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EUDIW Wallet Token Library


License: EUPL 1.2 REUSE

OpenSSF Scorecard OpenSSF Best Practice

A library supporting different token formats for EUDI wallet such as SD-JWT and mDL


The SD-JWT token format is based on the Selective Disclosure for JWTs (SD-JWT) specification developed by the IETF (draft-ietf-oauth-selective-disclosure-jwt) as well as the SD-JWT-based Verifiable Credentials (draft-ietf-oauth-sd-jwt-vc).


The mDL token format are based on ISO/IEC 18013-5 and is using ISO/IEC 18013-7 for the presentation format to specify the means to bind the presentation to the wallet private key.


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This library supports the following main operations with SD_JWT and mDL tokens:

Operation Token
issue token Issues a token to a EUDI wallet, bound to the wallet public key and bundled with necessary selective disclosure data
validate token Validates a token issued by the token issuer. This is the operation that typically is carried out by the wallet upon recipt of a token from the token issuer.
present token Create a presentation of selectably discolsed data based on the issued token, bound to the wallet private key.
validate presentation Validate a presentation and collect the discolsed token attributes

The sections below illustrate how this library is used to perform these operations.


The examples below can be found in

Issue token

  byte[] issueSdJwt() throws Exception
    SdJwtTokenInput tokenInput = SdJwtTokenInput.sdJwtINputBuilder()
                .type(new TokenAttributeType("given_name"))
                .type(new TokenAttributeType("family_name"))
    SdJwtTokenIssuer tokenIssuer = new SdJwtTokenIssuer();
    return tokenIssuer.issueToken(tokenInput);

Validate token

  SdJwtTokenValidationResult validateSDJwtToken(byte[] sdJwtToken, List<TrustedKey> trustedKeys)
      throws Exception
    SdJwtTokenValidator tokenValidator = new SdJwtTokenValidator();
    return tokenValidator.validateToken(

present token

  byte[] presentSdJwtToken(byte[] token) throws Exception
    SdJwtTokenPresenter tokenPresenter = new SdJwtTokenPresenter();

    SdJwtPresentationInput presentationInput = SdJwtPresentationInput.builder()
        .disclosures(List.of("given_name", "family_name"))
    return tokenPresenter.presentToken(presentationInput, walletKeyPair.toPrivateKey());

Validate presentation

  SdJwtTokenValidationResult validateSdJwtPresentation(byte[] sdJwtPresentation,
      List<TrustedKey> trustedKeys) throws Exception
    SdJwtPresentationValidator sdJwtPresentationValidator = new SdJwtPresentationValidator();
    return sdJwtPresentationValidator.validatePresentation(


The examples below can be found in

Issue token

byte[] issueMdlToken() throws Exception
  TokenInput tokenInput = TokenInput.builder()
              .type(new TokenAttributeType(TokenAttributeNameSpace.EUDI_WALLET_PID.getId(),"given_name"))
              .type(new TokenAttributeType(TokenAttributeNameSpace.EUDI_WALLET_PID.getId(),"family_name"))
  MdlTokenIssuer tokenIssuer = new MdlTokenIssuer();
  return tokenIssuer.issueToken(tokenInput);

Validate token

  MdlIssuerSignedValidationResult validateMdlToken(byte[] mdlToken, List<TrustedKey> trustedKeys)
    throws Exception
    MdlIssuerSignedValidator tokenValidator = new MdlIssuerSignedValidator();
    return tokenValidator.validateToken(mdlToken, trustedKeys);

Present token

Default presentation using device signature to bind the token to the wallet private key.

byte[] presentMdlToken(byte[] token) throws Exception
  MdlTokenPresenter tokenPresenter = new MdlTokenPresenter();

  MdlPresentationInput presentationInput = MdlPresentationInput.builder()
          List.of("given_name", "family_name")))
  return tokenPresenter.presentToken(presentationInput, walletKeyPair.toPrivateKey());

Optional extension to use MAC to bind the token to the wallet privte key

byte[] presentMdlTokenWithMac(byte[] token) throws Exception
  MdlTokenPresenter tokenPresenter = new MdlTokenPresenter();

  MdlPresentationInput presentationInput = MdlPresentationInput.builder()
          List.of("given_name", "family_name")))
  return tokenPresenter.presentToken(presentationInput, walletKeyPair.toPrivateKey());

Validate presentation

Default validation to validate presentations where device signature was used to prove possession of wallet private key.

  MdlPresentationValidationResult validateMdlPresentation(byte[] sdJwtPresentation,
      List<TrustedKey> trustedKeys) throws Exception
    MdlPresentationValidator sdJwtPresentationValidator = new MdlPresentationValidator();
    return sdJwtPresentationValidator.validatePresentation(sdJwtPresentation,
            .build(), trustedKeys);

Optional extension that can validate MAC as well as device signatures as means of validating that the token is bound to the wallet private key.

  MdlPresentationValidationResult validateMdocPresentationWithMac(byte[] sdJwtPresentation,
      List<TrustedKey> trustedKeys) throws Exception
    MdlPresentationValidator sdJwtPresentationValidator = new MdlPresentationValidator();
    return sdJwtPresentationValidator.validatePresentation(sdJwtPresentation,
            .build(), trustedKeys);

Note that the MAC option has the slight added feature of also binding the presentation to the requester private key and ensures that only the legitimate intended recipient can validate the MAC.
