Commands and notes for the 25/04/2024 Zephyr Tech Talk.
- Start from a clean sample directory
Do all the setup steps in Readme, then clone a new example-application with west init:
west init -m --mr main my-workspace
Don’t git clone directly, it creates a weird path.
- Update Zephyr modules
cd my-workspace
west update
- Try compilation
cd example-application
west build -b $BOARD -p always app
Find a similar board dts to copy Copy a board, to have presets and example configs
SoC: STM32F405, but we can take an exemple from the same SoC series, and change SoC, for the demo
cd $Z/boards
grep -rnw ./ -e "name: stm32f40.*"
- Choosing stm32f4_disco as a ref design - not the right SoC but we’ll change it
cp -r $Z/boards/st/stm32f4_disco/ ./boards/st
rename "s/stm32f4_disco/totoboard/g" ./*
grep -rnw ./ -i -e ".*stm32f4_disco"
sed -i 's/stm32f4_disco/totoboard/' totoboard.yaml
sed -i 's/stm32f4_disco/totoboard/' board.yml
sed -i 's/STM32F4_DISCO/TOTOBOARD/' Kconfig.totoboard
Docs folder can be updated later, it is mandatory if you want to contribute your board to Zephyr main
Not mandatory but nice: customize compatible = "st,totoboard" and model description in dts file
west build -p always -b $BOARD app
- It looks for examplesensor0, which is not here in our dts
cp -r $Z/samples/basic/blinky ./
west build -p always -b $BOARD blinky
Don’t flash this, it still needs customizations.
- "zephyr,led0" in dts allows to choose the led actually blinked by software
- You can see the call to zephyr,led0 if you open the blinky.c source
vim $Z/samples/basic/blinky/src/main.c
- Now modify the DTS file to match the board.
find ./ -name "stm32f407Xg.dtsi"
The SoC description file is:
The pinctrl file is:
find ../ -name "stm32f407v(e-g)tx-pinctrl.dtsi"
Pincontrol file: check your board chip name (me: stm32f405vgtx-pinctrl because I have STM32F405VGT6)
X is a standard wildcard for component name
Also, change the SoC in board.yaml
grep -rnw ./ -e ".*stm32f407.*"
Open schematics for the board.
Orange LED: PC13 Active HIGH
Blue button: PC14 Active LOW
Rapid pull-up / pull-down check on schematics
Usart accessible on USB port through ST-Link: Usart 6
Remove can busses, disable OTG
Change zephyr,shell to usart6
Check the main clock
- OSC_IN -> NX3225GD-8MHZ
- HSE is 8 MHz in DTS
- There is a nice macro to avoid writing lots of zeros in frequency fields (in $Z/dts/common)
west build -p always -b $BOARD blinky
west flash
Results: LED should blink and UART messages should be displayed.
tree -L 2 blinky
prj.conf: selects what will be build
In blinky prj.conf, add:
Now, are you unsure about the option name? Should it be gpio shell or shell gpio? Open the option catalogue, menuconfig:
west build -t menuconfig
- Log level for LED Either put the logs on UART2 (zephyr,console=&usart2), or disable logs by modifying blinky sample.
gpio help
gpio info
- Yellow LED is on PC4
gpio conf
Gpio referenced by addresses, not nice names! So, tips to find the register address for our GPIOC peripheral:
- Pre-built DTS
vim ./build/zephyr/zephyr.dts
gpioc: gpio@40020800
- DTS visualition tool
tree --format NKYC
- Setup GPIOC 4 to active high output and set to 1
gpio conf gpio@40020800 4 oh0
gpio set gpio@40020800 4 1
gpio blink gpio@40020800 4 1
GPIO blink: useful for measurements with oscillo trigger?
Read GPIO User button PC14
gpio conf gpio@40020800 14 i
gpio get gpio@40020800 14
1 if not pressed, 0 if pressed
gpio conf gpio@40020800 14 il
0 if not pressed: OK
Read and modify misc peripheral config with devmem.
CONFIG_DEVMEM_SHELL (enabled by default)
Easy sample with input vs output
Register offset page 284
GPIO 0 controlled by the 2 lower bits
gpio conf gpio@40020800 0 i
devmem 40020800 32
gpio conf gpio@40020800 0 o
devmem 40020800 32
-> See 00 (Input state) become 01 (Output mode)!
Can also write in devmem:
devmem 40020800 32 0x400a000
- Output connector I2C:
- From boards/st/nucleo_f411re/nucleo_f411re.dts:
&i2c1 {
pinctrl-0 = <&i2c1_scl_pb8 &i2c1_sda_pb9>;
pinctrl-names = "default";
status = "okay";
clock-frequency = <I2C_BITRATE_FAST>;
Copy and modify
Time to mention SPI shell exists and was just merged
Similar to i2cset/get and spidev in Linux, don’t need my Pi anymore
First, show scan without daughter board: nothing displayed.
Then, with daughter board plugged in:
- Scan
i2c scan i2c@40005800
2d 53 57
Page 64 / page 159: I2C adresses are 0x53 and 0x57 (7-bits)
- Read I2C
i2c read i2c@40005800 53 0
- PE7 device enable / disable It’s called ST25DX SPARE, and can be selected onboard, but also controlled by SoC
gpio get gpio@40021000 7
gpio conf gpio@40021000 7 o
gpio set gpio@40021000 7 1
-> Disables I2C device
Can be used for osc measurements
End of part 3: shell!
Systems that cannot just be checked with GPIO / i2c / spi simple commands.
Let’s say I made an advanced DTS Switching back to:
Simple sample:
cp -r ~/zephyrproject/zephyr/samples/drivers/display/ ./
west build -p always -b $BOARD display
Open the dts in:
vim $Z/boards/st/st25dv_mb1283_disco/st25dv_mb1283_disco.dts
For display, I added:
- SPI2 activation
- display driver using this SPI bus
- zephyr,display chosen to tell Zephyr where is the display
- header for some variables
cp -r ~/zephyrproject/zephyr/samples/subsys/usb/testusb/ ./
west build -p always -b $BOARD testusb
Open dts to check how usb is described
lsusb: NordicSemiconductor Zephyr testusb sample
Just merged! It will look like this:
uart:~$ spi transceive spi@40013000 49 0
Currently manufacturer dependant. In case of ST, use STMCube configurator, or SoC clock tree schem page 154, and some magic.
vim $Z/dts/bindings/clock/st,stm32f4-pll-clock.yaml
See RFC & talk by Daniel DeGrasse
I did a lot of arbitrary copy-pasting, explanation:
- Describe DTS options, also count as code, sort of codumentation
vim $Z/dts/bindings/serial/uart-controller.yaml
vim $Z/dts/bindings/serial/st,stm32-uart-base.yaml
In the pinctrl file we chose earlier.
- manufacturer specific macro stuff, grep "define STM32_PINMUX" and "define PIN_NO" if questions.
Devmem: read and write register values by hand instead of using software abstraction! But why?
- What if you need an option that is not in the shell GPIO i/o/h/l toggles
- Try some pull-up strength, speed settings, for signal integrity or EMC For instance, slew-rate, in bindings
GPIOC: 40020800
- Register map page 285: Address offset: 0x08 for OSPEEDR
- 0 by default
- 0x2000 0000 for high speed offset 14