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31 lines (21 loc) · 1.14 KB

File metadata and controls

31 lines (21 loc) · 1.14 KB


Prerequisites: poetry

  • Installation: poetry install

Activate poetry environment: poetry shell. (can skip, then prepend poetry run to the following commands)

  • Format: black . && isort .
  • Test: pytest .
  • Check: flake8 . && mypy . && black --check . && isort . --check

Creating a new release

First, update the project's version by editing the [tool.poetry] section from the pyproject.toml file. Then, create a new commit with the previous change and tag it with the new version. Afterwards, push everything to GitHub:

git add pyproject.toml
git commit
git push
git tag vX.Y.Z # Replace X.Y.Z with the new version.
git push -tag

Once the new tag is pushed to GitHub, the release publishing workflow should start running automatically (but, depending on the repository settings, you might also need to approve its execution manually).

If using a branch, don't forget to merge the version field change into the main branch.

Note that once a release has been published successfully it can't be published again, even if deleted from PyPI.