A multimedia relay server (SFU) facilitating video conference calls with a simple browser front-end.
Clone this repo and change the working directory to apps/nexus
Fetch dependencies and run the app:
mix setup
mix phx.server
Now you can visit localhost:4000
from your browser.
If you join from another tab/browser on the same device, you should see two streams.
You can also run Nexus using Docker.
Build an image (or use ghcr.io/elixir-webrtc/apps/nexus:latest
docker build -t nexus .
and run:
docker run \
-e SECRET_KEY_BASE="secret" \
-e PHX_HOST=localhost \
--network host \
Note that secret has to be at least 64 bytes long.
You can generate one with mix phx.gen.secret
or head -c64 /dev/urandom | base64
If you are running on MacOS, instead of using --network host
option, you have to explicitly publish ports:
docker run \
-e SECRET_KEY_BASE="secret" \
-e PHX_HOST=localhost \
-p 4000:4000 \
-p 50000-50010/udp \
Seeing as access to video and audio devices requires the browser to be
in a secure context,
if you want to connect from another device on your network, you have to set up HTTPS access to the server.
Refer to the comments in config/dev.exs
for more info.
At the moment, there is no way to choose the devices to be used or join without sharing media.