiplier used to increase your stake if you're losing a trade. The value must be greater than 1.","-1333404686":"An example of Martingale strategy","-1755877136":"3. If the first trade ends in a loss, Deriv Bot will automatically double your stake for the next trade to 2 USD. Deriv Bot will continue to double the stake after every losing trade.","-1297651002":"If you're about to start trading and haven't established a Maximum Stake as part of your risk management strategy, you can determine how long your funds will last by employing the Martingale strategy. Simply use this formula.","-46865201":"Martingale formula 1","-116397598":"m is the Martingale multiplier.","-658161609":"Number of rounds, R ≈ 9.965","-288082521":"This means that after 10 rounds of consecutive losses, this trader will lose 1023 USD which exceeds the loss threshold of 1000 USD, stopping the bot.","-770387160":"The Martingale strategy in trading may offer substantial gains but also comes with significant risks. With your selected strategy, Deriv Bot provides automated trading with risk management measures like setting initial stake, stake size, maximum stake, profit threshold and loss threshold. It's crucial for traders to assess their risk tolerance, practice in a demo account, and understand the strategy before trading with real money.","-1901073152":"These are the trade parameters used for Oscar’s Grind strategy in Deriv Bot.","-1575153036":"An example of Oscar’s Grind strategy","-732418614":"The table above demonstrates this principle by showing that when a successful trade occurs and meets the target of one unit of potential profit which is 1 USD in this example, the session ends. If trading continues, a new session will begin.","-106266344":"Principle 3: The stake adjusts to the gap size between current loss and the target profit for the session","-492908094":"In round 7, the stake is adjusted downwards from 2 USD to 1 USD, to meet the target profit of 1 USD.","-90079299":"With Deriv Bot, traders can set the profit and loss thresholds to secure potential profits and limit potential losses. This means that the trading bot will automatically stop when either the profit or loss threshold is reached. This is a form of risk management that can potentially boost successful trades whilst limiting the impact of loss. For example, if a trader sets the profit threshold at 100 USD and the strategy exceeds 100 USD of profit from all trades, then the bot will stop running.","-1549673884":"The Oscar's Grind strategy provides a disciplined approach for incremental gains through systematic stake progression. When integrated into Deriv Bot with proper risk management like profit or loss thresholds, it offers traders a potentially powerful automated trading technique. However, traders should first thoroughly assess their risk tolerance and first try trading on a demo account in order to familiarise with the strategy before trading with real funds.","-655650222":"Exploring the Reverse D’Alembert strategy in Deriv Bot","-1864807973":"The Reverse D'Alembert strategy involves increasing your stake after a successful trade and reducing it after a losing trade by a predetermined number of units.","-809681645":"These are the trade parameters used in Deriv Bot with Reverse D’Alembert strategy.","-1239374257":"An example of Reverse D’Alembert strategy","-309821442":"Please be aware that while we may use rounded figures for illustration, a stake of a specific amount does not guarantee an exact amount in successful trades. For example, a 1 USD stake does not necessarily equate to a 1 USD profit in successful trades.","-1576691912":"This article explores the Reverse Martingale strategy integrated into Deriv Bot, a versatile trading bot designed to trade assets such as forex, commodities, and derived indices. We will delve into the strategy's core parameters, its application, and provide essential takeaways for traders looking to use the bot effectively.","-1934849823":"These are the trade parameters used in Deriv Bot with Reverse Martingale strategy.","-1021919630":"Multiplier: The multiplier used to increase your stake if your trade is successful. The value must be greater than 1.","-760516362":"3. If the first trade is a successful trade, Deriv Bot will automatically double your stake for the next trade to 2 USD. Deriv Bot will continue to double the stake after every successful trade.","-1410950365":"Exploring the 1-3-2-6 strategy in Deriv Bot","-1175255072":"These are the trade parameters used in Deriv Bot with 1-3-2-6 strategy.","-183884527":"An example of 1-3-2-6 strategy","-275617819":"4. However, if any trade results in a loss, your stake will reset back to the initial stake of 1 USD for the next trade. The third trade results in a loss hence the stake resets to the initial stake of 1 USD for the next trade.","-719846465":"5. Upon reaching the initial stake, if the next trade still results in a loss, your stake will remain at the initial stake of 1 USD. This strategy will minimally trade at the initial stake. Refer to the fourth and fifth trade.","-1452746011":"The 1-3-2-6 strategy in trading may offer substantial gains but also comes with significant risks. Each stake is independent, and the strategy does not increase your chances of successful trades in the long run. If you encounter a series of losses, the strategy can lead to significant losses. Therefore, it is crucial for traders to assess their risk tolerance, practice in a demo account, utilise profit and loss thresholds, and fully comprehend the strategy before engaging in real-money trading.","-1016171176":"Asset","-138833194":"The underlying market your bot will trade with this strategy.","-410856998":"The bot will stop trading if your total profit exceeds this amount.","-2131851017":"Growth rate","-1073566768":"Your stake will grow at the specified growth rate per tick as long as the current spot price remains within the range of the previous spot price.","-447853970":"Loss threshold","-1850439039":"The unit used to multiply the stake after a losing trade for the next trade.","-33106112":"The size used to multiply the stake after a successful trade for the next trade.","-1503301801":"The value must be equal or greater than {{ min }}","-1596504046":"Number of unit(s) to be added to the next trade after a successful trade. One unit is equivalent to the amount of initial stake.","-1521098535":"Max stake","-1448426542":"The stake for your next trade will reset to the initial stake if it exceeds this value.","-993953307":"Your prediction of the last digit of the asset price.","-1305281529":"D’Alembert","-505876458":"Martingale on Stat Reset","-262611611":"D'Alembert on Stat Reset","-1029703527":"Reverse D'Alembert","-1842451303":"Welcome to Deriv Bot!","-1391310674":"Check out these guides and FAQs to learn more about building your bot:","-2066779239":"FAQs","-280324365":"What is Deriv Bot?","-155173714":"Let’s build a bot!","-2093569327":"How to build a basic trading bot with Deriv Bot","-2072114761":"How to use Martingale strategy on Deriv Bot","-1254483618":"Introducing Accumulator Options on Deriv Bot: Available for automated trading","-1919212468":"3. You can also search for the blocks you want using the search bar above the categories.","-980360663":"3. Choose the block you want and drag it to the workspace.","-1493168314":"What is a quick strategy?","-1680391945":"Using a quick strategy","-1177914473":"How do I save my strategy?","-271986909":"In Bot Builder, hit Save on the toolbar at the top to download your bot. Give your bot a name, and choose to download your bot to your device or Google Drive. Your bot will be downloaded as an XML file.","-1149045595":"1. After hitting Import, select Local and click Continue.","-288041546":"2. Select your XML file and hit Open.","-2127548288":"3. Your bot will be loaded accordingly.","-1311297611":"1. After hitting Import, select Google Drive and click Continue.","-1549564044":"How do I reset the workspace?","-1127331928":"In Bot Builder, hit Reset on the toolbar at the top. This will clear the workspace. Please note that any unsaved changes will be lost.","-1720444288":"How do I control my losses with Deriv Bot?","-1142295124":"There are several ways to control your losses with Deriv Bot. Here’s a simple example of how you can implement loss control in your strategy:","-2129119462":"1. Create the following variables and place them under Run once at start:","-1918487001":"Example:","-468926787":"This is how your trade parameters, variables, and trade options should look like:","-1565344891":"Can I run Deriv Bot on multiple tabs in my web browser?","-213872712":"No, we don't offer cryptocurrencies on Deriv Bot.","-2147346223":"In which countries is Deriv Bot available?","-792737139":"We offer our services in all countries, except for the ones mentioned in our terms and conditions.","-352345777":"What are the most popular strategies for automated trading?","-552392096":"Three of the most commonly used strategies in automated trading are Martingale, D'Alembert, and Oscar's Grind — you can find them all ready-made and waiting for you in Deriv Bot.","-1036999457":"Watch this video to learn how to build a trading bot on Deriv Bot. Also, check out this blog post on building a trading bot.","-1630262763":"About Martingale","-413928457":"About Oscar's Grind","-1497015866":"About Reverse D’Alembert","-437005403":"About 1-3-2-6","-590765322":"Unfortunately, this trading platform is not available for EU Deriv account. Please switch to a non-EU account to continue trading.","-2110207996":"Deriv Bot is unavailable for this account","-971295844":"Switch to another account","-746652890":"Notifications","-824109891":"System","-507620484":"Unsaved","-764102808":"Google Drive","-749186458":"Account switching is disabled while your bot is running. Please stop your bot before switching accounts.","-597939268":"Keep my contract","-1322453991":"You need to log in to run the bot.","-236548954":"Contract Update Error","-1428017300":"THE","-1450728048":"OF","-255051108":"YOU","-1845434627":"IS","-931434605":"THIS","-740712821":"A","-1223145005":"Loss amount: {{profit}}","-1206212388":"Welcome back! Your messages have been restored. You are using your {{current_currency}} account.","-1724342053":"You are using your {{current_currency}} account.","-187634388":"This block is mandatory. Here is where you can decide if your bot should continue trading. Only one copy of this block is allowed.","-2105473795":"The only input parameter determines how block output is going to be formatted. In case if the input parameter is \"string\" then the account currency will be added.","-1800436138":"2. for \"number\": 1325.68","-530632460":"This block is used to determine if the market price moves in the selected direction or not. It gives you a value of \"True\" or \"False\".","-1875717842":"Examples:","-890079872":"1. If the selected direction is \"Rise\", and the previous tick value is less than the current tick value, the output will be \"True\". Otherwise, the output will be an empty string.","-489739641":"2. If the selected direction is \"Fall\", and the previous tick value is more than the current tick value, the output will be \"True\". Otherwise, the output will be an empty string.","-2116076360":"There are 4 message types:","-1421941045":"2. 'Warn' displays a message in yellow to highlight something that needs attention.","-277850921":"If \"Win\" is selected, it will return \"True\" if your last trade was successful. Otherwise, it will return an empty string.","-2139916657":"1. In the below example the loop is terminated in case \"x\" is \"False\" even though only one iteration is complete","-1238900333":"2. In the below example the loop jumps to the next iteration without executing below block in case if \"x\" is \"False\"","-1729479576":"You can use \"i\" inside the loop, for example to access list items","-1474636594":"In this example, the loop will repeat three times, as that is the number of items in the given list. During each iteration, the variable \"i\" will be assigned a value from the list. ","-908772734":"This block evaluates a statement and will perform an action only when the statement is true.","-334040831":"2. In this example, the instructions are repeated as long as the value of x is greater than or equal to 10. Once the value of x drops below 10, the loop is terminated.","-444267958":"\"Seconds Since Epoch\" block returns the number of seconds since January 1st, 1970.","-447522129":"You might need it when you want to repeat an actions after certain amount of time.","-1488259879":"The term \"candle\" refers to each bar on the candlestick chart. Each candle represents four market prices for the selected time interval:","-2020693608":"Each candlestick on the chart represents 4 market prices for the selected time interval:","-62728852":"- Open price: the opening price","-1247744334":"- Low price: the lowest price","-1386365697":"- Close price: the closing price","-1498732382":"A black (or red) candle indicates that the open price is higher than the close price. This represents a downward movement of the market price.","-1871864755":"This block gives you the last digit of the latest tick value of the selected market. If the latest tick value is 1410.90, this block will return 0. It’s useful for digit-based contracts such as Even/Odd, Matches/Differs, or Higher/Lower.","-1029671512":"In case if the \"OR\" operation is selected, the block returns \"True\" in case if one or both given values are \"True\"","-210295176":"Available operations:","-1385862125":"- Addition","-983721613":"- Subtraction","-854750243":"- Multiplication","-1394815185":"In case if the given number is less than the lower boundary of the range, the block returns the lower boundary value. Similarly, if the given number is greater than the higher boundary, the block will return the higher boundary value. In case if the given value is between boundaries, the block will return the given value unchanged.","-1034564248":"In the below example the block returns the value of 10 as the given value (5) is less than the lower boundary (10)","-2009817572":"This block performs the following operations to a given number","-671300479":"Available operations are:","-514610724":"- Absolute","-1923861818":"- Euler’s number (2.71) to the power of a given number","-1556344549":"Here’s how:","-1061127827":"- Visit the following URL, make sure to replace with the Telegram API token you created in Step 1: https://api.telegram.org/bot/getUpdates","-311389920":"In this example, the open prices from a list of candles are assigned to a variable called \"cl\".","-1460794449":"This block gives you a list of candles within a selected time interval.","-1634242212":"Used within a function block, this block returns a value when a specific condition is true.","-2012970860":"This block gives you information about your last contract.","-1504783522":"You can choose to see one of the following:","-10612039":"- Profit: the profit you’ve earned","-555996976":"- Entry time: the starting time of the contract","-1391071125":"- Exit time: the contract expiration time","-1961642424":"- Exit value: the value of the last tick of the contract","-111312913":"- Barrier: the barrier value of the contract (applicable to barrier-based trade types such as stays in/out, touch/no touch, etc.)","-674283099":"- Result: the result of the last contract: \"win\" or \"loss\"","-704543890":"This block gives you the selected candle value such as open price, close price, high price, low price, and open time. It requires a candle as an input parameter.","-482281200":"In the example below, the open price is assigned to the variable \"op\".","-364621012":"This block gives you the specified candle value for a selected time interval. You can choose which value you want:","-232477769":"- Open: the opening price","-610736310":"Use this block to sell your contract at the market price. Selling your contract is optional. You may choose to sell if the market trend is unfavourable.","-1307657508":"This block gives you the potential profit or loss if you decide to sell your contract. It can only be used within the \"Sell conditions\" root block.","-1921072225":"In the example below, the contract will only be sold if the potential profit or loss is more than the stake.","-955397705":"SMA adds the market price in a list of ticks or candles for a number of time periods, and divides the sum by that number of time periods.","-1424923010":"where n is the number of periods.","-1835384051":"What SMA tells you","-749487251":"SMA serves as an indicator of the trend. If the SMA points up then the market price is increasing and vice versa. The larger the period number, the smoother SMA line is.","-1996062088":"In this example, each point of the SMA line is an arithmetic average of close prices for the last 10 days.","-1866751721":"Input list accepts a list of ticks or candles, while period is the specified time period.","-1097076512":"You may compare SMA values calculated on every bot run to identify the market trend direction. Alternatively, you may also use a variation of the SMA block, the Simple Moving Average Array block. ","-1254849504":"If a period of 10 is entered, the Simple Moving Average Array block will return a list of SMA values calculated based on period of 10.","-1190046167":"This block displays a dialog box with a customised message. When the dialog box is displayed, your strategy is paused and will only resume after you click \"OK\".","-859028989":"In this example, the date and time will be displayed in a green notification box.","-1452086215":"In this example, a Rise contract will be purchased at midnight on 1 August 2019.","-2078588404":"Select your desired market and asset type. For example, Forex > Major pairs > AUD/JPY","-2037446013":"2. Trade Type","-533927844":"Select your desired trade type. For example, Up/Down > Rise/Fall","-1192411640":"4. Default Candle Interval","-485434772":"8. Trade Options","-1827646586":"This block assigns a given value to a variable, creating the variable if it doesn't already exist.","-254421190":"List: ({{message_length}})","-1591692300":"Your bot is running and waiting for a signal to buy a contract.","-555886064":"Won","-529060972":"Lost","-1062922595":"Reference ID (buy)","-2068574600":"Reference ID (sell)","-994038153":"Start Time","-1979852400":"Entry Spot","-427802309":"Profit/Loss","-224804428":"Transactions","-287223248":"No transaction or activity yet.","-418247251":"Download your journal.","-2123571162":"Download","-1616649196":"results","-90107030":"No results found","-984140537":"Add","-870004399":"<0>Bought: {{longcode}} (ID: {{transaction_id}})","-1211474415":"Filters","-186972150":"There are no messages to display","-558594655":"The bot is not running","-478946875":"The stats are cleared","-999254545":"All messages are filtered out","-786915692":"You are connected to Google Drive","-1256971627":"To import your bot from your Google Drive, you'll need to sign in to your Google account.","-1233084347":"To know how Google Drive handles your data, please review Deriv’s <0>Privacy policy.","-934909826":"Load strategy","-2005347537":"Importing XML files from Binary Bot and other third-party platforms may take longer.","-1121028020":"or, if you prefer...","-254025477":"Select an XML file from your device","-1131095838":"Please upload an XML file","-523928088":"Create one or upload one from your local drive or Google Drive.","-1684205190":"Why can't I see my recent bots?","-2050879370":"1. Logged in from a different device","-811857220":"3. Cleared your browser cache","-625024929":"Leaving already?","-584289785":"No, I'll stay","-1435060006":"If you leave, your current contract will be completed, but your bot will stop running immediately.","-783058284":"Total stake","-2077494994":"Total payout","-1073955629":"No. of runs","-1729519074":"Contracts lost","-42436171":"Total profit/loss","-1856204727":"Reset","-1137823888":"Total payout since you last cleared your stats.","-992662695":"The number of times your bot has run since you last cleared your stats. Each run includes the execution of all the root blocks.","-1382491190":"Your total profit/loss since you last cleared your stats. It is the difference between your total payout and your total stake.","-24780060":"When you’re ready to trade, hit ","-2147110353":". You’ll be able to track your bot’s performance here.","-411060180":"TradingView Chart","-621128676":"Trade type","-627895223":"Exit spot","-2140412463":"Buy price","-1299484872":"Account","-2004386410":"Win","-266502731":"Transactions detailed summary","-1711732508":"Reference IDs","-386141434":"(Buy)","-482272687":"(Sell)","-1983189496":"ticks","-694277729":"(High)","-2028564707":"(Low)","-596238067":"Entry/Exit spot","-315611205":"Strategy","-1823621139":"Quick Strategy","-1782602933":"Choose a template below and set your trade parameters.","-2060170461":"Load","-1384001818":"Strategy template","-1285759343":"Search","-1524489375":"(optional)","-379280309":"The position closes once its profit exceeds the take-profit amount","-1102264032":"The holding period measured in ticks