Monitoring and managing pajamas-proxy is fairly simple. We expose JMX MBeans via HTTP and RMI.
It should be native to Java developers.
By default pajamas-proxy exposes its MBeans on JMX port 9999, and on HTTP port 8081, and doesn't perform authentication.
Apart from the standard Java MBeans, the daemon also exposes the following MBeans:
- com.outbrain.pajamasproxy.memcached.monitor.CacheCluster:type=Manager - provides means for interacting, and controlling the cache client.
- com.outbrain.pajamasproxy.memcached.monitor.Statistics:type=Statistics - Aggregates the proxy statistics metrics, like hits / misses / errors / etc. metrics:name=XXXCommand**- performance statistics for XXX memcached command** many more JVM metrics MBeans
- In order to change remote connection details, edit
You may change the JMX remote port, authentication and method.
- In order to change the HTTP host and port, edit
# used for JMX HTTP adaptor. (default=
# Port used for JMX HTTP adaptor. (default=8081)
You may change the HTTP host and port the application will listen to.
In order to access the pajamas-proxy JMX HTTP adaptor via a web browser, browse to the host:port as specified above. For example: http://localhost:8081/
In order to access the pajamas-proxy JMX from JConsole specify the host:port as provided above. For example:
jconsole localhost:9999
Since 1.0 metrics can now be sent to graphite.
Edit the
file located at <install-dir>/conf
# set to true to enable (false by default) ;)
Graphite metrics will be added under the specified prefix appended with the host name. For example:
Where pjm-00001 is the host name.