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269 lines (211 loc) · 6.29 KB

Contributing Guide

This document outlines the best practices and guidelines for contributing to the project.

Code Modification Best Practices

General Principles

  1. Follow Test-Driven Development (TDD)
  2. Make targeted, minimal changes
  3. Preserve existing code structure
  4. Maintain consistent code style

Code Modification Process

  1. Targeted Updates First

    • Always attempt targeted updates for small changes
    • Use minimal unique pattern matching
    • Modify only specific functions/sections that need changes
    • Preserve all other code exactly as is
  2. Update Strategy

    For single-line changes:
    1. Try with minimal context
    2. If fails, try once more with expanded context
    For function changes:
    1. Try with minimal pattern matching
    2. If fails, try using function boundaries
  3. When to Use Complete Rewrites

    • Only after both targeted update attempts fail
    • For complex changes affecting multiple locations
    • When explicitly informing about the rewrite approach

Test-Driven Development (TDD)

  1. Write Test First

    # Example: Adding new payment validation
    def test_validate_payment_amount():
        payment = PaymentRequest(amount=-100)
        with pytest.raises(ValidationError):
  2. Run Test (Should Fail)

    docker compose --profile test run test pytest -k test_validate_payment_amount
  3. Implement Feature

    def validate_payment_amount(payment: PaymentRequest) -> None:
        if payment.amount <= 0:
            raise ValidationError("Payment amount must be positive")
  4. Run Test Again (Should Pass)

    docker compose --profile test run test pytest -k test_validate_payment_amount

Testing Guidelines

  1. Test Organization

    ├── unit/              # Unit tests
    │   ├──
    │   └──
    ├── integration/       # Integration tests
    │   └──
    └──       # Shared fixtures
  2. Test Categories

    • Unit Tests: Test individual components
    • Integration Tests: Test component interactions
    • End-to-End Tests: Test complete workflows
  3. Test Naming Convention

    # Format: test_<component>_<scenario>_<expected_result>
    def test_payment_validation_negative_amount_raises_error():
    def test_vector_search_empty_query_returns_empty_list():
  4. Test Coverage Requirements

    • Minimum 80% code coverage
    • 100% coverage for critical paths
    • All edge cases must be tested

Code Style

  1. Python Style

    • Follow PEP 8
    • Use type hints
    • Maximum line length: 88 characters (black default)
    • Use docstrings for all public functions
  2. Example

    from typing import List, Optional
    def process_payment(
        amount: float,
        currency: str,
        description: Optional[str] = None
    ) -> List[dict]:
        Process a payment transaction.
            amount: Payment amount
            currency: Three-letter currency code
            description: Optional payment description
            List of processed transaction details
            ValidationError: If amount is invalid
            CurrencyError: If currency is not supported

Commit Guidelines

  1. Commit Message Format

    <type>(<scope>): <subject>
  2. Types

    • feat: New feature
    • fix: Bug fix
    • refactor: Code change that neither fixes a bug nor adds a feature
    • test: Adding missing tests
    • docs: Documentation only changes
  3. Example

    feat(payment): add validation for negative amounts
    - Add PaymentValidator class
    - Implement amount validation
    - Add unit tests
    Closes #123

Pull Request Process

  1. Before Submitting

    • Write/update tests
    • Run full test suite
    • Update documentation
    • Follow code modification guidelines
  2. PR Template

    ## Description
    Brief description of changes
    ## Type of Change
    - [ ] Bug fix
    - [ ] New feature
    - [ ] Breaking change
    - [ ] Documentation update
    ## Test Coverage
    - [ ] Unit tests added/updated
    - [ ] Integration tests added/updated
    - [ ] All tests passing
    ## Documentation
    - [ ] README updated
    - [ ] Docstrings updated
    - [ ] Comments added for complex logic

Development Setup

  1. Local Environment

    # Clone repository
    git clone <repo-url>
    cd intelligent-support-agent
    # Set up environment files
    cp .env.postgres.example .env.postgres
    cp .env.redis.example .env.redis
    cp .env.qdrant.example .env.qdrant
    # Start services
    docker compose up -d
    # Run tests
    docker compose --profile test up test
  2. Pre-commit Checks

    # Run formatter
    docker compose exec app black .
    # Run linter
    docker compose exec app flake8
    # Run type checker
    docker compose exec app mypy .
    # Run tests
    docker compose --profile test up test

Documentation Requirements

  1. Code Documentation

    • All public functions must have docstrings
    • Complex logic must have inline comments
    • Update README for new features
    • Keep architecture diagrams current
  2. Example Documentation

    class PaymentProcessor:
        Handles payment processing and validation.
            supported_currencies: List of supported currency codes
            max_amount: Maximum allowed payment amount
            >>> processor = PaymentProcessor()
            >>> result = processor.process_payment(100, "USD")
        def validate_amount(self, amount: float) -> None:
            Validate payment amount.
                amount: Payment amount to validate
                ValidationError: If amount is negative or exceeds maximum
            # Implementation


  • Speed and efficiency are priorities
  • Preserve existing code structure
  • Pattern matching must be precise and unique
  • Respect existing code style
  • Always follow TDD approach