- Upgrade deps to newest versions
- Fixing Node deps security warning - Node 8, LTS and Stable
- fix: postgres -> error: cannot truncate a table referenced in a foreign key constraint (Sergei Khoma - @srghma)
- Support pooled MySQL connections (Rob Wells)
- Fix: Do not drop VIEWS (Matteo Ferrando)
- Support for specifying postgres schema (Ian Zabel)
- Sequence reset for postgres truncation (Matheus Pedroso)
- Skip system.indexes when delete MongoDB collections (Kostas Bariotis)
- Cleanup now have two strategy options. 'delete' (default) or 'truncate'. (yads)
- Elastic Search support (luizgpsantos)
- Removed version 0.8.x support (emerleite)
- Handle errors and pass it to the callback (gabceb)
- Allow to pass the config data on initialize (gabceb)
- Fix: mysql/postgesql stuck if no table to clean. (Amoki)
- Fix: Config can be relative to executing dir. Closes #31 (knappe)
- Allow skip tables during tests. Supports MySQL and Postgres
- MySQL cleanner. Issue #25
- Postgres: quote database table name when delete data, fixed an issue when table name is capitalized. Pull Request #23
- Moved all dependencies to devDependencies because you only need than on test environment. Closes issues #20 and #21.
- Postgres support
- Added POSTGRES_HOST, MYSQL_HOST and COUCHDB_HOST to allow use another ip than localhost when testing.
- DatabaseCleanner global leak fixed.
- Supports only node >= 0.8.0
- Remove system.indexes during cleanner - Issue #13 (mongodb)
- Invoke callback even if empty collection - Bug #14 and #15 (mongodb)
- Mongodb usage example at examples dir
- Updated mongodb, cradle, mysql and redis pkg versions
- rewrited all tests using mocha
- removed nodeunit dependency (not used anymore)
- Node.JS 0.6.0 compatibility - Issue #10
- Fixed nodeunit dependency version
- Using database 1 for redis tests to not screw up user database
- Added a test script to not require user install nodeunit globaly
- Removed mongoose dependency and using only mongodb native driver
- Fixed mongodb driver update - Issue #9
- Mysql Support (Dai Akatsuka - https://github.com/dakatsuka)
- Added dependencies and dev dependencies
- Using index.js as main in package.json. This is a standard in npm
- Updated package.json to work with npm >= 0.3 (Zach Smith - https://github.com/xcoderzach)
- Added couchdb support usign cradle (http://cloudhead.io/cradle)
- Added redis support
- Changed the API
- Updated documentation with the new API sintax
- Added node-mongodb-native as a project dependency
- Support MongoDB
- Clean all databases but system.indexes
- Basic test structure
- Initial documentation