Releases: e2nIEE/pandapower
Releases · e2nIEE/pandapower
pandapower 2.12.1
- [FIXED] add minimum Python version (3.8) explicitly to
- [FIXED] remove
import pandapower.test
from init - [FIXED] matplotlib imports are optional (but required for plotting)
- [FIXED] missing numpy int imports
- [FIXED] documentation; needed change: group functions parameter
is renamed by `raise_er
pandapower 2.12.0
- [ADDED] feature: storing to json and restoring of nets with pandas multiindex dataframes and series
- [ADDED] several 'marker size legends' sizes + a spec. color can be passed to weighted_marker_traces
- [CHANGED] changed default optimization method in the estimation module from OptAlgorithm to "Newton-CG"
- [CHANGED] cim2pp converter documentation fixes
- [CHANGED] make legend item size constant in :code:
- [FIXED] add (nan) field "coords" to bus geodata in create_cigre_network_hv to avoid fatal error when exporting to Excel
- [FIXED] documentation of powerfactory converter
- [FIXED] if optional arguments are None or nan, the optional columns will not be added
- [FIXED] add tap_dependent_impedance attributes to trafo3w instead of trafo, in create.create_transformer3w and create.create_transformer3w_from_parameters
- [CHANGED] renamed functions: drop_from_group() -> detach_from_group(), append_to_group() -> attach_to_group(), check_unique_group_names() -> check_unique_group_rows()
- [CHANGED] attach_to_group(): enable handling of different reference_column passed than existing
- [ADDED] toolbox function :code:
, :code:drop_elements
, :code:res_power_columns
- [ADDED] new group functions :code:
, :code:attach_to_groups
, :code:group_res_power_per_bus
, :code:group_index
- [CHANGED] repr (used by print(net)) now considers groups appropriately
- [ADDED] documentation of DeprecationWarning process
- [ADDED] add TDPF parameters as optional parameters for create line functions in
- [CHANGED] remove support for Python 3.7 and add Python 3.11
- [CHANGED] split -> better overview, avoiding circular imports
- [CHANGED] aim for toolbox parameter name consistency: element_types, element_index (changes to mandatory parameters only)
- [CHANGED] output type of toolbox function :code:
: set -> list - [ADDED] import of internal packages such as control or converter
- [ADDED] group consideration in toolbox replace element functionality
- [ADDED] implementation of the "recycle" functionality for DC power flow and timeseries with run=pp.rundcpp
- [ADDED] calculate branch results for current magnitude and angle, voltage magnitude and angle, active and reactive power for short circuit calculation
- [ADDED] implement the superposition method ("Type C") for the short circuit calculation - consider pre-fault voltages
- [FIXED] Trafo control stepping direction for side=="hv"
- [ADDED] feature: protection - implementation of over-current relay
- [FIXED] Shunt admittance modelling for 3 phase calculations
- [ADDED] bulk creation function create_storages and create_wards
- [ADDED] FACTS devices Shunt Var Compensator (SVC) and Thyristor-Controlled Series Capacitor (TCSC) as new pandapower elements net.svc and net.tcsc
For the full list of changes see CHANGELOG.rst
pandapower 2.11.1
- [ADDED] a 'marker size legend' (scale_trace) can be displayed for weighted_marker_traces with plotly
- [FIXED] bugfix in toolbox._merge_nets_deprecated
For the full list of changes see CHANGELOG.rst
pandapower 2.11.0
- [ADDED] plotting function for dclines (create_dcline_collection), also added in simple_plot
- [ADDED] calculation of overhead line temperature in Newton-Raphson with two simplified methods (Frank et al. and Ngoko et al.)
- [ADDED] group functionality
- [ADDED] auxiliary function warn_and_fix_parameter_renaming to throw a derpecation warning (not an Error) if old name of a parameter is used
- [ADDED] zero-sequence parameters for net.impedance
- [ADDED] File I/O: Can now save and load pandapower serializable objects to Excel, PostgreSQL
- [ADDED] additional_traces (prepared by the user) can be passed to simple_plotly
- [ADDED] Added converter CGMES v2.4.15 to pandapower
- [CHANGED] TDPF: rename r_theta to r_theta_kelvin_per_mw, add r_theta_kelvin_per_mw to net.res_line
- [CHANGED] Compatibility with pandas 1.5, dropped "six" dependency
- [CHANGED] from_ppc(): revision of indexing and naming of elements
- [CHANGED] Complete revision of validate_from_ppc()
- [CHANGED] Improve defaults, add docstrings and rename parameters of plot_voltage_profile() and plot_loading()
- [FIXED] Bug with user_pf_options: _init_runpp_options in ignored user_pf_options when performing sanity checks
- [CHANGED] merge_nets(): revised for groups and new behavior regarding indexing; reindex_elements(): revised for groups, don't overwrite column "index" and feature parameter lookup
For the full list of changes see CHANGELOG.rst
pandapower 2.10.1
minor release (bugfix):
- [FIXED] remove the parameter ignore_order in DeepDiff (eq), add hash to JSONSerializableClass
pandapower 2.10.0
- [ADDED] added arbitrary keyword arguments,
, in all create-functions - [FIX] from_ppc() converter and power system test cases: add missing factor for tap_side=="lv"; change tap_side to "hv" for all test cases (were converted without new factor, so as the tap_side is "hv")
- [ADDED] from_mpc() converter: added functionality to import .m files via external package
- [CHANGED] from_ppc() converter: added option of tap_side and essential speed up
- [CHANGED] drop support of pandas versions < 1.0
- [ADDED] parameter in_ka for rated switch current
- [ADDED] current and loading result for switches
- [FIXED] bug for disabled continous tap controllers
- [ADDED] eq method for JSONSerializableClass using deepdiff library, and adjusted pp.nets_equal to use it. Requires deepdiff
- [CHANGED] enable calculating PTDF for a subset of branches
- [ADDED] in from_json one can pass a new variable of type dict called 'replace_elements'. Dict values replace the key in the loaded json string.