before the position is sold","-1467808286":"The position closes when the input condition is met or upon reaching the maximum payout of {{ max_payout }} or maximum tick of {{ max_ticks }}, whichever occurs first.","-150224710":"Yes, continue","-475765963":"Edit the amount","-1349897832":"Do not show this message again.","-984512425":"Minimum duration: {{ value }}","-2084091453":"The value must be equal or greater than {{ value }}","-657364297":"The value must be equal or less than {{ value }}","-1953880747":"Stop my bot","-1899230001":"Stopping the current bot will load the Quick Strategy you just created to the workspace.","-2131847097":"Any open contracts can be viewed on the ","-1696412885":"Import","-320197558":"Sort blocks","-939764287":"Charts","-1566369363":"Zoom out","-1291088318":"Purchase conditions","-112876186":"Analysis","-1769584466":"Stats","-1133736197":"Utility","-1682372359":"Text","-907562847":"Lists","-1646497683":"Loops","-251326965":"Miscellaneous","-1136893592":"Announcements","-94894828":"Explore now","-595149759":"We've improved the Quick strategy (QS) modal for a better trading experience.","-1270636118":"<0>What’s new:","-1173567255":"<0>Integration of Accumulators Options for direct strategy application within the QS modal.","-195234787":"<0>Note: Uploading complex strategies may take some time. Saving them from Deriv Bot ensures quicker access later. If you have questions, contact us via <1/>.","-206059150":"Google Blockly v10 update","-523557619":"Better security.","-1317334545":"Accumulators now on Deriv Bot","-25869504":"Manage risks while capitalising on market opportunities.","-1766767803":"We have updated our Blockly system in Deriv Bot from version 3 to version 10.","-1150390589":"Last modified","-1393876942":"Your bots:","-1545070554":"Delete bot","-1972599670":"Your bot will be permanently deleted when you hit ","-1692956623":"Yes, delete.","-573479616":"Are you sure you want to delete it?","-462715374":"Untitled Bot","-1150107517":"Connect","-767342552":"Enter your bot name, choose to save on your computer or Google Drive, and hit ","-1372891985":"Save.","-1003476709":"Save as collection","-636521735":"Save strategy","-1692205739":"Import a bot from your computer or Google Drive, build it from scratch, or start with a quick strategy.","-563774117":"Dashboard","-683790172":"Now, <0>run the bot to test out the strategy.","-1127164953":"Hi! Hit <0>Start for a quick tour.","-358288026":"Note: You can also find this tutorial in the <0>Tutorials tab.","-129587613":"Got it, thanks!","-1793577405":"Build from scratch","-358753028":"Create your bot using our drag-and-drop blocks or click Quick Strategy to choose from the ready-to-use bot templates.","-1212601535":"Monitor the market","-21136101":"See how your bot is doing in real-time.","-631097919":"Click <0>Run when you want to start trading, and click <0>Stop when you want to stop.","-1999747212":"Want to retake the tour?","-782992165":"Step 1 :","-1207872534":"First, set the <0>Trade parameters block.","-1656388044":"First, set <0>Market to Derived > Continuous Indices > Volatility 100 (1s) Index.","-1706298865":"Then, set <0>Trade type to Up/Down > Rise/Fall.","-1834358537":"For <0>Default candle interval, set it to 1 minute","-1940971254":"For <0>Trade options, set it as below:","-512839354":"<0>Stake: USD 10 (min: 0.35 - max: 50000)","-753745278":"Step 2 :","-1056713679":"Then, set the <0>Purchase conditions block.","-245497823":"<0>2. Purchase conditions:","-916770284":"<0>Purchase: Rise","-758077259":"Step 3 :","-677396944":"Step 4 :","-295975118":"Next, go to <0>Utility tab under the Blocks menu. Tap the drop-down arrow and hit <0>Loops.","-698493945":"Step 5 :","-1992994687":"Now, tap the <0>Analysis drop-down arrow and hit <0>Contract.","-1844492873":"Go to the <0>Last trade result block and click + icon to add the <0>Result is Win block to the workspace.","-1547091772":"Then, drag the <0>Result is win into the empty slot next to <0>repeat until block.","-736400802":"Step 6 :","-732067680":"Finally, drag and add the whole <0>Repeat block to the <0>Restart trading conditions block.","-1411787252":"Step 1","-1109392787":"Learn how to build your bot from scratch using a simple strategy.","-1263822623":"You can import a bot from your mobile device or from Google drive, see a preview in the bot builder, and start trading by running the bot.","-563921656":"Bot Builder guide","-1596172043":"Quick strategy guides","-1765276625":"Click the multiplier drop-down menu and choose the multiplier value you want to trade with.","-1872233077":"Your potential profit will be multiplied by the multiplier value you’ve chosen.","-614454953":"To learn more about multipliers, please go to the <0>Multipliers page.","-662836330":"Would you like to keep your current contract or close it? If you decide to keep it running, you can check and close it later on the <0>Reports page.","-1717650468":"Online","-1309011360":"Open positions","-1597214874":"Trade table","-1929724703":"Compare CFD accounts","-883103549":"Account deactivated","-1837059346":"Buy / Sell","-1845037007":"Advertiser's page","-494667560":"Orders","-679691613":"My ads","-821418875":"Trader","-679102561":"Contract Details","-430118939":"Complaints policy","-377375279":"Standard","-1582979384":"Standard Demo","-1212531781":"Standard BVI","-328128497":"Financial","-533935232":"Financial BVI","-565431857":"Financial Labuan","-291535132":"Swap-Free Demo","-499019612":"Zero Spread Demo","-1472945832":"Swap-Free SVG","-409226641":"Gold","-987987732":"Gold DML","-1386326276":"Barrier is a required field.","-1450516268":"Only letters, numbers, space, hyphen, period, and apostrophe are allowed.","-1966032552":"The length of token should be 8.","-2128137611":"Should start with letter or number, and may contain hyphen and underscore.","-1590869353":"Up to {{decimal_count}} decimal places are allowed.","-2061307421":"Should be more than {{min_value}}","-1099941162":"Should be less than {{max_value}}","-1528188268":"Straight rows of keys are easy to guess","-1339903234":"Short keyboard patterns are easy to guess","-23980798":"Repeats like \"aaa\" are easy to guess","-235760680":"Avoid repeated words and characters","-1568933154":"Sequences like abc or 6543 are easy to guess","-725663701":"Avoid sequences","-1450768475":"Recent years are easy to guess","-1804838610":"Avoid years that are associated with you","-64849469":"Dates are often easy to guess","-2006915194":"Avoid dates and years that are associated with you","-2124205211":"A word by itself is easy to guess","-1095202689":"All-uppercase is almost as easy to guess as all-lowercase","-2137856661":"Reversed words aren't much harder to guess","-1885413063":"Predictable substitutions like '@' instead of 'a' don't help very much","-369258265":"This password is on the blacklist","-577777971":"You have reached the rate limit of requests per second. Please try later.","-206321775":"Fiat","-522767852":"DEMO","-433761292":"Switching to default account.","-405439829":"Sorry, you can't view this contract because it doesn't belong to this account.","-1590712279":"Gaming","-16448469":"Virtual","-2093768906":"{{name}} has released your funds.
Would you like to give your feedback?","-705744796":"Your demo account balance has reached the maximum limit, and you will not be able to place new trades. Reset your balance to continue trading from your demo account.","-2063700253":"disabled","-1585069798":"Please click the following link to complete your Appropriateness Test.","-367759751":"Your account has not been verified","-596690079":"Enjoy using Deriv?","-265932467":"We’d love to hear your thoughts","-1815573792":"Drop your review on Trustpilot.","-823349637":"Go to Trustpilot","-1204063440":"Set my account currency","-1601813176":"Would you like to increase your daily limits to {{max_daily_buy}} {{currency}} (buy) and {{max_daily_sell}} {{currency}} (sell)?","-1751632759":"Get a faster mobile trading experience with the <0>{{platform_name_go}} app!","-1164554246":"You submitted expired identification documents","-498364310":"Enable passkey","-187109231":"Level up your security","-1132350982":"Strengthen your account’s security today with the latest passkeys feature.","-219846634":"Let’s verify your ID","-529038107":"Install","-1738575826":"Please switch to your real account or create one to access the cashier.","-1329329028":"You’ve not set your 30-day turnover limit","-132893998":"Your access to the cashier has been temporarily disabled as you have not set your 30-day turnover limit. Please go to Self-exclusion and set the limit.","-1852207910":"MT5 withdrawal disabled","-764323310":"MT5 withdrawals have been disabled on your account. Please check your email for more details.","-1744163489":"Please verify your proof of income","-382676325":"To continue trading with us, please submit your proof of income.","-1902997828":"Refresh now","-753791937":"A new version of Deriv is available","-1775108444":"This page will automatically refresh in 5 minutes to load the latest version.","-1175685940":"Please contact us via live chat to enable withdrawals.","-493564794":"Please complete your financial assessment.","-1125797291":"Password updated.","-157145612":"Please log in with your updated password.","-620447377":"Complete phone verification","-1728185398":"Resubmit proof of address","-612396514":"Please resubmit your proof of address.","-1519764694":"Your proof of address is verified.","-1629185222":"Submit now","-1961967032":"Resubmit proof of identity","-117048458":"Please submit your proof of identity.","-1196422502":"Your proof of identity is verified.","-1392958585":"Please check your email.","-136292383":"Your proof of address verification is pending","-386909054":"Your proof of address verification has failed","-430041639":"Your proof of address did not pass our verification checks, and we’ve placed some restrictions on your account. Please resubmit your proof of address.","-87177461":"Please go to your account settings and complete your personal details to enable deposits.","-904632610":"Reset your balance","-470018967":"Reset balance","-156611181":"Please complete the financial assessment in your account settings to unlock it.","-1925176811":"Unable to process withdrawals in the moment","-980696193":"Withdrawals are temporarily unavailable due to system maintenance. You can make withdrawals when the maintenance is complete.","-1647226944":"Unable to process deposit in the moment","-488032975":"Deposits are temporarily unavailable due to system maintenance. You can make deposits when the maintenance is complete.","-2136953532":"Scheduled cashier maintenance","-849587074":"You have not provided your tax identification number","-47462430":"This information is necessary for legal and regulatory requirements. Please go to your account settings, and fill in your latest tax identification number.","-2067423661":"Stronger security for your Deriv account","-1719731099":"With two-factor authentication, you’ll protect your account with both your password and your phone - so only you can access your account, even if someone knows your password.","-949074612":"Please contact us via live chat.","-2087822170":"You are offline","-1669693571":"Check your connection.","-1706642239":"<0>Proof of ownership <1>required","-553262593":"<0><1>Your account is currently locked <2><3>Please upload your proof of <4>ownership to unlock your account. <5>","-1834929362":"Upload my document","-1043638404":"<0>Proof of ownership <1>verification failed","-1766760306":"<0><1>Please upload your document <2>with the correct details. <3>","-8892474":"Start assessment","-1330929685":"Please submit your proof of identity and proof of address to verify your account and continue trading.","-99461057":"Please submit your proof of address to verify your account and continue trading.","-577279362":"Please submit your proof of identity to verify your account and continue trading.","-197134911":"Your proof of identity is expired","-152823394":"Your proof of identity has expired. Please submit a new proof of identity to verify your account and continue trading.","-822813736":"We're unable to complete with the Wallet upgrade. Please try again later or contact us via live chat.","-978414767":"We require additional information for your Deriv MT5 account(s). Please take a moment to update your information now.","-1263133631":"Deposits and trading disabled","-1469527248":"Verify the address on the Deposit page before each deposit to avoid losing funds. Occasionally, the address could be updated.","-482715448":"Go to Personal details","-2072411961":"Your proof of address has been verified","-384887227":"Update the address in your profile.","-1692922757":"Withdraw your funds","-783596666":"{{currency}} accounts won't be available after {{time_of_closure}}.","-135924060":"{{currency}} accounts won't be available after {{time_of_closure}}. Choose a new account currency.","-1690293783":"Withdraw {{currency}}","-2039256240":"Contact live chat","-233426953":"Profit","-1470677931":"CFDs on financial instruments.","-1595662064":"Zero spread CFDs on financial and derived instruments","-1998049070":"If you agree to our use of cookies, click on Accept. For more information, <0>see our policy.","-402093392":"Add Deriv Account","-1721181859":"You’ll need a {{deriv_account}} account","-1989074395":"Please add a {{deriv_account}} account first before adding a {{dmt5_account}} account. Deposits and withdrawals for your {{dmt5_label}} account are done by transferring funds to and from your {{deriv_label}} account.","-689237734":"Proceed","-1642457320":"Help centre","-1966944392":"Network status: {{status}}","-181484419":"Responsible trading","-650505513":"Full screen","-1823504435":"View notifications","-1954045170":"No currency assigned","-1515309814":"Account settings","-1591792668":"Account Limits","-34495732":"Regulatory information","-1323441180":"I hereby confirm that my request for opening an account with Deriv to trade OTC products issued and offered exclusively outside Brazil was initiated by me. I fully understand that Deriv is not regulated by CVM and by approaching Deriv I intend to set up a relation with a foreign company.","-1396326507":"Unfortunately, {{website_name}} is not available in your country.","-288996254":"Unavailable","-1308346982":"Derived","-1019903756":"Synthetic","-735306327":"Manage accounts","-1813972756":"Account creation paused for 24 hours","-366030582":"Sorry, you're unable to create an account at this time. As you declined our previous risk warnings, we need you to wait for 24 hours after your first account creation attempt before you can proceed.<0/><0/>","-534047566":"Thank you for your understanding. You can create your account on {{real_account_unblock_date}} or later.","-399816343":"Trading Experience Assessment<0/>","-1822498621":"As per our regulatory obligations, we are required to assess your trading knowledge and experience.<0/><0/>Please click ‘OK’ to continue","-71049153":"Keep your account secure with a password","-1965920446":"Start trading","-1485242688":"Step {{step}}: {{step_title}} ({{step}} of {{steps}})","-1829842622":"You can open an account for each cryptocurrency.","-987221110":"Choose a currency you would like to trade with.","-1066574182":"Choose a currency","-1146960797":"Fiat currencies","-1914534236":"Choose your currency","-200560194":"Please switch to your {{fiat_currency}} account to change currencies.","-1829493739":"Choose the currency you would like to trade with.","-1814647553":"Add a new","-1269362917":"Add new","-650480777":"crypto account","-175638343":"Choose an account or add a new one","-1768223277":"Your account is ready","-1215717784":"<0>You have successfully changed your currency to {{currency}}.<0>Make a deposit now to start trading.","-1775006840":"Make a deposit now to start trading.","-983734304":"We need proof of your identity and address before you can start trading.","-917733293":"To get trading, please confirm where you live.","-1282628163":"You'll be able to get trading as soon as verification is complete.","-952649119":"Log In","-3815578":"Sign Up","-1456176427":"Set a currency for your real account","-1329687645":"Create a cryptocurrency account","-1429178373":"Create a new account","-1740162250":"Manage account","-1016775979":"Choose an account","-1362081438":"Adding more real accounts has been restricted for your country.","-1602122812":"24-hour Cool Down Warning","-1519791480":"CFDs and other financial instruments come with a high risk of losing money rapidly due to leverage. You should consider whether you understand how CFDs and other financial instruments work and whether you can afford to take the risk of losing your money. <0/><0/>\n As you have declined our previous warning, you would need to wait 24 hours before you can proceed further.","-1010875436":"CFDs and other financial instruments come with a high risk of losing money rapidly due to leverage. You should consider whether you understand how CFDs and other financial instruments work and whether you can afford to take the high risk of losing your money. <0/><0/> To continue, kindly note that you would need to wait 24 hours before you can proceed further.","-1725418054":"By clicking ‘Accept’ and proceeding with the account opening, you should note that you may be exposing yourself to risks. These risks, which may be significant, include the risk of losing the entire sum invested, and you may not have the knowledge and experience to properly assess or mitigate them.","-730377053":"You can’t add another real account","-2100785339":"Invalid inputs","-2061807537":"Something’s not right","-272953725":"Your details match an existing account. If you need help, contact us via <0>live chat.","-1534648620":"Your password has been changed","-596199727":"We will now redirect you to the login page.","-437918412":"No currency assigned to your account","-1193651304":"Country of residence","-707550055":"We need this to make sure our service complies with laws and regulations in your country.","-280139767":"Set residence","-601615681":"Select theme","-1152511291":"Dark","-1428458509":"Light","-1976089791":"Your Deriv account has been unlinked from your {{social_identity_provider}} account. You can now log in to Deriv using your new email address and password.","-505449293":"Enter a new password for your Deriv account.","-243732824":"Take me to Demo account","-1269078299":"I will setup my real account later.","-1342699195":"Total profit/loss:","-1941013000":"This complaints policy, which may change from time to time, applies to your account(s) registered with {{legal_entity_name_svg}}, {{legal_entity_name_fx}}, and {{legal_entity_name_v}}.","-594812204":"This complaints policy, which may change from time to time, applies to your account(s) registered with {{legal_entity_name_svg}}.","-813256361":"We are committed to treating our clients fairly and providing them with excellent service.<0/><1/>We would love to hear from you on how we can improve our services to you. Any information you provide will be treated in the strictest confidence. Rest assured that you will be heard, valued, and always treated fairly.","-1622847732":"If you have an inquiry regarding your trading account with {{legal_entity_name}}, you can contact us through our <0>Help centre or by chatting with a representative via <1>Live Chat.<2/><3/>We are committed to resolving your query in the quickest time possible and appreciate your patience in allowing us time to resolve the matter.<4/><5/>We strive to provide the best possible service and support to our customers. However, in the event that we are unable to resolve your query or if you feel that our response is unsatisfactory, we want to hear from you. We welcome and encourage you to submit an official complaint to us so that we can review your concerns and work towards a resolution.","-1406192787":"If you are not satisfied with the outcome, you can escalate your complaint to the <0>Financial Commission.","-2115348800":"1. Introduction","-744009523":"2. Fair treatment","-866831420":"3.1. Submission of a complaint","-1102904026":"3.2. Handling your complaint","-603378979":"3.3. Resolving your complaint","-697569974":"3.4. Your decision","-1280998762":"4. Complaints","-1886635232":"A complaint is any expression of dissatisfaction by a client regarding our products or services that requires a formal response.<0/><1/>If what you submit does not fall within the scope of a complaint, we may reclassify it as a query and forward it to the relevant department for handling. However, if you believe that your query should be classified as a complaint due to its relevance to the investment services provided by {{legal_entity_name}}, you may request that we reclassify it accordingly.","-1771496016":"To submit a complaint, please send an email to <0>complaints@deriv.com, providing as much detail as possible. To help us investigate and resolve your complaint more efficiently, please include the following information:","-1197243525":"<0>•A clear and detailed description of your complaint, including any relevant dates, times, and transactions","-1795134892":"<0>•Any relevant screenshots or supporting documentation that will assist us in understanding the issue","-2053887036":"4.4. Handling your complaint","-717170429":"Once we have received the details of your complaint, we shall review it carefully and keep you updated on the handling process. We might request further information or clarifications to facilitate the resolution of the complaint.","-1841922393":"4.5. Resolving your complaint","-1327119795":"4.6. Your decision","-2019654103":"If we are unable to resolve your complaint or you are not satisfied with the outcome, you can escalate your complaint to the Office of the Arbiter for Financial Services.