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28810 edited this page Sep 10, 2019 · 32 revisions
IFreeSql fsql = new FreeSql.FreeSqlBuilder()
    .UseConnectionString(FreeSql.DataType.MySql, "Data Source=;Port=3306;User ID=root;Password=root;Initial Catalog=cccddd;Charset=utf8;SslMode=none;Max pool size=10")

[Table(Name = "tb_topic")]
class Topic {
    [Column(IsIdentity = true, IsPrimary = true)]
    public int Id { get; set; }
    public int Clicks { get; set; }
    public int TestTypeInfoGuid { get; set; }
    public string Title { get; set; }
    public DateTime CreateTime { get; set; }

ISelect<Topic> select => fsql.Select<Topic>();


var groupby = fsql.Select<Topic>()
    .GroupBy(a => new { tt2 = a.Title.Substring(0, 2), mod4 = a.Id % 4 })
    .Having(a => a.Count() > 0 && a.Avg(a.Key.mod4) > 0 && a.Max(a.Key.mod4) > 0)
    .Having(a => a.Count() < 300 || a.Avg(a.Key.mod4) < 100)
    .OrderBy(a => a.Key.tt2)
    .OrderByDescending(a => a.Count())
    .ToList(a => new { a.Key.tt2, cou1 = a.Count(), arg1 = a.Avg(a.Key.mod4) });
//SELECT substr(a.`Title`, 1, 2) as1, count(1) as2, avg((a.`Id` % 4)) as3 
//FROM `xxx` a 
//GROUP BY substr(a.`Title`, 1, 2), (a.`Id` % 4) 
//HAVING (count(1) > 0 AND avg((a.`Id` % 4)) > 0 AND max((a.`Id` % 4)) > 0) AND (count(1) < 300 OR avg((a.`Id` % 4)) < 100) 
//ORDER BY substr(a.`Title`, 1, 2), count(1) DESC


方法 返回值 参数 描述
ToSql string 返回即将执行的SQL语句
ToList<T> List<T> Lambda 执行SQL查询,返回指定字段的记录,记录不存在时返回 Count 为 0 的列表
ToList<T> List<T> string field 执行SQL查询,返回 field 指定字段的记录,并以元组或基础类型(int,string,long)接收,记录不存在时返回 Count 为 0 的列表
Sum T Lambda 指定一个列求和
Min T Lambda 指定一个列求最小值
Max T Lambda 指定一个列求最大值
Avg T Lambda 指定一个列求平均值
GroupBy <this> Lambda 按选择的列分组,GroupBy(a => a.Name)
GroupBy <this> string, parms 按原生sql语法分组,GroupBy("concat(name, ?cc)", new { cc = 1 })
Having <this> string, parms 按原生sql语法聚合条件过滤,Having("count(name) = ?cc", new { cc = 1 })
Key 返回 GroupBy 选择的对象
Value 返回主表 或 From<T2,T3....> 的字段选择器


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