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Whitepages Pro API Documentation

Documentation and Implementation Guide for Whitepages Pro API Version 1.1 - Deprecating March 15, 2017

This endpoint will be deprecated on March 15, 2017

Introduction and Overview

Whitepages Pro API gives businesses the ability to easily integrate and leverage its industry leading People and Business search. The API is accessed via a RESTful interface using simple HTTP GET requests. The API will provide XML responses by default. Optionally, the response format can be specified as JSON if desired. Other formats may be supported in the future. This protocol is simple to use and accessible from any common web programming language on any machine with Internet access.

  • Find Person: search by a person's name and location to find the person’s complete address and phone number.

  • Reverse Phone: search by phone number to find the related name and address.

  • Reverse Address: search by street address to find the related name and phone number.

  • Find Business: search by keywords and location to find a business’ complete address and phone number.

Access and Security

API Keys

Whitepages controls access to the API and data via an API Key. The API keys are the primary data authentication method for your account and are how usage is recorded and reported. Your sales representative will provide you one or more keys for your production environment according to the need of your business.

You may also obtain an API key for our free developer API at These developer keys are intended to be used for testing purposes only and will not be valid for your production configuration due to intentional capacity limitations. The developer key also doesn’t have access to our premium data sources.


Please take appropriate measures to protect access to your API keys as they give access to your paid account and if leaked could cause additional fees to be attributed to your account. The API is provided via HTTP and HTTPS. Some application developers may not be able to use HTTPS so HTTP is provided as an option, however we recommend using HTTPS where possible to prevent third parties from acquiring your API key while in use.

Rates and Quotas

The API is metered and measured in two ways that matter to the customer, Rates and Quotas.


Your access to API is metered by queries per second per API Key (QPS). This rate is set at the initial contract time and can be adjusted by your sales representative any time. This is primarily to control the overall queries per second coming into the system. For example, if you have a QPS of 16 on a particular API Key, you can access all search types at a rate of 16 per second. If you have more than one API Key, each key has an independent QPS associated to it.


We measure billing primarily by matches per month per API key (Quota). If you have a Quota of 25,000, you can retrieve 25,000 matches (successful queries with data) at your contracted amount. If you exceed 25,000, you will be charged only for matches beyond that at your overage rate. For more information on this, please contact your Whitepages Pro representative.

Billable Queries

Generally a query is considered billable only if Whitepages is able to provide additional data points like name, address or phone number. If your search parameters returned no results or Whitepages was not able to return a name, address or number, the query is called a "no match" and is not billed. These rules vary by search type however. The specific rules for what makes a query billable are found within the documentation for each search type below.

API Documentation

Request Format

Each search request consists of the following parts:

  1. The base URL, or

  2. The search type, either find_person, reverse_phone, reverse_address or find_business

  3. The API version, currently 1.1

  4. The search parameters, which is a semicolon separated list of parameter=value entries

  5. The API key parameter with your API key value.

For example, to search for the person "Mike Smith" in 98101, the request would look like:;lastname=smith;zip=98101;api_key=KEYVAL

Note that KEYVAL is your API key value provided by Whitepages.

Optional JSON Output

The default output format is XML. You can optionally receive data in JSON by including the parameter outputtype=JSON in the request. For example:;lastname=smith;zip=98101;api_key=KEYVAL;outputtype=JSON

Pro API Responses

Results Response

If the search produces results, the search returns a response containing one or more records. The data structure and field definitions are found in section Data Dictionary below.

Results Responses may or may not be billable, according to rules described under Billable Queries above. The results may contain full name, address and phone number data, or only part of these depending on what data are associated with the input parameters in the Whitepages contact database. For example, a reverse phone search may return a name and address or just a name; a reverse address search may return name and phone or just a name, etc.

The number of results returned is limited based on search results and on the type of query which was requested. All search types by default will return up to 20 results. If more results are needed, the API key can be configured to return additional results, up to 60 for find_business searches and up to 300 for all other search types.

No Results Response

If the search does not produce any results, the search returns a response that specifies no results were found. The default XML format response is described below. See the section on optional JSON output for an illustration of how this might differ if optional JSON output format was requested.

For example, given the following search query for someone with the non-existent last name of "zzzzzz":;api_key=API_KEY

The results response (the elements are described below) should look like the following:

<wp:wp xmlns:wp="">
    <wp:recordrange wp:firstrecord="1" wp:lastrecord="0" wp:totalavailable="0"/>
      <wp:self wp:linktext="Link to this api call">
  <wp:result wp:type="success" wp:code="No Data Found" wp:message="The search did not find results" wp:billable="false"/>

Note that URL_TO_THIS_API_CALL is the same URL as the original query

Error Response

If the search request contains errors, the search returns a response that specifies where the error occurred. The default XML format response is described below. See the section on optional JSON output for an illustration of how this might differ if optional JSON output format was requested.

