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Reuters tutorial: step 7

jpmckinney edited this page Sep 13, 2010 · 34 revisions

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We’ll now replace the free-text widget we created in the last step with a widget that can perform auto-completion on the facet fields topics, organizations, and exchanges. For this, we’ll use the jQuery Autocomplete plugin.

Create a new widget, AutocompleteWidget.js, inheriting from AbstractFacetWidget:

(function ($) {
AjaxSolr.AutocompleteWidget = AjaxSolr.AbstractFacetWidget.extend({

In index.html, replace:

<script type="text/javascript" src="widgets/TextWidget.js"></script>


<script type="text/javascript" src="widgets/AutocompleteWidget.js"></script>

And, in reuters.js, replace:

Manager.addWidget(new AjaxSolr.TextWidget({
  id: 'text',
  target: '#search',
  field: 'allText'


Manager.addWidget(new AjaxSolr.AutocompleteWidget({
  id: 'text',
  target: '#search',
  field: 'allText',
  fields: [ 'topics', 'organisations', 'exchanges' ]

The autocompletion widget will take a custom fields parameter, listing the facet fields on which to perform auto-completion. By not hard-coding these facet fields, we make the widget easier to reuse in future projects.

Implement the abstract method afterRequest, like so:

[What we have so far]

OK, now let’s get fancy and add a map widget.