diff --git a/docs/rules/shebang.md b/docs/rules/shebang.md
index 205e5d11..126daea5 100644
--- a/docs/rules/shebang.md
+++ b/docs/rules/shebang.md
@@ -61,7 +61,11 @@ console.log("hello");
- "n/shebang": ["error", {"convertPath": null}]
+ "n/shebang": ["error", {
+ "convertPath": null,
+ "ignoreUnpublished": false,
+ "additionalExecutables": [],
+ }]
@@ -70,6 +74,14 @@ console.log("hello");
This can be configured in the rule options or as a shared setting [`settings.convertPath`](../shared-settings.md#convertpath).
Please see the shared settings documentation for more information.
+#### ignoreUnpublished
+Allow for files that are not published to npm to be ignored by this rule.
+#### additionalExecutables
+Mark files as executable that are not referenced by the package.json#bin property
## 🔎 Implementation
- [Rule source](../../lib/rules/shebang.js)
diff --git a/eslint.config.js b/eslint.config.js
index 3534ae88..6542c613 100644
--- a/eslint.config.js
+++ b/eslint.config.js
@@ -13,9 +13,6 @@ module.exports = [
languageOptions: { globals: globals.mocha },
linterOptions: { reportUnusedDisableDirectives: true },
- settings: {
- n: { allowModules: ["#eslint-rule-tester"] }, // the plugin does not support import-maps yet.
- },
ignores: [
@@ -23,7 +20,7 @@ module.exports = [
- "test/fixtures/",
+ "tests/fixtures/",
diff --git a/lib/rules/shebang.js b/lib/rules/shebang.js
index 179f347c..c4f9d4ef 100644
--- a/lib/rules/shebang.js
+++ b/lib/rules/shebang.js
@@ -5,8 +5,11 @@
"use strict"
const path = require("path")
+const matcher = require("ignore")
const getConvertPath = require("../util/get-convert-path")
const getPackageJson = require("../util/get-package-json")
+const getNpmignore = require("../util/get-npmignore")
const NODE_SHEBANG = "#!/usr/bin/env node\n"
const SHEBANG_PATTERN = /^(#!.+?)?(\r)?\n/u
@@ -66,6 +69,7 @@ function getShebangInfo(sourceCode) {
+/** @type {import('eslint').Rule.RuleModule} */
module.exports = {
meta: {
docs: {
@@ -79,8 +83,12 @@ module.exports = {
type: "object",
properties: {
- //
convertPath: getConvertPath.schema,
+ ignoreUnpublished: { type: "boolean" },
+ additionalExecutables: {
+ type: "array",
+ items: { type: "string" },
+ },
additionalProperties: false,
@@ -95,30 +103,60 @@ module.exports = {
create(context) {
const sourceCode = context.sourceCode ?? context.getSourceCode() // TODO: just use context.sourceCode when dropping eslint < v9
- let filePath = context.filename ?? context.getFilename()
+ const filePath = context.filename ?? context.getFilename()
if (filePath === "") {
return {}
- filePath = path.resolve(filePath)
const p = getPackageJson(filePath)
if (!p) {
return {}
- const basedir = path.dirname(p.filePath)
- filePath = path.join(
- basedir,
- getConvertPath(context)(
- path.relative(basedir, filePath).replace(/\\/gu, "/")
- )
+ const packageDirectory = path.dirname(p.filePath)
+ const originalAbsolutePath = path.resolve(filePath)
+ const originalRelativePath = path
+ .relative(packageDirectory, originalAbsolutePath)
+ .replace(/\\/gu, "/")
+ const convertedRelativePath =
+ getConvertPath(context)(originalRelativePath)
+ const convertedAbsolutePath = path.resolve(
+ packageDirectory,
+ convertedRelativePath
- const needsShebang = isBinFile(filePath, p.bin, basedir)
+ const { additionalExecutables = [] } = context.options?.[0] ?? {}
+ const executable = matcher()
+ executable.add(additionalExecutables)
+ const isExecutable = executable.test(convertedRelativePath)
+ if (
+ (additionalExecutables.length === 0 ||
+ isExecutable.ignored === false) &&
+ context.options?.[0]?.ignoreUnpublished === true
+ ) {
+ const npmignore = getNpmignore(convertedAbsolutePath)
+ if (npmignore.match(convertedRelativePath)) {
+ return {}
+ }
+ }
+ const needsShebang =
+ isExecutable.ignored === true ||
+ isBinFile(convertedAbsolutePath, p.bin, packageDirectory)
const info = getShebangInfo(sourceCode)
return {
- Program(node) {
+ Program() {
+ const loc = {
+ start: { line: 1, column: 0 },
+ end: { line: 1, column: sourceCode.lines.at(0).length },
+ }
if (
? NODE_SHEBANG_PATTERN.test(info.shebang)
@@ -128,7 +166,7 @@ module.exports = {
// Checks BOM and \r.
if (needsShebang && info.bom) {
- node,
+ loc,
messageId: "unexpectedBOM",
fix(fixer) {
return fixer.removeRange([-1, 0])
@@ -137,7 +175,7 @@ module.exports = {
if (needsShebang && info.cr) {
- node,
+ loc,
messageId: "expectedLF",
fix(fixer) {
const index = sourceCode.text.indexOf("\r")
@@ -148,7 +186,7 @@ module.exports = {
} else if (needsShebang) {
// Shebang is lacking.
