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Audit Logs for Postgres connections opened through a data link (#9873)
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- Closes #9599
- Implemented API for sending audit logs to the cloud on a background thread.
- If the Postgres connection is opened through a datalink, its internal JDBC connection is replaced by a wrapper that reports executed queries to the audit log.
- Also introduces `EnsoMeta` - a helper Java class that can be used in our helper libraries to access Enso types.
- I have replaced the common pattern scattered throughout the codebase with calls to this 'library' to avoid repetitive code.
- Refactored `Table.display` to share code between in-memory and DB - it was needed as the function stopped working for `DB_Table` after adding making the `Table` constructor `private`.
- Clearer error when reading a SQLite database from a remote file (tells the user to download it first).
- Follow up - correlate asset id of the data link:
- Follow up - include project name (once bug is fixed):
- Some problems/improvements of the audit log:
- The audit log system is not yet ready for high throughput of logs
- The logs may be lost if `System.exit` is used
  • Loading branch information
radeusgd authored May 11, 2024
1 parent 1d61c08 commit 5f0a16c
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Showing 45 changed files with 2,175 additions and 219 deletions.
3 changes: 3 additions & 0 deletions
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Expand Up @@ -661,6 +661,8 @@
- [Added `Vector.build_multiple`, and better for support for errors and warnings
inside `` and `Vector.build_multiple`.][9766]
- [Added `Vector.duplicates`.][9917]
- [Log operations performed on a Postgres database connection obtained through a
Data Link.][9873]

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -970,6 +972,7 @@

#### Enso Compiler

Expand Down
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -4,12 +4,15 @@ import project.Data.Time.Duration.Duration
import project.Data.Vector.Vector
import project.Enso_Cloud.Enso_File.Enso_Asset_Type
import project.Enso_Cloud.Enso_File.Enso_File
import project.Enso_Cloud.Errors.Not_Logged_In
import project.Enso_Cloud.Internal.Authentication
import project.Enso_Cloud.Internal.Utils
import project.Error.Error
import project.Errors.Illegal_Argument.Illegal_Argument
import project.Network.HTTP.HTTP
import project.Network.HTTP.HTTP_Method.HTTP_Method
import project.Nothing.Nothing
import project.Panic.Panic
from project.Data.Boolean import Boolean, False, True
from project.Enso_Cloud.Public_Utils import get_optional_field, get_required_field

Expand All @@ -29,12 +32,17 @@ type Enso_User

## ICON people
Fetch the current user.
current : Enso_User
current =
current -> Enso_User =
Utils.get_cached "users/me" cache_duration=( minutes=120) <|
json = Utils.http_request_as_json HTTP_Method.Get (Utils.cloud_root_uri + "users/me")
Enso_User.from json

Checks if the user is logged in.
is_logged_in -> Boolean =
Panic.catch Not_Logged_In handler=(_->False) <|

## ICON people
Lists all known users.
list : Vector Enso_User
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@@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
import project.Data.Json.JS_Object
import project.Data.Text.Text
import project.Errors.Illegal_Argument.Illegal_Argument
import project.Nothing.Nothing
from project.Data.Boolean import Boolean, False, True

polyglot java import org.enso.base.enso_cloud.audit.AuditLog

type Audit_Log
Reports an event to the audit log.
The event is submitted asynchronously.

- event_type: The type of the event.
- message: The message associated with the event.
- metadata: Additional metadata to include with the event.
Note that it should be a JS object and it should _not_ contain fields
that are restricted. These fields are added to the metadata
- async: Whether to submit the event asynchronously.
Defaults to True.