<0/><1/><2>Filing complaints with the Office of the Arbiter for Financial Services","-687172857":"<0>•You may file a complaint with the Arbiter for Financial Services only if you are not satisfied with our decision or the decision wasn’t made within 15 business days.","-262934706":"<0>•If the complaint is accepted by the Arbiter, you will receive another email with further details relating to the payment of the €25 complaint fee and the processes that follow.","-993572476":"<0>b.The Financial Commission has 5 days to acknowledge that your complaint was received and 14 days to answer the complaint through our Internal Dispute Resolution (IDR) procedure.","-1769159081":"<0>c.You will be able to file a complaint with the Financial Commission only if you are not satisfied with our decision or the decision wasn’t made within 14 days.","-58307244":"3. Determination phase","-356618087":"<0>b.The DRC may request additional information from you or us, who must then provide the requested information within 7 days.","-945718602":"<0>b.If you agree with a DRC decision, you will need to accept it within 14 days. If you do not respond to the DRC decision within 14 days, the complaint is considered closed.","-1500907666":"<0>d.If the decision is made in our favour, you must provide a release for us within 7 days of when the decision is made, and the complaint will be considered closed.","-429248139":"5. Disclaimer","-818926350":"The Financial Commission accepts appeals for 45 days following the date of the incident and only after the trader has tried to resolve the issue with the company directly.","-1825471709":"A whole new trading experience on a powerful yet easy to use platform.","-981017278":"Automated trading at your fingertips. No coding needed.","-583559763":"Menu","-673424733":"Demo account","-162753510":"Add real account","-1685795001":"Demo Wallet","-319395348":"Looking for CFDs? Go to Trader’s Hub","-778309978":"The link you clicked has expired. Ensure to click the link in the latest email in your inbox. Alternatively, enter your email below and click <0>Resend email for a new link.","-2101368724":"Transaction processing","-1772981256":"We'll notify you when it's complete.","-198662988":"Make a deposit to trade the world's markets!","-941870889":"The cashier is for real accounts only","-352838513":"It looks like you don’t have a real {{regulation}} account. To use the cashier, switch to your {{active_real_regulation}} real account, or get an {{regulation}} real account.","-1858915164":"Ready to deposit and trade for real?","-1208519001":"You need a real Deriv account to access the cashier.","-715867914":"Successfully deposited","-1271218821":"Account added","-197631101":"Your funds will be available for trading once the verification of your account is complete.","-1136592936":"Accept updated terms and conditions","-1174803266":"Accept now","-835056719":"We’ve received your documents","-55435892":"We’ll need 1 - 3 days to review your documents and notify you by email. You can practice with demo accounts in the meantime.","-554054753":"Get started","-1916578937":"<0>Explore the exciting new features that your Wallet offers.","-1724438599":"<0>You're almost there!","-32454015":"Select a payment method to make a deposit into your account.<0 />Need help? Contact us via <1>live chat","-310434518":"The email input should not be empty.","-1471705969":"<0>{{title}}: {{trade_type_name}} on {{symbol}}","-1771117965":"Trade opened","-1856112961":"The URL you requested isn’t available","-304807228":"<0>You’re not logged in, or<0>Our services are unavailable in your country.","-1567989247":"Submit your proof of identity and address","-523602297":"Forex majors","-1303090739":"Up to 1:1500","-19213603":"Metals","-1264604378":"Up to 1:1000","-1728334460":"Up to 1:300","-646902589":"(US_30, US_100, US_500)","-149461870":"Forex: standard/exotic","-1995163270":"ETFs","-1328843230":"Financial demo","-2015919746":"Financial - STP","-1132098542":"Gold demo","-659955365":"Swap-Free","-439230021":"CFDs demo","-1269597956":"MT5 Platform","-1302404116":"Maximum leverage","-1647612934":"Spreads from","-941636117":"MetaTrader 5 Linux app","-1434036215":"Demo Financial","-1416247163":"Financial STP","-375309657":"Demo Gold","-1882063886":"Demo CFDs","-1637969571":"Demo Swap-Free","-1347908717":"Demo Financial SVG","-1780324582":"SVG","-705682181":"Malta","-860609405":"Password","-742647506":"Fund transfer","-712681566":"Peer-to-peer exchange","-1267880283":"{{field_name}} is required","-2084509650":"{{field_name}} is not properly formatted.","-1428164691":"Upgrade complete","-1608063228":"Start trading with your new <0>{{platform}} {{type_1}} and <0>{{type_2}} {{eligible_account_to_migrate}} accounts.","-1944156634":"Start trading with your new <0>{{platform}} {{type_1}} {{eligible_account_to_migrate}} account.","-1787052003":"You can manage your existing positions, but you can't start a new trade.","-790488576":"Forgot password?","-476558960":"If you don’t have open positions","-1385484963":"Confirm to change your {{platform}} password","-1990902270":"This will change the password to all of your {{platform}} accounts.","-2104148631":"Commissions apply","-201485855":"Up to","-700260448":"demo","-1922462747":"Trader's hub","-1218651003":"Enter your {{platform}} password to add an {{platform}} {{account}} account.","-1190393389":"Enter your {{platform}} password to add a {{platform}} {{account}} account.","-16858060":"You have a new Deriv MT5 password to log in to your Deriv MT5 accounts on the web and mobile apps.","-1868608634":"Current password","-2092058806":"8 to 16 characters","-2051033705":"A special character such as ( _ @ ? ! / # )","-1762249687":"A lowercase letter","-2034549226":"You are adding your {{platform}} {{product}} account under {{company}}.","-1449526710":"Create an {{platform_name}} account","-610575301":"Add an {{platform_name}} account","-184453418":"Enter your {{platform}} password","-2057918502":"Hint: You may have entered your Deriv password, which is different from your {{platform}} password.","-1769158315":"real","-267598687":"Congratulations, you have successfully created your <0/>{{category}} {{platform}} {{type}} account. To start trading, <1 />transfer funds <2 />from your Deriv account into this account.","-1475660820":"Your Deriv MT5 {{type}} account is ready. ","-1184248732":"Congratulations, you have successfully created your <0/>{{category}} {{platform}} {{type}} account. ","-1928229820":"Reset Deriv X investor password","-1969916895":"Your password must contain between 8-16 characters that include uppercase and lowercase letters, and at least one number and special character ( _ @ ? ! / # ).","-1087845020":"main","-1950683866":"investor","-1150741791":"To continue, provide the required information in the Personal details section.","-588451627":"Undergoing server maintenance","-1874242353":"Fund top up","-89838213":"You can top up your demo account with an additional <0> if your balance is <1> or less.","-1211122723":"{{ platform }} {{ account_title }} account","-78895143":"Current balance","-149993085":"New current balance","-1615126227":"Manage up to {{max_count}} Deriv cTrader accounts. While you can convert any of your Deriv cTrader accounts into a strategy account, please take note of the following:","-1547739386":"To ensure you can always create and manage strategies with fees, <0>keep at least one account free from being a strategy provider. This way, you’ll always have an account ready for collecting fees, allowing you to have up to four strategies where you may impose fees.","-2145356061":"Download Deriv X on your phone to trade with the Deriv X account","-1547458328":"Run cTrader on your browser","-747382643":"Get another cTrader account","-1986258847":"Server maintenance starts at 01:00 GMT every Sunday, and this process may take up to 2 hours to complete. Service may be disrupted during this time.","-499504077":"Choose a cTrader account to transfer","-251202291":"Broker","-678964540":"to","-206829624":"(1:x)","-616293830":"Enjoy dynamic leverage of <0>up to 1:1500 when trading selected instruments in the forex, commodities, cryptocurrencies, and stock indices markets. Our dynamic leverage adjusts automatically to your trading position, based on asset type and trading volume.","-2042845290":"Your investor password has been changed.","-1882295407":"Your password has been changed.","-254497873":"Use this password to grant viewing access to another user. While they may view your trading account, they will not be able to trade or take any other actions.","-161656683":"Current investor password","-374736923":"New investor password","-1793894323":"Create or reset investor password","-918069465":"Account unavailable","-643795646":"Create a password for your {{platform}} account:","-1593684005":"This password works for all your Deriv MT5 accounts.","-417711545":"Create account","-637537305":"Download {{ platform }} on your phone to trade with the {{ platform }} {{ account }} account","-964130856":"{{existing_account_title}}","-879259635":"Enter your Deriv MT5 password to upgrade your account(s).","-361998267":"We've introduced additional password requirements to increase your account security. Your password should:","-996995493":"Be between 8 to 16 characters.","-219163415":"Contain at least one special character.","-1446636186":"By clicking on <0>Next you agree to move your {{platform}} {{type_1}} and {{type_2}} {{from_account}} account(s) under Deriv {{account_to_migrate}} Ltd’s <1>terms and conditions.","-1766387013":"Upgrade your MT5 account(s)","-990927225":"Enter your Deriv MT5 password","-1486399361":"Trade with MT5 mobile app","-301350824":"Note: Don't have the MT5 app? Tap the <0>Trade with MT5 mobile app button to download. Once you have\n installed the app, return to this screen and hit the same button to log in.","-648956272":"Use this password to log in to your Deriv X accounts on the web and mobile apps.","-1814308691":"Please click on the link in the email to change your {{platform}} password.","-601303096":"Scan the QR code to download Deriv {{ platform }}.","-1357917360":"Web terminal","-1282933308":"Not {{barrier}}","-968190634":"Equals {{barrier}}","-1747377543":"Under {{barrier}}","-256210543":"Trading is unavailable at this time.","-1418742026":"Higher barrier must be higher than lower barrier.","-92007689":"Lower barrier must be lower than higher barrier.","-1095538960":"Please enter the start time in the format \"HH:MM\".","-1975910372":"Minute must be between 0 and 59.","-866277689":"Expiry time cannot be in the past.","-1455298001":"Now","-1150099396":"We’re working to have this available for you soon. If you have another account, switch to that account to continue trading. You may add a Deriv MT5 Financial.","-28115241":"{{platform_name_trader}} is not available for this account","-453920758":"Go to {{platform_name_mt5}} dashboard","-402175529":"History","-1013917510":"The reset time is {{ reset_time }}","-925402280":"Indicative low spot","-1075414250":"High spot","-902712434":"Deal cancellation","-988484646":"Deal cancellation (executed)","-444882676":"Deal cancellation (active)","-13423018":"Reference ID","-1371082433":"Reset barrier","-1402197933":"Reset time","-2035315547":"Low barrier","-1745835713":"Selected tick","-1551639437":"No history","-1214703885":"You have yet to update either take profit or stop loss","-504849554":"It will reopen at","-59803288":"In the meantime, try our synthetic indices. They simulate real-market volatility and are open 24/7.","-1278109940":"See open markets","-694105443":"This market is closed","-104603605":"You cannot trade as your documents are still under review. We will notify you by email once your verification is approved.","-439389714":"We’re working on it","-770929448":"Go to {{platform_name_smarttrader}}","-347156282":"Submit Proof","-138538812":"Log in or create a free account to place a trade.","-2036388794":"Create free account","-1813736037":"No further trading is allowed on this contract type for the current trading session. For more info, refer to our <0>terms and conditions.","-1043795232":"Recent positions","-153220091":"{{display_value}} Tick","-802374032":"Hour","-1700010072":"This feature is unavailable for tick intervals. Switch to minutes, hours, or days.","-2017825013":"Got it","-112444942":"History of tick counts","-1145293111":"This market will reopen at","-1782608357":"Starts on {{formatted_date}}, {{formatted_time}}","-1341681145":"When this is active, you can cancel your trade within the chosen time frame. Your stake will be returned without loss.","-2069438609":"No matches found","-647454892":"No closed positions","-1474415836":"Your closed positions will be shown here.","-576924961":"Your open positions will appear here.","-225500551":"Entry & exit details","-1022682526":"Your favourite markets will appear here.","-232254547":"Custom","-1251526905":"Last 7 days","-1539223392":"Last 90 days","-1123299427":"Your stake will continue to grow as long as the current spot price remains within a specified <0>range from the <1>previous spot price. Otherwise, you lose your stake and the trade is terminated.","-1052279158":"Your <0>payout is the sum of your initial stake and profit.","-274058583":"<0>Take profit is an additional feature that lets you manage your risk by automatically closing the trade when your profit reaches the target amount. This feature is unavailable for ongoing accumulator contracts.","-1819891401":"You can close your trade anytime. However, be aware of <0>slippage risk.","-859589563":"If you select “<0>Odd”, you will win the payout if the last digit of the last tick is an odd number (i.e. 1, 3, 5, 7, or 9).","-1911850849":"If the exit spot is equal to the barrier, you don’t win the payout.","-618782785":"Use multipliers to leverage your potential returns. Predict if the asset price will move upward (bullish) or downward (bearish). We’ll charge a commission when you open a multipliers trade.","-565391674":"If you select \"<0>Up\", your total profit/loss will be the percentage increase in the underlying asset price, times the multiplier and stake, minus commissions.","-2132756399":"Additional features are available to manage your positions: <0>Take profit, <1>Stop loss and <2>Deal cancellation allow you to adjust your level of risk aversion.","-1158764468":"If you select “<0>Over”, you will win the payout if the last digit of the last tick is greater than your prediction.","-1268105691":"If you select “<0>Under”, you will win the payout if the last digit of the last tick is less than your prediction.","-444119935":"If you select \"<0>Rise\", you win the payout if the exit spot is strictly higher than the entry spot.","-521457890":"If you select “<0>Touch”, you win the payout if the market touches the barrier at any time during the contract period.","-1020271578":"If you select “<0>Down”, you’ll earn a payout if the spot price never rises above the barrier.","-403573339":"Your payout is equal to the <0>payout per point multiplied by the difference between the <1>final price and the barrier. You will only earn a profit if your payout is higher than your initial stake.","-1307465836":"You may sell the contract up to 15 seconds before expiry. If you do, we’ll pay you the <0>contract value.","-1121315439":"Vanilla options allow you to predict an upward (bullish) or downward (bearish) direction of the underlying asset by purchasing a “Call” or a “Put”.","-1763848396":"Put","-1119872505":"How to trade ","-586636553":"Watch this video to learn about this trade type.","-792197750":"Added to favourites","-197162398":"CLOSED","-782722116":"Swipe up to see the chart","-1125490130":"Welcome to the new Deriv Trader","-463202424":"Enjoy a smoother, more intuitive trading experience. Here’s a quick tour to get you started.","-1200840210":"Let's begin","-1217860832":"Scroll left or right to explore trade types.","-1000472682":"Choose a market (2/6)","-1648147161":"Open your trade (3/6)","-1848076051":"Track market trends with our interactive charts.","-208907003":"Scroll left or right to adjust your trade parameters.","-1300707192":"Pin, rearrange, or remove your favorite trade types for easy access.","-1913695340":"Order Details","-1882287418":"How do I earn a payout?","-1331298683":"Take profit can’t be adjusted for ongoing accumulator contracts.","-694027125":"take profit","-1302593482":"Please enter a {{field_label}} amount.","-426023176":"Please enter a {{field_label}} amount that's at least {{min_value}}.","-774366508":"Maximum {{field_label}} allowed is {{max_value}}.","-376450619":"An error occurred.","-843831637":"Stop loss","-509210647":"Try searching for something else.","-99964540":"When your profit reaches or exceeds the set amount, your trade will be closed automatically.","-542594338":"Max. payout","-2062696378":"Above spot:","-1858102926":"Barrier set below spot price.","-635746838":"Below spot","-1838512476":"Pick an end time","-1977959027":"hours","-591705950":"Ends on","-1855256857":"h","-1585766960":"min","-1013686843":"Current time","-1068424721":"Max duration","-718750246":"Your stake will grow at {{growth_rate}}% per tick as long as the current spot price remains within ±{{tick_size_barrier_percentage}} from the previous spot price.","-339236213":"Multiplier","-1626578728":"Deal cancellation fee","-240829052":"{{date}} at {{timestamp}}","-732683018":"When your profit reaches or exceeds this amount, your trade will be closed automatically.","-732856313":"TP & SL","-471757681":"Risk management","-1954917999":"Acceptable range: {{min_value}} to {{max_value}} {{currency}}","-1024650723":"Note: Cannot be adjusted for ongoing accumulator contracts.","-1942828391":"Max payout","-1358367903":"Stake","-525327031":"Payout per point:","-380456342":"It is the price where you can start receiving a payout from an option.","-1853307892":"Set your trade","-494149423":"Pinned","-1612346919":"View all","-1221049974":"Final price","-583023237":"This is the resale value of your contract, based on the prevailing market conditions (e.g, the current spot), including additional commissions if any.","-1476381873":"The latest asset price when the trade closure is processed by our servers.","-584445859":"This is when your contract will expire based on the duration or end time you’ve selected. If the duration is more than 24 hours, the cut-off time and expiry date will apply instead.","-1247327943":"This is the spot price of the last tick at expiry.","-1422269966":"You can choose a growth rate with values of 1%, 2%, 3%, 4%, and 5%.","-1186791513":"Payout is the sum of your initial stake and profit.","-1482134885":"We calculate this based on the strike price and duration you’ve selected.","-1682624802":"It is a percentage of the previous spot price. The percentage rate is based on your choice of the index and the growth rate.","-1545819495":"Your trade will be closed automatically at the nearest available asset price when your loss reaches a certain percentage of your stake, but your loss never exceeds your stake. This percentage depends on the chosen underlying asset and the Multiplier.","-1293590531":"If you select “Call”, you’ll earn a payout if the final price is above the strike price at expiry. Otherwise, you won’t receive a payout.","-1432332852":"If you select ‘Put”, you’ll earn a payout if the final price is below the strike price at expiry. Otherwise, you won’t receive a payout.","-468501352":"If you select this feature, your trade will be closed automatically at the nearest available asset price when your profit reaches or exceeds the take profit amount. Your profit may be more than the amount you entered depending on the market price at closing.","-1952134215":"TP and SL have been turned off.","-1541404572":"TP has been turned off.","-1634963573":"SL has been turned off.","-337314714":"days","-123659792":"Vanillas","-1226595254":"Turbos","-922253974":"Rise/Fall","-1361254291":"Higher/Lower","-1691868913":"Touch/No Touch","-330437517":"Matches/Differs","-657360193":"Over/Under","-231957809":"Win maximum payout if the exit spot is higher than or equal to the upper barrier.","-464144986":"Win maximum payout if the exit spot is lower than or equal to the lower barrier.","-1031456093":"Win up to maximum payout if exit spot is between lower and upper barrier, in proportion to the difference between upper barrier and exit spot.","-968162707":"No payout if exit spot is above or equal to the upper