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FxOS FTU rollups

Here is a description of the rollup table generated from the FxOS FTU data. Rows are basically flattened FTU records with sanitization applied to certain values, together with some useful summaries mapped from them. The count field gives the number of FTU records sharing the values listed in the row. This table should be a sufficient data source for the majority of analysis and reporting to be run on FTU data.

Currently this table is generated as a CSV snapshot that is updated daily, and this is in the process of migrating to Redshift.

Some columns are mapped directly from the others for convenience, eg. converting country codes to country names. These can be added to the table after the fact.

Column descriptions

Column types are either 'raw' when the raw payload value is reported as-is, 'sanitized' when a sanitization or grouping is applied to the raw value, or 'mapped' when the value can be computed from other column values.

Note that any of these column values can be missing for a given FTU record.

Column Type Raw field name Details
ping_date sanitized pingTime The date on which the ping was sent, as recorded by the client. It is considered less reliable than submission_date because of client-side clock skew. The raw value is a millisecond timestamp which is converted to a standard-format date.
submission_date sanitized The server-side timestamp applied when the ping was received. It is the preferred way to identify "the date on which the ping was sent". The raw value is converted to a standard-format date.
os sanitized deviceinfo.os The OS version number along with a tag for prerelease builds. It is reported as "m.n". Tarako devices are identified using device model and tagged as "1.3T".
geo raw info.geoCountry The geoIP country code.
country mapped info.geoCountry The name of the country, mapped from the geoIP country code.
device sanitized deviceinfo.product_model The name of the device model, formatted as appropriate. Many devices report small variations in capitalization or spacing on the standard model name. These are formatted to a single common standard name using regexes, so that they are counted as the same device model.
locale raw locale The locale code identifying the OS language.
language mapped The name of the OS language, mapped from the locale code.
update_channel sanitized or deviceinfo.update_channel The name of the update channel the OS build is associated with. This is recorded under two possible raw field names, although at most one appears in any given record.
update_channel_standardized mapped The standard channel name, if the OS is on one of the Mozilla standard channels. Otherwise, "other".
platform_version raw deviceinfo.platform_version The Gecko platform version.
platform_build_id raw deviceinfo.platform_build_id The Gecko platform build ID (includes a timestamp of when the build was compiled).
sim_mcc raw icc.mcc The mobile country code read from the SIM card.
sim_mnc raw icc.mnc The mobile network code read from the SIM card.
sim_mcc_country mapped The name of the country identified by the SIM MCC.
sim_mnc_network mapped The name of the network operator identified by the SIM MCC and MNC.
sim_network_name sanitized icc.spn The service provider name read from the SIM card, formatted for consistency.
network_mcc raw network.mcc The mobile country code read from the currently connected mobile network.
network_mnc raw network.mnc The mobile network code read from the currently connected mobile network.
network_mcc_country mapped The name of the country identified by the network MCC.
network_mnc_network mapped The name of the network operator identified by the network MCC and MNC.
network_network_name sanitized network.operator The network operator name read from the network, formatted for consistency.
screen_width raw screenWidth The width of the screen in pixels.
screen_height raw screenHeight The height of the screen in pixels.
device_pixel_ratio raw devicePixelRatio The ratio of physical to logical pixels.
software raw The name of the OS distribution.
hardware raw deviceinfo.hardware String identifying the hardware manufacturer and chipset.
firmware_revision raw deviceinfo.firmware_revision String identifying the firmware revision version.
activation_date sanitized activationTime The date on which the device was activated, as recorded by the client. This value is very unreliable because of client-side clock skew. On many devices, it is recorded before the local time has been set, resulting in values close to the 1970-01-01 origin. The raw value is a millisecond timestamp which is converted to a standard-format date.