These are features in development for the v0.1/v0.0.1 roadmap.
- hypertext representation for file-based content.
- Text markup languages (md, rst, text-feature-docs__)
- Server side templates (pug)
- Scripts (js, coffee, requirejs)
- Stylesheets (sass, less, styl)
- Diagrams (gv, plantuml)
- Data (bookshelf-api, db-feature-docs__)
- Resources (http)
- Services (pm2)
- work in progres: hypertext protocol support, abstract resources.
- HTTP Redirect
- Static resources
- Planned: variant resources
- Work in progress: proxy resources
- work in progress: re-usable, and distributed packages of routes and
- YAML and JSON based setup. Look at alternatively to operate from argv/env iso. local Sitefile
- work-in-progress: user-defined extensions, extendable resources/routers (route-feature-docs__)
- packages (JS/CSS/media), cdn config? (require-js-feature-docs__)
- work in progress: a default or 'base' client, with decent support for all routes (html5-client-feature-docs__)
Other development features:
The Main documents are and will be reStructuredText. But for more flexibility the administration of several other documents is for now at once done in the TODO_ document. Some integrate them here later. First, more use-cases in the feature docs. And ideally some kind of feedback from a BDD test setup.
- Hacking
- Design
- Roadmap
- Tasks and Bugs
- Project Tooling
- `Manual`_ initial sketchbook on usage.
There are many possibly useful directions:
- transliterature browser, research tooling
- embedded issue browser/editor.
- a local Wiki, or notebook with in-browser editing. And what about tiddlywiki? Portabel, traveling content.
- viewer for media files
- 3D meshes using webGL
- diagramming, dashboards, log viewers, other interactive apps defined in local "sketchbooks". Akin to Processing, Arduino, but geared towards Web content. Ie. to prototype a JS, or quickly get some templated boilerplate HTML using Pug. Or CSS with SASS/SCSS/Stylus/LESS et al.
- Other web-related files: browse bookmarks, references. Taking notes from online content easily is a big use-case.
- Also bookmarklets. User-defined tools to use in navigation, editing. Maybe some kind of bookmarklet cdn to ship, update, generate, version bookmarklets?
- An simple URL carroussel/slideshow app? An image book, like pinterest. Or a quote book. Lyrics or music trivia collection.
- Interact with JSON data, API's.
- work with metadata, schemas, use jsonary_ or json-editor. Go from YAML to JSON to some programming markup and back.
- Provide an in-browser IDE experience, support NPM, Bower or other packages. CommonJS modules. Projects with Makefile, Gruntfile. Is excuberant CTags too far back?