Executes an SQL query on the database
step("<step_id>", executeSql("<database_name_from_config>") {
sql = "SQL Query" // SQL query text
// or
sqlFile = "<file_name>.sql" // File with SQL query text (should be in resources/sql/)
resultAlias = "ResultStorageVar" // Optional. The result of the query execution will be stored in the storage under the specified name.
In config:
"DatabaseList": {
"TestDatabase1": {
"url": "jdbc:postgresql://",
"username": "test_user",
"password": "test_password",
"description": "Test database 1"
"TestDatabase2": {
"url": "jdbc:postgresql://",
"username": "test_user",
"password": "test_password",
"description": "Test database 2"
In test:
step("01", executeSql("TestDatabase1") {
sql = "SELECT id FROM user WHERE first_name = 'Alex';"
resultAlias = "UserId"
// You can specify the text of the sql query directly in the test step
step("02", executeSql("TestDatabase2") {
sql = "DELETE FROM documents WHERE user_id = '{UserId}';"
// Or you can create a sql file in resources/sql directory and specify its name
step("02", executeSql("TestDatabase2") {
sqlFile = "delete_doc_by_user_id.sql"
sqlFileParameter("user_id", "{UserId}")