For example, given the following search query, which does not include the required street parameter:\_address/1.1/?house=12345;city=seattle;state=wa;api_key=API_KEY

The results response (the elements are described below) should look like the following:

<wp:wp xmlns:wp="">
    <wp:message>Missing Input: street</wp:message>
    <wp:recordrange wp:firstrecord="0" wp:lastrecord="0" wp:totalavailable="0"/>
      <wp:self wp:linktext="Link to this api call">
  <wp:result wp:type="error" wp:code="Missing Input" wp:message="One or more input parameters are invalid" wp:billable="false"/>

Note that in the above, URL_TO_THIS_API_CALL is the same URL as the original query

Error Messages

Error messages are intended to be self explanatory. Here are some of the common error messages.

**Invalid or Inactive API key:**KEYVAL - indicates that an invalid KEYVAL has been passed to WPAPI. Since an API_KEY takes about 10 minutes to activate, this can occur on first use of the WPAPI if less than 10 minutes has elapsed between registering for the API_KEY and first attempt at using it. Other common causes include a typo or transposition when entering the KEYVAL.

API key is required to use this API - indicates that the api_key parameter was entirely missing from the WPAPI call made. To correct this error add


where KEYVAL represents the API registration key you received when registering to the use the WPAPI.

Invalid Input Parameter:paramname - indicates that an input parameter was not recognized as a valid name of a parameter. The offending name will be identified as paramname in the message.

Missing Input:lastname - indicates that a required input parameter was not supplied. In this example the missing parameter was lastname.

Error Payloads

Error payloads are provided in JSON or XML as requested in the API call.

JSON Error Payload Example
  "result": {
    "type": "error",
    "code": "Missing Input",
    "message": "One or more input parameters are invalid",
    "billable": "false"
XML Error Payload Example
<wp:result wp:type="error" wp:code="Missing Input" wp:message="One or more input parameters are invalid" wp:billable="false"/>
  <wp:message>Missing Input: areacode</wp:message>
Error response codes

The following error response codes are delivered within the above error payloads:

HTTP Response Type Code Message Description
200 The API responded successfully
400 error Error The method is invalid The method you attempted to invoke does not exist
400 error Error API Key required An API key is required to be passed to invoke this API method
403 error Error Quota exceed You have exceeded your API call quota, please contact your account manager
400 error Error Invalid API Version The API version requested is invalid
400 error Error Invalid Output Type The selected output format is not valid
403 error Error Inactive or Invalid API Key The API key is inactive or invalid
403 error Error Invalid API URI A method and version are required to use this API
403 error Error Invalid Input Parameters The parameters passed to the method were not recognized
500 error Error Data Provider Error Error from the data provider. Please try again in a few seconds
500 error Error Generic WPAPI Error A generic error has occurred. Please try again in a few seconds

Optional Feature - Receiving Mail

The Whitepages Pro API now offers the ability to inform you on whether an address is currently receiving mail or not, via two new data points in the search response: ‘receiving_mail’ and ‘not_receiving_mail_reason’.

How to Use It

The new ‘receiving_mail’ feature is turned off by default, but can be enabled by your Whitepages Account Executive at your request. When it is enabled, you will receive the new ‘receiving_mail’ and ‘not_receiving_mail_reason’ data points for all searches that return address information:

  • find_person
  • reverse_phone
  • reverse_address
  • find_business

New Data Points

Whether an address is currently receiving mail is indicated by the following two new data points which are found as attributes of the wp:address element in the XML response:

  • receiving_mail: true/false. If Whitepages data indicate that the property is not receiving mail, then a false value will be returned. Otherwise the value will be true.
  • not_receiving_mail_reason: If the property is not receiving mail (if receiving_mail=false), then where possible this will provide a reason why mail is not being received. The possible values will be updated over time as Whitepages incorporate new data, and currently include:
reason code description
vacant this location is vacant
new_construction this locaiton is new construction and mail delivery has not started
rural rural address
partial_address the address returned is incomplete, contains zip+4 and street information
other no specific reason was provided
unknown no data available

Impact on Match Rate and Billable Queries

Under the default Whitepages Pro API configuration, a search on an address that returns no name is considered a ‘no match’ and is not a billable query. However if the new ‘receiving_mail’ feature is enabled, then the Whitepages Pro API can still provide the ‘receiving_mail’ flag even if there is no name available, and as a result what would otherwise have been a ‘no match’ will now be considered a match and a billable query.

