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EnergyWeb Origin


Origin-Backend-IREC-App package provides is a runner for a nest.js application that consist of Origin-Backend and Exchange packages.


Exchange project is currently not meant to be run as a separate nest application. In order to run exchange project please refer to

yarn start to start the origin backend and exchange as one application Note: this will not run the migrations for origin-backend and exchange.

Default TypeOrm configuration requires running PostgreSQL database. The detailed config with .env parameters is:

DB_HOST      - default 'localhost'
DB_PORT      - default 5432
DB_USERNAME  - default 'postgres',
DB_PASSWORD  - default 'postgres',
DB_DATABASE  - default 'origin',


DATABASE_URL  - postgres://{user}:{password}@{host}:{port}/{database}

Other configuration variables

PORT:                                           <PORT to which nest application start listening>
BACKEND_PORT:                                   <Same as PORT >
BACKEND_URL:                                    <URL on which this application will be available for e.g>
BLOCKCHAIN_EXPLORER_URL:                        <For e.g for Volta network>
DEPLOY_KEY:                                     <Private key used for Issuer contracts deployment>
EMAIL_FROM:                                     <Email from for Mandrill API>
EMAIL_REPLY_TO:                                 <Email reply to for Mandrill API>
ENERGY_API_BASE_URL:                            <URL for Energy API>
EXCHANGE_ACCOUNT_DEPLOYER_PRIV:                 <Private key used for exchange accounts deployment>
EXCHANGE_WALLET_PRIV:                           <Private key for wallet used for withdrawals>
EXCHANGE_WALLET_PUB:                            <Address of the wallet defined in EXCHANGE_WALLET_PRIV>
ISSUER_ID:                                      <Name of the external device id type used in the issuance process for e.g Issuer ID>
JWT_EXPIRY_TIME:                                <Expiry time for e.g 7 days>
JWT_SECRET:                                     <Secret>
MANDRILL_API_KEY:                               <API KEY>
REGISTRATION_MESSAGE_TO_SIGN:                   <For e.g I register as Origin user>
UI_BASE_URL:                                    <URL on which UI is deployed for e.g>
WEB3:                                           <WEB3 provider url>
MARKET_UTC_OFFSET:                              <UTC offset in minutes (-120, -60, 0, 60, etc)>

PostgreSQL installation using Docker

docker pull postgres
docker run --name origin-postgres -e POSTGRES_PASSWORD=postgres -d -p 5432:5432 postgres


docker pull dpage/pgadmin4
docker run -p 80:80 \
    -e '[email protected]' \
    -d dpage/pgadmin4


Swagger endpoint can be found at


Custom event handlers

It's possible to handle events emitted by @energyweb/exchange in the @energyweb/origin-backend-app project. This feature allows 3rd party developers to implement custom event handling logic, additional to existing core event handlers.

Currently, supported event is BulkTradeExecutedEvent which is emitted whenever new trade in the matching engine occurs.

In order to register custom event handler for this event please follow these steps:

  1. Create custom event handler code
import { BulkTradeExecutedEvent } from '@energyweb/exchange';
import { Logger } from '@nestjs/common';
import { EventsHandler, IEventHandler } from '@nestjs/cqrs';

export class NewTradeExecutedEventHandler implements IEventHandler<BulkTradeExecutedEvent> {
    private readonly logger = new Logger(;

    async handle(event: BulkTradeExecutedEvent) {
        this.logger.debug(`Received trade executed events ${JSON.stringify(event)}`);

Note: This follows the recipe created by Nest.js team which is documented here

  1. Register your event handler as provider in origin-app.module.ts
export class OriginAppModule {
    static register(smartMeterReadingsAdapter: ISmartMeterReadingsAdapter): DynamicModule {
        return {
            module: OriginAppModule,
            imports: [
            providers: [NewTradeExecutedEventHandler] // <-- add your event handler here

Note: Due to a way in which Nest.js is handling DI, your custom handler class name has to be unique, this means you should not use name taken by core event handler TradeExecutedEventHandler