- node,
+ loc,
messageId: "expectedHashbangNode",
fix(fixer) {
return fixer.replaceTextRange(
@@ -160,7 +198,7 @@ module.exports = {
} else {
// Shebang is extra.
- node,
+ loc,
messageId: "expectedHashbang",
fix(fixer) {
return fixer.removeRange([0, info.length])
diff --git a/tests/fixtures/shebang/unpublished/package.json b/tests/fixtures/shebang/unpublished/package.json
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..05fe8a95
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/fixtures/shebang/unpublished/package.json
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+ "name": "test",
+ "version": "0.0.0",
+ "files": [
+ "./published.js"
+ ]
diff --git a/tests/lib/rules/shebang.js b/tests/lib/rules/shebang.js
index 47d9460c..f0e0f9c1 100644
--- a/tests/lib/rules/shebang.js
+++ b/tests/lib/rules/shebang.js
@@ -17,63 +17,82 @@ function fixture(name) {
return path.resolve(__dirname, "../../fixtures/shebang", name)
+/** @type {import('eslint').RuleTester} */
const ruleTester = new RuleTester()
ruleTester.run("shebang", rule, {
valid: [
+ name: "string-bin/bin/test.js",
filename: fixture("string-bin/bin/test.js"),
code: "#!/usr/bin/env node\nhello();",
+ name: "string-bin/lib/test.js",
filename: fixture("string-bin/lib/test.js"),
code: "hello();",
+ name: "object-bin/bin/a.js",
filename: fixture("object-bin/bin/a.js"),
code: "#!/usr/bin/env node\nhello();",
+ name: "object-bin/bin/b.js",
filename: fixture("object-bin/bin/b.js"),
code: "#!/usr/bin/env node\nhello();",
+ name: "object-bin/bin/c.js",
filename: fixture("object-bin/bin/c.js"),
code: "hello();",
+ name: "no-bin-field/lib/test.js",
filename: fixture("no-bin-field/lib/test.js"),
code: "hello();",
- "#!/usr/bin/env node\nhello();",
- "hello();",
+ {
+ name: " with shebang",
+ code: "#!/usr/bin/env node\nhello();",
+ },
+ {
+ name: " without shebang",
+ code: "hello();",
+ },
// convertPath
+ name: "convertPath - string-bin/src/bin/test.js",
filename: fixture("string-bin/src/bin/test.js"),
code: "#!/usr/bin/env node\nhello();",
options: [{ convertPath: { "src/**": ["^src/(.+)$", "$1"] } }],
+ name: "convertPath - string-bin/src/lib/test.js",
filename: fixture("string-bin/src/lib/test.js"),
code: "hello();",
options: [{ convertPath: { "src/**": ["^src/(.+)$", "$1"] } }],
+ name: "convertPath - object-bin/src/bin/a.js",
filename: fixture("object-bin/src/bin/a.js"),
code: "#!/usr/bin/env node\nhello();",
options: [{ convertPath: { "src/**": ["^src/(.+)$", "$1"] } }],
+ name: "convertPath - object-bin/src/bin/b.js",
filename: fixture("object-bin/src/bin/b.js"),
code: "#!/usr/bin/env node\nhello();",
options: [{ convertPath: { "src/**": ["^src/(.+)$", "$1"] } }],
+ name: "convertPath - object-bin/src/bin/c.js",
filename: fixture("object-bin/src/bin/c.js"),
code: "hello();",
options: [{ convertPath: { "src/**": ["^src/(.+)$", "$1"] } }],
+ name: "convertPath - no-bin-field/src/lib/test.js",
filename: fixture("no-bin-field/src/lib/test.js"),
code: "hello();",
options: [{ convertPath: { "src/**": ["^src/(.+)$", "$1"] } }],
@@ -81,88 +100,131 @@ ruleTester.run("shebang", rule, {
// Should work fine if the filename is relative.