For this reason, the new ‘receiving_mail’ feature will usually cause a significant increase in match rate and number of billable queries. As such it is an optional feature that is turned off by default, but can be enabled if desired by your Whitepages Account Executive.

Search Types

The Whitepages Pro API supports the following four search types:

  • Find Person
  • Reverse Phone
  • Reverse Address
  • Find Business

Find Person

Finds contact information for a person, based on name and location.;api_key=KEYVAL


where parameter_list signifies one or more parameter=value entries separated by semicolons and KEYVAL is the API key value you received when you registered.


Parameters can appear in any order. Parameter names are case-sensitive; parameter values case-insensitive. For example "lastname=smith" matches "Smith", but "Lastname=smith" is not a valid parameter assignment, since the parameter name is (all lower case) lastname and not (capitalized) Lastname.

Parameter Required? Notes Example
firstname no firstname=robert
lastname yes Either lastname or name is requierd lastname=johnson
name yes Full name, an alternative to lastname and firstname name=robert%20johnson
house no The house parameter is the house number house=400
street no The street parameter is the street name, including any directional prefix or suffix street=maple%20st
city no city=seattle
state no Usps two-character state state=wa
zip no Will accept 5 digit ZIP or 9 digit ZIP+4 zip=98101
areacode no areacode=206
metro no Whether to expand the search to the metro area. The default value is 0 (false) which means searches are not expanded to metro area by default. metro=1


Only one of the parameters lastname or name is required. However, we recommend providing as much information as you have as that will give better results and faster response.

Although the API supports separate input parameters for house and street, both values can be appended together in the street input parameter. For example, searching house=2468 and street=main+st will return the same result as just submitting street=2468+main+st.

The firstname and lastname parameters support both an exact name match as well as a "begins with" match using asterisk ("*") as a wild-card character. To search for "Bernie" or "Bert" set the firstname parameter to "Ber*". No other parameters support this character and it can only be used to match the end of a first name or the end of a last name.

Searches for common nicknames, such as searching for "Doug" or "Douglas" as a first name, are automatically done without requiring the wildcard in the firstname field. If multiple matches are found the listings will be ordered so that more exact matches to the search parameters will be presented first with nicknames or other wildcard results lower in the results set.

The metro parameter is a Boolean value where 1 signifies true or 0 signifies false. It specifies whether to expand the search to include the metropolitan area around the specified city parameter value.


A find_person search will return at most 20 listings using the WPAPI. Additional listings may be available by following one of the URLs returned as links with a successful search.

Billable Queries

A find_person search is considered billable if either an address and/or phone number are returned. If Whitepages doesn’t return any address or number, the search is not billed.

The exception to this is that for customers who are only interested in phone numbers and not addresses, accounts can be configured so that a find_person search is only considered billable if a phone number is returned. If you are interested in this feature, please contact your Whitepages Pro account representative.


The following example specifies a search for Mike Smith on Main Street in Seattle, Washington.;lastname=Smith;street=Main;city=seattle;state=wa;api_key=KEYVAL

Reverse Phone Search

Finds a name and contact information, based on a telephone number.;api_key=KEYVAL


where parameter_list signifies one or more parameter=value entries separated by semicolons and API_KEY is the API key you received when you registered.


Parameters can appear in any order. Parameter names are case-sensitive; parameter values case-insensitive.

Parameter Required? Notes Example
phone yes Must include 10 digits, can optionally include formatting characters phone=2069730000

Spam Score

In the reputation parameter returned for reverse phone lookup, Whitepages Pro API 1.1 returns a spam score based on the likelihood a phone number is performing high volume outbound calls. Generally, a score above 10% indicates spam and this number will decay over time.


A reverse_phone search will return at most 20 listings using the API. Additional listings may be available by following one of the URLs returned as links with a successful search.

Billable Queries

Reverse_phone searches are billable only if a first and last name or business name are returned. If no names are provided, then the search is not billable.


The following example specifies a reverse phone search for the Seattle-area telephone number (206) 973-0000:;api_key=KEYVAL

Reverse Address Search

Finds information based on an address.;api_key=KEYVAL


where parameter_list signifies one or more parameter=value entries separated by semicolons and API_KEY is the API key you received when you registered.


Parameters can appear in any order. Parameter names are case-sensitive; parameter values case-insensitive. For example "state=wa" is equivalent to "state=WA", but "State=WA" is not a valid parameter assignment.