? Restricted Fields

The following fields are added by the system and should not be included
in the provided metadata:
- `type`
- `operation`
- `localTimestamp`
- `projectName`
report_event event_type:Text message:Text (metadata:JS_Object = JS_Object.from_pairs []) (async : Boolean = True) -> Nothing =
Illegal_Argument.handle_java_exception <|
case async of
True -> AuditLog.logAsync event_type message metadata.object_node
False -> AuditLog.logSynchronously event_type message metadata.object_node
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -2,6 +2,7 @@ import project.Any.Any
import project.Data.Json.JS_Object
import project.Data.Text.Text
import project.Enso_Cloud.Errors.Enso_Cloud_Error
import project.Enso_Cloud.Internal.Utils
import project.Error.Error
import project.Meta
import project.Nothing.Nothing
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -57,3 +58,11 @@ get_optional_field (key : Text) js_object (~if_missing = Nothing) (show_value :
_ ->
representation = if show_value then js_object.to_display_text else Meta.type_of js_object . to_display_text
Error.throw (Enso_Cloud_Error.Invalid_Response_Payload "Expected a JSON object, but got "+representation+".")

Re-exports parts of the functionality of `http_request_as_json` function that
is needed in tests.
It should not be used anywhere else and may be removed in the near future.
cloud_http_request_for_test method url_suffix =
Utils.http_request_as_json method Utils.cloud_root_uri+url_suffix
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -96,6 +96,13 @@ type File_Format
_ = [file, on_problems]
Unimplemented.throw "This is an interface only."

Implements decoding the format from a stream.
read_stream : Input_Stream -> File_Format_Metadata -> Any
read_stream self stream:Input_Stream (metadata : File_Format_Metadata) =
_ = [stream, metadata]
Unimplemented.throw "This is an interface only."

default_widget : Widget
default_widget =
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Expand Up @@ -45,7 +45,9 @@ type Postgres_Data_Link
read self (format = Auto_Detect) (on_problems : Problem_Behavior) =
_ = on_problems
if format != Auto_Detect then Error.throw (Illegal_Argument.Error "Only the default Auto_Detect format should be used with a Postgres Data Link, because it does not point to a file resource, but a database entity, so setting a file format for it is meaningless.") else
default_options = Connection_Options.Value
# TODO add related asset id here:
audit_mode = if Enso_User.is_logged_in then "cloud" else "local"
default_options = Connection_Options.Value [["enso.internal.audit", audit_mode]]
connection = self.details.connect default_options
case self of
Postgres_Data_Link.Connection _ -> connection
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Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -2,6 +2,7 @@ from Standard.Base import all
import Standard.Base.Errors.Illegal_Argument.Illegal_Argument
import Standard.Base.System.File.Generic.Writable_File.Writable_File
import Standard.Base.System.File_Format_Metadata.File_Format_Metadata
import Standard.Base.System.Input_Stream.Input_Stream
from Standard.Base.Metadata.Choice import Option

import project.Connection.Database
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -48,6 +49,12 @@ type SQLite_Format
_ = [on_problems]
Database.connect (SQLite.From_File file)

read_stream : Input_Stream -> File_Format_Metadata -> Any
read_stream self stream metadata =
_ = [stream, metadata]
Error.throw (Illegal_Argument.Error "Cannot connect to a SQLite database backed by a stream. Save it to a local file first.")

Based on the File Format definition at:
magic_header_string =
Expand Down
43 changes: 7 additions & 36 deletions distribution/lib/Standard/Database/0.0.0-dev/src/DB_Table.enso
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -23,6 +23,7 @@ import Standard.Table.Internal.Add_Row_Number
import Standard.Table.Internal.Aggregate_Column_Helper
import Standard.Table.Internal.Column_Naming_Helper.Column_Naming_Helper
import Standard.Table.Internal.Constant_Column.Constant_Column
import Standard.Table.Internal.Display_Helpers
import Standard.Table.Internal.Join_Kind_Cross.Join_Kind_Cross
import Standard.Table.Internal.Problem_Builder.Problem_Builder
import Standard.Table.Internal.Replace_Helpers
Expand All @@ -35,10 +36,8 @@ import Standard.Table.Internal.Widget_Helpers
import Standard.Table.Match_Columns as Match_Columns_Helpers
import Standard.Table.Row.Row
from Standard.Table import Aggregate_Column, Auto, Blank_Selector, Column_Ref, Data_Formatter, Join_Condition, Join_Kind, Match_Columns, Position, Previous_Value, Report_Unmatched, Set_Mode, Simple_Expression, Sort_Column, Table, Value_Type
from Standard.Table.Column import get_item_string, normalize_string_for_display
from Standard.Table.Errors import all
from Standard.Table.Internal.Filter_Condition_Helpers import make_filter_column
from Standard.Table.Table import print_table