+ name: "relative path - string-bin/bin/test.js",
filename: "tests/fixtures/shebang/string-bin/bin/test.js",
code: "#!/usr/bin/env node\nhello();",
+ name: "relative path - string-bin/lib/test.js",
filename: "tests/fixtures/shebang/string-bin/lib/test.js",
code: "hello();",
// BOM and \r\n
+ name: "BOM without newline",
filename: fixture("string-bin/lib/test.js"),
code: "\uFEFFhello();",
+ name: "BOM with newline",
filename: fixture("string-bin/lib/test.js"),
code: "\uFEFFhello();\n",
+ name: "with windows newline",
filename: fixture("string-bin/lib/test.js"),
code: "hello();\r\n",
+ name: "BOM with windows newline",
filename: fixture("string-bin/lib/test.js"),
code: "\uFEFFhello();\r\n",
// blank lines on the top of files.
+ name: "blank lines on the top of files.",
filename: fixture("string-bin/lib/test.js"),
code: "\n\n\nhello();",
// https://github.com/mysticatea/eslint-plugin-node/issues/51
+ name: "Shebang with CLI flags",
filename: fixture("string-bin/bin/test.js"),
code: "#!/usr/bin/env node --harmony\nhello();",
// use node resolution
+ name: "use node resolution",
filename: fixture("object-bin/bin/index.js"),
code: "#!/usr/bin/env node\nhello();",
+ // npm unpublished files are ignored
+ {
+ name: "published file cant have shebang",
+ filename: fixture("unpublished/published.js"),
+ code: "hello();",
+ options: [{ ignoreUnpublished: true }],
+ },
+ {
+ name: "unpublished file can have shebang",
+ filename: fixture("unpublished/unpublished.js"),
+ code: "#!/usr/bin/env node\nhello();",
+ options: [{ ignoreUnpublished: true }],
+ },
+ {
+ name: "unpublished file can have noshebang",
+ filename: fixture("unpublished/unpublished.js"),
+ code: "hello();",
+ options: [{ ignoreUnpublished: true }],
+ },
+ {
+ name: "file matching additionalExecutables",
+ filename: fixture("unpublished/something.test.js"),
+ code: "#!/usr/bin/env node\nhello();",
+ options: [{ additionalExecutables: ["*.test.js"] }],
+ },
invalid: [
+ name: "bin: string - match - no shebang",
filename: fixture("string-bin/bin/test.js"),
code: "hello();",
output: "#!/usr/bin/env node\nhello();",
errors: ['This file needs shebang "#!/usr/bin/env node".'],
+ name: "bin: string - match - incorrect shebang",
filename: fixture("string-bin/bin/test.js"),
code: "#!/usr/bin/node\nhello();",
output: "#!/usr/bin/env node\nhello();",
errors: ['This file needs shebang "#!/usr/bin/env node".'],
+ name: "bin: string - no match - with shebang",
filename: fixture("string-bin/lib/test.js"),
code: "#!/usr/bin/env node\nhello();",
output: "hello();",
errors: ["This file needs no shebang."],
+ name: 'bin: {a: "./bin/a.js"} - match - no shebang',
filename: fixture("object-bin/bin/a.js"),
code: "hello();",
output: "#!/usr/bin/env node\nhello();",
errors: ['This file needs shebang "#!/usr/bin/env node".'],
+ name: 'bin: {b: "./bin/b.js"} - match - no shebang',
filename: fixture("object-bin/bin/b.js"),
code: "#!/usr/bin/node\nhello();",
output: "#!/usr/bin/env node\nhello();",
errors: ['This file needs shebang "#!/usr/bin/env node".'],
+ name: 'bin: {c: "./bin"} - no match - with shebang',
filename: fixture("object-bin/bin/c.js"),
code: "#!/usr/bin/env node\nhello();",
output: "hello();",
errors: ["This file needs no shebang."],
+ name: "bin: undefined - no match - with shebang",
filename: fixture("no-bin-field/lib/test.js"),
code: "#!/usr/bin/env node\nhello();",
output: "hello();",
@@ -171,6 +233,7 @@ ruleTester.run("shebang", rule, {
// convertPath
+ name: "convertPath in options",
filename: fixture("string-bin/src/bin/test.js"),
code: "hello();",
output: "#!/usr/bin/env node\nhello();",
@@ -178,6 +241,7 @@ ruleTester.run("shebang", rule, {
errors: ['This file needs shebang "#!/usr/bin/env node".'],
+ name: "convertPath in settings",
filename: fixture("string-bin/src/bin/test.js"),
code: "hello();",
output: "#!/usr/bin/env node\nhello();",
@@ -187,6 +251,7 @@ ruleTester.run("shebang", rule, {
+ name: "converted path - string-bin/src/bin/test.js",
filename: fixture("string-bin/src/bin/test.js"),
