!!! Be sure to use zc.buildout >= 1.4.3, or you ll have errors or bugs. !!!
If you are using the standalone (choose to answer inside_minitage=no), you must ensure to do the $python bootstrap.py dance with a python compatible with the targeted zope installation (python 2.4/plone3 python 2.6/plone4) eg: cd bv.client && python2.4 bootstrap.py && bin/buildout -vvvvvvc <CONFIG_FILE>
Minitage users, don't worry about that, all is setted for you in the two minibuilds created for you, just issue minimerge -v <MINIBUILD_NAME> after installing the minilay in your MINITAGE/minilays directory.
Before doing anything in your project just after being installed, just source the environment file in your current shell:
source $MT/zope/bv.client/sys/share/minitage/minitage.env # env file is generated with $MT/bin/paster create -t minitage.instances.env bv.client
export MT=/minitage virtualenv --no-site-packages --distribute $MT source /minitage/bin/activate easy_install -U minitage.core minitage.paste svn co http://github.com/djcoin/bv.client.git/minilays/bv.client $MT/minilays/bv.client minimerge -v bv.client #minimerge -v bv.client-prod $MT/bin/paster create -t minitage.instances.env bv.client #(-prod) source $MT/zope/bv.client/sys/share/minitage/minitage.env cd $INS #enjoy !
- To develop your application, run the
buildout, it extends this one but: - it comes with development tools.
- it configures the instance to be more verbose (debug mode & verbose security)
- it has only one instance and not all the hassles from production.
To make your application safe for production, run the (minitage.)buildout-prod.cfg
It extends this one with additionnal crontabs and backup scripts and some additionnal instances creation.
Love to know that Minitage support includes xml libs, ldap, dbs; python, dependencies & common eggs cache for things like lxml or PIL), subversion & much more.
|-- minitage.buildout-dev.cfg -> buildout for development with minitage support |-- buildout-dev.cfg -> buildout for development |-- minitage.buildout-prod.cfg -> buildout for production with minitage support |-- buildout-prod.cfg -> buildout for production |-- etc/minitage/minitage.cfg -> some buildout tweaks to run in the best of the world with minitage |-- etc/base.cfg -> The base buildout
- Think you have the most important sections of this buildout configuration in etc/bv.client.cfg
Set the project developement specific settings there
etc/project/ |-- bv.client.cfg -> your project needs (packages, sources, products) |-- sources.cfg -> externals sources of your project: | - Sources not packaged as python eggs. | - Eggs Grabbed from svn, add here your develoment eggs. | - Links to find distributions. |-- patches.cfg -> patches used on the project |-- cluster.cfg -> define new zope instances here & also their FileSystemStorage if any. |-- bv.client-kgs.cfg -> Generated KGS for your project (minitage's printer or buildout.dumppickledversion) `-- versions.cfg -> minimal version pinning for installing your project
etc/init.d/ -> various init script (eg supervisor) etc/logrotate.d/ -> various logrotate configuration files etc/sys/ |-- high-availability.cfg -> Project production settings like supervision, loadbalancer and so on |-- maintenance.cfg -> Project maintenance settings (crons, logs) `-- settings.cfg -> various settings (crons hours, hosts, installation paths, ports, passwords)
|-- etc/cron_scripts/fss_daily.sh -> backup script for fss
To setup correctly the reverse proxy front end: PLEASE READ THE REVERSE PROXY SECTION BELOW
|-- etc/deliverance `-- etc/deliverance/deliverance.xml -> Main Deliverance rules file |-- etc/templates `-- etc/templates/deliverance/deliverance.xml.in -> Main Deliverance rules file template
- deliverance is launched and monitored with supervisord
- Deliverance do not use the proxy mode but the WSGI middleware, and use PasteDeploy to fire the server.
The part triggering its contruction is
- Settings can be as usual changed by editing
* hosts:deliverance / ports:deliverance / locations:deliverance-themes -> The deliverance server itself & the default theme * hosts:deliverance-backend / ports:deliverance-backend -> The proxied backend (eg: zope server):
In development mode, we switched the host and url of the deliveranced host to be the development instance instead of either haproxy or the first instance.
We generate two virtualhosts for a cliassical apache setup, mostly ready but feel free to copy/adapt.
etc/apache/ |-- 100-bv.client.reverseproxy.conf -> a vhost for ruse with a standalone plone (even with haproxy in front of.) |-- 100-bv.client.reverseproxy.deliverance.conf -> a vhost for use with a plone behind a deliverance server. `-- apache.cfg etc/templates/apache/ |-- 100-bv.client.reverseproxy.conf.in -> Template for a vhost for ruse with a standalone plone (even with haproxy in front of.) `-- 100-bv.client.reverseproxy.deliverance.conf.in -> Template for a vhost for use with a plone behind a deliverance server.
