Godot is an open source open URL resolver provided by Simon Fraser University Library. You will need a functional CUFTS installation before proceeding.
- Download Godot
cd /usr/local/ svn checkout http://lib-code.lib.sfu.ca/svn/godot/trunk godot
cpanm -i Text::Normalize::NACO * Use the preflight to check for additional dependencies, at the time of this writing, there were none cd /usr/local/godot perl util/install.pl -m
- At the time of writing, there is a bug in the demo sql data (and if you don't install the demo data you have to manually add your admin account). To fix the first problem, replace adx5P1MEHU372 in /usr/local/godot/util/distrib/sql/demo_data.sql with:
perl util/install.pl
- You will be asked various questions by the installation script, you can accept most defaults, here are a few that you'll probably want to supply your own answers to:
[]: /var/www/godot Linking into web tree: ... Making a backup copy of /usr/local/godot/GODOTConfig/lib/GODOTConfig/BasicConfig.pm in /usr/local/godot/GODOTConfig/lib/GODOTConfig/BasicConfig.pm.backup. Do you want to use the current or the installation values as the default? [C/i]: i ... Database user: www-data Database password: ... User which the web server runs as? [nobody]: www-data ... Enter the full path for where the GODOT CGI files will be located. It should be under the web tree, and the directory must be able to execute CGI scripts: []: /var/www/GODOTConfig ... Enter the URL which will run the GODOT package 'hold_tab.cgi' script: []: http://server.institution.edu/godot/hold_tab.cgi Enter the URL which will run the GODOTConfig package 'config.cgi' script: []: http://server.institution.edu/godot/config.cgi
- Connect Godot to Apache
ln -s /usr/local/godot/util/godot_httpd.conf /etc/apache2/conf.d/godot.conf
- Install the data
perl util/install_db.pl
- You can accept most to the default values, but you'll want to set an admin password and email address.
- Update the cache
perl util/update_cache.pl
- Fix some file permissions
chown -R www-data GODOTConfig/templates/ chown -R www-data GODOT/templates/
- Restart Apache
service apache2 restart
- Edit util/godot_para_server change where su godot to:
su www-data
- Set the para server to start on boot
ln -s /usr/local/godot/util/godot_para_server /etc/init.d/godot_para_server update-rc.d godot_para_server defaults
- Login to the admin interface and setup a site with the sitekey chosen above.
- Go to System Administration --> Sites --> New site
- After creating your site start the para server
/etc/init.d/godot_para_server start
- The front-end interface should be available at
- At the time of writing, the para server often fails to start on boot, so we've setup a script that starts it every 10 minutes, which it doesn't seem to mind
*/10 * * * * root /etc/init.d/godot_para_server start