barrier.","-2089488446":"If you select \"Ends Between\", you win the payout if the exit spot is strictly higher than the Low barrier AND strictly lower than the High barrier.","-1876950330":"If you select \"Ends Outside\", you win the payout if the exit spot is EITHER strictly higher than the High barrier, OR strictly lower than the Low barrier.","-546460677":"If the exit spot is equal to either the Low barrier or the High barrier, you don't win the payout.","-1929209278":"If you select \"Even\", you will win the payout if the last digit of the last tick is an even number (i.e., 2, 4, 6, 8, or 0).","-2038865615":"If you select \"Odd\", you will win the payout if the last digit of the last tick is an odd number (i.e., 1, 3, 5, 7, or 9).","-1959473569":"If you select \"Lower\", you win the payout if the exit spot is strictly lower than the barrier.","-1350745673":"If the exit spot is equal to the barrier, you don't win the payout.","-93996528":"By purchasing the \"Close-to-Low\" contract, you'll win the multiplier times the difference between the close and low over the duration of the contract.","-420387848":"The high is the highest point ever reached by the market during the contract period.","-1722190480":"By purchasing the \"High-to-Low\" contract, you'll win the multiplier times the difference between the high and low over the duration of the contract.","-1281286610":"If you select \"Matches\", you will win the payout if the last digit of the last tick is the same as your prediction.","-1113825265":"Additional features are available to manage your positions: “<0>Take profit” and “<0>Stop loss” allow you to adjust your level of risk aversion.","-1104397398":"Additional features are available to manage your positions: “<0>Take profit”, “<0>Stop loss” and “<0>Deal cancellation” allow you to adjust your level of risk aversion.","-1272255095":"If the exit spot is equal to the barrier or the new barrier (if a reset occurs), you don't win the payout.","-1392065699":"If you select \"Rise\", you win the payout if the exit spot is strictly higher than the entry spot.","-1762566006":"If you select \"Fall\", you win the payout if the exit spot is strictly lower than the entry spot.","-1435306976":"If you select \"Allow equals\", you win the payout if exit spot is higher than or equal to entry spot for \"Rise\". Similarly, you win the payout if exit spot is lower than or equal to entry spot for \"Fall\".","-1812957362":"If you select \"Stays Between\", you win the payout if the market stays between (does not touch) either the High barrier or the Low barrier at any time during the contract period","-220379757":"If you select \"Goes Outside\", you win the payout if the market touches either the High barrier or the Low barrier at any time during the contract period.","-299450697":"If you select \"High Tick\", you win the payout if the selected tick is the highest among the next five ticks.","-1416078023":"If you select \"Touch\", you win the payout if the market touches the barrier at any time during the contract period.","-1565216130":"If you select <0>\"Up\", you’ll earn a payout if the spot price never drops below the barrier.","-1336860323":"If you select <0>\"Down\", you’ll earn a payout if the spot price never rises above the barrier.","-351875097":"Number of ticks","-729830082":"View less","-1649593758":"Trade info","-1382749084":"Go back to trading","-1652791614":"mins","-442488432":"day","-1435392215":"About deal cancellation","-1192773792":"Don't show this again","-771725194":"Deal Cancellation","-1669741470":"The payout at expiry is equal to the payout per point multiplied by the difference between the final price and the strike price.","-65178968":"The amount you will receive at expiry for every point of change above the barrier.","-1419311086":"Payout per Point","-1636919806":"You will receive a payout at expiry if the spot price never breaches the barrier throughout the contract duration. Otherwise, your contract will be terminated early.","-1775944645":"Distance to current spot:","-1790089996":"NEW!","-253521386":"This is the spot price of the last tick at expiry, i.e. the exit spot.","-1890561510":"Cut-off time","-878534036":"If you select \"Call\", you’ll earn a payout if the final price is above the strike price at expiry. Otherwise, you won’t receive a payout.","-1587076792":"If you select \"Put\", you’ll earn a payout if the final price is below the strike price at expiry. Otherwise, you won’t receive a payout.","-565990678":"Your contract will expire on this date (in GMT), based on the End time you’ve selected.","-477936848":"We use next-tick-execution mechanism, which is the next asset price when the trade opening is processed by our servers.","-148680560":"Spot price of the last tick upon reaching expiry.","-1123926839":"Contracts will expire at exactly 14:00:00 GMT on your selected expiry date.","-1904828224":"We’ll offer to buy your contract at this price should you choose to sell it before its expiry. This is based on several factors, such as the current spot price, duration, etc. However, we won’t offer a contract value if the remaining duration is below 24 hours.","-127118348":"Choose {{contract_type}}","-543478618":"Try checking your spelling or use a different term","-338707425":"Minimum duration is 1 day","-1003473648":"Duration: {{duration}} day","-700280380":"Deal cancel. fee","-8998663":"Digit: {{last_digit}} ","-690963898":"Your contract will be automatically closed when your payout reaches this amount.","-511541916":"Your contract will be automatically closed upon reaching this number of ticks.","-438655760":"<0>Note: You can close your trade anytime. Be aware of slippage risk.","-774638412":"Stake must be between {{min_stake}} {{currency}} and {{max_stake}} {{currency}}","-434270664":"Current Price","-1956787775":"Barrier Price:","-1513281069":"Barrier 2","-390994177":"Should be between {{min}} and {{max}}","-1231210510":"Tick","-2055106024":"Toggle between advanced and simple duration settings","-1012793015":"End time","-1804019534":"Expiry: {{date}}","-2037881712":"Your contract will be closed automatically at the next available asset price on <0>.","-629549519":"Commission <0/>","-2131859340":"Stop out <0/>","-1686280757":"<0>{{commission_percentage}}% of (<1/> * {{multiplier}})","-989393637":"Take profit can't be adjusted after your contract starts.","-194424366":"above","-857660728":"Strike Prices","-1572548510":"Ups & Downs","-71301554":"Ins & Outs","-952298801":"Look Backs","-763273340":"Digits","-420223912":"Clean up Blocks","-301596978":"Collapse Blocks","-2002533437":"Custom function","-215053350":"with:","-1257232389":"Specify a parameter name:","-1885742588":"with: ","-188442606":"function {{ function_name }} {{ function_params }} {{ dummy }}","-313112159":"This block is similar to the one above, except that this returns a value. The returned value can be assigned to a variable of your choice.","-1783320173":"Prematurely returns a value within a function","-1485521724":"Conditional return","-1482801393":"return","-46453136":"get","-1838027177":"first","-1182568049":"Get list item","-1675454867":"This block gives you the value of a specific item in a list, given the position of the item. It can also remove the item from the list.","-381501912":"This block creates a list of items from an existing list, using specific item positions.","-426766796":"Get sub-list","-1679267387":"in list {{ input_list }} find {{ first_or_last }} occurence of item {{ input_value }}","-2087996855":"This block gives you the position of an item in a given list.","-422008824":"Checks if a given list is empty","-1343887675":"This block checks if a given list is empty. It returns “True” if the list is empty, “False” if otherwise.","-1548407578":"length of {{ input_list }}","-1786976254":"This block gives you the total number of items in a given list.","-2113424060":"create list with item {{ input_item }} repeated {{ number }} times","-1955149944":"Repeat an item","-434887204":"set","-197957473":"as","-851591741":"Set list item","-1874774866":"ascending","-1457178757":"Sorts the items in a given list","-350986785":"Sort list","-324118987":"make text from list","-155065324":"This block creates a list from a given string of text, splitting it with the given delimiter. It can also join items in a list into a string of text.","-459051222":"Create list from text","-977241741":"List Statement","-451425933":"{{ break_or_continue }} of loop","-323735484":"continue with next iteration","-1592513697":"Break out/continue","-713658317":"for each item {{ variable }} in list {{ input_list }}","-1825658540":"Iterates through a given list","-952264826":"repeat {{ number }} times","-887757135":"Repeat (2)","-1608672233":"This block is similar to the block above, except that the number of times it repeats is determined by a given variable.","-533154446":"Repeat (1)","-1059826179":"while","-1893063293":"until","-279445533":"Repeat While/Until","-1003706492":"User-defined variable","-359097473":"set {{ variable }} to {{ value }}","-1588521055":"Sets variable value","-980448436":"Set variable","-1538570345":"Get the last trade information and result, then trade again.","-222725327":"Here is where you can decide if your bot should continue trading.","-1638446329":"Result is {{ win_or_loss }}","-1968029988":"Last trade result","-1588406981":"You can check the result of the last trade with this block.","-1459154781":"Contract Details: {{ contract_detail }}","-1652241017":"Reads a selected property from contract details list","-985351204":"Trade again","-2082345383":"These blocks transfer control to the Purchase conditions block.","-172574065":"This block will transfer the control back to the Purchase conditions block, enabling you to purchase another contract.","-403103225":"restart","-837044282":"Ask Price {{ contract_type }}","-1033917049":"This block returns the purchase price for the selected trade type.","-1863737684":"2. Purchase conditions","-228133740":"Specify contract type and purchase conditions.","-1098726473":"This block is mandatory. Only one copy of this block is allowed. You can place the Purchase block (see below) here as well as conditional blocks to define your purchase conditions.","-1777988407":"Payout {{ contract_type }}","-511116341":"This block returns the potential payout for the selected trade type","-1943211857":"Potential payout","-1738427539":"Purchase","-813464969":"buy","-53668380":"True if active contract can be sold before expiration at current market price","-43337012":"Sell profit/loss","-2112866691":"Returns the profit/loss from selling at market price","-2132417588":"This block gives you the potential profit or loss if you decide to sell your contract.","-1360483055":"set {{ variable }} to Bollinger Bands {{ band_type }} {{ dummy }}","-20542296":"Calculates Bollinger Bands (BB) from a list with a period","-1951109427":"Bollinger Bands (BB)","-857226052":"BB is a technical analysis indicator that’s commonly used by traders. The idea behind BB is that the market price stays within the upper and lower bands for 95% of the time. The bands are the standard deviations of the market price, while the line in the middle is a simple moving average line. If the price reaches either the upper or lower band, there’s a possibility of a trend reversal.","-325196350":"set {{ variable }} to Bollinger Bands Array {{ band_type }} {{ dummy }}","-199689794":"Similar to BB. This block gives you a choice of returning the values of either the lower band, higher band, or the SMA line in the middle.","-920690791":"Calculates Exponential Moving Average (EMA) from a list with a period","-960641587":"EMA is a type of moving average that places more significance on the most recent data points. It’s also known as the exponentially weighted moving average. EMA is different from SMA in that it reacts more significantly to recent price changes.","-1557584784":"set {{ variable }} to Exponential Moving Average Array {{ dummy }}","-32333344":"Calculates Moving Average Convergence Divergence (MACD) from a list","-628573413":"MACD is calculated by subtracting the long-term EMA (26 periods) from the short-term EMA (12 periods). If the short-term EMA is greater or lower than the long-term EMA than there’s a possibility of a trend reversal.","-1133676960":"Fast EMA Period {{ input_number }}","-883166598":"Period {{ input_period }}","-450311772":"set {{ variable }} to Relative Strength Index {{ dummy }}","-1861493523":"Calculates Relative Strength Index (RSI) list from a list of values with a period","-880048629":"Calculates Simple Moving Average (SMA) from a list with a period","-1150972084":"Market direction","-276935417":"This block is used to determine if the market price moves in the selected direction or not. It gives you a value of “True” or “False”.","-764931948":"in candle list get # from end {{ input_number }}","-924607337":"Returns the last digit of the latest tick","-560033550":"Returns the list of last digits of 1000 recent tick values","-74062476":"Make a List of {{ candle_property }} values in candles list with interval: {{ candle_interval_type }}","-1556495906":"Returns a list of specific values from a candle list according to selected time interval","-166816850":"Create a list of candle values (1)","-1174859923":"Read the selected candle value","-1972165119":"Read candle value (1)","-322623215":"Current stat list","-1956100732":"You can use this block to analyze the ticks, regardless of your trades","-443243232":"The content of this block is called on every tick. Place this block outside of any root block.","-641399277":"Last Tick","-1628954567":"Returns the value of the last tick","-1332756793":"This block gives you the value of the last tick.","-2134440920":"Last Tick String","-1466340125":"Tick value","-467913286":"Tick value Description","-785831237":"This block gives you a list of the last 1000 tick values.","-1546430304":"Tick List String Description","-1788626968":"Returns \"True\" if the given candle is black","-436010611":"Make a list of {{ candle_property }} values from candles list {{ candle_list }}","-1384340453":"Returns a list of specific values from a given candle list","-584859539":"Create a list of candle values (2)","-2010558323":"Read {{ candle_property }} value in candle {{ input_candle }}","-2846417":"This block gives you the selected candle value.","-1587644990":"Read candle value (2)","-1202212732":"This block returns account balance","-1737837036":"Account balance","-1963883840":"Put your blocks in here to prevent them from being removed","-1284013334":"Use this block if you want some instructions to be ignored when your bot runs. Instructions within this block won’t be executed.","-1217253851":"Log","-1987568069":"Warn","-104925654":"Console","-1956819233":"This block displays messages in the developer's console with an input that can be either a string of text, a number, boolean, or an array of data.","-1450461842":"Load block from URL: {{ input_url }}","-1088614441":"Loads blocks from URL","-1747943728":"Loads from URL","-1008209188":"Sends a message to Telegram","-1218671372":"Displays a notification and optionally play selected sound","-2099284639":"This block gives you the total profit/loss of your trading strategy since your bot started running. You can reset this by clicking “Clear stats” on the Transaction Stats window, or by refreshing this page in your browser.","-683825404":"Total Profit String","-718220730":"Total Profit String Description","-1861858493":"Number of runs","-264195345":"Returns the number of runs","-303451917":"This block gives you the total number of times your bot has run. You can reset this by clicking “Clear stats” on the Transaction Stats window, or by refreshing this page in your browser.","-2132861129":"Conversion Helper Block","-74095551":"Seconds Since Epoch","-15528039":"Returns the number of seconds since January 1st, 1970","-729807788":"This block returns the number of seconds since January 1st, 1970.","-1467024744":"Run the blocks inside after a given number of ticks","-173765342":"This block delays execution for a given number of ticks. You can place any blocks within this block. The execution of other blocks in your strategy will be paused until the instructions in this block are carried out.","-1370107306":"{{ dummy }} {{ stack_input }} Run after {{ number }} second(s)","-558838192":"Delayed run","-1975250999":"This block converts the number of seconds since the Unix Epoch (1 January 1970) into a string of text representing the date and time.","-702370957":"Convert to date/time","-982729677":"Convert to timestamp","-311268215":"This block converts a string of text that represents the date and time into seconds since the Unix Epoch (1 January 1970). The time and time zone offset are optional. Example: 2019-01-01 21:03:45 GMT+0800 will be converted to 1546347825.","-1374685318":"Your contract is closed automatically when your loss is more than or equals to this amount. This block can only be used with the multipliers trade type.","-1797602591":"Stop Loss: {{ currency }} {{ stop_loss }}","-1214929127":"Stop loss must be a positive number.","-1626615625":"Take Profit (Multiplier)","-1871944173":"Accumulator trade options","-625636913":"Amount must be a positive number.","-780745489":"If the contract type is “Both”, then the Purchase Conditions should include both Rise and Fall using the “Conditional Block\"","-2142851225":"Multiplier trade options","-1466383897":"Duration: {{ duration_unit }} {{ duration_value }}","-440702280":"Trade options","-1193894978":"Define your trade options such as duration and stake. Some options are only applicable for certain trade types.","-46523443":"Duration value is not allowed. To run the bot, please enter a value between {{min}} to {{max}}.","-1483427522":"Trade Type: {{ trade_type_category }} > {{ trade_type }}","-323348124":"1. Trade parameters","-1671903503":"Run once at start:","-783173909":"Trade options:","-376956832":"Here is where you define the parameters of your contract.","-1244007240":"if {{ condition }} then","-1577206704":"else if","-33796979":"true","-1434883449":"This is a single block that returns a boolean value, either true or false.","-1946404450":"Compares two values","-979918560":"This block converts the boolean value (true or false) to its opposite.","-2047257743":"Null","-1274387519":"Performs selected logic operation","-766386234":"This block performs the \"AND\" or the \"OR\" logic operation.","-790995537":"test {{ condition }}","-1860211657":"if false {{ return_value }}","-1643760249":"This block tests if a given value is true or false and returns “True” or “False” accordingly.","-1551875333":"Test value","-52486882":"Arithmetical operations","-1010436425":"This block adds the given number to the selected variable","-999773703":"Change variable","-1272091683":"Mathematical constants","-1396629894":"constrain {{ number }} low {{ low_number }} high {{ high_number }}","-425224412":"This block constrains a given number so that it is within a set range.","-2072551067":"Constrain within a range","-43523220":"remainder of {{ number1 }} ÷ {{ number2 }}","-1291857083":"Returns the remainder after a division","-592154850":"Remainder after division","-736665095":"Returns the remainder after the division of the given numbers.","-1266992960":"Math Number Description","-77191651":"{{ number }} is {{ type }}","-817881230":"even","-142319891":"odd","-1000789681":"whole","-1735674752":"Test a number","-1017805068":"This block tests a given number according to the selection and it returns a value of “True” or “False”. Available options: Even, Odd, Prime, Whole, Positive, Negative, Divisible","-1858332062":"Number","-1053492479":"Enter an integer or fractional number into this block. Please use `.