This POC how to build a web app that implement a live query. The POC creates a stream of random entity changes and applies it to the data store. The client subscribes to a query that contains entities between dates.
# clone
git clone
cd liqr
alias build-machine='docker run --rm -it -v $HOME/.m2repo:/root/.m2/repository -v $PWD:/my -p 8080:8080 -w /my maven:3.6.2-jdk-11-slim'
# build it
build-machine mvn package
# run it
build-machine java -jar poc/target/liqr-poc-0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar server
That's all.
You can then access the REST api. For example in order to see all objects with timestamp in the next 200 minutes: http://localhost:8080/query?val=200
Or see polling UI in: http://localhost:8080/static/demo.htm
You can also take a look at the websocket version of LiveQuery: http://localhost:8080/static/demoWs.htm
You can see a screencast of this demo here:
You can see a screencast (hebrew) of code review for this demo here: