- Build the site
- Branching, merging and deploying
- Editing the docs
- Making non-documentation changes to the site
The simplest way to get set up is to use the included Dockerfile (must install docker first).
git clone https://github.com/bambora/dev.na.bambora.com.git
cd dev.na.bambora.com
docker build -t devbamboracom .
# For Windows:
docker run -v $pwd/:/usr/src/app/ -p 4567:4567 devbamboracom development_server_windows
# For Mac and Linux:
docker run -v `pwd`/:/usr/src/app/ -p 4567:4567 devbamboracom development_server
Note: If you get a request canceled while waiting for connection
error when running docker build
, go to Docker Settings > Network and change the DNS server to fixed.
You can now see the docs at http://localhost:4567. The site will update with changes you make when a page is reloaded.
Alternatively, you can build and run the site locally. You're going to need:
- Linux , OS X, windows.
- Ruby, version 1.9.3 or newer
- Node.js
- Bundler — If Ruby is already installed, but the
command doesn't work, just rungem install bundler
in a terminal.
git clone https://github.com/bambora/dev.na.bambora.com.git
cd dev.na.bambora.com
bundle install
To start the preview web server:
EXECJS_RUNTIME=Node bundle exec middleman server
If you want to build the static site files only then run:
bundle exec rake static
If you want to run the static site in a standalone simple web server run:
bundle exec rake run
Changes should first be made and tested on a dedicated development team branch, then pushed to the staging branch, and only staging should ever be pushed to master.
Any team branch that is pushed to the Github repo will be built and deployed to an internally accessible s3 bucket with the name dev.beanstream.com.<branch_name>
. When development team base branches are deployed, Bamboo will attempt to merge changes on the master branch into the team branch, in order to keep the branches up to date with master.
There are two ways to make changes to the documentation:
Every page of the developer portal has an 'Edit this page' button in the top right corner. Clicking this will prompt you to create or sign in to a Github account and fork the developer portal repository. You will then be taken to the markdown version of the page you wish to edit. After making your changes, click propose file changes and then create a pull request against the master branch of the repository. Your changes will be reviewed and merged into the developer portal.
Larger changes to the documentation should be made locally on a branch of the repository. See the Branching and merging section for details on the branching strategy of the repository. The documentation lives in the source/docs/
folder of the repository.
The documentation pages on the site are written in YAML and Markdown. YAML is used to define frontmatter configuration for each page (e.g. specifying it's template) and Markdown is used to write the actual documentation.
Every page on the site has YAML frontmatter to configure the page. The yaml is defined between three dashes on either side. Some fields are required, some are optional, and some are layout specific. Order is not important. Here's some example frontmatter showing fields that apply to all layouts:
# Required Fields
title: Example Title # Used for the browser page title and search results.
layout: tutorial # The layout (see layout section) to use the render the page.
navigation: # An object specifying the header, footer, and table of contents to use (see navigation section).
header: site_header # The header config file
footer: site_footer # The footer config file
toc: example_toc # The table of contents config file
header_active: Guides # The link in the header to highlight as activated
summary: > # A summary of the page displayed in search results.
An example page showing # Typically the first sentence(s) of the page serve as a good summary.
frontmatter configuration.
# Optional fields
breadcrumbs: false
# Page includes
includes: # You can define and import sub-pages in top level pages to separate content.
- web/checkout # You will need to add the actual file to the source/includes/ directory and
- web/hosted_fields # prefix it with an underscore, but make sure to leave that out when adding
- web/my_new_topic # it in the includes section.
For the YAML fields specific to each layout, see the layouts section.
The configuration for the header, footer, and table of contents for each page are defined in separate files in the data/
folder of the site. This way a header and footer can be shared site wide, or a table of contents can be used on a series of related pages.
