Note. It is recommended to put these functions in a separate file from the configuration, to allow the Qwik compiler to respect the initialization order of the functions
is the core function of the library. It is a customizable function, with which you can load the translation files in the way you prefer.
A simple implementation is to fetch files from the public folder:
export const loadTranslation$: LoadTranslationFn = $(async (lang: string, asset: string, origin?: string) => {
let url = '';
// Absolute urls on server
if (isServer && origin) {
url = origin;
url += `/public/i18n/${lang}/${asset}.json`;
const response = await fetch(url);
if (response.ok) {
return response.json();
else {
console.error(`loadTranslation$: ${url}`, response);
The function must be able to load files to both the server and the client
To improve performance, it is recommended to bundle translation files instead of fetching them:
* Translation files are lazy-loaded via dynamic import and will be split into separate chunks during build.
* Keys must be valid variable names
const translationData = import.meta.glob<Translation>('/i18n/**/*.json');
const loadTranslation$: LoadTranslationFn = server$((lang: string, asset: string) =>
instead of$
, translation data is always accessed on the server
We could also catch errors during development:
const loadTranslation$: LoadTranslationFn = server$((lang: string, asset: string) => {
const langAsset = `/i18n/${lang}/${asset}.json`;
if (langAsset in translationData) {
return translationData[langAsset]();
if (isDev) {
console.warn(`loadTranslation$: ${langAsset} not found`);
return null;
If your keys are not valid variable names, you can import files as strings:
* Translation files are lazy-loaded via dynamic import and will be split into separate chunks as strings during build
const translationData = import.meta.glob('/i18n/**/*.json', { as: 'raw' });
const loadTranslation$: LoadTranslationFn = server$((lang: string, asset: string) =>
Refer to Vite documentation for more information on Glob import