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Writing Cloud files (#9686)
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- Closes #9291
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radeusgd authored Apr 16, 2024
1 parent 30a80db commit fda41cb
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Showing 17 changed files with 722 additions and 276 deletions.
2 changes: 2 additions & 0 deletions
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -649,6 +649,7 @@
- [Added `Decimal.abs`, `.negate` and `.signum`.][9641]
- [Added `Decimal.min` and `.max`.][9663]
- [Added `Decimal.round`.][9672]
- [Implemented write support for Enso Cloud files.][9686]

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -948,6 +949,7 @@

#### Enso Compiler

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Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
import project.Data.Time.Duration.Duration
import project.Enso_Cloud.Internal.Existing_Enso_Asset.Asset_Cache
import project.Nothing.Nothing

polyglot java import org.enso.base.enso_cloud.CacheSettings

Sets for how long is Enso Cloud file information cached without checking for
external updates.

The default TTL is 60 seconds.

Side effects from this Enso workflow will invalidate the cache immediately,
but any external operations (done from other Enso instances) will not be
visible until a cached value expires. Thus if the workflow is expected to
co-operate with other workflows, it may be useful to decrease the cache TTL
or disable it completely by passing `Nothing`.

Note that completely disabling the caching will affect performance, as some
generic operations may perform multiple cloud requests.

Changing the TTL invalidates all existing cache entries, because their
expiration time was calculated using the old TTL.
set_file_cache_ttl (duration : Duration | Nothing) =
CacheSettings.setFileCacheTTL duration

Returns the current file cache TTL.
get_file_cache_ttl -> Duration | Nothing = CacheSettings.getFileCacheTTL
109 changes: 86 additions & 23 deletions distribution/lib/Standard/Base/0.0.0-dev/src/Enso_Cloud/Enso_File.enso
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -10,7 +10,9 @@ import project.Enso_Cloud.Data_Link
import project.Enso_Cloud.Enso_User.Enso_User
import project.Enso_Cloud.Errors.Enso_Cloud_Error
import project.Enso_Cloud.Internal.Enso_Path.Enso_Path
import project.Enso_Cloud.Internal.Enso_File_Write_Strategy
import project.Enso_Cloud.Internal.Existing_Enso_Asset.Existing_Enso_Asset
import project.Enso_Cloud.Internal.Existing_Enso_Asset.Asset_Cache
import project.Enso_Cloud.Internal.Utils
import project.Error.Error
import project.Errors.Common.Not_Found
Expand All @@ -21,19 +23,23 @@ import project.Errors.Time_Error.Time_Error
import project.Errors.Unimplemented.Unimplemented
import project.Network.HTTP.HTTP
import project.Network.HTTP.HTTP_Method.HTTP_Method
import project.Network.HTTP.Request_Error
import project.Network.URI.URI
import project.Nothing.Nothing
import project.Panic.Panic
import project.Runtime
import project.Runtime.Context
import project.System.Environment
import project.System.File.Data_Link_Access.Data_Link_Access
import project.System.File.File
import project.System.File.File_Access.File_Access
import project.System.File.Generic.File_Like.File_Like
import project.System.File.Generic.Writable_File.Writable_File
import project.System.File_Format_Metadata.File_Format_Metadata
import project.System.Input_Stream.Input_Stream
import project.System.Output_Stream.Output_Stream
from project.Data.Boolean import Boolean, False, True
from project.Data.Index_Sub_Range.Index_Sub_Range import Last
from project.Data.Text.Extensions import all
from project.Enso_Cloud.Public_Utils import get_required_field
from project.System.File_Format import Auto_Detect, Bytes, File_Format, Plain_Text_Format
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -178,8 +184,17 @@ type Enso_File
value. The value is returned from this method.
with_output_stream : Vector File_Access -> (Output_Stream -> Any ! File_Error) -> Any ! File_Error
with_output_stream self (open_options : Vector) action =
_ = [open_options, action]
Unimplemented.throw "Writing to Enso_Files is not currently implemented."
Context.Output.if_enabled disabled_message="Writing to an Enso_File is forbidden as the Output context is disabled." panic=False <|
open_as_data_link = (open_options.contains Data_Link_Access.No_Follow . not) && (Data_Link.is_data_link self)
if open_as_data_link then Data_Link.write_data_link_as_stream self open_options action else
if open_options.contains File_Access.Append then Unimplemented.throw "Enso_File currently does not support appending to a file. Instead you may read it, modify and then write the new contents." else
File_Access.ensure_only_allowed_options "with_output_stream" [File_Access.Write, File_Access.Create_New, File_Access.Truncate_Existing, File_Access.Create, Data_Link_Access.No_Follow] open_options <|
allow_existing = open_options.contains File_Access.Create_New . not
tmp_file = File.create_temporary_file "enso-cloud-write-tmp"
Panic.with_finalizer tmp_file.delete <|
perform_upload self allow_existing <|
result = tmp_file.with_output_stream [File_Access.Write] action
result.if_not_error [tmp_file, result]

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -240,7 +255,6 @@ type Enso_File
Enso_Asset_Type.File -> File_Format.handle_format_missing_arguments format <|
read_with_format effective_format =
metadata = File_Format_Metadata.from self
# TODO maybe avoid fetching asset id twice here? maybe move with_input_stream to asset? or helper?
self.with_input_stream [File_Access.Read] (stream-> effective_format.read_stream stream metadata)

if format != Auto_Detect then read_with_format format else
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -292,33 +306,40 @@ type Enso_File
# Remove secrets from the list - they are handled separately in `Enso_Secret.list`.
assets = list_assets self . filter f-> f.asset_type != Enso_Asset_Type.Secret asset->
# TODO we could cache the asset maybe? but for how long should we do that?
Enso_File.Value (self.enso_path.resolve
file = Enso_File.Value (self.enso_path.resolve
Asset_Cache.update file asset

GROUP Output
Creates a subdirectory in a specified directory.
create_directory : Text -> Enso_File
create_directory self (name : Text) =
effective_name = if name.ends_with "/" then name.drop (Last 1) else name
asset = Existing_Enso_Asset.get_asset_reference_for self
if asset.is_directory.not then Error.throw (Illegal_Argument.Error "Only directories can contain subdirectories.") else
parent_field = if self.is_current_user_root then [] else
[["parentId", []]]
body = JS_Object.from_pairs [["title", name]]+parent_field
body = JS_Object.from_pairs [["title", effective_name]]+parent_field
created_directory = Enso_File.Value (self.enso_path.resolve name)
Asset_Cache.invalidate created_directory
response = Utils.http_request_as_json HTTP_Method.Post Utils.directory_api body
# TODO we could cache the asset maybe? but for how long should we do that?
created_asset = Existing_Enso_Asset.from_json response
created_asset.if_not_error <|
Enso_File.Value (self.enso_path.resolve name)
Asset_Cache.update created_directory created_asset

GROUP Output
Deletes the file or directory.
delete : Nothing
delete self = if self.enso_path.is_root then Error.throw (Illegal_Argument.Error "The root directory cannot be deleted.") else
asset = Existing_Enso_Asset.get_asset_reference_for self
uri = URI.from asset.asset_uri . add_query_argument "force" "true"
# The `if_not_error` here is a workaround for bug
uri = asset.if_not_error <|
URI.from asset.asset_uri . add_query_argument "force" "true"
response = Utils.http_request HTTP_Method.Delete uri
if asset.is_directory then Asset_Cache.invalidate_subtree self else Asset_Cache.invalidate self
response.if_not_error Nothing

## ICON data_output
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -350,9 +371,9 @@ type Enso_File
destination file already exists. Defaults to `False`.
move_to : Writable_File -> Boolean -> Nothing ! File_Error
move_to self (destination : Writable_File) (replace_existing : Boolean = False) =
_ = [destination, replace_existing]
Context.Output.if_enabled disabled_message="File moving is forbidden as the Output context is disabled." panic=False <|
Unimplemented.throw "Enso_File.move_to is not implemented"
# TODO we could have a fast path if Cloud will support renaming files
generic_copy self destination.file replace_existing . if_not_error <|
self.delete . if_not_error <| destination.file

## GROUP Operators
ICON folder
Expand All @@ -371,6 +392,11 @@ type Enso_File
to_text self -> Text =
"Enso_File "+self.path

to_js_object : JS_Object
to_js_object self =
JS_Object.from_pairs [["type", "Enso_File"], ["constructor", "new"], ["path", self.path.to_text]]

list_assets (parent : Enso_File) -> Vector Existing_Enso_Asset =
Existing_Enso_Asset.get_asset_reference_for parent . list_directory
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -402,16 +428,53 @@ Enso_Asset_Type.from (that:Text) = case that of

File_Format_Metadata.from (that:Enso_File) =
# TODO this is just a placeholder, until we implement the proper path
path = Nothing
case that.asset_type of
Enso_Asset_Type.Data_Link ->
File_Format_Metadata.Value path=path content_type=Data_Link.data_link_content_type
Enso_Asset_Type.Directory ->
File_Format_Metadata.Value path=path extension=(that.extension.catch _->Nothing)
Enso_Asset_Type.File ->
File_Format_Metadata.Value path=path extension=(that.extension.catch _->Nothing)
other_asset_type -> Error.throw (Illegal_Argument.Error "`File_Format_Metadata` is not available for: "+other_asset_type.to_text+".")
asset_type = that.asset_type.catch File_Error _->Nothing
if asset_type == Enso_Asset_Type.Data_Link then File_Format_Metadata.Value path=that.path content_type=Data_Link.data_link_content_type else
File_Format_Metadata.Value path=that.path extension=(that.extension.catch _->Nothing)

File_Like.from (that : Enso_File) = File_Like.Value that

Writable_File.from (that : Enso_File) =
Writable_File.Value that Enso_File_Write_Strategy.instance

upload_file (local_file : File) (destination : Enso_File) (replace_existing : Boolean) -> Enso_File =
result = perform_upload destination replace_existing [local_file, destination]
result.catch Enso_Cloud_Error error->
is_source_file_not_found = case error of
Enso_Cloud_Error.Connection_Error cause -> case cause of
request_error : Request_Error -> request_error.error_type == ''
_ -> False
_ -> False
if is_source_file_not_found then Error.throw (File_Error.Not_Found local_file) else result

`generate_request_body_and_result` should return a pair,
where the first element is the request body and the second element is the result to be returned.
It is executed lazily, only after all pre-conditions are successfully met.
perform_upload (destination : Enso_File) (allow_existing : Boolean) (~generate_request_body_and_result) =
parent_directory = destination.parent
if parent_directory.is_nothing then Error.throw (Illegal_Argument.Error "The root directory cannot be a destination for upload. The destination must be a path to a file.") else
parent_directory_asset = Existing_Enso_Asset.get_asset_reference_for parent_directory
# If the parent directory does not exist, we fail.
parent_directory_asset.if_not_error <|
existing_asset = Existing_Enso_Asset.get_asset_reference_for destination
. catch File_Error _->Nothing
if existing_asset.is_nothing.not && allow_existing.not then Error.throw (File_Error.Already_Exists destination) else
if existing_asset.is_nothing.not && existing_asset.asset_type != Enso_Asset_Type.File then Error.throw (Illegal_Argument.Error "The destination must be a path to a file, not "+existing_asset.asset_type.to_text+".") else
existing_asset_id = existing_asset.if_not_nothing <|
file_name =
base_uri = URI.from Utils.files_api
. add_query_argument "parent_directory_id"
. add_query_argument "file_name" file_name
full_uri = case existing_asset_id of
Nothing -> base_uri
_ -> base_uri . add_query_argument "file_id" existing_asset_id
pair = generate_request_body_and_result
Asset_Cache.invalidate destination
response = Utils.http_request HTTP_Method.Post full_uri pair.first
response.if_not_error <|
Asset_Cache.update destination (Existing_Enso_Asset.from_json response)
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -27,6 +27,7 @@ import project.Network.HTTP.Response.Response
import project.Network.URI.URI
import project.Nothing.Nothing
import project.Panic.Panic
import project.Runtime.Context
import project.Runtime.Ref.Ref
import project.System.Environment
import project.System.File.File
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -135,7 +136,7 @@ type Refresh_Token_Data
headers = [Header.content_type "application/x-amz-json-1.1", "X-Amz-Target" "AWSCognitoIdentityProviderService.InitiateAuth"]
auth_parameters = JS_Object.from_pairs [["REFRESH_TOKEN", self.refresh_token], ["DEVICE_KEY", Nothing]]
payload = JS_Object.from_pairs [["ClientId", self.client_id], ["AuthFlow", "REFRESH_TOKEN_AUTH"], ["AuthParameters", auth_parameters]]
response = self.refresh_url body=(Request_Body.Json payload) headers=headers
response = Context.Output.with_enabled <| self.refresh_url body=(Request_Body.Json payload) headers=headers
. catch HTTP_Error error-> case error of
HTTP_Error.Status_Error status _ _ ->
# If the status code is 400-499, then most likely the reason is that the session has expired, so we ask the user to log in again.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -179,4 +180,6 @@ file_get_required_string_field json prefix field_name = case json of
_ ->
got_type = Meta.type_of result . to_display_text
Panic.throw (Illegal_State.Error prefix+"expected `"+field_name+"` to be a string, but got "+got_type+".")
_ -> Panic.throw (Illegal_State.Error prefix+"expected an object, got "+(Meta.type_of json))
_ ->
got_type = Meta.type_of json . to_display_text
Panic.throw (Illegal_State.Error prefix+"expected an object, got "+got_type)
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@

import project.Error.Error
import project.Errors.Common.Forbidden_Operation
import project.Errors.Unimplemented.Unimplemented
import project.System.File.Existing_File_Behavior.Existing_File_Behavior
import project.System.File.File
from project.Data.Boolean import Boolean, False, True
from project.Enso_Cloud.Enso_File import Enso_File, upload_file
from project.System.File.Generic.File_Write_Strategy import default_append, default_overwrite, default_raise_error, File_Write_Strategy, generic_remote_write_with_local_file

In the Enso_File, we use the Overwrite strategy for Backup.
That is because, the Cloud keeps versions of the file by itself,
so there is no need to duplicate its work on our own - just overwriting the
file still ensures we have a backup.
instance =
File_Write_Strategy.Value default_overwrite default_append default_raise_error write_backing_up=default_overwrite create_dry_run_file remote_write_with_local_file copy_from_local

create_dry_run_file file copy_original =
_ = [file, copy_original]
Error.throw (Forbidden_Operation.Error "Currently dry-run is not supported for Enso_File, so writing to an Enso_File is forbidden if the Output context is disabled.")

remote_write_with_local_file file existing_file_behavior action =
if existing_file_behavior == Existing_File_Behavior.Append then Unimplemented.throw "Enso Cloud does not yet support appending to a file. Instead you may read it, modify and then write the new contents." else
generic_remote_write_with_local_file file existing_file_behavior action

copy_from_local (source : File) (destination : Enso_File) (replace_existing : Boolean) =
upload_file source destination replace_existing
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -7,6 +7,7 @@ import project.Data.Text.Text_Sub_Range.Text_Sub_Range
import project.Data.Time.Date_Time.Date_Time
import project.Data.Time.Date_Time_Formatter.Date_Time_Formatter
import project.Data.Vector.Vector
import project.Enso_Cloud.Cloud_Caching_Settings
import project.Enso_Cloud.Enso_User.Enso_User
import project.Enso_Cloud.Enso_File.Enso_Asset_Type
import project.Enso_Cloud.Enso_File.Enso_File
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -73,9 +74,7 @@ type Existing_Enso_Asset
Fetches the basic information about an existing file from the Cloud.
It will fail if the file does not exist.
get_asset_reference_for (file : Enso_File) -> Existing_Enso_Asset ! File_Error =
# TODO remove workaround for bug
path = if file.enso_path.is_root then file.enso_path.to_text + "/" else file.enso_path.to_text
Existing_Enso_Asset.resolve_path path if_not_found=(Error.throw (File_Error.Not_Found file))
fetch_asset_reference file

Resolves a path to an existing asset in the cloud.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -111,3 +110,31 @@ type Existing_Enso_Asset
#org = json.get "organizationId" ""
asset_type = (id.take (Text_Sub_Range.Before "-")):Enso_Asset_Type
Existing_Enso_Asset.Value title id asset_type

type Asset_Cache
asset_prefix = "asset:"

asset_key (file : Enso_File) -> Text = Asset_Cache.asset_prefix+file.enso_path.to_text

invalidate (file : Enso_File) =
Utils.invalidate_cache (Asset_Cache.asset_key file)

invalidate_subtree (file : Enso_File) =
Utils.invalidate_caches_with_prefix (Asset_Cache.asset_key file)

invalidate_all =
Utils.invalidate_caches_with_prefix Asset_Cache.asset_prefix

update (file : Enso_File) (asset : Existing_Enso_Asset) =
Utils.set_cached (Asset_Cache.asset_key file) asset cache_duration=Cloud_Caching_Settings.get_file_cache_ttl

Returns the cached reference or fetches it from the cloud.
fetch_asset_reference (file : Enso_File) -> Existing_Enso_Asset ! File_Error =
# TODO remove workaround for bug
path = if file.enso_path.is_root then file.enso_path.to_text + "/" else file.enso_path.to_text
Utils.get_cached (Asset_Cache.asset_key file) cache_duration=Cloud_Caching_Settings.get_file_cache_ttl <|
Existing_Enso_Asset.resolve_path path if_not_found=(Error.throw (File_Error.Not_Found file))

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