` as a decimal separator for fractional numbers.","-927097011":"sum","-1653202295":"max","-1555878023":"average","-1748351061":"mode","-992067330":"Aggregate operations","-1691561447":"This block gives you a random fraction between 0.0 to 1.0","-523625686":"Random fraction number","-933024508":"Rounds a given number to an integer","-1656927862":"This block rounds a given number according to the selection: round, round up, round down.","-1495304618":"absolute","-61210477":"Operations on a given number","-181644914":"This block performs the selected operations to a given number.","-840732999":"to {{ variable }} append text {{ input_text }}","-1469497908":"Appends a given text to a variable","-1851366276":"Text Append","-1666316828":"Appends a given text to a variable.","-1902332770":"Transform {{ input_text }} to {{ transform_type }}","-1489004405":"Title Case","-904432685":"Changes text case accordingly","-882381096":"letter #","-1027605069":"letter # from end","-2066990284":"random letter","-337089610":"in text {{ input_text1 }} find {{ first_or_last }} occurence of text {{ input_text2 }}","-1966694141":"Searches through a string of text for a specific occurrence of a given character or word, and returns the position.","-697543841":"Text join","-141160667":"length of {{ input_text }}","-1133072029":"Text String Length","-1109723338":"print {{ input_text }}","-736668830":"Print","-1631669591":"string","-1768939692":"number","-1821552998":"trim spaces from {{ side }} of {{ input_text }}","-801766026":"right side","-474779821":"Trims spaces","-1750478127":"New variable name","-2047029150":"Unable to load the block file.","-1410769167":"Target must be an XML file","-609157479":"This URL is already loaded","-260939264":"Collapsed","-894560707":"function","-1867119688":"Duplicate","-1710107207":"Add Comment","-1549535410":"Remove Comment","-958601558":"Delete Block","-241945454":"Proposals are not ready","-1087890592":"Maximum loss amount reached","-1030545878":"You are rate limited for: {{ message_type }}, retrying in {{ delay }}s (ID: {{ request }})","-490766438":"You are disconnected, retrying in {{ delay }}s","-339973827":"The market is closed","-1389975609":"unknown","-1900515692":"Duration must be a positive integer","-245297595":"Please login","-1445046468":"Given candle is not valid","-1891622945":"{{hourPast}}h ago","-1919680487":"workspace","-1703118772":"The {{block_type}} block is misplaced from {{missing_space}}.","-1785726890":"purchase conditions","-1993203952":"Trade options accumulators","-461955353":"purchase price","-172348735":"profit","-1624674721":"contract type","-1644154369":"entry spot time","-510792478":"entry spot price","-1974651308":"exit spot time","-1600267387":"exit spot price","-514917720":"barrier","-1072292603":"No Change","-795152863":"green","-1640576332":"blue","-804983649":"yellow","-94281841":"red","-1242470654":"Earned money","-137444201":"Buy","-841561409":"Put Spread","-1429914047":"Low","-1893628957":"Open Time","-1896106455":"10 minutes","-999492762":"15 minutes","-1978767852":"30 minutes","-293628675":"1 hour","-385604445":"2 hours","-1965813351":"4 hours","-525321833":"1 day","-151151292":"Asians","-1048378719":"Reset Call/Reset Put","-1282312809":"High/Low Ticks","-1237186896":"Only Ups/Only Downs","-529846150":"Seconds","-1635771697":"middle","-1529389221":"Histogram","-1819860668":"MACD","-1750896349":"D'Alembert","-102980621":"The Oscar's Grind Strategy is a low-risk positive progression strategy that first appeared in 1965. By using this strategy, the size of your contract will increase after successful trades, but remains unchanged after unsuccessful trades.","-280147477":"All transactions","-130601012":"Please select duration","-1577570698":"Start date","-1904030160":"Transaction performed by (App ID: {{app_id}})","-1876891031":"Currency","-513103225":"Transaction time","-2066666313":"Credit/Debit","-1981004241":"Sell time","-1196431745":"Contract cost","-3423966":"Take profit<0 />Stop loss","-1131753095":"The {{trade_type_name}} contract details aren't currently available. We're working on making them available soon.","-360975483":"You've made no transactions of this type during this period.","-507216312":"CFDs on financial and derived instruments, powered by TradingView.","-1715390759":"I want to do this later","-56163366":"I don't have any of these","-2082644096":"Current stake","-335816381":"Ends In/Ends Out","-1789807039":"Asian Up/Asian Down","-558031309":"High Tick/Low Tick","-447037544":"Buy price:","-737348236":"Contract cost:","-1694314813":"Contract value:","-113940416":"Current stake:","-1999539705":"Deal cancel. fee:","-155989831":"Decrement value","-338379841":"Indicative price:","-2027409966":"Initial stake:","-1769852749":"N/A","-726626679":"Potential profit/loss:","-1511825574":"Profit/Loss:","-499175967":"Strike Price","-129307275":"High Barrier","-1818650227":"Deal cancellation fees","-706219815":"Indicative price","-112601585":"executed","-1669418686":"AUD/CAD","-1548588249":"AUD/CHF","-1552890620":"AUD/JPY","-681231560":"AUD/PLN","-64938413":"AUD/USD","-1430522808":"EUR/AUD","-2020477069":"EUR/CAD","-1201853162":"EUR/CHF","-1318070255":"EUR/GBP","-1197505739":"EUR/JPY","-405907358":"EUR/USD","-1536293064":"NZD/JPY","-79700881":"NZD/USD","-642323838":"USD/CAD","-428199705":"USD/CHF","-424108348":"USD/JPY","-548255282":"USD/NOK","-1834131208":"USD/PLN","-524302516":"Silver/USD","-764731776":"Platinum/USD","-853582174":"France 40","-1096386695":"UK 100","-617646862":"Germany 40","-2077690248":"Japan 225","-512194910":"US Tech 100","-381746202":"US 500","-1935463381":"Swiss 20","-1941767726":"Euro 50","-1925264914":"Volatility 25 Index","-708579504":"Volatility 50 Index","-975255670":"Volatility 75 Index","-114010898":"Boom 900 Index","-1736314513":"Crash 300 Index","-342128411":"Crash 500 Index","-770264032":"Crash 600 Index","-9704319":"Crash 1000 Index","-465860988":"Bull Market Index","-280323742":"EUR Basket","-563812039":"Volatility 10 (1s) Index","-82971929":"Volatility 25 (1s) Index","-433962508":"Volatility 75 (1s) Index","-764111252":"Volatility 100 (1s) Index","-816110209":"Volatility 150 (1s) Index","-1374309449":"Volatility 200 (1s) Index","-1288044380":"Volatility 250 (1s) Index","-1164978320":"Jump 10 Index","-575272887":"BCH/USD","-295406873":"BTC/ETH","-1713556301":"ZMR/USD","-2046638412":"XRP/USD","-1263203461":"BTC/USD","-1112522776":"DSH/USD","-460689370":"LTC/USD","-132112961":"Sharkfin","-175164838":"{{seconds_passed}}s ago","-514136557":"{{minutes_passed}}m ago","-1420737287":"{{hours_passed}}h ago","-2092611555":"Sorry, this app is unavailable in your current location.","-1488537825":"If you have an account, log in to continue.","-2079171087":"We're unable to send codes via {{ current_carrier }} right now. Get your code by {{other_carriers}}.","-1366327411":"Code expired. Get a new one.","-987182219":"Try again. You have 1 attempt left.","-227482563":"Code expired. Get a new code.","-1867522447":"Invalid code. Try again or get a new code.","-886317740":"The <0>date of birth on your identity document doesn't match your profile.","-1606307809":"We were unable to verify the identity document with the details provided.","-475787720":"The verification status was empty, rejected for lack of information.","-1627868670":"Your identity document has expired.","-1302288704":"The document’s owner is deceased.","-895884696":"The <0>name and <0>date of birth on your identity document don't match your profile.","-1231856133":"The verification status is not available, provider says: Needs Technical Investigation.","-433687715":"For enhanced security, we need to reverify your identity. Kindly resubmit your proof of identity to unlock your account.","-1637538521":"Your document appears to be invalid.","-876579004":"The name on your document doesn’t match your profile.","-746520172":"Some details on your document appear to be invalid, missing, or unclear.","-2146200521":"The serial number of your document couldn’t be verified.","-1945323197":"Your document appears to be in black and white. Please upload a colour photo of your document.","-631393256":"Your document contains markings or text that should not be on your document.","-609103016":"The image quality of your document is too low. Please provide a hi-res photo of your identity document.","-530935718":"We’re unable to verify the document you provided because some details appear to be missing. Please try again or provide another document.","-1027031626":"We’re unable to verify the document you provided because it appears to be damaged. Please try again or upload another document.","-1671621833":"The front of your document appears to be missing. Please provide both sides of your identity document.","-727588232":"Your document appears to be a scanned copy that contains markings or text that shouldn’t be on your document.","-1435064387":"Your document appears to be a printed copy.","-624316211":"Your document appears to be a photo of a device screen.","-570380023":"Total withdrawal allowed ({{num_of_days}} days).","-1139619402":"Total withdrawn ({{num_of_days}} days)","-521471074":"Total amount you can withdraw over the life of this account.","-387918462":"Total amount you can withdraw over this period.","-1466380443":"Total amount withdrawn since account opening.","-1730384411":"Total amount withdrawn over this period.","-1714959941":"This chart display is not ideal for tick contracts","-1254554534":"Please change the chart duration to tick for a better trading experience.","-1658230823":"Contract was sold for <0 />.","-1905867404":"Contract cancelled"} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/packages/translations/src/translations/ach.json b/packages/translations/src/translations/ach.json index b80a6c6a2269..cf0a7534777f 100644 --- a/packages/translations/src/translations/ach.json +++ b/packages/translations/src/translations/ach.json @@ -1337,7 +1337,6 @@ "1274380814": "crwdns3328066:0crwdne3328066:0", "1274819385": "crwdns1260859:0crwdne1260859:0", "1276660852": "crwdns3708350:0crwdne3708350:0", - "1276973471": "crwdns6259548:0crwdne6259548:0", "1279197529": "crwdns6267240:0crwdne6267240:0", "1279937041": "crwdns6163606:0crwdne6163606:0", "1281045211": "crwdns1260863:0crwdne1260863:0", @@ -2848,6 +2847,7 @@ "-982095728": "crwdns1719467:0crwdne1719467:0", "-390793294": "crwdns6151312:0crwdne6151312:0", "-45873457": "crwdns157388:0crwdne157388:0", + "-325236887": "crwdns6413634:0crwdne6413634:0", "-1473281803": "crwdns5757126:0crwdne5757126:0", "-2134770229": "crwdns3708380:0crwdne3708380:0", "-1277942366": "crwdns81505:0crwdne81505:0", diff --git a/packages/translations/src/translations/ar.json b/packages/translations/src/translations/ar.json index 55f1493af8f9..0a5660f3f6ae 100644 --- a/packages/translations/src/translations/ar.json +++ b/packages/translations/src/translations/ar.json @@ -1337,7 +1337,6 @@ "1274380814": "العائد الخاص بك يساوي <0>العائد لكل نقطة مضروبًا بالفرق، <1>بالنقاط، بين السعر النهائي وسعر التنفيذ. لن تكسب ربحًا إلا إذا كانت عائداتك أعلى من حصتك الأولية.", "1274819385": "3. الشكاوى والنزاعات", "1276660852": "تقديم إثبات الهوية", - "1276973471": "المنتجات المعروضة على موقعنا هي منتجات مشتقة معقدة تنطوي على مخاطر كبيرة للخسارة المحتملة. العقود مقابل الفروقات هي أدوات معقدة تنطوي على مخاطر عالية لخسارة الأموال بسرعة بسبب الرافعة المالية. 70.84٪ من حسابات مستثمري التجزئة تخسر الأموال عند تداول العقود مقابل الفروقات مع هذا المزود. يجب أن تفكر فيما إذا كنت تفهم كيفية عمل هذه المنتجات وما إذا كان بإمكانك تحمل المخاطر العالية بخسارة أموالك.", "1279197529": "رقم التعريف الضريبي مطلوب.", "1279937041": "<0>ملاحظة: قد تواجه بعض الاستراتيجيات المعقدة مشاكل في منشئ الروبوت. إذا كانت لديك أسئلة، اتصل بنا عبر <1/>.", "1281045211": "يقوم بفرز العناصر في قائمة معينة، حسب قيمتها الرقمية أو الأبجدية، إما بترتيب تصاعدي أو تنازلي.", @@ -2848,6 +2847,7 @@ "-982095728": "احصل على", "-390793294": "عقود الفروقات (CFDs) على الأدوات المالية والـDerived، <0>مقدمة من TradingView.", "-45873457": "جديد", + "-325236887": "المنتجات المعروضة على موقعنا هي منتجات مشتقة معقدة تنطوي على مخاطر كبيرة للخسارة المحتملة. العقود مقابل الفروقات هي أدوات معقدة تنطوي على مخاطر عالية لخسارة الأموال بسرعة بسبب الرافعة المالية. 70٪ من حسابات مستثمري التجزئة تخسر الأموال عند تداول العقود مقابل الفروقات مع هذا المزود. يجب أن تفكر فيما إذا كنت تفهم كيفية عمل هذه المنتجات وما إذا كان بإمكانك تحمل المخاطر العالية بخسارة أموالك.", "-1473281803": "تنبأ بالسوق، واربح إذا كنت على صواب، وخاطر فقط بما تضعه في السوق. <0>اعرف المزيد", "-2134770229": "إجمالي الأصول في الحساب التجريبي لتطبيقات Deriv وحسابات Deriv MT5 CFDs الخاصة بك.", "-1277942366": "إجمالي الأصول", diff --git a/packages/translations/src/translations/bn.json b/packages/translations/src/translations/bn.json index 03eb5fd3f81b..21f9312e496a 100644 --- a/packages/translations/src/translations/bn.json +++ b/packages/translations/src/translations/bn.json @@ -1337,7 +1337,6 @@ "1274380814": "আপনার পেআউটে চূড়ান্ত মূল্য এবং স্ট্রাইক মূল্যের মধ্যে পার্থক্য দ্বারা গুণিত <0>প্রতি পিপে পেআউট সমান। আপনার পেআউট আপনার প্রাথমিক অংশীদারির চেয়ে বেশি হলে আপনি শুধুমাত্র মুনাফা উপার্জন করবেন।", "1274819385": "3। অভিযোগ এবং বিরোধ", "1276660852": "আপনার পরিচয়ের প্রমাণ জমা দিন", - "1276973471": "আমাদের ওয়েবসাইটে দেওয়া পণ্যগুলি হল জটিল ডেরিভেটিভ পণ্য যা সম্ভাব্য ক্ষতির একটি উল্লেখযোগ্য ঝুঁকি বহন করে। CFD হল জটিল যন্ত্র যেখানে লিভারেজের কারণে দ্রুত অর্থ হারানোর উচ্চ ঝুঁকি রয়েছে। এই প্রদানকারীর সাথে CFD ট্রেড করার সময় খুচরা বিনিয়োগকারীদের অ্যাকাউন্টের 70.84% ​​অর্থ হারায়। এই পণ্যগুলি কীভাবে কাজ করে তা আপনি বুঝতে পারেন কিনা এবং আপনার অর্থ হারানোর উচ্চ ঝুঁকি নেওয়ার সামর্থ্য আছে কিনা তা আপনার বিবেচনা করা উচিত।", "1279197529": "ট্যাক্স আইডেন্টিফিকেশন নাম্বার প্রয়োজন।", "1279937041": "<0>দ্রষ্টব্য: কিছু জটিল কৌশল বট বিল্ডারে সমস্যার সম্মুখীন হতে পারে। আপনার প্রশ্ন থাকলে, <1/> এর মাধ্যমে আমাদের সাথে যোগাযোগ করুন।", "1281045211": "একটি প্রদত্ত তালিকায় আইটেমগুলিকে, তাদের সংখ্যাসূচক বা বর্ণানুক্রমিক মান অনুসারে, ঊর্ধ্বমুখী বা অবরোহ ক্রমে সাজানো।", @@ -2848,6 +2847,7 @@ "-982095728": "পান", "-390793294": "আর্থিক এবং Derived যন্ত্রের উপর CFDs <0>TradingView দ্বারা চালিত।", "-45873457": "নতুন", + "-325236887": "আমাদের ওয়েবসাইটে দেওয়া পণ্যগুলি হল জটিল ডেরিভেটিভ পণ্য যা সম্ভাব্য ক্ষতির একটি উল্লেখযোগ্য ঝুঁকি বহন করে। CFD হল জটিল যন্ত্র যেখানে লিভারেজের কারণে দ্রুত অর্থ হারানোর উচ্চ ঝুঁকি রয়েছে। এই প্রদানকারীর সাথে CFD ট্রেড করার সময় খুচরা বিনিয়োগকারীদের অ্যাকাউন্টের 70% ​​অর্থ হারায়। আপনাকে ভাবা উচিত আপনি কীভাবে এই পণ্যগুলি কাজ করে তা বুঝতে পারেন কিনা এবং আপনার অর্থ হারানোর উচ্চ ঝুঁকি নেওয়ার সামর্থ্য আছে কিনা।", "-1473281803": "বাজারের ভবিষ্যদ্বাণী করুন, আপনি সঠিক থাকলে লাভ করুন, আপনি যা রাখেন তা কেবল ঝুঁকি নিন। <0>আরও জানুন", "-2134770229": "আপনার ডেরিভ অ্যাপস এবং ডেরিভ এমটি 5 CFD ডেমো অ্যাকাউন্টে মোট সম্পদ।", "-1277942366": "মোট সম্পদ", diff --git a/packages/translations/src/translations/de.json b/packages/translations/src/translations/de.json index 038686fba21a..f8027b70742f 100644 --- a/packages/translations/src/translations/de.json +++ b/packages/translations/src/translations/de.json @@ -1337,7 +1337,6 @@ "1274380814": "Ihre Auszahlung entspricht der <0>Auszahlung pro Pip multipliziert mit der Differenz zwischen, <1>in pips, dem Endpreis und dem Basispreis. Sie werden nur dann einen Gewinn erzielen, wenn Ihre Auszahlung höher ist als Ihr ursprünglicher Einsatz.", "1274819385": "3. Beschwerden und Streitigkeiten", "1276660852": "Reichen Sie Ihren Identitätsnachweis ein", - "1276973471": "Bei den auf unserer Website angebotenen Produkten handelt es sich um komplexe derivative Produkte, die ein erhebliches Verlustrisiko bergen. CFDs sind komplexe Instrumente mit einem hohen Risiko, aufgrund der Hebelwirkung schnell Geld zu verlieren. 70,84 % der Konten von Kleinanlegern verlieren Geld beim Handel mit CFDs bei diesem Anbieter. Sie sollten sich überlegen, ob Sie die Funktionsweise dieser Produkte verstehen und ob Sie das hohe Risiko, Ihr Geld zu verlieren, eingehen können.", "1279197529": "Steuer-Identifikationsnummer ist erforderlich.", "1279937041": "<0>Hinweis: Einige komplexe Strategien könnten im Bot-Builder auf Probleme stoßen. Bei Fragen kontaktieren Sie uns über <1/>.", "1281045211": "Sortiert die Elemente in einer bestimmten Liste nach ihrem numerischen oder alphabetischen Wert in aufsteigender oder absteigender Reihenfolge.", @@ -2848,6 +2847,7 @@ "-982095728": "Holen", "-390793294": "CFDs auf Finanzinstrumente und Derived Instrumente <0>betrieben von TradingView.", "-45873457": "NEU", + "-325236887": "Bei den auf unserer Website angebotenen Produkten handelt es sich um komplexe derivative Produkte, die ein erhebliches Verlustrisiko bergen. CFDs sind komplexe Instrumente mit einem hohen Risiko, aufgrund der Hebelwirkung schnell Geld zu verlieren. 70 % der Konten von Kleinanlegern verlieren Geld beim Handel mit CFDs bei diesem Anbieter. Sie sollten sich überlegen, ob Sie die Funktionsweise dieser Produkte verstehen und ob Sie das hohe Risiko, Ihr Geld zu verlieren, eingehen können.", "-1473281803": "Sagen Sie den Markt voraus, profitieren Sie, wenn Sie richtig liegen, und riskieren Sie nur das, was Sie eingesetzt haben. <0>Mehr erfahren", "-2134770229": "Gesamtes Vermögen auf Ihrem Deriv Apps und Deriv MT5 CFDs Demokonto.", "-1277942366": "Aktiva insgesamt", diff --git a/packages/translations/src/translations/es.json b/packages/translations/src/translations/es.json index 72c2736ec5b3..40e2f2a12bef 100644 --- a/packages/translations/src/translations/es.json +++ b/packages/translations/src/translations/es.json @@ -1337,7 +1337,6 @@ "1274380814": "Su pago es igual al <0>pago por pip multiplicado por la diferencia, <1>en pips, entre el precio final y el precio de ejercicio. Solo obtendrá ganancias si su pago es superior a su inversión inicial.", "1274819385": "3. Quejas y Disputas", "1276660852": "Envíe su comprobante de identidad", - "1276973471": "Los productos que se ofrecen en nuestro sitio web son productos derivados complejos que conllevan un riesgo significativo de pérdida potencial. Los CFD son instrumentos complejos con un alto riesgo de perder dinero rápidamente debido al apalancamiento. El 70.84% de las cuentas de inversores minoristas pierden dinero al operar con CFD con este proveedor. Debe considerar si entiende cómo funcionan estos productos y si puede permitirse correr el alto riesgo de perder su dinero.", "1279197529": "Se requiere el Número de Identificación Fiscal.", "1279937041": "<0>Nota: Algunas estrategias complejas pueden enfrentar problemas en el Bot Builder. Si tiene preguntas, contáctenos a través de <1/>.", "1281045211": "Ordena los elementos de una lista determinada, por su valor numérico o alfabético, en orden ascendente o descendente.", @@ -2848,6 +2847,7 @@ "-982095728": "Obtener", "-390793294": "CFDs sobre instrumentos financieros y Derivados <0>impulsados por TradingView.", "-45873457": "NUEVO", + "-325236887": "Los productos que se ofrecen en nuestro sitio web son productos derivados complejos que conllevan un riesgo significativo de pérdida potencial. Los CFD son instrumentos complejos con un alto riesgo de perder dinero rápidamente debido al apalancamiento. El 70% de las cuentas de inversores minoristas pierden dinero al operar con CFD con este proveedor. Debe considerar si entiende cómo funcionan estos productos y si puede permitirse correr el alto riesgo de perder su dinero.", "-1473281803": "Prediga el mercado, gane si acierta, arriesgue solo lo que ponga. <0>Más información", "-2134770229": "Activos totales en su cuenta Deriv MT5 CFD demo y aplicaciones Deriv.", "-1277942366": "Total de activos", diff --git a/packages/translations/src/translations/fr.json b/packages/translations/src/translations/fr.json index f594a7cc589a..8bf6665272a9 100644 --- a/packages/translations/src/translations/fr.json +++ b/packages/translations/src/translations/fr.json @@ -1337,7 +1337,6 @@ "1274380814": "Votre gain est égal au <0>paiement par pip multiplié par la différence <1>en pips entre le prix final et le prix d'exercice. Vous ne réaliserez de profits que si votre gain est supérieur à votre mise initiale.", "1274819385": "3. Réclamations et litiges", "1276660852": "Envoyez votre document d'identité", - "1276973471": "Les produits proposés sur notre site Web sont des produits dérivés complexes qui comportent un risque important de perte potentielle. Les CFD sont des instruments complexes présentant un risque élevé de perdre de l'argent rapidement en raison de l'effet de levier. 70,84 % des comptes d'investisseurs particuliers perdent de l'argent lorsqu'ils négocient des CFD avec ce fournisseur. Vous devez vous demander si vous comprenez le fonctionnement de ces produits et si vous pouvez vous permettre de prendre le risque élevé de perdre votre argent.", "1279197529": "Le numéro fiscal est requis.", "1279937041": "<0>Remarque : Certaines stratégies complexes peuvent rencontrer des problèmes dans le Bot Builder. Si vous avez des questions, contactez-nous via <1/>.", "1281045211": "Trie les éléments d'une liste donnée, par leur valeur numérique ou alphabétique, dans l'ordre croissant ou décroissant.", @@ -2848,6 +2847,7 @@ "-982095728": "Obtenir", "-390793294": "CFD sur instruments financiers et Derived, <0>propulsé par TradingView.", "-45873457": "NOUVEAU", + "-325236887": "Les produits proposés sur notre site Web sont des produits dérivés complexes qui comportent un risque important de perte potentielle. Les CFD sont des instruments complexes présentant un risque élevé de perdre de l'argent rapidement en raison de l'effet de levier. 