"Dot notation" is used to specify the path to the data files. The data folder and the file's extension are not used. For example to use a header config located at data/navigation/site_header.yaml
set the header key of the navigation to header: navigation.site_header
The header config file referenced in the navigation object defines the header for the page. It's written in YAML. A header config file looks like this (data/example_nav.yaml
logo: # Defines the logo for the header
link: /docs/ # A href value for when the logo is clicked
light: "logo_light.svg" # The light version of the image to display on a dark header (e.g. landing page)
dark: "logo_dark.svg" # The dark version of the image to display on a light header
links: # A list of the site links to show to the left of the header
- file: /docs/guides/ # The href location of the link
title: Guides # The text value of the link
- file: /docs/references/
title: References
buttons: # The buttons to show to the right of header
- file: /docs/sign_up # The href location of the button
title: Sign up # The text value of the button
secondary: true # Optional. Set to true to use secondary button styling. Defaults to false.
new_tab: true # Optional. Set to true to open the link in a new tab. Defaults to false.
The footer config file referenced in the navigation object defines the footer for the page. It's written in YAML. A footer config file looks like this (data/example_footer.yaml
copyright: # The copyright info for the footer
title: 2017 Bambora # The text to display for copyright
link: http://www.bambora.com/en/en/payment-solutions/ # The destination of the copyright link
left_links: # The links floated to the left of the footer
- link: http://www.bambora.com/en/en/payment-solutions/customer-service/faq/terms-and-conditions/ # The link path
title: 'Terms & Conditions' # The link value
right_links: # The links floated to the right of the footer
- link: https://github.com/bambora/ # The link path
title: Github # The link value
The toc config file referenced in the navigation object defines the table of contents for the page. It's written in YAML. A toc config file looks like this (data/example_toc.yaml
- file: '/docs/guides/merchant_quickstart' # The link
title: 'Quickstart: Merchant'
- file: '/docs/guides/partner_quickstart'
title: 'Quickstart: Partner'
If a title
value in the table of contents config matches a page's frontmatter title
, the headings from the page will be appended to the table of contents below it's title.
After the frontmatter configuration, the actual content of pages is defined (for the most part) in markdown. See (here)[http://commonmark.org/help/] for a good overview of the capabilities of markdown.
The markdown parser (Redcarpet) supports tables formatted like so:
| header 1 | header 2 |
| -------- | -------- |
| cell 1 | cell 2 |
| cell 3 | cell 4 |
Every page on the site needs to have a layout specified in order to render properly. There are several layouts that are suited to displaying different types of content.
The landing layout serves as the main page of the site. There should only be one page using the landing layout. It consists of a header image, markdown content, and any number of "card sets" serving as quick links to other pages on the site. The landing layout has some additional frontmatter configuration.
# ... (include the required YAML fields defined above)
hero_unit: # Defines the "hero unit" (image, title, tagline) of the page.
hero_image: Dev_Portal.jpg # The image file to use as a background
big_heading: Developer Documentation. # The main page heading
tag_line: A tagline. # Sits below the big_heading
button: # Optional. A button displayed under the tag_line.
text: Get started # The button text.
link: /docs/quickstart/ # The button link.
card_sets: # Groups of cards that link to other pages on the site.
title: Guides # The group title to display
description: > # The description below the title.
Learn how to get things done.
cards: # The cards that make up the card set. Can specify as many as needed.
title: Merchant Quickstart # The cards title
description: >
Get up and running fast by # The cards description.
opening a test account.
icon: flag # An icon to display in the top left of the card.
link: /docs/setup/ # The href when the card is clicked.
title: Partner Quickstart
description: >
Get up and running fast by
opening a test account.
icon: flag
link: /docs/guides/partner_quickstart/setup/
title: References # A second card set.
description: >
Get an in-depth knowledge of our payment gateway.
title: Merchant API
description: >
Our Merchant API supports online payments,
card tokenization, payment profiles and reporting.
icon: flag
link: /docs/references/merchant_API/overview/
Any markdown content included below the frontmatter will be rendered on the page above the cardsets.
In a site hierarchy, should be one level below the landing page. A page with the product layout serves as a summary page for a product or a group of related pages. A product page has a table of contents, markdown content, and a number of cards that link to related pages. The product layout has some additional frontmatter configuration.
