diff --git a/themes/doom-laserwave-high-contrast-theme.el b/themes/doom-laserwave-high-contrast-theme.el new file mode 100644 index 00000000..e235c090 --- /dev/null +++ b/themes/doom-laserwave-high-contrast-theme.el @@ -0,0 +1,189 @@ +;;; doom-laserwave-theme-high-contrast-theme.el --- a high contrast variant of Laserwave -*- lexical-binding: t; no-byte-compile: t; -*- +;; +;; Author: Justin Barclay +;; Maintainer: +;; Source: https://github.com/Jaredk3nt/laserwave +;; +;;; Commentary: +;;; Code: + +(require 'doom-themes) + + +;; +;;; Variables + +(defgroup doom-laserwave-high-contrast-theme nil + "Options for the `doom-laserwave-high-contrast' theme." + :group 'doom-themes) + +(defcustom doom-laserwave-padded-modeline doom-themes-padded-modeline + "If non-nil, adds a 4px padding to the mode-line. Can be an integer to +determine the exact padding." + :group 'doom-laserwave-theme + :type '(choice integer boolean)) + + +;; +;;; Theme definition + +(def-doom-theme doom-laserwave-high-contrast + "An clean 80's synthwave / outrun theme inspired by VS Code laserwave." + + ;; name default 256 16 + ((bg '("#19151E" nil nil )) + (bg-alt '("#1B1720" nil nil )) + (base0 '("#222228" "black" "black" )) + (base1 '("#24262D" "#222222" "brightblack" )) + (base2 '("#282b33" "#222233" "brightblack" )) + (base3 '("#3E3549" "#333344" "brightblack" )) + (base4 '("#4E415C" "#444455" "brightblack" )) + (base5 '("#544863" "#554466" "brightblack" )) + (base6 '("#ED60BA" "#EE66BB" "magenta" )) + (base7 '("#B4ABBE" "#998899" "brightblack" )) + (base8 '("#ECEFF4" "#EEEEFF" "white" )) + (fg-alt '("#EEEEEE" "#EEEEEE" "brightwhite" )) + (fg '("#FFFFFF" "#FFFFFF" "white" )) + + (grey '("#B4A8C8" "#4E415C" "brightblack" )) + (red '("#FF3E7B" "#964477" "red" )) + (orange '("#FFB85B" "#FFBB55" "brightred" )) + (green '("#3FEABF" "#77DDCC" "green" )) + (teal '("#4D8079" "#448877" "brightgreen" )) + (yellow '("#FFE261" "#FFEE66" "yellow" )) + (blue '("#1ED3EC" "#44BBCC" "brightblue" )) + (dark-blue '("#336A79" "#336677" "blue" )) + (magenta '("#FF52BF" "#EE66BB" "brightmagenta" )) + (violet '("#D887F5" "#BB88CC" "magenta" )) + (cyan '("#ACDFEF" "#BBDDEE" "brightcyan" )) + (dark-cyan '("#6D7E8A" "#667788" "cyan" )) + + ;; face categories -- required for all themes + (highlight magenta) + (vertical-bar (doom-darken base1 0.2)) + (selection) + (builtin yellow) + (comments base7) + (doc-comments (doom-lighten dark-cyan 0.25)) + (constants yellow) + (functions magenta) + (keywords blue) + (methods magenta) + (operators green) + (type violet) + (strings cyan) + (variables fg) + (numbers violet) + (region `(,(doom-blend (car bg) (car magenta) 0.8) ,@(doom-lighten (cdr base1) 0.35))) + (error red) + (warning yellow) + (success green) + (vc-modified yellow) + (vc-added green) + (vc-deleted red) + + ;; custom categories + (hidden `(,(car bg) "black" "black")) + (-modeline-pad + (when doom-laserwave-padded-modeline + (if (integerp doom-laserwave-padded-modeline) doom-laserwave-padded-modeline 4))) + + (modeline-fg bg-alt) + (modeline-fg-alt base6) + (modeline-bg base6) + (modeline-bg-inactive (doom-darken bg 0.1))) + + + ;;;; Base theme face overrides + ((lazy-highlight :background (doom-darken magenta 0.4) :foreground fg) + ((line-number &override) :foreground base4) + ((line-number-current-line &override) :foreground fg) + (mode-line + :background modeline-bg :foreground modeline-fg + :box (if -modeline-pad `(:line-width ,-modeline-pad :color ,modeline-bg))) + (mode-line-inactive + :background modeline-bg-inactive :foreground modeline-fg-alt + :box (if -modeline-pad `(:line-width ,-modeline-pad :color ,modeline-bg-inactive))) + (mode-line-emphasis :foreground bg-alt) + (mode-line-highlight :background yellow :weight 'bold) + ;;;; centaur-tabs + (centaur-tabs-active-bar-face :background