Workflow-CLI is task runner inspired by Jake.js.
By default, the wk
command will load the Wkfile
at your root path.
desc('Display a message')
task('message', function() {
console.log('Hello World')
wk -T
> wk message # Display a message
wk message
> Hello World
More information in API
wk --help
> --sequence --seq -s (serie|parallel) Execute tasks in "serie" or "parallel"
> --parallel -p Execute tasks in "parallel"
> --verbose Display verbose log
> --silent Hide logs
> --log <string> Precise log levels (eg.: --log=log,warn,error)
> --help -h Help?
> --clean --kill Kill all processes referenced inside tmp/pids
> --tasks -T List available tasks
> --file -F <string> Precise a default file