- In settings.cfg you have now some settings for declaring which host is your reverse proxy backend & the vhost mounting:
- hosts:zope-front / ports:zope-front -> zope front backend
- reverseproxy:host / reverseproxy:port / reverseproxy:mount-point -> host / port / mountpoint on the reverse proxy)
etc/templates/ |-- balancer.conf.template -> haproxy template. | Copy or ln the generated file 'etc/loadbalancing/balancer.conf' to your haproxy installation if any. |-- fss_daily.sh.in -> FSS daily backup script template `-- logrotate.conf.template -> logrotate configuration file template for your Zope logs `-- supervisor.initd -> template for supervisor init script
We provide a part to generate the etc/bv.client-kgs.cfg file.
This will allow you to freeze software versions known to work with your project and make reproducible environment.
This file will be generated the first time that you run buildout.
To un it, just run bin/buildout -vvvvvvc <CONFIG_FILE> install kgs
To unlock the versions, cmment out the according statement etc/project/bv.client-kgs}.cfg
in the extends option of the bv.client.cfg gile.
Here ae the files needed for our hudson integration.
For hudson we provide some shell helpers more or less generated to run 'a build':
- an helper which set some variables in the current environement for others helpers
- an helper which update the project
- an helper which update the associated sources grabbed via mr.developer
- an helper which run all the tests
This is described in details on the related configuration files you will find in the layout below.
|-- etc/hudson/ | `-- bv.client | |-- build | |-- build.sh -> the project build helper | |-- test.sh -> the project test executor helper (launch all tests needed) | |-- update_mrdeveloper.sh -> update sources grabbed via mrdeveloper | `-- update_project.sh -> update this layout | |-- etc/templates/hudson/ `-- bv.client |-- build | `-- activate_env.sh.in -> buildout template to generate etc/hudson/bv.client/build/activate.env.sh `-- config.xml.in -> buildout template to generate etc/hudson/bv.client/config.xml (hudson job/build file)
You are maybe wondering why this big buildout do not have out of the box those fancy monitoring, load-balancing or speedy databases support. # For the author, System programs that are not well integrated via buildout and most of all not written in python don't really have to be deployed via that buildout. And most of all, you ll surelly have head aches to make those init-scripts or rotation logs configurations right. Because the recipe which do them don't support it or other problems more or less spiritual. # Keep in mind that in Unix, one thing must do one purpose, and do it well. And many sysadmins don't want to run a buildout to generate a configuration file or build their loadbalancer, They want to edit in place, at most fetch the configuration file from somewhere and adapt,that's all. # Nevertheless, as usual, they are exceptions:
- supervisord which is well integrated. So supervisor is deployed along in the production buildout if any.
- We generate through buildout a haproxy configuration file or hudson related stuff
# That's because we support that throught 'minitage.paste.instances'. Those are templates which create some instance of some program inside a subdirectory which is:
- sys/ inside a minitage project
- ADirectoryOfYourChoice/ if your are not using minitage
# This significate that you can install a lot of things along with your project with:
- minitage/bin/easy_install -U minitage.paste(.extras) (or get it via buildout)
- paster create -t <TEMPLATE_NAME> projectname_OR_subdirectoryName inside_minitage=y/n Where TEMPLATE_NAME can be (run paster create --list-templates|grep minitage.instances to get an up2date version):
- #
- minitage.instances.apache: Template for creating an apache instance
- minitage.instances.env: Template for creating a file to source to get the needed environnment variables for playing in the shell or for other templates
- minitage.instances.mysql: Template for creating a postgresql instance
- minitage.instances.nginx: Template for creating a nginx instance
- minitage.instances.paste-initd: Template for creating init script for paster serve
- minitage.instances.postgresql: Template for creating a postgresql instance
- minitage.instances.varnish: Template for creating a varnish instance
- minitage.instances.varnish2: Template for creating a varnish2 instance
- #
- The minitage.paste package as the following extras:
- #
- minitage.instances.openldap: Template for creating an openldap instance
- minitage.instances.tomcat: Template for creating a tomcat instance
- minitage.instances.cas: Template for creating a Jisag CAS instance
- minitage.instances.hudson: Template for creating an hudson instance
# Note that if you are using minitage, you ll have better to add dependencies inside your minibuild and run minimerge to build them prior to run the paster command # For example, to add a postgresql instance to your project, you will have to issue those steps:
- $EDITOR minitage/minilays/bv.client_minilay/bv.client -> add postgresql-8.4 to the dependencies list
- minimerge -v bv.client install what was not, and surely at least postgresql-8.4
- minitage/bin/paster create -t minitage.instance.postgresql bv.client
- Then to start the postgres : zope/bv.client/sys/etc/init.d/bv.client_postgresql restart
# vim:set ft=rst: