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Pan to CB (#9273)
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When the CB is opened, pan to show it.

Large screen:
<video src="">

Small screen:
<video src="">

# Important Notes
A prioritized-coordinates approach is used to adjust panning goals based on screen space:
- Fitting the input area is highest-priority.
- If possible, the whole component panel area will be fit.
- If possible, the visualization preview will be fit.
- If there's extra room, margins will be included; the top and left are prioritized because those margins prevent overlap with fixed UI elements.
  • Loading branch information
kazcw authored Mar 6, 2024
1 parent e930738 commit 79a6a6a
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Showing 6 changed files with 179 additions and 17 deletions.
68 changes: 51 additions & 17 deletions app/gui2/e2e/componentBrowser.spec.ts
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -13,38 +13,39 @@ async function deselectAllNodes(page: Page) {
await expect(page.locator('.GraphNode.selected')).toHaveCount(0)

test('Different ways of opening Component Browser', async ({ page }) => {
await actions.goToGraph(page)
async function expectAndCancelBrowser(page: Page, expectedInput: string) {
const nodeCount = await locate.graphNode(page).count()
await expect(locate.componentBrowser(page)).toExist()
await expect(locate.componentBrowserEntry(page)).toExist()
await expect(locate.componentBrowserInput(page).locator('input')).toHaveValue(expectedInput)
await expect(locate.componentBrowserInput(page).locator('input')).toBeInViewport()
await expect(locate.componentBrowser(page)).not.toBeVisible()
await expect(locate.graphNode(page)).toHaveCount(nodeCount)

async function expectAndCancelBrowser(expectedInput: string) {
await expect(locate.componentBrowser(page)).toExist()
await expect(locate.componentBrowserEntry(page)).toExist()
await expect(locate.componentBrowserInput(page).locator('input')).toHaveValue(expectedInput)
await expect(locate.componentBrowser(page)).not.toBeVisible()
await expect(locate.graphNode(page)).toHaveCount(nodeCount)
test('Different ways of opening Component Browser', async ({ page }) => {
await actions.goToGraph(page)

// Without source node

// (+) button
await locate.addNewNodeButton(page).click()
await expectAndCancelBrowser('')
await expectAndCancelBrowser(page, '')
// Enter key
await locate.graphEditor(page).press('Enter')
await expectAndCancelBrowser('')
await expectAndCancelBrowser(page, '')

// With source node

// (+) button
await locate.graphNodeByBinding(page, 'final').click()
await locate.addNewNodeButton(page).click()
await expectAndCancelBrowser('final.')
await expectAndCancelBrowser(page, 'final.')
// Enter key
await locate.graphNodeByBinding(page, 'final').click()
await locate.graphEditor(page).press('Enter')
await expectAndCancelBrowser('final.')
await expectAndCancelBrowser(page, 'final.')
// Dragging out an edge
// `click` method of locator could be simpler, but `position` option doesn't work.
const outputPortArea = await locate
Expand All @@ -55,15 +56,48 @@ test('Different ways of opening Component Browser', async ({ page }) => {
const outputPortX = outputPortArea.x + outputPortArea.width / 2.0
const outputPortY = outputPortArea.y + outputPortArea.height - 2.0
await, outputPortY)
await, 300)
await expectAndCancelBrowser('final.')
await, 500)
await expectAndCancelBrowser(page, 'final.')
// Double-clicking port
// TODO[ao] Without timeout, even the first click would be treated as double due to previous
// event. Probably we need a better way to simulate double clicks.
await page.waitForTimeout(600)
await, outputPortY)
await, outputPortY)
await expectAndCancelBrowser('final.')
await expectAndCancelBrowser(page, 'final.')

test('Graph Editor pans to Component Browser', async ({ page }) => {
await actions.goToGraph(page)

// Select node, pan out of view of it, press Enter; should pan to show node and CB
await locate.graphNodeByBinding(page, 'final').click()
await page.mouse.move(100, 80)
await page.mouse.down({ button: 'middle' })
await page.mouse.move(100, 700)
await page.mouse.up({ button: 'middle' })
await expect(locate.graphNodeByBinding(page, 'final')).not.toBeInViewport()
await locate.graphEditor(page).press('Enter')
await expect(locate.graphNodeByBinding(page, 'final')).toBeInViewport()
await expectAndCancelBrowser(page, 'final.')

