Python client for Swift Binary Protocol (SBP). Since v2.5 libsbp is compatible with Python 2.7, 3.4 to 3.7. For new projects, Python v3 is recommended.
You must have python and pip installed.
Install dependencies only:
$ sudo pip install -r requirements.txt
Install from repo:
$ sudo python install
Install package from pypi:
$ sudo pip install sbp
Setup and activate the virtualenv:
$ virtualenv .env && source .env/bin/activate
Install py.test in the virtualenv:
$ pip install pytest-virtualenv
Install the pt.test coverage tools:
$ pip install pytest-cov
Finally, proceed to the standard setup instructions.
Receives SBP messages over a serial port, decodes MSG_BASELINE messages and prints them out. See .
Run this example with:
$ python -m sbp.client.examples.simple -p /path/to/serial/port
Receives SBP messages over a serial port and sends all incoming messages to a UDP socket. See .
Run this example with:
$ python -m sbp.client.examples.udp -s /path/to/serial/port
To run the tests and check for coverage:
$ py.test -v --cov sbp tests/
To run the tests without suppressing stdout output:
$ py.test -v -s --cov sbp tests/
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Distributed under MIT.