This version is the Flutter OpenHarmony platform version 0.1.0 (Beta), based on the Flutter 3.22.0. This version supports and improves the capabilities of the OpenHarmony platform, provides platform-based channels, external texture, cloud SDKs and other features, and optimizes performance.
HarmonyOS NEXT, API13
- Support OpenHarmony platform Flutter Channel
- Support OpenHarmony platform Flutter Engine
- Support OpenHarmony platform Flutter Command line tool
- Support OpenHarmony platform External Texture
- Support OpenHarmony platform SDK
- Official library & Third-party library OpenHarmony platform adaptation
- Support for the Impeller rendering engine, enabled by default
- Support for engine preloading and pre-rendering
- Support for importing self-rendered content into Flutter
December 31, 2024
- ROM:
- IDE: DevEco Studio
- SDK: HarmonyOS SDK, API13
- Flutter SDK: 3.22.0-ohos-0.1.0 (Due to Flutter version parsing rules, to avoid version comparison failures, it will display as 3.22.1-ohos-0.1.0)
The 3.22 version shares the same set of third-party library repositories as the 3.7 version. Some dependencies have been updated to the 3.22 version, and the corresponding new branches can be found in the repositories.
Official Library:
Third-Party Libraries:
- MacOS applications compiled with the HarmonyOS version of the SDK may crash when running the Release version on MacOS.