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Dynamically configure ultrasonic range sensors on an Arduino running the sensor_hub firmware

sensor_hub firmware

The sensor_hub firmware implements ROS Service Calls that configure the various sensors and other parameters for the publication of data.

sensor_hub_node driver

The sensor_hub_node acts as a driver, initializing and configuring the sensors by calling the services exposed by the counterpart firmware.



  1. Open the sensor_hub.ino sketch in the Arduino IDE
  2. Install the required dependencies:
  1. Select the platform and amend the SENSOR_MAX variable
  2. Upload the firmware

ROS Node

  1. Change directory your catkin workspace cd ~/catkin_ws/src
  2. Clone the sensor_hub repository into your catkin workspace git clone
  3. Build the package from source by performing catkin_make

ROS dependencies

  • rosserial_client
  • rosserial_python


Shared sensorConfig.yaml with sensor_pointcloud

Add a <sensorName>/device key to each sensor_hub sensor, and specify the

  • type:
    • SRF05 # For SRF05/HY-SRF05/Ping)))
    • SRF10 # For SRF08/10
  • connection point:
    • pin: 14 # For SRF05 use a pin number
    • addr: 0xE0 # For SRF08/10 use an 8-bit I2C address (as per datasheet)
  • timeout:
    • timeout: 60000 # Wait 60 ms for ping return
    topic: ultrasound/range
        type: SRF05
        pin: 14
        timeout: 60000
        frame: sensor0
    topic: sensor_hub/range
        type: SRF10
        addr: 0xE2
        timeout: 60000
        frame: sensor1

See the sensorConfig.yaml guide for more details


Option 1: Using roslaunch

  1. Run the sensor_hub/sensor_hub.launch file after loading the sensorConfig.yaml into node namespace using rosparam or sensor_pointcloud
roslaunch sensor_hub sensor_hub.launch device:=/dev/ttyACM0

Option 2: Manually starting each node

  1. Connect the device and run: rosrun rosserial_python <device>

For Example:

rosrun rosserial_python /dev/ttyACM0
  1. Run the sensor_hub_node rosrun sensor_hub sensor_hub_node to load the sensor configuration onto the Arduino

Possible Errors

Unable to find Service Provider

When sensor_hub is not connected by rosserial, the service call cannot be resolved and will fail. By default, sensor_hub_node will block and wait for the SetupSensorHub service to become available. Check the power, data cable, serial port, and any collision with other sensor_hub_node / Arduino IDE instances.

Initialization Failure

If the sensor_hub has run out of slots (exceeding SENSOR_MAX), any sensor attachment service call will fail.

Invalid Sensor Data

The sensor_hub_node will monitor initialized sensors and highlight signs of sensor errors:

  • Measured value exceeds defined range
  • Timeout resulting in no reading



This library is licensed under the MIT License.