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Kenneth G. Franqueiro edited this page Sep 30, 2013 · 7 revisions

The ColumnHider extension adds the ability to dynamically hide or show columns in a grid without the need to fully reset its layout. User interaction is enabled via a menu accessible from the top right corner of the grid (represented by a "+" mark); it will open on click, presenting checkboxes for each column in the grid. These can be checked or unchecked to show or hide individual columns, respectively.

    "dojo/_base/declare", "dgrid/OnDemandGrid", "dgrid/extensions/ColumnHider"
], function(declare, OnDemandGrid, ColumnHider){
    var grid = new (declare([OnDemandGrid, ColumnHider]))({
        columns: {
            col1: {
                label: "Column 1",
                hidden: true
            col2: {
                label: "Column 2",
                unhidable: true
            col3: "Column 3"
    }, "grid");
    // ...

Note: This extension is only fully supported for cases of simple, single-row column layouts.

Additional Column Definition Properties

The ColumnHider extension supports the following additional column definition properties.

Property Description
hidden If true, the column in question will be initially hidden, but can be shown by opening the menu and checking its box.
unhidable If true, the column in question will not be listed in the menu, denying access to toggle its appearance. This can be particularly useful for a selector column which should always be shown, for example.


The ColumnHider extension will emit adgrid-columnstatechange event when a column is hidden or shown via the popup. It includes the following properties:

  • grid: The Grid instance in which this event occurred
  • column: The column definition object representing the column that was hidden or shown
  • hidden: Boolean representing the new state of the column: true if hidden, false if shown
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