Parameter Required? Notes Example
house no house=400
apt no apt=2a
street yes The street parameter is the street name, including any directional prefix or suffix street="maple%20st"
city no city=seattle
state see remarks Usps two-character state state=wa
zip see remarks Will accept 5 digit ZIP ir 9 digit ZIP+4 zip=98101
areacode see remarks areacode=206


Only the street parameter and one of the state, zip, or areacode parameters is required. However, we recommend providing as much information as you have as that will give better results and faster response.

Although the API supports separate input parameters for house, street and apt, all three values can be appended together in the street input parameter. For example, searching house=2468, street=main+st, and apt=101 will return the same result as just submitting street=2468+main+st+apt+101.


A reverse_address search will return at most 20 listings using the WPAPI. Additional listings may be available by following one of the URLs returned as links with a successful search.

Billable Queries

A reverse_address search is considered billable if either first and last name, business name, and/or phone number are returned. If Whitepages doesn’t return any names or number for a given address is not billed.


The following example specifies a search for the address 2468 Main St, Seattle, Washington.;street=main%20st;city=seattle;state=wa;api_key=KEYVAL

Find Business

Finds contact information for a business, based on location and either name or category.;api_key=KEYVAL


where parameter_list signifies one or more parameter=value entries separated by semicolons and KEYVAL is the API key value you received when you registered.


Parameters can appear in any order. Parameter names are case-sensitive; parameter values case-insensitive. For example "keywords=mazda" matches "Mazda", but "Keywords=mazda" is not a valid parameter assignment, since the parameter name is (all lower case) keywords and not (capitalized) Keywords.

Parameter Required? Example
keywords yes keywords=a1%20pizza
location yes location=seattle


Both input parameters are required. Keywords can be the business name, category, or other identifying attribute. The location must be more specific than nationwide, i.e. the city, state, or zip of the business. In order to make sure you get the correct relevant result, the location parameter should be as specific as possible. For example, searching location=Portland should be avoided since Portland occurs in multiple states. Instead, for common city names it is recommended that you submit either a zip code or both city and state together (i.e. location=97223 or location=portland%20or).


A find_business search will return at most 20 listings using the WPAPI. Additional listings may be available by following one of the URLs returned as links with a successful search.

Billable Queries

A find_business search is considered billable if either business name or address are returned. If Whitepages doesn’t return any name or address then the search is not billed.


The following example specifies a search for Pizza businesses in Seattle.;location=seattle%20wa;api_key=KEYVAL

Data Dictionary

The following data points are returned in a Results Response by Whitepages Pro API.

  • Listings

    • Listing

      • Business

        • Businessname
      • Displayname

      • People

        • Person

          • Rank: "primary", "secondary"

          • Firstname

          • Lastname

          • Middlename: usually an initial

          • Suffix: e.g. "junior", "III"

          • Age_range: e.g. "25-29", "60-64"

      • Phonenumbers

        • Phone

          • Rank: "primary", "secondary"

          • Do_not_call: opt-in Boolean value, returned only by reverse phone searches

          • Type: : returned only by reverse phone searches, "landline", "mobile", "non_fixed_voip", "unknown"

          • Fullphone

          • Areacode

          • Exchange

          • Linenumber

          • Carrier: returned only by reverse phone searches

          • Reputation (including spamscore)

          • zip_code

          • account_type

      • Address

        • Type: "residential", "business", "work", "unknown"

        • Deliverable

        • Receiving_mail: opt-in, Boolean value

        • Not_receiving_mail_reason: opt-in, e.g. "vacant", "new_construction", "other"

        • Delivery_point: opt-in, "single-unit", "multi-unit", "po_box", "commercial_mail_drop"

        • Fullstreet

        • House

        • Street

        • Streettype

        • City

        • State

        • Zip

        • Zip4

        • Country

      • Geodata

        • Latitude

        • Longitude

        • Geoprecision: integer representing preciseness of geo-encoding: 1=rooftop, 2=street, 3=zip, 4=city, 5=state, 6=country

      • Listingmeta

        • Lastvalidated

        • Type: "home", "work", "business"

  • Meta

    • Recordrange

      • Firstrecord

      • Lastrecord

      • Totalavailable

    • Apiversion

    • Searchlinks

      • Self

        • url: the url of this API call
  • Result

    • Type: "success", "error"

    • Code: e.g. "Found Data", "Missing Input", etc.

    • Message: blank for Results Response, otherwise meaningful error message

    • Billable: Boolean value

Whitepages Pro API Implementation Guide