code: "#!/usr/bin/node\nhello();",
output: "#!/usr/bin/env node\nhello();",
@@ -194,6 +259,7 @@ ruleTester.run("shebang", rule, {
errors: ['This file needs shebang "#!/usr/bin/env node".'],
+ name: "converted path - string-bin/src/lib/test.js",
filename: fixture("string-bin/src/lib/test.js"),
code: "#!/usr/bin/env node\nhello();",
output: "hello();",
@@ -201,6 +267,7 @@ ruleTester.run("shebang", rule, {
errors: ["This file needs no shebang."],
+ name: "converted path - object-bin/src/bin/a.js",
filename: fixture("object-bin/src/bin/a.js"),
code: "hello();",
output: "#!/usr/bin/env node\nhello();",
@@ -208,6 +275,7 @@ ruleTester.run("shebang", rule, {
errors: ['This file needs shebang "#!/usr/bin/env node".'],
+ name: "converted path - object-bin/src/bin/b.js",
filename: fixture("object-bin/src/bin/b.js"),
code: "#!/usr/bin/node\nhello();",
output: "#!/usr/bin/env node\nhello();",
@@ -215,6 +283,7 @@ ruleTester.run("shebang", rule, {
errors: ['This file needs shebang "#!/usr/bin/env node".'],
+ name: "converted path - object-bin/src/bin/c.js",
filename: fixture("object-bin/src/bin/c.js"),
code: "#!/usr/bin/env node\nhello();",
output: "hello();",
@@ -222,6 +291,7 @@ ruleTester.run("shebang", rule, {
errors: ["This file needs no shebang."],
+ name: "converted path - no-bin-field/src/lib/test.js",
filename: fixture("no-bin-field/src/lib/test.js"),
code: "#!/usr/bin/env node\nhello();",
output: "hello();",
@@ -231,12 +301,14 @@ ruleTester.run("shebang", rule, {
// Should work fine if the filename is relative.
+ name: "relative path - string-bin/bin/test.js",
filename: "tests/fixtures/shebang/string-bin/bin/test.js",
code: "hello();",
output: "#!/usr/bin/env node\nhello();",
errors: ['This file needs shebang "#!/usr/bin/env node".'],
+ name: "relative path - string-bin/lib/test.js",
filename: "tests/fixtures/shebang/string-bin/lib/test.js",
code: "#!/usr/bin/env node\nhello();",
output: "hello();",
@@ -245,6 +317,7 @@ ruleTester.run("shebang", rule, {
// header comments
+ name: "header comments",
filename: fixture("string-bin/bin/test.js"),
code: "/* header */\nhello();",
output: "#!/usr/bin/env node\n/* header */\nhello();",
@@ -306,6 +379,7 @@ ruleTester.run("shebang", rule, {
// https://github.com/mysticatea/eslint-plugin-node/issues/51
+ name: "Shebang with CLI flags",
filename: fixture("string-bin/lib/test.js"),
code: "#!/usr/bin/env node --harmony\nhello();",
output: "hello();",
@@ -314,10 +388,53 @@ ruleTester.run("shebang", rule, {
// use node resolution
+ name: "use node resolution",
filename: fixture("object-bin/bin/index.js"),
code: "hello();",
output: "#!/usr/bin/env node\nhello();",
errors: ['This file needs shebang "#!/usr/bin/env node".'],
+ // npm unpublished files are ignored
+ {
+ name: "unpublished file should not have shebang",
+ filename: fixture("unpublished/unpublished.js"),
+ code: "#!/usr/bin/env node\nhello();",
+ output: "hello();",
+ errors: ["This file needs no shebang."],
+ },
+ {
+ name: "published file should have shebang",
+ filename: fixture("unpublished/published.js"),
+ code: "#!/usr/bin/env node\nhello();",
+ output: "hello();",
+ errors: ["This file needs no shebang."],
+ },
+ {
+ name: "unpublished file shebang ignored",
+ filename: fixture("unpublished/published.js"),
+ code: "#!/usr/bin/env node\nhello();",
+ options: [{ ignoreUnpublished: true }],
+ output: "hello();",
+ errors: ["This file needs no shebang."],
+ },
+ {
+ name: "executable in additionalExecutables without shebang",
+ filename: fixture("unpublished/something.test.js"),
+ code: "hello();",
+ options: [{ additionalExecutables: ["*.test.js"] }],
+ output: "#!/usr/bin/env node\nhello();",
+ errors: ['This file needs shebang "#!/usr/bin/env node".'],
+ },
+ {
+ name: "file not in additionalExecutables with shebang",
+ filename: fixture("unpublished/not-a-test.js"),
+ code: "#!/usr/bin/env node\nhello();",
+ options: [{ additionalExecutables: ["*.test.js"] }],
+ output: "hello();",
+ errors: ["This file needs no shebang."],
+ },