import project.Connection.Connection.Connection
import project.DB_Column.DB_Column
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -97,9 +96,12 @@ type DB_Table
- format_terminal: whether ANSI-terminal formatting should be used
display : Integer -> Boolean -> Text
display self show_rows=10 format_terminal=False =
df = max_rows=show_rows warn_if_more_rows=False
all_rows_count = self.row_count
display_dataframe df indices_count=0 all_rows_count format_terminal
data_fragment_with_warning = max_rows=show_rows warn_if_more_rows=True
has_more_rows = data_fragment_with_warning.has_warnings warning_type=Not_All_Rows_Downloaded
data_fragment_cleared = data_fragment_with_warning.remove_warnings Not_All_Rows_Downloaded
# `row_count` means another Database query is performed, so we only do it if we need to.
all_rows_count = if has_more_rows then self.row_count else data_fragment_cleared.row_count
Display_Helpers.display_table table=data_fragment_cleared add_row_index=False max_rows_to_show=show_rows all_rows_count=all_rows_count format_terminal=format_terminal

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -2941,37 +2943,6 @@ make_table connection table_name columns ctx on_problems =
problem_builder.attach_problems_before on_problems <|
DB_Table.Value table_name connection cols ctx


Renders an ASCII-art representation for a Table from a dataframe that
contains a fragment of the underlying data and count of all rows.

- df: The materialized dataframe that contains the data to be displayed, it
should have no indices set.
- indices_count: Indicates how many columns from the materialized dataframe
should be treated as indices in the display (index columns will be bold if
`format_terminal` is enabled).
- all_rows_count: The count of all rows in the underlying Table; if
`all_rows_count` is bigger than the amount of rows of `df`, an additional
line will be included that will say how many hidden rows there are.
- format_term: A boolean flag, specifying whether to use ANSI escape codes
for rich formatting in the terminal.
display_dataframe : Table -> Integer -> Integer -> Boolean -> Text
display_dataframe df indices_count all_rows_count format_terminal =
cols = Vector.from_polyglot_array df.java_table.getColumns
col_names = .getName . map normalize_string_for_display
col_vals = .getStorage
display_rows = df.row_count
rows = display_rows row_num-> col->
if col.isNothing row_num then "Nothing" else get_item_string col row_num
table = print_table col_names rows indices_count format_terminal
if display_rows == all_rows_count then table else
missing_rows_count = all_rows_count - display_rows
missing = '\n\u2026 and ' + missing_rows_count.to_text + ' hidden rows.'
table + missing

By default, join on the first column, unless it's a cross join, in which
case there are no join conditions.
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Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -52,7 +52,7 @@ type Postgres_Connection
- connection: the underlying connection.
- make_new: a function that returns a new connection.
Value connection make_new
private Value connection make_new

## ICON data_input
Closes the connection releasing the underlying database resources
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -320,4 +320,3 @@ parse_postgres_encoding encoding_name =
fallback.catch Any _->
warning = Unsupported_Database_Encoding.Warning "The database is using an encoding ("+encoding_name.to_display_text+") that is currently not supported by Enso. Falling back to UTF-8. Column/table names may not be mapped correctly if they contain unsupported characters."
Warning.attach warning Encoding.utf_8

15 changes: 1 addition & 14 deletions distribution/lib/Standard/Table/0.0.0-dev/src/Column.enso
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -30,7 +30,6 @@ import project.Value_Type.Value_Type
from project.Errors import Conversion_Failure, Floating_Point_Equality, Inexact_Type_Coercion, Invalid_Column_Names, Invalid_Value_Type, No_Index_Set_Error
from project.Internal.Column_Format import all
from project.Internal.Java_Exports import make_date_builder_adapter, make_string_builder
from project.Table import print_table

