A free and open source software project to provide python software for diffraction analysis and the study of the atomic structure of materials.
DiffPy is the home of the |DiffPyCMI| Complex Modeling framework, a modular software framework for robust and extensible modeling of diffraction data. We welcome contributions to this project from the community.
The project is currently centered at Brookhaven National Laboratory, a US Department of Energy, Office of Basic Energy Sciences funded laboratory. Many parts of the code were developed under the diffraction part of the DANSE project, a software construction project funded by the National Science Foundation to provide data analysis software tools for neutron scattering experiments. This project was previously centered at Columbia University and, before that, Michigan State University.
.. toctree:: :hidden: community publications NSFnugget acknowledgements products/diffpycmi/index products/diffpycmi/install products/diffpycmi/contents products/diffpycmi/cmi_exchange products/diffpycmi/license products/diffpycmi/updatesources products/diffpycmi/contributecode products/xPDFsuite products/pdfgui products/pdfgetx products/pythonpackages products/SrMise products/mPDF products/xinterpdf