// Dragging out an edge to the bottom of the viewport; when the CB pans into view, some nodes are out of view.
await page.mouse.move(100, 1100)
await page.mouse.down({ button: 'middle' })
await page.mouse.move(100, 80)
await page.mouse.up({ button: 'middle' })
await expect(locate.graphNodeByBinding(page, 'five')).toBeInViewport()
const outputPortArea = await locate
.graphNodeByBinding(page, 'final')
const outputPortX = outputPortArea.x + outputPortArea.width / 2.0
const outputPortY = outputPortArea.y + outputPortArea.height - 2.0
await, outputPortY)
await, 1550)
await expect(locate.graphNodeByBinding(page, 'five')).not.toBeInViewport()
await expectAndCancelBrowser(page, 'final.')

test('Accepting suggestion', async ({ page }) => {
Expand Down
2 changes: 2 additions & 0 deletions app/gui2/mock/providers.ts
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -8,9 +8,11 @@ export const graphNavigator: GraphNavigator = {
clientToScenePos: () => Vec2.Zero,
clientToSceneRect: () => Rect.Zero,
panAndZoomTo: () => {},
panTo: () => {},
transform: '',
prescaledTransform: '',
translate: Vec2.Zero,
targetScale: 1,
scale: 1,
sceneMousePos: Vec2.Zero,
viewBox: '',
Expand Down
46 changes: 46 additions & 0 deletions app/gui2/src/components/ComponentBrowser.vue
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -22,6 +22,7 @@ import { targetIsOutside } from '@/util/autoBlur'
import { tryGetIndex } from '@/util/data/array'
import type { Opt } from '@/util/data/opt'
import { allRanges } from '@/util/data/range'
import { Rect } from '@/util/data/rect'
import { Vec2 } from '@/util/data/vec2'
import { debouncedGetter } from '@/util/reactivity'
import type { SuggestionId } from 'shared/languageServerTypes/suggestions'
Expand All @@ -33,6 +34,17 @@ const TOP_BAR_HEIGHT = 32
// Difference in position between the component browser and a node for the input of the component browser to
// be placed at the same position as the node.
const WIDTH = 600
const PANELS_HEIGHT = 384
// Height of the visualization area, starting from the bottom of the input area.
const PAN_MARGINS = {
top: 48,
bottom: 40,
left: 80,
right: 40,
const projectStore = useProjectStore()
const suggestionDbStore = useSuggestionDbStore()
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -66,6 +78,39 @@ const cbOpen: Interaction = {
function scaleValues<T extends Record<any, number>>(
values: T,
scale: number,
): { [Key in keyof T]: number } {
return Object.fromEntries(
Object.entries(values).map(([key, value]) => [key, value * scale]),
) as any
function panIntoView() {
// Factor that converts client-coordinate dimensions to scene-coordinate dimensions.
const scale = 1 / props.navigator.targetScale
const origin = props.nodePosition.add(COMPONENT_BROWSER_TO_NODE_OFFSET.scale(scale))
const inputArea = new Rect(origin, new Vec2(WIDTH, INPUT_AREA_HEIGHT).scale(scale))
const panelsAreaDimensions = new Vec2(WIDTH, PANELS_HEIGHT).scale(scale)
const panelsArea = new Rect(origin.sub(new Vec2(0, panelsAreaDimensions.y)), panelsAreaDimensions)
const vizHeight = VISUALIZATION_HEIGHT * scale
const margins = scaleValues(PAN_MARGINS, scale)
// Always include the bottom-left of the input area.
{ x: inputArea.left, y: inputArea.bottom },
// Try to reach the top-right corner of the panels.
{ x: inputArea.right, y: },
// Extend down to include the visualization.
{ y: inputArea.bottom + vizHeight },
// Top (and left) margins are more important than bottom (and right) margins because the screen has controls across
// the top and on the left.
{ x: inputArea.left - margins.left, y: - },
// If the screen is very spacious, even the bottom right gets some breathing room.
{ x: inputArea.right + margins.right, y: inputArea.bottom + vizHeight + margins.bottom },
onMounted(() => {
Expand All @@ -76,6 +121,7 @@ onMounted(() => {
'Component Browser input element was not mounted. This is not expected and may break the Component Browser',
// === Position ===
Expand Down
17 changes: 17 additions & 0 deletions app/gui2/src/composables/navigator.ts
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -93,6 +93,21 @@ export function useNavigator(viewportNode: Ref<Element | undefined>) {
targetCenter.value = new Vec2(centerX, centerY)