polyglot java import org.enso.base.Time_Utils
polyglot java import
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -155,19 +154,7 @@ type Column
example_display = Examples.integer_column.display
display : Integer -> Boolean -> Text
display self show_rows=10 format_terminal=False =
java_col = self.java_column
col_name = normalize_string_for_display java_col.getName
storage = java_col.getStorage
num_rows = java_col.getSize
display_rows = num_rows.min show_rows
items = display_rows num->
row = if storage.isNothing num then "Nothing" else
get_item_string storage num
[num.to_text, row]
table = print_table ["", col_name] items 1 format_terminal
if num_rows - display_rows <= 0 then table else
missing = '\n\u2026 and ' + (num_rows - display_rows).to_text + ' hidden rows.'
table + missing
self.to_table.display show_rows format_terminal

Expand Down
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@@ -0,0 +1,89 @@
from Standard.Base import all

import project.Table.Table
from project.Column import get_item_string, normalize_string_for_display

polyglot java import java.lang.System as Java_System


Renders an ASCII-art representation for a Table from a dataframe that
contains a fragment of the underlying data and count of all rows.

- table: The materialized table that contains the data to be displayed.
- add_row_index: A boolean flag, specifying whether to display row indices.
- max_rows_to_show: The maximum amount of rows to display.
- all_rows_count: The count of all rows in the underlying Table; if
`all_rows_count` is bigger than the amount of rows displayed, an additional
line will be included that will say how many hidden rows there are.
Useful for remote tables where `df` contains only a fragment of the data.
- format_terminal: A boolean flag, specifying whether to use ANSI escape
codes for rich formatting in the terminal.
display_table (table : Table) (add_row_index : Boolean) (max_rows_to_show : Integer) (all_rows_count : Integer) (format_terminal : Boolean) -> Text =
cols = Vector.from_polyglot_array table.java_table.getColumns
col_names = .getName . map normalize_string_for_display
col_vals = .getStorage
display_rows = table.row_count.min max_rows_to_show
rows = display_rows row_num->
cols = col->
if col.isNothing row_num then "Nothing" else get_item_string col row_num
if add_row_index then [row_num.to_text] + cols else cols
table_text = case add_row_index of
True -> print_table [""]+col_names rows 1 format_terminal
False -> print_table col_names rows 0 format_terminal
if display_rows == all_rows_count then table_text else
missing_rows_count = all_rows_count - display_rows
missing = '\n\u2026 and ' + missing_rows_count.to_text + ' hidden rows.'
table_text + missing


A helper function for creating an ASCII-art representation of tabular data.

- header: vector of names of columns in the table.
- rows: a vector of rows, where each row is a vector that contains a text
representation of each cell
- indices_count: the number specifying how many columns should be treated as
indices; this will make them in bold font if `format_term` is enabled.
- format_term: a boolean flag, specifying whether to use ANSI escape codes
for rich formatting in the terminal.
print_table : Vector Text -> (Vector (Vector Text)) -> Integer -> Boolean -> Text
print_table header rows indices_count format_term =
content_lengths = header.length i->
max_row = 0.up_to rows.length . fold 0 a-> j-> a.max ( j . at i . characters . length)
max_row.max ( i . characters . length)
header_line = content_lengths pad . map (ansi_bold format_term) . join ' | '
divider = content_lengths . map (l -> "-".repeat l+2) . join '+'
row_lines = r->
x = content_lengths pad
ixes = x.take (First indices_count) . map (ansi_bold format_term)
with_bold_ix = ixes + x.drop (First indices_count)
y = with_bold_ix . join ' | '
" " + y
([" " + header_line, divider] + row_lines).join '\n'


Ensures that the `txt` has at least `len` characters by appending spaces at
the end.

- txt: The text to pad.
- len: The minimum length of the text.
pad : Text -> Integer -> Text
pad txt len =
true_len = txt.characters.length
txt + (" ".repeat (len - true_len))


Adds ANSI bold escape sequences to text if the feature is enabled.

- enabled: will insert ANSI sequences only if this flag is true and we are not on Windows.
- txt: The text to possibly bold.
ansi_bold : Boolean -> Text -> Text
ansi_bold enabled txt =
if enabled && (Java_System.console != Nothing) then '\e[1m' + txt + '\e[m' else txt

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