For full changes see CHANGELOG.rst.
pandapower 2.9.0
- [ADDED] added support for Python 3.10
- [ADDED] added a function to pandapower.plotting to set line geodata from the geodata of the connected buses
- [ADDED] plotly hover information will indicate parallel lines, if parallel > 1
- [ADDED] 'showlegend' option for simple_plotly
- [CHANGED] rename u by vm (voltage magnitude) in file and functions names
- [FIX] plotly: only one legend entry for all lines/trafos instead of single entries for each one
- [FIX] fixed deprecation warning for pandas indexing with set (sets changed to lists inside .loc)
- [FIX] fixed hover information for lines in plotly
- [CHANGED] use numpy to vectorize trafo_control
- [ADDED] generic functions in pandapower.toolbox to read and write data to/from elements
- [CHANGED] remove code duplication in const_control, characteristic_control
- [ADDED] added the funtionality to import grid data from PowerFactory
- [FIXED] failing tests for PowerModels integration due to the missing pm option "ac"
For full changes see CHANGELOG.rst.
pandapower 2.8.0
- [CHANGED] drop support for Python 3.6
- [ADDED] new object table "characteristic", new class "Characteristic" and "SplineCharacteristic" that are callable and return a value based on input according to a specified curve
- [ADDED] TapDependentImpedance controller that adjusts the transformer parameters (e.g. vk_percent, vkr_percent) according to the tap position, based on a specified characteristic
- [ADDED] tap dependent impedance internally in build_branch: transformer (2W, 3W) parameters (e.g. vk_percent, vkr_percent) are adjusted according to the tap position based on a specified characteristic in the optional columns
- [FIXED] revise to_ppc() and to_mpc() init behaviour and enable importing additional variables from MATPOWER case format
- [ADDED] with the option "distributed_slack" for pp.runpp: distributed slack calculation to newton-raphson load flow; new column "slack_weights" for ext_grid, gen and xward; only 1 reference bus is allowed, any further reference buses are converted to PV buses internally
- [CHANGED] improved the integration with the package lightim2grid (fast power flow backend written in C++), add the test coverage for using lightsim2grid (for both versions, single slack and distributed slack, see on how to install and use lightsim2grid) #1455
- [ADDED] add_zero_impedance_parameters(): convenience function to add all required zero-sequence data for runpp_3ph from std_types and apply realistic assumptions
- [CHANGED] adjusted functions to also include zero-sequence parameters
For full changes see CHANGELOG.rst.
pandapower 2.7.0
- [ADDED] Optimized the calculation of single/selected buses in 1ph/2ph/3ph short-circuit calculation
- [ADDED] Multiple example networks and network variations from IEC 60909-4
- [ADDED] USetTapControl that adjusts the setpoint for a transformer tap changer, based on a specified result variable (e.g. i_lv_ka)
- [CHANGED] ConstControl can now also change attributes of other controllers, if the parameter "variable" is defined in the format "object.attribute" (e.g. "object.vm_set_pu")
- [CHANGED] ConstControl is initialized with level=-1 and order=-1 by default to make sure that it runs before other controllers
For full changes see CHANGELOG.rst.
pandapower 2.6.0
- [ADDED] Optimized the calculation of single/selected buses in 1ph/2ph/3ph short-circuit calculation.
- [ADDED] New options for run_control to 'continue on divergence' and 'check each level' PR #1104.
- [CHANGED] Removed official Python 3.5 support due to end of its life #994.
- [CHANGED] Deleting set_q_from_cosphi from ConstControl and deprecation warning. Use a separate ConstControl for setting Q timeseries instead.
- [FIXED] init_ne_line to work with switches and parallel lines. Needed for PowerModels TNEP.
For full changes see CHANGELOG.rst.