70 % des comptes d'investisseurs particuliers perdent de l'argent lorsqu'ils négocient des CFD avec ce fournisseur. Vous devez vous demander si vous comprenez le fonctionnement de ces produits et si vous pouvez vous permettre de prendre le risque élevé de perdre votre argent.", "-1473281803": "Prédisez le marché, profitez si vous avez raison, ne risquez que ce que vous investissez. <0>En savoir plus", "-2134770229": "Total des actifs sur vos applications Deriv et votre compte démo de CFD Deriv MT5.", "-1277942366": "Total des actifs", diff --git a/packages/translations/src/translations/it.json b/packages/translations/src/translations/it.json index 5ba6b49c1e30..ac79280108a7 100644 --- a/packages/translations/src/translations/it.json +++ b/packages/translations/src/translations/it.json @@ -1337,7 +1337,6 @@ "1274380814": "Il tuo payout è pari al <0>payout per pip moltiplicato per la differenza, <1>in pip, tra il prezzo finale e il prezzo di esercizio. Guadagnerai un profitto solo se il payout è superiore all'importo investito inizialmente.", "1274819385": "3. Reclami e controversie", "1276660852": "Invia un documento a verifica dell'identità", - "1276973471": "I prodotti offerti sul nostro sito Web sono prodotti derivati complessi che comportano un rischio significativo di perdita potenziale. I CFD sono strumenti complessi con un elevato rischio di perdere denaro rapidamente a causa della leva finanziaria. Il 70,84% dei conti degli investitori al dettaglio perde denaro quando fa trading di CFD con questo fornitore. Dovresti valutare se comprendi come funzionano questi prodotti e se puoi permetterti di correre il rischio elevato di perdere i tuoi soldi.", "1279197529": "Il numero di identificazione fiscale è obbligatorio.", "1279937041": "<0>Nota: Alcune strategie complesse potrebbero avere problemi nel Bot Builder. Se hai domande, contattaci tramite <1/>.", "1281045211": "Ordina gli elementi di un determinato elenco in ordine crescente o decrescente, a seconda del loro valore numerico o alfabetico.", @@ -2848,6 +2847,7 @@ "-982095728": "Vai", "-390793294": "CFD su strumenti finanziari e derived, <0>alimentato da TradingView.", "-45873457": "NUOVO", + "-325236887": "I prodotti offerti sul nostro sito Web sono prodotti derivati complessi che comportano un rischio significativo di perdita potenziale. I CFD sono strumenti complessi con un elevato rischio di perdere denaro rapidamente a causa della leva finanziaria. Il 70% dei conti degli investitori al dettaglio perde denaro quando fa trading di CFD con questo fornitore. Dovresti valutare se comprendi come funzionano questi prodotti e se puoi permetterti di correre il rischio elevato di perdere i tuoi soldi.", "-1473281803": "Preveda il mercato, tragga profitto se ha ragione, rischiando solo quello che ha investito. <0>Per saperne di più", "-2134770229": "Patrimonio totale nel tuo conto demo Deriv Apps e Deriv MT5 CFDs.", "-1277942366": "Asset totali", diff --git a/packages/translations/src/translations/km.json b/packages/translations/src/translations/km.json index d05109a90907..89a3602b0d6f 100644 --- a/packages/translations/src/translations/km.json +++ b/packages/translations/src/translations/km.json @@ -1337,7 +1337,6 @@ "1274380814": "ប្រាក់សំណងរបស់អ្នកស្មើនឹង <0>ប្រាក់សំណងក្នុងមួយ pip គុណនឹងភាពខុសគ្នា <1>ជា pip រវាងតម្លៃចុងក្រោយ និងតម្លៃកូដកម្ម។ អ្នកនឹងទទួលបានប្រាក់ចំណេញលុះត្រាតែប្រាក់សំណងរបស់អ្នកខ្ពស់ជាងប្រាក់ដើមទុនដំបូងរបស់អ្នកប៉ុណ្ណោះ។", "1274819385": "3. បណ្តឹង និងវិវាទ", "1276660852": "បញ្ជូនភស្តុតាងនៃអត្តសញ្ញាណរបស់អ្នក", - "1276973471": "ផលិតផលដែលផ្តល់ជូននៅលើគេហទំព័ររបស់យើងគឺជាផលិតផលដេរីវេស្មុគ្រស្មាញដែលមានហានិភ័យខ្ពស់នៃការបាត់បង់ដែលអាចកើតឡើង។ CFD គឺជាឧបករណ៍ស្មុគ្រស្មាញដែលមានហានិភ័យខ្ពស់នៃការបាត់បង់ប្រាក់យ៉ាងឆាប់រហ័សដោយសារតែអានុភាព។ 70.84% ​​នៃគណនីវិនិយោគិនបែបរាយបាត់បង់ប្រាក់នៅពេលធ្វើការជួញដូរ CFD ជាមួយអ្នកផ្តល់សេវានេះ។ អ្នកគួរតែពិចារណាថាតើអ្នកយល់ពីរបៀបដែលផលិតផលទាំងនេះដំណើរការ និងថាតើអ្នកអាចមានលទ្ធភាពទទួលយកហានិភ័យខ្ពស់នៃការបាត់បង់ប្រាក់របស់អ្នកឬទេ។", "1279197529": "សូមបញ្ជាក់លេខអត្តសញ្ញាណអ្នកជាប់ពន្ធ។", "1279937041": "<0>ចំណាំ៖ យុទ្ធសាស្ត្រស្មុគ្រស្មាញមួយចំនួនអាចប្រឈមនឹងបញ្ហានៅក្នុង Bot Builder។ ប្រសិនបើអ្នកមានសំណួរ សូមទាក់ទងមកយើងខ្ញុំតាមរយៈ <1/>។", "1281045211": "តម្រៀបរាយមុខនៅក្នុងបញ្ជីដែលបានកំណត់ តាម​តម្លៃ​លេខ ឬ​អក្ខរក្រម​តាម​លំដាប់​ឡើង ឬ​ចុះ។", @@ -2848,6 +2847,7 @@ "-982095728": "ទទួល", "-390793294": "CFD លើឧបករណ៍ហិរញ្ញវត្ថុ និង Derived <0>ដំណើរការដោយ TradingView។", "-45873457": "ថ្មី", + "-325236887": "ផលិតផលដែលផ្តល់ជូននៅលើគេហទំព័ររបស់យើងគឺជាផលិតផលដេរីវេស្មុគ្រស្មាញដែលមានហានិភ័យខ្ពស់នៃការបាត់បង់ដែលអាចកើតឡើង។ CFD គឺជាឧបករណ៍ស្មុគ្រស្មាញដែលមានហានិភ័យខ្ពស់នៃការបាត់បង់ប្រាក់យ៉ាងឆាប់រហ័សដោយសារតែអានុភាព។ 70% នៃគណនីវិនិយោគិនបែបរាយបាត់បង់ប្រាក់នៅពេលធ្វើការជួញដូរ CFD ជាមួយអ្នកផ្តល់សេវានេះ។ អ្នកគួរតែពិចារណាថាតើអ្នកយល់ពីរបៀបដែលផលិតផលទាំងនេះដំណើរការ និងថាតើអ្នកអាចមានលទ្ធភាពទទួលយកហានិភ័យខ្ពស់នៃការបាត់បង់ប្រាក់របស់អ្នកឬទេ។", "-1473281803": "ទស្សន៍ទាយទីផ្សារ ប្រាក់ចំណេញ ប្រសិនបើអ្នកត្រឹមត្រូវ ប្រថុយត្រឹមតែអ្វីដែលអ្នកដាក់ចូល។ <0>ស្វែងយល់បន្ថែម", "-2134770229": "ទ្រព្យសម្បត្តិសរុបនៅក្នុង Deriv Apps និងគណនីសាកល្បង Deriv MT5 CFD របស់អ្នក។", "-1277942366": "ទ្រព្យសម្បត្តិសរុប", diff --git a/packages/translations/src/translations/ko.json b/packages/translations/src/translations/ko.json index 16ef64063253..5f06517517b4 100644 --- a/packages/translations/src/translations/ko.json +++ b/packages/translations/src/translations/ko.json @@ -1337,7 +1337,6 @@ "1274380814": "지급액은 <0>핍당 지급액에 최종 가격과 행사 가격 간의 차이 <1>핍 단위로 곱한 금액과 같습니다. 배당금이 초기 베팅 금액보다 높은 경우에만 수익을 얻을 수 있습니다.", "1274819385": "3. 불만사항 및 분쟁", "1276660852": "신분증명 제출", - "1276973471": "당사 웹사이트에서 제공하는 상품은 잠재적 손실 위험이 큰 복합 파생 상품입니다. CFD는 레버리지로 인해 손실이 급속히 커질 위험이 높은 복잡한 상품입니다. 본 업체에서 CFD를 거래하는 개인 투자자 계좌의 70.84% 가 손실을 보고 있습니다. 본인이 이러한 상품의 작동 방식을 이해하고 있는지, 높은 손실 위험을 감수할 수 있는지 고려해야 합니다.", "1279197529": "세금 식별 번호가 필요합니다.", "1279937041": "<0>참고: 일부 복잡한 전략은 Bot Builder에서 문제가 발생할 수 있습니다. 질문이 있으시면 <1/>를 통해 문의해 주세요.", "1281045211": "주어진 목록에서 항목들을 숫자 또는 알파벳값의 오름차순 또는 내림차순을 통해 정리합니다.", @@ -2848,6 +2847,7 @@ "-982095728": "받기", "-390793294": "금융 및 Derived 상품에 대한 CFD, <0>TradingView가 제공하는.", "-45873457": "새롭습니다", + "-325236887": "당사 웹사이트에서 제공하는 상품은 잠재적 손실 위험이 큰 복합 파생 상품입니다. CFD는 레버리지로 인해 손실이 급속히 커질 위험이 높은 복잡한 상품입니다. 본 업체에서 CFD를 거래하는 개인 투자자 계좌의 70%가 손실을 보고 있습니다. 본인이 이러한 상품의 작동 방식을 이해하고 있는지, 높은 손실 위험을 감수할 수 있는지 고려해야 합니다.", "-1473281803": "시장을 예측하고, 맞으면 이윤을 올리고, 투입한 것만 손해를 본다. <0>더 알아보기", "-2134770229": "파생 앱 및 파생 MT5 CFD 데모 계좌의 총 자산.", "-1277942366": "총 자산", diff --git a/packages/translations/src/translations/mn.json b/packages/translations/src/translations/mn.json index db2faeb9d517..9344c99c874f 100644 --- a/packages/translations/src/translations/mn.json +++ b/packages/translations/src/translations/mn.json @@ -1337,7 +1337,6 @@ "1274380814": "Таны payout нь эцсийн үнэ болон strike үнийн зөрүүг <0>пип тус бүрийн payout-аар үржүүлсэнтэй тэнцүү байна. Таны payout таны анхны stake-ээс илүү байгаа тохиолдолд л та payout авах боломжтой.", "1274819385": "3. Гомдол, маргаан", "1276660852": "Иргэний үнэмлэхээ баталгаажуулна уу", - "1276973471": "Манай вэбсайт дээр санал болгож буй бүтээгдэхүүнүүд нь алдагдал хүлээх эрсдэл дагуулдаг комплекс бүтээгдэхүүнүүд болно. CFD нь хөшүүргийн улмаас хурдан хугацаанд мөнгө алдах өндөр эрсдэлтэй маш нарийн хэрэгсэл юм. Энэхүү үйлчилгээ үзүүлэгчтэй CFD арилжаа хийсэн жижиглэнгээр хөрөнгө оруулагчдын дансны 70.84% нь мөнгөө алддаг байна. Та эдгээр бүтээгдэхүүн хэрхэн ажилладаг эсэх, мөнгөө алдах өндөр эрсдэлийг хүлээж чадах эсэхээ ухамсарласан байх нь зүйтэй.", "1279197529": "Татварын дугаар оруулах шаардлагатай.", "1279937041": "<0>Тэмдэглэл: Зарим комплекс стратегийг Bot Builder-д ажиллуулахад асуудал гарч болзошгүй. Хэрэв танд асуулт байвал бидэнтэй холбогдоорой<1/>.", "1281045211": "Өгөгдсөн жагсаалтын элементийг тоон болон цагаан толгойн утгаар дүнгээр нь өсөх эсвэл уруудах дарааллаар нь эрэмбэлэнэ.", @@ -2848,6 +2847,7 @@ "-982095728": "авах", "-390793294": "<0>TradingView-ээс гарч буй санхүүгийн болон үүсмэл хэрэгслүүд дээр (CFD) арилжаа хийх.", "-45873457": "ШИНЭ", + "-325236887": "Манай вэбсайт дээр санал болгож буй бүтээгдэхүүнүүд нь алдагдал хүлээх эрсдэл дагуулдаг комплекс бүтээгдэхүүнүүд болно. CFD нь хөшүүргийн улмаас хурдан хугацаанд мөнгө алдах өндөр эрсдэлтэй маш нарийн хэрэгсэл юм. Энэхүү үйлчилгээ үзүүлэгчтэй CFD арилжаа хийсэн жижиглэнгээр хөрөнгө оруулагчдын дансны 70% нь мөнгөө алддаг байна. Та эдгээр бүтээгдэхүүн хэрхэн ажилладаг эсэх, мөнгөө алдах өндөр эрсдэлийг хүлээж чадах эсэхээ ухамсарласан байх нь зүйтэй.", "-1473281803": "Та зах зээлийг урьдчилан таамаглах ба зөв таамагласнаар ашиг хүртэнэ, зөв таамаглаж чадаагүй тохиолдолд зөвхөн байршуулсан мөнгө тань эрсдэлд орно. <0>Дэлгэрэнгүй мэдээллийг энд дарж уншина уу", "-2134770229": "Таны Deriv Apps болон Deriv MT5 CFD демо дансан дахь нийт мөнгө.", "-1277942366": "Нийт хөрөнгө", diff --git a/packages/translations/src/translations/pl.json b/packages/translations/src/translations/pl.json index 8466ac546b09..9d14e8f998d5 100644 --- a/packages/translations/src/translations/pl.json +++ b/packages/translations/src/translations/pl.json @@ -1337,7 +1337,6 @@ "1274380814": "Państwa wypłata jest równa <0>wypłacie za pips pomnożonej przez różnicę <1>w pipsach między ceną końcową a ceną wykonania. Zysk zostanie osiągnięty tylko wtedy, gdy wypłata będzie wyższa niż początkowa stawka.", "1274819385": "3. Skargi i spory", "1276660852": "Prześlij dowód tożsamości", - "1276973471": "Produkty oferowane na naszej stronie internetowej to złożone produkty pochodne, które niosą ze sobą znaczne ryzyko potencjalnej straty. Kontrakty CFD to złożone instrumenty o wysokim ryzyku szybkiej utraty pieniędzy z powodu dźwigni finansowej. 70,84% kont inwestorów detalicznych traci pieniądze podczas handlu kontraktami CFD u tego dostawcy. Powinieneś rozważyć, czy rozumiesz, jak działają te produkty i czy możesz sobie pozwolić na podjęcie wysokiego ryzyka utraty pieniędzy.", "1279197529": "Wymagane jest podanie Numeru Identyfikacji Podatkowej.", "1279937041": "<0>Uwaga: Niektóre skomplikowane strategie mogą napotkać problemy w Konstruktorze Botów. Jeśli masz pytania, skontaktuj się z nami przez <1/>.", "1281045211": "Sortuje elementy na określonej liście w zależności od ich wartości numerycznej lub alfabetycznej, rosnąco lub malejąco.", @@ -2848,6 +2847,7 @@ "-982095728": "Uzyskaj", "-390793294": "CFD na instrumenty finansowe i Derived <0>zasilane przez TradingView.", "-45873457": "NOWOŚĆ", + "-325236887": "Produkty oferowane na naszej stronie internetowej to złożone produkty pochodne, które niosą ze sobą znaczne ryzyko potencjalnej straty. Kontrakty CFD to złożone instrumenty o wysokim ryzyku szybkiej utraty pieniędzy z powodu dźwigni finansowej. 70% kont inwestorów detalicznych traci pieniądze podczas handlu kontraktami CFD u tego dostawcy. Powinieneś rozważyć, czy rozumiesz, jak działają te produkty i czy możesz sobie pozwolić na podjęcie wysokiego ryzyka utraty pieniędzy.", "-1473281803": "Przewiduj rynek, zysk, jeśli masz rację, ryzykuj tylko to, co włożysz. <0>Dowiedz się więcej", "-2134770229": "Suma aktywów na koncie demo Deriv Apps i Deriv MT5 CFD.", "-1277942366": "Całkowite aktywa", diff --git a/packages/translations/src/translations/pt.json b/packages/translations/src/translations/pt.json index 77cd36867233..1ca6cbde26e5 100644 --- a/packages/translations/src/translations/pt.json +++ b/packages/translations/src/translations/pt.json @@ -1337,7 +1337,6 @@ "1274380814": "O seu pagamento é igual ao <0>pagamento por pip multiplicado pela diferença, <1>em pips, entre o preço final e o preço de exercício. Só terá lucro se o seu pagamento for superior à sua entrada inicial.", "1274819385": "3. Reclamações e Litígios", "1276660852": "Envie o seu comprovativo de identidade", - "1276973471": "Os produtos oferecidos no nosso site são produtos derivados complexos que comportam um risco significativo de perda potencial. Os CFDs são instrumentos complexos que apresentam um elevado risco de perda rápida de dinheiro devido à alavancagem. 70,84% das contas de investidores não profissionais perdem dinheiro ao negociar CFDs com este fornecedor. Deve considerar se compreende o funcionamento destes produtos e se pode correr o risco elevado de perder o seu dinheiro.", "1279197529": "O campo do Número de Identificação Fiscal é obrigatório.", "1279937041": "<0>Nota: Algumas estratégias complexas podem apresentar problemas no Bot Builder. Em caso de dúvidas, contacte-nos via <1/>.", "1281045211": "Classifica os itens em uma determinada lista, por seu valor numérico ou alfabético, em ordem crescente ou decrescente.", @@ -2848,6 +2847,7 @@ "-982095728": "Criar", "-390793294": "CFDs sobre instrumentos financeiros e derived, <0>impulsionados pela TradingView.", "-45873457": "NOVO", + "-325236887": "Os produtos oferecidos no nosso site são produtos derivados complexos que comportam um risco significativo de perda potencial. Os CFDs são instrumentos complexos que apresentam um elevado risco de perda rápida de dinheiro devido à alavancagem. 70% das contas de investidores não profissionais perdem dinheiro ao negociar CFDs com este fornecedor. Deve considerar se compreende o funcionamento destes produtos e se pode correr o risco elevado de perder o seu dinheiro.", "-1473281803": "Preveja o mercado, obtenha lucro se estiver correto, arrisque apenas o que investiu. <0>Saiba mais", "-2134770229": "Total de ativos nas suas contas demo na Deriv Apps e Deriv MT5 de CFDs.", "-1277942366": "Total de ativos", diff --git a/packages/translations/src/translations/ru.json b/packages/translations/src/translations/ru.json index d74caa55f722..5da994d74c11 100644 --- a/packages/translations/src/translations/ru.json +++ b/packages/translations/src/translations/ru.json @@ -1337,7 +1337,6 @@ "1274380814": "Ваша выплата равна <0>выплате за пункт, умноженной на разницу, <1>в пунктах, между конечной ценой и ценой исполнения. Вы получите прибыль только в том случае, если Ваша выплата будет больше, чем Ваша первоначальная ставка.", "1274819385": "3. Жалобы и споры", "1276660852": "Отправьте подтверждение личности", - "1276973471": "Продукты, предлагаемые на нашем сайте, являются сложными деривативами и несут значительный риск потенциальных потерь. CFD — это сложные инструменты с высоким риском быстрой потери денег из-за кредитного плеча. 70.84% розничных счетов теряют деньги на торговле CFD с этим провайдером. Оцените понимание этих продуктов и свою готовность к высокому риску потерь.", "1279197529": "Необходимо указать ИНН.", "1279937041": "<0>Примечание: Некоторые сложные стратегии могут столкнуться с проблемами в конструкторе ботов. Если у вас есть вопросы, свяжитесь с нами через <1/>.", "1281045211": "Сортирует элементы в заданном списке по их числовому или алфавитному значению в порядке возрастания или убывания.", @@ -2848,6 +2847,7 @@ "-982095728": "Открыть", "-390793294": "CFD на финансовые и Derived инструменты, <0>с поддержкой TradingView.", "-45873457": "НОВИНКА", + "-325236887": "Продукты, предлагаемые на нашем сайте, являются сложными деривативами и несут значительный риск потенциальных потерь. CFD — это сложные инструменты с высоким риском быстрой потери денег из-за кредитного плеча. 70% розничных счетов теряют деньги на торговле CFD с этим провайдером. Оцените понимание этих продуктов и свою готовность к высокому риску потерь.", "-1473281803": "Сделайте прогноз и получите прибыль, если он окажется верным. Вы рискуете только ставкой. <0>Подробнее", "-2134770229": "Общая сумма активов на вашем демо-счете Deriv Apps и Deriv MT5 CFD.", "-1277942366": "Всего активов", diff --git a/packages/translations/src/translations/si.json b/packages/translations/src/translations/si.json index 10e0f25e9c0c..2e41e8dffb86 100644 --- a/packages/translations/src/translations/si.json +++ b/packages/translations/src/translations/si.json @@ -1337,7 +1337,6 @@ "1274380814": "ඔබේ ගෙවීම අවසන් මිල සහ වර්ජන මිල අතර වෙනස වන <1>ලක්ෂ්‍යයේ ප්‍රතිශතවල ගුණ කළ <0>ලක්ෂ්‍යයේ ප්‍රතිශතයකට ගෙවීමට සමාන වේ. ඔබ ලාභයක් උපයා ගන්නේ ඔබේ ගෙවීම ඔබේ මුල් කොටසට වඩා වැඩි නම් පමණි.", "1274819385": "3. පැමිණිලි හා මත භේද", "1276660852": "ඔබේ අනන්‍යතාව සනාථ කිරීම ඉදිරිපත් කරන්න", - "1276973471": "අපගේ වෙබ් අඩවියේ ඉදිරිපත් කර ඇති නිෂ්පාදන සංකීර්ණ ව්‍යුත්පන්න නිෂ්පාදන වන අතර ඒවා විය හැකි අලාභයේ සැලකිය යුතු අවදානමක් දරයි. CFD යනු උත්තෝලනය හේතුවෙන් වේගයෙන් මුදල් අහිමි වීමේ ඉහළ අවදානමක් සහිත සංකීර්ණ මෙවලම් වේ. මෙම සැපයුම්කරු සමඟ CFD ගනුදෙනු කිරීමේදී සිල්ලර ආයෝජක ගිණුම්වලින් 70.84%කට මුදල් අහිමි වේ. මෙම නිෂ්පාදන ක්‍රියා කරන ආකාරය ඔබ තේරුම් ගන්නේද යන්න සහ ඔබේ මුදල් අහිමි වීමේ ඉහළ අවදානමක් දැරීමට ඔබට හැකියාව තිබේද යන්න ඔබ විසින් සලකා බැලිය යුතුය.", "1279197529": "බදු හඳුනාගැනීමේ අංකය අවශ්‍ය වේ.", "1279937041": "<0>සටහන: සමහර කුළුපන් පරිසරවලදී ප්‍රශ්න පැමිණිය හැක. ඔබට ප්‍රශ්න ඇත්නම්, අපව <1/> හරහා අමතන්න.", "1281045211": "දී ඇති ලැයිස්තුවක ඇති අයිතම, ඒවායේ සංඛ්‍යාත්මක හෝ අකාරාදී අගය අනුව, ආරෝහණ හෝ අවරෝහණ අනුපිළිවෙලින් වර්ග කරයි.", @@ -2848,6 +2847,7 @@ "-982095728": "ලබා ගන්න", "-390793294": "Derived සඳහා මූල්‍ය විද්‍යාව හා ආනුභවික උපක්‍රමවල CFDs <0>TradingView සහාය දක්වා ඇත.", "-45873457": "අලුත්", + "-325236887": "අපගේ වෙබ් අඩවියේ ඉදිරිපත් කර ඇති නිෂ්පාදන සංකීර්ණ ව්‍යුත්පන්න නිෂ්පාදන වන අතර ඒවා විය හැකි අලාභයේ සැලකිය යුතු අවදානමක් දරයි. CFD යනු උත්තෝලනය හේතුවෙන් වේගයෙන් මුදල් අහිමි වීමේ ඉහළ අවදානමක් සහිත සංකීර්ණ මෙවලම් වේ. මෙම සැපයුම්කරු සමඟ CFD ගනුදෙනු කිරීමේදී සිල්ලර ආයෝජක ගිණුම්වලින් 70%කට මුදල් අහිමි වේ. මෙම නිෂ්පාදන ක්‍රියා කරන ආකාරය ඔබ තේරුම් ගන්නේද යන්න සහ ඔබේ මුදල් අහිමි වීමේ ඉහළ අවදානමක් දැරීමට ඔබට හැකියාව තිබේද යන්න ඔබ විසින් සලකා බැලිය යුතුය.", "-1473281803": "වෙළෙඳපළ පුරෝකථනය කර, ඔබ නිවැරදි නම් ලාභ ලබා ගන්න, ඔබ යොදවා ඇති ප්‍රමාණය පමණක් අවදානමට ලක් කරන්න. <0>තව දැන ගන්න", "-2134770229": "ඔබේ Deriv යෙදුම් සහ Deriv MT5 CFD ආදර්ශන​ ගිණුමේ ඇති මුළු වත්කමයි.", "-1277942366": "මුළු වත්කම්", diff --git a/packages/translations/src/translations/sw.json b/packages/translations/src/translations/sw.json index 2287e3dd718e..5dbf50f33c2b 100644 --- a/packages/translations/src/translations/sw.json +++ b/packages/translations/src/translations/sw.json @@ -1337,7 +1337,6 @@ "1274380814": "Malipo yako ni sawa na <0>malipo kwa kila pip zidisha na tofauti <1>katika pips, kati ya bei ya mwisho na bei ya ushindani. Utapata faida tu ikiwa malipo yako ni makubwa kuliko dau lako la awali.", "1274819385": "3. Malalamiko na Migogoro", "1276660852": "Wasilisha ushahidi wako wa utambulisho", - "1276973471": "Bidhaa zinazotolewa kwenye tovuti zetu ni bidhaa tata za derivative ambazo zina hatari kubwa ya hasara. CFDs ni vyombo tata na vyenye hatari kubwa ya kupoteza pesa haraka kutokana na leverage. 70.84% ya akaunti za wawekezaji wa rejareja hupoteza pesa wakati wa kufanya biashara ya CFDs na mtoa huduma huyu. Unapaswa kuzingatia ikiwa unaelewa jinsi bidhaa hizi zinavyofanya kazi na ikiwa unaweza kumudu kuchukua hatari kubwa ya kupoteza pesa zako.", "1279197529": "Nambari ya Utambulisho wa Kodi inahitajika.", "1279937041": "<0>Kumbuka: Baadhi ya mikakati tata huenda ikukutana na matatizo katika Bot Builder. Ikiwa una maswali, wasiliana nasi kupitia <1/>.", "1281045211": "Hupanga vitu katika orodha fulani, kwa thamani yao ya nambari au alfabeti, kwa utaratibu wa kupanda au kushuka.", @@ -2848,6 +2847,7 @@ "-982095728": "Pata", "-390793294": "CFDs kwenye vyombo vya kifedha na derived, <0>inawezeshwa na TradingView.", "-45873457": "MPYA", + "-325236887": "Bidhaa zinazotolewa kwenye tovuti zetu ni bidhaa tata za derivative ambazo zina hatari kubwa ya hasara. CFDs ni vyombo tata na vyenye hatari kubwa ya kupoteza pesa haraka kutokana na leverage. 