- [X] assert error
- [X] multiple ID error in cli validator
Maybe an optional output?
- [X] Implement dispatch handler
- [X] Create assert handler
- [X] Simple tests on validator [6/6]
- [X] GET a/b
- [X] Empty machine
- [X] GET on regex
- [X] GET on an allow all regex
- [X] Method regex
- [X] Complex URI tests
- [X] Unit test steps [6/6]
- [X] Start
- [X] Accept
- [X] MethodFail
- [X] URLFail
- [X] URI
- [X] Method
- [X] Clean up console handler…should be more readable
- [X] Add Fail Matchers[5/5]
- [X] Add URL Fail Matcher
- [X] Add Method Fail Matchers
- [X] Test URL Fail Matcher
- [X] Test Method Fail Matcher
- [X] Update validation tests to use both matchers
- [X] Capture attempt in error steps
- [X] Quickly extract correct error in multi-result case
- [X] Assert that validator tests above return the correct error
- [X] Build support for method/uri fail match in schema
- [X] Populate method/uri fail match in checker conversion
- [X] Update dot conversion to accunt for method/uri fail match
- [X] Checker to scala as a handler – possibly passing to an other handler
- [X] Add support in validator
- [X] Test conversion..including new error states.
- [X] Checker should allow only one start node.
- [X] Method must always have next nodes.
- [X] Add grammar section (type, namespace, href)
- [X] Add Builder Library
- [X] Support Grammar in checker format[2/2]
- [X] Add support for grammar in checker format
- [X] Generate checker format with grammars
- [X] Simple transation tests to confirm the lib is working [6/6]
- [X] Test URI and Method from various WADL configurations[13/13]
- [X] Emtpty WADL
- [X] URL/Method single resource
- [X] URL/Method single resource (tree)
- [X] URL/Method single resource (mixed)
- [X] Method Reference
- [X] Resource Type
- [X] Resource Type with Method Reference
- [X] Multiple Resource PATHs
- [X] Multiple Resource PATHs (tree)
- [X] Multiple Resource PATHs (mixed)
- [X] Mulitple Resource PATHs (disconnected)
- [X] Multiple Resource PATHs (disconnected, tree)
- [X] Multiple Resource PATHs (disconnected, mixed)
- [X] Other misc Translation tests [2/2]
- [X] State Labels
- [X] rax:invisible extension
- [X] Ensure that input WADLs are correct before tests are run.
- [X] Test Path Templates[4/4]
- [X] String templates[7/7]
- [X] At the end of the path
- [X] At the end of the path (tree)
- [X] At the end of the path (mixed)
- [X] In between path
- [X] In between path (tree)
- [X] In between path (mixed)
- [X] Different prefix
- [X] Test Path Templates of other types[9/9]
- [X] At the end of the path
- [X] At the end of the path (tree)
- [X] At the end of the path (mixed)
- [X] In between path
- [X] In between path (tree)
- [X] In between path (mixed)
- [X] Test default QName type
- [X] Test default QName type (tree)
- [X] Test default QName type (mixed)
- [X] Resource/Parameter mismatch[4/4]
- [X] Name MisMatch
- [X] Missing parameter
- [X] Bad Parameter type
- [X] Bad QName
- [X] RegEx Encoding[2/2]
- [X] In URL
- [X] In Method
- [X] String templates[7/7]
- [X] Write tests for multi-method target
- [X] WADL Grammar[2/2]
- [X] External Grammar[6/6]
- [X] File Available, add to checker
- [X] Multiple available files
- [X] Relative paths
- [X] Missing File should fail
- [X] Should not fail with unknown XML
- [X] Should not fail with unknown unparsed-text
- [X] Inline Grammar
- [X] External Grammar[6/6]
- [X] Test URI and Method from various WADL configurations[13/13]
- [X] Add Opt as an option, by pipeing through removeDups
- [X] Simple optimization test to confirm functionality[9/9]
- [X] OPT on but no duplicates
- [X] OPT on but no duplicates (tree)
- [X] OPT on but no duplicates (mixed)
- [X] A single duplicate
- [X] A single duplicate (tree)
- [X] A single duplicate (mixed)
- [X] Multiple duplicates
- [X] Multiple duplicates (tree)
- [X] Multiple duplicates (mixed)
- [X] URLXSD node
- [X] URLXSD/URL Fail nodes
- [X] step handler – external grammar
- [X] WADL XSD tests
- [ ] step handler – inline grammar
- [ ] WADL XSD tests – inline