All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
The format is based on Keep a Changelog, and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.
0.7.1-beta+100206 - 2024-03-22
- Updated TOC file version to
WoW 10.2.6
. - Refined map info retrieval for the player's current position.
- Tooltip: in continent view the achievement progress only updated once, eg. when logging-in or reloading the UI.
- Zone Story: completed but not turned-in quest haven't been recognized as active quests.
0.7.0-beta+100205 - 2024-02-08
- Zone Story: added manually all "Loremaster of ..." achievements to the
continent maps
. - Zone Story: added manually the following optional zone stories (not part of any Loremaster achievement):
- Shadowlands:
The Maw
andZereth Mortis
, - Battle for Azeroth:
, - Legion:
, - Draenor:
The Garrison Campaign
chapters, - Pandaria:
Isle of Thunder
andKrasarang Wilds
, - Northrend:
- Shadowlands:
- Settings: added option to hide the zone story details/tooltip in zones where the achievement already has been completed.
- Quest Type Tags: added tag icon for profession quests.
- Quest Filter: updated quest IDs for races, obsolete quests and mixed-up faction groups.
- Settings: moved "Single Line Achievements" option for zone stories to the "Select Display Type..." dropdown menu.
- Settings: updated the display type options for each category.
0.6.0-beta+100205 - 2024-01-29
- Zone Story: added manually optional zone stories for
Zaralek Cavern
,Forbidden Reach
andEmerald Dream
. (These are additional storylines and not part of any Loremaster achievement.) - Settings: added slider for adjusting
continent icon size + transparency
. - Settings: added slider for adjusting the
questline tooltip's scroll speed
- World Map: continent icons will now auto-scale with the size of the map.
- World Map: increased continent icon size 1.5x and reduced transparency to 75 %.
- Settings: modified layout for continent icon options.
- Settings: modified layout for quest tooltip options.
- Tooltip: increased scrolling speed for the questline tooltip.
- Quest Filter: updated obsolete quest IDs.
- Updated README files.
- Active Quests: fixed unnecessary blank line which appeared under the "Ready for turn-in" message.
- Quest Type Tags: fixed multiple tag icons for turn-in quests appearing in questline quest lists.
0.5.0-beta+100205 - 2024-01-20
- Quest Type Tags: added faction group tags.
- Campaign: added optional
campaign description
. Some campaigns provide further information about themselves. - Questlines: added highlight and counter for displaying the number of active (ongoing) quests.
- New
tooltip handler
LibQTip for better organizing and displaying the tooltip content.
- Updated TOC file version to
WoW 10.2.5
. - Quest Type Tags: combined account-wide quest types with the player's faction group, when they are limited to that, as can be seen in the game's quest log tooltip.
- Quest Type Tags: quest types shown by Blizzard in the active quest tooltip will be ignored since they're already shown, eg. raids or dungeons.
- Quest Type Tags: active (ongoing) quests now show a completion icon suitable for their own type.
- Tooltip: content categories can now be separated into
multiple tooltips
. - Tooltip:
tooltips are now scrollable
and clamped to the screen. - Tooltip: the plugin name in active quests is now only showing when at least the "Ready for turn-in" message is activated. Without any tooltip content there's no need for the plugin name to be shown. In short: w/o content from this plugin, the tooltip mimics Blizzard's default look and feel.
- Questlines: story quests now are now recognized properly, as long as zone story chapters provide additional information about them.
0.4.2-alpha+100200 - 2024-01-05
- Not all external library files have been included correctly in the previous release.
0.4.0-alpha+100200 - 2024-01-04
- Zone Story: added optional
chapter quests
. Some story chapter are directly linked to a quest which can be displayed. - A
can now be created to the currently hovered quest icon. - Campaign: added optional
chapter description
. Only some campaign chapters have those, eg. when they are linked to other campaigns. - Settings: added option to get notified in
whenever alore-relevant quest
has been accepted or turned-in. - Settings: added option to get notified in
whenever alore-relevant achievement
or criteria has been earned. - Settings: added option to hide the icons over zones with a completed story.
- Zone Story: added manually
zone stories for Shadowlands and Dragonflight
; their main zones have each two stories which are required for the Loremaster achievements (Dragonflight is not yet part of the achievement). - Zone Story: added completion check to the Worldmap's
continent view
with two icons (a green checkmark for complete and a red X for incomplete achievements). - Questlines:
active quests
can now display chapter details; by default Blizzard does not provide any questline information for active quests. - Questlines: story quests can now optionally be highlighted in a distinctive text color.
- Questlines: completing
recurring quests
can now optionally be remembered once they have been turned in, despite the eg. daily or weekly reset.
- Settings: moved chat notifications to the about section.
- Zone Story: a story achievement can now be displayed in a single line or in multiple more detailed lines.
- Zone Story: a zone's Loremaster achievement name is now shown in the Zone tooltip details.
0.3.0-alpha+100107 - 2023-10-14
- Settings: Quest type tags can optionally be displayed as text instead of icons.
- Quest type tag icons for currently hovered quest and for questline quests.
- Refined quest type classification. Now showing more than one quest type when hovering a quest icon.
- Refined automated packaging and releasing.
0.2.0-alpha+100107 - 2023-09-27
- Counter for displaying the number of daily and weekly quests in questlines.
- Automated packaging and releasing for
- Meta files for packaging and releasing didn't include the embedded libraries correctly.
0.1.1-alpha+100107 - 2023-09-07
- Updated TOC file version to
WoW 10.1.7
- Dragonflight: The questline "Bonus Event Holiday Quests" now appears properly again.
0.1.0-alpha+100105 - 2023-09-04
- Files for packaging + releasing.
- Settings menu with basic options.
- Manual quest filter for following quest types: daily, weekly, faction group, class, race and obsolete.
- Basic caching system for questlines, map infos, zone stories and their quests.
- Availability and completion check for campaign quests.
- Availability and completion check for story line quests.
- Availability and completion check for zone story quests.
- Quest type details, eg. "Raid", "Dungeon", etc.
- World Map hook for active quest pins.
- World Map hook for storyline quest pins.
- New slash commands:
- Basic file structure for a HandyNotes plugin using Ace3.