Submissions: Your Daily Submission Record (including multiple Submission for same problem)
Accepted: Your Daily Accepted Record (including multiple AC for same problem)
Solved Today: Your Daily AC of Easy, Medium, Hard problems. (Does not count multiple AC)
Submission in last 7 days: Including Multiple Submission On Same Problem
Accepted in last 7 days: Including Multiple AC On Same Problem
Configuration file:
"Cookie": "",
"CrawlIntervalSecond": 30,
"DailyGoal": 30,
"EasyScore": 1,
"MediumScore": 5,
"HardScore": 10,
"StartTimeOfTheNewDay": 2
Cookie: Your leetcode account browser cookie
CrawlIntervalSecond: Automatic refresh interval
DailyGoal/EasyScore/MediumScore/HardScore Each kind of problem has a score, add up them to meet your daily goal score. (Does not count multiple submissions on the same problem in a day)
StartTimeOfTheNewDay: Time to reset your daily data. Range [0-23]. For example, 2 means new day session would start at 2 am.
git clone
cd ./LeetcodeDashboard/bin/<yourOS>/<yourArc>
vim LCDashConfig.json #Config your cookie and other parameters
./lcdash LCDashConfig.json
(with cookie)
For barchart.go and stacked_barchart.go:
Add the following in Draw()
if maxVal == 0 {
maxVal = 1