- CF Eegine update slowly
- ISConf paper and why it fails
- Anything should crush down to one state
- Declare DSL
- Idomophone
- Resource, the unit of puppet including package, file, customed ones
- Use dependency to manage all the resources, all the resources are unorders and crush to one state
- Class is to collect the sources,
- Module collects the classes, the max unit to reuse, need init.pp file in manifest directory
- Client/Master uses HTTPs
- client sends Facts with environment and generate catelog to client
- Factor will expose all the environment vars
- Write the ruby files to extend factor to get more vars
- Puppet is not for large number of static files
- Puppet doesn't do ssh or ansible job, just configuration management
- Use cluster shell for single node, mco(Java) for cluster
- Ansible to init cloud infra, and do minor upgrade
- Node is the servers with same role
- 80+ moduels
- one for ustack public cloud, one for private clouds, two for test
- new cloud will add to test, and migrate to shared private cloud
- Puppet advanced feature to oprate automatically when adding new server
- 40 cores should handle less than 40 requests at one time
- Use random time around one hours to check slave
- Hiera store the common data in one place