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Reuters tutorial: step 5

James McKinney edited this page Jul 6, 2012 · 13 revisions

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We’ve been through the steps for creating a new widget twice now, so without further ado:

Create a new widget CurrentSearchWidget.js:

(function ($) {
AjaxSolr.CurrentSearchWidget = AjaxSolr.AbstractWidget.extend({

Add the JavaScript file:

<script type="text/javascript" src="widgets/CurrentSearchWidget.js"></script>

And add an instance of the widget to the Manager in reuters.js:

Manager.addWidget(new AjaxSolr.CurrentSearchWidget({
  id: 'currentsearch',
  target: '#selection',

Now, let’s implement afterRequest to display the current filters:

start: 0,

afterRequest: function () {
  var self = this;
  var links = [];

  var q ='q').val();
  if (q != '*:*') {
    links.push($('<a href="#"/>').text('(x) ' + q).click(function () {'q').val('*:*');
      return false;

  var fq ='fq');
  for (var i = 0, l = fq.length; i < l; i++) {
    links.push($('<a href="#"/>').text('(x) ' + fq[i]).click(self.removeFacet(fq[i])));

  if (links.length) {
    AjaxSolr.theme('list_items',, links);
  else {
    $('<div>Viewing all documents!</div>');

removeFacet: function (facet) {
  var self = this;
  return function () {
    if ('fq', facet)) {
    return false;

The above afterRequest method collects all the fq parameter values using the ParameterStore values API method. For each parameter value, it creates a link displaying the parameter value which, when clicked, removes the parameter value (using the ParameterStore removeByValue API method) and sends a request to Solr. If any links were created, it displays the links. It performs a similar operation for the q parameter. If no links were created, it displays the text “Viewing all documents!”

(The removeFacet method is necessary to work around JavaScript closures.)

Lastly, let’s add a link to remove all current filters. Add the following snippet before if (links.length) { ...:

if (links.length > 1) {
  links.unshift($('<a href="#"/>').text('remove all').click(function () {'q').val('*:*');'fq');
    return false;

If more than one link was created, it creates a link displaying the words “remove all,” which, when clicked, removes all fq parameters (using the ParameterStore remove API method) and sends a request to Solr.

[What we have so far]

Now that we have filters, let’s add a free-text widget to finish the basics.