Quick and easy deployment of an on-demand Minecraft server with configurable settings using AWS CDK.
- Node.js version 10 or later
- AWS Account
- AWS CLI installed and configured
- Domain name with public DNS served from Route 53
- an EC2 Key pair (optional)
Note: Installing CDK globally is not required.
Clone the minecraft-ondemand
GitHub repository.
git clone https://github.com/doctorray117/minecraft-ondemand.git
cd cdk/
Copy .env.sample
at the root of this repo and save it as .env
cp .env.sample .env
The only required configuration value is DOMAIN_NAME
. This value should be
the domain name of your existing Route53 hosted zone. An NS record will be added
to this hosted zone after CDK creates a hosted zone to handle the
subdomain (defaults to minecraft
See the section on Configuration for more configuration options.
Build and deploy the solution by running:
npm run build && npm run deploy
Configuration values can all be passed in as environment variables or by using a
file created from .env.sample
Note: Environment variables will take precedence over configuration values
set in .env
Config | Description | Default |
DOMAIN_NAME | Required Domain name of existing Route53 Hosted Zone. | -- |
SUBDOMAIN_PART | Name of the subdomain part to be used for creating a delegated hosted zone (minecraft.example.com) and an NS record on your existing (example.com) hosted zone. This subdomain should not already be in use. | minecraft |
SERVER_REGION | The AWS region to deploy your minecraft server in. | us-east-1 |
MINECRAFT_EDITION | Edition of Minecraft server to run. Accepted values are are java or bedrock for [Minecraft Java Docker] or [Minecraft Bedrock Docker], respectively. |
java |
STARTUP_MINUTES | Number of minutes to wait for a connection after starting before terminating | 10 |
SHUTDOWN_MINUTES | Number of minutes to wait after the last client disconnects before terminating | 20 |
USE_FARGATE_SPOT | Sets the preference for Fargate Spot. If you set it as false , your tasks will launch under the FARGATE strategy which currently will run about 5 cents per hour. You can leave it as true to use FARGATE_SPOT , and pay 1.5 cents per hour. While this is cheaper, technically AWS can terminate your instance at any time if they need the capacity. The watchdog is designed to intercept this termination command and shut down safely, it's fine to use Spot to save a few pennies, at the extremely low risk of game interruption. |
true |
TASK_MEMORY | The amount (in MiB) of memory used by the task running the Minecraft server. | 2048 |
TASK_CPU | The number of cpu units used by the task running the Minecraft server. | 1024 |
VPC_ID | VPC ID to deploy your server in. When this value is not specified, a new VPC is automatically created by default. | -- |
MINECRAFT_IMAGE_ENV_VARS_JSON | Additional environment variables to be passed to the Minecraft Docker Server or Minecraft Bedrock Docker. Value is specified as inline JSON. | { "EULA": "TRUE" } |
SNS_EMAIL_ADDRESS | The email address you would like to receive server notifications at. If this value is specified, an SNS topic is created and you will receive email notifications each time the minecraft server is launched and ready. |
-- |
TWILIO_PHONE_FROM | Your twilio phone number. (i.e +1XXXYYYZZZZ ) |
-- |
TWILIO_PHONE_TO | Phone number to receive text notifications at. | -- |
TWILIO_ACCOUNT_ID | Twilio account ID. | -- |
TWILIO_AUTH_CODE | Twilio auth code. | -- |
DEBUG | Enables debug mode. | -- |
To remove all of the resources that were deployed on the deploy script run the following command:
npm run destroy
Note: Unless you changed the related configuration values, running this script will delete everything deployed by this template including your minecraft server data.
Alternatively, you can delete the minecraft-server-stack
first, then the
from the AWS Console.
- Log into your AWS console's EC2 section for your chosen region.
- From the top right corner choose to launch an instance from a launch template
- If you have more than one version, pick the highest revision.
- Select the launch template created by your stack
- Select the most recent x86 AMI
- Select the cheapest instance type
- Select your key pair to log in.
- Select one of the public subnets created by your stack
- Change anything else you want (though the defaults should just work) and launch the instance
- Click the instance id to go to the lust of instances again and wait for your instance to show as running.
- Once running clik the instance id to get the details of its external IP address
- Use ssh with your local key file to log in
ssh -i /path/to/key-file.pem ec2-user@YOUR_INSTANCE_IP
- The FS should mount under
after a minute or two - When you are done shut down the instance to terminate it
sudo shutdown now
Example Commands
- Back-up world to a local machine
# On ec2 instance
cd /mnt/efs/fs1/minecraft/
tar cjvf world.tar.bz2 world
# on local machine
scp -i /path/to/key-file.pem ec2-user@YOUR_INSTANCE_IP:/mnt/efs/fs1/minecraft/world.tar.bz2 .
- Upload a world from a local machine
# on local machine
scp -i /path/to/key-file.pem world.tar.bz2 ec2-user@YOUR_INSTANCE_IP:/mnt/efs/fs1/minecraft/
# On ec2 instance
cd /mnt/efs/fs1/minecraft/
rm -rf world
tar xjvf world.tar.bz2
- Remove everything but the world and backups (useful for modded server version changes).
# On ec2 instance
cd /mnt/efs/fs1/minecraft/
shopt -s extglob
rm -rfv !("backups"|"world")
rm .ftb-installed
shopt -u extglob
Set the DEBUG
value in your configuration to true
to enable the following:
- CloudWatch Logs for the
ECS Container - CloudWatch Logs for the
ECS Container
Error Message:
The specified hosted zone does not exist. (Service: AmazonRoute53; Status Code: 404; Error Code: NoSuchHostedZone;...
CDK is unable to find a Hosted Zone created with the domain matching your value
Check the Hosted Zones
tab in the AWS Console and make sure the configuration value set for DOMAIN_NAME
matches the domain name found in the console.