- requestMethod(): string;
- var(string $var, string | int | null $default = ''): string | int | null;
- ipAddress(bool $trustProxy = false): string;
- isPrivateIp(string $ipaddress): bool;
- isReservedIp(string $ipaddress): bool;
- isPublicIp(string $ipaddress): bool;
- host(bool $stripWww = false, bool $acceptForwarded = false): string;
- isHttps(): bool;
- url(): string;
- iniGet(string $option, bool $standardize = false): string | false;
- iniSet(string $option, string $value): string | false;
Gets the request method.
use Esi\Utility\Environment;
// and $_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'] to say, 'POST' for example
echo Environment::requestMethod(); // GET
Gets a variable from $_SERVER using $default if not provided.
use Esi\Utility\Environment;
// var to check for in $_SERVER, default value
echo Environment::var('HTTP_HOST', 'localhost'); //
Return the visitor's IP address.
use Esi\Utility\Environment;
* If, as an example:
echo Environment::getIpAddress(); //
echo Environment::getIpAddress(true); //
Determines if an IP address is within the private range.
use Esi\Utility\Environment;
var_dump(Environment::isPrivateIp('')); // bool(true)
Determines if an IP address is within the reserved range.
use Esi\Utility\Environment;
var_dump(Environment::isReservedIp('')); // bool(true)
Determines if an IP address is not within the private or reserved ranges.
use Esi\Utility\Environment;
var_dump(Environment::isPublicIp('')); // bool(true)
Determines current hostname.
use Esi\Utility\Environment;
* If, for example:
* $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] = '';
echo Environment::host(false, true); //
echo Environment::host(); //
Checks to see if SSL is in use.
use Esi\Utility\Environment;
// If $_SERVER['HTTPS'] is null
var_dump(Environment::isHttps()); // bool(false)
// if $_SERVER['HTTPS'] is 'on'
var_dump(Environment::isHttps()); // bool(true)
// If $_SERVER['HTTPS'] is null but $_SERVER['HTTP_X_FORWARDED_PROTO'] is set and is 'https'
var_dump(Environment::isHttps()); // bool(true)
Retrieve the current URL.
use Esi\Utility\Environment;
* If, for example, URL is ''
* Then we assume the server variables would contain:
* $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] = '';
* $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'] = '/test.php?foo=bar';
* $_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'] = 'foo=bar';
* $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] = '/test.php';
echo Environment::url(); //
Safe ini_get taking into account its availability.
use Esi\Utility\Environment;
// Let's say display_errors is set to 1.
echo (int) Environment::iniGet('display_errors', true); // 1
// What if we try passing an empty string?
echo Environment::iniGet(''); // Results in \RuntimeException
// Or an invalid/not existent option?
echo Environment::iniGet('this_should_notbe_a_valid_option'); // Results in \RuntimeException
Safe ini_set taking into account its availability.
use Esi\Utility\Environment;
// Capture old value
$oldValue = Environment::iniSet('display_errors', Environment::iniGet('display_errors'));
var_dump($oldValue === Environment::iniSet('display_errors', $oldValue)); // bool(true)
// This results in an \ArgumentCountError
// This results in an \InvalidArgumentException
var_dump(Environment::iniSet('', ''));