Inline Qwik Speak
functions at compile time
In development mode, translation happens at runtime: assets
are loaded during SSR or on client, and the lookup also happens at runtime.
In production mode, assets
are loaded only during SSR, and to get the translations on the client as well it is required to inline the translations in chucks sent to the browser.
Using Qwik Speak Inline Vite plugin, translation happens at compile-time: assets
are loaded and inlined in chunks sent to the browser during the build, and only runtimeAssets
are loaded and translated on the client:
participant Server
participant assets
participant runtimeAssets
participant Client
Server->>assets: loadTranslation$
activate assets
assets-->>Server: data
deactivate assets
Server->>Client: SSR: no serialize data
Note over Client: inlined data
Server->>runtimeAssets: loadTranslation$
activate runtimeAssets
runtimeAssets-->>Server: runtime data
deactivate runtimeAssets
Server->>Client: SSR: serialize runtime data
Client->>runtimeAssets: loadTranslation$ in SPA mode
activate runtimeAssets
runtimeAssets-->>Client: runtime data
deactivate runtimeAssets
Note over Client: $translate
Translations are loaded only during SSR and inlined in chunks sent to the browser during the build.
Qwik uses the q:base
attribute to determine the base URL for loading the chunks in the browser, so you have to set it in entry.ssr.tsx
export function extractBase({ serverData }: RenderOptions): string {
if (!isDev && serverData?.locale) {
return '/build/' + serverData.locale;
} else {
return '/build';
export default function (opts: RenderToStreamOptions) {
return renderToStream(<Root />, {
// Determine the base URL for the client code
base: extractBase,
Add qwikSpeakInline
Vite plugin in vite.config.ts
import { qwikSpeakInline } from 'qwik-speak/inline';
export default defineConfig(() => {
return {
plugins: [
basePath: './',
assetsPath: 'i18n',
supportedLangs: ['en-US', 'it-IT'],
defaultLang: 'en-US'
and build the app:
npm run preview
The browser chunks are generated one for each language:
│ q-*.js
Each contains only its own translation:
/* @__PURE__ */ pr("h2", null, null, `Translate your Qwik apps into any language`, 1, null)
/* @__PURE__ */ pr("h2", null, null, `Traduci le tue app Qwik in qualsiasi lingua`, 1, null)
At the end of the build, in root folder a qwik-speak-inline.log
file is generated which contains:
- Missing values
- Translations with dynamic keys
- Translations with dynamic params
Note. Currently, only
files are supported as assets
When there are translations with dynamic keys or params, you can manage them in separate files, and add them to runtimeAssets
export const config: SpeakConfig = {
/* ... */
assets: [
'app' // Translations shared by the pages
runtimeAssets: [
'runtime' // Translations with dynamic keys or parameters
Likewise, you can also create scoped runtime files for different pages and pass them to Speak