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The note-taking app for cat lovers.

See MeowNotes live at:

For more details, see the technical paper in the wiki and the video.


MeowNotes is a Python-based web app written with Flask and an SQLite database.

It can be run on the uWSGI server that implements the WSGI python server specification.

The live version of MeowNotes is deployed and hosted from pythonanywhere.

For local development, the make utility provides an easy way to setup MeowNotes with predefined commands.

With regards to quality, testing is done with pytest and pylint is used for static code checks.

MeowNotes makes use of the following: Bootstrap, Font Awesome, and Cat as a Service.

Structure of this repo

├── Makefile                                                    "shortcut" tasks to setup and run MeowNotes
├──                                                   primary info on how to setup, run, etc
├── documentation
│   ├── "SS2019 - SE 01 Final Project - Concept.pdf"            first concept ideation for the project
│   ├── diagrams                                                technical diagrams of MeowNotes
│   │   └── ...
│   ├── flask-routes.png                                        screenshot of flask routes output
│   └── screenshots                                             screenshots of MeowNotes pages
│       └── ...
├── meownotes                                                   main app directory
│   ├──                                             main Flask app file
│   ├──                                               app configuration
│   ├──                                              main backend file to communicate with db
│   ├── meownotes-schema.sql                                    schema showing structure of MeowNotes db
│   ├── meownotes.db                                            SQLite3 db
│   ├──                                             Flask blueprint for MeowNotes app
│   ├── static                                                  static files
│   │   ├── css                                                 styling
│   │   │   ├── bootstrap-4.3.1                                 Bootstrap CSS
│   │   │   │   └── ...
│   │   │   ├── fonts.css                                       custom font imports
│   │   │   └── main.css                                        MeowNotes custom css
│   │   ├── fonts                                               custom font (Montserrat) files
│   │   │   └── ...
│   │   ├── img                                                 MeowNotes image assets (logo, favicon)
│   │   │   └── ...
│   │   └── js                                                  js
│   │       ├── bootstrap-4.3.1                                 Bootstrap JS
│   │       │   └── ...
│   │       ├── jquery-3.3.1.slim.min.js                        Bootstrap JS dependency
│   │       ├── main.js                                         MeowNotes custom js
│   │       └── popper.min.js                                   Bootstrap JS dependency
│   ├── templates                                               MeowNotes HTML templates
│   │   └── ...
│   ├── test                                                    test folder
│   │   └── ...
│   └──                                                additional helper functions for MeowNotes
├── venv                                                        (virtual environment, not committed to repo)
│   └── ...
├── .pylintrc                                                   config file for pylint
└──                                                     uWSGI server configuration file


  • python3
  • virtualenv
pip3 install virtualenv
  • recommended: make
    • needed only if want to use the tasks defined in the Makefile as shortcuts


General setup

# Clone the repo
git clone
# Change directory
cd MeowNotes

After this point, you have two options.

You can setup the environment for MeowNotes using make if you have it:

# in the MeowNotes dir
make install

You can also do everything without make:

# Create the virtual env
python3 -m venv venv
# Start the virtual env
source venv/bin/activate
# Install flask and other dependencies in the virtual env
pip install flask
pip install python-dateutil
# Optional: install if want to run with wsgi server locally
pip install uwsgi
# Dev dependency only for testing
pip install pytest
pip install pylint

(Re)create the database; danger, will delete existing contents and create new tables!

# Option 1: using make
make fresh-db
# Option 2: without using make
# Start the virtual env
source venv/bin/activate
export FLASK_APP=meownotes
flask initdb

Start MeowNotes locally

Dev/debug mode

This mode has live reload on change as well as additional logging output in the console including the prepared SQL queries and results; can use either make or "manually" run the necessary commands to start.

See MeowNotes at localhost:5000/.

Start dev/debug mode with make:

# In the MeowNotes folder
make run-debug

Start manually:

# Start the virtual env
source venv/bin/activate
# Set env var to see extra debug output
# Start in debug mode (live reload on change)
python3 meownotes/

"Production" mode

This mode suppresses the additional logging output and starts on a different port.

See MeowNotes at localhost:8000/.

This port is defined in the Makefile and can be changed there.

Start with make:

# In the MeowNotes folder
make run-prod

Start manually:

# Start the virtual env
source venv/bin/activate
# Start the app
export FLASK_APP=meownotes
flask run

Using the uWSGI server:

# In the MeowNotes folder
make run-wsgi

Testing and code quality

Tests are found in meownotes/tests; run like so:

# in the root folder MeowNotes
make test

To use pylint (configured in the .pylintrc file):

# in the root folder MeowNotes
make lint


  • sign up / login (from the landing)
  • logout (from the menu bar)
  • view a random cat (from the menu bar)
  • create a new note with a title, tags, and content (from the dashboard)
  • edit an existing note (from the single note view)
  • delete an existing note (from the dashboard, search, or single note view)
  • download an existing note (from the single note view)
  • search for a note by its title, tags, and/or content (from the menu bar)
  • filter the search to limit to a specific field (from the search results page)


Landing (login / sign-up)




Create a note

create note

View a note

view note

Edit a note

edit note

Downloaded note

download(ed) note

Deleted note and example notification

delete note

View a random cat

random cat

Search for notes and filter search



You can use make to see the routes defined:

make see-routes

Here is a more detailed description:

  • /
    • GET show the langing (login/sign-up page)
  • /cat
    • GET show the cat page with a random cat
  • /login
    • GET redirect to the dashboard if signed in
    • POST either login or create a new account; if password is wrong for an existing account, the landing page is rerendered with the warning message; if the password is right or a new account is created, redirect to the dashboard
  • /logout
    • GET remove the username from the session and redirect to the landing
  • /dashboard
    • GET show the dashboard page with the user's notes
  • /view
    • GET show the view page for the given note by id
  • /download
    • GET note data sent as raw text file to download
  • /update
    • GET redirect to the /view page for this note
    • POST (DB) update the note with the given id from the form
  • /create
    • GET show the create page
    • POST (DB) create a new note
  • /delete
    • GET redirect to dashboard
    • POST (DB) delete the note with the given id from the form
  • /search
    • GET show empty search results page
    • POST show populated search results
  • /filter
    • GET redirect to (empty) search results page
    • POST render search results with filters applied

Note: all GET requests additionally to the above redirect to the landing (login page) if the user is not logged in