magenta) + (centaur-tabs-modified-marker-selected + :inherit 'centaur-tabs-selected :foreground magenta) + (centaur-tabs-modified-marker-unselected + :inherit 'centaur-tabs-unselected :foreground magenta) + ;;;; company + (company-box-background :foreground fg :background bg-alt) + ;;;; css-mode / scss-mode + (css-proprietary-property :foreground yellow) + (css-property :foreground green) + (css-selector :foreground blue) + ;;;; tsx + (typescript-ts-jsx-attribute-face :foreground magenta) + (typescript-ts-jsx-tag-face :foreground green) + (font-lock-punctuation-face :foreground grey) + ;;;; doom-modeline + (doom-modeline-bar :background base6) + (doom-modeline-info :inherit 'mode-line-emphasis) + (doom-modeline-urgent :inherit 'mode-line-emphasis) + (doom-modeline-warning :inherit 'mode-line-emphasis) + (doom-modeline-debug :inherit 'mode-line-emphasis) + (doom-modeline-buffer-minor-mode :inherit 'mode-line-emphasis :weight 'bold) + (doom-modeline-project-dir :inherit 'mode-line-emphasis :weight 'bold) + (doom-modeline-project-parent-dir :inherit 'mode-line-emphasis :weight 'bold) + (doom-modeline-persp-name :inherit 'mode-line-emphasis :weight 'bold) + (doom-modeline-buffer-file :inherit 'mode-line-emphasis :weight 'bold) + (doom-modeline-buffer-modified :inherit 'mode-line-emphasis :weight 'bold) + (doom-modeline-lsp-success :inherit 'mode-line-emphasis :weight 'bold) + (doom-modeline-buffer-path :inherit 'mode-line-emphasis :weight 'bold) + (doom-modeline-buffer-project-root :inherit 'mode-line-emphasis) + (doom-modeline-evil-visual-state :foreground yellow) + (doom-modeline-evil-replace-state :foreground orange) + (doom-modeline-evil-operator-state :foreground teal) + ;;;; elscreen + (elscreen-tab-other-screen-face :background "#353a42" :foreground "#1e2022") + ;;;; ivy + (ivy-current-match :background base2 :distant-foreground nil) + ;;;; markdown-mode + (markdown-header-delimiter-face :foreground base7) + (markdown-metadata-key-face :foreground base7) + (markdown-list-face :foreground base7) + (markdown-link-face :foreground cyan) + (markdown-url-face :inherit 'link :foreground fg :weight 'normal) + (markdown-italic-face :inherit 'italic :foreground magenta) + (markdown-bold-face :inherit 'bold :foreground magenta) + (markdown-markup-face :foreground base7) + (markdown-gfm-checkbox-face :foreground cyan) + ;;;; mic-paren + (paren-face-match :foreground yellow :background (doom-darken bg 0.2) :weight 'ultra-bold) + ;;;; outline + ((outline-1 &override) :foreground blue) + ((outline-2 &override) :foreground green) + ((outline-3 &override) :foreground teal) + ((outline-4 &override) :foreground (doom-darken blue 0.2)) + ((outline-5 &override) :foreground (doom-darken green 0.2)) + ((outline-6 &override) :foreground (doom-darken teal 0.2)) + ((outline-7 &override) :foreground (doom-darken blue 0.4)) + ((outline-8 &override) :foreground (doom-darken green 0.4)) + ;;;; org + ((org-block &override) :background base2) + ((org-block-begin-line &override) :background base2) + (org-hide :foreground hidden) + ;;;; org-pomodoro + (org-pomodoro-mode-line :inherit 'mode-line-emphasis :weight 'bold) ; unreadable otherwise + (org-pomodoro-mode-line-overtime :inherit 'org-pomodoro-mode-line) + (org-pomodoro-mode-line-break :inherit 'org-pomodoro-mode-line) + ;;;; solaire-mode + (solaire-mode-line-face + :background modeline-bg :foreground modeline-fg + :box (if -modeline-pad `(:line-width ,-modeline-pad :color ,modeline-bg))) + ;;;; forge + (forge-issue-open :foreground violet) + (forge-issue-completed :foreground grey) + (forge-issue-unplanned :foreground red) + ;;;; mu4e + (mu4e-highlight-face :foreground green) + (mu4e-unread-face :foreground blue :weight 'bold) + (mu4e-header-key-face :foreground green :weight 'bold))) + +;;; doom-laserwave-high-contrast-theme.el ends here