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This repo contains the following members:

Crate Description
sdk Types and utilities for making Saleor Apps
app-template Simple template for making Saleor apps using axum
app-template-ui Advanced template for Saleor apps that work inside the Dashboard, using Leptos (WASM)
sitemap-generator Saleor App for keeping sitemap.xml uptodate
simple-payment-gateway Saleor App that adds payment methods: Cash on delivery, Cash on warehouse pickup, bank tranfer etc.
bulk-price-manipulator Saleor App which Runs a user defined expression to change all variant prices

Using the apps

To use on bare-metal, clone this repo and just run build and run the apps.

To use with Docker/k8s, you can find prebuilt docker images on the right sidebar next to the code tree under "Packages". Simply add the package to your docker-compose.yml, for example check docker-compose.yml file in this repo.

and set all necessary env variables according to the env.example file.

Using this repo

To use, you need to have Rust environment prepared. Every folder represents a different workspace. To add a new lib, do cargo new <project-name> --lib or cargo new <project-name> for binary apps. It should appear as a new member under root Cargo.toml To run apps propery, use cargo run -c <crate name>

Unofficial Saleor App SDK

SDK for building Saleor Apps to use in your project outside this repo: cargo add saleor-app-sdk to use in your project inside this repo, create a new workspace member and add saleor-app-sdk.workspace = true to the members Cargo.toml

Unofficial Saleor App Template

If using the app-template, create a new workspace member cargo new <project-name>,rm -rf <project-name>/* then cp -r app-template/* <project-name>/. If using the app-template-ui, create a new workspace member cargo new <project-name>,rm -rf <project-name>/* then cp -r app-template-ui/* <project-name>/.

Adding new dependencies

Workspace dependencies need to be managed manually. If you wanna add a new dependency to a single member do cargo add <dep> --package <project-name>. If you want to use a shared dependency, add it to the root level Cargo.toml, then inside your member Cargo.tomladd it under depencency like: <dependency> = { workspace = true, features = [ "..." ] }.


To have the app rebuild during development, install bacon cargo install bacon, then run bacon run -- <app-name> to have bacon watch your code and rerun it on save! If developing with leptos, use cargo-leptos CLI, like cargo leptos watch.


Each workspace member has it's license in it's own directory, mentioned in Cargo.toml.


  • saleor-app-sdk, saleor-app-template and the root structure fall under either MIT or Apache 2.0 at your convenience.
  • Rest of the apps in this repo fall under PolyForm-Noncommercial-1.0. If you want to use my apps commercially, each app costs 10€ (or voluntarily more). Upon payment/donation you are allowed to use the given app commercially.

Docker images

To build the docker image, log into via docker like docker login -u <USER> -p <GITHUB KEY WITH PACKAGE PERMS> run cargo make. To publish, run cargo push-containers. If you want to push image to your own place, modify Makefile.toml and Dockerfile to include your username instead of mine.