70% ya akaunti za wawekezaji wa rejareja hupoteza pesa wakati wa kufanya biashara ya CFDs na mtoa huduma huyu. Unapaswa kuzingatia ikiwa unaelewa jinsi bidhaa hizi zinavyofanya kazi na ikiwa unaweza kumudu kuchukua hatari kubwa ya kupoteza pesa zako.", "-1473281803": "Tabiri katika soko, pata faida ikiwa uko sahihi, chukua hatari pekee ya unachoweka. <0>Jifunze zaidi", "-2134770229": "Jumla ya mali katika Deriv Apps na Deriv MT5 CFDs demo akaunti.", "-1277942366": "Jumla ya mali", diff --git a/packages/translations/src/translations/th.json b/packages/translations/src/translations/th.json index 01824b93331a..ac81af4b2e29 100644 --- a/packages/translations/src/translations/th.json +++ b/packages/translations/src/translations/th.json @@ -1337,7 +1337,6 @@ "1274380814": "เงินผลตอบแทนของคุณจะเท่ากับการเอา <0>เงินได้ต่อจุดพิพ มาคูณด้วยส่วนต่าง <1>ในรูปแบบตัวเลขจุดพิพ ระหว่างราคาสุดท้ายและราคาใช้สิทธิ โดยคุณจะได้รับผลกำไรก็ต่อเมื่อเงินผลตอบแทนของคุณสูงกว่าเงินทุนทรัพย์เริ่มแรก", "1274819385": "3. การร้องเรียนและข้อพิพาท", "1276660852": "ส่งหลักฐานยืนยันตัวตนของคุณ", - "1276973471": "ผลิตภัณฑ์ที่นำเสนอบนเว็บไซต์ของเรานั้นเป็นผลิตภัณฑ์อนุพันธ์ที่ซับซ้อนซึ่งมาพร้อมกับความเสี่ยงสูงที่จะขาดทุนสูญเสีย สัญญาการเทรดส่วนต่างหรือ CFD เป็นตราสารที่ซับซ้อนและมาพร้อมกับความเสี่ยงสูงที่จะสูญเสียเงินอย่างรวดเร็วเนื่องจากเลเวอเรจ 70.84% ของบัญชีนักลงทุนรายย่อยสูญเสียเงินเมื่อเทรด CFD กับผู้ให้บริการรายนี้ ดังนั้นคุณควรพิจารณาว่าคุณเข้าใจวิธีการทำงานของผลิตภัณฑ์เหล่านี้หรือไม่ และคุณสามารถที่จะรับความเสี่ยงสูงในการสูญเสียเงินได้หรือไม่", "1279197529": "โปรดระบุเลขประจำตัวผู้เสียภาษี", "1279937041": "<0>หมายเหตุ: กลยุทธ์ที่ซับซ้อนบางอย่างอาจประสบปัญหาใน Bot Builder หากคุณมีคำถาม โปรดติดต่อเราผ่านทาง <1/>", "1281045211": "เรียงลําดับรายการในลิสต์รายการที่กําหนด ตามมูลค่าตัวเลขหรือตัวอักษรทั้งในลําดับจากน้อยไปหามากหรือจากมากไปหาน้อย", @@ -2848,6 +2847,7 @@ "-982095728": "รับ", "-390793294": "CFD สำหรับตราสารทางการเงินและตราสาร Derived, <0>สนับสนุนโดย TradingView", "-45873457": "ใหม่", + "-325236887": "ผลิตภัณฑ์ที่นำเสนอบนเว็บไซต์ของเรานั้นเป็นผลิตภัณฑ์อนุพันธ์ที่ซับซ้อนซึ่งมาพร้อมกับความเสี่ยงสูงที่จะขาดทุนสูญเสีย สัญญาส่วนต่างหรือ CFD เป็นตราสารที่ซับซ้อนและมาพร้อมกับความเสี่ยงสูงที่จะสูญเสียเงินอย่างรวดเร็วเนื่องจากการใช้เลเวอเรจ ทั้งนี้ 70% ของบัญชีนักลงทุนรายย่อยสูญเสียเงินเมื่อเทรด CFD กับผู้ให้บริการรายนี้ ดังนั้นคุณควรพิจารณาว่าคุณเข้าใจวิธีการทำงานของผลิตภัณฑ์เหล่านี้หรือไม่ และคุณสามารถที่จะรับความเสี่ยงสูงในการสูญเสียเงินของคุณได้หรือไม่", "-1473281803": "คาดการณ์ความเคลื่อนไหวตลาด ทำกำไรถ้าคุณถูก และเสี่ยงเพียงเงินทุนทรัพย์ที่คุณลงไป <0>เรียนรู้เพิ่มเติม", "-2134770229": "สินทรัพย์ทั้งหมดในบัญชีทดลองของ Deriv App และ Deriv MT5 CFD ของคุณ", "-1277942366": "สินทรัพย์ทั้งหมด", diff --git a/packages/translations/src/translations/tr.json b/packages/translations/src/translations/tr.json index c5fae12ee393..8f55d4caf47e 100644 --- a/packages/translations/src/translations/tr.json +++ b/packages/translations/src/translations/tr.json @@ -1337,7 +1337,6 @@ "1274380814": "Ödemeniz, <0>pip başına ödemenin nihai fiyat ile kullanım fiyatı arasındaki <1>pip cinsinden farkla çarpımına eşittir. Yalnızca ödemeniz ilk bahis miktarınızdan yüksekse kâr elde edersiniz.", "1274819385": "3. Şikayetler ve Anlaşmazlıklar", "1276660852": "Kimlik belgenizi gönderin", - "1276973471": "Web sitemizde sunulan ürünler, önemli ölçüde potansiyel kayıp riski taşıyan karmaşık türev ürünlerdir. CFD'ler, kaldıraç nedeniyle hızla para kaybetme riski yüksek olan karmaşık araçlardır. Perakende yatırımcı hesaplarının %70.84'ü bu sağlayıcı ile CFD ticareti yaparken para kaybetmektedir. Bu ürünlerin nasıl çalıştığını anlayıp anlamadığınızı ve paranızı kaybetme riskini göze alıp alamayacağınızı düşünmelisiniz.", "1279197529": "Vergi Kimlik Numarası gereklidir.", "1279937041": "<0>Not: Bazı karmaşık stratejiler Bot Builder'da sorunlarla karşılaşabilir. Sorularınız varsa, bizimle <1/> üzerinden iletişime geçin.", "1281045211": "Belirli bir listedeki öğeleri, artan veya azalan sırada sayısal veya alfabetik değerlerine göre sıralar.", @@ -2848,6 +2847,7 @@ "-982095728": "Edin", "-390793294": "Finansal ve Derived araçlar üzerine CFD'ler, <0>TradingView destekli.", "-45873457": "YENİ", + "-325236887": "Web sitemizde sunulan ürünler, önemli ölçüde potansiyel kayıp riski taşıyan karmaşık türev ürünlerdir. CFD'ler, kaldıraç nedeniyle hızla para kaybetme riski yüksek olan karmaşık araçlardır. Perakende yatırımcı hesaplarının %70'i bu sağlayıcı ile CFD ticareti yaparken para kaybetmektedir. Bu ürünlerin nasıl çalıştığını anlayıp anlamadığınızı ve paranızı kaybetme riskini göze alıp alamayacağınızı düşünmelisiniz.", "-1473281803": "Piyasayı tahmin et, doğruysan kar et, sadece koyduğunuz kadarını risk edin. <0>Daha fazla bilgi edinin", "-2134770229": "Deriv Apps ve Deriv MT5 CFD demo hesabınızdaki toplam varlıklar.", "-1277942366": "Toplam varlıklar", diff --git a/packages/translations/src/translations/uz.json b/packages/translations/src/translations/uz.json index 916fe88f990b..3de0118ec7f3 100644 --- a/packages/translations/src/translations/uz.json +++ b/packages/translations/src/translations/uz.json @@ -1337,7 +1337,6 @@ "1274380814": "Sizning to'lovingiz <0>pip uchun to'lov ning yakuniy narx va ogohlantirish narxi o'rtasidagi <1>pips dagi farqga ko'paytirilganiga teng. Agar sizning to'lovingiz dastlabki ulushingizdan yuqori bo'lsa, siz faqat foyda olasiz.", "1274819385": "3. Shikoyatlar va nizolar", "1276660852": "Shaxsingizni tasdiqlovchi hujjatni taqdim eting", - "1276973471": "Bizning veb-saytimizda taqdim etilgan mahsulotlar potentsial yo`qotish xavfi katta bo`lgan murakkab lotin mahsulotlardir. CFDlar leverage tufayli pulni tezda yo`qotish xavfi yuqori bo`lgan murakkab vositalardir. Chakana investor hisoblarining 70.84% ushbu provayder bilan CFD savdosi paytida pul yo`qotadi. Siz ushbu mahsulotlar qanday ishlashini tushunasizmi va pulingizni yo`qotish xavfini o`z zimmangizga olasizmi, deb o`ylashingiz kerak.", "1279197529": "Soliq identifikatsiya raqami talab qilinadi.", "1279937041": "<0>Diqqat: Ba'zi murakkab strategiyalar Bot Builder'da muammolarni yuzaga keltirishi mumkin. Agar sizda savollaringiz bo'lsa, biz bilan <1/> orqali bog'laning.", "1281045211": "Berilgan roʻyxatdagi elementlarni raqamli yoki alifbo tartibida oʻsish yoki kamayish tartibida tartiblaydi.", @@ -2848,6 +2847,7 @@ "-982095728": "Ochish", "-390793294": "CFDlar moliyaviy va Derived vositalar bo'yicha, <0>TradingView tomonidan quvvatlanadi.", "-45873457": "YANGI", + "-325236887": "Bizning veb-saytimizda taqdim etilgan mahsulotlar potentsial yo'qotish xavfi katta bo'lgan murakkab lotin mahsulotlardir. CFDlar leverage tufayli pulni tezda yo'qotish xavfi yuqori bo'lgan murakkab vositalardir. Chakana investor hisoblarining 70% ushbu provayder bilan CFD savdosi paytida pul yo'qotadi. Siz ushbu mahsulotlar qanday ishlashini tushunasizmi va pulingizni yo'qotish xavfini o'z zimmangizga olasizmi, deb o'ylashingiz kerak.", "-1473281803": "Bashorat qiling va agar u to'g'ri chiqsa, foyda oling, faqat kiritgan narsangizni xavf ostiga qo'ying. <0>Batafsil ma'lumot", "-2134770229": "Deriv Apps va Deriv MT5 CFDs demo hisobingizdagi jami aktivlar.", "-1277942366": "Jami aktivlar", diff --git a/packages/translations/src/translations/vi.json b/packages/translations/src/translations/vi.json index ccdb6fbcd9e0..8cc393aab50a 100644 --- a/packages/translations/src/translations/vi.json +++ b/packages/translations/src/translations/vi.json @@ -1337,7 +1337,6 @@ "1274380814": "Khoản chi trả của bạn sẽ bằng <0>khoản chi trả ở mỗi pip nhân với chênh lệch giữa giá cuối cùng và giá thực hiện <1> tính bằng pips. Bạn sẽ chỉ kiếm được lợi nhuận nếu khoản chi trả của bạn cao hơn số tiền đầu tư ban đầu.", "1274819385": "3. Khiếu nại và tranh chấp", "1276660852": "Gửi giấy tờ xác thực danh tính của bạn", - "1276973471": "Các sản phẩm được cung cấp trên trang web của chúng tôi là các sản phẩm phái sinh phức tạp có nguy cơ mất mát đáng kể. CFD là công cụ phức tạp có nguy cơ mất tiền nhanh chóng do đòn bẩy. 70.84% tài khoản nhà đầu tư bán lẻ bị mất tiền khi giao dịch CFD với nhà cung cấp này. Bạn nên xem xét liệu bạn có hiểu cách thức hoạt động của các sản phẩm này và liệu bạn có đủ khả năng để chấp nhận rủi ro mất tiền cao hay không.", "1279197529": "Cần có Mã số thuế.", "1279937041": "<0>Chú ý: Một số chiến lược phức tạp có thể gặp vấn đề trong Bot Builder. Nếu bạn có câu hỏi, hãy liên hệ với chúng tôi qua <1/>.", "1281045211": "Sắp xếp các mục trong một danh sách nhất định, theo giá trị số hoặc bảng chữ cái và theo thứ tự tăng dần hoặc giảm dần.", @@ -2848,6 +2847,7 @@ "-982095728": "Tạo", "-390793294": "CFDs trên các công cụ tài chính và Derived <0>được cung cấp bởi TradingView.", "-45873457": "MỚI", + "-325236887": "Các sản phẩm được cung cấp trên trang web của chúng tôi là các sản phẩm phái sinh phức tạp có nguy cơ mất mát đáng kể. CFD là công cụ phức tạp có nguy cơ mất tiền nhanh chóng do đòn bẩy. 70% tài khoản nhà đầu tư bán lẻ bị mất tiền khi giao dịch CFD với nhà cung cấp này. Bạn nên xem xét liệu bạn có hiểu cách thức hoạt động của các sản phẩm này và liệu bạn có đủ khả năng để chấp nhận rủi ro mất tiền cao hay không.", "-1473281803": "Dự đoán thị trường, lợi nhuận nếu bạn đúng, chỉ mạo hiểm những gì bạn đưa vào. <0>Hiểu thêm", "-2134770229": "Tổng tài sản trong tài khoản Deriv Apps và Deriv MT5 CFD thử nghiệm của bạn.", "-1277942366": "Tổng tài sản", diff --git a/packages/translations/src/translations/zh_cn.json b/packages/translations/src/translations/zh_cn.json index 9d50d83706c0..20447efc2f3b 100644 --- a/packages/translations/src/translations/zh_cn.json +++ b/packages/translations/src/translations/zh_cn.json @@ -123,7 +123,7 @@ "125443840": "6. 重新启动最近交易出错", "125842960": "{{name}} 是必填项.", "127307725": "政治公众人士 (PEP) 是指被赋予重要公共职能的人。这些人的亲密同伙和家庭成员也被视为 PEP。", - "129005644": "想法是,成功的交易可能可以弥补之前的亏损。不过,必须谨慎行事,因为这种策略的风险会迅速增加。使用 Deriv Bot,可以设置最大投注额来降低风险。这是可选的风险管理功能。比方说,最大投注额为 3 美元。如果下一笔交易的投注额设置超过 3 美元,投注额将重置为初始投注额 1 美元。如果没有设置最高投注额,则投注额将增加到 3 美元以上。", + "129005644": "想法是,成功的交易可能可以弥补之前的亏损。不过,必须谨慎行事,因为这种策略的风险会迅速增加。使用 Deriv Bot,可以设置最大投注额来降低风险。这是可选的风险管理功能。比方说,最大投注额为 3 USD。如果下一笔交易的投注额设置超过 3 USD,投注额将重置为初始投注额 1 USD。如果没有设置最高投注额,则投注额将增加到 3 USD 以上。", "129137937": "您可以决定交易金额和多长时间。可随时停止交易休息一下。停止时间可以从 6 周到 5 年不等。之后,可以在 24 小时冷静期后再延长或恢复交易。如果不想设置特定限制,请将该字段留空。", "130567238": "然后", "132596476": "为了给您提供服务,我们必须向您询问信息,以便评估产品或服务是否适合您,还有看您是否拥有足够经验和知识,以了解相关的风险。<0/><0/>", @@ -159,7 +159,7 @@ "157593038": "从{{ start_number }} 到{{ end_number }} 的随机整数", "157871994": "链接已过期", "158355408": "某些服务可能暂时不可用。", - "160746023": "泰达作为 Omni 代币(USDT)是托管在比特币区块链 Omni 层的泰达币版本。", + "160746023": "Tether 作为 Omni 代币 (USDT) 是托管在 Bitcoin 区块链 Omni 层的 Tether 版本。", "160760697": "我确认并接受 {{company}} 的<0>条款和条件", "160863687": "未检测到相机", "164112826": "此程序块允许从URL载入在远程服务器保存的程序块(如有)。只有当 Bot操作时才能载入。", @@ -212,7 +212,7 @@ "211847965": "<0>个人详细信息 不完整。请前往账户设置并填写个人详细信息,以启用取款。", "216114973": "股票和指数", "216650710": "您正在使用演示账户", - "217377529": "5. 如果下一笔交易获利,则下一笔交易的投注额将减少 2 美元。如上所示,3 美元的投注额减为 1 美元。参见 A3。", + "217377529": "5. 如果下一笔交易获利,则下一笔交易的投注额将减少 2 USD。如上所示,3 USD 的投注额减为 1 USD。参见 A3。", "217504255": "财务评估已成功提交", "218441288": "身份证号码", "220014242": "从电脑上传自拍照片", @@ -288,7 +288,7 @@ "284809500": "金融演示", "287934290": "确认取消此交易?", "289731075": "开始交易", - "291344459": "下表说明了第二个交易时段的此原则。在第 4 轮交易中亏损,第 5 轮交易获利后,第 6 轮的投注额将增加到 2 美元。这符合该策略的规则,即只有在亏损后交易获利时才会提高投注额。", + "291344459": "下表说明了第二个交易时段的此原则。在第 4 轮交易中亏损,第 5 轮交易获利后,第 6 轮的投注额将增加到 2 USD。这符合该策略的规则,即只有在亏损后交易获利时才会提高投注额。", "291402393": "固定障碍:", "291744889": "<0>1. 交易参数:<0>", "291817757": "访问 Deriv 社区,了解 API、API 代币、Deriv API 的使用方法等。", @@ -423,7 +423,7 @@ "424897068": "您是否了解您可能会损失100%交易资金?", "426031496": "停止", "427134581": "尝试使用其他文件类型。", - "427617266": "比特币", + "427617266": "Bitcoin", "428380816": "如果选择“<0>Matches”,只要最新价格的最后一个数字与预测相同,将获得赔付。", "429505586": "如果选择“<0>Fall”,只要退市现货价严格低于入市现货价,将获得赔付。", "429970999": "为避免延误,请准确输入{{document_name}} 上的<0>姓名。", @@ -499,7 +499,7 @@ "492566838": "纳税人识别号", "497518317": "返回数值的功能", "498562439": "或", - "499522484": "1. \"字符串\": 1325.68 美元", + "499522484": "1. \"字符串\": 1325.68 USD", "500855527": "首席执行官、高级官员和立法会议员", "500920471": "此程序块执行两个数之间的算术操作", "501401157": "您只能存款", @@ -528,7 +528,7 @@ "529056539": "期权", "531114081": "3. 合约类型", "531453415": "重新开始电话号码验证。", - "531675669": "欧元", + "531675669": "Euro", "532724086": "雇用合同", "533403953": "仍然可以继续访问现有的 <0>{{platform}} {{type}}{{from_account}} 账户。", "535021574": "运行更新策略以检查其性能。", @@ -566,7 +566,7 @@ "569057236": "文件在哪个国家签发?", "572576218": "语言", "573173477": "蜡烛 {{ input_candle }} 是否呈黑色?", - "575668969": "3. 交易获利后,下一笔交易的投注额将增加 2 美元。Deriv Bot 将继续为每笔成功交易增加 2 美元。参见 A1。", + "575668969": "3. 交易获利后,下一笔交易的投注额将增加 2 USD。Deriv Bot 将继续为每笔成功交易增加 2 USD。参见 A1。", "575702000": "请记住,自拍照、房屋图片或无关图片将被拒绝。", "576355707": "选择国家和国籍:", "577215477": "用 {{ variable }} 自 {{ start_number }} 至 {{ end_number }} 按 {{ step_size }} 计算", @@ -714,7 +714,7 @@ "702561961": "更改主题", "705262734": "Wallets 已准备就绪", "705299518": "接下来,上传包含照片的护照页面。", - "705697927": "2. 设置首选单位。本例中为 2 单位或 2 美元。", + "705697927": "2. 设置首选单位。本例中为 2 单位或 2 USD。", "705821926": "了解该交易类型", "706727320": "二元期权交易频率", "706755289": "此程序块执行三角函数运算。", @@ -854,7 +854,7 @@ "835336137": "查看详情", "835350845": "加上一两个字。不常见的词更好。", "836097457": "我对交易感兴趣,但很少经验。", - "839158849": "4. 如果第二笔交易亏损了,Deriv Bot 会自动将下一笔交易的投注额增加 2 美元。每次亏损后,Deriv Bot 会继续在上一轮的投注额上增加 2 美元。参见 A2。", + "839158849": "4. 如果第二笔交易亏损了,Deriv Bot 会自动将下一笔交易的投注额增加 2 USD。每次亏损后,Deriv Bot 会继续在上一轮的投注额上增加 2 USD。参见 A2。", "839805709": "为了顺利验证,我们需要更好的照片", "841543189": "查看区块链上的交易", "843333337": "您仅能存款。请完成<0>财务评估以解锁取款。", @@ -879,7 +879,7 @@ "857986403": "做些什么", "860319618": "旅游", "862283602": "电话号码*", - "863023016": "例如,如果交易者的亏损阀值 (B) 为 100 美元,初始投注额 (s) 为 1 美元,增量 (f) 为 2 个单位,计算方法如下:", + "863023016": "例如,如果交易者的亏损阀值 (B) 为 100 USD,初始投注额 (s) 为 1 USD,增量 (f) 为 2 个单位,计算方法如下:", "863328851": "身份证明", "864610268": "首先,输入 {{label}} 和到期日。", "864655280": "可以继续持有现有 MT5 账户中的未平仓头寸。", @@ -1028,10 +1028,10 @@ "1001160515": "卖出", "1002989598": "iOS:iCloud 钥匙串。", "1004127734": "发送邮件", - "1006069082": "Martingale 策略的目标是利用连续成功的交易,并从中获得最大的潜在利润。只有在连续成功交易的情况下,这种策略才是有益的。因此,设置最大投注以保障从连续成功交易中获得的所有潜在利润非常重要,否则可能会损失所有累积的利润,包括初始投注。例如,如果目标是在连续2次成功的交易中实现利润最大化,则将最大投注设置为2美元,前提是初始投注为1美元。同样,如果目标是在连续3次成功的交易中实现利润最大化,则将最大投注设置为4美元,前提是初始投注为1美元。", + "1006069082": "Martingale 策略的目标是利用连续成功的交易,并从中获得最大的潜在利润。只有在连续成功交易的情况下,这种策略才是有益的。因此,设置最大投注以保障从连续成功交易中获得的所有潜在利润非常重要,否则可能会损失所有累积的利润,包括初始投注。例如,如果目标是在连续 2 次成功的交易中实现利润最大化,则将最大投注设置为 2 USD,前提是初始投注为 1 USD。同样,如果目标是在连续 3 次成功的交易中实现利润最大化,则将最大投注设置为 4 USD,前提是初始投注为 1 USD。", "1006458411": "错误", "1006664890": "无提示", - "1008151470": "单位:交易获利时增加的单位数,或交易亏损时减少的单位数。例如,如果单位设置为 2,则投注额增加或减少为初始投注额 1 美元的 2 倍,即增加或减少 2 美元。", + "1008151470": "单位:交易获利时增加的单位数,或交易亏损时减少的单位数。例如,如果单位设置为 2,则投注额增加或减少为初始投注额 1 USD 的 2 倍,即增加或减少 2 USD。", "1009032439": "全天候", "1010198306": "此程序块创建包含字符串和数字的列表。", "1010337648": "无法验证所有权证明。", @@ -1099,7 +1099,7 @@ "1056381071": "返回交易", "1056821534": "是否确定?", "1057216772": "文本 {{ input_text }} 为空", - "1057519018": "4. 如果一笔交易最终获利,则下一笔交易的投注额将重置为初始投注额 1 美元。", + "1057519018": "4. 如果一笔交易最终获利,则下一笔交易的投注额将重置为初始投注额 1 USD。", "1057749183": "双因素验证 (2FA)", "1057765448": "强制平仓水平", "1057904606": "D’Alembert 策略的概念据说与马丁格尔(Martingale) 策略相同,即在蒙受亏损时增加合约投注金额。采用D’Alembert 策略后,当交易获利时您将减少合约投注金额。", @@ -1277,10 +1277,10 @@ "1222544232": "我们已给您发送电子邮件", "1222588519": "使用 <0>Deriv MT5 密码 登录桌面、网络和手机应用上的 Deriv MT5 账户。", "1223993374": "对于入市现货,我们使用当前报价执行机制,这是服务器处理交易开盘时的最新资产价格。", - "1225874865": "投注额调整:目标时段利润(1 美元)- 当前时段利润(0 美元)= 1 美元", + "1225874865": "投注额调整:目标时段利润 (1 USD) - 当前时段利润 (0 USD) = 1 USD", "1225962809": "低障碍", "1227074958": "随机分数", - "1227132397": "4. 亏损的交易有两种结果。 如果以初始投注额交易,下一次交易将保持相同金额,因为该策略以初始投注额进行最小化交易,见 A2。如果交易金额较高,下一次交易的投注额将减少 2 美元,见 A3。", + "1227132397": "4. 亏损的交易有两种结果。 如果以初始投注额交易,下一次交易将保持相同金额,因为该策略以初始投注额进行最小化交易,见 A2。如果交易金额较高,下一次交易的投注额将减少 2 USD,见 A3。", "1227240509": "剪裁空间", "1228534821": "一些币种可能不受所在国的付款代理支持。", "1229883366": "税务编号", @@ -1337,7 +1337,6 @@ "1274380814": "赔付额等于<0>每点赔付额乘以最终价格与行权价格之间的差额(<1>以点为单位)。只有当赔付高于初始投注时,才会赚取利润。", "1274819385": "3. 投诉与纠纷", "1276660852": "提交身份证明", - "1276973471": "网站上提供的产品是复杂的衍生产品,潜在的亏损风险很高。差价合约是复杂的工具,并且由于杠杆作用,具有快速亏损的高风险。70.84%的零售投资者账户在与该提供商交易差价合约时会亏损。您必须考虑自己是否了解这些产品的运作方式,以及是否有能力承担损失资金的高风险。", "1279197529": "税务识别号为必填项。", "1279937041": "<0>注意:部分复杂策略可能会在 Bot Builder 遇到问题。如果有疑问,请通过<1/>与我们联系。", "1281045211": "在提供列表中将项目按其数字或字母值以升序或降序排序。", @@ -1450,7 +1449,7 @@ "1374627690": "最大账户余额", "1374902304": "文件似乎已损坏或被裁剪。", "1376329801": "过去60天", - "1377509570": "限额 (美元)", + "1377509570": "限额 (USD)", "1378419333": "以太币", "1380349261": "区间", "1383017005": "您已切换账户。", @@ -1673,7 +1672,7 @@ "1612105450": "获取子字符串", "1612638396": "指定时间范围内随时取消交易。", "1615897837": "信号EMA周期 {{ input_number }}", - "1618652381": "例如,当交易者的亏损阀值 (B) 为 1000 美元,初始投注 (s) 为 1 美元,Martingale multiplier (m) 为 2,计算方法如下:", + "1618652381": "例如,当交易者的亏损阀值 (B) 为 1000 USD,初始投注 (s) 为 1 USD,Martingale multiplier (m) 为 2,计算方法如下:", "1619070150": "您将被重定向到外部网站。", "1620278321": "仅名字和姓氏本身很容易猜到", "1620346110": "设置货币", @@ -1687,7 +1686,7 @@ "1630417358": "请前往账户设置并填写个人详细信息,以启用取款。", "1631281562": "GBP Basket", "1633661992": "跳动点 {{current_tick}}/{{tick_count}}", - "1634016345": "2. 如果交易获利,该策略会自动将下一笔交易的投注额调整为初始投注额的 3 个单位。在本例中,投注额调整为 3 个单位,初始投注额为 1 美元,因此下一笔交易将以 3 美元开始。", + "1634016345": "2. 如果交易获利,该策略会自动将下一笔交易的投注额调整为初始投注额的 3 个单位。在本例中,投注额调整为 3 个单位,初始投注额为 1 USD,因此下一笔交易将以 3 USD 开始。", "1634594289": "选择语言", "1634903642": "自拍照只能拍脸", "1634969163": "更改币种", @@ -1775,7 +1774,7 @@ "1711676335": "平方根", "1711929663": "资金已成功转账", "1712357617": "无效的电子邮件地址。", - "1713633297": "3. 如果第二笔交易也获利,投注额将调整为 2 美元或 2 个单位的初始投注额,用于下一笔交易。", + "1713633297": "3. 如果第二笔交易也获利,投注额将调整为 2 USD 或 2 个单位的初始投注额,用于下一笔交易。", "1714255392": "要启用提款,请完成财务评估。", "1715011380": "Jump 25 指数", "1715630945": "以字符串格式返回总利润", @@ -1925,7 +1924,7 @@ "1842266423": "返回", "1843336754": "选择文件", "1843658716": "如果选择“Only Downs”期权,只要入市现货价后的价格持续下跌,将获得赔付。如果期间内的价格有任何上涨或相等于之前的价格, 将不会获得赔付。", - "1845598565": "第二个交易时段在达到每个交易时段一个潜在盈利单位(相当于 1 美元)的目标后结束。如果继续交易,新的交易时段将再次开始。", + "1845598565": "第二个交易时段在达到每个交易时段一个潜在盈利单位 (相当于 1 USD) 的目标后结束。如果继续交易,新的交易时段将再次开始。", "1845892898": "(最小: {{min_stake}} - 最大: {{max_payout}})", "1846266243": "演示账户不能使用此功能。", "1846587187": "您尚未选择居住国", @@ -2018,7 +2017,7 @@ "1918796823": "请输入止损金额。", "1918832194": "没有经验", "1919030163": "好的自拍技巧", - "1919296368": "2. 选择单位。本例中是 2 个单位或 2 美元。", + "1919296368": "2. 选择单位。本例中是 2 个单位或 2 USD。", "1919594496": "{{website_name}} 与任何付款代理不存在附属关系。客户与付款代理的业务往来,风险自负。建议客户在使用付款代理的服务前,事先查询其信用状况,并检查其在{{website_name}} 或其他地方的任何信息的准确性。", "1920217537": "比较", "1920468180": "如何使用SMA程序块", @@ -2059,7 +2058,7 @@ "1966023998": "2FA 已启用", "1966281100": "控制台 {{ message_type }} 值: {{ input_message }}", "1966855430": "账户已经存在", - "1968025770": "比特币现金", + "1968025770": "Bitcoin Cash", "1968077724": "农业", "1968368585": "就业状况", "1970060713": "已成功删除 Bot。", @@ -2102,7 +2101,7 @@ "1997313835": "只要当前的现货价格与<0>之前的现货价格保持在特定的<0>范围内,投注额就会继续增长。否则,将失去投注额,交易终止。", "1999213036": "只需轻点一下即可增强安全性。", "2001222130": "查看垃圾或广告文件夹。如还是没看到,请试试重新发送邮件。", - "2001361785": "1. 以初始投注额开始。比方说 1 美元。", + "2001361785": "1. 以初始投注额开始。比方说 1 USD。", "2001717886": "演示标准", "2004052487": "估计交易期限", "2007028410": "市场、交易类型、合约类型", @@ -2178,7 +2177,7 @@ "2074497711": "Telegram通知无法发送", "2074713563": "4.2. 提交投诉", "2077055596": "目前正在维护服务器。服务可能会受到影响。", - "2079925695": "单位:交易亏损时增加的单位数,或交易盈利时减少的单位数。例如,如果单位设置为 2,则投注额增加或减少为初始投注额 1 美元的 2 倍,即增加或减少 2 美元。", + "2079925695": "单位:交易亏损时增加的单位数,或交易盈利时减少的单位数。例如,如果单位设置为 2,则投注额增加或减少为初始投注额 1 USD 的 2 倍,即增加或减少 2 USD。", "2080553498": "3. 使用Telegram REST API获取聊天ID(更多信息:https://core.telegram.org/bots/api#getupdates)", "2080829530": "卖价: {{sold_for}}", "2081622549": "数字必须大于{{ min }}", @@ -2203,7 +2202,7 @@ "2097815211": "轮数 (R) = 10", "2097932389": "通过<0>https://app.astropay.com/profile从个人详细信息页面和账户页面分开上传 2 张屏幕截图", "2100713124": "账户", - "2100912278": "4. 如果一笔交易最终亏损,则下一笔交易的投注额将重置为初始投注额 1 美元。", + "2100912278": "4. 如果一笔交易最终亏损,则下一笔交易的投注额将重置为初始投注额 1 USD。", "2101265432": "出了点问题", "2101972779": "这与上面的示例相同,使用了跳动点列表。", "2102572780": "数字代码长度须是 6 个字符。", @@ -2233,7 +2232,7 @@ "2127564856": "提款已被锁定", "2128250969": "使用与地址证明 (如水电煤费单、银行对账单等) 上相同的地址。", "2129807378": "更新个人资料", - "2133075559": "这意味着在连续亏损 10 轮后,交易者将亏损 100 美元。达到 100 美元的亏损阈值, Bot就会停止运行。", + "2133075559": "这意味着在连续亏损 10 轮后,交易者将亏损 100 USD。达到 100 USD 的亏损阈值, Bot 就会停止运行。", "2133451414": "期限", "2133470627": "此程序块返回选定交易类型的潜在赔付额。此程序块只能用在“购入条件”根块。", "2135563258": "外汇交易频率", @@ -2723,7 +2722,7 @@ "-165489997": "会话已过期", "-1822545742": "古典以太币", "-1334641066": "莱特币", - "-1214036543": "美元", + "-1214036543": "US Dollar", "-1782590355": "此账户还未设置币种", "-1171226355": "令牌名称长度须介于{{MIN_TOKEN}} 至{{MAX_TOKEN}} 个字符。", "-1803339710": "最大 {{MAX_TOKEN}} 个字符。", @@ -2848,6 +2847,7 @@ "-982095728": "获取", "-390793294": "<0>基于 TradingView 的金融和 derived 工具差价合约。", "-45873457": "新建", + "-325236887": "网站上提供的产品是复杂的衍生产品,潜在的亏损风险很高。差价合约是复杂的工具,并且由于杠杆作用,具有快速亏损的高风险。70% 的零售投资者账户在与该提供商交易差价合约时会亏损。您必须考虑自己是否了解这些产品的运作方式,以及是否有能力承担损失资金的高风险。", "-1473281803": "预测市场,正确时获利,只承担投注风险。<0>了解更多", "-2134770229": "Deriv 应用和 Deriv MT5 差价合约演示账户的总资产。", "-1277942366": "总资产", @@ -2969,7 +2969,7 @@ "-598073640": "关于泰达 (以太坊)", "-275902914": "Ethereum (eUSDT) 的 Tether", "-1188009792": "Omni Layer (USDT) 的Tether", - "-1239329687": "Tether最初被创建为使用比特币网络作为其传输协议(特别是Omni Layer),以允许使用代币化的传统货币进行交易。", + "-1239329687": "Tether 最初被创建为使用 bitcoin 网络作为其传输协议 (特别是 Omni Layer),以允许使用代币化的传统货币进行交易。", "-314177745": "很遗憾,由于服务器故障,我们无法获得地址。请单击刷新以重新加载地址或稍后重试。", "-91824739": "存款 {{currency}}", "-523804269": "{{amount}} {{currency}} 于 {{date}}", @@ -3078,9 +3078,9 @@ "-610059687": "在 Deriv Bot 中探索达朗贝尔策略", "-1226666341": "D'Alembert 策略包括在交易亏损后增加投注额,在交易获利后按预定单位数减少投注额。", "-312844882": "初始投注额:开始交易时愿意投入的金额。这是根据所使用策略的动态变化而改变投注额的起点。", - "-1173302981": "1. 以初始投注额开始。在本例中,使用 1 美元。", + "-1173302981": "1. 以初始投注额开始。在本例中,使用 1 USD。", "-1540106116": "盈亏阈值", - "-894905768": "使用 Deriv Bot,交易者可以设置盈亏阈值来确保潜在利润并限制潜在亏损。这意味着当达到盈利或亏损阈值时,交易 Bot将自动停止。这是可能提高回报的风险管理形式。例如,如果交易者将利润阈值设置为 100 美元,当该策略的所有交易盈利超过 100 美元时, Bot将停止运行。", + "-894905768": "使用 Deriv Bot,交易者可以设置盈亏阈值来确保潜在利润并限制潜在亏损。这意味着当达到盈利或亏损阈值时,交易 Bot 将自动停止。这是可能提高回报的风险管理形式。例如,如果交易者将利润阈值设置为 100 USD,当该策略的所有交易盈利超过 100 USD 时, Bot 将停止运行。", "-1946134465": "其中:", "-248283982": "B 是亏损阈值。", "-1148521416": "f 是单位增量。", @@ -3088,39 +3088,39 @@ "-1772692202": "这个公式根据可用资金和风险承受能力来计划交易。包括确定亏损阈值和想要交易的初始投注注。然后,使用该公式计算可以交易的轮数。这个过程可以深入了解投注额大小和预期结果。", "-2107238266": "D'Alembert 系统通过控制投注额的递增提供更平衡交易。通过审慎的风险管理(如投注额限制),可以在 Deriv Bot 中有效地实现自动化。不过,交易者应全面评估自己的风险偏好,在使用真实资金交易之前,先在演示账户测试策略,使其符合自己的交易风格。这样可以优化方法,在管理风险的同时,在潜在收益和亏损之间取得平衡。", "-500873566": "免责声明:", - "-344769349": "请注意,虽然我们说明时可能使用四舍五入的数字,但特定金额的投注并不保证成功交易的确切金额。例如,1 美元的投注并不一定等于 1 美元的成功交易利润。", + "-344769349": "请注意,虽然我们说明时可能使用四舍五入的数字,但特定金额的投注并不保证成功交易的确切金额。例如,1 USD 的投注并不一定等于 1 USD 的成功交易利润。", "-818800551": "探索 Deriv Bot 的 Martingale 策略", "-533490374": "这些是 Deriv Bot 的 Martingale 策略使用的交易参数。", "-1507161059": "Multiplier:交易亏损时用于增加投注额的 multiplier。该值必须大于 1。", "-1333404686": "Martingale 策略范例", - "-1755877136": "3. 如果第一笔交易最终亏损,Deriv Bot 会自动将下一笔交易的投注额翻倍至 2 美元。每次交易亏损后,Deriv Bot 会继续将投注额翻倍。", + "-1755877136": "3. 如果第一笔交易最终亏损,Deriv Bot 会自动将下一笔交易的投注额翻倍至 2 USD。每次交易亏损后,Deriv Bot 会继续将投注额翻倍。", "-1297651002": "如果即将开始交易,但尚未将最大投注额设为风险管理策略的一部分,那么可以通过使用 Martingale 策略来确定资金能维持多久。只需使用以下公式即可。", "-46865201": "Martingale 公式 1", "-116397598": "m 是 Martingale multiplier。", "-658161609": "轮数,R ≈ 9.965", - "-288082521": "这意味着,在连续亏损 10 轮后,该交易者将亏损 1023 美元,超过 1000 美元的亏损阈值, Bot停止运作。", + "-288082521": "这意味着,在连续亏损 10 轮后,该交易者将亏损 1023 USD,超过 1000 USD 的亏损阈值, Bot 停止运作。", "-770387160": "交易中的 Martingale 策略可能会带来可观的收益,但也有巨大的风险。Deriv Bot会根据选择的策略提供自动交易,并采取诸如设置初始投注额、投注额大小、最大投注额、盈利阈值和亏损阈值等风险管理措施。对于交易者来说,在使用真实资金交易之前,评估自己的风险承受能力、在演示账户中练习并了解交易策略至关重要。", "-1901073152": "这些是 Deriv Bot 中 Oscar's Grind 策略使用的交易参数。", "-1575153036": "Oscar’s Grind 策略示例", - "-732418614": "上表显示了此原则,即当交易获利并达到一个潜在盈利单位的目标(在本例中为 1 美元)时,交易时段结束。如果继续交易,新的交易时段将开始。", + "-732418614": "上表显示了此原则,即当交易获利并达到一个潜在盈利单位的目标 (在本例中为 1 USD) 时,交易时段结束。如果继续交易,新的交易时段将开始。", "-106266344": "原则 3:根据当前亏损与该时段目标利润之间的差距大小调整投注额", - "-492908094": "在第 7 轮,投注额从 2 美元下调至 1 美元,以实现 1 美元的目标利润。", - "-90079299": "使用 Deriv Bot,交易者可以设置盈亏阈值来确保潜在利润并限制潜在亏损。这意味着当达到盈利或亏损阈值时,交易 Bot将自动停止。