- Three micro frontends built with different technologies (React v15, React v0.14, and Angular)
- Each micro frontend is wrapped in Web Components
- Integration happen through another high-level Web Component
- Micro frontends are imported using HTML imports
- The main application is automatically rendered when the main script loads
- CDNs are used for the web components polyfills and bootstrap styling
- Each micro frontend distribution contains an index.html that will self initialize
- The application allows to manually load each different micro frontend on-demand
- The application allows to change the title of each frontend loaded on-demand
Note: Ideally these micro frontends will come from remote servers, but take in consideration that most servers will block CORS by default.
In order to run this project you will need to:
- manually build each
individually usingyarn install
- install the node modules for the integration app using
yarn install
- run
yarn start
to build each micro frontend and trigger the dev server instance