# ... (include the required YAML fields defined above)
title: Quickstart - Merchant
description: >
Create a test account and test our Merchant APIs
icon: notification-active
link: /docs/guides/merchant_quickstart/
title: Quickstart - Partner
description: >
Get a Partner API key and try our Onboarding API
icon: checkmark
link: /docs/guides/partner_quickstart/
title: Onboarding
description: >
Get up to speed on our Onboarding API in minutes
icon: list
link: /docs/guides/onboarding/
title: 3D Secure
description: >
Learn about implementing 3D Secure based payments
icon: list
link: /docs/guides/3D_secure
Any markdown content included below the frontmatter will be rendered on the page above the cards.
The tutorial layout is the the most basic layout. It consists of a table of contents and markdown content. It doesn't have any additoinal frontmatter configuration.
The spec layout displays a split view with markdown text content on the left and markdown code blocks on the right. The code blocks can be specified in multiple programming languages, and then the desired language can be selected in the top tabs. The spec layout has some additional frontmatter configuration to set which language tabs are displayed:
# ... (include the required YAML fields defined above)
language_tabs: # declare as many languages as you wish to support.
- shell
- python
- csharp
Note: The spec template uses a tool called Slate to render tabs on the right of the page to display code samples in different languages. You might want to learn about editing Slate markdown.
The swagger layout is used to render a (Swagger)[http://swagger.io/specification/] file. It has additional frontmatter configuration to set the swagger file used.
As well, you can optionally passed a list of 'ignored_paths' to skip them when building the output:
# ... (include the required YAML fields defined above)
swagger: API_spec.merchant.1-0-3
ignored_paths: # optional
- "/payments" # methods on these paths will not be shown on the page.
- "/payments/{transId}/void"
Or if you want to hide an entire tag that is also possible with 'ignored_tags':
# ... (include the required YAML tag)
swagger: API_spec.partner.2016-08-18
ignored_tags: # optional
- "Credit Card Payments (PSP NZD)" # methods on these tags will not be shown on the page.
The referenced API spec must be in the /data/
folder and referenced like the (navigation configuration)[].
Note: If the swagger file can be accessed by a url endpoint it can be specified in the sites config.rb
to be autodownloaded at build time. This way it will automatically stay up to date. If specified this way, the file will be downloaded to the data/autodownload/
The FAQ layout can be used for a faq-style page. It has no additional frontmatter. In the markdown, use h2's (##
) for question headings, and any content that comes after the heading will be collapsable under the question.
The tone you use while writing documentation is important. The documentation represents the company, so maintaining quality and and consistency is as valued as the amount of documentation available.
Here are some notes on Tone from the official Bambora Brand and Design Guide.
The voice of Bambora is filled with compassion, invoking a sense of humility in every conversation. The personalities behind the brand understand the big picture: humans drive business, not payments or payment products.
The voice of Bambora conveys a quiet confidence; self-assured and soft spoken. Like a curious neighbor, Bambora respects boundaries but doesn’t shy away from conversation, or an opportunity to share a story.
Bambora speaks like a human, of course. The brand owns up when it makes a mistake and listens carefully when others are speaking — interrupting is so rude, right? Oh yeah, the brand is always asking questions; always excited to learn something new.
To keep things simple, Bambora follows a few guidelines when writing — nothing special, just good communication. But when it comes to something serious, Bambora cuts to the chase; there’s no room for small talk when a customer needs help.
- KNOWLEDGEABLE but not condescending
- FRIENDLY but not chatty
- HONEST but not brash
- OPTIMISTIC but not naive
- CURIOUS but not nosey
- EASY but not basic
- Use small words: Use > Utilize.
- Write short sentences: Like this one.
- Contractions are cool: Can’t stop, won’t stop.
- Sentence case please: First letter stands tall.
- Go easy on exclamations: Never more than one!
- Adverbs are for embellishers: Stick to the truth.
- Check your spelling: Use regional spelling (looking at you, English).
- When to hyphenate: Compound adjectives before nouns (plus in-store and in-app).
Show an interest in others. Learn what people like to talk about and go with the flow. You can always bring it back to products later, or never.
We’re building relationships here. It takes time. Be patient, be thoughtful
Look for ways to bake pleasant or unexpected surprises in every customer experience. Winks are good!
Feel free to show the full range of our personality. Our brand is filled with passionate people. Show off (a little) and have some fun
With a little more effort, larger changes (e.g. adding a new template, changing css styling) can be made to the developer portal.