- 20M+ code
- Easy to use some of components
- Magnum let OpenStack supports containers well
- Support CloudFoundry, Docker and OpenStack
- Command-line tool(ICE) to warp docker
- Use docker-registry and docker hub
- Support persistent mintor and logger
- Mesos use ZooKeeper for leader election
- Run marathon, chronos(to manage batch jobs), spark and storm
- Mesos allocate resource by providing resource offer(like airport)
- Spark as a service
- pid cgroup, prevent fork bomb
- namespace/cgoups not enough as virtual machine, and never
- read-only mount, COW, Selinux/apparmor, grspc,seccomp, capabilities
- should support user namespace, run as non-root user
- Need to schedule resources
- Add path infomation in docekrfile
- Yarn model of node, container and resource
- Focus on application management and performance
- Must use Dockerfile to trace issues
- Multiple processes in container should have init system forward SIGTERM
- Use git sha as image tag
- push to gitlab which trigger jenkins to build image and push to registry
- log, syslog #10568
- List the wrong ways
- Use base image for each application, not agreed
- Hierarchiture to reduce image sizes, use dockerignore, abandon latest
- One process in container, volume to reduce device maper IO
- single point docker-registry, use docker-registry-frontend
- host network mode, use ovs + vlanif or socketplane to solve conflict
- Implement service discovery with nginx
- Implement orchestration tool with pod like kubernetes
- Improve cAdvisor for their monitor system
- LXC for stateful applications like MySQL
- Use ubuntu-upstart base image to support sshd, zabbix, cron, logroate
- Add ssh and monitor as script in base image
- Use bridge and remove docker0
- Pass --ip for operation and mac for monitor