🦀 Hackable information display fully built in Rust and extensible through WebAssembly Components 🦀
Extensible, open-source and connected to the local community
- 🚂 The next public transport connections between two stations
- 🏊🏻 The current temperature of the Aare River and whether it is a good idea to take a dip
- ⏰ The current date and time
- 🧖🏽♀️ The current occupancy in the "Sauna Lorrainebad" in Bern, CH
- 🕺🏾 The next event at the Cafete Club
- .. what ever idea you might have? Simply write your own widget
- 🦀 Fully built in Rust
- 🔧 Extensible through WebAssembly. Write your own widget in Rust or any other language that compiles to WebAssembly
- 🚀 Easy deployment. Compiles to single binary
- 🤑 Only needs a Raspberry Pi (64-bit capable) and a 15$ display
- ⚙️ Widgets can be configured by the user via a web interface
- ⭐️ What WG Display can show you
- ✨ Features
- 📚 Table of contents
- 🚀 Getting started
- 🛠️ Assembling the hardware
- 🔨Building from source
- 👏 Writing your own widget
- 📖 Documentation (rustdocs)
- 🧪 Testing
- 🔮 What comes next
- 🔒 Safety
- ♻️ Updating the dependencies
- 🦾 Developing on target
The web interface allows the users to configure system aspects like the background color used on the display or various configuration options of the different widgets.
- Flash the latest Raspberry Pi OS Lite (64-bit) image to an SD card.
You can use the Raspberry Pi Imager. It allows you to configure the Wi-Fi credentials and enable SSH (you'll need it in the next step). - SSH into the Raspberry Pi and run the installation script
# SSH into the Raspberry Pi ssh [email protected] # Run the installation script (after you've logged in over SSH) curl -sL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/eliabieri/wg_display/main/install_on_raspberry.py | python3
The configuration dashboard should be available at wgdisplay.local
WG Display is best deployed on a Raspberry Pi and a cheap display hat.
💡 Even a Raspberry PI Zero 2 W is sufficient!
The application is very ressource efficient and generally only utilizes around 3% CPU on a Raspberry PI 3B.
Some displays that are tested to be good
- 5" MIPI DIS Display
- ✨ Requires no driver
- ✨ Includes stand
- 📐 Large enough to display ~ 6 widgets
- 💲💲💲
- 3.5" HAT Display
- ✨ Includes enclosure for wall mounting
⚠️ Requires a driver- 📐 Large enough to display ~ 3 widgets
- 💲
- 3.5" HAT HDMI Display
- ✨ Requires no driver
- 📐 Large enough to display ~ 3 widgets
- 💲💲
- Any other display you might find
- WG Display uses the terminal for rendering, so there are no special display requirements
First, install rustup then
# Install WebAssembly target
rustup target add wasm32-wasip2
# Install trunk for building the frontend
cargo install --locked trunk
# Install NPM dependencies
cd frontend && npm install
First, install docker, then
cargo install cross --git https://github.com/cross-rs/cross
# Native build
# Cross compilation (Raspberry Pi 3/4/Zero 2 W with 64-bit OS)
make app_aarch64
Then simply copy over the generated binary to the target and run it.
💡 To run it at boot, simply add the path to the binary to the end of the ~/.bashrc file.
Want your WG Display to show you
- 🥳 the upcoming events in your favorite nightclub
- 🚮 the trash calendar in your municipality
- 🍺 beers on sale in your local supermarket?
You've got two options
- Write your own widget. It's easy using the provided guide and reference implementations
- In case you don't feel capable of writing it yourself, open a feature request and tag it using the
widget request
The rustdocs can be built using
make docs
This generates three separate documentations, one for each crate
app: app/target/doc/app/index.html
common: common/target/doc/common/index.html
frontend: frontend/target/doc/frontend/index.html
Widgets should provide unit tests for their functionality where adequate.
Asynchronous functions can be tested using the tokio_test::block_on function.
- Add installation script
- Dynamically load widgets
- Template repository for widgets written in Rust
- Smoothen up web interface (e.g. add loading indicator, allow updating of widgets)
- Template repository for widgets written in JS
- Allow user to configure Wi-Fi credentials via web interface
- Starting the binary through systemd
- Implement an update mechanism
- Implement authentication for the web interface
This project uses #[forbid(unsafe_code)]
in all crates to ensure that no unsafe
Rust is ever added to the project
# To update the dependencies in all crates, simply run
When developing, an occasional run on a target may be required.
You can the following script as a template to copy over the binary to the target and restart it
set -e
# Note:
# - Set hostname of target to wgdisplay
# - Add public key to authorized_keys on target
# - Enable root ssh login: https://raspberrypi.stackexchange.com/questions/48056/how-to-login-as-root-remotely
make app_arm
ssh [email protected] "sudo /usr/bin/pkill -9 app || true"
scp /Users/eliabieri/git/wg_display/app/target/arm-unknown-linux-gnueabihf/release/app [email protected]:/home/pi
ssh [email protected] "sudo reboot"