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A WHIP/WHEP broadcasting server with a simple browser front-end.


Clone this repo and change the working directory to apps/broadcaster.

Fetch dependencies and run the app:

mix setup
mix phx.server

We will use OBS as a media source. Open OBS an go to settings > Stream and change Service to WHIP.

Pass http://localhost:4000/api/whip as the Server value and example as the Bearer Token value, using the environment variables values that have been set a moment ago. Press Apply.

Close the settings, choose a source of you liking (e.g. a web-cam feed) and press Start Streaming.

Now you can visit localhost:4000 from your browser. You should see the stream from OBS.

Running with Docker

You can also run Broadcaster using Docker.

Build an image (or use

docker build -t broadcaster .

and run:

docker run \
    -e SECRET_KEY_BASE="secret" \
    -e PHX_HOST=localhost \
    -e ADMIN_USERNAME=admin \
    -e ADMIN_PASSWORD=admin \
    -e WHIP_TOKEN=token \
    --network host \

Note that secret has to be at least 64 bytes long. You can generate one with mix phx.gen.secret or head -c64 /dev/urandom | base64.

If you are running on MacOS, instead of using --network host option, you have to explicitly publish ports:

docker run \
    -e SECRET_KEY_BASE="secret" \
    -e PHX_HOST=localhost \
    -e ADMIN_USERNAME=admin \
    -e ADMIN_PASSWORD=admin \
    -e WHIP_TOKEN=token \
    -p 4000:4000 \
    -p 50000-50010/udp \