这是一种风险管理形式,有可能促进交易获利,同时限制亏损的影响。例如,如果交易者将利润阈值设置为 100 美元,当该策略的所有交易利润超过 100 美元时, Bot将停止运行。", + "-492908094": "在第 7 轮,投注额从 2 USD 下调至 1 USD,以实现 1 USD 的目标利润。", + "-90079299": "使用 Deriv Bot,交易者可以设置盈亏阈值来确保潜在利润并限制潜在亏损。这意味着当达到盈利或亏损阈值时,交易 Bot 将自动停止。这是一种风险管理形式,有可能促进交易获利,同时限制亏损的影响。例如,如果交易者将利润阈值设置为 100 USD,当该策略的所有交易利润超过 100 USD 时, Bot 将停止运行。", "-1549673884": "Oscar's Grind 策略提供有纪律的方法,通过系统性的投注额递增实现收益递增。当与适当的风险管理(如盈利或亏损阈值)整合到 Deriv Bot 中时,它为交易者提供潜在的强大自动交易技术。不过,交易者应首先全面评估自己的风险承受能力,并在使用真实资金交易之前,先尝试在演示账户交易,以便熟悉该策略。", "-655650222": "探索 Deriv Bot 的 Reverse D’Alembert 策略", "-1864807973": "Reverse D'Alembert 策略包括在交易获利后增加投注额,在交易亏损后按预定单位数减少投注额。", "-809681645": "这些是 Deriv Bot 的 Reverse D’Alembert 策略使用的交易参数。", "-1239374257": "Reverse D’Alembert 策略范例", - "-309821442": "请注意,虽然我们说明时可能使用四舍五入的数字,但特定金额的投注并不保证成功交易的确切金额。例如,1 美元的投注并不一定等于 1 美元的成功交易利润。", + "-309821442": "请注意,虽然我们说明时可能使用四舍五入的数字,但特定金额的投注并不保证成功交易的确切金额。例如,1 USD 的投注并不一定等于 1 USD 的成功交易利润。", "-1576691912": "本文探讨了集成到 Deriv Bot 的 Reverse Martingale 策略,这是一款多功能交易 Bot,旨在交易外汇、大宗商品和 derived 指数等资产。我们将深入研究该策略的核心参数及其应用,并为希望有效使用该 Bot的交易者提供基本要点。", "-1934849823": "这些是 Deriv Bot 的 Reverse Martingale 策略使用的交易参数。", "-1021919630": "Multiplier:交易成功时用于增加投注额的 multiplier。该值必须大于 1。", - "-760516362": "3. 如果第一笔交易成功,Deriv Bot 会自动将下一笔交易的投注额翻倍至 2 美元。每次成功交易后,Deriv Bot 会继续将投注额翻倍。", + "-760516362": "3. 如果第一笔交易成功,Deriv Bot 会自动将下一笔交易的投注额翻倍至 2 USD。每次成功交易后,Deriv Bot 会继续将投注额翻倍。", "-1410950365": "探索 Deriv Bot 的 1-3-2-6 策略", "-1175255072": "这些是 Deriv Bot 的 1-3-2-6 策略使用的交易参数。", "-183884527": "1-3-2-6 策略示例", - "-275617819": "4. 但是,如果任何交易导致亏损,投注额将在下一笔交易中重置为 1 美元的初始投注。第三笔交易导致亏损,因此下一笔交易的投注额重置为 1 美元的初始投注。", - "-719846465": "5. 达到初始投注额后,如果下一笔交易仍亏损,则投注额将保持在 1 美元的初始投注。该策略将以最低的初始投注交易。参考第四和第五笔交易。", + "-275617819": "4. 但是,如果任何交易导致亏损,投注额将在下一笔交易中重置为 1 USD 的初始投注。第三笔交易导致亏损,因此下一笔交易的投注额重置为 1 USD 的初始投注。", + "-719846465": "5. 达到初始投注额后,如果下一笔交易仍亏损,则投注额将保持在 1 USD 的初始投注。该策略将以最低的初始投注交易。参考第四和第五笔交易。", "-1452746011": "1-3-2-6 交易策略可能会带来可观的收益,但也存在重大风险。每笔投注都是独立的,从长远来看,该策略不会增加交易获利的机会。如果遇到一系列亏损,该策略可能会导致重大损失。因此,交易者在进行真实货币交易之前,须评估自己的风险承受能力,在演示账户中练习,利用盈亏阈值并充分理解策略至关重要。", "-1016171176": "资产", "-138833194": " Bot将使用此策略交易的标的市场。", @@ -3402,7 +3402,7 @@ "-1706298865": "然后,将<0>交易类型设置为 Up/Down> Rise/Fall。", "-1834358537": "对于<0>默认烛线间隔,将其设置为 1 分钟", "-1940971254": "对于<0>交易期权,请将其设置如下:", - "-512839354": "<0>投注额:10 美元(最小:0.35 - 最大:50000)", + "-512839354": "<0>投注额:10 USD (最小:0.35 - 最大:50000)", "-753745278": "步骤2 :", "-1056713679": "然后,设置<0>购买条件程序块。", "-245497823": "<0>2. 购买条件:", @@ -3660,7 +3660,7 @@ "-1327119795": "4.6. 您的决定", "-2019654103": "如果我们无法解决投诉或对结果不满意,您可以将投诉上报给金融服务仲裁员办公室。<0/><1/><2>向金融服务仲裁员办公室提出投诉", "-687172857": "<0>•仅当您对我们的决定不满意或未在15天内做出决定时,才能向金融服务仲裁机构提出投诉。", - "-262934706": "<0>• 如果投诉被仲裁接受,您将收到另一封电子邮件,其中包含与支付 25 欧元投诉费及后续流程有关的更多详细信息。", + "-262934706": "<0>• 如果投诉被仲裁接受,您将收到另一封电子邮件,其中包含与支付 €25 投诉费及后续流程有关的更多详细信息。", "-993572476": "<0>b.金融委员会有5天的时间通过内部争议解决(IDR)程序确认收到投诉,并有14天的时间答复投诉。", "-1769159081": "<0>c.仅当您对我们的决定不满意或未在14天内做出决定时,才能向金融委员会提出投诉。", "-58307244": "3. 确定阶段", @@ -4412,7 +4412,7 @@ "-1288044380": "Volatility 250 (1s) 指数", "-1164978320": "Jump 10 指数", "-575272887": "BCH/USD", - "-295406873": "比特币/以太币", + "-295406873": "BTC/ETH", "-1713556301": "ZMR/USD", "-2046638412": "XRP/USD", "-1263203461": "BTC/USD", diff --git a/packages/translations/src/translations/zh_tw.json b/packages/translations/src/translations/zh_tw.json index 16b7a5976967..a41b33703594 100644 --- a/packages/translations/src/translations/zh_tw.json +++ b/packages/translations/src/translations/zh_tw.json @@ -123,7 +123,7 @@ "125443840": "6. 重新開啟最近交易出錯", "125842960": "{{name}} 為必填項.", "127307725": "政治公眾人士 (PEP) 是指被賦予重要公共職能的人。這些人的親密同夥和家庭成員也被視為 PEP。", - "129005644": "想法是,成功的交易可能可以彌補先前的虧損。 不過,必須謹慎行事,因為這種策略的風險會迅速增加。 使用 Deriv Bot,可以設定最大投注金額來降低風險。 這是可選的風險管理功能。 比方說,最大投注額為 3 美元。 如果下一筆交易的投注額設定超過 3 美元,投注額將重設為初始投注額 1 美元。 如果沒有設定最高投注額,則投注額將增加到 3 美元以上。", + "129005644": "想法是,成功的交易可能可以彌補先前的虧損。 不過,必須謹慎行事,因為這種策略的風險會迅速增加。 使用 Deriv Bot,可以設定最大投注金額來降低風險。 這是可選的風險管理功能。 比方說,最大投注額為 3 USD。 如果下一筆交易的投注額設定超過 3 USD,投注額將重設為初始投注額 1 USD。 如果沒有設定最高投注額,則投注額將增加到 3 USD 以上。", "129137937": "您可以決定交易金額和多長時間。 可隨時停止交易休息一下。 停止時間可以從 6 週到 5 年不等。 之後,可以等 24 小時冷靜期後再延長或恢復交易。 如果不想設定特定限制,請將該欄位留空。", "130567238": "然後", "132596476": "為了給您提供服務,我們必須向您索取資訊,以便評估產品或服務是否適合您,還有看您是否擁有足夠經驗和知識,以了解相關的風險。<0/><0/>", @@ -159,7 +159,7 @@ "157593038": "從 {{ start_number }} 到 {{ end_number }} 的隨機整數", "157871994": "連結已過期", "158355408": "某些服務可能暫時無法使用。", - "160746023": "泰達作為 Omni 代幣(USDT)是託管在比特幣區塊鏈 Omni 層的泰達幣版本。", + "160746023": "Tether 作為 Omni 代幣 (USDT) 是託管在 Bitcoin 區塊鏈 Omni 層的 Tether 版本。", "160760697": "我確認並接受 {{company}} 的<0>條款和條件", "160863687": "未偵測到相機", "164112826": "此區塊允許您從URL載入您在遠程伺服器儲存的區塊(如有)。只有當 Bot操作時才能載入。", @@ -212,7 +212,7 @@ "211847965": "<0>個人詳細資料不完整。請前往帳戶設定並填寫個人詳細資料,以啟用取款。", "216114973": "股票和指數", "216650710": "您正在使用示範帳戶", - "217377529": "5. 如果下一筆交易獲利,則下一筆交易的投注額將減少 2 美元。 如上所示,3 美元的投注額減為 1 美元。 參見 A3。", + "217377529": "5. 如果下一筆交易獲利,則下一筆交易的投注額將減少 2 USD。 如上所示,3 USD 的投注額減為 1 USD。 參見 A3。", "217504255": "財務評估已成功提交", "218441288": "身份證號碼", "220014242": "從電腦上傳自拍照片", @@ -288,7 +288,7 @@ "284809500": "財務示範", "287934290": "確認取消此交易?", "289731075": "開始使用", - "291344459": "下表說明了第二個交易工作階段的此原則。 在第 4 輪交易中虧損,第 5 輪交易獲利後,第 6 輪的投注額將增加到 2 美元。 這符合該策略的規則,即只有在虧損後交易獲利時才會提高投注額。", + "291344459": "下表說明了第二個交易工作階段的此原則。 在第 4 輪交易中虧損,第 5 輪交易獲利後,第 6 輪的投注額將增加到 2 USD。 這符合該策略的規則,即只有在虧損後交易獲利時才會提高投注額。", "291402393": "固定障礙:", "291744889": "<0>1.交易參數:<0>", "291817757": "前往 Deriv 社群,瞭解 API、API 代幣、使用 Deriv API 的方式等資訊。", @@ -423,7 +423,7 @@ "424897068": "您是否了解您可能會損失100%交易資金?", "426031496": "停止", "427134581": "嘗試使用其他文件類型。", - "427617266": "比特幣", + "427617266": "Bitcoin", "428380816": "如果選擇“<0>Matches,只要最新價格的最後一個數字與預測相同,將獲得賠付。", "429505586": "如果選擇\"<0>Fall\",只要退市現價嚴格低於入市現價,將獲得賠付。", "429970999": "為避免延誤,請準確輸入{{document_name}} 上的<0>姓名。", @@ -499,7 +499,7 @@ "492566838": "納稅人識別號碼", "497518317": "返回數值的功能", "498562439": "或", - "499522484": "1. \"字串\": 1325.68 美元", + "499522484": "1. \"字串\": 1325.68 USD", "500855527": "執行長、高級官員和立法委員", "500920471": "此區塊執行兩個數之間的算術操作。", "501401157": "您只能存款", @@ -528,7 +528,7 @@ "529056539": "期權", "531114081": "3. 合約類型", "531453415": "重新啟動電話號碼驗證。", - "531675669": "歐元", + "531675669": "Euro", "532724086": "僱傭合約", "533403953": "仍然可以繼續存取現有的 <0>{{platform}}{{type}}{{from_account}}帳戶。", "535021574": "執行更新策略以檢查其性能。", @@ -566,7 +566,7 @@ "569057236": "文件在哪個國家簽發?", "572576218": "語言", "573173477": "燭線 {{ input_candle }} 是否呈黑色'?", - "575668969": "3. 交易獲利後,下一筆交易的投注額將增加 2 美元。 Deriv Bot 將繼續為每筆獲利的交易增加 2 美元。 參見 A1。", + "575668969": "3. 交易獲利後,下一筆交易的投注額將增加 2 USD。 Deriv Bot 將繼續為每筆獲利的交易增加 2 USD。 參見 A1。", "575702000": "請記住,自拍照,房屋圖片或不相關的圖像將被拒絕。", "576355707": "選擇國家和公民身份:", "577215477": "用 {{ variable }} 自 {{ start_number }} 至 {{ end_number }} 按 {{ step_size }} 計算", @@ -670,7 +670,7 @@ "660991534": "完成", "661759508": "根據所提供的知識和經驗相關資訊,我們認為此網站的投資活動對您來說並不合適。<0/><0/>", "662953503": "達到<0>強制平倉水平時,合約將會關閉。", - "664779910": "3. 如果第一筆交易獲利,則下一筆交易的投注額將不減少,而保持在初始投注額。該策略最低交易的初始投注額為 1 美元。請參閱 A1。", + "664779910": "3. 如果第一筆交易獲利,則下一筆交易的投注額將不減少,而保持在初始投注額。該策略最低交易的初始投注額為 1 USD。請參閱 A1。", "665089217": "請提交 <0>身份證明以驗證帳戶並存取收銀台。", "665777772": "XLM/USD", "665872465": "下例中,先選定開盤價,然後分配予稱為「op」的變數。", @@ -714,7 +714,7 @@ "702561961": "更改主題", "705262734": "Wallets 已準備就緒", "705299518": "接下來,上傳包含照片的護照頁面。", - "705697927": "2. 設定偏好的單位。在此範例中,是 2 個單位或 2 美元。", + "705697927": "2. 設定偏好的單位。在此範例中,是 2 個單位或 2 USD。", "705821926": "了解此交易類型", "706727320": "二元期權交易頻率", "706755289": "此區塊執行三角函數運算。", @@ -854,7 +854,7 @@ "835336137": "檢視詳細資料", "835350845": "加上一兩個字。不常見的詞更好。", "836097457": "我對交易感興趣,但很少經驗。", - "839158849": "4. 如果第二筆交易虧損,Deriv Bot 將自動增加下一筆交易中的投注為 2 美元。每次交易虧損後,Deriv Bot 將繼續將上一輪的投注額增加 2 美元。請參閱 A2。", + "839158849": "4. 如果第二筆交易虧損,Deriv Bot 將自動增加下一筆交易中的投注為 2 USD。每次交易虧損後,Deriv Bot 將繼續將上一輪的投注額增加 2 USD。請參閱 A2。", "839805709": "為了順利驗證,我們需要更好的照片", "841543189": "檢視區塊鏈上的交易", "843333337": "您僅能存款。請完成<0>財務評估以解鎖取款。", @@ -879,7 +879,7 @@ "857986403": "做些甚麼", "860319618": "旅遊", "862283602": "電話號碼*", - "863023016": "例如,如果交易者的虧損限額 (B) 為 100 美元,初始投注額為 1 美元和 2 個增量單位 (f),則計算方式如下:", + "863023016": "例如,如果交易者的虧損限額 (B) 為 100 USD,初始投注額為 1 USD 和 2 個增量單位 (f),則計算方式如下:", "863328851": "身份證明", "864610268": "首先,輸入 {{label}} 和到期日。", "864655280": "可以繼續持有現有的 MT5 帳戶中的未平倉頭寸。", @@ -1028,10 +1028,10 @@ "1001160515": "賣出", "1002989598": "iOS:iCloud 鑰匙圈。", "1004127734": "傳送郵件", - "1006069082": "Martingale 策略的目標是利用連續成功交易並最大限度地利用其潛在利潤。只有在連續成功交易時,此策略才有益。因此,設定最大投注,以確保連續成功交易中獲得的所有潛在利潤非常重要,否則可能會失去所有累積的利潤,包括初始投注。例如,如果目標是在連續兩次成功交易中最大化利潤,則將最高投注為 2 美元,因為初始投注是 1 美元。同樣地,如果目標是在連續 3 次成功交易中最大化利潤,則將最高投注為 4 美元,因為初始投注是 1 美元。", + "1006069082": "Martingale 策略的目標是利用連續成功交易並最大限度地利用其潛在利潤。只有在連續成功交易時,此策略才有益。因此,設定最大投注,以確保連續成功交易中獲得的所有潛在利潤非常重要,否則可能會失去所有累積的利潤,包括初始投注。例如,如果目標是在連續兩次成功交易中最大化利潤,則將最高投注為 2 USD,因為初始投注是 1 USD。同樣地,如果目標是在連續 3 次成功交易中最大化利潤,則將最高投注為 4 USD,因為初始投注是 1 USD。", "1006458411": "錯誤", "1006664890": "無聲", - "1008151470": "單位:交易獲利時增加的單位數,或交易虧損時減少的單位數。 例如,如果單位設定為 2,則投注額增加或減少為初始投注額 1 美元的 2 倍,即增加或減少 2 美元。", + "1008151470": "單位:交易獲利時增加的單位數,或交易虧損時減少的單位數。 例如,如果單位設定為 2,則投注額增加或減少為初始投注額 1 USD 的 2 倍,即增加或減少 2 USD。", "1009032439": "全天候", "1010198306": "此區塊建立包含字串和數字的清單。", "1010337648": "無法驗證擁有權證明。", @@ -1099,7 +1099,7 @@ "1056381071": "返回交易", "1056821534": "是否確定?", "1057216772": "文字 {{ input_text }} 為空", - "1057519018": "4. 如果一筆交易最終獲利,則下一筆交易的投注額將重設為初始投注額 1 美元。", + "1057519018": "4. 如果一筆交易最終獲利,則下一筆交易的投注額將重設為初始投注額 1 USD。", "1057749183": "雙因素驗證 (2FA)", "1057765448": "強制平倉層次", "1057904606": "D’Alembert 策略的概念據說與馬丁格爾(Martingale)策略相同,即在蒙受虧損時增加合約投注金額。採用 D’Alembert 策略後,當交易獲利時將減少合約投注金額。", @@ -1277,10 +1277,10 @@ "1222544232": "已給您傳送電子郵件", "1222588519": "使用 <0>Deriv MT5 密碼登入桌面、網絡和手機應用的 Deriv MT5 帳戶。", "1223993374": "對於入市現價,我們使用當前的報價執行機制,這是當伺服器處理交易開盤時的最新資產價格。", - "1225874865": "投注額調整:目標工作階段利潤(1 美元)- 目前工作階段利潤(0 美元)= 1 美元", + "1225874865": "投注額調整:目標工作階段利潤 (1 USD) - 目前工作階段利潤 (0 USD) = 1 USD", "1225962809": "低障礙", "1227074958": "隨機分數", - "1227132397": "4. 虧損的交易有兩種結果。 如果以初始投注額交易,下一次交易將保持相同金額,因為該策略以初始投注額進行最小化交易,請參閱 A2。 如果交易金額較高,下一次交易的投注額將減少 2 美元,請參閱 A3。", + "1227132397": "4. 虧損的交易有兩種結果。 如果以初始投注額交易,下一次交易將保持相同金額,因為該策略以初始投注額進行最小化交易,請參閱 A2。 如果交易金額較高,下一次交易的投注額將減少 2 USD,請參閱 A3。", "1227240509": "修剪空間", "1228534821": "一些幣種可能不受所在國的付款代理支援。", "1229883366": "稅務識別號", @@ -1337,7 +1337,6 @@ "1274380814": "賠付額等於<0>每點賠付額乘以最終價格與行權價之間的差額(<1>以點為單位)。只有當賠付高於初始投注時,才會賺取利潤。", "1274819385": "3. 投訴與糾紛", "1276660852": "提交身份證明", - "1276973471": "網站上提供的產品是複雜的衍生產品,可能虧損的風險很高。差價合約是複雜的工具,並且由於槓桿作用,具有快速虧損的高風險。 70.84% 的零售投資者帳戶在與該供應商交易差價合約時損失。您必須考慮自己是否了解這些產品的運作方式,以及是否有能力承擔損失資金的高風險。", "1279197529": "稅務識別號碼為必填欄位。", "1279937041": "<0>注意:某些複雜策略可能會在 Bot Builder 遇到問題。如果有任何問題,請透過<1/>聯繫我們。", "1281045211": "在提供清單中將項目按其數字或字母值以升序或降序排序。", @@ -1450,7 +1449,7 @@ "1374627690": "最大帳戶餘額", "1374902304": "文件似乎已損壞或已裁剪。", "1376329801": "過去60天", - "1377509570": "限額 (美元)", + "1377509570": "限額 (USD)", "1378419333": "以太幣", "1380349261": "範圍", "1383017005": "已切換帳戶。", @@ -1673,7 +1672,7 @@ "1612105450": "取得子字串", "1612638396": "指定時間範圍內隨時取消交易。", "1615897837": "訊號 EMA 週期 {{ input_number }}", - "1618652381": "例如,如果交易者的虧損限額(B)為 1000 美元,初始投注額 (s) 為 1 美元,Martingale multiplier(m)為 2,則計算方式如下:", + "1618652381": "例如,如果交易者的虧損限額 (B) 為 1000 USD,初始投注額 (s) 為 1 USD,Martingale multiplier (m) 為 2,則計算方式如下:", "1619070150": "將被重定向到外部網站。", "1620278321": "僅名字和姓氏本身很容易猜到", "1620346110": "設定貨幣", @@ -1687,7 +1686,7 @@ "1630417358": "請前往帳戶設定並填寫個人詳細資料,以啟用取款。", "1631281562": "GBP Basket", "1633661992": "跳動點 {{current_tick}}/{{tick_count}}", - "1634016345": "2. 如果交易獲利,該策略會自動將下一筆交易的投注額調整為初始投注額的 3 個單位。 在本例中,投注額調整為 3 個單位,初始投注額為 1 美元,因此下一筆交易將以 3 美元開始。", + "1634016345": "2. 如果交易獲利,該策略會自動將下一筆交易的投注額調整為初始投注額的 3 個單位。 在本例中,投注額調整為 3 個單位,初始投注額為 1 USD,因此下一筆交易將以 3 USD 開始。", "1634594289": "選擇語言", "1634903642": "自拍照只能拍臉部", "1634969163": "更改幣種", @@ -1775,7 +1774,7 @@ "1711676335": "平方根", "1711929663": "資金已成功轉帳", "1712357617": "無效的電子郵件地址。", - "1713633297": "3. 如果第二筆交易也獲利,投注額將調整為 2 美元或 2 個單位的初始投注額,用於下一筆交易。", + "1713633297": "3. 如果第二筆交易也獲利,投注額將調整為 2 USD 或 2 個單位的初始投注額,用於下一筆交易。", "1714255392": "若要啟用提款功能,請完成財務評估。", "1715011380": "Jump 25 指數", "1715630945": "以字串格式返回總利潤", @@ -1925,7 +1924,7 @@ "1842266423": "返回", "1843336754": "選擇文件", "1843658716": "如果選擇「Only Downs」期權,只要入市現價後的價格持續下跌,將獲得賠付。如果期間內的價格有任何上漲或相等於之前的價格, 將不會獲得賠付。", - "1845598565": "第二個交易工作階段在達到每個交易工作階段一個潛在盈利單位(相當於 1 美元)的目標後結束。 如果繼續交易,新的交易工作階段將再次開始。", + "1845598565": "第二個交易工作階段在達到每個交易工作階段一個潛在盈利單位 (相當於 1 USD) 的目標後結束。 如果繼續交易,新的交易工作階段將再次開始。", "1845892898": "(最小: {{min_stake}} - 最大: {{max_payout}})", "1846266243": "示範帳戶不能使用此功能。", "1846587187": "尚未選擇居住國", @@ -2018,7 +2017,7 @@ "1918796823": "請輸入止損金額。", "1918832194": "沒有經驗", "1919030163": "好的自拍技巧", - "1919296368": "2. 選擇單位。 本例中是 2 個單位或 2 美元。", + "1919296368": "2. 選擇單位。 本例中是 2 個單位或 2 USD。", "1919594496": "{{website_name}} 與任何付款代理不存在附屬關係。客戶與付款代理的業務往來,風險自負。建議客戶在使用付款代理的服務前,應事先查詢其信用狀況,並檢查其在{{website_name}} 或其他地方的任何資訊的準確性。", "1920217537": "比較", "1920468180": "如何使用 SMA 區塊", @@ -2059,7 +2058,7 @@ "1966023998": "2FA 已啟用", "1966281100": "主控台 {{ message_type }} 值: {{ input_message }}", "1966855430": "帳戶已經存在", - "1968025770": "比特幣現金", + "1968025770": "Bitcoin Cash", "1968077724": "農業", "1968368585": "就業狀況", "1970060713": "已成功刪除 Bot。", @@ -2102,7 +2101,7 @@ "1997313835": "只要當前現貨價格與<0>上一個現貨價格保持在同一個指定<0>範圍內,投注額將繼續增長。否則,將失去投注額並終止交易。", "1999213036": "只需輕按一下即可增強安全性。", "2001222130": "查看垃圾或廣告資料夾。如還是沒看到,請試試重新傳送郵件。", - "2001361785": "1. 以初始投注額開始。假設 1 美元。", + "2001361785": "1. 以初始投注額開始。假設 1 USD。", "2001717886": "示範標準", "2004052487": "估計交易期限", "2007028410": "市場、交易類型、合約類型", @@ -2178,7 +2177,7 @@ "2074497711": "無法傳送 Telegram 通知", "2074713563": "4.2. 提交投訴", "2077055596": "目前正在維護伺服器。服務可能會受到影響。", - "2079925695": "單位:交易虧損時增加的單位數,或交易獲利時減少的單位數。 例如,如果單位設定為 2,則投注額增加或減少為初始投注額 1 美元的 2 倍,即增加或減少 2 美元。", + "2079925695": "單位:交易虧損時增加的單位數,或交易獲利時減少的單位數。 例如,如果單位設定為 2,則投注額增加或減少為初始投注額 1 USD 的 2 倍,即增加或減少 2 USD。", "2080553498": "3. 使用 Telegram REST API 取得聊天 ID(更多資訊:https://core.telegram.org/bots/api#getupdates)", "2080829530": "賣價: {{sold_for}}", "2081622549": "數字必須大於{{ min }}", @@ -2203,7 +2202,7 @@ "2097815211": "輪數(R)= 10", "2097932389": "透過<0>https://app.astropay.com/profile從個人詳細資料頁面和帳戶頁面分開上傳螢幕擷取畫面", "2100713124": "帳戶", - "2100912278": "4. 如果交易虧損,之後的交易投注額將重設為 1 美元初始投注額。", + "2100912278": "4. 如果交易虧損,之後的交易投注額將重設為 1 USD 初始投注額。", "2101265432": "出了問題", "2101972779": "這與上面的例子相同,使用了跳動點清單。", "2102572780": "數字代碼長度須是6個字元。", @@ -2233,7 +2232,7 @@ "2127564856": "提款已被鎖定", "2128250969": "使用與地址證明上顯示的相同地址 (如水電煤費單、銀行對帳單等)。", "2129807378": "更新個人資料", - "2133075559": "這意味著在連續 10 輪虧損後,交易者將虧損 100 美元。這達到 100 美元的虧損限額, Bot停止運作。", + "2133075559": "這表示在連續 10 輪虧損後,交易者將虧損 100 USD。這達到 100 USD 的虧損限額, Bot 停止運作。", "2133451414": "期限", "2133470627": "此區塊返回選定交易類型的潛在賠付額。此區塊只能用在「購入條件」根塊。", "2135563258": "外匯交易頻率", @@ -2723,7 +2722,7 @@ "-165489997": "工作階段已過期", "-1822545742": "古典以太幣", "-1334641066": "萊特幣", - "-1214036543": "美元", + "-1214036543": "US Dollar", "-1782590355": "此帳戶還未設定幣種", "-1171226355": "權杖名稱的長度必須介於{{MIN_TOKEN}} 至{{MAX_TOKEN}} 個字元。", "-1803339710": "最大 {{MAX_TOKEN}} 個字元。", @@ -2848,6 +2847,7 @@ "-982095728": "獲取", "-390793294": "<0>基於 TradingView 的金融和 derived 工具差價合約。", "-45873457": "新建", + "-325236887": "網站上提供的產品是複雜的衍生產品,可能虧損的風險很高。差價合約是複雜的工具,並且由於槓桿作用,具有快速虧損的高風險。70% 的零售投資者帳戶在與該供應商交易差價合約時損失。您必須考慮自己是否了解這些產品的運作方式,以及是否有能力承擔損失資金的高風險。", "-1473281803": "預測市場,如果猜對的話可獲利,風險僅限於投注額。<0>了解更多資訊", "-2134770229": "Deriv 應用和 Deriv MT5 差價合約示範帳戶的總資產。", "-1277942366": "總資產", @@ -2969,7 +2969,7 @@ "-598073640": "關於泰達 (以太坊)", "-275902914": "以太坊 (eUSDT) 的泰達", "-1188009792": "Omni Layer (USDT) 的泰達", - "-1239329687": "泰達最初被建立為使用比特幣網絡作為其傳輸協議(特別是Omni Layer),以允許使用代幣化的傳統貨幣進行交易。", + "-1239329687": "Tether 最初被建立為使用 bitcoin 網絡作為其傳輸協議 (特別是Omni Layer),以允許使用代幣化的傳統貨幣進行交易。", "-314177745": "很遺憾,由於伺服器故障,無法獲得地址。請點選刷新以重新加載地址或稍後重試。", "-91824739": "存款 {{currency}}", "-523804269": "{{amount}} {{currency}} 於 {{date}}", @@ -3078,9 +3078,9 @@ "-610059687": "在 Deriv Bot 探索 D’Alembert 策略", "-1226666341": "D'Alembert 策略包括在交易虧損後增加投注額,在交易獲利後按預定單位數減少投注額。", "-312844882": "初始投注: 您願意投入作為投注以進行交易的金額。這是根據所使用策略的動態而定,任何投注額變化的起點。", - "-1173302981": "1. 從初始投注額開始。在此例中,將使用 1 美元。", + "-1173302981": "1. 從初始投注額開始。在此例中,將使用 1 USD。", "-1540106116": "盈虧限額", - "-894905768": "使用 Deriv Bot,交易者可以設定盈虧限額以確保潛在利潤並限制潛在虧損。這意味著當達到盈虧限額時,交易 Bot將自動停止。這是可能提高回報的風險管理形式。例如,如果交易者將利潤限額設定為 100 美元,當策略超過所有交易利潤 100 美元時, Bot將停止運行。", + "-894905768": "使用 Deriv Bot,交易者可以設定盈虧限額以確保潛在利潤並限制潛在虧損。這意味著當達到盈虧限額時,交易 Bot 將自動停止。這是可能提高回報的風險管理形式。例如,如果交易者將利潤限額設定為 100 USD,當策略超過所有交易利潤 100 USD 時, Bot 將停止運行。", "-1946134465": "其中:", "-248283982": "B 是虧損限額。", "-1148521416": "f 是單位增量。", @@ -3088,39 +3088,39 @@ "-1772692202": "這個公式根據可用資金和風險承受能力來計劃交易。 包括確定虧損限值和想要交易的初始投注。 然後,使用該公式計算可以交易的輪數。 這個過程可以深入了解投注額大小和預期結果。", "-2107238266": "D'Alembert 系統透過控制投注額的遞增提供更平衡交易。 透過審慎的風險管理(如投注額限制),可以在 Deriv Bot 中有效地實現自動化。 不過,交易者應徹底評估自己的風險偏好,在使用真實資金交易之前,先在示範帳戶測試策略,使其符合自己的交易風格。 這樣可以優化方法,在管理風險的同時,在潛在收益和虧損之間取得平衡。", "-500873566": "免責聲明:", - "-344769349": "請注意,雖然我們說明時可能使用四捨五入的數字,但特定金額的投注額並不保證成功交易的確切金額。 例如,1 美元的投注額並不一定等於 1 美元的成功交易利潤。", + "-344769349": "請注意,雖然我們說明時可能使用四捨五入的數字,但特定金額的投注額並不保證成功交易的確切金額。 例如,1 USD 的投注額並不一定等於 1 USD 的成功交易利潤。", "-818800551": "在 Deriv Bot 探索 Martingale 策略", "-533490374": "這些是 Martingale 策略在 Deriv Bot 使用的交易參數。", "-1507161059": "Multiplier:交易虧損時用於增加投注額的 multiplier。 該值必須大於 1。", "-1333404686": "Martingale 策略的例子", - "-1755877136": "3. 如果第一筆交易最終虧損,Deriv Bot 會自動將下一筆交易的投注額增至 2 美元。 每次交易虧損後,Deriv Bot 會繼續將投注金額加倍。", + "-1755877136": "3. 如果第一筆交易最終虧損,Deriv Bot 會自動將下一筆交易的投注額增至 2 USD。 每次交易虧損後,Deriv Bot 會繼續將投注金額加倍。", "-1297651002": "如果即將開始交易,但尚未將最大投注額設為風險管理策略的一部分,那麼可以透過使用 Martingale 策略來確定資金能維持多久。 只需使用以下公式即可。", "-46865201": "Martingale 公式 1", "-116397598": "m 是 Martingale multiplier。", "-658161609": "輪數,R = 9.965", - "-288082521": "這意味著,在連續虧損 10 輪後,該交易者將虧損 1023 美元,超過 1000 美元的虧損限額, Bot停止運作。", + "-288082521": "這意味著,在連續虧損 10 輪後,該交易者將虧損 1023 USD,超過 1000 USD 的虧損限額, Bot 停止運作。", "-770387160": "交易中的 Martingale 策略可能會帶來可觀的收益,但也有巨大的風險。 Deriv Bot 會根據所選的策略提供自動交易,並採取諸如設定初始投注額、投注額大小、最大投注額、利潤限額和虧損限額等風險管理措施。 對於交易者來說,在使用真實資金交易之前,評估自己的風險承受能力、在示範帳戶中練習並了解交易策略至關重要。", "-1901073152": "這些是 Deriv Bot 中 Oscar's Grind 策略使用的交易參數。", "-1575153036": "Oscar’s Grind 策略的例子", - "-732418614": "上表顯示了此原則,即當交易獲利並達到一個潛在盈利單位的目標(在本例中為 1 美元)時,交易工作階段結束。 如果繼續交易,新的交易工作階段將開始。", + "-732418614": "上表顯示了此原則,即當交易獲利並達到一個潛在盈利單位的目標 (在本例中為 1 USD) 時,交易工作階段結束。 如果繼續交易,新的交易工作階段將開始。", "-106266344": "原則 3:投注額會根據當前虧損和目標利潤之間的差距大小調整", - "-492908094": "第 7 輪交易中,投注額將從 2 美元向下調整至 1 美元,以達到 1 美元的目標利潤。", - "-90079299": "使用 Deriv Bot,交易者可以設定損益限額來確保潛在利潤並限制潛在虧損。 這意味著當達到利潤或虧損限額時,交易 Bot將自動停止。 這是一種風險管理形式,有可能促進交易獲利,同時限制虧損的影響。 例如,如果交易者將利潤限額設為 100 美元,當策略的所有交易利潤超過 100 美元時, Bot將停止運作。", + "-492908094": "第 7 輪交易中,投注額將從 2 USD 向下調整至 1 USD,以達到 1 USD 的目標利潤。", + "-90079299": "使用 Deriv Bot,交易者可以設定損益限額來確保潛在利潤並限制潛在虧損。 這意味著當達到利潤或虧損限額時,交易 Bot 將自動停止。 這是一種風險管理形式,有可能促進交易獲利,同時限制虧損的影響。 例如,如果交易者將利潤限額設為 100 USD,當策略的所有交易利潤超過 100 USD時, Bot 將停止運作。", "-1549673884": "Oscar's Grind 策略提供有紀律的方法,透過系統性的投注額遞增來實現增加收益。 當與適當的風險管理(如獲利或虧損限額)集成到 Deriv Bot 時,它為交易者提供潛在的強大自動交易技術。 不過,交易者應先徹底評估自己的風險承受能力,並在使用真實資金交易之前,先嘗試在示範帳戶交易,以便熟悉該策略。", "-655650222": "探索 Deriv Bot 的 Reverse D’Alembert 策略", "-1864807973": "Reverse D'Alembert 策略包括在交易獲利後增加投注額,在交易虧損後按預定單位數減少投注額。", "-809681645": "這些是 Reverse D’Alembert 策略在 Deriv Bot 使用的交易參數。", "-1239374257": "Reverse D’Alembert 策略的例子", - "-309821442": "請注意,雖然我們說明時可能使用四捨五入的數字,但特定金額的投注額並不保證成功交易的確切金額。 例如,1 美元的投注額並不一定等於 1 美元的成功交易利潤。", + "-309821442": "請注意,雖然我們說明時可能使用四捨五入的數字,但特定金額的投注額並不保證成功交易的確切金額。 例如,1 USD 的投注額並不一定等於 1 USD 的成功交易利潤。", "-1576691912": "本文探討了整合到 Deriv Bot 的 Reverse Martingale 策略,這是一款多功能交易 Bot,旨在交易外匯、大宗商品和 derived 指數等資產。 我們將深入研究該策略的核心參數及其應用,並為希望有效使用該 Bot的交易者提供基本要點。", "-1934849823": "這些是 Reverse Martingale 策略在 Deriv Bot 使用的交易參數。", "-1021919630": "Multiplier:交易成功時用於增加投注額的 multiplier。 該值必須大於 1。", - "-760516362": "3. 如果第一筆交易成功,Deriv Bot 將自動將下一筆交易中的投注倍增至 2 美元。每次交易成功後,Deriv Bot 將繼續加倍投注。", + "-760516362": "3. 如果第一筆交易成功,Deriv Bot 將自動將下一筆交易中的投注倍增至 2 USD。每次交易成功後,Deriv Bot 將繼續加倍投注。", "-1410950365": "探索 Deriv Bot 的 1-3-2-6 策略", "-1175255072": "這些是 1-3-2-6 策略在 Deriv Bot 使用的交易參數。", "-183884527": "1-3-2-6 策略的例子", - "-275617819": "4. 但是,如果任何交易導致虧損,投注額將在下一筆交易中重設為 1 美元的初始投注。 第三筆交易導致虧損,因此下一筆交易的投注額重設為 1 美元的初始投注。", - "-719846465": "5. 達到初始投注額後,如果下一筆交易仍虧損,則投注額將保持在 1 美元的初始投注。 該策略將以最低的初始投注交易。 參考第四和第五筆交易。", + "-275617819": "4. 但是,如果任何交易導致虧損,投注額將在下一筆交易中重設為 1 USD 的初始投注。 第三筆交易導致虧損,因此下一筆交易的投注額重設為 1 USD 的初始投注。", + "-719846465": "5. 達到初始投注額後,如果下一筆交易仍虧損,則投注額將保持在 1 USD 的初始投注。 該策略將以最低的初始投注交易。 參考第四和第五筆交易。", "-1452746011": "1-3-2-6 交易策略可能會帶來可觀的收益,但也存在重大風險。 每筆投注都是獨立的,從長遠來看,該策略不會增加交易獲利的機會。 如果遇到一系列虧損,該策略可能會導致重大損失。 因此,交易者在進行真實貨幣交易之前,必須評估自己的風險承受能力,在示範帳戶中練習,利用盈虧限額並充分理解策略至關重要。", "-1016171176": "資產", "-138833194": " Bot將使用此策略交易的標的市場。", @@ -3402,7 +3402,7 @@ "-1706298865": "然後,將<0>交易類型設定為 Up/Down > Rise/Fall。", "-1834358537": "對於<0>默認燭線間隔,將其設定為 1 分鐘", "-1940971254": "對於<0>交易期權,設定如下:", - "-512839354": "<0>投注額:10 美元(最小:0.35 - 最大:50000)", + "-512839354": "<0>投注額:10 USD (最小:0.35 - 最大:50000)", "-753745278": "步驟 2 :", "-1056713679": "然後,設定<0>「購買條件」區塊。", "-245497823": "<0>2. 購買條件:", @@ -3660,7 +3660,7 @@ "-1327119795": "4.6. 決定", "-2019654103": "如果我們無法解決投訴或對結果不滿意,您可以將投訴上報給金融服務仲裁員辦公室。<0/><1/><2>向金融服務仲裁員辦公室提出投訴", "-687172857": "僅當您對我們的決定不滿意或未在15天內做出決定時,才能向金融服務仲裁機構提出投訴。", - "-262934706": "<0>•如果投訴被仲裁接受,您將收到另一封電子郵件,其中包含與支付 25 歐元投訴費及後續流程有關的更多詳細資訊。", + "-262934706": "<0>•如果投訴被仲裁接受,您將收到另一封電子郵件,其中包含與支付 €25 投訴費及後續流程有關的更多詳細資訊。", "-993572476": "<0>b.金融委員會有5天的時間透過內部爭議解決(IDR)程序確認收到投訴,並有14天的時答覆投訴。", "-1769159081": "<0>c.僅當您對決定不滿意或未在14天內做出決定時,才能向金融委員會提出投訴。", "-58307244": "3. 確定階段",