/** Pan to include the given prioritized list of coordinates.
* The view will be offset to include each coordinate, unless the coordinate cannot be fit in the viewport without
* losing a previous (higher-priority) coordinate; in that case, shift the viewport as close as possible to the
* coordinate while still satisfying the more important constraints.
* If all provided constraints can be met, the viewport will be moved the shortest distance that fits all the
* coordinates in view.
function panTo(points: Partial<Vec2>[]) {
let target = viewport.value
for (const point of points.reverse()) target = target.offsetToInclude(point) ?? target
targetCenter.value =

let zoomPivot = Vec2.Zero
const zoomPointer = usePointer((pos, _event, ty) => {
if (ty === 'start') {
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -225,6 +240,7 @@ export function useNavigator(viewportNode: Ref<Element | undefined>) {
Expand All @@ -234,6 +250,7 @@ export function useNavigator(viewportNode: Ref<Element | undefined>) {
37 changes: 37 additions & 0 deletions app/gui2/src/util/data/__tests__/rect.test.ts
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
import { Rect } from '@/util/data/rect'
import { Vec2 } from '@/util/data/vec2'
import { fc, test } from '@fast-check/vitest'
import { expect } from 'vitest'

rectX: fc.nat(),
rectY: fc.nat(),
width: fc.nat(),
height: fc.nat(),
x: fc.nat(),
y: fc.nat(),
})('offsetToInclude', ({ rectX, rectY, width, height, x, y }) => {
const rect = new Rect(new Vec2(rectX, rectY), new Vec2(width, height))
const point = new Vec2(x, y)
const offsetRect = rect.offsetToInclude(point)
offsetRect === undefined,
'`offsetToInclude` returns `undefined` iffi the original `Rect` contains the point.',
if (offsetRect === undefined) return
offsetRect.size === rect.size,
'The result of `offsetToInclude` is the same size as the input `Rect`.',
expect(offsetRect.contains(point), 'The result of `offsetToInclude` contains the point.')
const dx = Math.max(0, rect.left - point.x, point.x - rect.right)
const dy = Math.max(0, - point.y, point.y - rect.bottom)
Math.abs(offsetRect.left - rect.left),
'`offsetToInclude` has shifted the `Rect` by the minimum distance that reaches the point on the x-axis.',
Math.abs( -,
'`offsetToInclude` has shifted the `Rect` by the minimum distance that reaches the point on the y-axis.',
26 changes: 26 additions & 0 deletions app/gui2/src/util/data/rect.ts
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -68,6 +68,13 @@ export class Rect {

contains(coord: Partial<Vec2>): boolean {
return (
(coord.x == null || (this.left <= coord.x && this.right >= coord.x)) &&
(coord.y == null || ( <= coord.y && this.bottom >= coord.y))

center(): Vec2 {
return this.pos.addScaled(this.size, 0.5)
Expand All @@ -87,6 +94,25 @@ export class Rect {
intersects(other: Rect): boolean {
return this.intersectsX(other) && this.intersectsY(other)

/** If this `Rect` already includes `coord`, return `undefined`; otherwise, return a new `Rect` that has been shifted
* by the minimum distance that causes it to include the coordinate. The coordinate may be a point or may specify
* only an `x` or `y` bound to leave the other dimension unchanged.
offsetToInclude(coord: Partial<Vec2>): Rect | undefined {
const newX =
coord.x == null ? undefined
: coord.x < this.left ? coord.x
: coord.x > this.right ? coord.x - this.width
: undefined
const newY =
coord.y == null ? undefined
: coord.y < ? coord.y
: coord.y > this.bottom ? coord.y - this.height
: undefined
if (newX == null && newY == null) return
return new Rect(new Vec2(newX ?? this.pos.x, newY ?? this.pos.y), this.size)

Rect.Zero = new Rect(Vec2.Zero, Vec2.Zero)

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